Triska Troubles and WWIII Testing, Progress & Provocations

Triskaidekaphobia anyone? Yes, in my view, the world is slowly edging towards World War III – it will likely pop before Turkey Day and after the BRICS meeting in Russia.

Early futures were showing the market continuing the rally, but again, color us skeptical.  We have still not (in our Aggregate Index work) returned to the high set going into Labor Day weekend. Which in turn was (at best) a secondary high off of the July nominal peak.

The BRICS Bookend

We assume that you don’t read the Vladimir Putin (English language) webpage (here) but he’s like a proud daddy with the BRICS meeting coming up in Kazan, Russia next month.  Just this morning, China’s Xi Jinping to visit Russia next month for the BRICS summit. It’s clear, at least amongst our colleagues, that the odds of Putin (or Xi) doing anything totally disruptive to the Whole World Order will wait until after the mit-wobbling pictures and sham Global Cooperation speeches are cold.

The other bookend – the Thanksgiving period – if not out of deference to football overload, but rather as a practical matter of weather in the Taiwan Strait.

Between now and then, we would expect China to be conducting serious testing and drilling of interoperable capacities with the Russians.  In fact, our Houston bureau sighting passing by in the headlines today, that many people will simply blow off as insignificant.  Russian Aircraft Intercepted by US Near Alaska – Newsweek.

Beyond this, however, there are two other (to us huge) indicators that we are in the pre-war “drills to prep” phase of events.

First, there was an attack on the Taiwan stock market. We would emphasize here that you should pay attention to the reputed source of the attack – which was specifically not Chinese:  Pro-Russian hackers crash Taiwan Stock Exchange website, local media reports ( and Russian Hackers Hit Taiwan Bourse, Bank in Surprise Attack (

Chinese is from the American public’s perspective, operating well below the radar of international incidents, Still, stories like the one 207 Chinese Ships Spotted In West Philippine Sea In New Record-High are incredibly important in the “Drills Before Wars” world of high-end military planning.  In fact, salted in with the Chinese “fishing vessels” are far more dangerous floaters, our sources tell us:

“What normally happens is that the Chinese Maritime Militia (vessels that more or less look like fishing vessels, but are under the express control of, and crewed by, designated militia units, and are used for presence and screening operations) are backed up by Chinese Coast Guard vessels. The normal CCG cutter is an early model JIANG DAO class corvette. The late model JIANG DAOs have more sophisticated anti-sub gear, whereas the earlier models lack that. A few years back they took all the earlier model JIANG DAOs, painted them white with blue CG stripes, and called them CCG cutters. They still carry anti-ship cruise missiles, torpedoes and air defense and surface to surface guns – not exactly normal Coast Guard loadouts. The Chinese Coast Guard is a subordinate element of the People’s Armed Police, which in turn is directly subordinate to the Central Military Commission, essentially as a separate military force. The PAP have defined war time roles in a joint force fight, as does the CCG. In operational deployment, the Maritime Militia vessels and backed up by CCG cutters, which in turn are backed up (over the horizon, normally) by PLAN gray hull warships. But the CCG carry the same sort of anti-ship weapons as the PLAN does. Point is, they’ve flushed a considerable force into Philippine territorial waters. Add this to the global Russian Naval and LRA exercise going on right now, and it paints an interesting picture of deployed Chinese and Russian sea control assets.”

Especially when we (for better or worse) link the aggressive “minor islands” behavior with territorial probes off Alaska and the attack on the Taiwan stock market – quickly laid off as Russian – to keep the unaware from getting the Big Picture. Check.

One other thing a delay until after BRICS gets China: time to help as Vietnam typhoon death toll climbs to 233 as more bodies found in areas hit by landslides and floods.

It Seems to Be Working, Too

One of these days, we expect a Big Name will speak publicly about the quickly rising odds of a Chinese Air and Sea Embargo of Taiwan.  Or a direct invasion. One way China can play events would be the “encircling armada” approach, but the other which would be more of a blind-side of Western interests, would be the use of IRBMs (intermediate range ballistic missiles) conventionally armed on American carriers and bases (Guam comes to mind) to deny the U.S. the long-range air assets needed to effectively challenge a PLAN/PLA action against Taiwan.  Say, that’d be pucker-factor time at Elmendorf/Anchorage, too, wouldn’t it?

The U.S, markets, however, are rising due in part to soaring inflation expectations. Given the rising odds of a Harris presidency, this means the runaway socialist spenders in the American congress will have no veto in the wings when their grandiose wet dreams get to the Oval. The National Debt (not including interest) is already well north of $35.3 trillion dollars.  So, it was hardly surprising to us that Gold popped Thursday along with silver.

The headlines don’t make sense, from the fundamentalist monetary perspective.  We are seeing stories like Gold marks fresh record high as inflation data ‘set the stage’ for Fed rate cut – MarketWatch, but we also know that with a lone Greenspan exception in 1995, a rate cut move by the Fed has normally kicked off market declines in the 30-40 percent range appearing within 6-months.

True as all this is, one of the most reliable statements on Wall Street is “This time is different.”  Well, no.  If anything, they are likely to be worse.  All of the factors and pressures (Ukraine, Iran-Israel, civil strife in America, Taiwan…the whole lot of it) is still pending. G.A. Stewart’s latest match-up with the Nostradamus work reminds us we are in the season of “Collapse and Revolution” so it’s best to remain agile.

As bad as all of this is, we expect Ma Nature will also offer some door prizes to the WW III party.  We know, for example, that the Sun has kicked up its energy output with last month’s big increase in sunspots.  And there are somne who believe that Einsteins e=mc2 equation provides for the “additional condensation of energy into matter” in the Earth’s core, which would (in turn) logically cause the Earth’s crust to act up.  As in Earthquake Measuring 5.1 Hits Malibu; SoCal Breaks Single-Year Quake Record. We hear rumblings that outfits like FEMA and Northcom and all the state agencies may be keeping a watchful on the subduction zone off the west coast of Washington state where the plate-lock is building into position for a once-every-few-hundred-years 9+ magnitude quake.  Which, all by itself could be a $6 trillion disaster and that’s not even counting damage should a killer tsunami ’round the corner’ and run up Haro Strait toward Vancouver B.C….

Puget Sound has a ton of military and critical financial assets to worry about: Bangor sub pens, the Bremerton shipyards, Boeing, Microsoft, Adobe, Amazon, Everett Navy base.  Not to mention Joint Base Lewis-McCord and the NAS Whidbey ops. Ah, to be able to use that old offshore underwater hydrophone system (from the Cold War days) to monitor deep ocean sounds…above everyone’s paygrade, though.

Look – it’s a lot to take in and at the margins, there is still a muddle-through path but most frightful is the waking up a month from now and seeing everything and all of it has lit up overnight.  Gosh, that’s even without mentioning Russia attacking NATO in return for the Brits greenlighting use of their arms for attacks deep inside Russia.  What could possibly go wrong, right?

Our first major point going into the weekend is we are not the only ones asking How close are we to WWIII after Putin’s latest threat to the West?  And no, nuclear war is not going to be “good for markets.” NATO ground-only war? Maybe…until the bioweps.

Take the time to watch this video Putin on the potential use of NATO Long-range weapons against Russia – and specifically about threats to be posed to the United States and ask yourself where this goes if Biden throws all-in with the neocon handlers.

Import-Export Pries

Just out from Labor:

U.S. import prices declined 0.3 percent in August following increases of 0.1 percent in July and June, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Lower fuel and nonfuel prices contributed to the August
decrease. Prices for U.S. exports fell 0.7 percent in August, after advancing 0.5 percent the previous month.


The price index for U.S. imports fell 0.3 percent in August, after ticking up 0.1 percent from April to July. The August decline was the largest monthly drop since the index decreased 0.7 percent in December 2023.
In spite of the August decline, U.S. import prices increased 0.8 percent over the past year. U.S. import prices last fell on a 12-month basis in February 2024.


U.S. export prices declined 0.7 percent in August following a 0.5-percent increase the previous month. Lower prices for nonagricultural and agricultural exports each contributed to the decrease in U.S. export
prices in August. U.S. export prices fell 0.7 percent for the year ended in August, the first over-the-year drop since April 2024.

To summarize, while import prices were down 0.3 the money we got for export fell more than twice that.  Very bad. Squeeze play. But futures slept right through it.

Earlier, the financial markets were looking to take on a few points at the open, but whether it can hold through the close will be the deal today.  Next week is the Fed decision and sometimes we get the feeling Powell’s folks may be in a position where they can’t please everyone.

Still, for now, the market is not at a new (*Aggregate) high, and we have not bettered even Labor Day.  So, we wait.

Yesterday again showed the value of a balanced investment plan.  Gold was up more than $50 bucks, which more than offset our option losses Thursday.  But, I’m a patient sort.  Silver over $30, again, we see. Bitcoin was waffling around the $59 thousand line.

Pass the News Duchy


Did Kamala cheat in the Debate? ABC Whistleblower Exposes Debate Scandal: Kamala Fed Questions, Trump Targeted for Fact-Checking . We think it’s odd who introduced Harris and hubby. And if that’s not enough bias how about ABC News Moderator, Kamala Harris are Sorority Sisters. Oh, nothing to see here…

Democrats don’t need to defeat Republicans in November. they’re doing just fine on their own. MAGA Is Turning Against Laura Loomer – Newsweek

But, even as the last shovelfuls are being put on the coverup burials of 2020: Robert Davi on X: “Biden campaign, Blinken orchestrated intel letter to discredit Hunter Biden laptop story, ex-CIA official says | Fox News” / X

Our in-depth Focus topic on Peoplenomics next week is about “Dynamic Truth.” And my, isn’t this going to be timely? AUSTRALIA THREATENS HEAVY FINES FOR SOCIAL MEDIA GIANTS OVER SO-CALLED MISINFORMATION… ( Everyone wants to be the Editor-in-Chief.

Advertising spying takes to the Interstate: Driven by Ads: Ford’s Patent Paves the Way for Eavesdropping on the Road (

Bigger picture reads: Number Five is Alive – by Brian Fisher – Soil and Roots (

And maybe from up in space ‘It Sure Looks Like a Perfect World’: Billionaire Isaacman Marvels at Planet Earth as He Leaves SpaceX’s Crew Dragon in First Commercial Spacewalk During Polaris Dawn Mission. But down here, there’s some work to be done.  Ahem…

At the Ranch: Railings and Stairs Await

Our ShopTalk Sunday report will be focusing on how we got to the place where that new mini deck will be stuck until next week.  We had over an inch of rain in the gauge when I looked Wednesday, which scuttled plans to mount up and ride the red grass clipper.

The supplies for the finishing touches of the deck (stairs and a railing would be nice) should land today and tomorrow. Which leaves it to the weekend to complete.

What has happened here is that the burst of getting things done when the cooler weather of fall arrived has been blown out of the water. Because the heat is back on for the next week, High 90s are due.  Nice for running the broiler, but not so much for things like (actual) construction because I have an onboard thermostat that cuts off work above 80F.  We shall see.

May fill in with a ham radio project, or something like that.  There is a long queue of quality projects.  But, like that cold beer at 5 PM is an incentive to do a good job for the last few minutes of work (to get the “I earned the cold one”) point nailed down, so too, mowing, railing, seeding, dump runs – all that kind of stuff need to happen.

Railings will get a coat of paint today – run to Lowes for stair risers (too lazy to cut my own) and some more five-quarter treated decking.  While there, more 4-by4s and 2-by’s. Remember what I said going into this, shagging tools and getting supplies will usually take more time than the project itself.  Which turns out to be true…again.

Triska Note:  A reminder to my master Mason son:  Low profile today, buddy.

Write when you get rich,

62 thoughts on “Triska Troubles and WWIII Testing, Progress & Provocations”

        • Pardon my slowness on this Chuck – never had the time to sort it all out. I THINK if he does degree work in his Lodge he’d be Scottish at the end of the chairs? hard keeping up with him…I know he does Shriner stuff now and then too but again, never studied the org chart to grasp how it all works.

        • Lot of respect for the masons and shriners.. if I had had time I would have been a member.. my grandpa was in the order of the Scottish rights Masonic order of the templar knights.. I won’t tell my siblings but I have his sword lol I did get a hat to replace the one I wrecked playing pirates as a kid.the original hat and his apron is gone but I have the sword and a couple of medals of achievements..I am trying to get the photo of both my grandparents in their lodge clothing..

      • Grandfather was German immigrant, entered in 1900, did Rikers, became a citizen, rode range in Montana until 1905, rode the lewis and Clark on horseback to Oregon, went back to Germany and got his life partner, who followed alone some time later, steamship to New York, Rikers, every kind of transport to get across to San Francisco in 1914, married, bought a small farm in Ferndale, CA.
        Moved to Oregon in 1924, became a solid core of a small farming/logging community with lots of other Germany immigrants, some family. He ended up founding a bank that is now part of a nationwide conglomerate, was a County Commissioner, President of the Fair Board for 25 years, partner in the Cheese Factory, and was a recipient of wholesome greetings and loving friendships for all the 32 years I could know him. Married 63 years, passed at 97, his wife went on to 101, was 5 years younger.
        His public association with Masonry was Rotarians, Shriners, and DeMolay. I never had a clue about his 33rd degree or when it all came together. One afternoon, home alone in the farm house i found his full uniform in a closet, boots, fine hat, sash, belt, scabbard, and sword. Being a curious eleven year old, I got the sword gear on, the hat and jacket… and he came home. I had no reason to think it would be anything more than to make him smile, but I was wrong. He never ever struck me in anger, but the words and his look were far more powerful. Much so that I put the whole incident away deep. It wasn’t until reading Manly P. Hall Kabbalistic History of the World and seeing the Masonic ‘order’ and the uniform pictured, I would not have thought about it. I never thought of Grandpa being 33rd degree. And I’m sure only other high ranking Masons knew it, no one else.
        As a student of oddness and esoterica I believe there are two sides of Masonry, much as most large established human social groups (religion, politics, pagan) have a dark and a light. Evil always needs a good place to hide.
        It’s a nice morning here. Raining gently, almost zero wind and the mooring field is only half full. The madness is so far away. Maaruru Teatua.

        • I hear ya on the not having a clue how precious it was to him..

          my grandpa’s uniform was the one on top with the feather hat on.. the sword is a beautiful ceremonial sword..there was only one photo of him and my grandma in their uniforms.. my sister took all the photo albums so there are no photos of anyone.. except the woman that my father thought if as mom Alice Beckwith her son bob was like a brother to my father. he had a little electronics shop I believe in florida.. nice guy liked stinky cheese and crackers when he’d come visit they would laugh and visit and eat that God awful cheese..

          I never realized how important it was and as a little boy the hat made the perfect pirates hat ..

  1. Mmmm…Putin possibly pissed even tho bricked. From Hal Turner last night 9pm 7490kc and today on his website and others. Regarding US long range missle approval:

    “Putin’s EXACT words:

    “There is an attempt to substitute concepts. Because we are not talking about authorizing or prohibiting the Kiev regime from striking Russian territory. It already does so with the help of drones and other means.

    But when it comes to the use of Western-made long-range precision weapons, that’s a completely different story.

    The fact is that, as I have already mentioned and any experts will confirm this (both in our country and in the West), the Ukrainian army is not capable of striking with modern long-range Western-made precision systems. It cannot do it. This is possible only with the use of intelligence from satellites, which Ukraine does not have – this is data only from satellites of either the European Union or the United States, in general, from NATO satellites. This is the first thing.

    The second, and very important, maybe the key one, is that only NATO servicemen can make flight assignments to these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.

    And so this is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not; it’s about deciding that NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict or not.

    If this decision is made, it will mean nothing but direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct participation. And this, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict.

    It will mean that NATO countries, the United States and European countries are at war with Russia. And if that is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be posed to us.”

    It is worth mentioning that years ago (2018), President Putin made it explicitly clear how fast things would take place, if Russia was attacked. His precise quote was:

    “An aggressor should know that vengeance is inevitable, that he will be annihilated, and we would be the victims of the aggression. We will go to heaven as martyrs, and they will just drop dead. They will not even have time to repent for this,” he said.”

    UPDATE 7:03 PM EDT —

    A source in a position to know what is taking place inside the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) — which runs all U.S. Spy Satellites — says the Russians are moving long range tactical Nuclear weapons into firing positions, and doing firing drills TWICE daily” “

    • In December of last year Russia sent tactical nukes to Belarus due to Poland’s worrisome (to Putin) activities. So Russia moving tactical nukes around is nothing to be overly alarmed at. The US and NATO may counter Putin’s move with more SSBN (‘boomer’ subs) patrols around Eurasia to keep Putin and Xi honest. But US tactical nukes were removed from US ships back in ‘91. However, current developments could lead to a reintroduction of nuke tipped tactical missiles and artillery in NATO and the Pacific area of operations, as well as bomber patrols (carrying cruise missiles) in the region. Because strategic communication and cooperation has eroded since the end of the Cold War, this is definitely evolving into a dangerous time, where tactical moves might be misinterpreted, resulting in military escalation, or worse. Much worse. Each nuke capable nation knows that if nukes are ever unleashed, it will likely be the end of each regime using them and send humanity into a new dark age. Hopefully this is enough of a deterrent to keep the nuke genie in its lead lined bottle.

      • the things I am concerned about.. is..
        we are number one dependent on everyone else for what we use.. Heck the turkey we get for thanksgiving and other special events is owned and marketed by companies owned outiside the USA..
        Did they let Biden bring over a hidden army.. not counting all the most severe criminals that were in their prisons and gang members.. human slave traders and drug traffickers..
        putting the stress on the taxpayers making the payments to support them..
        the third one.. is the poison pawn trap.. we are using our strategic reserves.. weakening our ability to defend ourselves..
        we may be out everywhere.. and we have a huge military but it is spread out and leaving the home land open.. we seen how fast BLM and Antifa were able to march across the USA destroying billions of dollars of infrastructure and putting our most vulnerable at even a bigger chance of being attacked in their own neighborhoods.. now we have flooded it told the people that can’t afford to feed their own families that they have to feed the illegals and even buy them new homes.. if it was easy for BLM and Antifa to get these people to rise up and destroy their own neighborhoods.. just how fast could it be that they rise up in conflict over the surging population of illegals ..

        • “Heck the turkey we get for thanksgiving and other special events is owned and marketed by companies owned outside the USA..”

          “Companies” or…

          In one of Stu’s posts from years ago he explained it is the same thing you see in The Godfather films, it’s all about competing crime families. Understand?

    • tell them..a south african billionaire owns the majori
      ty of US satelites and a huge media presence…,???? and is a looter grifter?

  2. Well, if they approve long range strikes into Russia – what could be a better time than the BRICS meeting and get them all,,,,,,,,, light that candle

    • The Russians currently in charge are both moderate and reasonable. If the ones waiting in the wings were to take a sudden step up the ladder of power, you and I would be dead within hours.

      Also, Russia may or may not be “in the right,” but the U.S. is most-certainly “in the wrong.” If we hadn’t meddled 10 years ago, there would be no war. If we hadn’t meddled again, 3 years ago, the war would’ve lasted a few weeks, and would now have been over for the Ukrainian infrastructure to have been rebuilt — Oh, and there’d be a million Rus/Caucasians alive who are now dead.

      • that is exactly what I fear the most Ray.. the morons in control now don’t realize the restraint that is being used by Xi and Putin.. they see it as weakness not as restraint doing their little victory dances and bragging .. like someone doing something stupid that says hey lookie me and what I can do.. they usually end up in the lineup of the darwin awards…. and if these guys keep pushing the envelope.. if either of those two lose power.. and the ones waiting behind the curtains to take over.. then hell would break loose.. and we all will be members of the darwin awards…

        • I grit my teeth every time I hear some mouth with a mic equate Putin to Satan, or worse. Whether it’s Sean Hannity or Anderson Cooper, every one of them pisses me off. They have staffs of people who look stuff up for them, and nobody does. I know they do it because it’s easy and they’re lazy, but it shows an obvious lack of research regarding the gray-hairs in the Duma who are hardcore Stalinist-communists and want, really badly, to nuke North America into an uninhabitable cinder. These old commies are not on the top rung of the Russian power ladder, but if something happened to Putin and his top two or three lieutenants, they would be.

  3. And there are somne who believe that Einsteins e=mc2 equation provides for the “additional condensation of energy into matter”

    (Plan Ure Gong, Gong Ure Plan) ? does it stand to reason then that a Human Mind/Body/Spirit can Collect & Cultivate that same energy ? And in doing so, become moar “energetic” ? Hmmmmm

    * Sunday shadetree mechanic talk/shop talk – electro magnetic bubble or “bottle” around Ure may provide Portal/vehicle..

    * As a late great Sourcerer once said..”its all NRG baby”

    Have you been Non Disclosed, lately ?

  4. my post about the hat seems to have gotten lost
    here is Biden trading and wearing a Trump hat
    it is a keeper,,, he still has it as be boards his plane

    now does the government insert propaganda?
    politi-fact is part of it
    “This is a massive scandal! The State Department, who legally can’t operate in the US, has been funding US fact checking since 2015! Yes, it’s earliest days!

    The news orgs that operate under the IFCN flag, such as the Washington Post, do the leg work. Which then results in posts on Facebook etc being labeled and the algorithms throttling the post.

    This official International Fact Checking Network is also partnered with Google. Poynter’s IFCN was funded by the CIA linked, State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy and Omidyar grants.

    Recall Google initiated the first ever US censorship program and expanded it globally by using the First Draft Consortium. First Draft also worked hand in hand with the IFCN. Poynters Politifact was in the First Draft network.”

    • Time magazine hates Trump,,, that is a given,,, but HAD to post this correction at the end on one of their hit Trump articles,,,

      “Correction, Sept. 11
      The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.”

      Time is a bias rag, that feeds fakery to rubber lure eaters
      the correction is at the very end,,,*

      now we have a CHAT/GPT analysis of the debate 4min vid

      separating the wheat from the tares

    • Gee, that settles it then, Kamchatka’s earrings weren’t Bluetooth enabled. She was gaslighting you all LOLZ.

      This whole plant the seed then flag the weeds method of creating naradigms [cred : Clif] is getting long in the tooth.

      Got Blockchain?

  5. “Putin’s latest threat to the West? ”

    Factoring the Cold War we’ve been under Russian threat all of our lives. Russian threat is how we are programmed and that’s our channel. Channel two, Iran has been working on nukes for 45 years and still two weeks away.

    But if we consider evidence like the Nord Stream, do Russians really hate the West and want them to freeze?

    Israel shoots at Iran/Iranian assets anytime they want. Who’s with who?

    We need that wagering tab. Will the Epstein names be released or 911 lawsuits closed before Russia or Iran attacks.

    • Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024, G. A. Stewart, 2023, Page 646

      It once was ludicrous to suggest that an organized pedophilia and sex trafficking ring existed internationally among the rich and powerful leaders of the world. The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal has shown this to be true.

      The Age of Desolation, G. A. Stewart, 2007, Page 215

      Apparently eighty-four closed circuit televisions simultaneously failed to record Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon. Now for a society that is under constant surveillance, why was it that this system being set in place to watch the streets, to monitor phone calls, to track Internet usage, and to scrutinize financial transactions seems to be very selective. It is able to record people running red lights in their automobiles or shaving a dollar or two off of their income taxes, but it seems to have failed miserably on September 11, 2001.

      • I have a screen saved picture from one of those cameras- it shows a missile parsecs before impact on pentagram- resides on my desktop, next to picture of molten Granite under WTC.

        BlueBeamed indeed…see this link for MOAR information/evidence, as pictures often speak thousands of words..


        • Here’s my take on 911. I have collected many of the pieces. The melted cars on FDR Drive a 1/2 mile away prove it was a Directed Energy Weapon.

          The cars on Lahaina looked the same.

          The two blue beams of light shot into the sky every 9/11 in supposed memory of where the towers once stood are most likely the social engineers giving us the middle finger… Both of them.

          Revelation 13:13 (King James)
          And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

          Hence the hubris…

          They do not care what any of us think. That is why the lies are in our faces.

      • “911”

        ‘long post deleted’.

        Ever since watching the Werewolf Game video I look at all the positions of .gov power in a new way. They’re all in on it.

      • As I was telling someone at church no plane hit the Pentagon, the Minister walked by and told us that he was driving near there and saw a plane go down toward the Pentagon and not come up.

        • I thought it was interesting that the only section of the pentagon that was hit was the area that held the reports on where alleged of potentially misuse and fraud of funds was kept that they were goint to start investigating the following week.

  6. Finland and precision weapons. Russia has done a police action against ukraine… Donask is gone… Russia not satisfied, moves west… more solders, more mobilizations, more chinese, more koreans, more iranians… what is one to thing? Peace? No, Putin says he will recreate warsaw pack. What is one to do, Ruin all Russians fuel depots, arms depots, personnel depots and supply depots (food). Precision weapons does that. Finland will go Hilary and missles…

  7. “Ah, to be able to use that old offshore underwater hydrophone system (from the Cold War days) to monitor deep ocean sounds…above everyone’s paygrade, though.”

    LOLz, this little grid? The one the hears records triangulates and tracks everything [noise source] underwater across the planet? Coupled with [pick any] body of water related headlines home gamers…..and……Let that sink in [no pun].

    Remember the Scorpion.

    Squares with the recount the Sr. Chief of the our Barracks told us [back in 1983] that they had the recorded implosion of the Scorpion from the sonobouy network.

    He was a member of the recovery operation. He kept a picture of him standing on the one of the ship’s involved in the recovery op in his office.Was probably tired of people not believing him.


  8. Folks,

    The official White House schedule reflects that President Biden will meet UK PM Sir Starmer in the Blue Room at 1630 this Friday afternoon. No special effects are noted. At 1800 the President will commence his journey to Wilmington, De., with a 10 minute stopover enroute at Fort McNair. Yesterday evening’s updates of today’s schedules for the First Lady, Second Gentleman, and Vice-President appear to have either disappeared or moved.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  9. re: “Bric Bookend”

    Thanks for the link to the Bric spiel and the Russian Security Council. I didn’t realize that General Shoigu had landed on the Council (#3 in succession?) after departing as Minister of Defense during the Wagner boondoggle. As an aside, his mother is Ukrainian from Donbas according to Wikipedia.

    • I believe .. these countries that are being asked to push forward.. are shills to the big players to be used as cannon fodder. they know they are the ones being asked to sacrifice yourselves for us.. a politician doesn’t really care about anyone else as long as it’s not them or anyone they care about involved..
      that’s why the puppeteers stay away from Kim in NK he comes right out and says your number one..and the puppeteers are carefully using the usa as the target keeping everything away from their neighborhood..
      that’s what throws me off about our politicians bringing over illegals that are coming from countries that swore vengeance by sending in an army posing as refugees. and targeting the tax payers to pay for their care and subsistence.. that pits them and their families in front as the targets not only from a hidden army or a civil uprising..we all seen what the resultsbof terrorists BLM and Antifa did in a scary short period of time.
      they either are so insated from knowledge of what they are doing or just plain don’t give a hoot..with everything going on no one stuck around to address any of this mountain of events and allegations. it was business as usual.. political alignment instead of national security and the needs of the publuc

  10. Lewis-McChord is actually bigger than even Fort Bragg at 647 square miles. For Bragg coming in as the Biggest Army Base in the world. Norfolk NS being the largest Navy Base in the world.

    supurb air defence round these parts.

    i hiked last night deep into the woods by myself. i found a fallin log and sat on it.

    i was thinking about that time i took this city chick out in my lifted Dodge Mega Cab up in to ebby mountain to count shooting stars from the bed of the truck. its up there near
    Jim Creek Naval Radio Station. i seen alot weird shit up there.

    now if ya never had the pleasure of driving up there to the listening station? when you get to the gate you met with some pretty damn big falanx systems and a loud speaker that says, Turn the fuck around and leave, this is your only warning. and even with Motley Crue blasting through your kraco speakers? they make sure ya heard and them falanx systems make a unique sound when they come on line.

    there is a stretch of road out there by the old trafton school the locals call the Truck wash. i told the city chick, we are going up to the mountains to see the stars. but we have to run through the Truck Wash on the way.

    now the Truck Wash runs parallel with main road but its about 4 block dirt road with 2 to 3 foot deep potholes, that run about 7 to 10 long. filled with water and mud year round.

    she was wearing a really nice low cut summer dress and expensive heels. she says, i thought we were going to the truck wash. i said we are about there. i said ya might wanna take those heels off. she what? i said you will wanna kick those off. she did. then as it is a tradition, i turned my on board camera towards her, pulled her seat belt tight, put on the Chicken dance song and cranked it up right as we hit the Truck Wash at about 50 mph.

    her D’s flew out of her dress and she bounced about foot off the seat when hit the first hole and started screaming Ohhh my God!

    by the end of the tuck wash she was stuffing her uuhh clevage back in her dress after plucking one of the fake eye lashes off one of them and was laughing so hard she tears streaming down her face. she said i never done anything like that before. thank you for telling me to take off my heels.

    i smiled and said, well the trucks all washed. lets go see some shooting stars.

    while we were up on the mountain, after we had a good time. counted several shooting stars. we heard a large sonic boom and saw what appeard to be a long cylinder shapped object apear in the sky. it sat there glowing and hovered for a while. then another big sonic boom and it was gone. over there by that place i mentioned. the only time in my life i thought i saw a unexplaned foreighn object.

    i was sitting out in the middle of the woods thinking about that.

    i closed my eyes for a while meditated. drifted off. then i understood the meaning of the sunglasses. it always means several things at once. THE DUDE is proficiant at saying alot in a little.

    when i came out of my meditation. there was a fawn deer standing 2 feet from me. so close i could touch it. it wasnt afraid of me. more curious than anything. like, “Ive never seen your kind up here. what are you?” kind of curious. i said hello. nice night for a stroll. it just stood there. looked away then looked at me. it didnt even move when i stood up. we just stood there staring at each other. i took some deep breaths and said nice to meet ya, i best get back to my place. then it wondered off.

    this morning on my social media account these two paired together.

    one is a post from over two years ago.

    “You must learn to trust that there is a future waiting for you beyond what you might be able to grasp at this present moment.”

    coupled with that picture of what everyone (who knows me) thought it was me, on the big screen talking to a crowd of over 55,000 people.

    the emoji in the first one is of a smiley face wearing —>

    hmmmm…… well, i dont have to understand how i get there. i just have to live my life and know that i get there.

    its like the Eric Church Cd case i found at midnight on 01/30/2021 then 10 months later to the minute on 10/30/2021 i took the exact same image (by accident) at the concert as the one image in the cd case i found.

    trust the process. every choice i make and dont make, every choice everyone else from Nato, to Putin, to the Presidential election, to the fella sweeping the floor at a large bank, to the choice of peanut butter and jelly for kindigartners lunch by a stay at home mom are all being made to place me at the exact same spot I will be at.

    yes George, i saw Putins logic. i agree with the logic. although i do not ever see a nuclear exchange on this timeline, that doesnt mean there isnt one.

    i feel safe. im not worried at all.

    all i see as of lately is tons of refrences to “Harvest” like the world hasnt seen in a long long time.

    well, time to shit, shower and shave and get busy about my day.

    low profile. good idea for me as well.

    thanks for the dialog today. well said as always.

    ~ Good Luck and God Speed. ~

    • p.s. when we got to my place, we watched the video of her going through the truck wash, while the chicken song played on the Big Flat Screen.
      she laughed hard again. i loaded it on a SD card and gave it to her as souvenir of our adventure together. then i deleted my copy.

      she left her panties on my bathroom floor after a long hot shower.

      fare trade.

      i never heard from her or saw her again. but im most certain she went back to the city and told all her friends about the adventure.


    • i am always aware of the shifts in the world around me after i makes comments here and other places. espcially here with so many gifted ‘influencers’.

      i ran onto a lady i had seen in a while. she told me about all this negative stuff and said she was trapped in a gloomy world. she said im out of hope. then she asked me, Andy you are wiss. how do i get out of it?

      i said what you need darling is a better perspective on life.

      so i gave her a tool
      that something that someone eles wizer than me in my early 20s had given to me. and i told her story about how it works.

      i said get a brand new notebook. write at the top of the first page these three words:

      God is Love.

      for the next 60 days write every example of Love you see in the world.

      i said when i did this.
      i saw a boy throw a ball for a dog then the dog retuned it to the boy and the boy laughed with glee and smiled.

      so i wrote. boy throws ball for dog, dog brings back ball, boy laughs and smiles. that is love.

      i saw and wrote: i saw a man pump gas for a lady. that is love.

      i saw and wrote: i saw a lady hold the door at the convience store for another lady. that is love.

      i saw and wrote: I saw two elderly people walking in the park holding hands. that is love.

      i saw and wrote: I saw a fella return the grocery cart for another fella. that is love.

      by the end of the 60 days i had seen over 200 examples of Love expressed in the world around me. not only that, it got to the point all i could see in the world around me was expressions of love.

      when i went to my wize and older teachers house 60 days later and shared my 200 examples of Love. i said wow! all i see love in the world around me now.

      he said he pointed to the top of the page, first line and said, No. All you see is God in world around you.

      because the first thing you wrote is God is Love.

      have a wonderful weekend.

      off to see a long cool woman in a black dress.

    • re: Marsyas the parrhesian
      feat: indicium libertatis (symbol of liberty)

      I had no idea that the base formerly known as Fort Bragg is the only known home of a butterfly whose conservation status is listed as “critically imperiled”. Discovered around 40 years ago, the oxymoronically named St. Francis’s Satyr butterfly exists in small numbers on a few hectares of the military base.

      The following link is to a researcher who spent the first decade of his 15 years studying the insect to realize terrain clearing ordinance allowed the species to rebound. The butterflies died away without “natural disturbance”.

      Humans need “natural disturbance”? Orderliness is a dead-end?

      Bombs away!

    • “trust the process. every choice i make and dont make, every choice everyone else from Nato, to Putin, to the Presidential election, to the fella sweeping the floor at a large bank, to the choice of peanut butter and jelly for kindigartners lunch by a stay at home mom are all being made to place me at the exact same spot I will be at.”

      And I think that holds true for all of us, whether we know it or not, just getting up every day and cutting a swathe through the jungle of possibilities. Every micro choice is creating a new path. Your gift is showing us this in the way you live your life.

  11. War anyone?

    Just saw this on Hal Turner’s site:

    Russian leadership has issued a follow-up statement to President Vladimir Putin’s Thursday brief video address warning that if the US and UK authorize Ukraine to pursue long-range strikes on Russian soil, then NATO and the Russian Federation will be in an official state of war.

    On Friday Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, informed the UN Security council that NATO countries would “start an open war” in allowing Western long-range missiles to target Russia.

    “If such a decision is made, that means NATO countries are starting an open war against Russia,” Moscow’s envoy introduced. “In that case, we will obviously be forced to make certain decisions, with all the attendant consequences for Western aggressors.”

  12. every time I hear ‘pro- Russian hackers’ I assume it’s some other group trying to further demonize Russia in the eyes of the west.

    • and it could be.. we have discovered that mainstream media and our government officials don’t have any qualms about lying or deceiving everone..

  13. George,
    The ACWI world index is in the 2x to 2.5x window of second fractal nonlinearity.

    The credit cycle since March 2020 has been whipsawed by unprecedented QE and thereafter unparalleled QT.

    For the global ACWI this is day 148 or 2x of a 27 Oct 2023 74/148 day :: x/2x to 2.5x cycle with a lower high gap at the beginning of the trading day. For the March 2020 cycle this could be the final lower high for the ACWI. A 3/8/8 day decay fractal ending 7 October 2024 will complete the interpolated 13 February 47/118 day :: x/2.5x fractal series.
    From the 5 August 2024 low, equities are following a (use the CAC to identify the 17 day second fractal) a 7/17/14/10 day x/2.5x/2x/1.5x 4-phase fractal series ending 7 October 2024.

    The intermediate crash low in November 1929 did not immediately make the wheels fall off the bus. The December 1929 unemployment rate was 3.2% Sequential declines to 8.7, 15.9, 23.6, and 24.9% occurred in the subsequent years nadiring in 1933.

    The anything goes QE model since 2009 will serve as the basis for future credit expansion with a much faster unemployment recovery.

  14. i was at a friends and if you have not seen the movie Civil War on Max, which came out in 2024 about a future civil war in the US where texas, florida and california succeed from the union (and other states joining them) following an atifa massacre at a college (i think pen state is what they reporter said in the movie) which happens after what apears like a massive economic collapse.

    i highly recomend it.

    chick says $300 for a half tank of gas. armed dudes at the gas station say, that would buy you a sandwhich. chick says how about $300 cash in candian. dude says, that is a half tank of gas.

    i think it was as real of a movie senerio as the book 2 seconds after.

    i highly recomend you see it. pretty damn realistic.

  15. “I THINK if he does degree work in his Lodge he’d be Scottish at the end of the chairs?” Nope! Talk it over with G2.

  16. From the old Soviet States, the best hackers came from Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Siberia, but the Russians were no slouches. Since the early ’90s, Russians have gotten much better and Iranians have come on to now kick ass.

    The best hackers I’ve worked with (or against) were from Holland, Scandinavia, and the U.S. I know nothing about hackers from North Korea or China. To my knowledge, when I was a security wonk, I never came in contact with one.

    I will say, there’s not a network hacker on the planet who’s been in the trade for more than 18 months, who doesn’t know how to spoof his(her) location well enough to make the origin of an attack, beyond positive determination.

    Also, I don’t know what a “pro-Russian hacker” is. Is that a Russian FSB agent, a Belarusian script kiddie, or merely someone whose opinion is counter that of the government and “mainstream media” narrative? If the latter, it would apply to at least 40% of George’s commenting readership, including darn near everyone who has a military background.

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