’23 and Thee

The human genome is in the driver’s seat and that’s not something to look forward to in the coming year.  2023 has a ton of very dangerous trends converging in H1 (Q1 + Q2) and the odds of continuing to sink into a Second Depression are high.

A look ahead including a longer-range planning view to contemplate while we wait for “our balls” to drop…er…as it were!

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68 thoughts on “’23 and Thee”

  1. The genome has been hijacked . They are all zombie robots now . Heaven help us remaining sane . Happy new year ? Happy for what ? The gates of hell swinging wide open . Yep we saw this 25 years ago . The end

    • it is my assessment of our current world trajectory,

      ref the Vaccinated:

      2,437 days from date of 12/20/22

      the Jonestown final result goes viral across the planet.

      I will be off grid for a while.

  2. Pope Benedict is dead.

    I was pretty sure there was a chapter about two Popes in G.A. STEWART’S, Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III. I just checked. It’s Chapter 21, “The Comet and The Death of Two Popes.”

    One down, one to go.

      • Actually, that view turned out to be wrong; but I did get something more disturbing right.


        Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 397
        This same Pope will die when a Third Comet is discovered.” Therefore, Nostradamus is pointing out the irony of Pope Benedict XVI’s Papacy ends with the discovery of Comet ISON, and Pope Benedict XVI dies the night a Third Comet is appearing in the night sky.

        There is a Third Comet coming: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF).

        You will have to read the post to discover why I call it the “Third Comet”

    • There is two Popes all the time One is the one you see all the time called the white pope named after his robe color, the other pope is unofficial title given to the head of Jesuits order the black pope. If I understand it correctly he is the head of the vatican army.

    • Ancient Apocalyse playing on Netflix heralds Graham Hancock’s 30 year research of the worldwide cataclysms that affected the earth at or around the last ice age.

      Highly recommend it.

      We are, astronomically, in the same part of the sky as the comet hitting or breaking into thousand of fragments that may have been responsible for that hectic time.

      So one pope down, as you say, queen deceased, one pope and one president to go.

      Possiblecomets, asteroids or meteors upon the horizon.

  3. The obsession with making lunch money and nukes by some people has disguised the real game gold . Do any of you realise the setup in gold on Friday’s close ? Probably not . Anyway no malice just observation on comments

  4. Re: “Keeping It Light”


    “The New York Post” has a delightful breakfast appetizer of a report on the First (Extended) Family’s humble abode while visiting St. Croix for New Years. The beachfront villa is being comped by a billionaire couple who made the first Biden State Dinner guest list from a few weeks past. The democrat donors did have a day job. Their founding of ENPS apparently now feeds “800 media outlets (including AP) with multimedia content”.

    The ‘Post completed its report with a recap of the Hunter laptop revenue stream featuring “10% for the Big Guy”.

    No mention seen so far of a Biden Administration New Years Eve address for 2023. Comrades wishing to view the 13:59 address of the future by President Xi Jinping featuring a Great Wall of China portrait backdrop may wish to avail themselves of the CGTN website. A written transcript accompanies the piece.

    And now, back to St. Croix, and on the beach…

    • Folks,

      Jamaica has reinstated a state of emergency until January 11th due to gang violence. Canadian msm notes updated travel warnings are posted on Government of Canada webpages cautioning Canadians to “exercise a high degree of caution” while in Jamaica.

      Neither the CTV nor Global media networks have received comment back from the Prime Minister’s Office concerning the Trudeau family’s ongoing vacation in Jamaica.

  5. The nuke could be anywhere.

    A dirty nuke going off in a container ship out in the middle of the ocean will force marine traffic to anchor right where they are. .gov will want ship to ship searches. For good measure a second dirty on the other ocean 12 hours later. 50 dead combined? and terror has collapsed the West, *snap* just like that.

    • Read a story of two dirty nukes going off – one in the Panama and the other in the Suez. The results were incredible.

      • Citation, please! I’d like to track down the story. Sounds like a plan for TEOTWAWKI at a discount. Any two-bit dictator could play.

      • We can brainstorm. While out in Port Anywhere Terror could plant a dirty on the bottom of a cruise ship using powerful neodymium magnets. Bye bye Port of the West when it returns.

    • The U.S, has port placed scanners at every major port of entry which can detect radioisotopic emissions. These have been in place since 9/11. Ask no further questions. The screen upon which you are viewing will disintegrate in 10 seconds.

  6. I am 78 — that’s important, as it tells you something about the world I grew up in.

    My granddaughter is a freshman in an ivy college; her brother is finishing high school this year. They are muchly head-down, pecking on their “devices,” most of the time. They are deferentially polite enough, but they don’t “connect” very deeply — hard to characterize… They’re both pretty smart.

    Two years ago, for Christmas, I gave them both four books:
    Brave New World, 1984, Animal Farm, and Fahrenheit 451.

    This year, before Christmas gift-buying season began, I asked my daughter, their mother, how they had reacted to those books.

    She said, “Oh, I confiscated them. They never saw them. I substituted other things as gifts from you. That stuff is way beyond them, and is inflammatory and has a bad attitude — very dark and unhealthy.”

    (I did not react well to this.)

    This year, I gave the kids very nice tool kits, and I gave my daughter a gift-wrapped box of strike-anywhere blue tip matches.

    (I’m waiting for a response.)
    (I’m gonna have a long wait, methinks.)
    (I’m trying to figure a way to reach them — and not having much luck. The shields are up — and strong.)

      • I fear for all our grandchildren, who are under-educated (to be kind), ignorant in the classical sense, and mostly devoid of the constraints suggested by acknowledging ANY power higher than their own internal moral “sense” — if any.

        They are adrift in a sea of tempestuous moral relativity, free of any ideas of absolute “right” and “wrong.”

        God help them: they face an awful dystopian future.

    • As I former college teacher I had occasional unpleasant interactions with helicopter parents. Your comment resonated with me. In my mind, child abuse is not only violence and verbal aggression — too much “protection” can also be disabling. Not knowing your grandkids, perhaps there are extenuating circumstances, but you have my sympathy.

    • Your daughter is off the cliff of insanity. Those books may be dark, but are valuable teachable fictions. Maybe go around her and buy them ebooks for their devices? My kids have had a read on at least one of those titles, and mine are freshman and junior in HS. It is not beyond their comprehension. Love the gift you gave her, btw, but I’m guessing the irony of it is lost on her. She is part of the reason the younger gen will never understand what having freedom is really about.

      • “but are valuable teachable fictions.”

        I fear they are becoming closer to fact, every day…

        “younger gen will never understand what having freedom is really about.”

        They will, but not until they no longer have any…

        “Don’t it always seem to go
        That you don’t know what you’ve got
        Till it’s gone”

        -Joni Mitchell, 1970

      • Daughter is the product of an ivy-infested college.

        Kid’s e-dresses are kept secret, and ALL family email goes through her edress first, and only. She forwards. (Yes, an obvious Holy Control Freak.)

        It’s an (overly) protective “security” measure — and, it’s been sold to the kids as a Reasonable Thing in a Dangerous World. They buy it.

        There simply is no direct work-around to comm with them without MOM viewing the flow.

        My hope: “All kids eventually rebel. What you IS, is what they’ll rebel against.”

        Maybe one day they’ll initiate a, “Let’s see what Gramps has to say on “X.”

        Why are some people so afraid to be Free?

      • @WilliamOTRR

        Da kid has ONE E-Mail addy?

        Why, on Earth, would she have only one? She should have one at Hotmail or Yahoo, one at Google, and at least one supplied by her school. I have a niece who was so-helicoptered that she was never even kissed until she got to college. I think she was about 20 when the “rebel” fought its way to the surface…

    • Well, don’t forget, for the n’th time, the “One Second After” series. The cheap paper the paperbacks are written on should burn nicely on a bug-out campfire.

    • Geez William, now you got me worried.

      I have 2 grandchildren from one daughter in the same educational position as your 2 and 3 older ones from another daughter. They have recent college degrees. They all fit the description of your 2. With some well needed coaching from George, I wrote a book this past year titled “The Backside of Life” sub-titled “Life Lessons for my Grandchildren.” and gave it to all 5 of them as a Christmas present. Cost me dearly to have it printed. It was based on my life experiences, good and bad and the lessons I learned from them.

      Almost a week later, I have only heard from one (the 25 year old) who thanked me by text and said he intended to read it. Now I am not sure they will read it. Too much reality?

      I guess all us old coots can do is try. Silence is acceptance.

      • when does it goin into print.. or do you have a link to the book..If it is half as good as the first book.. its a winner

    • “This year, I gave the kids very nice tool kits, and I gave my daughter a gift-wrapped box of strike-anywhere blue tip matches.”

      LOL I gave a multi tool pen knife keychain.. and a flashlight.. LOL LOL usually I give one home made gift.. last year I gave out mini desk top popcorn poppers..
      one year I gave out small home made nut roasters..
      we made them the kids got a real charge out of making their own home roasted peanuts LOL.. next year my plan is to have the grand kids make High pressure mantle lamps.. I either am going to have them make hanging lamps or desk lamps.. nothing to them.. its basically a fuel tank a couple of bean cans and a pipe, a valve and a wick and spray nozzle.. bottle..

    • Bravo to you Sir
      Those four books are “Must reads” in my opinion and your response priceless.
      My Mother, a kind, patient, powerful Matriarch said to my siblings this phrase, when they were in need of direction.
      “I Born Ya”
      End of story!

    • “I feel your pain” — a plagiary that definitely fits this situation. When my daughter married four years ago (a late bloomer), they registered for many camping items at REI. So my Xmas presents to them a few years later included some pricey gluten-free Mountain House meals, which could be considered camping or prepping food. Since they think my prepping efforts are lunacy, even though my very intuitive daughter KNOWS on some level that disasters are in the near future, they were actually offended that I gave them storable food. They ignored the fact that it was also for camping.

      So, yes, the generations after us are pretty much lost causes. As you say, their shields are up.

    • “Brave New World, 1984, Animal Farm, and Fahrenheit 451.”

      BTW, these have been made into videos. I have a “dystopian shelf” in my video library, specifically for kiddies who won’t (or can’t) devote more than two hours to any one conceptual thread. Three of the four are on it. Brave New World is a current series:


      and accordingly I wouldn’t recommend it, until you watch it for yourself. It’s actually not bad, but because it’s serialized, and the prime directive of any packaged entertainment is “profit at any cost” the plot and direction are subject to change at any time. This is why “The Matrix” and “The Terminator” are on my dystopian shelf, but their sequels are not. The originals get the point across quite well, without the tedium of creating a moneymaking franchise…

  7. Well the bond market the corner stone of , laughter , western capitalism is within 1/100 th of a death spiral . So many market gurus are so blind . As WD says must be up to speed at all times with charts and numbers . Can’t beleive nobody is aware of the gold market setup

    • In Ure’s agnostic view, our outlook would be for a modest downtrend in gold next week, which will coincide with a good-sized decline in the market.
      While the GLD proxy was seeing a moderate 60m level inflow during Dec, the fast and slow stochastics on a monthly basis tell us gold is likely to be lower (as low as the $1,500’s by Feb-March and perhaps even lower as stocks penetrate then drop under the major Wave 1 market lows as Wave III down gains momentum.

      No doubt your Gann is good, but in a collapsing market there literally as no safe havens, except (and I gag to say this) sometimes government bonds such as TIPS in a Treasury Direct account.

      I would suggest you look at liquidity and safe havens in the American financial past: While gold was prized in the Great Depression, it was also confiscated in much the same criminalization manner that a modern “free money” analog – like crypto currencies – could be illegalized in modern times.

      I will place a gentleman’s handshake that Gold is below $1600 before it is above $2,000 and we’ll see which method works.

      My method relies on:

      1. Differential SARs which were still bullish at the close Friday but only as a 2-3 day trend.
      2. On-balance volume showed moderate outflows Friday.
      3. Fast and Slow Stochastics hint at a few more days upside but then weaken after that.
      4. And the MACD is waffling and is more likely to break lower than higher.

      Add in world risk (lotta bad downside potentials) and a Q1 fear/panic event threatens to cream markets. When it does, unlike WD’s day, gold is no longer the grand fungible asset over all that it once was. It is now just something else to be sold (like cryptos) when cash is needed to stay in the game.

      I have immense respect for your trading skills, Len, but like Elliott, Gann tends to be a “silver bullet” solution in a wildly more complex interlocking series of multivariate allocation models that only respect the “old ways” when the fever of modern monetary theory breaks (as we agree it eventually will).

      NOTE: This is NOT investment advice – just an entertaining couple of geezers gaming the market from two different countries… Remember Len’s in Oz and as their lockdowns and power-mad leadership demonstrated, they like running the Fear Games as much ask ours do.

      At such time, our gold holdings will be sufficient to buy the Big House on the lake and the seaplane out front…

      • Government confiscation of ANYthing is a non-starter with today’s U.S. population. Far, far more people have lost confidence in our country’s leaders and their decrees than appear in these electronic pages here. It may keep PMs from circulating freely for a time but when push comes to shove and no one wants paper certificates of debt and dementia people who have some semblance of morality will begin to use them vs. outright theft and brutality to acquire needed items. Given the authoritarian government Len lives under this could take longer to achieve than here in the States. God bless the Aussies when they finally decide they’ve had enough of the penal colony mentality of their overlords. I’d love to use a few good pictures of their hangings as a desktop collage.

        As the US$ crumbles it will become more and more difficult to determine the actual value of PM in their various forms. Market values will be very localized for a period of time but if the Internet stays up this will shorten that time. The bigger problem will be reviving and maintaining a complex economy who’s life blood is no longer circulating and, given the BRICs introduction of commodity based currencies, US$ valuation of PMs should not only soar but be more dependent on BRIC valuation – that is whenever the World gets put back together.

      • Good points thank you for a great response. As a really top shelf trader used to say . Let’s see what happens . Many things at work I’ll trust in signals . Cheers . Great response

      • Have you ever flown in a seaplane? The water adhesion you need to break on takeoff is like a glue trap. If you don’t break free on that first tug, look forward to a nose-over real close to the water surface. Don’t ask how I know. One passenger flight. Last one.

        • Lol. Hell yeah, I have seaplane time. Both in a J3 Cub (floats) and in an LA4-200 amphib in and out of BFI in Seattle with destinations like Lake Union (north side of downtown Seattle) doing takeoffs and landings on Lake Union and also Lake Washington and up in the North Cascades – flying off the lake behind Ross Dam..,.
          As a sidebar, I also voiced the old Kenmore Air Harbor cassettes which were an audio instruction set for how to fly a seaplane and so forth.
          The worst water to take off from is glassy-flat. The pontoons/sponsons don’t want to break free easily, but it is easily fixed by (on a float plane) rocking one out and then rocking the other out. The only time you “dig in” is if you’re uncoordinated enough to stall and catch a tip of a float on a wave.

          The usual way in rougher water is the “pound-pound” in the wind holding the stick back to keep the tips dry. As the seas get rougher, and if the tips begin to get wet, you do a step-turn and run in the wave trough in order not to risk catching a tip.

          The thing low-time pilots (time-builders) on new tickets will do is to talk and blow up their egos with “my ain’t I manly” shit. Usually indicative of someone who does not have a lot of hours (perhaps even under 1,000 in type – who is not familiar with “sterile cockpit below FL10” – meaning no one talks below 10,000 feet so we can focus at the art and science of super-safe flight.

          Seaplane drivers think they are the exception (from cockpit management, aeronautical decision-making) but that’s only because they THINK they can land anywhere. They can, sure, but can they swim to shore?

          The old pros at Kenmore were craftsmen and of the same skill level as some of my friends who flew bush. Very serious and grownup. To fly a turbine caravan for 20-years in Alaska (*my first CFI Damon Darling) back-country bush in the worst weather on the planet take a remarkable pro…which is the people I love to fly with.

          Amateurs puff up the danger thinking it makes them “bigger than Life” pilots.

          The killer in aviation is bravery. Trust me: Fly with cowards who will never get the aircraft or its contents into anything other than absolutely safe situations.

          That’s how Elaine and I racked-up 100,000 single engine (multiple transcon) miles. Safe flying, no drama, erring on the side of cowardice which – in the rearview – is what flight safety comes down to.

          The reality is they run off good potential long-term pilots.

          I always was taught to pride yourself on a smooth, comfortable ride. Talking only about scenery now and then when remarkable. Otherwise, aviate, navigate, and communicate is the job description.

          IMHO Damn few “old and still bold” pilots out there.

  8. Hey G-man – whats with you and the Chickenz ? Leave those burds alone!

    Egg nog is so racist/white supremacist as to make me blanch just saying the wurd.
    Youse might wanna try a little Rum Chata instead – its delicious.
    Unless of course you are a man of BIG tastes, in which case I would direct you and Ure like minded readerz over to BigTittyRum.com, where you can find my favorite after dinner liquor – that goes great with a little ice cream – Fat Pussy –

    Yes I have had several “Karens’ comment/exclaim indignation when they saw my Big Titty Rum T-shirt… as I explained it to the last “karen” while out on “the trail” and she thought I said “The Big Titty Run” like a 10K – still she feigned being insulted – to which I laughed out loud in her face and continued on my merry(read bright& happy) way with my 2 bitch ass dogs(jackrussels) in tow.

    Cheers to ALL – HearZ to making it a Great New Year!

    PS – bee backing up the truck when BTC is $12k per. And hard NO on secrecy and Block Chain, geniuses..man R U guyz thick..https://youtu.be/hAt1b21S97k

      • “If you remember the 60’s you weren’t really there”

        (I can say that… now that I’m 70.)

        Out here in the middle of the Pacific, I can watch the ‘Noo Yawk Bahll’ drop at 6pm local time and still be in bed at 9pm for the rest of the year.

    • “Youse might wanna try a little Rum Chata instead – its delicious.”

      Cultural appropriation, much…?


      Sip one for me. I’ll be sipping a Myers’s, straight up, when the ball drops…

  9. “On the other hand, as we have mentioned many times, the neocon-led corporate communists are doing everything they possibly can to incite Russia into first use of nuclear weapons. The latest “tell” found in Putin Will Flip: Biden Could Send Bradley Fighting Vehicles to Ukraine – 19FortyFive.
    Eventually, if Putin is to stop the West, he will need to attack Poland, because that’s the key shipping route for war materiel to the front. And that will set up for NATO “an attack on one is an attack on all” response.”

    Oh my now that is some deep thinking stuff there.. to break the will.. I believe that IF Putin was to go after the chain.. what would he do..I believe one you can’t go in small if it is to escalate beyond the borders…. if he is forced to go to that level..he will have to take it to the limit go for the USA and UK the leaders of the pack.. what was it that bush senior called it .. shock and awe.. take out the grid and the transportation of goods..soften the enemy..like a marine drill instructor does to a new recruit.. tear them down then rebuild..
    you don’t have to be very brilliant to see that we cannot be everywhere at the same time..
    and with our sending our reserves to Ukraine we are weakening our own defense by keeping the business model of stuff big buck billies pockets we weaken our national security…. IF.. the decision is to take it to the next level and go for broke.. I believe it will be all at one time why keep it all in their backyard and take the chance that those trying to tear down and destroy their way of life has a chance to regroup and reposition.. when they can share the experience to a country that hasn’t seen that in over a hundred and fifty years.a country whose own govt hasn’t done a thing to prepare for the people.. we seen how fast things eroded with the terrorist acts of blm and antifa.. and that was nothing compared to what it could be…. the poison pawn trap.. the usa is extremely vulnerable because we have never had a govt.. that has prepared for its people..they only prepared for just a few at the top.. and with the people already stressed to the limit.. it wouldn’t take much to break their will.. the terrorist activities of blm and antifa are a good sign.. they positioned the most vulnerable crime filled neighborhoods to go without adequate security.. by defunding the police protection there.. then moving in millions of illegals .. I don’t see anything positive about this..

    • A day late in replying so I know few will see this … but I agree.

      “IF” he is going to use the Midnight Sun to provide light for the Poland Freight Express he WILL have to light up the Engine of the train at the same time as, or in place of, the freight cars since without lighting up the Engine the train will just keep on moving.

      The Engineers of the Engine for the Poland Freight Express are mostly in the newcon thought enclaves of London, NYC, Boston, with many near the Potomac so those places are where the sun might be made to shine. OH … and if he wants to have the Firemen for the trains to have the same “fall out of the window” experience many of his own Fireman have recently had with falling down problems it is worth noting that many of those work and reside in Greenwich Conn. area.

      The problem with planning such a lighting experience is to ensure that some high level engineers remain, so they can remain in control of the train and can be communicated with in order to ensure that the train just doesn’t proceed forward on Autopilot with no one guiding or controlling it since if that happens, like with trains everywhere if there is no engineer on board, eventually a moving train will have a spectacular crash.

      • hmm now that’s an interesting contemplation position..but consider this..IF.. putin goes at Poland to disrupt the shipping laned… wouldn’t that action invoke the NATO provision that would let them enter the war on Russian soil…
        SO… that being the case.. why would Putin want to keep all the drama at his home and his local communities.. knowing full well that they would be entering his own country that he loves.destroying the people in his neighborhood, their homes and killing destroying his infrastructure. now knowing that if this were to escalate ro the point that it would get NATO fully envolved….. wouldn’t you expect them to then attempt to escalate ithe drama at the weakest point…
        on their doorsteps.. why would any leader want all that joy to affect inly the people they support and take care of and their infrastructure their factories and communities.. the UK and The USA doesn’t..you don’t see the puppeteers getting their countries people involved to experiencethe violence..instead wouldn’t you expect them to try to keep it all away from their homes .. like the USA and othe NATO countries do..

  10. Downside probability / target is 24,200 – we have slightly different numbers for our individual aggregates – but pretty close.
    [ Numbers based on 11/2021 high.]
    On another note – my “Chaos-Buddy” sent me a rather cryptic note.., and I quote: ” My numbers for January have entered a complete WTF ! stage. Going to rework the entire scenario. Nothing looks right. Is January the ‘Big Mess’ we’ve been talking about? “

  11. “Not everyone’s cup of tea, but December was pretty good to us.”
    – For me as well. Let us remain diligent and stay on the right side of the coin toss for next year. “Stay Frosty !”
    – I cracked open my new “Trade Book for 2023” this morning. A new chapter has begun.

  12. the Highest form of mediation is contemplation. it is there the thought and the thinker become one.

    I honestly don’t think so highly of me. because I know DUDE and I think very Highly of HIM. I like being me. very so.

    DUDE thinks Highly of Me. sometimes I wonder why. and i marvel at some of my tribes gifts and abilities. and always think Man, they are so gifted each in their own way. it makes my abilities seem small. then DUDE reminds me, HE drew them to me.

    Divine intelligence is working through me.

    someone said to me recently Everyone in your life DUDE put there for a reason. if DUDE didn’t want them in your life even briefly, They wouldn’t have been there. I like that.

    I’m down at Alki Beach. 2 days left here. talking to DUDE, contemplating 2022 and the year to come.

    eveyone tells me, write a book. you could write a book just on the last years experiences. they seem so far fetched that if I hadn’t truly lived it and experienced it? I wouldn’t believe it. because it’s just mind boggling at times, how the theater of life arranges itself around me. write a book. write a book. write a book. yeah yeah yeah.

    DUDE Inspires me.

    I’ve met so many people in the last year. some of the most legendary and famous people on the planet. and some guy who lost his Keys and wallet. and some lady who needed a ride, and many many many more in-between.

    it’s funny you should mention the economy and all these signs in the future George.

    when I asked DUDE what to bring. he said only extra clothes and your books. leave your guns and everything else. everything you need is waiting for you already where you are going. it’s already been provided.

    it’s just mind boggling at times, how the theater of life arranges itself around me.

    in magnificent and wondrous ways.

    the Highest form of mediation is contemplation. it is there the thought and the thinker become one.

    how the theater of life arranges itself around me.

    in magnificent and wondrous ways.

  13. Barbara Walters with Bill Gates sr, Dr Fauci, George Sorass, and assorted other owners of the human herd

    and here is Norm MacDonald on Barbara’s show “The View” back in2020
    the girls were trying to shut him up when he called Chilton a murder
    a 2 min video

    Happy New Year,,, again
    a ‘Q’ Quote about George Sorass

    On another subject,
    What rights to your DNA does one surrender, when ya pay ure money and send your DNA off to 23andme? I don’t know, but when I saw all those mechanical incubators, artificial wombs, looking like a scene out of the ‘Matrix’,,, breeding a wholly owned human herd, no parents, just owners,,, OH SHIT
    Happy New Year,,,

  14. Just another nugget to gnaw on –
    Matt. 24:22 – “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”

    Ben’s video today was interesting in that light – “Solar Flare Aimed at Earth, Fastest Year on Record | S0 News Dec.31.2022”

    Prophecy is never quite what you expect when they come to fruition.

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