A.I. Forecasts the Fed

While we are focused on Top Calling this week.  Interesting combination looking ahead. Especially in light of the market weakness Friday going into the close.

We will also take a look at next week’s calendar, celebrate my diet shedding 20 pounds (so far) and ponder if this week was “The Top” of Wave II.

Pour a fresh cup and let’s kick the door in…

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39 thoughts on “A.I. Forecasts the Fed”

  1. “Russia is laying the groundwork for something big”

    Yes, throwing NATO out of the area. I’d expect the war to move into Poland using Belarus as a proxy.

    Look at the $ grinder Russia setup.

    The U.S. .gov just doesn’t care. The strategists get paid either way.

    The beauty of this scam is .gov will say “We couldn’t have anticipated…” and about 50% of the constituents will drink it up.

    NORK has been under sanctions for 75 years and have nukes. “We couldn’t have anticipated….” Drink up.

    • See the excuses. “Open farmland, who knew?”

      “By late June, it had become clear that the counteroffensive was not meeting the expectations that military and political leaders in the West once harbored. Russia simply had too much time to prepare, erecting anti-tank barriers, trenches and vast fields of mines along the 600-mile front.

      Western nations, including the United States, supplied Ukraine with tanks and armored vehicles, but these ultimately did little good in the open farmlands that carpet the theater of operations.”

    • – I sincerely doubt that Russian will invade Poland. That would bring them face-to-face with U.S. troops and we have a lot of combat troops sitting in Poland right now. Invading a NATO member would bring the full weight of multiple NATO armies and air force to the fight. Though ‘Mother Russia’ is one tough bear., she would be drastically out-manned and out-gunned. She would not survive such a confrontation., and it may also bring the war onto Russia soil. Which would bring the possibility of nuclear weapons into play, to a highly probable percentage.
      – .., and ‘that’….., would be the beginning of WW3.

      • I’d agree, and I’m no expert in geopolitics. Russia wants some defensible space between their heartland and the western nations. They also want to purge Ukraine of biolabs and whatever else we have built and sequestered there. I’d expect they’ll consolidate and strengthen defenses once they’ve finished conquering Ukraine and removed the comedian. The only thing that might change that is if we continue to provoke them after the world acknowledges their win, or if we attack Russia itself.

        • Never fails –

          “This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:”

          Yesterday I wanted to watch a YouTube video that required me to sign-in. The YouTube wants to send me a text to verify my computer.

          I created the Google account long ago with a burner that’s been gone. Now I’m locked-out of all Googles with that account.

      • President Aleksandr Lukashenko has just sought authorization from the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, the power to send military abroad.

        President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, did the same thing in Russia two days before invasion on Ukraine.

        Does this mean Belarus is entering the Ukraine situation? Or is Belarus going to do something . . . else? Like with Poland, or the Suwalki Gap in Lithuania?

        This is an extremely unexpected, and VERY serious development in eastern Europe.


  2. Refreshing Greek cucumber sauce..

    18 Ounces Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt)
    1 English Cucumber (finely chopped)
    2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    3 cloves Garlic (minced)
    2 sprigs Parsley Leaves (finely chopped)
    add Black Pepper Powder (freshly ground)
    add Salt
    1. To begin making the Tzatziki, we will first remove all the whey from the yogurt. To do this we will hang the yogurt in a cloth sieve strainer, set over a bowl and kept in the refrigerator overnight.
    2. You will notice that the whey has collected below and the yogurt is now thick and creamy.
    3. Into a large mixing bowl, add in the thick hung yogurt ,you can …

    if you take plain yogurt by putting it in your whey strainer..let it drain..sometimes it takes a couple of hours and will have the texture of cream cheese..

    the Meat Mixture:

    1 pound ground lamb, or beef ( I will use a half and half mixture)
    2 teaspoons salt
    1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
    1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    1 teaspoon dried oregano
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1/4 cup minced red onion
    2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
    Oil, for grilling or frying, as needed
    mix all the ingredients then double run it through your meat grinder or your blender will work.
    pack it in your loaf ham pan..and place it in a pan of water like you would making a ham or luncheon meat. double boil it when the temperature reaches 145 -165 remove it and let it cool.

    flat bread and lettuce tomatoes chopped onions.. slice your gyro meat thin frie the meat similar to what you do for a steak sandwhich.. enjoy on this hot day..

    • lol lol lol …I did forget the binder.. a third of a cup of powdered milk in the mix i also left out that when i make somethinglike the gyro meat i put a meat sock in the pan..
      I whey’d out out out the odds that someone might be interested..my daughter asked me for the recipe.. most just run to the store to buy it.. it’s fine to know how to make it..
      the first time I ever ate the cucumber sauce was from the home of a friend from Greece his mom made it.. she used old curdled milk where she drained the whey off it added a little salt to her curd cake.. then used the whey in the flatbread.

  3. ” I have an interest in how much of the scamming in higher education will ever come to light.
    Found the book “The College Scam: How America’s Universities Are Bankrupting and Brainwashing Away the Future of America’s Youth” worth reading.”

    I doubt there’s any scamming..its all about keeping people in their proper social class..
    like a nurse we know..she thought she could improve her quality of life.. she went to nursing school to get an education. after graduating the home paid a portion of her school tuition as long as she worked x years.. the loan expenses were high enough she actually took a cut in income.
    when I worked at the plant they bad a college program to pay the expenses.. visions of sugar plums danced through my head..I took the forms into the business office..the exec said..so how will this improve your job…I get my nursing degree I could be the plant nurse.. blah blah blah.. he said no..how will the education be beneficial to YOUR job..seal sander.. excuse me it wouldn’t.. the whole program is only there for the executives.. not the workers..
    its all about keeping people in their social class.. very few escape the hood..

    • Oh, it’s a scam alright! Ask any student-load debtor if their employment pay increased more than their debt payments! I saw that coming in my first semester of college. After all the financial paperwork my parents struggled through, I was given a financial package of a small grant, and a large loan for the rest. Later I figured out I would be paying my degree off for decades, and I doubted it would increase my job prospects pay anywhere near that. I got my FCC First Class License and quit school and went to work in broadcast engineering… without a degree… and have never regretted that decision.

      • What is remarkable is that I dropped out of the EE program at Seattle U after one semester because they wouldn’t let me use a handheld calculator. I told em to piss up a rope. Not going to pay first class fare for steerage.
        I got my first class age 16 still in high school. Made more money than my dad by the time I was 19 – and like Hank, never looked back.

        • Good for you!

          At 19 I got 1st Phone, 2nd Telegraph, and Amateur Extra all in slightly more than a morning in DC!

          Asking to take Telegraph last, he said they stopped code tests at noon. but I reminded him I’d already passed the AE code test, and that worked.

      • The key is life-long learning. You have a brain… learn to use it, and you can consistently outperform the people around you. Paper diplomas be damned. At age 55 I was required to learn the internals of the newly developing digital television system. It defied the laws of physics I grew up with and had to ‘unlearn’. Much of the required hardware for the theoretical new system had not yet been invented. And the digital wizards taught us how to pack 25 pounds of data into a 6 pound channel bandwidth. And when the hardware became available, I was building new digital TV stations. Life long learning.

        • “Paper diplomas be damned. ”

          the problem with that .. if your making 10 bucks an hour..and you apply for a job in another capacity.. the business office is going to laugh at your application without a piece of paper for the wall..
          learning a skill..
          I’ve worked many jobs.. so many day labor and part time I can’t even tell you how many..but relatively few full time positions. I always had to many obligations and issues that I couldn’t take chances..
          the piece of paper sure would have been an asset..

    • I’d mentioned something similar regarding cosigning to my kids, and they’ve avoided the loan trap as far as I’m aware. I refused to fill out or sign the FAFSA, though their mother didn’t for one of the kids. They only required one parent’s signature and info, so that was on her. It was just for a Pell grant and no loans. She was OK with divulging her info, and we were no longer together, so it didn’t matter to me.

  4. Thanks George for sharing your health/aging supplements. For past 20+ yrs I have always taken 15-20 various types of vitamins each day, maybe too much, but so far all seems good. Couple to add which I am taking, for folk to do their won research … low dose Lithium Orotate (2.5MG what I use), Coconut Oil (I take 2-3 Tablespoons a day in coffee) …… and an old immune system favorite, which I make my own … Colloidal Silver Water. Like most things, so many different views on health supplements and benefits, do what works for you as they say … thanks again for sharing.

  5. “Yep, A.I. will be a bitch for old news writers like yeah, um, me.”

    Just like new TV automation was a bitch for old ‘broadcast engineers’ like me. I thought they would need me to install and maintain the stuff. Nope. I got put out to pasture. It has turned out rather nicely, though. No more big city stress in uncertain times.

    As for the Gollywood actors strike… meh! Who cares? Certainly not me. I retired (defined as “tired again”) from television and don’t miss it. Now if the ionosphere went on strike and refused to carry the ham bands I might get upset. Any Hollywood actor that bemoans living off Ramen clearly doesn’t know how to manage the megabux they are paid.

    And George, I keep harping on this for your bedtime pill stack.
    IODINE- 12mg. -required for EVERY thyroid hormone reaction…. Like DHEA. And some people with hormonal problems do even better on upwards of 50mg of Iodine.
    L-Ornithine. – both required as precursors to HGH.

    • Good info regarding iodine! It got a bad rep after a flawed study back in the 50’s. Prior to that, it was considered the “universal medicine”, and considering the real possibility of big mushrooms in our future, it’s prudent to keep our iodine levels high. The use of bromine rather than iodine in dough conditioners, along with free chlorine and fluoride in our water competitively inhibits and corrupts iodine biochemistry. More available iodine helps, both as free iodine and iodide salts. If you don’t eat lots of real seafood, you’re deficient. Iodized salt is woefully insufficient. Lugol’s and Ioderal(or equivalent) are decent sources.

      • In case of mushrooms, the iodine pills are a massive 130mg each, for two weeks. The idea is to completely saturate the thyroid so that it cannot absorb any more… of the radioactive iodine. Needed if you are downwind with fallout.

  6. Scroll down to July 20th, dramatic events linked to power and control July 22nd. Mars opposes Saturn often linked to military activity:

    will 5G keep your dinosaur planes from landing:

    Taiwan’s military preparedness exercise met with forceful display by China:

  7. Response to a few comments made lately
    Life Extension
    – She was the local health diva. Holistic advocate. Gave presentations wherever and when ever she could and ‘advised’ hundreds of locals on vitamins – diets – and herbal remedies. I never paid much attention to her. She seemed more interested in promoting herself, rather than possible life extension, or herbal remedies. Something always seemed a little off with her.
    – She died., quite suddenly last year. She had been sick for about a month and then her best friend found her laying on her kitchen floor. She was taken to the local hospital, then transferred to Spokane. A day later she fell into a coma and never came out of it.
    – Cause of death was listed as”Autoimmune disorder”. However, there was a two page report on what caused the autoimmune disorder. According to her best friend:
    – She was taking eighteen different supplements. Eight essential oils. Three mugs of specially blended herbal teas, all three different blends. All daily. After years of all those supplements her autoimmune system went whacko and attacked her. Every organ in her body was ‘malfunctioning’ and attacking her. According to the M.E. she must have been in severe pain for months. Yet, no trace of any pain meds were found. Holistic to the end.
    – I tell you this story, because? The human body can only take so much. So much of the “good stuff”.., the “bad stuff”.., even, so much exercise. Fanatical overdoing it and your body will eventually rebel. It ‘will’ fight back.

    • this story screams for Paul Harvey and his
      ‘Rest of the Story’
      was she VAXed?
      SADs,,, sudden adult death syndrome
      vax or not vaxed is a critical piece of info these days

      but ure correct in that
      too much of anything is bad,,, we require water and salt
      but to much of one or the other can kill ya.
      be balanced and rational.
      be vax free

      my supplement taking is a hit and miss,, do it awhile and then space it off for a time, no rhythm or reasoning, just flow with the wind ,,,

  8. Skungy – Is that a real word? I used it the other day in reference to a politician., but then realized I had never used it before., was it a ‘real’ word?
    Urban Dictionary says, yes !
    Noun, meaning – sordid, seedy, sleazy, squalid, mean, dirty, foul, filthy, unclean, wretched, seamy, slovenly, skanky slummy..
    So.., using it as a descriptive of a politician was smack-on !
    “She’s skungy…, ” Boom ! Nailed it..,

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