A Course in “Nexting”

You see, Life is kinda like that point in checkers where you can move anywhere, but so can your opponent.  In order to win, the key lesson is always being “one jump ahead.”

Except, we don’t habitually think in this aggressive, in charge, pro-active mode.  People just react to “whatever” and that’s a shortcut to losing as we see it.  As we lay out in the latest chapter of my latest book, serialized as it’s being written for Peoplenomics subscribers.

But we won’t get to that until after the “action points” of the day which includes the ADP job numbers, a sit-rep on MessWorld and well over a dozen charts.

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31 thoughts on “A Course in “Nexting””

  1. George, speed reading the participation (subscriber) side methinks Ure a bit off with this analogy:

    “Imagine going out in the wild west to face down a killer gunfighter. You fire your first shot, miss, and the other gunner wanders off for three days or longer to think about things.”

    read instead: Your (4) guys in white hats face off a notorious killer in black hat. He draws and kills (3) good guys. The 4th guy hasn’t fired a shot and walks into the saloon to talk with his friends / advisors for four days, having said he’d decided what to do on day two.

    Yes, our military has plans about plans with all the possible scenarios and prescriptive strike packages to deal with Mr. black hat. I can assure you our Brass is more upset nothing has been done than are you / I. Feckless / Dithering …

    Eyes on: TNX, XRT, XLE, XAU.
    That is all,

    • the problem is government with all the time off and the 8 fronts we are on.. move on one it escalates on another.. and with millions of illegals putting a further strain on the country economically..not even counting on the potential Trojan horse army that was allowed in.
      it’s the classic poison pawn trap.. perfectly executed to a leader that’s only goal was to gain Riches protect the corrupt family business..he has no work history has never had to balance a budget he lives in the beltway where lobbyists buy their obedience .. the bubble..government that has so many days off they don’t have time to read the crap they don’t write. to busy with time off..why go to work..let someone else do that

  2. “reconcile federal wage costs with the ADP report”

    That’s a good comment. The number should also reconcile with the December personal income increase we were told about. Maybe I’ll dig later and see if it all connects.

    ‘Personal income increased $60.0 billion (0.3 percent at a monthly rate) in December. Disposable personal income —personal income less personal current taxes—increased $51.8 billion (0.3 percent).’

    – 5 days ago

    “a contract is a contract.”

    2008 – the choice was General Motors collapse/supply chain collapse/cars would cease to be or…. Bush could cancel capitalism (contract law) and save the free market system.

    There was no auction in front of the General Motors building.

    “Beware Force Majeure risk!”

    The other day I was at Big Box and there was a guy who didn’t look like me and didn’t speak like me wearing several gold chains.

    I thought to myself, “that guy doesn’t have to worry about Force Majeure” as opposed to the unknown of failed contracts.

    • “There was no auction in front of the General Motors building.”

      there should have been..
      one look at Detroit today will give you the birds eye view

  3. Thanks George, great topic on force majeure. Same basic principle as the Market Circuit Breakers put in to effect after 1987. All know its to control downside sell offs …. that’s always been on the back of my mind. The crooks control the rules, just how it goes as we play their game called “investing”. Be safe, be prepared. Thanks much for sharing.

  4. Thou hast scrivened thusly:
    “I don’t trust the “Next” choices right now. I can’t see it clearly enough. There are too many people who I know who have positioned themselves to win – no matter how badly things go – who on the other hand, might lose it all, even if they are exactly right about the Country falling apart.”

    –> If <– your current position is reasonably secure, then sometimes a powerful move is to briefly wait — pause — mark time — hold still. And let The Enemy, or The Fates, or God, or whatever, make a revealing move, with luck revealing enough to betray his plans clearly.

    Then, The Field (and plans) will be a bit better defined, and you'll know better what to do next. You need to be "up" a bit to withstand this. If you're already at a disadvantage, waiting can be fatal — but we all know you're decently positioned to go full solo right where and how you are for a run of at least a few months.

    Waves crest, dash on the shore, and then the water withdraws. That's for even Big Waves: for a Tsunami, that'll wash you all the way to the inland foothills, crushing and turbulating everything into a huge jumbled destroyed mess. Big Waves are rare. Tsunamis are exceedingly fantastically rare — and might be unsurvivable if they're at "11." (Over "10.")

    Being even modestly prepped lets you live long enough to discern if it's a Few Very Bad Days, or the Ultimate Tsunami. Usually, that's enough.


    • the problem is the things biden wants them to pass..more than likely wasn’t written by anyone in congress it was written by an outside source will be several hundred pages long .. they have argued before that they won’t read it because of time involved in actually reading it.
      I’d lay money on that there’s a small piece in it that allows total control to exclude congress..

    • Did you know the word god isn’t a word but an acronym just like H.A.L. in Space Odyssey, G.O.D.

      G.O.D. is short for “Grantor of Dominion” or “GOD”.

      “God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over….”

      “In Grantor of Dominion We Trust”

      • i was told it that, after i am gone, The Work done on Earth will last as long as it takes the Mountain I am on, (Elevation 7007 feet) to be worn down to Sea Level.

        i leave the stage, so prosperity will follow for the period mentioned.

        i have already said a million good bys.

        you have to understand, like the sun, i have only begun to rise.

        i really do appreciate you all.

        its time for me to go.

        George I will call ya after work. but you will not find me in the comment section here anymore.

        • re: Mount Ortega, Az.

          Keep the shiny side up! Miss you and thank you.

          “Goodbye to the Holy Mountain. Real life awaits us” from “The Holy Mountain” movie of 1973 by John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

        • i spoke with George. i have to do my thing.

          ya know, The Elders aka The Jedi explained it to me like this,

          Ur was one of the world’s first true cities. It was inhabited for thousands of years, from c. 55000 to 300 BCE. and today we have Urbansuvival.com written by George Ure.


          and it was explained to me by the Great Angel Gabriel showed me example.

          and said, when the work you are doing now is finished, it contue on long after you are gone. i said how long, He said longer than it will take this Mountain (elevation 7007 feet) to erode to sea level naturally.

          i was amazed and speachless.

          some of the seeds i am planting will not germinate for a thousand years and longer. some of the seeds that are planted not just by me, but a few ive met, even on here will germinate in 500 to 1000 years and sum in as far into the future of 10,000 years from now to create in vast empires and societies, revelutions, poety, music, countless love stories, homes and mansions, political parties, joys and sorrows and exist for the time they grow, peak and decend only to become something else.

          Gabriel showed me a vision of me planting a seed, that layed dormant for a thousand years, then one day it began to sprout and became a great golden city on a hill, full of light, laughter, joy, love and music, dancing and life.

          The Angel Gabriel said, That is but one seed you planted in the good soil here on earth. You have planted many many and each in their right time will produce even greater things than what you have seen.

          The Elders aka The Jedi had spoke to me of something similar.

          so when i was half asleep and half awake and The Great Being of Light who introduced Himself as An Ambassidor of The Lord of Spirits, Gabriel, He showed me many things. i was unaware of.

          He said the difference between your actions Andy and those who want to dominate humanity and rule world is, they consume their own seed to maintain temporary power.

          You and a few others plant your seeds so that long after you are gone, even a millions of earth years from now, you will continue to reep profits.

          as i said to LOOB, a while back, I am Unfathomably Rich.

          i will miss ya too. i have to go. let the 25 years of Prosperity begin.

        • Sorry to see you go. Your comments have always cause me to stop and ponder … the Universe, God, Fate, Our role during our lives here.

          Best wishes

    • re: Last
      feat: 2001

      Last night I watched the “Leave the World Behind” (Dec. 8, 2023) on Netflix. The movie is based upon the 2020 novel by the Bengali-American author, Rumaan Alam. Rather than suggest that I was drawn to the film by purely scholarly reasons, I will say that Ms. Julia Roberts and her $250 million fortune are looking quite sharp at 55. The apocalyptic movie plot maintains a well-curated presentation of fine motor vehicles and all the digital accoutrements necessary for upper middle class life. Do expect to see Tesla automobiles! Aficionados of the Mad Max film genre may wish to go pound sand.

      The movie production company is Higher Ground run by President Obama along with First Lady Michelle Obama.

      Spoiler Alert:

      Let’s join DJ George with a DVD flashback of the final episode of “Friends”. Here’s Jefferson Airplane from the “Surrealistic Pillow” album –
      “Embryonic Journey”.

      • No mention how much you enjoyed the frequency-entrainment/ programming emanating from the movie “broadcast” over Ure person and Spirit?

        Pray tell you were not awares of embedded programming (subliminal) you were chewing on yesterday.

        All about frequencies this prison system…

        Oh well, back Ure scheduled “Programing”

        In case indigestion – ABC!

  5. hmm how i see this whole situation is.. the reason that slow Joe is taking his time is he’s in a pickle..he has a real dellima.They tried desperately to get puttin to make the move that would allow the whole worlds involvement he hasnt done that. the brand has previous business obligations to fulfill on previous orders.. the usa has made previous obligations to support as well. which has more value keep the brother and kid out of prison or let them face the charges.
    while the agencies have been busy covering over the brands criminal activities of selling out our countries national security. they have neglected to protect the sovereignty of the usa and its citizens.my guess is if biden gets total control my guess is it will give him control of monetary funds to continue the failed war in Ukraine beyond congressional authority.. I think that because they did it before. there’s no new tricks for this old dog..go with the old tried and tried methods. while the border is a big thing the president can change it all today he won’t..because that won’t help the brands obligations..now will he and the family take a vacation where there’s no extradition. or will he do exactly like other leaders have when their civilizations have been in the same senario.
    the USA is on 8 fronts right now and every country we’ve dealt dirty has signed agreements ..
    the UK is facing deep freeze without the oil and gas from the Leviathan gas field..taiwan..Xi doesn’t want to destroy grandma’s sons scenario. knows that we cannot defend it..all while he’s allowed a Trojan horse army to enter into the country just as they have previously told us they would do..it just took a little manipulation to do it.
    it’s the poison pawn trap..
    our forces are being deployed our supply chain disrupted our manufacturing sent to other countries. they played the greed card.. now it’s just my opinion from what I see.. we cannot win this the usa has list all credibility..we are spread to thin borrowed ourselves into bankruptcy used up our strategic reserves to protect their criminal activities..he could throw the kid and brother under the bus.. but then pray they cannot connect the dots. bring back our forces to protect the homeland that’s on a course for a civil war..
    or will they play it to the end.
    nostradamus predicts he will play it to the end.

    • the bigger question I have is will the heads of these agencies ride this tree as it falls down remain on board with their business activities? that’s never gone very well for those heads of agencies with other failing civilizations.
      with those they has opportunities to do the right thing but decided to ride the falling tree.
      They don’t appear to be totally stupid just put his loyalty in the wrong people.they do look afraid..do the right thing or remain loyal to the brand.They all should be fired in my opinion..

    • “.,or will they play it to the end.
      nostradamus predicts he will play it to the end.”
      Yep – he will. But one has to wonder – What will be “his” end?

      • Good question..d’Lynn good question..
        in Germany once the emergency powers act was in forced those that followed the previous admin were Framed as traitors to the republic.
        in Hussein’s admin he hung them then in king Louis and Marie well there’s songs about them and the let them eat cake..
        in England Well you have read about what they did.


        good governance were societies that Focused on the needs of the people father than riches.
        good leaders focused on values and norms. realizing that all civilizations need the people for support.
        those that protected the bad rulers from the values and norms didn’t fare to well..what’s interesting is in every case..those that supported and protected the criminal activities of the bad leaders had a chance to do the right thing..
        I think about that every time I watch heads of agencies each being given the chance in front of congressional questioning the chance to do the right thing and inform. they basically tell congress to kiss their little brown eye..has me wondering..do they realize there like the story of Casey at the bat..
        congress on the other hand has that same situation. they have the opportunity to work for the people or for those that control legislation. its what our country was founded on the basic principles of the constitution and the bill of rights.. not what next federal holiday they anticipation of coming up..or who’s going to give them the bigger gift or treasures..
        and I wonder.. when asked what do you know in the background there’s that quiet murmer swing casey swing.. and casey lets the ball flow right by..
        mayorkas of DHS is the first he could have upheld the laws of the country and secured the border he chose not to even though the whole country is saying stop it.
        then to see the kid snuggly flipping congress and the people off..
        the ole FU everyone I can do anything I want..
        I remember what the recipient of the congressional medal of honor said when I asked him..he said I tried to do the right thing.
        how will this be listed in history books..

      • Well JB doesn’t fiddle he will have to play the kazoo..
        but what happened to those that did his bidding. some took the easy way out..the smart ones decided to do the right thing and followed the laws of the country.
        some family was executed some put in exile..
        the big question is what they are receiving from the brand to maintain their loyalty to bury the issues worth it.

  6. Ark in place and stocked… check.
    “Next” ? Feels like waiting on Godot. Is “IT” coming? …and when?

    • That depends on where you look and who you talk to. And what you personally believe after “looking and talking”.
      Some say we will have a slow down, maybe even a mild recession – but that we will skate on through to the election. Some are predicting a major decline, market crash, long painful recession. Others, that we will collapse completely, go into a long depression and global war., all before the election.
      Take your pick.

  7. JJ seems to be a pretty shrewd dude.
    I also like selling deep in the money puts against equity longs. Bottomfalls out – take the stock position, youse already paid for the right. I in turn take the income and put into bbbbBitcoin and things Bitcoin…like Fidelity’s Bitcoin ETF.

    By the buy, “ the coiners community”supports Fidelity, and No Likey blackrock. You see coiners have the light Souls, anti coiners are in FACT supporting “Darkness” if youse picking up what I’m laying down here.

    * very interesting project just posted Farsight.org. Aziz Brown, dr Browns Sun did a remote viewing session on Biden and his thoughts regarding the Disclosure/UFO’s.
    Biden did not have any thoughts about subject during 2 time periods that were viewed and deep mind probed. The level of outside “ interference” was off the charts, described as a program/cloud/network under massive Artificial AI influence.
    Further went on to describe 2 Men in dark suits that meet with him regularly and explain and instruct him on what to do and say. The Natural mental decay was not so bad, it was the artificial that blew away the viewer…said he was like a node in network of similar “zombies” in power positions around world. The odd byte of info to come out… Bribem is at the demon-cratic convention…just said he was there and acting pretty aimless.

    Like I said..very interesting.

    The other item of sailing interest that’s worth mentioning – Immigration-port of call – Fees. You will find most of the really nice places Caribbean and southern Atlantic are extremely expensive…Bahamas being the most expensive. Nicer the port of call – the more expensive as gen rule. Bayleaze with its rude and lazy Garifuna is no different, monthly visa is $100 per person. On the other hand – Nanners are 10 for dollar BZ.
    Can a Man and Women live on Nanners and Coconuts, nerp, you can survive on em, but Ure gonna need protein – and that good citizens is what the Ohchin is for. ; )

    • See comedian Ralphie Mays’ routine “Cuba Diving”/ Black movie theaters/ weed/ watermelon bubblegum. An hilarious take take on living Ure life in an inner city..” da hood”.

      Cuba diving or Norkeling in da Ochin.

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