Another Last Chapter

It will be a couple of weeks before “The 100-Year Toaster” shows up on Amazon.  Proofreading is something I hate. It’s just so “nit-picky” – make me crazy(er).

This being an American holiday, we will still do our ChartPack. Besides, Europe and elsewhere are “business as usual.”

A longish read – and an extra cup of coffee seems in order.  And then we, too, will be back to real work.

Holiday? For whom?

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

37 thoughts on “Another Last Chapter”

  1. (“the raw military point in Putin-Kim Jong Un Deal: What North Korea Pact Could Mean for Ukraine.Our take is way different. North Korea won’t mean much of anything to Ukraine. It’s South Korea that ought to be concerned since a coordinated rampage war against the US worldwide would be a hard “attack at the gates” to overcome.”)

    Hmm.. what have I thought for a long time.. the one to spark up the whole mess would be who…..

    This is just one Article.. there are thousands out there..Now I am no analyst but the articles all say the same thing.. it isn’t the USA that they fear as much as Japan..and South Korea…
    A very formidable foe… So what would Kim in NK do IF he was in receipt of more advanced weaponry.. Take on the threats that everyone is not paying attention to possibly…

    and NK has a formidable Army..add advanced weapons.. well known for their savagery to the ones they seen as enemy.. losing more than a military they kept coming.. and even today they are in a state of war only protection is the border line…
    NOW if someone was to go after Lets say Taiwan .. then South Korea and Japan would have to be kept busy.. and the USA and UK would have to be indispensable at the same time in other areas..
    Like pappy always told me.. Be careful what you wish for.. you might just get it.. and this administration is wishing for the world to bow down to him..
    biden saying we need to lead the NWO and we need a strong dollar says it..

    • Just north of the DMZ between the two Korea’s is a small, low range of hills. Behind this range of hills, out of sight from the South, the North Koreans have built, at last count, 18 missile firing installations – all oriented at Seoul, the capital, in the south. The type of missiles has not been publicly disclosed. However, even North Korea’s short-range missiles are more than capable of hitting Seoul.
      – On an invasion time-line it has been estimated that North Korea could fire over 400 missiles into downtown Seoul before the first scrambled jet fighters from the South could reach and bomb the missile installations.
      How accurate these missiles are can be questioned., but “how accurate” matters little when over 400 of them are striking the downtown region of the south’s most populous city and its capital.
      The desired destruction, confusion, fear and chaos would be accomplished.

      • What scares the hell out of tOhese jokers believe that they can control it..
        and that picking a fight with battle hardened adversaries are going to just bow down.. and why aren’t they listening to the agencies providing some of the scariest reports I have ever read..
        I would be a sitting duck I believe in the do unto others not do to others..I don’t know the first thing about security ( friends from special forces keep offering to show me the basics.. I truly doubt I could hurt anyone.. ) I do have a security system and fire alarms..
        when ill truly worry is when members of congress start moving away from the USA.. politicians will be the first targets.. take the leadership out and the country is yours.. at least that’s how its worked that way for the usa..

        • ” ( friends from special forces keep offering to show me the basics.. I truly doubt I could hurt anyone.. )”

          I suggest you not wait until one of the great grandkids is raped, to learn.

          “when ill truly worry is when members of congress start moving away from the USA.. politicians will be the first targets.. take the leadership out and the country is yours..”

          Since many of our politicians have been leading the nation down the path to Hell, ever since the end of WW-II, I’m not sure a random collection of hillwhumps, bikerdudes, homeless vets and pissed-off grandmas wouldn’t both do a better job of leadership, and be a damnsight harder to conquer…

  2. The last chapter of “Toaster” I saw was 18. So, “19” — if it was ever sent out — is missing. Great Stuff!

  3. Hey Wordslinger:

    “Proofreading is something I hate. It’s just so “nit-picky” ”

    And … is something you shouldn’t do yourself. I have rather a lot of experience in this (_not_ to be construed as volunteering) despite my failings. You simply cannot _see_ you own errors. The brain skips over typos / wordos because … you wrote them. They look OK to the author. Really, it’s best to cycle chapters to multiple willing readers but?

    Media whirlwind is getting wound and will probably be unbearable by next week. The amount of misdirection is unparalleled IMO. I am so often reminded of the magician’s bent to cause one to miss the trick. We lve in a world of illusion(s).

    ATL: still cleaning up from the massive tree fall. Had a pleasant discussion / outcome with homeowners insurance adjuster this morning. Check’s in the mail. No longer ahead on summer prep but less behind as various workers do what I cannot, or should not.

    Two boats left to launch. Both are my sailboats so sure to splash without delay but … I can’t imagine sailing until a week from now at earliest (spinal injection incoming).

    Stay cool,

    • (“Nuke proof Protein = Cricket Meal..YUM!”)

      you could be eating it now and wouldn’t know it.. I read an article where they printed up a steak…. with a printer..
      and it looked like the meat man just sliced it and packaged it..

  4. “Without trying to be over-dramatic, we do place the odds of at least one nuclear weapon being lit off on the planet somewhere north of 50 percent in the next 24-months.”
    My research buddy, the Choastician – who, for the past couple of months has been mentally lost in a new math project [ that he can’t tell me about – damn it ! ] .., sent me an email in late February – in that email he placed the mathematical probability of a nuclear weapon being ‘deployed’ within 12 months at around 62%. [ “If this event occurs within the U.S. – Election Time would be perfect.” ]
    – Over 100 days has gone by since that email arrived., and mid-November is but five months away.
    – Still.., we have a 38% chance that it won’t happen at all.

    • (“Without trying to be over-dramatic, we do place the odds of at least one nuclear weapon being lit off on the planet somewhere north of 50 percent in the next 24-months.”)

      did everyone just think..the guy from the FSB and the General that slipped during an interview and say they had seeded the USA with nuclear bombs after obama and biden did the port deal with the makers of the Club-k was just joking..they must of thought that those countries that have been saying that they are going to attack from within by posing as refugees was full of it. tinker bell is still hauling them in..even though the estimate by .. is a million strong … a couple years ago they estimated 300 thousand.. now I believe these guys are thinking political alignment and not seeing the rest of it..isolated in the womb of the beltway
      my guess is if the balloon goes up.. everyone will react.. we have already read that they slipped up and mentioned that nato pilots are flying the f-16’s .. numb nuts had the chance to back off..everyone said piss on it and moved more we have at least two nuclear subs..
      as long as members of congress aren’t concerned about their families and their safety .. the minute they realize that they will be the target.. and making moves to get them to safety..then we can start worrying.

  5. If this Texas holiday has gone national,why hasn’t Patriots Day in Massachusetts done the same?At least,it’s literate?
    Plus,why is the stock market closed today while remaining open on Veterans Day?

    • Patriots Day is a State holiday. “Juneteenth” is not a bad effort, from people who were not allowed, even a first grade education, and it does have a certain “cachet,” so IMO it’s fine, and we should leave it alone.

      Bear in-mind, ICE/NYSE/S&P is a private company. The Dow is open for business on Veterans’ Day, because Blackrock, Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, and State Street want it to be.

      Emancipation Day has been celebrated in some States for over 150 years. It is generally celebrated on the day a “Slave State” legally abolished “chattel slavery of Negroes.” Many Indian tribes held slaves (of all ethnicities) for nearly 40 years after the ratification of the 13th Amendment, but major tribes tended to have “freeing of all slaves” as a codicil of Federal Indian treaties [which were] negotiated after December of 1866.

      Many Northern (non-slave or abolitionist) States recognize Emancipation day in September, but AFAIK it is an actual holiday nowhere, except in Washington D.C. Therefore, we get Juneteenth, Texas’ Emancipation Day, to tie every State’s “Emancipation Day” into a unified, marketable holiday to celebrate the end of sanctioned slavery in the U.S. IIRC Texas was not a big “slave State” but it was the last holdout to legal emancipation, (’cause Texans are bullheaded… ;-) which is why Texas’ Emancipation Day was chosen.

      Veteran’s Day IS a National holiday. However slavery emancipation is more-important to the United States as a political entity than a generic acknowledgement of our veterans’ service and sacrifice, because it is the symbolic closure of the war which tore us apart.

      Understand, “Veteran’s Day” didn’t exist until Eisenhower created it. November 11th was known as “Armistice Day” and was a worldwide celebration of the day the Germans signed the Armistice, formally ending World War 1. (All Quiet on the Western Front) It is a national holiday in, I believe, every nation which participated in WW-I, and was created as a day of remembrance for all the fallen of that war.

      Ike expanded Armistice Day to include, not just the fallen, but everyone who served in the military, at any time, thus making it more-inclusive, but at the same time, generic.

      It has been my contention that Veteran’s Day would make for a perfect Voting Day, since it’s already a National holiday, and our politicians insist on holding General Elections as far away from “Tax Day” as possible, but that likely makes too much sense…

  6. Don’t know about you all properly distracted homegammers with the 1950’s/60’s rhyme “to duck and cover”

    I thought all the JP emm wash trades and naked swimming was restricted to Mt.Gox and FTX to dump Bitcoin and eliminate the counter party risk lol. After all you wouldn’t expect the banksters to settle in physical would you? Let’s ask CME.

    Long story short, we have been told of the next FTX operation that’s pending. Say since binanace now has a new CEO with an American Banking Background, maybe this one is a false alarm. Unless , of course you have a way to naked short Tether and force a break from $ peg. Youse guys remember how that stable coin Luna was used in the last op? LOL cash at hand with some dry powder for the sale, if there is one.

    Jaime’s running out of sacrificial corp victims to keep Morgan flowing in cash IMHO LOL.

  7. And the Kabuki Theater Orchestra erupts with the sound of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons,

    Ripples throughout the entire global financial structure to ensue where that question you’ve always asked yourself during every “financial crisis”. Where did all the money go? They even ask (rhetorically) that on financial tee vee.

    Got ripple? Not advice do your own homework.

  8. Baring MAJOR War (minor ones including Russia/Ukraine and Israel /Iran even if limited nuclear, don’t matter), this market is still giving all indications of GOING UP through the rest of the summer. In fact it looks like a TYPICAL BLOW OFF kind of top is occurring.

    Do NOT go short in this market … as Keynes (I believe it was) himself said, ” Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent”.

    My expertise is in commercial real estate valuations … but the psychological dynamics (imo) carry over in lock step with trading stock markets when a major major TOP is being formed (a once in 20 year to once in 100 year top). Those dynamics are now in play with the current stock market, which means that the ONLY dynamic left to pay attention to, other than NOT fighting the tape, is WHEN will the market break.

    Trying to catch the EXACT TOP of an overextended market is imo a Fools Game … there is plenty of money to be made on the downside AFTER the break occurs. There WILL be many false aborted moves down which some may think is the top that then reverse and take the market even higher as the dynamics play out … and those false moves can cost you a LOT of money if you keep jumping on them.

    For commercial real estate here is how it plays out … and you will be able to quickly see the parallels to the stock market at the end:

    Commercial Real Estate has different classifications and in GOOD times virtually all of those sub-markets tend to move in unison, UP. When approaching a major 20 to 40 year top however the markets classifications start to diverge, with the lesser quality markets first going flat and then descending even as those higher quality classes above them continue to advance.

    Trophy Properties
    Class AA properties
    Class A properties
    Class A- properties
    Class B+ properties
    Class B properties
    Class B- properties
    Class C properties
    Class D (everything below a C actually)

    Trophy Properties are ones that stand heads above the rest. Well known top level properties that have appeal beyond just their economic fundamentals. In the 1989 real estate topping that included properties such as the Rockefeller Center which sold to the Japanese for nearly $2 Billion, Pebble Beach Golf Course which sold to the Japanese for $1 Billion, plus many other FAMOUS NAME properties that were in their prime and also sold for valuations WAY above what their financial statements would indicate their value to be. (fwiw the Rockefeller family later bought back Rockefeller Center for about $500 million; Pebble Beach was bought back for about $200 million)

    Class AA properties would be other Signature Properties that were considered THE TOP property in their particular area, a few NEWER NYC skyscapers, ditto NEWER Chicago Loop properties, the older but important Chicago Merchandise Mart (Kennedy family owned until they sold it at the top too), a few buildings in LA and San Fran etc.

    Class A properties would be the rest of the NEWEST and filled up city skyscrapers in every city, very well performing Retail Malls, etc., that every large size city had.

    Class A- would be those former Class A properties which are now a bit older and still filled, functionally fine but no longer the NEWEST and SHINIEST around.

    Class B+ through B to B- would be those properties that were in their prime 20 to 40 years before and were slowly aging out and showing outward signs of no longer being at the top of the tier properties. With B- properties it wouldn’t just be the layouts being wrong for the current age but also the mechanicals becoming increasingly problematic.

    Class C properties would be the old worn out buildings that were still functional … but something like where you would expect to see a low rent paying Private Eye, Collection Call Center, or some other back office operations to be located in. Semi to almost totally “run down” and in need of a major Rehab sometime in the not too distant future is the way to describe this class.

    D … actually everything below a C are generally rodent infested, mechanicals not working well if at all, with deferred maintenance issues everywhere type of buildings.

    When the real estate market starts to top, which is YEARS before if finally tops and collapses, slowly starting at the lowest class of property the values start to first no longer rise, then hold steady, and then begin to drop. When D class properties are going into bankruptcy due to a fall off in income the Trophy’s, and A’s will still be going up while the C’s will be holding steady. (seldom will D’s go into Receivership … they are NOT generating enough cash flow to even make a Receivership worthwhile so for them it is straight to bankruptcy)

    Over time the fall off in the market creeps further up the chain and now you start to see some C’s go into bankruptcy or receivership, the best B’s and A’s holding steady, and Trophy’s and A+ still going up.

    Finally even many C’s start going into bankruptcy or receivership but the Trophy’s STILL KEEP CLIMBING!! even as the A+’s stall out (ala Rockefeller Center and Pebble Beach Gold Club in 1989)

    How this relates to the current stock market:

    Joe Granville many years ago came up with way to peer into the internals of the market to try to see the same sort of underlying deterioration occurring below the “sight level” of most investors. He called his system “On Balance Volume”. It is still a good tool but not the only one in the tool chest and does miss much of what is going on today because of High Frequency Trading and the decline in the number of companies that are now publicly traded which distorts his tool.

    It doesn’t take a genius to note that for the Russel 2000 (smaller companies) fully 50%+ of them are now BELOW their 50 day moving average. To note that most of the rise in the DJIA and the SP 500 over the last year have been driven by the stock market performance of just 8 companies (the TROPHY properties) … led by the TROPHY of ALL TROPHY’s, Nvidia which has now surpassed Microsoft has having the largest capitalization of ANY company EVER.

    We now have our Pebble Beach Golf Club /Rockefeller Center of 1989, and like in 1989 EVERYBODY is mesmerized by the Shining Overpowering GLOW of the trophies while ignoring what is happening just under the surface (Target and Kohl’s AND Walmart reducing pricing, Amazon CLOSING warehouses, inflation destroying family budgets). The middle tier of companies in the S&P are struggling to just maintain their current level of profits … which means they are manipulating their accounting behind the scenes!! (ie: things are NOT as rosy as their Financial Statements claim)

    What we are seeing in today’s stock market is from my perspective a stock market clone to the commercial real estate bubble of 1989, a once in a one to two generation topping event. Maybe even a once in a 4 to 5 generation topping event.

    Since Nvidia is now THE STAR of the US stock market it’s collapse, IF SUDDEN, will psychologically take the entire stock market with it (it’s value alone is MORE than all of the Crypto out there). Is that possible? Of course. Nvidia is NOT a monopoly company, like one could argue Microsoft who it displaced at the top is. It designs and then puts together products that are actually MADE BY SOMEONE ELSE!! (TSMC in it’s Taiwan plants in Nvidia’s case – without TSMC’s Taiwan chips Nvidia has NO product to sell, at least until other non-Taiwan chip plants come on line)

    So WHEN will the US stock market bubble burst? Not until the magnificent 8 start to break down. Forget the War News. Forget the upcoming debates. Forget the conventions and even forget the Election. As long as the BRIGHTEST SHINING TROPHIES shines bright … their brightness will override any other dynamic buffeting the markets might experience since no one will be able to see anything else because they are being blinded by the light of the magnificent 8.

    I hold to my original work that the market at the top end is good until the end of the summer at which time I would stand aside … but as noted above continue to keep an eagle eye on the magnificent 8.

    • (“Baring MAJOR War (minor ones including Russia/Ukraine and Israel /Iran even if limited nuclear, don’t matter”)

      barring a major war or another BLM and Antifa demonstration.. so far those terrorist activities have only been in the poorest neighborhoods..
      a friend working for Darpa at the time lived in a gated community..a drive by shooter was blasting away at his neighbors house ..he got it in film from the security system..the DC police threatened to throw him in jail and refused to even look at it..
      if respiration sets in.. the wealthier neighborhoods will be the targets not new islam..

    • Yo S2,

      Thx for the breakdown/analysis CR. Man do I miss Sam Zell and his killa economic insights. Is it Time for S2 to step up and fill that gaping hole left by Mr Zell ? : D
      Anyways, been chewing on this NVDA run up thing, versus the SPY and have decided on a Options Spread.

      Yes homegamers you heard right, Short Position NVDA versus SPY Long Position…Sell NVDA @$155-160(wait 4 it), Buy SPY@$ 548.

      Insanity ? Pure Speculation ? NERP. In case of correction in markets, NVDA will Decline at a Faster and Steeper rate than SPY. In fact as the 2 decline, SPY’s slower/flater rate of decline will enable it to catch back up and start making moar MONAY!

      More Money = More Playtime

      • you know I love you guys.. I am always so tempted to try and play the money game with the wonderful insight everyone has..
        sadly I am not of the financial means to play the money game.. just read about it and weep…..
        well not really weep.. no regrets here.. but dam.. you guys are so dam smart and have so much great information..
        good luck playing.. keep us informed…

  9. S2 lest we forget to mention that counter trend relief rallies and reversals insuring Bear cycles produce some of the most face ripping gains in the “stock shares”
    asset category.
    Always have dry powder .

  10. The White House has cancelled the long planned meeting with Israel’s Netanyahu. [ Bad move Biden – bad move.]
    Over 550 Muslims have died so far in the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. The death toll is expected to go much higher as temperatures continue to set records.

  11. Sunday afternoon Ice Cream

    5 egg yokes
    1/2 cup of honey ( or 3/4 cups sugar)
    1 gt cream
    1 tbsp vanilla ( variable to your taste)
    1 small bag of ice
    1/2 cup of salt
    2 bowls one large one 1 medium bowl.
    pour ice into large bowl Sprinkle salt over ice and mix..
    pout your honey vanilla ( or sugar)
    the egg yokes
    pit this in medium bowl place in larger bowl with ice around it.
    mix on medium for ten minutes 15 or so if your using a spoon or whisk..
    when it starts to form peaks.. place the bowls covered in the freezer for 20 minutes..
    then take it out and stir or use the mixer for 5 minutes..
    put in a sealed container and put in the freezer.
    now if you don’t want ice cream that can use half and half or whole milk almond or coconut milk..
    your the boss.. blend or crush up reeses pieces or chocolate chip or fresh fruit..

  12. Some years ago, a friend’s nephew was accepted into the engineering program at Colorado School of Mines.
    “Good for you. Let me know when you take the class on planned obsolescence”. “Uncle, there’s no such thing!”
    Three years later, “Uncle, about that class on planned obsolescence…”

  13. Oh Nuts……..

    well my vegan grandson and his fiancee gave me a little call and asked how to make nut milk…

    let’s go almond.. buy uncoated plain almonds..put one cup of whole almonds in a strainer and wash… then put them in a bowl and cover with filtered water and put a top on it.. leave it over night to soak..
    the next day rinse and put in a blender blend with 4 cups of filtered water .
    blend it till its all mixed up..pour it mix in a filter bag to drain the milk out then add 1/2 cup of your favorite sweetener and 1 tbsp of vanilla .. your in charge of how it tastes to you a little more a little less yourvthe boss..

    coconut milk.. similar but take your bagged shredded coconut and soak blend filter..
    or take your fresh coconut split in half and put in a prewarmed oven at 350 degrees for ten minutes.. the coconut meat will separate and can be taken out with a blunt knife or a coconut knife..chop it up or peel with a potato peeler the brown meat coating .. chop rinse then take four cups of water to every cup of coconut blend on high then filter with the filter bags..
    now this is coconut milk or coconut cream..add your choice of sweetener and a tbsp of vanilla..
    coconut oil.. instead of coconut milk take the coconut milk and simmer for a couple hours the water will evaporate and you skim the oil off the top..if you have a separation funnel you can use that make sure you don’t have any solids in your oil..

    now after making your nut milks..
    you can dry and use the nut meat for other recipes..
    if you have a oil extractor.. that takes the work out of it..peanut oil is awesome and after drying the peanut meat you can grind it into peanut flour for… cookies cakes .
    I have both the manual primitive extractor and this one..awfully expensive compared to when I bought mine..
    but during one of my learning oil was a challenge..
    coconut butter..
    put your shredded coconut in a food processor ..blend.. scrape ..blend keep this up until its smooth as butter.. you can add a little coconut oil ..1 tsp salt for salted.. 1 tbsp of honey fir honey butter .
    vegitable shortning…
    3 parts coconut oil
    1 part olive oil or your choice if oils I like olive oil..
    1 tsp vinegar
    1 egg yoke
    heat mix then let cool blend in the vinegar or lemon juice and egg yoke just like you make mayonnaise.. once it’s solid place it in your molds or jars and let it cool…
    simple easy and your the boss..
    coconut yogurt..
    now fresh coconut cream is the best…sterilize jars then let it come to room temperature..
    in the grocery store look for renew life pro biotic capsules..
    take one or two of these open one and mix the powder in the coconut cream..
    keep mixing until it’s well mixed..
    then take cheesecloth and cover the top put a rubber band on top to secure still want it to breath.. set it on the counter in a room temp for one to two days to allow the culture to work.. now you can add fruit after you put the yogurt in glass containers..

    • OH for coconut butter.. I do have a wet grinder.. and use that instead… wet grinders are the cats meow for making peanut butter and other nut butters.. but I do know most people don’t have one in their kitchen tool box.. I have a thing about grinders and have more than a couple… once you have had to beat grain into a crude gruel you will understand how that is.. what the hell.. lets make sure we have a grinder.. LOL.. gives me a lot of insight into the ancients.. they use a rock in depression on a boulder to grind grain.. and the stone chips from beating it and rubbing.. is why a lot of mummies have worn down teeth ..
      Ancient Egyptions loved their breat.. all through babylon and the summerians.. they loved their bread… oddly they were mostly Vegan… early veganism was referred to as “abstinence from beings with a soul”. and was promoted extensively.. lots of nuts and veggies..

  14. oh coconut oil and milk has been around for centuries.. mostly in island cultures where cattle and goats were very scarce..the Samoans used coconut milk in ceremonies.. ava ceremonies are still quite similar today as they were thousands of years ago..

  15. “Safe!” Ehh… “for now”. Now you know how a bowling pin feels at the end of the alley. We get the same feeling out here in the islands when storms churn up in the Eastern Pacific and come rolling down the bowling alley toward Hawaii.

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