DDT – it’s data dense Thursday – as we all head back to await the next holiday.
Since the Fourth of July will fall on a Thursday this year – two weeks from today – we expect tons of people will turn this one into a four-day weekend.
It’s worth noticing, too: TSA on X: “JUST IN: Friday, June 14th was the 2nd busiest day ever for TSA – our officers screened 2.927M individuals. Travelers should continue to arrive at airports early!
(I think they mean K not M but literacy matters)
For people like us (downscalers who got a lot of travel out of our system by flying our old Beechcraft around the country half a dozen years) it’s nice to see people seeing new vistas. But we’re reminded there are “causes and effects” that get overlooked in the consumption-addicted culture. Like what? Oil set for boost from July 4 travel surge (investmentnews.com).
For now, the commodity prices show oil about $80.75. For the day (so far, press time) the big mover has been silver which is well over $30 and up more than 2 percent for the day. $30.54 high (for now). Remember when we told readers in 2005 we were buying some at $6.95? People who don’t understand “betting with the House on long-term inflation are a bit slow on the update.
When it comes to buying homes, too. Because when you lock-in a home price – and don’t go moving around like a fart in a hot skillet all the time – you can reduce your personal operating costs dramatically. As we are living proof, even Social Security ain’t so bad if you don’t have a mortgage, too many bills, and a Medicare Advantage Plan.
But Gets Us to Housing
Hard to get a straight view of things with both corporate-owned political parties yammering. The Official view goes like so:
- Building Permits: 1,386,000
- Housing Starts: 1,277,000
- Housing Completions: 1,514,000
The hell of it is, though, that winning in the inflation game is something the government has figured out and has a counter to: Property Taxes. There are lots of places (with too much government) where $10,000 a year (and up) is being charged for mid-scale homes just in “property taxes.” This happens because government “co-owns” your home. Just try skipping a few years of property taxes and see the true owner come out. You rent from the government here – yet when the Soviets were around, government owned housing…Oh? Don’t get him started?
U.I. Filings
Economic bumps in life (like getting behind the 8-ball on taxes) is a lesson not everyone learns, but it’s a key one. Especially when the well-paying job ups and disappears. Which gets reflected in U.I. filings…
Which, in states that were the biggest movers in the past week, looked like this:
We also hear that some (blue) states (like Oregon) are jacking-around new filers who are trying to get UI benefits. They don’t answer phones, don’t return calls. And I know one young woman who has hired a law firm out there because she’s already been forced into filing for bankruptcy due to the Oregon knuckle draggers. Pencil-in a class action shortly.
Current Account
With governmental misfeasance ram-ant – and this being an election year the cooking of the books won’t likely be clear until 2025. You can do a lot with “slow pay” strategies – ask any high-tech accountant. Still, we do have a national set of books:
“The U.S. current-account deficit, which reflects the combined balances on trade in goods and services and income flows between U.S. residents and residents of other countries, widened by $15.9 billion, or 7.2 percent, to $237.6 billion in the first quarter of 2024, according to statistics released today by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The revised fourth-quarter deficit was $221.8 billion.
The first-quarter deficit was 3.4 percent of current-dollar gross domestic product, up from 3.2 percent in the fourth quarter.
The $15.9 billion widening of the current-account deficit in the first quarter mostly reflected an expanded deficit on goods.”
We also notice the U.S. Public Debt to the Penny is still (just, lol) $34.750 trillion. But this was on the 17th. On the same day in the previous month, May 17th, the number was $34.560. From this we conclude the debt is growing at a $200 billion per month rate, so pencil in a placeholder for rolling through $35 trillion in federal public debt toward the end of July. and $36 trillion by the end of the year.
Just keep your thinking clear: that’s the federal debt (and not inescapable interest due – that about doubles it) only. Your property taxes are a tax on “trying to keep up with the Joneses.” Trailer in the remote woods making sense to you yet, Bubba?
Philly Fed Numbs
One last shot of happy-talk before we look at the Roman Candle markets:
“Current Indicators Are Mixed
The diffusion index for current general activity edged down 3 points to 1.3 in June, its lowest reading since January (see Chart 1). Twenty-four percent of the firms reported increases in general activity this month, while 23 percent reported decreases; 50 percent reported no change. The index for new orders recorded a second consecutive negative reading but moved up from -7.9 in May to -2.2 in June. The current shipments index fell 6 points to -7.2, its lowest reading since December.
As of this morning, the market cap of NVidia is $3.34 trillion dollars. This is:
- Bigger than the entire 2023 GDP of the UK ($3.06 trillion).
- It takes about 1-1/2 “Russia’s” to make an NVidia.
- More than three Switzerland’s – and this is the gnome’s home?
- About 10-Finland’s.
- And about 100 Iceland’s.
This ain’t a Bubble?
My consigliere may be gloating – since he’s been in the “Higher till Labor Day” camp for months. And you can see where a decline from here to any of the trend channels could set up a base from which an end of summer scream higher could be based.
Sliding Puzzle Pieces
Am I the only one who remembers the R&B song by Mel & Tim called “Backfield in Motion”? This weas back in my R&B transmitter engineer days at KYAC (The Soul of the City) while other kids my age were flipping burgers and mowing lawns. Quite a tale about Mel and Tim here.
Anyway, a lone day off for G.A. Stewart hasn’t been enough time to whip up a Nostradamus update over at https://theageofdesolation.com, so allow us to do some of his Puzzle Sliding.
Ukraine Puzzle:
- Putin Caught Looking ‘Bored’ in North Korea Visit Videos | Charlotte Observer
- Nostradamus’ reference to the “Black King” has an interesting headline sighting to note (linguistically): The Wrap-Up! King & Obama at CAA Amplify, ABFF Outshines a Downpour and Urban Negro League Gala – EBONY
And in the District of Corruption, did you notice this War Party coup? Ready To Send Your Sons To Die For Ukraine? The House Just Passed a Mandatory Military Registration Bill For Ages 18-26! | WLT Report We don’t call ’em the War Parties for nothing!
Middle East?
- Lebanon is reheating as New Israeli border town evacuated as Hezbollah clashes escalate. In Israel, the public is being conditioned what to expect as Missiles and drones: This is how Hezbollah is preparing to declare war.
- But for now, Egypt is fairly low key: Except they seem to understand how borders work (unlike the US): Amnesty International condemns Egypt for deportations of Sudanese refugees – Sudan Tribune
Oh, there was one odd bit that was almost like a “time machine woo-woo” deal in Egypt: Ancient Egyptian Marge Simpson a ‘significant’ discovery | CTV News. If Egyptian authorities unearth an Ancient Bart (or Mongomery), we’ll pass it along.
Desanity, Devolving, Depressing
Not sure if this belongs in the “go Woke, go broke” file. But… Far-Left Daily Beast Collapses, Goes Bankrupt, 70% of Staffers Fired | Headline USA
Sumer does what? Gets hot. Climate Propaganda Cabals Ramp Up the Heat for Summer – Climate Depot
Around the Ranch: Help for Lousanna
From “One Nation under God” to One Nation under siege? Louisiana becomes nation’s first state to require Ten Commandments in classrooms. Which is bad…how exactly?
OK, we see where some (minor) retooling might be needed, but the idea of values education is a great idea. Let’s go through them and propose the Modified 10 Commandments (M10C) list. See if Liberals could sign on to even these de-=religified (z’at a word even???) values…
1. “You shall have no other gods before me.” Government is not God.
2. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above. A.I., phones, and media all together aren’t God.
3. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. Don’t talk shit or be a rude loudmouth f*ck.
4. “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Take comp and vacation time.
5. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Be nice or be out of the Will.
6. “You shall not murder. (add) or commit violent acts of any kind.
7. “You shall not commit adultery.
8. “You shall not steal. (add) Not even under color of Law.
9. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Remember perjury laws. (add) Unless it’s a political trial in an election year.
10. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.” Leave the Joneses alone, (Add) Unless you can afford the attorney costs.
We would also propose the Golden Rule:
11. Do to Others what you would have them do to you.
12. Live within your means.
13. Hire the best lawyers, accountants, doctors, and dentists you can.
There. That should make it all acceptable to all liberals.
But why do I think it won’t?
Could we all just aim for “Equal Opportunity Offenders?”
Write when you get rich,
come on Man ! the only thing that matters in life right now, or ever is Bitcoin..say it again, BITCOIN!
Did youse fine folks Buy the F-ing Dip ? Why not ? What the hell are you waiting for ? winning lottery jackpot ? sure. Rich uncle leaving you millions ? sure. Long NVDA stock – okay maybe that..but really when the greatest financial asset known to galaxy, is at bottom of range bound trading range (consolidation) – Youse got to nibble on some “cheese’ , dammit! Its akin to buying a tightly coiled spring..
Well now you’ve gone and done it – decided NOT to act on Ure buying instincts – oh well – really like BTC above $66k, when today’s candle closes above $66k – we bee off 2 the races..woot woot…Thats WOO with a T!
? Who is Shatosky..hint owns gray Husky -Pomeranian Mix of cool dog.
I did sample the dip. Its delish!
BCN, On your shat list, heres a shortlist of team members in my speculation. Maybe one, some, or all of the below.
Jeb McCaleb
Brad Garlinghouse
Vitalik Buterin
Charles Hodskinson
Gary Genslur
Tim Draper
Dar Pa
Lang Lee
For T Meade
David Schwartz [check his 1980’s patent and the cover of the Economist in 1988 that was released shortly after said patent was awarded]
The Pooh Team
The Arab League
The BoE
All of the above, and all you homegamers that are HODLing
Not Advice. Do your own research.
How come this guy isnt in the Forbes’ billionare Crypto list???
His initial holding stake of 50,000 BTC pencils out to about $3.2 x 10^9 FRN chits.
Get ready for the wave.
(“Fourth of July will fall on a Thursday this year – two weeks from today – we expect tons of people will turn this one into a four-day weekend.”)
Absolutely they will for those working in a govt. facility.. look at the federal days off… the special holidays like have a great jallopy day here folks.. LOL LOL when I ran a cleaning crew.. the guys were bitching because they were always working.. we had the federal hollidays.. and fourteen days of company vacation.. LOL
so I said.. if you don’t mind and would like to try it.. why don’t we just use the congressional scheduler LOL LOL…
what..keep a skeleton crew to maintain.. and do majors on days with full staff.. anyway.. I was off.. came in.. the boss got a stupid look on his face..( we are still friends he lives a few miles from me ) and he says.. I THOUGHT YOU QUIT LOL LOL LOL…no it was just my days off..must have missed me.. so he grabs the schedule.. then gets red and says.. you can’t do that.. you have more time off that the managers do.. LOL and we went back to a normal work schedule..
GOVERNMENT jobs are like that.. they do the skeleton crew and do the macarena the rest of the time.. in at eight out at three thirty.. LOL one gent I took him to the VA healthcare center.. we were sitting there.. all of a sudden he sits bolt upright and says.. where did everyone go and the lights are all off.. you can hear crickets in here.. LOL LOL LOL yeah its three thirty that herd of people you see leaving was the staff LOL LOL..They have to have seven days to get their fat ass up and walk over to the scheduling book to write down a ride for transportation LOL LOL LOL..
gotta love it.. like chiropractor.. instead of one visit they schedule you for six or ten.. see is shows that they are busy.. got a full schedule LOL the VA healthcare system the only bad thing about it is.. they run it as a government facility rather than a medical facility.. that is the only thing wrong with it.. and instead of filling the schedule with non events.. they should schedule like a doctor would in his own office..
my doctor has sixteen weeks of vacation.. sixteen out of fifty two.. and only has to work a weekend flip once every three months.. unlike the rest of the medical world.. he was telling me about… needing more vacation.. I said do a congress.. its sure easy enough if you work government.. you are already racing to get free at three thirty.. LOL LOL
Que in the Rawhide song… LOL
so for a thursday.. holiday.. take wednesday and friday you get five days in a row..
When I worked county.. we had to work on one of the federal holidays.. but to compensate.. we could take off any other federal holiday LOL LOL
we made a big deal out of taking off.. POINSETTIA DAY LOL.. had huge signs put up like the jallopy day.. or juneteenth LOL LOL.. yup a holiday for the rememberance of those the abolition of slavery.. all made up by the same people supporting and escorting new slave traders today.. LOL LOL LOL how will that play out in three hundred years LOL LOL LOL
“As we are living proof, even Social Security ain’t so bad if you don’t have a mortgage, too many bills, and a Medicare Advantage Plan.”
Absolutely agree.
Nope it wouldn’t be.. and if we had a decent healthcare system.. like in Canada.. you could even possibly leave something for the kids.. sadly .. you can’t.. my mother has money left in a bank.. but to get it.. costs money then the money has to be left over to the state.. yup.. so each year we see it gaining in value but so are the costs of getting it.. healthcare waits to see a doctor is years in length..I believe my next appointment for the doctor himself is a little over a year away.. and the guy in the city that gets a thousand a minute.. he wrote me saying he would like to examine me again.. ( I am sure he would to.. ) if I go to see him.. I would have hand prints on my shoulders.. and I would feel like.. que the song.. (https://youtu.be/s__rX_WL100?si=PanXuIBFEqRIr0fU)
around the wastelands.. up until it was overrun by illegals.. almost the whole community would move down to south texas and arizona for the winter.. they could go over to mexico and get the medications and medical treatments that they needed that they cannot afford in the USA the savings was enough to pay for the whole winter trip.. I have to get the IRS sixty something dollars.. what they use to do is go to your bank.. ( the bank gives it to them whether or not you have it.. ) and take what you owe for va healthcare… now the send you a bill.. then double it every thirty days.. so if I don’t want to see this turn into a bill for over a hundred dollars.. I have to give them a call and get it to them asap… at the regular clinic.. you cannot even get in to see a doctor unless you flash the green backs.. one friends dad had to have a heart bipass… no one would see him.. his insurance company dropped him before he needed it.. they raised the cost of the insurance to more than he made.. the doctor finally did it.. his response to them.. I have always wanted to own a farm.. ( he got it to one section of prime farm land).. if you have the money then yes if your rich you get to see the doctor if your poor then you take what they have … if you don’t have any insurance and no money.. then they send you to the ER at the hospital or wait until it is so bad that it becomes life threatoning.. ( that is why people are sicker going into the ER by the way..) .. they have to diagnose you at a thousand plus then have someone call you every hour or half hour to tell you what a worthless bastard you are…. but they don’t have to treat unless it is life threatening.. the wifes employer just sold off his Medical facilities.. see govt.. regulated prices for long term care.. don’t even pay for minimum wage of seven dollars an hour. what government does is average it out to three dollars an hour …because of everything else.. and not able to get the supplies or pay the people or pay brick and mortar expenses he couldn’t afford to run them anymore.. a gas station I use to get fuel from closed.. same thing.. can’t afford to keep it open.. ( federal medical centers don’t have those expenses and the prices of everything is divided up among everyone.. what the issues they have is they run it as a govt facility not a medical facility..)
Having Canadian cousins and looking at what the Canadian doctors have done to some of our friends (in the name of free medicine) you can keep the Canadian health system. Butchery with a license?
Seems like social medicine anywhere needs help and the USA health system is Way Overpriced!
Sucks all around doesn’t it? Stay healthy if ya can.
Yes it is.. if you don’t have the money you don’t get the care.. One gent that lived in our spare room.. had to have cancer treatments.. covered by the VA healthcare .. he gets a letter asking him for his good will prepayment towards his treatments..( fifty grand is the usual amount) then they cancelled his appointments and sent him home.. took extra long to get a different appointment.. the last treatment that they had they cancelled as well..my teeth.. they want another ten grand I should have gotten the second mortgage and got the implants LOL.. overall I have just about spent as much as the implants would have cost me then.. and I cannot get anymore done until I pay off what I owe now.. .. you have to be choosey.. I know I am a little nervous .. the doctor that was going to do my eye surgery a week ago.. was a no call no show.. just decided that it was to nice out to get up and go to work and since they only pay him a half mil a year what insult is it to have to do his job for that pittance of an income.. reminds me of one of my daughters best friends dad.. he was the second in charge of the hospital here.. they downsized in the early nineties.. or late eighties.. I forget which.. and he was offered a position in another state.. we were watching the kids swim and having a cold drink and he was telling me.. how insulted he was that the most they would offer him was a half mil a year.. I made three dollars and fifty cents an hour.. I said for that kind of money.. they could slap me all day with that kind of insult LOL…. so do I trust him.. most of our income goes for medical and taxes as it is now.. and if you survive to make it to a nursing facility.. then you get to pay a quarter mil a year for your housing.( my plan is to GIVE the house to one of the kids..if the wife passes before me.. one of the kids gets the house.. then I keep my bedroom they can do whatever they wish.. and I will have someone capable to keep an eye on me until I need to be placed in a heavy wing..) . the nursing facilities today of course get the medications through their pharmacy.. one gent thirty years ago that I knew.. was paying almost five hundred a month for thirty tylenol.. I am sure that inflation has gone up considerably since..
his son would come an take him to buy it.. then we were told to go in grab it then flush it.. I felt so bad about it.. what is funny is HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN AFFORD A quarter mil a year per person.. a friend of mine built long term care facilities.. and we were talking one day.. he said.. you need to come in with us.. no it takes cash.. then a couple years later he said they are throwing farms at me.. yes but.. for how long.. give it five years.. well at the end of five years they went bankrupt.. ( my wife works at one of the facilities they built it goes up for sale every few years) the reason is.. you may have a million or two.. but.. what you have is once it is gone.. you still have brick and mortar costs.. government facilities don’t pay taxes.. they get their funding from taxes.. their self insured no high mal practice insurance costs.. their utilities.. are government .. brick and mortar comes from everyone.. not the person.. but split among everyone.. like the religious groups that sell health insurance policies as a group.. and split the cost.. the insurance is cheaper than buying insurance from a company that sells insurance.. the churches are tax free..
the wages are all split even though my doctor feels he is cheated.. he doesn’t have any brick and mortar expenses.. he doesn’t have to pay utilities or his staff’s wages..
now once the money you have is gone.. then the nursing companies.. have to go to public assistance to pay for your care.. all while making up the other expenses.. and the govt only allows three dollars an hour for an eight hour day for title nineteen or what ever medicaid cost.. which is why the nursing facility my wife works at keeps getting sold..
now she worked with one company that bought nursing facilities across the USA.. got a few billion in loans to buy them.. then didn’t make any payments on the loans and didn’t pay any of the utilities or expenses…. all the facilities depended on their employees to provide essential supplies.. I know I put a few hundred into depends diapers for the residents.. the owner took the money they were getting and ran..
then when covid hit he got another thirty million covid funds from good old Joe..
what surprised me is now a bunch of Hospitals are going under.. he got another loan bought a bunch of hospitals.. did exactly the same thing.. a bunch of them in Texas to.. he gets rich.. and the people suffer.. In a hospital system like the one in Canada or the UK.. doctors wages are set.. like my surgeon that gets a half million a year wages.. and all the days off and huge benefit packages along with all his school loans being forgiven.. its the GREED that fires the flame and incompetence.. a janitor friends son in law a heart surgeon.. every one of his patients had horrible infections.. anyway we were talking over coffee one night and he said that kid is insane.. the hospital bought him a million dollar house.. ( great tax right off ) gave the kids five million dollars to come here.. ( this was back when five million was a lot of money to..) and gave him a guaranteed income of a half million to be on their staff of doctors.. he couldn’t live on it.. and had to push the cabages to eighteen hours a day.. he needed more..
NOW for the opposite hospital.. the father son surgeons.. got into medicine because their family had a lot of medical issues.. none of his had any infections.. his stitches were the best.. he go into it for the medicine and to make a difference.. those doctors that are in it for the medicine are really good doctors.. one doctor graduated from stanford.. nice guy smart.. I love to debate him.. he worked with my two doctors.. the woman is still better looking than those two.. and when I see her at the grocery store I will give her a hard time about my being disappointed on her retiring.. they got into medicine for the right reasons.. its the same anywhere you go..
If I needed heart surgery I would definitely go and visit with the son that worked in cardiac.. Luckily I took care of the fathers mother and the sons great grandma.. great people..
my ex wifes surgeon.. he is the one that let me refinish his parking lot in exchange for his talents taking care of my ex wifes surgery.. ( I will never do that again.. wow big job even trade)
Dead bang ON! You are correct Sir. USA has the finest – best Doctors/Facilities/MedTech in da world. My Irish (off the boat) Son in Law waited till he got here (2+ yrs legally) to get his Nutectomy due crappy care in UK. Unfortunately we have the “greedsters” mucking up the System (s) – Insurance Companies – straight Philly – BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
They suck money out OUR pockets all day/ everyday. They Payed off obongo’s crew and voila Obonga Care..arent we fortunate ?
“As we are living proof, even Social Security ain’t so bad if you don’t have a mortgage, too many bills, and a Medicare Advantage Plan.”
Works for me, too.
(“the public is being conditioned what to expect as Missiles and drones: This is how Hezbollah is preparing to declare war.”)
I have seen a few news articles lately about the potential for slaughterbots being implemented..below is a few ted x talks on slaughterbot technology.. and the last one is a talk asking people to think.. why do we always celebrate the worst and hire them to lead.. ( its all in the business model and we know that.. )
One decent sniper with a 50cal can take out any “slaughter-bot” you can devise. I wouldn’t worry about them too much.
Yep a Barrett 50 always saves the day.
so true.. but at a buck a piece.. or less.. china’s cost of living is way cheaper than here you don’t have enough snipers or bullets.. on a long distant drone.. they could drop five hundred thousand of those with one swoop like confetti or a drone swarm .. that is the scary part..
a few years ago I seen an article of a space drone missile platform similar to a HMAR and a conveyor belt.. that was all robotic.. scary looking stuff.. that supposedly one of the countries sloe is trying to piss off has..
.50Cal alternatives: Although I must say the M2 would be a conversation starter.
Possibly ? one of these:
in this band:
Will send your average drone into a break dancing session on the ground.
Not Advice, for educational purposes only and dont try this at home unless you want organ damage should you you forget to suit up. LOL. What a crazy world.
Yo Steevo,
me thinks you are onto something…Scalar Energy – the other brother from another mother.
ElectroMagnetic and Scalar – one is not like the other, but does the same Work.
Fact of the matter is – if you live in around Scalar energies – your over all energy body will thrive. Auto tunes our dormant Chakra system.
Some folks are calling it “Scalar Light” …a Collector (that collects NRG/Aether/Qi), connects to Tesla Coil (s). No other outside source of Energy. Hold light bulbs up to coil – it lights up, hold a thick piece of Wood up between lightbulb and coil – lights up just the same..
This is the frontier we have arrived at – only question – when will TPTB publicly unleash the new scalar based Weaponry?
Just look up at the Chemtrails – part of the system JFK spoke about 60 years ago, to control Weather..
“Your property taxes are a tax on “trying to keep up with the Joneses.” Trailer in the remote woods making sense to you yet, Bubba?”
As long as I can afford it, I’m grateful for my house on an island, in a bay, across from ocean. What you need to ask yourself George is this. Add up all the houses, multiply by $10K and ask yourself. Where is all that money going???
one word: away
Two? a tie between Other pockets and Ben Dover
Dam that answers that question.. I was wondering why I had a hole in the seat of my pants.. I got the bend over
Option two seems reasonable while Occams Razor would drive the one word solution . LOL . Great Answers.
10K !???!. My home assessment is less than the exemption. Can’t you grow trees or something agricultural like ? How about beekeeping; does that count as agriculture in your vicinity ?
Yes… Beekeeping is agriculture around the wastelands..
“Help for Louisiana”
IMO .gov passes these laws to create billable hours. It doesn’t get any better than State Vs State. State lawyers are high paying (good) jobs w/.gov pensions.
Think about the Saudi 911 lawsuit. Over two decades of billable hours. The legal-beagle parents that started the case may have had kids who were directed into law school back during 2002 and now on the case. And people go for it.
In the end after millions of tax payer loot is spent – property tax money – on billable hours Louisiana will have to display the Muslim/Buddhists/Hindus/etc. creeds/prohibitions/etc.
Perhaps the missing Ten Commandments and following lawsuits will fix the public school program Vs Louisiana hiring better teachers.
“Louisiana was ranked 40th on U.S. News & World Report’s list of the best states for pre-K through 12th-grade education, up from 41st last year.”
– May 13, 2024
(“There are lots of places (with too much government) where $10,000 a year (and up) is being charged for mid-scale homes just in “property taxes.” This happens because government “co-owns” your home. “)
in eighty seven I built a home.. for what I pay in two year for home taxes…
that year a woman that I knew as Grandma.. ( my best friends grandmother ) passed on.. we were talking and his brother and I were trying to convince him to come to the gym we both did.. he said why should I .. I have an olympic swimming pool in my backyard that I keep heated year round.. ( he gave each of his kids a half mil for their sixteenth birthday ) after he told me what he paid for his garage alone I said boy you need to check your shoulders.. he asked why.. I said I think theres a couple of hand prints on them were someone bent you over and took advantage of you.. LOL LOL he said.. no I had to spend it to save it from taxes.. I said why in the hell didn’t you set up a fund for your employees.. you still have control over it.. and you would have a staff so dedicated to you they would go through hell fire for ya.. NAW .. they get a paycheck was his answer..
he said I make a million every three months .. he retired at forty.. His brother and I had thought hey we should all go out for breakfast reminisce and have coffee… one morning so we both invited him to come join us.. his wife forbid that we do it.. she for some ungodly reason thought we were going to hit him up for money.. LOL LOL LOL LOL .. well maybe some do that shit not us.. his brother still drives parts for an auto parts store.. said because he doesn’t fit the income guidelines of the country club.. he isn’t ever invited for family functions.. I get that.. my brother was the same way..
now we talk all the time.. he use to send me these dam suits … I wasn’t successful enough for his taste.. anyway to know my sibling.. he has to have the fancy pinky ring and everything has to be perfect LOL LOL LOL LOL.. so I have a pair of shorts for his xmas gift this year being made… they hopefully will look exactly like these..
My friend his brother had for his first car a shelby cobra.. fresh off the truck.. it was his baby.. anyway.. when he got married.. we didn’t want to mess it up.. so we put marbles in the bearing cover on his tires.. he drove off and it didn’t make a sound.. when he came back.. he was driving a cavalier.. wheres the cobra.. Oh we got a couple hundred miles away slowed down.. and the rear end went out.. they couldn’t get parts so they traded me even up for the cavalier.. now I feel horrible about this.. it was those dam marbles.. anyway his brother now a multi millionaire.. bought himself a sixty nine camero the first car he ever had.. for memories sake.. I said to him.. dam it.. I would get your brother a cobra.. you know it was us that put those dam marbles in his hub caps that did this.. shoot he still runs around with a small cobra on his key chain.. he brother laughed and said oh he will survive hes survived this long..
well I win the lottery one just like the one he had will be delivered LOL.. worst trick I ever played on.. well not the worst trick..
one guy that worked with us.. had a beautiful old car.. it was a honey to.. big though huge.. big.. just after they deregulated price of fuel and gas was up to a dollar something.. a gallon.. he would come in .. and say god dam.. do you think I should paint my car.. we would say do what you like it is a nice car..
( we would slide gay magazines in under his seat to LOL)
anyway this went on for months.. every time you seen him he would say god dam you think I should paint my car..
so one day the other worker and I were in and I said hey speaking of questions.. I have an important question to ask.. do you think that our coworker should paint his car.. my other coworker said.. what are you joking.. I said no.. he loves that old beast.. and it is in great running condition.. what do you seriously think.. he said well if it was me.. I would paint it.. so every day we would put a gallon of gas in his tank… after a couple of months.. he came in with the normal god dam do you think I should paint my car.. and we asked him.. out of curiosity what kind of mileage do you get with the beast.. he started to figure it out.. and heck . He was getting almost a thousand miles to a gallon LOL LOL… well that is pretty good mileage .. i get fifteen miles to gallon.. so the decision is yours..
He got it painted..
then the other guy said.. hey I think we should get some of our money back from that.. naw leave it alone we don’t have to have him asking this question anymore.. but gas was expensive at a buck and a quarter.. so he would sneak out and since he put half in was taking a half gallon out of his tank every day.. LOL after a few weeks the guy said.. I think there is something wrong.. fire it up.. purring like a kitten.. nope don’t hear anything out of order.. just must be the fuel your buying..
I feel pretty horrible about that never expected what happened.. it is still funny though.. and I have regrets about doing both of those jokes.. I quit after that.. as a kid I was easily bored..
that is what I am seeing with our leadership now.. they are doing this shitty stuff.. and they to are not thinking about what could happen.. and if it does happen.. the results will eaffect every single one of us..
(“Ukraine Puzzle:
Putin Caught Looking ‘Bored’ in North Korea Visit Videos | Charlotte Observer”)
Not necessarily…. To me.. that looks a lot like the expression that a person has when they are told by the oncologist.. theres nothing left we can do about your cancer.. we have to go all the way…Putin hasn’t been to NK for a long long time.. everyone the world knows that Kim in NK is the wild card.. heck the oligarchs don’t even mess with him even though they want was NK has for their bank accounts.. Kim is the first and so far the ONLY one world leader that comes right out and says.. hey make my day punk.. your home and backyard won’t fare as well as it does in the regular wars.. ( notice how many BLM and Antifa riots were held in the hamptons and marthas vineyards, the homes north of richmond.. or beverly hills.. no.. even though they are the ones that make the rules.. its always someplace else.. were the little un essential people live.. )
The Russian people are sick and tired and pushing for Putin to get more aggressive they are tired of what they see as humiliating acts of aggression against them.. Just like our politicians are ignoring the constant advice to use great caution on what we are doing.. his generals are getting impatient and saying we need to be more forcefull.. Putin and Xi are the only ones that would de escalate this whole thing in a heartbeat.. our greed and covetousness is to great and we keep pushing the envelope.. I am more afraid of that look.. something big is being contemplated there.. not necessarily boredom.. I hope and pray its boredom or just being tired.. but no.. I have seen that look way to many times.. that is deep thought on future events..
Yup.. just what I thought..I have thought since we first started to push this war and destruction thing that Kim in NK will be the wild card ….
Congress will implement the draft.. UK will do it first.. or will there be a big event before this happens.. what agency that gives out threat analysis said.. they anticipate that over a million of bidens illegals are military in the united states that passed illegally and are even going to be in our military to expedite their citizenship.. what could go wrong.. give a military aged illegal citizenship and a gun…… seriously what could go wrong with that plan..
and our children will be the fodder to the bigger war.. in a year if things keep escalating like they are.. everyone of us alive will have PTSD
“they anticipate that over a million of bidens illegals are military in the united states that passed illegally and are even going to be in our military to expedite their citizenship.. what could go wrong..”
G.A. STEWART: Since I wrote over a decade ago that the invasion of illegal immigrants into the countries of the West was really a soft invasion arranged by George Soros’ social engineers…
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: As I outlined in the special report on the Migrant Crisis, this will backfire on the Democrats, for the unskilled people they are flooding the country with will turn on Americans exactly as took place in ancient Rome when Emperor Valens did the same thing as Biden and opened the border. When they turned against the Romans, there was a huge battle, and even Emperor Vales was killed in that battle by the migrants.
“Trailer in the remote woods making sense to you yet, Bubba?”
Under NO circumstances, because effort vs. reward doesn’t make sense to my kind of thinking. However, any person’s desire is his/her heaven ;-).
I would like to …
Or live on the reservation.. they are the only ones preparing for what is coming.. while the USA ignores the infrastructure for the business model of stuffing big buck billies pockets.. they are preparing for a hard grid down..
To LOOTB, You & I, (as well as others!), have different life experiences that determine to a very large extend what we believe. for the future to happen. Nobody knows for sure because it’s all a matter of probabilities. If in doubt ask George ;-). Enjoy the present for tomorrow you might not be present. That’s what I know and I do not need any predictions.
that is absolutely the truth choices..
I know of few Indians who are preparing for anything, other than the NY Seneca and possibly some of the “desert Southwest” tribes. AIM is flooding the reservations with propaganda. The Indians who’re under about age 60 don’t know it’s a communist front, and many are buying, wholesale, into the BS.
“AIM is flooding the reservations with propaganda.”
I hadn’t heard any of the propaganda I wonder what they are telling the younger members of the tribe..
‘Same stuff they were saying in the ’60s:
Rise up and take back our land
Death to Whitey
Burn it all down
It’s all stuff that sounds good, until you understand the direction the leaders of the movement are trying to drive the kiddies. The Reservation Indians I’ve met and hung with all strongly approve the generic ethnic moniker “Indian” or “American Indian;” the AIMers all demand “Native American.” The Indians know why Washington’s football team were the “Redskins” and the Cleveland baseball team were the “Indians,” and that those were names of honor, not insult. The AIMers go for rewriting history and eliminating such indicators of honor or respect — same as the Black and White Marxists are doing with our history. Eliminate the history and tradition that is, then replace it with the one you’ve manufactured. If Marx is too dry a read, you can go with Trotsky or Mao and get the same message…
Really?? South Dakota reservations have banned Gov. Noem, a Trump acolyte, she claims Tribes work with Cartels (typical Trump propaganda):
It’s been around a long time.
The earliest known proof of property tax was found in the form of clay tablets in the ancient city of Lagash, just north of the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers in modern day Iraq., dating back to 6,000 BC. The king of the city-state devised a small, simple property tax to fund the paving of the streets in Lagash. [ a type of cobble stone was used., a few small sections still exist.] One year after the main street was paved he order oil burning street lamps to be installed and a small crew to maintain and keep the lamps burning at night for nearly a thousand feet of paved street.. marking the first known “City Lights”., in 6,000 BC ! London wasn’t even a decent campsite in 6,000 BC.
There is some evidence that a wealthy Chinese war lord did the exact same thing., a small simple property tax, for the exact same reason, around 5,200 BC. Two painted scrolls have been found showing workers paving a street with cobble stone and exalting the war lord. The street and the city were not named.
Though changed greatly – property tax has been around for a very long time.
(“Two painted scrolls have been found showing workers paving a street with cobble stone and exalting the war lord.”)
Cambridge has them available to read in the school library.. ( the scroll interpretted.. “)
I am sure they have the original to.. I just can’t read it.. LOL
“Buy Now, Pay Later” is suddenly everywhere!
John Rubino: It’s as if all the normal ways of borrowing have been exhausted, and now the credit-industrial complex is scraping the bottom of the barrel with manipulated reporting requirements and quasi-loans aimed at people who can’t access any other kind of ready cash.
Pushing your customers right up to the edge of insolvency might seem like a curious business practice — until you remember that credit card companies earn most of their profits from late fees and interest on balances carried month-to-month. So the space between marginal solvency and pre-bankruptcy is the sweet spot for today’s lenders.
For the Aristocracy, there’s another benefit: The resulting class of debt slaves is too busy scraping by to cause trouble.
“For the Aristocracy, there’s another benefit: The resulting class of debt slaves is too busy scraping by to cause trouble.”
You forgot the other aristocracy credo: This means no Crypto for you!
Got Blockchain?
It is being packaged in CLO’s shit debt structures – they carve the deal up into various tranches and sold to dumb retirement accounts like California as one example and in my humble opinion they will all fail.
re: automatic registration selective service. you may be right about the “war party”. your sons are safe because it has no chance of passing in the dem controlled senate.
211 republicans yeas, 196 democrat noes
re: louisiana. the state always is near the bottom of the fifty in terms of public education. i’d rather see them do something to improve education in general so kids have a better shot at being successful in life. that would spending money though. the ten commandments posters remind me of the corporate posters from the 1980-90’s when I was in corporate – “soar” “believe” “take charge” with pictures of eagles flying and lighthouses being battered by surf. the bosses would have had a better response buying lunch for everyone.
no kid will be bettered prepared for life because of the 10C posters. besides, i thought “conservatives” were against school teaching morality. “conservatives” want education limited to the three R’s. it’s okay with y’all because it’s DEI but under a christian hood.
truth, you worry about just putting up posters funded by private funds according to the law
yet not a word about trannies of gender confusion being brought into the class rooms
why am I not surprised by your view point when you bath your foster daughter, when she was old enough to bath herself? ya still doing it?
we conservatives are against perversion of the childs mind,,, they are born as a blank slate, yet you demons want to pervert them and rail against giving them morals to live by.
your comparing, putting up 10 Commandment posters to DEI is illogical
one is a list of guide lines to better humanity, where as
DEI is taking away from those who earn it and giving it to those who have NOT earn or done the work
DEI looks and sounds like a commie/socialist dream to destroy our country
:Diversity is weakness, dilution and a pollution,,, put some water in your engine oil and see
:Equity is stealing from the workers and giving to the nonproducers
:Inclusion is a Trojan horse to bring in garbage that weakens and sicken US
Keep railing against those demons, so is the Law!!
Trump’s spiritual advisor, Megachurch Pastor Morris resigns after admitting to sexual behavior with a 12 year old:
Rep. Gaetz, whose friend Greenberg is in jail for sex trafficking, is being investigated due to recent witness claims of sex with 17 year old, drugs, etc:
Buy silver in 2005, have what a 6x gain by today. Could have bought MSFT for 20-30$ that same year and had a 22x gain not counting dividends. Or maybe bought the NASDAQ index for ~2000 back then and today ~17000 or a 8.5x gain, not even including re-investing dividends. Seldom is buying a commodity/currency more then an inflation hedge. But you will always be correct with modern monetary theory inflation will always be a thing, so in most cases currency will devalue and commodities will increase. But I wouldn’t necessarily conclude buying metals (which are also kind of expensive to buy, sell and protect) make a good long term investment. Buy a savings bond 30 years ago at 5% and would have had a 4x gain and is exempt from some taxes, where if you follow the tax law, selling your silver may trigger taxes on the gains.
Be sure to include Proverbs 6:16-19
I point out to my brethren at church that interestingly, sex of any kind is not mentioned (at least that the Dude doesn’t “Hate” (i.e. want to murder)it. Abomination just means makes him want to puke. Root word is vomit,
But lying is mentioned twice.
Here they are.
1)A Proud look.
2)A Lying tongue (the first two could be Hillary’s Campaign poster.)
3)Hands that shed innocent blood (this could be anything from an abortionist to someone setting open border policies)
4) A heart that devises wicked imaginations (current Hollyweird screen writers?)
5)Feet swift running to mischief (current Mainstream Media?)
6) A false witness that speaks lies (a twofer here, the lie, and a witness is under oath, another lie so three times)
7) He who sows discord among the brethren. (that could be the media again.)
So, God may get sick of our sex stuff but he sure is down on liars.
These need to be included in the commandments, but I can’t see the left agreeing to any of them
Ya mean the tablets brought down from a mountainside by some dude they call Moses ?
Mose, who does not appear ANYWHERE in History until the 3 rd Century. Third Century .
FACT . The papacy is, just like Jesus, without any historical agency.
-” What happened to the mystical theology of the church, the doctrine from which all the angels derive? We have the words of Dionysus that he was there, at the beginning.
Well, it turns out that Dionysus was a pagan. Seems that God and Jesus and the Pope left the trash mobs of Christianity-the enforcers who did things like murder Hypatia of Alexandria-all absolved according to christians I might add-without a theology.
No matter, master Dionysus simply imported a mystical theology, changed here and there to get past the jaundiced gaze of bishops and the like for around 1,500 years.
Aquinas to the rescue, smote the pagan dog, and replaced a sophisticated, delicate, and beautiful theology with-absolutely nothing, thereby making christianity a haven for idiots and the laughing stock of philosophy. Faith, said the righteous one, was all you need.
And actually he was correct, because when your founding guy winds up to be a fantasy, and your religion a fraud, and your theology pagan and you just still gotta believe, you sure as fuck are going to need faith…
Or a better religion.” – MK
Knock knock
whos there?
Avan who ?
Avan a good time, yet?
Natasha – how stupid are these Westerners ? Never mind Moose & Squirrel, will be easy pickens 4 2 -new N. Korean hunting dogs..woof.
I bet the decision to give Kim in NK hypersonic nuclears had to be a tough one.. Putin and Xi have been trying to be the adults in the room since the very beginning of all of this.. when it could have all been avoided..
Now to see the deep thought on Putins face.. the anger in Kim’s.. this had to be one of the hardest decisions.. it would have been better to de-escalate this.. we flipped them off and did more.. kept poking the bear.. now the bear growling isn’t enough he has to use his paws to swipe and take the situation beyond what anyone ever wanted.. and we still have ricky bobby driving the car of this whole thing..
I suspect they will. NK’s arsenal is well-suited for HEMP work. Their delivery vehicles however, were developed from 1970s-era Soviet crap Jong Il was “allowed to purchase” as the Soviet Union was dissolving. The North Koreans have managed to turn those Soviet antiques into a delivery vehicle which doesn’t function reliably, but has the potential to hit D.C. should everything ever go right. If Putin slips them a couple dozen new (one generation old) ICBMs, Kim will have instant legitimacy, and the ability to target anything on the planet…
Did anyone see/notice video of Pooterz when he arrived at Airport ?
That crazy (like a fox) Mofo bounded down the stairs to the flight deck.
It was like he was on a mission, being inserted into a hot zone..No Stumbles, no hesitation, no freezing in place, no falls, he literally trotted down the stairs.
Seem like someones about to get their proverbial “scheisse” kicked in…wonder who will be on receiving end of one of the Godans’ throws.. ? waning we are..waning..
Yes.. and I believe that Putin and Xi have been reluctant to hand over modern equipment just because Kim has a short fuse.. and doing so would result in negative events around the globe..
My question and I wish I was a mouse in the corner.. IS are they going to incorporate modern technology..
turn over hypersonic anything with modern guidance capabilities.. could be a very dangerous situation ..
Could we all just aim for “Equal Opportunity Offenders?”
A popular local Hawaii comedian made fun of imitating the different races & ethnic backgrounds we have plenty of in Hawaii. Everybody loved him. Some sourpuss once accused him of being ‘racist’ because of what he did. His response? “Hey! I don’t make fun of just anybody. I make fun of EVERYBODY!”
The Daily Beast isn’t disappearing, it merged with Newsweek:
My bad! My previous posted article on the Daily Beast/Newsweek buyout is from 2011!
However, the Beast is still planning a newsroom:
Has anyone talked about the starliner problems being a red flag event ? A disaster there would add a shitload of cover for the pedo , msm could push a whole lot of cover, just saying.
Ice cream.. we associate ice cream with the journey of Marco Polo.. but in reality it goes back to the early Etruscan tribes around Italy and was a warm dish today they freeze it…. and was a pasta dish that was first found in the history and stories of the Etruscans..
The Etruscans were indigenous to the area, and their civilization emerged around 900 BC during the Iron Age Villanovan culture around tuscany.. they they fell to the expanding Roman Empire in the late 4th century BC. Where Faloodeh got its fame was with ancient Persia.
Faloodeh was and still is an ancient Persian dessert, a sort of granita threaded with rice noodles and spiked with rose water and lime. Though you may typically cook noodles until al dente, you’ll need to really cook them through here before adding them to the syrup so that they soak up enough liquid to become as crunchy as possible as they freeze. The twist is instead of letting the noodles ice over.. blend them with cream until they become a creamy texture similar to ice cream.. then use regular flavors..
I got that idea of the creamy texture from Rice pudding.. ( a child hood favorite) which is similar but uses rice in exchange for the pasta..
anyway.. want a desert that is four thousand years old.. this is the one..
3 cups water, more for the rice noodles
1 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons rose water
2 ounces thin rice noodles
Lime wedges, for garnish
Combine 3 cups water, sugar, and salt in a medium saucepan over medium heat and bring to a gentle simmer. Reduce the heat and stir for a couple of minutes or until the sugar is dissolved.
Remove from the heat, add the lime juice and rosewater. Transfer the mixture to a shallow freezer-safe glass or metal dish. Place in the freezer, uncovered, for 30 minutes.
Cook the rice noodles to al dente according to package directions.
Strain the noodles through a fine-mesh strainer. Rinse with cold water and let air-dry in the strainer.
Using kitchen scissors or a knife, cut the noodles into 1 inch pieces. Set aside
Remove the partially cooled syrup from the freezer. Add the noodles and mix well. Freeze, uncovered, for one hour.
Remove the mixture from the freezer, and using a fork, begin scraping the frozen parts from the sides of the dish, mixing them back to the center. Place the mixture back in the freezer for another hour before repeating scraping and stirring.
Repeat one last time. At this stage, the noodles should be crispy and the syrup should have turned into a slushy semi-frozen granita texture.
Now the twist… lemon instead of lime to give it that tang.. cream instead of Rose water..
Blend the pasta with the cream.. to get a creamy texture.. then freeze it again.. for about an hour.. add one tbsp of Vanilla extract..
Take it out and mix it vigorously to take the ice crystals out of it.. then package it up and seal it freeze it till time to eat..
1st off – I apologize ahead of time – I’m like Drug dealer giving a junkie a taste of a new batch..
Oh Loobsters…have I got a Kitchen Machine for You! We are talking quick and delicious baby, no not the “black&decker pecker wrecker, shes retired anyway, no Im talking Ninja Creami Machine. I hear this thing whirring in my kitchen at least twice week in Summertime..
– 1st basic Recipe – Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate chips;
1 Tablespoon (1/2oz) Philly cream Cheese
1/3 cup granulated Sugar
1 teaspoon Nilla Extract
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 cup whole milk
at least 1/4 cup chocolate chips (make it G-Lite – use 1/2 teaspoon Stevia and 2 1/2 tablespoon raw Agave Nectar for granulated Sugar)
Since I turned 60yrs old, have been on the ever increasing Ice Cream Diet. Every year since, I have been increasing Ice Cream intake and lowering Other (s). Ice Creams and Chocolates – my basic Longevity Diet.
Again, my apologies, sorry Loob, I just couldnt help myself.
About age 35 I drifted into the ‘Swiss Almond Chocolate ice cream diet’. In five years I gained 20 lbs and developed exercise-induced angina.
Been there, done that, YMMV
Arigato (thanks in Japanese) Hank for sharing your conversion!
40% of Americans are obese:
how to calculate your BMI:
Japan fines companies if employees getting too fat!