Ever wonder why miracles and woo-woo don’t happen more often? And what this might have to do with how we make a buck in stocks and other investments?
OK, so it’s a longish ramble and lots of stats discussed conceptually. But all triggered by a case of materializing silverware in our household. Woo-woo stuff.
Much less ethereal is our discussion of the inflation numbers with CPI being released a few minutes ago.
And then there’s that whole “wars thing” which ebbs and flows like the tornadoes in the South we’re just drying out from.
Double up on the buzz juice…hump day is here and we’re trying to ride it.
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Atoms smatoms my good Man..smatoms. No such thing – aint never been seen, just theorized, imagined, and renditioned – I call BULLSCHEISSE, and bullscheisse on Ure fake ass pictures of atoms..yes fake asz.
Smallest we gotz is BuckyBall Molecules, after that anything Smaller is ALL Probabilities in da Quantum world..All probabilistic.
Weez at WAR, Chief…Balt Harbor was an attack, Tieoneon Quake was a warning -attack. Just like 2020 Vote HACK, Hacking Is modern Warfare – and difficult to Catch, as trail of mis-deeds is hard to Find and Follow.
*Ramadan is over, can we get on with some destruction ?
? Where is the Blue, 6 armed Hindu God Dude – https://youtu.be/oKCPujol4wI?si=ixZuT5SphBHXsiEF when We need him ? Entire WEF and assoc. stooges are in serious need of a Bitch Slapping, serious NEED.
For the rest of Civilization – better than Beer, there is always Punani Time ! https://youtu.be/iUCkf7sCUes?si=jNIrDkfDOTUTq00y
Speaking of atoms CERN is now finding stuff that is invisible. I had high hopes for a gateway opening on the 8th.
Late March –
Physicists Capture Elusive 4D ‘Ghost’ in CERN Particle Accelerator
“In the Super Proton Synchrotron, physicists have finally measured and quantified an invisible structure that can divert the course of the particles therein, and create problems for particle research.”
*Long post deleted*
Speaking of dreams I have vivid dreams. Color/sound…. but I don’t think voices. Verbal communications may be telepathy/thought.
How can I turn dream info into usable info out here or is that the question for the gods/dream info is only in our heads.
As example the other day I had a dream and was told to write down some numbers. I wrote down 132 and then was immediately told, “no, the number is 152” so that stuck.
So I look up the number 152. But now what?
“152 is the sum of four consecutive primes (31 + 37 + 41 + 43). It is a nontotient since there is no integer with 152 coprimes below it.”
I watched the local 3 digit lottery over the next few days, nothing.
In terms of presidents –
31st – Hoover – financial
37th – Nixon – financial
41st – Old man Bush – ???
43rd – Little Bush – conflict/financial.
In terms of letters.
1 – A
5 – E
2 – B
AEB airport = Youjiang Airport, autonomous zone in China.
AEB stock – nothing.
Where else can I go with the info?
Note: To people who can’t recall their dreams. If you don’t make notes within seconds of waking the dream is gone. An antidote might be to keep your cellie handy and as soon as you wake voice record the highlights of the dream.
Flight number of an aircraft
Hull number of a naval vessel
State highway number
“20” – difference between the two numbers
How many wars has France lost
Deliberately misleading – the number is actually – 251
Frequency OowS, with 152hz being a very Low frequency..around a D on a Cello. My FlameInMind-Theraphi App does not even go that Low..
A tone generator App might be worth exploring, ya never know tell ya Ask or Try..
In my worldly sojurns, the following audio frequencies frequently appear as interesting for diffrerent reasons:
111, 396, 432, 528, 444,
852, 639, 741, 272, 856.
Bear in mind, these are “cycles per second.” Nothing in the natural world that I have ever found makes a “second” anything more than an arbitrary unit of convenience.
Sort of like copper pennies, then?
If it is a reversal of numbers that would be ‘BEA’., which is the Bank of East Asia.., founded in 1918. Headquartered in Hong Kong with branches and subsidiaries in Asia, mainland China and the U.S.
The 152 day of this year = May 31
“Everyone wants quick solutions, but everyone has come to understand that there won’t be any.” Ukraine Chief of Military Personnel
The Congressional Budget Office just made it “official” – As of March 1st, the government now pays more in interest payments on it’s debt than it does on national defense.
27% of California’s population were born in another country. New Jersey, New York, Florida and Hawaii – in that order, round out the top five state where slightly more than 50% of all foreign born residents live in the U.S.
If you managed to keep your full time job at a fast food restaurant in California after the recent wage hike – you are now one of the highest paid employees in the entire state.
Ukraine has agreed to start negotiations on “security guarantees” with – are you ready? – Portugal. Portugal? WTH ! Portugal is a security threat? To what country? Lollipop Land?
– I remember laughing out-loud when I read that Portugal had purchased two submarines for “National Defense”.
– Who in the hell would even think of invading Portugal? For what lame-ass reason would you even consider it !?
[ They do make some very good wine.]
– Poor Portugal. I guess they just can’t handle being given the cold shoulder and out of the Lime-Light as all the rest of NATO prepares for war against “those bad guys, over there.”
– Ukraine has nothing else to think about ?? What a friggin’ joke !
In Strong’s Greek concordance, the number 152 stands for shame.
In Strong’s Hebrew concordance, the number 152 stands for: “Adar is prince”, an Assyrian idol, also a son of Sennacherib.
So…… Shame upon an Assyrian (Iraq) prince?
Great info – thanks.
(“Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.5 percent before seasonal adjustment. The index for shelter rose in March, “)
????? do they just make that crap up????
the .99 cent loaf of bread is now almost 4.00… it was in 2012 .65 cents a loaf.. Rent on low income housing.. is a grand a month plus utilities.. It use to have heating water sewer and garbage.. supplied.. three years ago.. and low income rent was four hundred a month..
One of my next door neighbors.. had to sell out her home and belongings.. her husband ended up in a nursing home.. and of course they took it all.. but.. she was unable to pay his monthly costs.. for his nursing cares.. and since they take it all.. what she gets in social security isn’t enough to pay the taxes and utilities.. so selling out everything was the only option.. it will get them two years in a nursing facility..
A few weeks ago.. Walmart reset the shelves.. I buy beneful for my dog.. they put them on the bottom shelf.. ok.. OLD people buy that.. now mine is for my dog.. but..
do you have any idea how many old people that are dependent on Social Security don’t have money for food..I will never forget the cat ladies.. I worked at a grocery store and this lady would come in and buy a half gallon of milk some bread and cat food.. one day I was in the break room and asked the manager.. I wonder how many cats that woman has.. his response shocked me.. she probably doesn’t have any cats.. well I delivered her groceries once.. and sure enough that was for her to eat.. half a can for her days nutrition.. so I would drop off a box of food..
I get it.. I was bitching at the staff at walmart.. and I finally got them to raise it up a shelf so old people don’t have to crawl on the floor to get it.. I could tell from the managers expression that he totally got what more old people do than that.. what disturbed me was he thought it was some hilarious thing.. not the indignancy of being old and dependent.. or poor and dependent.. which makes me curious.. the last few weeks I would be down there getting dog food and how many would ask me to spot different flavors of food.. just how many of those were actually getting it for their daily rations.. or were they getting it for their pets..
saddly it isn’t just in America..philipeans.. pagpag..
the wife tells me.. honey you cannot save the world.. but only one.. let me help one more.. give them a hand up.. around here they pour diesel fuel on the food waste.. I see someone searching the garbage.. they get a meal.. I don’t care if I have to go without.. I need to lose some weight anyway.. no one will be hungry..
I think of my guy.. the can man the lived in a dumpster.. or the one guy living in one of my spare rooms.. he was a dumpster diver to..
Many of the canned dog food “stew” dinners look and smell tastier than a lot of the food I eat, even up to (and including) food bought mid-priced restaurants. The dog food cans have carrots, peas, potatoes, etc., but they’re probably 70% cubed beef or poultry. The diced chicken looks better than the stuff in the Campbells, Sweet Sue, or Dinty Moore can.
I don’t recall dog food being this way, and only noticed now (actually about 5 years ago) when my vet explained that Siberian Huskies needed to have a can of “wet food” at least once per month. I have no doubt the suits at the pet food companies have examined the possibility of acquiring an alternative revenue stream for their canned product lines…
Yes generally smells amazine.. my Mae loves it.. she’s an older dog and doesn’t eat the hard dog food anymore.. is she spoiled …hmm well yes..if you showed up she would harass you for treats..the ups and fed ex bring treats.. she can hear that truck three blocks away.. then looks at it as it drives by with the where the hell are you going..
bite anyone..well if she did I would have to know what they did to her.. she sheds so if you met her you’d go home looking like you just had sex with stormy..blonde hairs everywhere..
working grocery you would be surprised at how many old people come through with bags of the good canned stuff.. years ago there was a hotdog stand that everyone went to..including me..the best chili dog in the world.. years after it was closed we had a remember great eating places of the past..his magic mix in the chili dog was a local brand of dogfood..kalkan use to have a requirement that before a product hit the shelves had to be taste tested by management at board meetings..
I oft wondered if dry pet food made from grains is a reason for bad teeth in our pets and US
I feed my cats canned and dry, I have two kinds of dry, a better one for the porch feed station and cheap stuff for my bird feeding spots, as the Starlings love dry cat food and so do the Robins,,, sometimes the Starlings get lead poisoning at 700 fps [pcp], then the cats get fresh food
and the cats nibble at the cheap stuff by the bird feeders. Some stray cats swing by also, I let them eat a little then I spook them off and keep them wary of this mean ole man.
most of what is in dog food is grain.. corn.. some bone meal.. etc..
meat byproducts is blood fat skin etc..
We had a dog that had corn allergy so we would get BLUE.. great dog food twice as much.. Mae doesn’t like blueberries.. I had a dog that loved blue berries.. we had a blue berry bush and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t producing until I seen her picking the blueberries and eating them.. Ginger was a sweetie.. she had been abandoned with her pups .. and when we got her she was nothing but skin and bones.. no fur on her face because she had to fight off coyotes and racoons.. ( if she seen an animal that remotely resembled a coyote or coon.. that animal was dead and she could break two log chains to get to it) Like all my pets.. she was a great friend.. got bone cancer.. after about twelve years.. she like mae was on the euthanization list.. we had to carry her out to go to the bathroom and then carry her back in.. took me a year to get her to walk past the driveway she would hide in the closet.. before she got bone cancer.. she would take me for her daily walk.. loved people.. and like the rest of my animals if she had ever bitten anyone.. they did something to hurt her..animals take on the personality of the people that they belong to..
“I oft wondered if dry pet food made from grains is a reason for bad teeth in our pets and US”
I doubt it. It’s not a question of form, but of content. I have a strong bias against Pur**a* because they are the industry juggernaut, and when they want a niche they don’t have, they simply buy the niche-leader. Once they “own” the niche, they typically reformulate their acquisition to boost profits and make the acquisition self-financing.
I was a breeder, 40 years ago, and fed my pups Eukanuba (like every other breeder who wasn’t using Science Diet.) Iams and Hills (respectively) are no longer the leaders of the pack (except for Hills prescription-only foods), although I don’t believe they have sacrificed much quality. Others have simply passed them by. Also, a bunch of relative newbs have come onto the “designer dog food” scene in the past 10-15 years. Many, I know little or nothing about.
Red Barn, Merrick, Blackwood, Victor, and a couple others are genuine high-quality chow. There are a few foods like Blue Buffalo, which are nearly as good and friendlier to your wallet. Rachael Ray is ridiculously cute, but slapping her face on a bag of dog food doesn’t make it good — only expensive. Then there’s a bunch of foods like “Royal C****” which are junk, but very high priced, to fill that niche of the bougie UMC types who never read labels but think if you spend $80-$100 on a bag of dog food, it must be really good.
For wet food, I will buy Merrick or Victor if I can get it on sale, but usually get either Blue or Purina Pro Plan. They run between $2.69-$3.69 while the fancy stuff is running around $4/can; I try to buy at $1.69-$2.19 per. If I can’t buy canned “dog food stew” for less than a store’s Dinty Moore knock-off, the pups get people food that month…
* I am convinced that Pur*** fucked their chicken-feed supply when all the feed-fed layers in the US and Canada took a vacation from egg production. I’m not going to accuse anyone of a deliberate act, but there’s sufficient evidence to believe something corrupted the feed, and that really bothers me as much now as it did when eggs went from 79¢/doz to $7/doz…
I worked in a pork factory for a while. We’d kill 4000 hogs per day. They’d painlessly kill the hog’s brain, then string it up to a conveyor by the rear hocks and slit its throat. The hog would wend its way through the “kill room,” draining as it went and go through a wall of fire to remove its hair, until it got to the refrigerator, where it’d be racked for the night to finish draining and cool to freezing.
Every night a stainless steel tank truck would come by and pick up ~12,000 gallons of blood, to deliver to Ralston Purina. I don’t know if they got skin and bones, or not (probably.) However, one of the guys told me Purina cooked that blood down until it was dry (thus removing all its food value), combined it with (cooked) cow, chicken, (horse, duck, turkey, etc.) blood and dried, ground grains (in varied ratios), then rehydrated it in a controlled manner and pressed it into their various kibbles.
We gave up zero fat to Purina, and later, when I did actual butchery, the shop gave zero beef or poultry fat.
“????? do they just make that crap up????”
If we don’t notice being gas-lit about everything from elections to gender, why on Earth would we notice being gas-lit regarding the economy, and the amount of money in (or not in) our pockets?
I think you will understand what I mean when I write that we are living in a slow-motion depression economy. Credit deflation is taking the form of individuals slowly being economically strangled by inflation, interest payments, and predatory employers, until they are forced into default, and effectively become disenfranchised from the debt slavery system set up by the banks. Depressions are characterized by credit deflation, not by inflation or deflation at the consumer level. And unsound money management at the national level can introduce currency hyperinflation. What can be bought with an ounce of PM tends to tell the real story on cost of living.
If you have a modest cash residence of any kind, and can save enough money to avoid time-payment for transport, you can get by in this economy without eating pet food. The credit rating agencies will attack you if they think you are living that frugal lifestyle, and advise you to take on more debt as a cure. They are starting that with me. Fr@ck the debt slavers. The debt mongers have reintroduced lifetime indentured service in the form of debt slavery to this country, and I don’t have to willingly participate, or refrain from saying bad things about the psychopaths.
Someone has paid a freelance journalist to write a “worklife” piece for the BBC which includes excerpts from a billionaire ceo co-founder of some trillions of dollars Black Rock. Age 75 should be the new 65 for retirement in the West!
Comrades, as you may recall, dozens of American ceos gathered at the State Guest House in Beijing a few Mondays past. (There in the Workers’ Paradise, white collar types retire at 60 and blue collar at 50.) The ceos cooled their heels doing whatever on Tuesday that week. President Xi finally had time in his busy schedule on the Wednesday to deliver his guidance and instructions to them.
“Retirement” didn’t exist for the masses, except in the UK from the military and civil service, until one of FDR’s bright boys invented it as an additional revenue stream for the U.S. Federal Government during the Great Depression. Roosevelt tapped insurance actuaries to determine when “retirement age” should occur. The question was: “When do people die?” The answer was: “At age 62, plus seven months, on average.” Accordingly, the Roosevelt Administration set “Retirement Age” arbitrarily at “age 65,” to ensure that “Social Security” would be a positive revenue stream for the government, at a time when it desperately needed additional revenue and could absolutely not raise taxes.
The Republicans under Herbert Hoover were blamed for the stock market crash and the Depression. Accordingly, along with winning the Presidency in 1932, FDR and the Dems were blessed with a huge majority in both Houses of our Congress. Republicans sued the Administration for creating Social Security, on the grounds that the creation and administration of a “retirement fund” was beyond the scope and purview of the Federal Government. When it got to the USSC, the (winning) Administration argument was that “Social Security” was really just another tax, that Social Security funds were added to the Federal Budget like all other forms of funding, and that the concepts of “Social Security fund” and “Social Security lockbox” were mere sales points, in uncertain times, to reassure the American People that the money taken from them (and their employer) in “FICA Taxes” would someday be returned to them (if they lived long enough.)
Since “retirement age” was arbitrarily determined [to be] a couple years beyond the life expectancy of the average citizen, it is only reasonable, now that humans live longer, to raise the “retirement age.” Because the function of State pensions (Social Security, in the U.S.) is principally to tax people excessively, but in such a manner that they don’t revolt, it seems perfectly reasonable to me, to raise said retirement age to 75, 80, hell, even 85, since it is a tax based on a pyramid scheme which was designed to only rarely pay out, anyway.
Fascinating column today, G-Man
But I have to throw this in: All that empty space creating
Climate Change and Global Warming
Matrix? Parallel Universes? All is a Hologram?
“Lithuania in talks with US, French defence industry companies – minister
And yet, there are the headlines on Lithuania all over: Germany Deploys Permanent Brigade to Lithuania, First Since WWII.”
This is because of Kaliningrad. The Suwa?ki Gap essentially cuts the Baltic States off from Ureup and NATO. Russia has highway and railroad access to Kaliningrad through Lithuania, but are not allowed to transport military men, munitions, or materiel. With the Ukrainian bombing of the Russian ship in the Baltic, Kremlin eyes have been focused on the Gap, and on southern Lithuania. I said some time ago that Putin isn’t interested in the Baltic States. He’s not, but he is terribly interested in maintaining his warm water access to the Baltic Sea and the Oblast at Kaliningrad. The hard-liners in the Duma believe (and probably rightly-so) that it is transport restrictions in Lithuania which have throttled Russia’s ability to properly defend its Baltic Fleet.
This is why the noise about Lithuania is a thing, right now…
“Because while talking pals with Palestinians, when it come to war, especially over waterfront property with gas deposits in the front yard: Pentagon Chief Claims U.S. Sees ‘No Evidence’ Israel Is Committing Genocide In Gaza”
Or, or, (and I’m just spitballin’ here) it is just possible that Hamas (from whom the USUKEU and Canada got 100% of their news regarding the Israeli op in Gaza) lied, and there really IS no genocide in the Gaza Strip.
Obiden is strongly pro-Iranian. So’s Blinken and his cousin, Soros. I really don’t see Austin going against the flow. He’s a team player, and yellow as a goldfinch. If he could’ve found any signs of a genocide committed by Israelis, I’m pretty sure he would have reported same, during that Congressional quiz…
Zio joe ? pro-Iranian ? really, IDF Colonel Blinken pro Iranian, really ?
Talk about a Brown Eyed Bullshitter..
– Austin a Christian In Action agent = a team player?..Team Satanic Empire.
Doubt its sympathy, must be a blood thing, no?
(“Pentagon Chief Claims U.S. Sees ‘No Evidence’ Israel Is Committing Genocide In Gaza”)
these are the same jokers that are spending loads of our cash to protect the deviant and corrupt.. trying to destroy an ex president because he actually tried to work for the taxpayers and didn’t support the genocidal wars. in what totally appears as a black swan event to gain an oil and gas field.
Israel already “owns” 90% of all the offshore gas and oil fields and nearly 98% of the potential yield. Why would they fight a protracted war, killing off hundreds of their strongest, healthiest breeders, for the three oil fields that’re off the 23 mile long coast of Gaza and Northern Egypt?
Our media accepts everything Hamas says as gospel and doesn’t even bother to ask the IDF for their version. Do you accept everything the media says about the Biden Administration as gospel truth? If not, then why the fuck would you accept everything a paramilitary/political entity whose sole reason for existence is the extermination of all Jews, says about Jews…?
Extermination of all israelai’s .
Clueless LIAR you be or just aLying Liar ?
How many thousands of Jews peacefully living in Iran ? Ure so full of blind rage/anger, cant see thru all the shit piled up inside Ure mind.
Id take you thru history pre Balfour, but again cant tell a narcissistic jew lover squataa, so wont bother.
Suggest you get Ure Eyes checked, it is a REAL HOLOCAUST, unlike the fake 6 million bullscheisse Ure kind been trying to throw around for ages…BULLSCEISSE.
Above Smellz worse than the Palestinian carrion currently rotting in under all the rubble that was Gaza..