Woo-Woo: Twilight Zone Sunday?

OK, this is going to sound weird.  Really, really odd.

Has time been moving very slowly today? I mean like doesn’t seem like time is “passing right?”

There are two reasons why I ask.

First is my personal experience today.  Got up, did the ShopTalk Sunday column, then hauled around an extension ladder and got up and cleaned out the gutters so they wouldn’t overflow in the Hurricane Beryl remnants due here tomorrow with 5-8 inches of rain about lunchtime.

Done with this I did a little paperwork and then I dug in on fixing the second CR10 V2 3D printer.  Turned out to be a chore, too.  Had to replace not one but two nozzles (with testing in between) and then a recut of the Capricorn Bowden tube, and then more testing.

Upon which I figured out that the problem was not in the printer, but in the flashed part,  So I downloaded the original Creality CR10 V2 code, uploaded and re-flashed the controller.  And now I was ready to test.  After, that is, digging out my sprayer with iso-poopoo alkihol in it and cleaning everything in sight.

With the new print started, I waited until it was half done.  And then I looked at the clock.

WTF? It can’t be just 10:45 AM – got to be noon!”

Upon which, I went over to the house for a sanity check from Elaine. But before I could say anything after “Does anything seem, oh, you know, strange today, dear?”

“Yeah. Time is all screwy.”

Could have pushed me over with a feather. She was feeling this “effect” too.

Now, I’d noticed coming into the kitchen that it was exactly 10:48 on the digital clock on the stove.  We chatted about her morning, my morning, had a half glass of ice water each, chit-chatted about the dishwasher. And I reminded her I needed to go water the greenhouse.

Then I noticed the clock.  It just turned over 10:51. So all that took only 3-minutes?

I wasn’t going to say anything, but it was just too, too weird not to mention.

I haven’t had a personal time anomaly like this since our sailing days in San Francisco when again, it was a Sunday morning, and time got this weird, syrupy sense to it.

Has someone been screwing with our timeline> Is that why the Hurricane is now muted?

Or does a “falling glass” (barometer) change time perceptions?

Well, with the plants watered and the printer checked and posting this note? 18 minutes has passed.

I’d say “Well, I be damned” but no telling if that might be happening.

Write when you feel its timely,


25 thoughts on “Woo-Woo: Twilight Zone Sunday?”

  1. Time flys when you’re having fun. Slow, when you’re not.

    Mood, enthusiasm, focus have a lot to do with how projects and time flow. There’s a rhythm to it and I wish I could find a way to summon that. But it happens and is noticed only after several projects are completed in a “timely manner.” To find, “Well, all that didn’t take very long.”

    Then to consider the speed at which I had to be doing those things, was mind blowing.

    Some days ya got it, some days ya don’t. If anyone figures out how that happened, let me know and, I’ll do the same if I ever figure it out.

    Truly is fascinating

  2. If Elaine wasn’t getting the same vibes and was in a different part of the estate, I might have questioned this

    “digging out my sprayer with iso-poopoo alkihol in it and cleaning everything in sight.”

    Also, did you check with G2 before doing the ladder climb?

  3. yes, this time slowness started yesterday for me and was really prevalent a bit the morning.

    I’m going to take it as a queue to sit in stillness today and focus on being present a bit. universe is calling!

  4. Everything is referenced to time, so if the actual rate of time itself changes, there’s no way for us to know! I’ve thought lots about this in the past, though I have no answers. At least I’m getting stuff done today, though it’s too hot to do anything outside. Perhaps tomorrow. There’s plenty of inside work left to do.

  5. Tinkering, ‘puttering’, and organizing the ham shack yesterday, time stopped completely for me. Then I had to replace the batteries in the UTC clock.

    Given a wide open prairie of land, and unlimited copper budget, my ‘ultimate’ antenna would be an eight rhombic array laid out on the compass points… switch selectable . I talked to a ham in Indiana on 40 meters that had a 14 element wire yagi aimed SW. He was +10 over S9 here on the Big Island. I didn’t ask how much land he had. I do wish I could remember his callsign though, for proof.

  6. “digging out my sprayer with iso-poopoo alkihol in it and cleaning everything in sight.”

    I worked with a broadcaster friend who was a bit of an alky, called the stuff “Isolated Purple Alcohol”. He went on to muse that you couldn’t drink stuff with the purple isolated.

    • “World Famous Tom Murphy” and I (lost track of how many) drank a fair bit of rum during the afternoon drive session Friday’s on the old KOL in Seattle. Back when my liver was a lot younger. Now it’s older than me – and never seen any isolated purple… (Gimme an Aw-WOOO!)
      Tom before Seattle (KJR and KOL) was at KISN at Portland

      • You’re giving me flashbacks. Pat O’Day came from KJR and bought KORL 65 in Honolulu in 1976. “I’m gonna teach Honolulu how to do radio!”, he said. A friend thru a production company got me the job engineering KORL in Sept. 1976. By Christmas the station was falling on it’s face and losing money. “They’re ignoring me… ME!” Pat would lament. He didn’t understand the market there, and was losing his ass. By Christmas 1976 I was without a job, and went back to Wisconsin during the coldest winter in 100 years. I spent two years doing TV in my hometown before getting another job offer in Honolulu. (Unheard of!!) Came back in Jan. 1979 and vowed to stay here… and it worked!

    • Heavenly Apparitions…when the CNS is stimulated by the “Event”

      Trippin balls we will be. Reco taking a few days to rest and recover and consider what you saw, before cutting off any badly parts (sacrifice) and joining a cult..

      DisCERNment is key

  7. Funny you should mention….

    My grandfather’s (125 year old) antuque pendulum clock (Seth Thomas) bonged (chimed? It’s way more a strong BONG than a light ship’s bridgeclock bing.) at perzactly 3:47 A.M. in the Sunday wee hours.

    Never did it before, never had ANY problems or oddities.

    I have NO exlaination for this. It’s ben running perfectly all day today.

    • “Hickory, dickory, doc
      three mice ran up the clock.
      The clock struck one
      The other two escaped with their lives.”

      That could explain the one ‘Bong’…

      • I love the nursery rhymes.. Hickory Dickory Dock.. most nursery rhymes were to teach the children about the failed fates of political individuals and their political satires.. Like the three blind mice was about the heads of agencies.. Or royalty groups.. being set up to take the fall.. and their attempts to hold their political position.. not even realizing what they were being set up for.. I believe that Hickory Dickory was the political satire about a ruler that was setup to be taken advantage of by the opposite political party..

        what is funny is we see these all playing out all over again.. History repeats itself over and over…..

      • lol lol.. well even as a child I could only hit the bong twice before it was potato chip time…

    • Does it use a coil of music wire as the BONGer?

      If so, it will BONG if it is shaken hard enough for the wire to hit the case. ‘Thing is, were that the case, you should’ve heard the sonic boom or felt the temblor.

  8. Well…seven months ago..I had a dishwasher not even two years old quit.. the one I got was made in Turkey with Chinese and Taiwanese parts.. shipped to the USA and delivered to a California dock.. the salesman told me he gets commissions..
    when I checked it out.. I discovered a worker makes 12.50 us annual income..the unit retail us is 4.50… so what did they pay for the dishwasher.. ?
    anyway it totally made sense why they don’t last.. I of course buy the extended warranty.. learned that one with the unit that they had to get someone almost four hundred miles to service.. and discovered that speed queen is the best in the usa.. sadly my extended warranty on those is about over..
    so..friday.. the dishwasher broke down..the circuit board..the repairman comes wednesday.. I have come to the conclusion.. since we don’t make anything and speed queen doesn’t make dishwashers.. when he tells me I have to get a newone.. I am not going to replace it.. I will just build a pan storage unit there and wash them by hand.. why waste a couple hundred more on an appliance that’s not going to last any length of time..
    I had thought buying a cove.. it is probably the only one still made in the usa..

    • We got a Bosch about eight years ago. We work it pretty hard.

      Thing is all but silent, and works well.

      I usually go for the “medium” price-complexity level in any appliance. Cheapest ones blow a gut early: overloy-complex ANYthings ave expensive problems.

      • I had looked at a bosch they don’t sell them.. Bosch isn’t it made in the Germany.. since we have gotten the speed queen and trust me it gets used.. the dishwasher to.. we do up to six loads a day.. amazing how many dishes we go through.. the salesman told me that most people use it once a day.. the speed queen we would have had to buy what two new sets of laundry equipment.. My barber was saying that their old made in the USA dishwasher was acting up.. ( needed the traps cleaned..) they were just going to buy a New quieter one.. I said don’t do it.. especially if you use it.. because you won’t ever get the quality of the made in the USA when people still had pride in their products.. our old two hundred dollar dishwasher made in the USA lasted almost thirty years.. god how I miss that.. the speed queen.. dam I am so glad to have gotten that one.. love it.. I paid twice as much for it.. but dam.. its quality number one..
        they say the COVE..
        doesn’t look any better than the four hundred dollar unit.. comes like the speed queen with a five year warranty.. every part comes from China but with military grade components tested to make sure they are going to take the stress of every day use..


        but with an extended warranty add on.. your talking thirty five hundred dollars with delivery.. at four hundred a pop for dishwashers.. and them flipping a new one in for free every two years with only delivery and toss charge and extended warranty.. well.. for the same money as a new cove.. the same money for the throw away appliances.. I can get thirty years worth of throw aways for the same money.. the sad part was we had a freezer go out to.. lost a half a cow and sixty pounds of chicken .. on a freezer not even two years old.. same thing.. I have a freezer that was my inlaws.. that they got around the time I was five.. and it is still going strong..

  9. A few years back I was working out in the shop when Daughter called and asked if I could make the drive up to her farm, 2+ hours, to help with something I don’t recall what. I said OK as soon as I put tools away I will be on the way. I put things up and was walking to the house to wash up. In my mind maybe 20 minutes. Phone rings again. Daughter is asking where are you? It was 2 1/2 hours later. Freaky is putting it mildly. We exchanged comments on it and I believe you had a similar time slip on the same day.
    Stay safe. 73

    • Its the twilight zone…
      I swear we are all in a nasty nightmare or the twilight zone.. where time speeds up or stands still..everything we thought was …… isn’t…

  10. Modern appliances, if they have a circuit board in them, must be protected with some kind of power conditioner.

    There are hair sized (or smaller) circuits on those boards that arc when the electricity flickers or comes back on. Once that arc occurs, those metal circuits start to evaporate and the device eventually fails. Refrigerators are especially sensitive. Hardier devices like washing machines are affected only if they are running.

    Any time they reroute transmission for any reason, maintenance, etc. there is a possibility of a surge.

    With the aging electrical infrastructure in the USA, you can expect a lot more of these electrical problems.

    And yes, there was a time issue on Sunday. The women’s lunch group that starts at 11, every single one of them was 30 minutes early.

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