America’s Media Crisis – Calm Before the….

Storm, War, Election, Earthquake, Paris attack, or whatever…

Before the column this morning, we need to “take the pants down of the web” a bit.  In deference to the extended post of G.A. Stewart’s The Age of Desolation website. But before you click to read THE MONEY CHANGERS AND THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT –  there is one thing Stu doesn’t mention. He works for a defense contractor – is the brains of his entire operation – and he is responsible for keeping the “End of America’s spear sharp. It’s not my place to be any more specific here. But for the flyer who knows what a Redbird is, what goes on in those buildings is the “epitome of spear sharpening.”  There are things done in the military that require passing marks in those buildings.  Enough talk-about. Go read his column.

Stu’s discussion is long – and important.

For in it, he discusses the media schism in America.  You know the one – the Corporate Mainstream on the one hand versus the Alternative Press on the other.

The breakdown of the (*mislabeled) Free Press in this country is likely to figure broadly into the Pending Pandamonium.  Stu’s discussion of disinformation groups should put a lot of things into perspective for you.

A Word About the Web War of Words

The two most expensive business decisions I have made in my life related to policies of both the UrbanSurvival and websites.

The first decision involved whether to participate in social media.  From the outset (in a Peoplenomics report) we explained that the social media business model (and who told you Everything is a Business Model?).  The way it worked was to take discussion groups (and software development fora) and convince corporations to “bring their followers to social media.”

As soon as an appreciably large following had started facing their book, social media began to “rent-back” (to the donor reader source site or corporate entity) access to their own people.  It was what digital media has turned surprisingly good at:  Begin with a sweet song and promises galore. Herd in the witless clickers – and then demand Ransome to “boost a post” so that more than a handful of people see it.

The reason this matters?  One of the reasons for large audiences (take Alex Jones following, please) is the adroit use of social media.  Alex Jones – even with the wolves at the door now – still has a monthly following in the millions. By contrast in the last 28-days, UrbanSurvival has served 56,200 page views.

No, I’m not doing this to ‘get rich’ because total ad income in June was $230.37.

Might it have been ten or even a hundred times more with a hot social media program?  Maybe. But there are three extremely important points here.

  • Big Audiences turn you into a Big Target.  Refer to Alex Jones’ case.
  • People like Stu (and me) do this as part of a “labor of love”. For both of us – because when the notion of “hanging it up” even get consideration, things in personal health and life get all twisted up,
  • It would be a hypocrite to condemn the business model of social media and then partake in its – what I consider to be intellectual theft mainly of other people’s ideas.

We have no qualms with the Public Commons concept. But as soon as the Commons has gatekeepers and fees, then it is no longer what it seemed to be.

Now a bout that second Biggest Mistake Ever?  I remember Clif High told me – back when Bitcoin was going for a few cents each, that should offer Peoplenomics or Bitcoins. “Think about 4 or 5 BTC per annual subscription,” he’d told me.

I didn’t do it because in another Peoplenomics report, I had outed BTC as a digital Ponzi Scheme.  Not like I’m alone on this. A lot of smart old money men have a similar view.  Like Warren Buffett.

Again, one of the most important parts of being a Ure is being a “straight arrow” and “walking the talk.”  If I accepted BTC I would be accepting something other than “coin of the Realm.”  Naturally the BTC adherents will say BTC is recognized.  But it’s treated like any other “thing” in private hands.  If I accepted BTC, how long would it be before carrot farmers would be at the door “Three bushels for a subscription?”

I don’t usually talk so plainly about the media financial topography.  I only mention that we remain a very “low profile” website in part because with didn’t jump on BTC and we don’t drink of the poison well of social media control.

I think you need all this as clarification of your news gathering habits.  A lot of websites don’t do much but slap on a logo, write a snazzy headline, and then rake in the clicks thanks to stellar social optimizing.

Ya’ll have fun.

The people Free Press was design to shield are the well-intentioned small sites with original content. Not the content aggregators who take your posts and pictures and make a fortune off them. Yet, having now more money than this entire site’s audience, social has been able to carve out exemptions for itself and other forms of capitalist privilege.

UrbanSurvival and Peoplenomics – for 3000-hours a year effort on my part – bring in only a fraction of my Social Security.

We get excited when new, original work comes along (Like Stu’s) and other authors (Jim Kunstler, for one) has my respect because he, like me, offers a useful viewpoint. He doesn’t live for curation or monetization. He’s an honest Idea Man.

Probably more than I should have said, but America has evolved a very crooked media landscape replete with backchannels into government that set us up for a government-controlled media coup pretty much when the WH says so.

We all know what happens with too much truth-telling comes along. WURD & Andrea Lawful-Sanders Part Ways After Biden Interview (

Us?  Still posting on our personal research, books, and how the short-term future is shaping up.

We now return to the mission at hand, while we keep walking the straight-arrow path.

Future Plot

Fresh from heady highs again last week, the markets are not sure what to do next.  One step at a time:

  • There’s little in breaking news to drive overnight.
  • Consumer spending data from the Fed at 3 PM Eastern.
  • Tomorrow, Jerome Powell talks.  He will likely be tone-setting before the month-end rate decision.
  • Australia and Asia were down overnight.  The open in Europe has been positive. Perhaps in part because France is turning away from warmongering. France elections results 2024: As it happened | AP News You will see many references in the France coverage to left and right. But we’re being as clear as can be on this: It’s NATO war with Russia versus peace in the minds of voters.
  • It’s not like this dichotomy isn’t clear, though: World should help Ukraine, Russia resume talks: Xi – RTHK.  And this is potentially a way for the world to move forward.
  • As a result, we expect higher for the first half-hour, or so. Giving the commercials a chance to short from higher still.

But it can all change on a headline.

The Wars

Real quickly (rain is starting) U.S. and Allies are ‘Jealous’ of Putin Meeting with Modi – Newsweek.

Gaza is still a mess:  Israeli Protesters Block Highways, Call for Cease-Fire 9 Months into War in Gaza (

And as we mentioned to subscribers this weekend, still open to which way the southern front of WW III will split: West into Libya or south into Sudan. Egypt overhauls Cabinet amid economic pressures, power cuts ( Maybe both?

At the Ranch: Hurricane Just Now Arriving

A possible cause for that case of “time going wonky” Sunday (see Sunday post here).  We happened to spy a possible source, though.

Could it be the use of scalar weapons to knock the hurricane back a few notches?  We happened to catch the radar rings from the radar out west of us in San Angelo, Texas on

No, we are not making any claims about scalar weather control – besides, another source tells us might be more chemtrail related.

Still, there are the radar rings happening when we’re experiencing the odd passage of time.

Not like we’re alone – go look through the comments about WmoRR having experience with an old clock that just suddenly started to BONG at 3:47 AM, I think it was…

We haven’t gone looking for the CERN logs, but maybe we don’t want to know.  Lower profile, smaller target, remember?

Write when you get rich,

64 thoughts on “America’s Media Crisis – Calm Before the….”

  1. G.A. STEWART: The Alternative Media is an echo chamber, and there is a protocol, and there is a circuit of high priests, and that is what cults are all about.

    I find it all very tedious and repetitive, and I have just grown very tired of this entire blogging thing. I seem to be repeating myself a great deal in many of these posts, and I no longer see the point. I do not want to do churn, and website churn is what the Internet and blogging are all about.

    Given the state of world affairs, George Ure was surprised to hear about my job coming to an end. He is a pilot, and so he understands the necessity of what we do.

    For 26-years, I was able to be king of my kingdom. It was a dream, an honor, and a privilege. It was my responsibility to setup the technical end of this $250-million facility 23-years ago, and it is going to be my job to close it down in four months.

    But the world is not as it seems…

    • G.A. STEWART: The Internet is a Rumor Mill with doctored photographs and videos all designed to generate click-bait. It is up to every reader to figure out where the dividing line is between horseshit and reality.

      JC: Here’s a perfect example.

      “Bill Wyman reveals his reasons for leaving The Rolling Stones and his new life.”

      There are images of Bill Wyman here, but he is not revealing anything or saying anything. There is a female voice, perhaps AI, speaking about Bill Wyman.

      Pure click-bait.

    • Stu- Getting new work gigs after the age of 58 requires some creative job hunting. Looking for gigs with corporate brown shirts is usually a waste of time, unless you can walk in the door with a juicy contract on a platter. That is usually a salesman’s or a VP’s selling point.
      With a smaller employer, you can expect at least a 30% haircut on pay, a job title which you left behind 25 years back, and more on your plate than you are accustomed to. But, you can get some benefits, and make a decent living.
      Somewhere out there is a fourth-tier subcontractor who will take a chance on an old guy. Oldsters in production jobs are a good sign when you visit. There is no reason not to start floating resumes, when you have been advised of an impending plant closure. You don’t owe the SOB’s anything. Maybe you can find something in a less dangerous location. Try and look at this as an opportunity.
      My only caution is to keep the ego in check. You want to be on the gentle downhill career bunny slope.

      • (“Stu- Getting new work gigs after the age of 58 requires some creative job hunting.”)

        the wife worked for her employer over two decades.. I got sick.. they she had a minor stroke.. they wanted us off of the health insurance policy..
        ( this happens all the time to medical workers.. the moment they get sick they lose their jobs and get booted off insurance..its all the business model.. big buck billy has to justify his inflated wage somehow)

        We were told by Job Service that from fifty to sixty eight its almost impossible to get a job.. mostly they want younger people.. some places said the reason she wasn’t qualified is they knew as soon as she found a better paying position she would leave.. others said they wanted someone that had more career flexibility… she didn’t quit and move on often enough..they were only looking for the one that would be the flash pan of employees..
        the Engineer we had.. worked decades designing and overseeing the construction of Deep Water Oil Platforms.. a big explosion and oil spill congress had him come in and give testimony he was blackballed and was still trying to rebound from a hurricane that threw him to the wind living in his car.. he couldn’t even get a job washing dishes.. had a heart attack .. and came to live in our spare room bitter and alone.. smart man once upon a time had a wall full of pretty framed pictures.from some fair to great schools.. it depends on what you are looking for….
        the same thing happened to our gent that raised racing horses.. had a farm and thoroughbreds.. and a house in town.. his wife a nurse (I worked with her actually ) she got cancer the same thing they wanted her off of the insurance .. threw her to the wind her end of life costs took the farm the business and the house in town.. he came to our spare room with nothing but the clothes on his back..
        the fourth of July was always bad for him.. he had been blown up in nam and had ptsd.. this was the first year in decades we didn’t have anyone except the dog going through ptsd LOL..
        It was a hard year for us.. but the wife no longer gives me crap about the pantry.. and she actually helps..

        • Been there. 50 – 58 is worst. You take early draw on retirement, and get penalized 10% off the top. Plus, you have to deal with Obamacare. If your adjusted income is low, Obamacare does get a lot cheaper. And your ego tells you you are still in your prime, but you aren’t, and the prospective employers lord it over you.
          You have to be up front with the prospective employer- if you can’t climb ladders, or live out of a suitcase, then tell them. It will lengthen your gig.
          Once you hit 65 you can go on Medicare, and that gives you a little room to negotiate on medical benefits.
          Going on an employer’s coverage while keeping Medicare Parts A & B in your back pocket is the belt and suspenders approach. But don’t sign up for Advantage or drug coverage while you are on the employer’s policy; that allows your employer to boot you to the curb for their policy. Keep records which show your employer’s drug coverage is Medicare approved; otherwise, you get screwed when you sign up late.
          You get additional breathing room when you qualify for full social. Do you sign up at 66 and some change ? If you are out of work, the choice is easy. If you still have a good job, it is a more difficult decision. For 2025, the base Medicare adjusted income limit is going up well over 100K a year. For 2024, it still a hair over 100K. Some employers are known to find ways to cut your pay if they find out you are drawing. Much to think about.
          But first, you have to send out resumes and network. There is a job out there; you just have to find it.

  2. G.A. STEWART: I woke up Saturday morning, and life did get worse; the air conditioning in the house that I am renting stopped working. It has been brutally hot, and so was the house. The metaphor did not escape me. Not being the property owner, I worked on the unit as much as I could, because it looked like there would be no AC until some time Monday.

    I started to realize that the message for almost the last four-weeks seems to have been, every time I wanted to pitch this post into the trash, something worse happened.

    It is now Sunday; I spent all day yesterday in front of a fan finishing most of this post and committed to publishing it today to keep the hounds of hell at bay. Strangely enough, my cold quickly disappeared by last night, and I woke up this morning and the AC was working again.

    RICK ACKERMAN: The dog days of summer have returned with a vengeance to Florida this year, especially in my home. The air conditioner’s condenser coil sprang a leak, which is hardly unusual considering that it’s eight years old. What is unusual, and causing more than a little inconvenience, is that the broken part will take a month for the factory to replace. So far, I haven’t been able to determine why the manufacturer, Lennox, would be having such a hard time scrounging up the part. Regardless, if you’re in the market for a new cooling system, consider Trane, Rheem or some other brand before you plunk down $8k on a Lennox system that could fail in the intense summer heat of such hellholes as Miami, Phoenix, Houston or Charleston.

    The interior temperature of my home has continued to rise daily and is now at 91 degrees. There is no cooling it off at night, either, since the air has been soupy, with temperatures only a few degrees cooler than during the daytime.

    • Being an hvac service guy for 27 sum odd years now. I would venture to guess they could get the new replacement unit installed for you within a week but the replacement part well thatll be a month

      Most folks especially the older crowd her in florida would replace the unit. One of the main reasons I left hvac service and now sell used parts online so a guy can fix it him/herself.

      My exwife called with an ac issue. seems she has a freon leak in the condenser coil. 4750 to replace the bad part 5150 for a new unit. I told her to find an actual service company not a sales company.

      I would call myself a pro in the hvac industry with service and I can say without a doubt 80% of the companies here in florida are sales companies. the trick is to find the service company. typically an older solo guy are the better service guys, the new young guys are into sales, quick money no work no sweat type of fella

      Good luck, its a business where if you dont know, they got ya kinda typical nowadays


      • Back in the early “80’s” , my gas heater started inducing carbon monoxide into the house , and not having much money I bought a unit from sears on credit. Went to the local hvac company and had them make a new base plate as the heater was different. Guy asked if I had done hvac work before because the plate I had laid out impressed him.Ten years later I go to local shops to get an igniter unit for the heater and they wouldn’t sell me one because I wasn’t a certified hvac service person. Finally found a shop to sell me one , guy said if you could install the original unit and trouble shoot the problem , he figured I could safely install it.

      • Run out to wally world and get a couple window units. Always have a backup while supply chain still has em.

        • you know I have been thinking about getting a couple of roll arounds.. or make one.. coolerado is the one I would love to see sold here.. only takes six hundred watts of power to run it..

          I visited with the engineer that came up with the concept years ago.. indirect evaporative cooling.. he had someone in his family with Emphysema needed that cold air environment without the humidity.
          but since a standard air conditioner take so much energy.. he wanted to use indirect cooling..then use his cool moist air on his solar panels.. by putting a dehumidifyer on the inside for the humidity.. he also has an air well.. well I told him to pump the humidity through a water filter and into a water cooler.. that way he has it all..

          I tried to buy one for our area.. they didn’t have any dealers here .. and I am not an hvac licensed guy..

      • HVAC guys around the wastelands.. makes as much as a doctor..Really hard to get one to.. they just don’t come out.. luckily one of the kids next door just got his journeymans licence.. and his room mate.. our furnace went out on the coldest day of the winter.. he came over to fix it.. otherwise.. you can’t beg them to come work on anything.. to much new construction going on..
        My grandson is an engineer now.. they build houses and apartment buildings.. he told me they start and finish a house every three days.. which amazes me..
        on the fourth we were sitting around the fire pit and someone we know is going to put a bedroom on his house.. one guy says.. I would bull doze it down and start new.. materials for a small seven hundred foot home is a hundred and thirty seven dollars.. he can’t do it.. if code would allow him to.. he would be better to build one out of rammed earth or straw bales.. my grand daughters husband.. he and his dad build mansions.. anyway he was telling me they are using quarter inche oild cardboard for the sheeting to save money..The daughter wanted me to build a new bathroom vanity.. for her.. I said you are cheaper to go and just buy one.. even on top brand cabinetry they are using pressed board.. with a hard wood front.. not like the old days .. once the USA allows them to let farmers grown hemp.. we will have a sustainable materials supply and prices can stabilize..

  3. ‘Does anyone really know what time it is?’ Traditional physics teaches that time is relative to the speed and position of the observer. Some physicists believe time is actually an inconsistent artifact or illusion, unlike gravity which is currently understood to behave consistently across the multiverse of space/time. Might ‘splain in part how Nostradamus and others were able to ‘see’ across time. Perhaps their quantum brain processes (via meditative or concentrating states) allowed them experienced time in novel ways, being both here and there. The best that the rest of we mere mortals can hope for is ‘intuitive’ insights of ‘the shape of things to come.’

      • I have to agree with you. I disagree with Drezner’s future-take and his geopolitical soothsaying.
        – “Europe” will rise ? [ Because of Trump.] I find that seriously flawed and not very realistic.
        The European Union and its military partner, NATO could collapse on “Any Given Sunday”. The ethnic hatred and distrust they have for each other is an overwhelming force that I do not believe they can now over-come.
        And if it does come to an all-out war with Russia, what exactly will be left of Europe “to rise” ?

        • ““Europe” will rise ? [ Because of Trump.]… flawed”

          Agree. The West is out of money/competitive production so we’ve got inflation as far as the eye can see.

          The glaring example is BYD’s $10,000 cars and we can’t buy them. We’re being forced to support the local manufactures by paying 2.5x for their imports. Many western folks cheer the tariffs. Brainwashing to the nth.

          Now it there’s a destructive world war and the old system is tossed then the West can rise again. But on the other side of the big war China won’t be the pre-Nixon 3rd world’ers where ‘the children are starving’. They’ll still be a top competitor.

          The illegals serve a few purposes but I think one is to pad state taxes. When I see them at $WMT they are buying goods to setup households so any Fed-Bux they get are immediately spent into the economy. This pads state sales tax so it’s a backdoor bailout.

          The last time I was at $WMT I noticed one of the newcomers had U.S. flag stickers on both sides of their car but the orientation was wrong. I didn’t say anything but have pointed out incorrect flag orientation to other newcomers. This is to say I think their flag message is the desire to be American/assimilate. But their car and gasoline purchases pad the state, more backdoor bailout.

        • seriously…If the cabal gets what they seem to be seeking.. What will be left of mankind … what was the estimated survival of mankind.. 2 percent of the global population..
          Alois Irlamair made the prediction that those that survive could walk for days and never see another person..
          Stu’s site the same nosty prediction…

      • the thing is…. Trump says he can stop the madness in one day…
        I personally believe that that was a possibility almost 4 years ago… but gas it gone to far already?
        we have millions of illegals that have now over whelmed our social system..estimates of up to a million of them were elite fighting forces..all having their hands held.. I say send them all to California new York and Delaware..our military is out in so many directions now.. they have us in a crossfire the countries that have said for decades they wanted to knock us off our pedestal have us at that position to accomplish that..
        or with all the business dealings by the brand and special interest groups that own our politicians … and the fact that none of them seem to have any concerns over what they are doing or the safety of their families.. have the forces that wanted to take us off our pedestal already put in place the puppet regime ?? the country isn’t the same..our agencies once swore to defend and protect the citizens is now appearing to mostly be concerned about protecting the the criminal business models .
        crazy world we live in..

        • I dunno about stopping ALL the madness. He can certainly stop Ukraine in a day. Our border mess would likely take a week or more, and the Soros-driven riots that are going to go down starting about November 6th are going to run for a year or more, because commie lawyers will keep law enforcement types from doing their jobs in an expedient manner.

      • Drezner is one of those “academics” who created a couple impressive-sounding Web-places, used them as hosts for preliminary works, then used their impressive names (and his established publishing history with them) to shop himself to various leftist media outlets as an “expert.” He is hard Left, and does both suffer from terminal TDS, and is besties with Robert Kagan. He favors military interventionism as policy, especially by, but not limited to the U.S., and is a hardcore OneWorld WEF’er.

        I’ve crossed paths with him a couple — not impressed. He’s just an International Studies prof at Tufts with an outsized ego, who gets a stiffie whenever he thinks about sucking Vichy Nuland’s big toe. His current book, “The System Worked,” is all about how MMT and the influence of the WEF have saved the world from a financial depression — because everyone knows International Studies professors make the best economics experts…

  4. “But for the flyer who knows what a Redbird is…”

    I wish those things had been around 55 years ago. I got my instrument rating using a WWII Link Trainer, complete with external chart table where a conglomeration of strings and pulleys created a line describing my path over the ground. The herky-jerky movement of the machine itself did a pretty good job of simulating turbulence.

    • The training center at United has a Link Trainer on display in the lobby. Look but don’t touch.

      At Eastern the first Simulators I flew were ground based with no movement. We would learn all the procedures, and take a check-ride. Then all the students would take a DC-9 at midnight to Everglades airport for 2 touch and goes, and a full stop. Swap with next student, and the last guy got to fly back to Miami.

      United had 6 axis flight sims that we did all the training and check-rides in. FAA certified and very realistic… the first time in the actual airplane was flying regular revenue flights with a check airman. Initial Captains had to have an FAA inspector on one of the legs. Way cool!

  5. I remember when Cliff suggested BTC … and I almost bought ten bucks worth..that would have me a multi millionaire today in US dollars.. but at the time it looked like .. well like it does today..nothing just a number.. then there was the maddof scandal where he took peoples us dollars also nothing more than a promis used by our country as a bargaining point.. so I was tempted even though you actually have more substance of a Texas chili fart than you do with a cartoon coin..
    what discouraged me..was the original purpose of the invisible coin… the way I understood it was people invented it for use in dark web purchases.. similar to the silk road.. and my morals and ethical standpoint is similar to my lifestyle.. stay away from bad people and don’t support dark web the bank your money is loaned out so someone can build a home..dark web your money is passing through hands that are not known or the intent of what they use it for..hell no one knows where or who has it… so. no bitcoin for me… I’d buy a big Mac instead…
    oh speaking of that..I bought a chicken sandwhich.. now I know how to make those patties..the reason it was so the meat is mostly filler…it didn’t even taste like chicken lol..

  6. This speaks volumes about how brainwashed Americans are, thinking “We’re the Best”
    … so not true … just look at Japan

    Meanwhile, country music is starting to question the American Dream …

    And we’re gaining more places like this …

    And I’m over here just waiting for Joe to have a “behavior” in front of the world … maybe he’ll get so agitated he might throw the podium across the room … or worse. I’ve seen people in his (condition) do such things. It’s sad.

    • “This speaks volumes about how brainwashed Americans are, thinking “We’re the Best” … so not true … just look at Japan”

      Japan, where the new CD from Boa Kwan (one of my #2 kid’s favorite singers) was $94 when it hit the top of the Oricon Chart? The developed bits of East Asia are damned impressive, regardless of country (except probably for North Korea), but understand two things: The vast majority of these nations populations live at a poverty level we are incapable of comprehending and they will never see the splendor of these fancy developed areas, and their development would not have been possible without the United States’ potentially terminal affliction of “conspicuous consumption.” Nor would the splendor and lifestyles of the big cities in Ureup exist. Socialism only works as long as the socialist can spend someone else’s money, or has an income stream that’s independent of the population (like in Norway, and even in Norway there have been years when their top tax bracket was above 100% of their income.) Japan can’t look like that, unless we are buying Toyotas and Teslas.

      The little girl in the million dollar house, singin’ the blues about her lost American dream needs to go live in the slums of Rio for a few months, until she figures out who f*cked the dream for which her grandfather fought…

      That ‘burb in Columbus doesn’t impress me. Those abandoned neighborhoods are everywhere, until they’re replaced with Soviet-style apartments. Somebody has a plan for our metropolitan and suburban areas — It ain’t us, and in many cases, makes no sense.

      • Ray
        July 8, 2024 at 16:07

        “This speaks volumes about how brainwashed Americans are, thinking “We’re the Best” … so not true … just look at Japan”
        It is like watching a magic show. Slight of hand… keep ’em looking over there while altering what’s over here. (Starting to crumble now).
        Now that WE have monied them up real well, I read an article regarding the acquisition of very nice Ferrari’s, homes, yachts, travel and lifestyles by the big shots there in Ukraine. Ripoff!!!!
        None of the little people there can participate in the lavish styles of their overlord ‘Elites’. When their little apartment building gets blown up they are just about entirely out of luck. When WE run out of money to give THEM, the big shots will flee or get dead, the new bad guys will take over again…you know- rinse and repeat. Like WE always do. Like NOW. With similar results.
        Who gets to keep the Ferrari’s???

    • Totally agree, WRT Joe. I don’t think he’ll crash & burn, because there are too many wannabee despots in the world who’d love to get a piece of us. I believe they’ll protect him from himself (and each other) because as long as his figurehead is running the show, he’s gonna pay out better’n a gravy train…

    • Nice one Pathfinder, seems like Kunstler’s Geography of
      Nowhere is taking root outside of Detroit and now spreading across the nation. Perfect nieghborhood to rent out to our new citizens crossing over……. these are all factory and industrial towns. Industry is gone [green] lol.

  7. the simulator..
    years ago I sat my 4 year old grandson in the seat of a simulator whe I did some work.. lol lol lol.. came back he was having a blast..he would roll the plane to the end of the runway…then back it up and roll it to the end of the runway again..
    lol lol
    the one that got me was at an electronics show .. a very long time ago..they had a goggles that when put would swear you were on the edge of the grand was so realistic..
    and over 50 years ago I seen a hologram of the earth in real time…amazing stuff.. walk around it take a look.. it was amazing and still one very memorable experiences..

  8. Am about to venture into the world of welding. What basic equipment would you proscribe to a rookie eager to learn?

  9. Chemtrails and scalar weapons go hand and hand. The metallic particles in the chems help the haarp bounce off the sky to direct heating on the ground. Great way to direct and or intensify a storm. I’m sure others here have a better explanation than this.

    • Since leaving NORTAM and passaging for 35 days I have not seen a “contrail” (chemtrail? ) for months. Nothing like that in the other hemisphere. Odd.

      Planes fly around here, coming in from all over the world. See them, but no long strange clouds like NORTAM.

      I wonder why that is?


        • Say have you ever watched Curiosity stream or Gaia .. god I love those two channels.. the wife doesn’t get a charge out of the shows I watch.. but I love them.. got the expanded part so the kids can watch shows designed around them.. I have one that loves reptiles.. tries to save them all.. put them in a place where they can live uninjured..
          speaking of which.. I am so proud of him and his brother.. they found a nest of baby rabbits.. to young and still nursing.. six of them.. well… momma would have let them die so he wanted to rescue them.. every hour of the day he would come feed them.. they finally got to what would amount of being a teenager.. two of the littlest ones died.. but four of them are alive and well.. He and his brother let them go the other day in a nice field where there is a lot of food and shelter for them.. He would feed Jack.. ( jackie) she was the bunny in the back yard.. got to the point where he could call it and it would come running up for food.. LOL… anyway these are boo’s babies.. boo was one of jackies babies.. so they are almost like pets.. LOL LOL LOL LOL they were giving me crap over the fourth about it.. because when the older mini me was little he said he is just like you.. he remembered me stopping and waiting for a momma rabbit and her babies to cross the road.. LOL or stopping and carrying a turtle to the side it was trying to get to LOL LOL….

          then they showed me this clip.. LOL saying.. that is the only way they could ever see me hunting LOL

      • Nearby AFB’s ?

        There’s Ure clue, “Salty”

        Better yet when was the last Water Cooled jet engine manufactured ? Hmmm

    • Hey Dude.

      Im no expert here , but Ive heard that the HAARP youre likely thinking about is now in the hands of an Alaskan University.

      Whatchu talkin bout Willis.

      ” They” have much better… and scarier.

      • HAARP has always been at the University of Alaska – Anchorage.

        Like any government research project, the kiddies who qualify can play with the taxpayer-funded toys, but only in the manner specified by whichever Department or Agency oversees it. This allows the government to train new techs on whatever the toy is, and justify spending whatever amount is necessary to maintain the toy, so when the government wants to use it again, they don’t have to boil off the Cosmoline and replace the capacitors.

        It’s SOP, and “research departments” at probably 200 American universities have g-sponsored projects that’re run in exactly the same way.

        Remember, HAARP is a legitimate scientific instrument, and Russia, China, France, Britain, and India (and a couple other nations) each have their own HAARP, several of which are much more powerful than the one we have at UAA…

  10. I shorted the DJIA as it went over 200 points up.. this morning [ options / puts ] now down over 61.5 – just about to get out. Nice trade.
    Gold & Silver took a bitch slap this morning.
    Profit taking?

    • I kept waiting for a garbage can to come barreling down the street and plow him under.

  11. I do not and have not followed the click-bait, future doom-sayer’s sites. Haven’t for several years. Mostly hysteria-gathering of the mentally challenged ‘sheep’.
    I have followed and read Stu’s books and posts., as I think he has “the best” handle on Nostradamus and how to read., interrupt him. And sadly, I believe him to be right.
    I do not see anything good coming down the road. Nothing at all. The main-spring just keeps getting wound tighter and tighter – nearly every day. I have never seen so many countries, world wide, that seemingly “want” a war. Sadly, our population is just ignoring it all.
    Our own country is on the verge of a major political change., or, should that read Upheaval. From boastful arrogance to stumbling incompetence – and there’s everything in-between. And it all has to come to head in the matter of a few weeks. The pressure of the up-coming political conventions and elections soon after, are going to force the changing-of-the guard. They have no choice. Ergo., you have no choice.
    And if Nostradamus is correct – those choices will matter very little. If Deagel is correct, it won’t matter at all. Sprinkle it all with a little Cayce – and you will have no choices left.
    – So.., just what do you do? You’re in the tunnel, folks – and that bright light heading towards you is any but ‘friendly’. You’re gonna have to make a few choices., and I feel you are going to have make them.., very soon.

    • “So.., just what do you do ?”

      Do my best Foster Brooks imitation and jreenk heavily.

  12. Hi Goerge;
    Watching Ventusky now, 7/8 Noon Pacific, and it looks like Beryl is headed toward Palestine, TX. Lucky for you the winds are just under 50 mph.

  13. Finally dropped below 90 degrees last night, so the misses and I went out to bistro table by the koi pond and water falls. Around ten o’clock [ PST]
    Two tall iced coffee with a shot of Meyers Special Dark, crumble-chunks of Cougar Gold sharp cheddar, garlic stuffed green olives, half a dozen perfectly fried pot stickers with a small bowl of my homemade spicy & thick, teriyaki sauce., two small bunches of red sweet table grapes, celery & carrot sticks [ fresh from the garden] with a small bowl of blue cheese dip., we were set.
    Conversation covered a lot of topics and wandered the spectrum many different subjects. [ Usually does with us – as we two very different people.] I was mainly doing the listening, as she seemed to have a few things she wanted to cover, or have answers for – then, around 11:45, right after a refill of our iced coffee, she dropped “the question”., I knew she was leading up to something., but knowing her – it could be, literally, anything., so you just sit and wait for it – she’ll get around to it.
    .., and I have to say – it caught me completely off-guard…,
    Her: “Can we afford one of those sailboats you’ve talked about? Live-aboard ?”
    Well., I damn near shot cold coffee and rum out my nose., and just looked at her – probably in astonishment.
    Me: “Mentally, physically, or economically?” I stammered.
    Her: “ahh., all three I guess.”
    It was a two hour conversation – to be continued – and we went to bed around 2 o’clock. She has never shown any real interest in live aboard sailing., having been on a sail boat only twice in her life – once for a ‘long day’ and the other for a couple of days. Said she enjoyed both times.
    Wow. Now I am stuck in a dilemma. Start looking and see if that trimaran is for sale again.., or slowly discourage the idea, as it’s a little late in the geo-political game to start a whole new live-adventure.
    …, damn !

  14. Wow… a few months ago..I ordered a bread knife from a small company in Japan that hand makes knives..I got it today… I forget what the metal is called its the multi layered stainless steel hand honed..
    before I ordered several as Xmas gifts I wanted to see if it was worth it..
    well it came today and I tried it.. my oh is now my new favorite bread knife..
    when I get paid I am ordering the girls each one..

  15. re: Morning George
    feat: operators standing by


    Days after sitting down for a pre-recorded television interview with President Clinton’s former Communications Director, a caller identifying as President Joe Biden dialed into Monday morning’s MSNBC “Morning Joe” program. The woman host is the daughter of a President Johnson counselor and the National Security Advisor to President Carter. Her spouse, namesake of the program, is a former republican-turned-independent. Perhaps DJ George will make our day with a stream of decadence from Morning Joe’s “Calling on Robert E. Lee” ep –
    “Time Rolls On”.

    Apparently President Biden “doesn’t care about what those big names think (about him).”

    Good times.

  16. ., and now for the local news
    – Chicago over the July 4th weekend.
    – Over 100 shot., with 19 dead.

    • Thats with some of the toughest gun control laws on earth. Just think how many fewer tere might be if the perps had the risk of dodging return fire?

    • MARTIN ARMSTRONG: I reported how crime in Chicago alone rose 82% in a two-year period. They have successfully defunded the police and created a haven for criminals. When we held our seminar in London there was a giant advertisement telling Londoners to visit the Windy City of Chicago. Why on Earth would tourism dollars go to a city that resemble a third world nation?

      Experiments for 15-minute cities and the Great Reset will first happen in soon to be abandoned cities like Chicago. Chicago has already attempted to implement state-run grocery stores because theft was so rampant that businesses could not remain open and profitable. The crime is spilling over into the suburbs. The politicians and lawmakers believe that successful individuals should subsidize the lives of those who chose not to participate in society.

      • “The crime is spilling over into the suburbs.”

        It has been for 40 years. The Chicago ‘burbs are run by Mexican gangs. It used to be bikers and street thugs, now it’s MS-13 and their soulmates. The boo-hoo’ing in Chi-town is because the old guard gangsters who matriculated into Cook County government, from Capone to the Dillinger wannabees, like Richard Daley, only know how to be “sneaky-dishonest” now. There ain’t no Valentine’s Day outside Grant Park. The SAs are much more violent, and are not subtle or sneaky about its use.

        Once you go West, away from the skyscrapers, Chicago is still a neat town, with the kind of “small communities incorporated into a big town” (like Brooklyn) and a 24 hour night life like you’d see in a ’50s movie based “at ground level” in L.A. It is when you get to the fringe of these communities that you run the risk of running into trouble or being a central figure in a mass-shooting event. The SW side is especially bad; the south side, less-bad; the SE side, not very bad at all, because that’s Indiana, where cops have a much lower tolerance for bad people behaving badly. Indiana is a “Constitutional carry State” and anyone who’s not a felon or been charged for (misdemeanor) domestic battery can carry a firearm without a permit. I suspect, folks from Munster don’t go to Chicago with a Glock 19 strapped to their hip, but I KNOW folks from Chicago don’t go to the Star Plaza while heeled…

  17. Mind blown how the nu cockatoo at the zoo can scrub his brain with Christianity , based on falsified Texts; NOT source material=Ancient Greek (Dr Amon Stillman), and yet embrace Nosty =occult magic. It’s one or the other , Good Citizens, one or the other.

    The World as we know it is CONTROLLED by Occult Magic .

    Hence All the Ritualistic SCHEISSE surrounding every single Event” in History..certain specific NUMBERS and Clues (left shoes) for example Always surround these events. You can easily find them in the details surrounding 911- like the Flight numbers..

    Zeus/Enlil used 72 Adversaries the Slaughter the OG Son of Life-The Father (Master Genesist) aka Asar/Osiris. That is why they” built the great Mir/Pyramid, to Recall his Ba into…

  18. I have posted this before, but years ago some researchers developing an energetic healing device discovered that 15% of the population reacted to their device differently.

    After the human genome had been mapped, they presented the DNA of some of these folks for analysis. They reported that they did find a unique difference in these people. But the important discovery was that this 15% were immune to the effects of propaganda and mind control.

    Now if you are part of that 15%, but you do not know of this, you will be frustrated severely by trying to educate the other 85%, who are never going to “get it” as long as they expose themselves to the mainstream media and the mainline entertainment industry. If you stop and think about, when you discuss these relevant issues, only about 15% “get it,” and the other 85% will have no memory of what you said a month later.

    So people like this Stew guy will continue to spin their wheels and complain, like he has for the past couple of decades, until they get this. I no longer find this ignorance whining entertaining. However, some of the 15% are monetizing this ignorance by encouraging the 85% to opine and vent their frustration, something that is totally useless in the scheme of things.

    • And there in lies the “rub”.

      Once you monetize anything beyond actual Cost
      you will lose the”Muse”, no I do not have a better Word for it, so deal. Nor will I explain why this is, it just is.

      On the other lobe, once past age 65, odds of getting dementia are 1 in 9 will suffer..usually in form of Alzheimer’s disease, though there are other types Deementia. Latest greatest be pointing to ellagitannins, a type of polyphenol, or specifically to something called urolithin A. We get these guys from pomegranates, berries, and walnuts. Ze gut friendlies transform ze ellegitannins into metabolite urolithin A, and that’s where we get neuroprotective magic.
      Yes ze custom made mice with Alzheimer’s force fed ze urolithin A and showed improved learning and memory, even ze sense of ze smells improved. How did this all happen? Well ze healthy brain removes damaged mitochondria, neurodegen disease impair that natural process. Ze weak mito’s build up and effect brain function. Urolithin A removes these handicapped mito’s and repairs ze cognitive function. Urolithin A is also anti inflammatory, unlike ze BCN, and it protects cells from oxy stress.

      There is more emerging research suggesting Urolithin A supports synaptic function..

      Pomegrantes – research suggests you would need a whole one(everything) as a lot good stuff bound up in pith and peel. Still drink up ze juices. Also more Strawberries, Razberrys, also walnuts, though not so much.

      Supplements ? Punicalagin 13- very potent.

      Again – just good news sharing of Info – NOT Advice!

      Live Long and Prosper Good Citizens.

    • FINALLY an explanation for why so many otherwise-intelligent people can’t see what’s going on, while some average people do! Do you have any links to this information, or can you provide a clue as to where to find it?

    • I’ve had a number of good ‘n fruitful transactions with TEMU. They carry nearly the entire Vevor catalog at prices that are 20-40% under either Amazon or Vevor’s own site.

      What I don’t have is their cellphone “app.” I don’t do apps and I don’t shop from my phone. A good phreaker can steal your entire life from your “stupidphone” in less than three seconds, and never even has to touch you to do it. No, thank you.

      I use my computer, and a burner VISA or PayPal, period…

  19. FORT WAYNE, Ind. – A family-owned dairy farm in Indiana is planning to bring the milkman back to the roads.

    The Kuehnert Milk House serves various flavors of milk in glass bottles, including unique flavors like cotton candy and orange cream. Customers bring the bottles back for store credit as a part of the family’s mission to have a classic approach to dairy products, while also helping with sustainability. The family farm now says they have decided to take their “old-fashioned approach” one step further: they plan to bring the milkman back, delivering milk, cheese curds, and butter.

    • If “she'” a former male, black, LGBTQWERTY, 5 foot 3 inches tall, 275 pounds, and in a wheelchair — “she’s” a shoo-in to win!

      • Teijo is ridiculously hot. She doesn’t even have smile lines, and she has an amazing body — looked as good as any of the other contestants and prettier than half. She’d easily pass for 35 in most crowds.

        Gorgeous girl “of color” won. She has ugly elbows, but the rest of her is quite fine. Miss Teen Texas has a pretty face, but is a bit porky. I’m guessing Austin is rockin’ a little DIE (divisiveness, inequity, exclusion…)

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