Vacation Uncertainty

So much for deserving a break today.  While summer should be time for picnics, trips, time with friends and family, a good deal of that has been blown up this year by bad policy, good court decisions, and angry people. Oh yeah, gas prices, too.

We wonder “What is America coming to?” with good reason:  It ALL impacts the markets.

A few “notes on nuttiness” as we stick mainly to the economics in this morning’s outlook.

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37 thoughts on “Vacation Uncertainty”

  1. I got thinking this morning about how much I have looked forward to the July 4 fireworks displays of my American friends for so many years. We have a bit on July 1 here in Canada but you guys really light it up on the 4th with the red, white and blue. Last year in particular, after 2 years of COVID lockdown, was particularly inspiring. A majestic display.! There was always a sense of unity in it. The red Republican party and the Blue Democrat party locked together in a united white peace front of a great nation.

    This year, not so much. I can’t believe how fast it has gone downhill in such a short time. Will there be a display this year and will it be red, black and blue?

    I have hundreds of American friends and relatives and always looked up to you guys. Thought of moving to the USA many times and had lots of chances to do so. Trudeau’s father often inspired me to abandon Canada and become an American. Today, I watch in disgust at how the son is “dictating” our future but at my age there seems to be nowhere to run.

    This Canadian looks on in sadness.

    • “I got thinking this morning about how much I have looked forward to the July 4 fireworks displays of my American friends for so many years.”

      I personally am not a fireworks person.. I do watch them but only because the family enjoys them..
      My friend that lived in our spare room.. he hid in the shower stall and barricaded himself in his room..terrified.. on July 5th..he gave me a huge hug and said… I am glad you survived and made it…
      The horrors of what they really represent haunted him…

    • BIC, so you have noticed, THE NET.

      It’s designed that “You Shall Not Pass.”

      These borders have been diplomatically set and agreed to by the elite, serving man in all governments on earth, the UN, the WEF, and minions more.

      When the common man realizes he has nowhere to run, then we are getting somewhere…

      Stay Positive. Bloom where you are planted.

    • We’re not far behind you BIC. As in the days of Obama it’s happening again –
      Why are the Railroad Retirement Board & IRS stockpiling ammunition?

      Don’t know how well accountants shoot but my bet is on the idea that this is causing a new ammo shortage down here. As I tell everyone online – learn to hit your target the first time and store the rest.

  2. Just a thought. My father use to inject Tabasco into tomatoes to try to keep the squirrels out. A continuing battle. Poisoning squirrels can have bad in killing the hawks, crows, etc that eat carrion. Where I’m at, we can see bees falling on our patios, dying. An explanation is Mosquito Joe’s and the like spreading pesticides on yards where the bees try gathering pollen. Hard to try not to harm what you don’t intend to do. Yes, been a tree-hugger from long ago.

    • Paint guns any mouse – I shoot em on the wood,blue, green splotchs all over front of wood pile. Several colorful squirrels running around as evidence. I paint em with the splatta – aim for their little feet, hit wood just below, splatta paint on bushy tails…no harm – no foul.. though the squirrels do seem a lil jumpy around the wood pile anymore..

  3. sand sand everywhere sand…
    LOL LOL got the great grand kid.. yesterday.. one i one one is two.. well I make up sand for the kids.. I get this really nice fine sand.. it is almost to clay fine.. then I take kitty litter.. three parts of sand and one part of kitty litter.. put it in a ball mill.. ( I use the tumble stone tumbler with a few marble size rock in it..) and let it go.. till it i powder fine.. then mix the kitty litter to the sand.. mix just enough water with it to make it so it clumps.. we have a cardboard tray that goes on an activity table.. the kids had a blast.. the stuff can be formed etc.. but wow.. those two had sand all over .. LOL LOL they did have fun though.. they could take the cheap make a sand castle mold and make buildings etc.. they had fun.. then story time.. before nap…my favorite mr. brown can moo how about you LOL… what a day they had..

    • the reverse mix i what it is to make pottery.. three parts of clay to one part of sand… then temper it.. mix it.. put it in a bag or tub let it sit.. a day or two..

  4. Achtung Gpops,

    Caution advised shortin this pig of a market going into month end. All the pensions/retirement plans types have to Buy this week..creating a bit of a bullish headwind. This homegamer will be looking to get Short Thursday afternoon..a lil bit, as already defensively positioned.

    Ure American Suckerfish just got sfuckered again! John (same exact picture/always) Durham done run out the clock on the Q lemmings. Hundreds of indictments..bwahahahaahahah nerp, none.

    NO INDICTMENTS, ever- One More Time for the numbnutz “experts” here.. Durham does not exist .
    No one has ever seen the man.
    Show this Observer a DIFFERENT picture – ANY Picture of the man – other than the stock photo that is Used in every single article/story/feature. Come on geniuses – one little shred of proof, just one..

    thought so.

    Bill (the hitman) Barr played not only little boys and bagpipes, but the entire Q hopefuls. Never,None, Bubkiss
    We have been ROBbed (riceobongobiden) by traitorous trash that is beholden/Owned to/by the 4threich/breakaway/spacenazi corp.
    * Hope has Never been a good Plan or Strategy, ever.

    Riddle for the weekend – Why did a Covert19 denier (moi), a Mask Denier (moi), Ardent anti vaxxer (selfish prick) – go about without a mask, without a vaxx onboard 2 years – traveling via planes, bus/vans go?

    Got Vaxxed (2 shotz) of SHINGLES vax, had to Pay out of pocket for pnuemonia vaxx back when SARS popped(age thing) ? Do you know how and where Shingles vax is derived ? from the bark of what tree ?

    ? Who supplied 100% of base “materials” for ALL covert19 vaxxes – no matta the manufacturer? #1 in Vaccines historically, born of giant German chemical company? Think sputnik/Russian vax maker sourced their material from same source ? What next level biotech co did they just buy – 2 acquire tech for in brain (implants/drugs/chems/electronics/engineered bacteria).
    wont be long now…till U Own Nothing, and U will be Happy about it – I guarantee it! bwahahahahaahahah

    * latest bullscheisse from the land of make believe (Q) – E.C. “cant stop whats about to happen” = Telegram for “Im a loosa named Cohen” . Just another evil commie clown “processing” Children on the regular, when not banging away on keyboard in his uncles/motherz basement .

    • Saw several videos of Durham going into to DC court after Sussman indictment and trial which Durham lost. Next trial scheduled for August.
      Are we in different dimensions?

  5. I might use the new Red Flag laws.

    Report a gun owner for being a dangerous unquantifiable term. Threatening, whatever.

    Police come to take their guns. Video the gun owner in the driveway waving their hands, “I’m not a whatever!”, looking nutty for YouTube.

    Perch on the COPS shoulder, “See! See! That gun owner is a loon ready to go.” If the police don’t take their guns they’re exposed to trillion $ lawsuits.

    • Not a fan of the reporting your neighbor or giving state more power to infringe on peoples rights. But if you report someone, you will be expected to provide evidence to a court before any seizure takes place and likely they would frown on attempting to harass another citizen. Many states already have these, my state does not so I have not read much about the used against political opponents though I expect more of that over time.
      From reading some of example there it seems like maybe they have lowered the suicide rate by gun, though other suicide methods have increased, so increasing state power over the citizen with little to show any improvement in criminal use of weapons.

  6. Plant a critter garden.. away from the main family garden..

    Another thing is a quick trip to dollar store and get some punching balloons..blow them up halfway.. spray paint a bright circle or dot in the center then hang on a shepherds hook.. ( I don’t have to do that the critter garden is enough for us )

  7. No matter how you feel about Roe tell me how you feel after going to a funeral of a victim of unsafe abortion. Been there done that 2 times before Roe

    • Sorry to hear about the girls. My sympathies!

      I’ve studied medicine along the way and it’s quite amazing how little the average person seems to know about the details of female anatomy and physiology. A properly done abortion is not quantum physics. It needs to be done carefully with sterile technique, and full consideration of possible complications. It also needs to be done as early as practical. The decision needs to be made by the couple if possible and by the woman alone if necessary. It’s a challenging decision. Their lives will usually be changed by the decision regardless of the result. I won’t judge anyone who is faced with the situation of an unwanted pregnancy. It could happen for many reasons, and contraception is not absolute. A botched abortion can be life threatening and certainly a threat to fertility. PID is no fun and can be lethal. Limiting access to abortions will certainly cause many to go underground, but even if no abortion occurs, a desperate young girl from an intolerant family may well be motivated to suicide. This does happen.

    • Well if you believe that is a unique human baby that is being murdered, (what else could it be growing in the womb), then you have a person being an accessory to murder that might also die. So two deaths instead of one. As far as I can tell there will be many states sanctioning abortions even up to minutes before natural birth, so it could be many more decades (if ever) before the legal practice is stamped out in the US. There is never the concept of a safe abortion, as at least one human life is always lost.

      Maybe we should propose all males get “fixed”, and women could verify the mans fertility status before agreeing to sexual relations. A national fertility database? We may have to figure technically how to get that done and undone with little fuss. Of course that won’t stop the spread of deadly disease but can help stop us creating unwanted humans and then needing to kill them. Of course unplanned offspring has brought immense joy to many so me might lose that and lower our birth rates even more.

      • I am not arguing either side of the abortion issue. If any of you out there think doing away with Roe will stop abortions maybe you werent around before Roe, as it helped stop unsafe abortions. Seems as though most of the Roe protesters are female.

    • So murdering babies is the answer so these people won’t take part in what they should already know is a risky procedure? That is some selfish, backwards thinking.

      • Hello Boogeyman,
        I’m not so sure the SCOTUS made a mistake. Could it be that the women so loudly disagreeing with the ruling enjoy having the federal courts as a backup plan for an abortion when their passion becomes uncontrollable and results in pregnancy? Sure, rape and incest are crimes against those women and need to be remedied but the large vocal crowds that favor Maxine Waters’ solution will drive many to seek abortion from unsafe sources.
        Most of the undesired pregnancies are self-chosen from runaway passion and desire to enjoy the sex without consideration of the risk of the unwanted consequences. It has always been this way. Slow down.
        Regarding sex, more is given away than stolen…
        How about some personal responsibility and self-control BEFORE making whoopie for a change. Sex is easy and fun and the big part human nature. Pregnancy prevention has never been easier.
        Having the sex doesn’t have to be uncontrollable jungle fever without considering potential consequences for the act.
        The responsibility though, that’s the biggie and it requires thinking,-AHEAD of the act. Right now the screamers seem to be reserving any thinking for AFTER the act.

  8. “What is America coming to?”

    One of the subtle visual tells surrounding protests at the SC’s “Marble Palace” in Washington are images of the 8 foot high non-scalable fencing. The TMZ website offers the how-to on the fence assembly that appeared the night after the May day Roe v. Wade leak. The website of the fence construction company is “403” but it’s on Archive. Is there a tender out for the Southern Border Fence? Anyone have a Texas post driver handy to lease out?

    Sunday tool time fans are hopefully keeping abreast of “The Daily Mail” ‘s New York correspondent updates. Just featured are 3-D printed outfits for City wear by the Brazilian fashion designer Artemis (a Greek goddess) featuring Julia Fox of the “Uncut Gems” movie.

    The public White House schedule notes that the First Couple are enroute to the 2022 G7 Summit in Southern Germany. Those seeking a rural, tranquil vibe for a weekend vacay may wish to channel last year’s G7 marshmallow roast with buttered rum which was served up on the beach at Carbis Bay, Cornwall.

    • The last few days have been foretelling?

      1./ BIC told the group that he skydived.

      2./ The BRIC leaders from India and South Africa skipped the 40+ member Commonwealth meeting in Rwanda while China was holding the BRIC Summit.

      3./ The eagle has landed and 7 years or so ago since the group trod ground near the Eagle Nest lookout, a $600 billion G7 initiative is announced to offset China’s BRI.

      4./ Today Brussel’s Euroclear Bank is putting Russia in default even though Russia paid a required 100 million $(?) due 30 days ago.

      My understanding is the first Russian near default eventually was expedited between Citibank and JPM in New York? The second near default was narrowly averted via Citibank in London? Now an actual default appears to have happened although the JPM founded Euroclear with $27 trillion in overseen assets has Russia’s 100 million payment. Russia says it’s done with this Western charade. If investors aren’t getting paid out, who is ending up with the 100 million? Will this persuade other nation players to throw their chips in the Russo-Sino clearinghouse formed in 2016? This is not investment advice.

      Fasten your seatbelts and grab onto handholds as DJ Ure gets set to unleash max G-Forces from the topstep dropping Fab 4 magic on the platter with
      “Helter Skelter” !!

  9. Bookends:Thomas Dewey took down the original Murder Incorporated,while the modern version was taken down by Clarence Thomas.

  10. George! It’s Field Day! Get out and go packpack ham portable! Or is it too hot outside? Beach Park day for the local club.

  11. This goes along with what I have seen going on in town the last two weeks:

    The townie cops mounted an offensive against the homeless about a month ago, appearing to target the hapless in possession of contraband shopping carts. but the homeless are overwhelming by sheer strength of numbers. I have seen too many healthy young campers to blame it all on drugs. I don’t think minimum wage earners can afford apartments in urban areas, even with assistance. Lower middle class existence is out of the reach of a large segment of young Americans. The young ones on the street become recruits for the lefties. It’s going to be a long hot summer.

    • the sad part about that @n_____ … is the average wage earner is but a couple paychecks away from being in the tent city or living on the streets in SanFran or any other metropolitan area..

    • Wage earners today get to keep but a small portion of their earnings. First there’s income and SS/medicare taxes, then sales taxes, real estate taxes if you “own”, “lodger’s tax” if in a motel, excise taxes, all of the taxes that the merchants and providers have to pay, and finally massive inflation! Other forms of income are less taxed, but overall, the percentage of gross income lost to government is appalling! The worst part is that for the most part, government provides nothing of value and interferes with self-reliant action.

    • ” I have seen too many healthy young campers”

      This is “a thing” and has been for some years now:

      Young’uns voluntarily become nomadic, moving from town to town and picking up odd jobs as needed, to satisfy their needs. They camp. Sometimes they stay in flophouses, a few have “campers” (which might be anything from a small SUV to a “class-C”.)

      I was at the laundromat two nights ago doing my comforters and a sleeping bag (I hate laundromats, but sometimes those ginormous washers are necessary) when this couple rolled in, in an old E350 work van with a homemade raised roofline (from the double-doors back), a wood panel over one rear window and a (110v) window A/C swedged into the other, and what might’ve been a chemical toilet cleanout next to the plywooded window.

    • Trailers are cheap and if you find a really light one, it’s not too painful at the pump. No insurance required as it’s covered by the tow car. The tough part is finding a place to park overnight, but that’s easier in the west. Check into a motel when desired for showers and amenities. BTW, shower time can easily be bought at a truck stop for about $12.00. If you’re a couple, just shower together.

  12. And just to prove you don’t have to leave home to have an outstanding “Field Day”. Plugged the radios into my battery pack (solar charged) and planned to hit the cross-band repeater on the ISS as it passed over. My club down at the beach was trying, too, so I wanted to give them a contact if possible. But there in the mud, with deep fades, came back the callsign ‘NA1SS’. BAM! Second time in my life I have talked to a live astronaut aboard the Space Station. Out-of-this-world Ham Radio!

  13. DC has got to be one of the most surveilled cities.

    Someone or someones hung ‘Night of Rage’ signs all over the DC area.

    Did the crime fighters catch the perps or is it another unsolved mystery?

  14. On the ac mods there are videos on utube on how to open up the housing to allow more airflow. Suppose to allow the compressor fan to move more heat out of the unit. Gonna try this tomorrow .will advise . Put thin cardboard under ac vent as test. Will advise. I have seen frequent use of misting hose on compressor to cool and improve function . Seems reasonable . Has any one tried misting the unit ?

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