Weather, Retail, Joe Slows

A nice, simple column today. Though we somewhat nervously eye both TS-One – which looks bound ashore in Mexico and that yellow “X” up northeast of Haiti and the D.R.

Also Blowing Higher: Stocks

Market did it again Monday, moving higher again in our Aggregate Index work.  But, either it has much further to go will depend both on the pending large NATO ground war with Russia and whether there’s any traction to be found among stories related to blocking “slow Joe” from another pretend in the Oval.

As should be clear to anyone familiar with Ellott wave and channel work, there are many ways to count the evolution of this beast.  Sometimes, we just sit back and watch (admittedly aghast) and wait for whatever follows.

Retail Release

Like yesterday: Little economic news – and yet the market put on a most excellent show while a great many bears were patient (not me…) waiting for the Retail Sales which have just come in:

Advance Estimates of U.S. Retail and Food Services
Advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for May 2024, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $703.1 billion, up 0.1 percent (±0.4
percent)* from the previous month, and up 2.3 percent (±0.5 percent) above May 2023. Total sales for the March 2024 through May 2024 period were up 2.9 percent (±0.5 percent) from the same period a year
ago. The March 2024 to April 2024 percent change was revised from virtually unchanged (±0.4 percent)* to down 0.2 percent (±0.2 percent)*.

Without the auto industry, there’d be a funeral procession.

After this, the Fed Industrial Production numbers, but few look at those because there’s a lot of “flex” to them.

The Real Issue is Joe

You see his latest line of B.S. to stuff the ballot box this fall?  Biden to offer path to citizenship for immigrants married to US citizens (  Wasn’t it Stalin who said something to the effect “Doesn’t matter who votes, but it does matter who counts?”  We’re there this fall.

But a rousing “Hats off!” to the Boston Herald for Battenfeld: Could Democrats be secretly plotting to replace aging Joe Biden?

If there’s no plot (main suspect would be Gruesome) the strategic problem faced by voters could still run on rails to choicing between a Felon Father, Felon of messy-meanors, and another Kennedy – who we figure would pull the (few) remaining honest liberals away from the Old Man’s War Party Brand.

Gonna be interesting as we watch out here in “Safe from Flashes” country.

War (Accidentally) Looms

There was a saying in WW II, I think it was:  “Loose lips sink ships...” as everyone down at the docks knew you didn’t talk about ship departures and such, for fear that the enemy would get wind through spies and be lying in wait.

On our discussion of intelligence (or lack there of) we come to NATO-Russia ‘Total war’: NATO pilots of Ukrainian F-16s said ‘accidentally’ Stoltenberg – Permission for ‘Deep Strike’ strikes inside Russia! It’s one thing for Ukrainian pilots to fly a plane.  When it’s a NATO plane with NATO ground support – that’s up against a line.  But when NATO pilots are at the controls, that NATO firing on Russia.

That’s the kind of thing that can “flash cities.”

Personal Radiation Plans

About here we bring up the matter of personal radiation plans.  I know, it’s not like the “usual” prepper piece – where we wonder (if the grid goes tits up) where you’re planning to power that crypto vault on the SSD and tell you gold, silver, bullets and food make more sense…and a water distiller – and instead we wonder is it’s time for prudent people to update their Geiger plans?

We have a couple around here.  The latest being a 2023 GQ GMC-500 Plus that’s kept ready.  We check almost daily at cocktail time and the background count here runs 14-20 clicks per minute.

In the event the Grid is up – and also the Internet – a couple of longshots in the long-term – have you started collecting sites where you can see where the clouds of radiation are going?  Forbes did an article several years back Four Sites Where You Can Monitor U.S. Radiation Levels ( but when Fukushima melted down,  YourGov began to restrict access.  I’m not saying so they could “lie” about things, but, um…oh, you know…

There are a few public sites: Radiation Network generally for global links, but for those of us in the U.S. bookmarking Detail Maps ( makes a lot of sense.

We haven’t linked our data to any of the sites that collect such things, because our thinking suggests that a) people in “flash zones” will be unlikely to be able to move as fast as fallout.  Winds aloft can run much faster than you can drive (safely on public roads).  Then there was b) with a nuke war looming, who’s going to be online and c) do you really have an LZ (landing zone) in the event of a worst case?

A visit to Shane O’Connor’s is always in order.  Shane’s video presentation is an absolute must-see.  The Good News About Nuclear Destruction. (It is survivable – by some.)

Shane is the real deal – runs a certified calibration lab and reworks older equ9ipment to bring it up to snuff and has the newer tech, too. And Potassium Iodide (KI).

When the genie gets let out, it may be useful to have read some backgrounders.  Particularly when comes to nuclear use doctrine.  Nuclear rhetoric and escalation management in Russia’s war against Ukraine: A Chronology.  Realize that this is more than a year old, but wars get people excited quickly, while the supply chains – especially for us supplying NATO are long.  Boots on the ground is painful and takes time and resources.

Don’t tell the press office: Ukraine unveils its deadly new drone boat set to strike fear into the hearts of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet: The kamikaze ‘Stalker’ has 372-mile range and can race at speeds of 46mph over the sea. Nukes trump drones.

Nevertheless, China and Russia I don’t know if they have ever been more cooperative with one-another. You know where Putin is?  Is Kim Jong Un Starting a War to Impress Visiting Friend Vladimir Putin?!

The nightmare for the West is that Iran (already in league with Russia) makes moves on Israel.  At the same time, Israel and Egypt light up.  About here, KJU marches into South Korea at the carefully timed same moment that Taiwan (and the future is A.I.) is being invaded by China.

And the maraschino?  NATO which has been edging for a scap is leapfrogged and a decapitation strike on the US happens simultaneous to a “let ’em rip” across Europe.

Not happy stuff to ponder, but we would rather “think the unthinkable” while responses are still doable, than have our choice of “retrograde operations” limited by theatric antics, as it were.


Bah!  Let’s make up a climate story, huh? UK news outlet gets absolutely incinerated online for alarmist ‘heatwave’ headline: ‘Wtf are you guys doing over there?’  Don’t tell the alarmists it gets hot in the summer.

The fix is in!  Forty-Nine States Enabling Non-U.S. Citizens To Vote | Canada Free Press

Did I miss the part in the Constitution allowing the use of public money for the gender agender?  Federal Title IX Transgender Rule Blocked in 6 More States | The Epoch Times Related: German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years unless the gender industry gets ’em first, of course.

Warren Buffett hit by liberal courts!  Yes, see he’s the chair of Berkshire, which owns Burlington-Norther Santa Fe and Judge orders railway to pay Washington tribe nearly $400 million for trespassing with oil trains.

At the Ranch: Food and Beverage Day

This is grocery run day for us, so the usual clean out the fridge and wheel the garbage out to the streets was done halfway through this morning’s column.  Equal opportunity garbage around here, some would say.

On the electronics bench: Got a bunch of fine pictures of the new CR10 V2 printer which we will run through the build of on ShopTalk Sunday this week.  One thing, though: With the build done, I got the dreaded BSOD on powerup Monday.  More than slightly disappointing.

Guess that fancy new $66 dollar oscilloscope will be getting a workout after the food’s put up.

Peoplenomics tomorrow – another final, final, (and I mean final) this time on the new 100-year Toaster book. Golly – 65,600 words to it so far.  No wonder I go through two keyboards per year!

Write when you get rich,

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: UrbanSurvival Bio:

51 thoughts on “Weather, Retail, Joe Slows”

    • Pathfinder, why you don’t see this sort of thing in Turkey : you are looking at 20 prison lifers missing one or possibly both hands.
      In China: 20 prison lifers until a suitable organ donor recipient is obtained from their DNA.
      In Dubai: 20 perps with missing hands if not already stoned to death.
      In U.S.: there won’t be one much longer if the lawfare that rewards this behavior is allowed to continue.

  1. Well George, searching waaay back for a suitable comment to Ure column today, I decided on a quote from Roman author Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus’: “Si vis pacem, para bellum, translated as “If you want peace, prepare for war.” With this in mind, all of the nuke saber rattling could just be the war industry driven nations of this world funding weapons of destruction to insure future peace while keeping respective military production and related economies rolling along. The perverted logic of this strategy, officially called “nuclear deterrence,” is that an aggressor launching a surprise nuke attack understands that doing so will result in their own annihilation. Proponents will tell us that “it’s worked so far!” Until it doesn’t. And “limited” nuclear war seems like an anachronism. Any nuke detonated anywhere in a hostile act is a game changer. One-upsmanship become a factor, as does dogmatic and/or religious fundamentalism – both often defy logic in any sense of the word.

    So IMO opinion, concern about the nuke genie being loosed from it’s bottle is valid, and will remain valid as long as opposing orthodoxies possess nukes. The likelihood of the loosed genie occurring is less certain. Yet the overall cost and after effects of even a few tactical nukes would be profound, and those after effects would last for decades. So any nation driven by international trade and global agriculture must think long and hard before unleashing the nuke genie. Failure to do so would be catastrophic for their own people and for the world as we know it.

    • Thanks Warhammer. Always appreciate your insight.

      “So any nation driven by international trade and global agriculture must think long and hard before unleashing the nuke genie.”

      Is there any chance of the current US leader thinking “long and hard” about anything?

      • Naw…he only has the business model on his mind..
        he pardoned a ton of people today..
        If it doesn’t fit his bottom line he could care less.. the protection of the bubble..if you don’t see it or experience it it doesn’t exist.
        if he was cognitive and could see things going on he would be a whole lot more interested.. but then so would the rest of the legislators..
        how many really gave any thought to the consequences of what they are doing there…
        I sure wouldn’t want to be a politician just in case this does evolve into the poison pawn trap war..

    • If you had a neighbor and every day you woke up the fence running the length of your property line was a foot closer how long would it take for you to stop threatening him as no legal authority cares to intervene and just punch his sorry ass in the nose …….

    • Indeed, Warhammer what you’ve written makes perfectly (common) sense — but….
      It takes only ONE person in “the required position” (with suicidal ambition!) to launch the event. In the end it will all boil down to MENTAL HEALTH.

    • (“a quote from Roman author Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus’: “Si vis pacem, para bellum, translated as “If you want peace, prepare for war.” With this in mind, all of the nuke saber rattling could just be the war industry driven nations of this world funding weapons of destruction to insure future peace while keeping respective military production and related economies rolling along”)

      I hope and pray you are right .. that this is just actions being undertaken to make money for the economic outlooks..
      My fears are.. that the countries we have been bullying around and signing agreements with Russia and China for becoming allies with them.. are in fact they are tired of us being the bullie on the playground and wish to take us down a peg or two.. We had the opportunity to dissolve this.. they begged us to stop and back up.. one look at columbine school massacre.. those being bullied said enough and went what the hell we have nothing left to lose.. .. the situation could have been dealt with if those in charge at the school had stopped it.. but they didn’t and the tragic deaths of so many were felt around the world. instead of the root cause the lack of administration dealing with the issues at home.. they blamed the gun which had nothing to do with it at all.. it could have been cups.. being thrown.. or car with someone driving through a crowd..
      we have that right now.. we as a country are pushing for this as the bullies pushing our agenda we had the ability to stop the whole thing before it escalated and no one in charge was willing to stop it..

  2. “Forty-Nine States Enabling….”

    Wait a minute. We in the cheap seats hear other cheap seaters explain there’s Blue states and Red states and more granular Blue cities and Red cities but it looks like in the end no separation exists.

    Blue thinkers and Red thinkers are mixed and that’s why there won’t be a CW2.

    • Dude – where the blazes you been these last couple of months ?
      CW2 is on like donkey kong – seen this generation of Kids ? Ever see anything on Social ?
      Ever hear of a bat virus called corona that turned into covid19? BLM, ANTIFA, thousands upon thousands of Military aged Men from every country USA has recently “shitholed” into chronic poverty pouring across our southern border everyday?

      Have seen the piece of c in white house ? Seen the disastrous policies he has instituted last 3 years?

      You – Me -We are all under attack from DS/Oligarchs and their henchmen, like that epileptic slab of norwegian wood at nato .

      Check the Protocols of Zion and let me know which one have not occurred, has not been put in place yet.

      Check !

      • Otflmao….
        (“Have seen the piece of…….. c …… white house ? Seen the disastrous policies he has instituted last 3 years?”)

        P.O.S. ( piece of Shit ) fixed the C for lol

        I actually hope and pray the three monkeys..twiddle dee, twiddle dumb, and Tinker bell and the whole democratic party standing behind numb nuts is correct..
        that Hunter is the most honorable and the smartest person they’ve ever seen that tinker bell isn’t allowing and assisting enemy soldiers posing as refugees , child traffickers,drug smugglers, and slave traders, across the border..and the what appears to be alleged high crimes and misdemeanors are not true.. because if they are..then they themselves need to assess their position in the what if..
        to look beyond the bubble of the beltway.. the citizens are screwed because of the Cloward given strategy.. if the revelation or slip up of the FSB and Generals is true and not some fabrication.. then our largest metropolitan areas are in the zone.. if tinker bell did usher over jihad johnny and friends then we know what’s in store for those only seeking political alignment..
        doesn’t matter about the rest of us.. if tinker bell did aid and support a hidden army and assisted them across our borders illegally.. the enemy army will more than likely be focused on taking out the power chain of the politicians and their families .they already have control of the people through manufacturing and distribution of goods..

        with all the whistle

        • I still don’t see any CW2 materializing unless voting is considered war.

          Even when battling at the voting booth think back to when Reagan cleared the slate of illegals by granting amnesty to all the then illegals. The illegals voter issue went away with the stroke of a pen. Precedent set.

          Little Bush setup the auto bailouts which extended into bailing the pension plans. Are those folks really going to vote to stop their checks?

          The J6’ers are a meatball nobody will touch.

        • Commander and chief taking a shit on the world stage is beyond DISGUSTING, beyond a slap in the face of the Populace, a slap in the face to ALL VETERANS around the world.

          Nobody insulted by any of this ????????????????????

          What the wicked witch of deweybeach is doing 2 that shell of a man is some wicked ass punishment.

          Not going 2 hold the Shit his pants during vatican audience (cancelling live stream) episode as a Negative..
          – I think same thing about pope,catholic religion, vatican = SCHEISSE..dark oily nasty SCHEISSE

          cult of pederasty .

        • Out of work yes u r steve
          Trump said he would do pardons for the J6 political prisoners
          liddle bushie like big bushie were/are RINOs and in partnership with the chiltons and obamas
          strange bed fellows

          if CW 2 fires up, it will be like CW1 all about those who believe and follow the US Constitution vs the mob rule crowd.
          a little .177 cal brough reagan under control.
          soroass funds CW2 while the pope was in favor of CW1

          I am waiting for the Supremes to rule,,, that will GREATly affect the J6 prisoners and the DOJ abuse of LAWFARE, reassigning meanings to existing laws

          Bad precedents can be over ruled, roe v wade,
          we have a self correcting system IF we stay moral enough to keep it,,, a Republic if you can keep it.
          Corruption is not a self correcting system,,, hey Joe, where ja get all that money in your hand? and in your brothers account and Hunters money supply chain?

  3. (“You see his latest line of B.S. to stuff the ballot box this fall? “)

    Now I believe in the business model voting.. CASH IS KING….
    We seen before DT took office and won the election before the last time.. in just a hair over a month over two billion dollars was spent trying to persuade people not to vote for him.. they spent billions through his four years attacking his every move.. day and night..
    then they spent billions in the attempts to put him in prison and listed as a convicted felon all while ignoring a mountain of alleged crimes from the sitting presidents family with mountains of evidence.. just saying.. cash is king here.. HB and JB will walk where most would be put in prison for high crimes against the country..
    they are bringing in Illegals to get the votes.. ( even if there could be a percentage of them that are warriors being put in position to take revenge on us for destroying their countries just as they have said that is what they would do for decades )
    No none of JB’s family has moved out of the country to a country that they would be safe in.. JB still loves Delaware that is now target number one.. in the event of a war on our shores..
    No one took notice that what over ten years ago a member of the FSB said they had strategically places weapons within the USA..( funny the guy said it in a publication a year or so after the port deal they made.. )
    This isn’t the same story I read but it says basically the same thing..
    then opening the borders to millions with over a million gotaways.. and we are out on eight fronts.. used up our strategic reserves.. phew.. it just gets more confusing every day..
    after spening money like that.. do you think they will allow DT to sit in the seat again… I think that the predictions on stu’s site and of alois irlmair will be what is going to happen..

    • Loob.

      You mean this action is ok and not prosecuted under the “law”. But all political and free speech that is constitutionally protected, but not to the liberalistas liking, really, unless you are a club member, otherwise Trumped up charges will fly, against you, and you will have to surrender your wealth. What a business model eh Mr Ure?


        Probably just looking to see if there was an open bathroom somewhere in there. we know how California is in total control now BLM and Antifa scrapped by without prosecution a d did billions of damage.
        but what about the one financing their activities.. someone offering what was it five thousand for damage ten for violence.. with school demonstrations it was reported in on article 7500.00 for demonstrating..

        now we don’t know who is the financier is…. but considering an event that large and global why hasn’t anyone gone after the big pockets funding these events..
        think about this. what kind of a person is it that convinces neighbors to destroy their neighbors homes.. rape their wives and daughters fight each other and loot their local merchants..destroy a community and bring fear to their community.

        • Not quite.

          Mr. Soros, through his non-profit organization, is paying a number of trained agitators to rile up crowds and guide them in certain directions. This is the same M.O. he used to foment “Arab Spring” and the “color revolutions,” the same M.O. he used in Ukraine, and the same M.O. he’s used in other places (notably Hungary, where Viktor Orban’s Administration banned him and his family & associates, forever, for trying to “Ukraine” the Hungarian elections.)

          7-12 years ago, he paid $1500/wk. That’s what he paid the Swedish NAZIs and his goon squad in Kiev, the BLM and Antifa boots in Ferguson, and the BLM, Antifa, NeoNazis, and Klan at the “statue protests” (in Charlottesville and elsewhere.) I’m not sure he pays much more than that, now. However, with the pay comes unlimited use of an American Express Black (If you look back on Ferguson, you’ll see the Soros goons all stayed in 4- & 5- star digs in Saint Looie while the outlying bergs burned, in Mnpls they stayed in Cottage Grove and Lakeland, etc.)

          College kids aren’t paid. They are bussed, housed, and fed on Soros’ dime but they do it because they receive class credit in certain courses (women’s studies, interdiscipline, peace studies, gender studies, race studies, and anything political — probably others, by now)

          and it’s a 3-5 day all expense paid field trip!

          Can you think of any college kid, anywhere, who’d turn down an offer like this? I would have been all over it, and I was a math/computer science major…

  4. (“But a rousing “Hats off!” to the Boston Herald for Battenfeld: Could Democrats be secretly plotting to replace aging Joe Biden?”)

    what would joe think .. if they put in the beast of the North East as vice.. how many people are still alive that was going to give testimony against them LOL LOL… I sure would freak out.. here take it I don’t want it .. LOL unlike her assistant.. he probably doesn’t have a file labeled life insurance..

  5. (The latest being a 2023 GQ GMC-500 Plus that’s kept ready.)

    I have a couple.. and a few dosimeters.. but I never got them in case of a war.. I got mine because they work great on checking plug ins.. if the wire is getting loose or its radiating energy.. then I can open up the outlet tighten the screws or fix the connection… just like my gas masks.. got them for painting.. the paints are harsh on lung tissues..

  6. (“Nevertheless, China and Russia I don’t know if they have ever been more cooperative with one-another. You know where Putin is? Is Kim Jong Un Starting a War to Impress Visiting Friend Vladimir Putin?!”)

    Read a story last night where Russia is going to stage nukes in NK and Iran along with other high efficient weapons.. I have thought for a long time that Kim in NK is the one that will light this all up.. he isn’t a fan of ours.. and he is the only one that comes out and tells the puppeteers that they are on his target list.. none of the other leaders even consider them and what they do.. Kim comes right out and says.. hey go ahead I have your backyard listed..
    which that has always surprised me..

  7. “Gonna be interesting as we watch out here in “Safe from Flashes” country.” It’s not the flashes George, unless your within 10-20 miles from ground zero depending on the size and elevation of the detonation. It’s the radiation in the fallout. Very few places will be safe from that I’m afraid!

    • 1970’s my father (and he was in the position to know) mentioned Eureka CA as one of the (count on one hand) places that won’t be deleteriously affected by fallout. Of course global warming has changed that calculus. So please do your own research lol.

    • No one will be safe.
      every threat analysis has just a handful surviving..

    • Chuck K
      June 18, 2024 at 11:13
      … It’s the radiation in the fallout. Very few places will be safe from that I’m afraid!
      Someone wrote about this a few days ago regarding the farmers and their food crops. Fallout in the soil makes fallout in the food. The Russians are begging their young to make babies before they end up having to let down their own borders for re-populating due to the low birthrate locals. Not much favorable population growth happening in any 1st world countries but the 2nds and 3rds seem to be swamping the first world nations.
      One would think the nuclear nations would be pretty stupid to be seriously considering using ANY nukes if they planned to raise food that won’t cook itself, making dining by candlelight unnecessary.
      Still, the line from an old King Crimson song about, how smart we really are, went: “THE FATE OF ALL MANKIND I FEAR, IS IN THE HANDS OF FOOLS.”
      Couldn’t agree more…

  8. Folks,

    “AP” has pictured the arrival of Mr. Putin at Yakutsk in the Russian Far East enroute to North Korea. He had also been pictured touring a display of “industrial products” consisting of wheelchairs said to be destined for use “in the zone of special Russian operation”. That has now been supplanted by an image of the President along with the head of the Yakutia Republic viewing a sophisticated rifle and scope.

    One imagines that General Secretary Kim of the Workers’ Party of Korea may see fit to greet Mr. Putin’s arrival to Pyongyang with suitable pomp. Earlier this year, the latter gifted a state of the art Aurus Senat luxury motor car to Mr. Kim. Apparently it’s a much refined product over the ZiS110 limousine based on the 1942 Packard Super 8 sent from Stalin to Kim’s ancestor.

    The publisher of this fine publication may be delighted to know that the Aurus Senat is powered by a 4.4 liter twin turbo V-8 with German engineering prowess provisioned by Porsche and Bosch. The basic limo weighs in at 2,700 kg. while the “Russian leader trim level” tips the scales at 6,200 kg. The fine motor car was designed by an Angelino former intern of the Ford Motor Company in Deerborn who decamped to Italy. His famous output has included the Popemobile employed by the Vatican.

    A one-third minority shareholder of Aurus Motors is a holding company subsidiary of a sovereign wealth fund of Abu Dhabi. The subsidiary’s primary endeavor is as “a manufacturer and supplier of precision guided munitions”.

    The last time President Zelensky was sighted at The Palace of the Nation in Abu Dhabi meeting the Crown Prince was February, 2021. Local coverage pictured the visitor attired in a navy blue suit, matching tie, and a white shirt.

    • Impressive story to some readers, Jester. However, I consider these “excessive motor gifts” only increase their ‘burden of obligations’ that they already carry. I personally would not want to be in either one’s shoes considering their responsibilities. (We know too little about what motivates these kind of folks, considering our lives on earth are limited, IMHO.)
      P.s. Reason I come back here again & again is that I’m bored occasionally. I can find more here to entertain me than on >800 TV channels to choose from. Today it’s too hot to sit outside and watch for rare shapes to pass by ;-).

    • “Russian leader trim level” tips the scales at 6,200 kg”

      Armor plating ain’t light. That thing will take a direct hit from an RPG — Just like “The Beast.”

  9. With it’s 3% rise in price this morning – Nvidia just became the worlds most valuable company.
    – $3.326 trillion.., pushing past Apple., which is now the weak sister.
    – As base to view this from.., the entire GDP out-put of the U.K. is $3.1 trillion.

  10. “The nightmare for the West is that Iran makes moves on Israel. About here, KJU marches into South Korea at the carefully timed same moment that Taiwan is being invaded by China.
    And the maraschino? NATO which has been edging for a scap is leapfrogged and a decapitation strike on the US happens simultaneous to a “let ’em rip” across Europe.”

    Remove South Korea and Taiwan, and add Turkey, and you’ve got a winner. NK and China don’t need to pick a fight. The Choson Peninsula will eventually reunite and China will eventually absorb Taiwan. Asians are patient…

    Where NK and China will spill assets is in conquering those parts of Ureup which escape the afterglow — and us (meaning all of North America.) They won’t conquer us because they’re imperialist (although they are.) They’ll do it to prevent us from irradiating the few remaining parts of Earth upon which edible crops and livestock can be raised.

    Our one chance to avoid this is to hope Putin doesn’t push the button until (JANUARY 20th, not November 5th!) we can put DJT back in the saddle, with enough non-commies in Congress that he can get stuff done. The 58 days between Nov.5, and January 2 are going to be the most-dangerous period in time our species has ever faced. Leftists are petulant psychopathic children. If they lose control but have eight weeks in which to throw a tantrum, they can send us all to Kingdom Come, out of spite, and some of them will want to.

    52 hours, 12 minutes.

    That’s the “best estimate projection” of how long all of us have to live, once the first strategic nuke flies in Eurasia.

  11. ” Battenfeld: Could Democrats be secretly plotting to replace aging Joe Biden?

    If there’s no plot (main suspect would be Gruesome)”

    Current Dem thought is:

    1) Replace Harris with Hillary**
    2) Have execcomte visit Joe and have him back out*
    3) Run Hillary with Newsome as VP

    *Executive Committee is Clinton, Obama, Soros, Rice, etc. If Joe doesn’t “retire” they will “25th” him.

    **Accidents happen…

    • (“*Executive Committee is Clinton, Obama, Soros, Rice, etc. If Joe doesn’t “retire” they will “25th” him.

      **Accidents happen…”)

      the last suicide of someone going to testify against the beast..just refer to the long list of the HELL hounds..
      what gets me.. is even members of their own protection security team.. hmm.. not a group I would want to piss off.. remember what happened to Caligula..

  12. Read an article last night about how different kids and young adults are today. “I was never like that as a kid !” Several people were quoted as saying. “My dad would still be spanking me if I did that !”
    I got to thinking about that. Yeah., kids and twenty-somethings are very different today., but I look at when I grew up., and there is no comparison. Both my parents were Depression era survivors., WWll combat vet., adults around me were the same., and a whole passel of black jazz musicians.., a couple professional poker players.., even one mafia numbers-runner [ one tough mother – but he was still afraid of my Dad.] My parents would probably be arrested today for child abuse., if they knew how many times my Dad took me a smoke fill black jazz club and I sat in the corner, sipping a Roy Rogers and watching him play the alto sax on stage.
    The adults that I grew-up with and guided me were a whole different breed then the kids have for adults today. No where near the same.
    It is just a different time., a different era. It is how they were raised.., [or semi-raised. ] Not a whole lot anyone can do about it now. Two generations – and you’re not going to change them.
    Don’t even try to understand…,
    Just find a place to make your stand..,
    – and take it easy…………….

  13. Pathfinder Bob,

    Speaking of things “unherd” by the lambs, the President’s page on the Kremlin website only noted Mr. Putin’s attendance at a student concert while in Yakutsk. The recital was given in a new, federally-financed(?) auditorium of the Vasily Boskov School of Higher Music. The South Korean Yonhap news agency also picked up the Kremlim photographer’s image of a beaming Mr. Putin surrounded by happy students attired in uniforms divisible according to individual binary gender.

    I don’t know exactly what the recital setlist consisted of. However it wouldn’t overly surprise me if DJ George is receiving multiple requests for “Caucasian Sketches, Suite # 1, Op. 10” of 1894 by Tsarist/Soviet composer Ippolitov-Ivanov. According to Wikipedia, a “most notable recording” of the work which includes “March of the Sardar (Leader)” is by the Ukraine National Symphony Orchestra on the Naxos label.

    Meanwhile in America according to the White House schedule, the First Couple celebrated the 12th anniversary of DACA to be followed by a campaign reception. The latter promised to feature a guest appearance by President and Mrs. Clinton. Evening close will see retirement to the Rehoboth Beach House and an early start to the weekend.

  14. “Forbes did an article several years back Four Sites Where You Can Monitor U.S. Radiation Levels ( but when Fukushima melted down, YourGov began to restrict access. I’m not saying so they could “lie” about things, but, um…oh, you know…”

    YourGov does not represent OurGov. Fuckem…

    The EPA disappeared the RADNET site, but they did not dismantle it.

    The RADNET Dashboard may now be found here:

    It is up-to-date, and maintained — just not for the viewing pleasure of John Q any more.

    You’re welcome…

  15. Toolslut alert:


  16. OMG…….. Corn Syrup…..

    when I was a child we called the heart of a cornstalk.. Indian gum.. it was the best.. so what is corn syrup. Or sorghum molasses.. maple syrup ,, or birch syrup.. there’s the old way where the ancient took the stalks stripped the green foliage was it up then cut it into small pieces.. boil the heart of the corn stalk of the stalk..then condense it down to a beautiful amber color.. mix the corn syrup with water cinnamon to make a beer..boiled corn water is used in this to..
    then you can tap a corn stalk to get the sap.. put the tap in about a foot off of the ground…hang a little bucket or cup each corn stalk will give you about a tsp of sap to be processedi.
    the biggest you make corn syrup or ancient corn beer..
    filtering water.. Ancient Mayans used various reeds and vines to filter a ceramic filter water would flow from the dirty water side to the reservoir by putting root side of the vine or branch to the water on top to allow it to flow to the reservoir..
    you can use the fruit press to get the juice out of sorghum or corn stalks..
    the process is an old one.. ancient Chinese , the mayans,Aztec, Although ancient Zimmerman’s didn’t make molasses or sugar from sugar cane or corn syrup..they made fig and date honey in the same fashion. the Chinese perfected the process. throughout all historical texts each civilization found a locally available crop that could be converted and enjoyed.. the legends of the god farmer
    Shennong,or “God peasant”, is a deity in Chinese religion. He is a mythical sage healer and ruler of prehistoric China. Shennong is also known as Wugushen “five grains,” or Wuguxiandi “first deity of the five grains.” He is thought to have taught the Chinese how to practice agriculture, the use of herbal drugs, the application of plant-based medicine, and acupuncture.
    anyway..I thought some of you would like to have an idea how easy it is to make and use..

    • Sumerians.. not zimmermen LOL
      the processing of basic sugars goes back thousands of years.. is seldom seen or even thought about.. I keep sugar beet and sugar sorghum seeds around..
      corn syrup all from the stuff they bury in the fields.. just another of the things we take for granted in life.. one more month till the book is printed and sent out.. table of the Gods..
      almost everyone knows I am a foodie and kitchen gadget guy.. I love to see how did they clean grain ten thousand years ago.. how did they do many of the things that we take for granted today.. it fascinates me.. since food and cooking is but just one thing in our lives that is a true blessing.. I love to find out.. and luckily I have acquaintances that have the same ideals I do that work in the fields where they can find out.. ( I would love to know what the wine they discovered that was estimated to be ten thousand years old tastes like.. ( they are going to get a chemical makeup of it and let me know.. or at least that was what I was told..) ) syrups sugars.. have been around.. like the bread of King tut.. great stuff.. but it tasted like the Amish friendship bread.. not sour dough but a sweet dough.. I tried to keep the yeast alive but failed miserably on that.. I would have loved to see if a carmel roll could be made out of date honey ..

  17. Perhaps Bullshit Biden should read the law as written. It’s been largely the same for years. There has always been a path to citizenship for immigrants married to US citizens! Of course, Illegal Aliens are subject to prosecution and deportation even if married to US citizens, though they can plead their case in court. Under some circumstances, they have always had some pathways to citizenship.

  18. Happy Juneteenth to the two of you and everyone here reading.. to bad that they don’t have a date that says oppy as the end of the date on the calendar than I could say have a happy jalopy LOL LOL LOL

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