Although we would normally begin with the latest breaking data (since markets seem to love it), we will hold for a second to see what the (geniuses) in D.C. have cooked up.
Tariff Wars
Specifically, the big White House press release beginning:
We will offer some perspective on the line items involved and I think you might agree, in their efforts to keep from running America bankrupt with excessive spending, increasing tariffs on Chinese goods will amount to an “unvoted tax increase” because it’s easier to wrap up money in “foreign goods” than to talk about spendthrift policies of the degenerating war party.
Steel and Aluminum
“The tariff rate on certain steel and aluminum products under Section 301 will increase from 0–7.5% to 25% in 2024.”
According to Statista, the US steel industry output was in excess of 87 million tons in 2019. In 2022, thanks in part to Covid effects, it was 82-million. This won’t protect American workers much. And anything made from steel produced in China (like American finished goods) will see materials costs go up a minimum of 3-times. If that’s “Helping American Workers” we’d sure like some insight on how, exactly.
“The tariff rate on semiconductors will increase from 25% to 50% by 2025.”
America can’t build a car (or airplane, or much of anything else) without Chinese semi’s and related components. Again, this is just more “baking of inflation into the cake” and an unvoted tax increase. It also will serve to bolsteer sales from Taiwan which will just further piss off the Chinese.
Electric Vehicles (EVs)
“The tariff rate on electric vehicles under Section 301 will increase from 25% to 100% in 2024.”
Under Biden we will see the (already over-priced) American electrics continue their overweight (another long lecture on the physics of auto weights vs. performance will be along when there’s more time). But looks to us like an effect to protect Amercian industry. But it’s more clearly (to us) another example of how Wrong Way Joe’s handlers can’t think past the end of their Pinochinoses. Because the “unvoted tax increase” will screw American firms, as well. How? By upping…
Batteries, Battery Components and Parts, and Critical Minerals
“The tariff rate on lithium-ion EV batteries will increase from 7.5%% to 25% in 2024, while the tariff rate on lithium-ion non-EV batteries will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2026. The tariff rate on battery parts will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2024.”
Oh boy! A Triple! And we haven’t heard of any American jobs that were at risk. Help a brother out?
You know, the whole Biden EV scam is based on a Big Lie – that the grid can handle it. Already big American companies see the energy handwriting on the wall. Which is why Microsoft is building server farms along the Columbia River in Washington State as fast as they can. Georgia, just getting a nuke plant online recently, has a flood of “server farmer” inquiries to deal with.
So, while it’s clear that “solar is the future” (and UrbanSurvival has been solar powered since 2008) Joe and geniuses are making care to guess what even less affordable?
Solar Cells
“The tariff rate on solar cells (whether or not assembled into modules) will increase from 25% to 50% in 2024.”
We’re still buying used high output solar panels. Because when new panels go up in price, so does the cost of those great used panels which presently pencil out to like 14-month paybacks if you do your own (code-compliant) design/build.
Speaking of genius overseeing our Energy supplies: The US limits the financing of the Kremlin regime: a ban on the import of uranium from Russia. Yeah, that’s going to make power more expensive, of course. But that’s down the road a bit – like next year…which will help power the after-election Depression 2.0’s “wreckognition.”
Ship-to-Shore Cranes
“The tariff rate on ship-to-shore cranes will increase from 0% to 25% in 2024.”
This is more smoke. Longshore jobs were already protected. This is a show-move only. It also has very little impact in terms of dollars. This is emotional play.
Medical Products
“The tariff rates on syringes and needles will increase from 0% to 50% in 2024. For certain personal protective equipment (PPE), including certain respirators and face masks, the tariff rates will increase from 0–7.5% to 25% in 2024. Tariffs on rubber medical and surgical gloves will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2026.”
Let’s see if we have this right. The WHO is trying to seize power when the next “disease X” rolls through. So the tariff (tax) on inbound PPE will triple. And if you have a doctor who wears gloves, there’s a triple, too. But the real screw job is on diabetics and others who go through needles regularly.
As always, some left-wing apologist will be able to “disprove” all of our observations. But that’s the technique in D.C. press releases. Come out with a revenue grab (on top of War Party tax hikes to fund Ukraine) and call it protecting American Workers.
From What? Well, the burden of having a dollar left over on payday!
If we need more money to make the budget work, cut down the number of illegals coming in, stop the giveaways and DEI/gender industry, and get back to making (dare I write this?) Making America American again.
Now, go see how the corporate shill press packages this latest of front to our national common sense. What was it the Global WEF’ers said? “You will have less and like it?” If you didn’t vote, you deserve what we got. Happy pant load.
NFIB Reality Check
National Federation of Independent Business, meanwhile, is much more in touch with Real America than the back-door tax hike folks. With their monthly report showing?
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 14, 2024) – NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index rose by 1.2 points in April to 89.7, marking the first increase of this year but the 28th consecutive month below the 50-year average of 98. Twenty-two percent of owners reported that inflation was their single most important problem in their business, down three points from March but still the number one problem for small business owners.
Key points in their survey included:
- The net percent of owners who expect real sales to be higher rose six points from March to a net negative 12% (seasonally adjusted).
- A seasonally adjusted net 12% of owners reported planning to create new jobs in the next three months, up one point from March’s lowest level since May 2020.
- A net 26% (seasonally adjusted) of owners plan price hikes in April, down seven points and the lowest reading since April of last year.
- Forty percent (seasonally adjusted) of all owners reported job openings they could not fill in the current period, up three points from March, which was the lowest reading since January 2021.
- The net percent of owners raising average selling prices fell three points from March to a net 25% seasonally adjusted.
If that’s not enough data, we’ve got more:
Producer Prices
Where we look up the pipeline and see what inflation’s coming a month or four out from now:
“The Producer Price Index for final demand rose 0.5 percent in April, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Final demand prices declined 0.1 percent in March and advanced 0.6 percent in February. On an unadjusted basis, the index for
final demand moved up 2.2 percent for the 12 months ended in April, the largest increase since rising 2.3 percent for the 12 months ended April 2023.
(What the PR hacks don’t mention until deeper in the report was that year-on-year less food and energy, prices were up 3.4 percent. But hey, re-run time for the Boss, right?)
“Nearly three-quarters of the April advance in final demand prices is attributable to a 0.6-percent increase in the index for final demand services. Prices for final demand goods moved up 0.4 percent.
Might be tempting to go short early, based on how the news flow is going, but remember, tomorrow is the CPI report and Jerome Powell is speaking this morning so doveish talk on rates could add to the market – insane as these prices are.
How’s that Socialist Empire on the Left Doing? Fast Food Workers Make $20 Min. Wage in California, Now Everyone Wants It. Yes, us, too. Elaine and I work at this retirement stuff, damn it. So both of us “retired” times 80 hours times fiddy-two weeks… $83,200 which would be a nice bump on Social Security, right? Put us on par with a Mickey D worker in Anaheim?
Digital Trading Woes
Bitcoin, when we looked, as a comparatively rational $61,779.70.
Had an interesting case yesterday when Coinbase Suffers Major System-Wide Outage As Bitcoin Price Slides Toward $61,000. But it quickly PR’ed into Coinbase (COIN) Triumphs Over System Outage: Full Recovery and Performance Enhancement Reported. And you wonder why people keep assets offline?
Market got it, though. Dow dropped 76 at press time on the futures.
While we weren’t short, one of our online trading platforms was down about this time yesterday for 2-hours, or so. See the chart here. No charts, no trading, but we were reassured “Your assets are safe…” Um…well, not comforting…
Wars du jour
When the economy blows up, we figure the nukes will, too: Russia will hit target with tactical nuclear weapon: Generals’ recommendation passed – What scenarios NATO is considering. It’s concerning that our consigliere and well placed sources have soft agreement it will all blow this fall. Before or after the election is about the only bet open.
Hamas marketing in Europe with college out for summer here: Riot police break up pro-Palestinian protest in Amsterdam/ Thanks, more of a window shopper myself.
After Markets close Friday, anyone?Troop movement suggests Israel could expand operations in Rafah soon, U.S. officials say/
Distractions for the Masses
While the mainstream media are focused on factual reporting (like Donald Trump trial: Five key takeaways from Michael Cohen’s courtroom evidence against former US president – Stormy Daniels, Playboy model ( We find it much more useful to notice how this whole things has been a botched prosecution from the get-go. As one report puts it Alvin Bragg’s whole case rests on a convicted lying rat and a porn star ghostbuster.
Then it gets impossibly worse: Bragg’s Paralegal Admits Call Records Deleted from Trump Case Files (
Kangaroo Kourts of NYC?
Still, the rational (enough not to live in NY) observer would notice:
- An Instagram making the rounds has an attractive Asian female saying “They nailed Trump with 4 trials and 91 charges. Before even ONE of Jeffrey Epstein’s clients has been charged. Think about it.”
- My consigliere and I aren’t sure if there’s still a presidential Secret Service detail with Trump. But, if there is, where will they live inside Rikers?
- Further, we think Biden’s (bunglers) have really helped Trump. Because as we read it, Trump just won-over a huge block of Black male voters. He will have a strong tailwind in Nov. from a group which (mark our words here) will cast Trump as “One of Us.” You may not know that Study: Half of black males, 40 percent of white males arrested by age 23 – University at Albany-SUNY, but apparently the Bidenista clown posse didn’t know it, either. Which gives Trump a great generation-jumping base…
Guess who is “Above the law”? Which wouldn’t be so horrible as a joke except consider the dude’s job title is what? AG Garland REFUSES Subpoena: House Moves to Hold in Contempt. (Put him in Rikers next to Trump?)
Around the Ranch: Keep an Eye On
Just the phrase “printed electronics” is fascinating. Because it fires the imagination far past the realms of CNC machines hogging the copper out to make traces. We have to wonder who is working on the three key breakthroughs that would open the door to fully realized operating PCB boards coming off a printer.
Who will invent “resistor filament.” With different filaments offering various resistance amounts. Ot “capacitor filaments”? You can do some winding of coils with creative printing of a conductive filament and a through hole, already.
We keep stumbling along on the path to the “Replicator” which is just down a few doors from the holodeck….
Winning the Food War?
We were surfing around YouTube last night picking up new and improved greenhouse energy efficiency tips. And while we’re not huge fans of the Unitedf Nations (generally, we like America being American and the Constitution doesn’t permit…).
But the U.N. seems to be getting something very much right in Afrida. If you haven’t see it: How the UN is Holding Back the Sahara Desert (
Now, ask why we aren’t doing this kind of thing on all the public lands in America? Or, is that a function of visionless “leaders?”
Write when you get rich,
“cut down the number of illegals coming in”
Editorial correction –
..Ure president was recently quoted as saying they are “Hispanic Voters”.
ask C and N – they will tell youse..bwahahaahahah
: D
I get that..but seriously C has a point.. with all those rolling hills and huge mansions and estates.. I totally get why the entertainment industry..they have so much room on them nice big pools and tennis courts..with all that extra space and money they can each put up what fifty to a hundred in their homes and a few hundred campers on their golf course type lawns.
California like new York city and Martha’s vineyard can deal with the extra guests .why have a twenty bedroom mansion that you only see one time a year when you can do exactly like you say should be done..
Many people (not just me) won’t kilk a totally
undescribed viddy-o link.
What is it, please?
sorry ’bout that!
How Texas Became The American Chipmaking Hub
– Please state what the video is about.., it would be much appreciated.
– Thanks.
“My consigliere and I aren’t sure if there’s still a presidential Secret Service detail with Trump. But, if there is, where will they live inside Rikers?”
Of course there is, every moment of every day unless the past Pres. is in a secure facility guarded from all directions. Would the agents have to go with him?
Yes, and be between him and every other human not an agent. Were the Kangaroos to prevail one wonders what the inter-agency stand-off would look like?
It’s all for show. Everything.
Got security?
Secret Service could turn into another drama/Constitutional crisis. The gist, what /gov giveth .gov can taketh. The .gov domain makes it official.
Fact sheet below:
H.R. 8081: the DISGRACED Former Protectees Act – or the Denying Infinite Security and
Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former
Protectees Act
Fact Sheet
“The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals who
otherwise qualify for it upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State felony.”
more on the terms of house arrest
when does hunter lose his multi million dollar secret squirrel team? or does he have it for life?
He won’t lose them. he will keep his security they have to protect the IMPORTANT people.. haven’t seen him or his uncle even with a mountain of evidence in jail.. not even for one minute..I believe that its a horse and pony show for the election in september when they come back from vacation they might bring it up again before the election.. but its pretty much over..
I actually just read something about that and yes they stated they would be with him .. and not in the general population but more of a private prison. sort of like the one that has been used before for high level political I read about even had a golf course cable etc. not something like what you and I would have to be in..
(“Specifically, the big White House press release beginning:
“President Biden Takes Action to Protect American Workers and Businesses from China’s Unfair Trade Practices.”)
Hmm about time… but maybe to late.. with selling off industry and promoting greed rather than strengthen the country and MAGA they have sold off.. big companies.. huge stock gains.. chinese workers have a lower cost of living.. If I can order twelve dollar case of empty containers.. and have them up the order to a whole pallet and still be making money.. says a lot right there.. or the four dollar fifty cent dishwasher retail from turkey.. that has all the parts made in another country..
the death blow in my opinion was deregulation.. in the seventies.. everyone had medical insurance.. now the business model set in of make money for big buck billies pockets.. deregulated it.. hospitals buying million dollar homes as a write off for the hospitals so they can give them to the big money doctors.. now you can’t got to a clinic without insurance.. you go to the ER our medications everything is made someplace else..
I always thought that how they would work it is.. have a national medical plan similar to that of canada.. ( ok your going to say oh the wait times.. well let me tell you to see a doctor here.. unless it is an emergency is up to two year wait time IF you have insurance.. if not when you can drop off the good will deposit the guy that was living in our spare room they just wanted a fifty thousand dollar good will deposit.. and his appointments was being paid by the VA healthcare system.. ) then sell suppliment policies.. like what if you want to get a skin graft or tatoo removal.. or some other cosmetic surgery liposuction etc.. they have a plan for that..
I was visiting with another old person just yesterday.. the cost for the kids.. with housing.. my grand daughter has to come up with thirty six thousand a year.. as a check out girl at a retail store.. just for rent.. not counting on the rest of the expenses for the house electricity water sewer gas you know the basics..
she has four kids.. the now ex husband ran off.. and has not paid a dime.. well daycare is with federal assistance three hundred a week per child with federal assistance..
in the seventies.. everyone could work one job.. not multiples..
fuel.. car insurances are if your a worker most of the companies don’t offer insurance.. if they do it is over two thousand for a head of household.. and so much for family.. if you have anything wrong then it is more.. you won’t leave this world with a dime…
all along the country should have been taxing the hell out of any company that has production in another country.. taxing incoming goods and services.. ever call a customer service line.. guess who your talking to it isn’t someone in the nearby city.. your calling international line..
promote industries to develop in the usa.. no tax breaks.. take away that free million dollar mansion.. no hidden incomes in some fund for a draw a flat tax on everyone take off the rate of poverty which is what our basic deductions.. then ten percent on the rest.. churches as well… a lot of wealth is hidden in the larger churches..
I had one dr. tell me he wanted to get into private practice they make more.. ok but in a govt owned hospital.. the cost of infrastructure is divided up among millions of people.. all the supplies are divided up among millions of people.. instead a person in private practice has to pay the wages of their staff.. the costs of their buildings and the supplies.. so the set income really isn’t that bad of a deal.. and the old commercial I will quit being a doctor.. give me a break.. so what is he going to do sack groceries.. for minimum wage rather than make the larger income.. not on your life.. one of my doctors has sixteen weeks of vacation and every GD holiday under the book.. gets to work eight oclock and gone at three thirty. so what if you have to do rotation on weekends.. so does everyone else.. the plus is no three oclock phone calls to the ER the oncall deals with it.. you pick up in the AM..
they should be taxing all companies that have their headquarters outside the usa.. one company owner here in the wastelands moved his companies headquarters outside the USA to avoid taxes..make a buck pay a deductions standard household and the rest is ten taxes and I don’t make that much was more than someone that lives in another country with medical and dental provided by the state. you can go to a private hospital .. instead most of the elderly head to Mexico for their medical and dental once a year..
someone I know is headed to a big dental clinic to get implants.. the difference in price. here it’s around a hundred grand for ten teeth they are getting the whole works for just a couple grand.. a prof at gwu in Georgetown went to Brazil to get reconstructive surgery.. the whole trip was under ten grand
Medical Tourism is Booming down here in Costa Rica. Both teeth and surgeries. Many times the TOTAL cost is the same as the Out-Of-Pocket up there. So, take a vacation and get some work done for a bit more. Lots of people doing it as we do have World Class Hospitals here.
Interesting info, LOOB.
Fort those people that are looking for afffordable health care programs, try:
Samaritan Ministries (Christian based health sharing Ministry, a single person is about $320.00 a month, couples, and families a little more. Wonderful program, and amazing how it really works.)
No need to pay those high premiums and high deductibles.
Liberty Health Share.
And, finally, Medishare.
For just 10 minutes of your time doing just basic research, you can release your family members from the life-long debtor prison of healthcare costs, especially for the single members, families, and the oldsters until Medicare. Some people choose to stay on these plans and not sign up for Medicare.
You do not need to die with nothing.
These programs change lives daily, always for the better.
I did check out the Samaritan ministries.. great price.. the way that health insurance use to be.. the sad part .. is my daughter that is one faith was able to get it.. she works for a large insurance company.. I cannot because I am a mormon.. It was the deciding issue on that.. I would have to join a different faith for I forget what length of time.. then I could join..
the mormon faith doesn’t have anything like that in place for the people.. .
Which is why we had to pay a couple grand a month just for the wife.. that was the cheapest.. no coverage until the ten grand out of pocket was met.. no drugs or xrays.. office visit was fifty dollars.. but with the insurance it would cover catastrophic event..
Loob, many retired people I know have Medicare, Medicaid, nearly cost free (depending on income level). Another horrid idea from those demonic Democrats (free health care for the poor!)
p.s. Mormons aren’t supposed to drink alcohol, you claim to drink and manufacture booze a lot!
You are right medicare and Medicaid is a lot cheaper than regular insurance.. not sure where your located but I do know that a policy offered in NY and one offered in Texas won’t be offered.. they should have open borders..
Yes I do make wine.. and I do make beer.. it is a great hobby and worthwhile.. people that make wine and such is called enologists or vintners.Much of the bible and the book of mormon are exerpts from what some individual wanted for their community. the same with our bill of rights and how much it has changed.. Have you ever read the old testiment or the Torah.. Christ was crucified because he was born and was seen as a threat to the business model..the religious leaders of the old days was the church.. christ was a threat to that.. and if you want to see how NOT to treat your fellow man read the torah , the quran, or the Old testiment.. its chock full of horrible things.. the most important lesson in the old writings is seen over and over and over.. do unto others.. don’t over indulge be an example not a disgrace.
and yes if someone abuses alcohol it is harmful for you the same goes for coffee tea .. caffeine etc.. no soda pop.. and almost all gmo products have a touch of nicotine in it that is an old teaching of the mormons.. but then that was a major problem back then and I could elaborate on it.. ..
the ancients called vintners gods and godesses and beer and wine saved the ancient countries the alcohol in it Without beer, human civilization wouldn’t exist. Twelve thousand years ago, the transition of the human race from nomadic hunter-gatherers to village-bound farmers relied on a secure source of liquid sustenance — and water just wouldn’t do. It was too easily contaminated, too hard to purify, and really good at spreading disease.
“The solution was to drink alcohol,” writes author Steven Johnson in his book about London’s 1854 cholera epidemic (spread by contaminated water, natch). The folks in the Fertile Crescent might not have understood that boiling water to make beer helped rid it of disease-carrying microbes, but they certainly figured out that falling down drunk was preferable to falling down dead. .. the legendary story of eve is that she suffered headaches.. and in the crock or gourd.. the food that they had has spoiled and she wanted to die.. so she drank it.. and the first wine was born.. NOAH…. seen his goat eating grapes and got drunk.. Dionysus, in Greco-Roman religion, a nature god of fruitfulness and vegetation, especially known as a god of wine and ecstasy.The goddess XiCacao is the goddess of chocolate.. and of cacao wine and compassion as the legends go as a person assended the steps of the pyramid to be sacrificed she felt so bad for them that she would give them a sip of the sacred wine each step.. archaeologist Glenna Dean conducted studies to show that, between AD 828 and 1126, Pueblos in Chaco Canyon were brewing a weak beer made by fermenting kernels of corn called chicha.(yes I am going to make some of that to.. I want to taste what they seen as life saving and special)
the list is pretty endless..
NOW.. I do not believe anyone should get inebriated.. I can tell you my kids and grand kids have not seen me inebriated.. the last time that happened was in I think in 85 or
86 at a picnic where it was hotter than hade’s out and the guys I worked with kept sitting cold ones in front of me.. the bible teaches what there is of it.. since most of the books were not included in the bible is drink in moderation..
(“p.s. Mormons aren’t supposed to drink alcohol, you claim to drink and manufacture booze a lot!”)
Most people don’t really read the bible.. if they did they would notice that a lot of it is just insertion from some persons perspective.. that is why there are what forty thousand different christian churches.. twenty six tribes of islam and over forty thousand pagan beliefs.. Christ was crucified because he wasn’t following the church of the days beliefs.. all come from the same sources.. many leaders of these religions bring in their own interpretations of what is taught..
Christ once said..
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ‘ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. ‘ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Do unto others.. is the most important .. the different teachings is one major reason why one tribe is trying to eliminate another tribe..
Now on medicare .. I don’t know about there.. but here.. you still cannot see a doctor at a clinic exept if they accept medicare patients.. and even then.. there is a copay.. I personally pay fifty dollars a visit and up to three hundred for a name brand pharmaceutical if it is in their list of medications.. if it isn’t then you pay full price.. most of the medicare doctors are the old retirement age doctors.. the younger doctors.. want CASH MONEY more money.. and willnot accept what medicare says they will pay..,Can%20Doctors%20Refuse%20Medicare%3F,accept%20Medicare's%20payment%20for%20services.
in the end its always about the business model.. and that is one of the reasons why we have one of the worst healthcare systems in the world.. and one of the highest costing healthcare systems in the world..
access to medical personell and treatments is totally dependent on your ability to pay.. one of the guys in our spare room.. had to get cancer treatment.. supposedly paid by the VA healthcare system.. they sent him a nice letter asking for a good will deposit.. now if he had the good will deposit he wouldn’t be in our spare bedroom…
seen patients turned away or delayed treatment until it is to far gone to help.. it is what it is.. the business model..
This is the top story on the Tampa Bay Times website this morning: “The big babies in Florida are afraid of rainbow bridges now”
The world is devolving and this is what matters?
Sun damage is all I can attribute it to.
I noticed the big baby who wrote the op-ed is afraid that people won’t be afraid of rainbow bridges.
Bread and circuses…
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” — Marcus Aurelius
God I love that saying.. it is so true to JC
““disprove” all of our observations.”
Just remember to keep an open mind.
Think back to the American autoworkers complaining that the Japanese wouldn’t buy their cars during the 1970’s/1980’s.
Link below showing a 1977 Lincoln Town Car. The 1977 Lincoln Town Car is 79.7 inches wide without factoring side view mirrors. 7′-0″ wide +/-.
“In the United States, residential streets are typically 50 feet wide. That’s much wider than in most other countries. In Tokyo, for example, the average street in post-1990 development is just 16.4 feet wide.”
In post 1990’s Japan the residential streets are 16.4 feet wide. It is not practical right now for the Japanese to buy a 1977 Lincoln Town Car. They’d be clicking mirrors. I don’t know how wide Japanese streets were pre-1990. The road width wasn’t a conspiracy they’ve been like that for 100’s of years.
So we have “they made laws restricting” Vs “the cars just wouldn’t fit on the roads”.
1977 LTC
The Seagull is turning out to be the world’s EV. It’ll be the Camry of EVs Vs the Americans putting out giant $200,000 trucks that aren’t practical.
America is at the same crossroads as the 1970’s/1980’s. Right now. “Nobody is going to buy rice burners”. Back then GM was #1 and today GM is #6.
“But the rapid emergence of low-priced EVs from China could shake up the global auto industry in ways not seen since Japanese makers exploded on the scene during the oil crises of the 1970s. BYD, which stands for “Build Your Dreams,” could be a nightmare for the U.S. auto industry.
The car, launched last year by Chinese automaker BYD, sells for around $12,000 in China, but drives well and is put together with craftsmanship that rivals U.S.-made electric vehicles that cost three times as much. A shorter-range version costs under $10,000. ”
“Georgia, just getting a nuke plant online recently”
More power will come online and the U.S. have dealt themselves out of the EV future.
The car manufacturers I would bet a dollar to a donut were paid and forced into the EV market place by the Gov that most likely bailed them all out – we know GM for sure was and the truth now is that no one gives a shit about EV’s – a 15 minute City concoction no doubt – with turn off switches that will be on all vehicles going forward – don’t like what you have to say – turn the f’n thing off……..
The automakers were, and the killswitches are real (but they’re real WRT new gas/diesel vehicles, too…)
The first of two nuclear reactors in Georgia is generating electricity and could be days away from achieving full-power operation. But the new units at Georgia Power Co.’s Plant Vogtle are $17 billion over budget and running seven years late. No one is very happy.., especially the corporations that have been put on-hold, year-after-year – from expanding their operations due to lack of power generation. [ Rumor was Intel was looking at building a plant – but could not get a firm commitment from Georgia Power ]
It may be on-line.., but it has been a multi-billion dollar debt and multi-year delay fiasco.
For $11,400 and 250 mile range, I could see a Seagull in the driveway.
I haven’t owned a pick-up in two decades. All that companies make and stock are 4-door with truncated beds. I want at least a 6′ bed, and a standard cab. Prices start at $35,000. That’s a no-go. No bargains on used pick-ups either.
For me, and 8′ bed is imperative, and a double cab is really useful too. Yes, it’s long, but most local ranch pickups are too, and many are dually’s.
I prefer a van for security of my load. and also the ability to sleep in it when convenient. A trailer can always haul what won’t fit inside. I don’t drive anything heavy unless it will be loaded at least one way, and preferably both ways. My daily driver is as light as I can get, with decent power for speed and hills as necessary.
A dollar not spent is two dollars earned!
I passed on two mid-2000s crew cab Fords this week — one with a utility bed, the other with an 8′ pickup bed, both under 100k, each went for under $1600.
Perhaps you should dig up my links to the surplus auctions? There seem to be a lot of them in Texas…
Airports frequently dump standard cab half-ton trucks with 8′ beds, for next to nothing. Can you live with a truck that’s National Safety orange, yellow, or green…?
BYD’s factories are MUCH more automated than those of the US manufacturers. Robots, robots, and then more robots.
The amount of HUMAN labor required for them to produce their low priced cars is a fraction of what the factories here take … and per reports I have read their lower priced products are exceptionally well engineered, and engineered for SIMPLICITY.
Since BYD was starting from scratch they had NO legacy ways of building cars … thus they could re-invent the manufacturing process, which apparently they did.
Wall Street’s lust for ever more quarterly profits starves American Manufacturers from investing for the long term when it comes to the factory floor. Wall Street wants Profits NOW, not 5 years from now … and American Management has marched to their drummer’s beat now for decades.
The outcome has been that most smaller manufacturing has left the US for China, and even big manufacturing has had huge amounts leave for China too (note the various GM models for sale that are now 100% made in China, NOT in the US or even Mexico). (GM makes more cars in China now than in the US – and of those made here 100% rely upon parts made in China)
The tariff’s that Joe and the Congress are going to impose imported autos from China are going to virtually double the price that the American Consumer has to pay for a low end vehicle, compared to what they will be buyable for elsewhere. That would be OK if the money was then spent to retool the US industry, but everyone here knows that won’t happen, it will GO TO WALL STREET INSTEAD so Wall Street can make more money while American industry becomes even more uncompetitive on the world stage as Wall Street.
It is quite a system to take down American Industry that the Harvard MBA finance mindset has created. What a disaster for both the country and for the working people in this country.
You said it.
That’s what is happening; the TRUTH.
It’s a continual con and take down of the US economy and the American citizens.
It’s called gutting the guts of the country and leaving the shell to be filled with…..
No country for American citizens, that’s for sure.
“The tariff’s that Joe and the Congress are going to impose imported autos from China are going to virtually double the price that the American Consumer has to pay for a low end vehicle,”
It’s not just low-end. About half of US-sold Cadillacs are made in China now, too.
see I don’t believe we should be using nuclear power.. the waste is to hazardous and expensive to dispose of
The “waste” still has 98% of its energy left. Other kinds of reactors could be used to recover this energy as it burns down, leaving less total high energy “waste”. Creative engineering could reduce this problem if there was political will to do so.
AND… if they built solar towers and handed out solar grid tie kits.. there wouldn’t be a need to explore building those multi billion dollar facilities.. and it would be CHEAPER to.. the sad part is it doesn’t fit the business model of stuff big buck billies pockets..
“In the United States, residential streets are typically 50 feet wide. That’s much wider than in most other countries. In Tokyo, for example, the average street in post-1990 development is just 16.4 feet wide.”
I have never seen a city or town in CONUS which had “typical” 50 foot residential streets. (You could park SEVEN of those Lincoln Town Cars side-by-side on a 50′ street, without any of them touching another.) Most residential streets in 20th Century urban/suburban areas are between 32 and 36 feet. Most residential streets in 18th and 19th Century urban/suburban areas are between 22 and 26 feet wide and I’ve driven a few that were less than 18 feet wide.
I tend to seriously question the veracity of an article which contains an obviously erroneous statement. I have driven, probably 200,000 miles of residential streets in towns from Boston to KC and Sault Ste Marie to El Paso. The only 50+ foot streets I’ve seen in residential areas are boulevards which are connecting routes between different suburbs, or between downtowns and ‘burbs.
“More power will come online and the U.S. have dealt themselves out of the EV future.”
EVs don’t have a viable future within the lifetime of any of our children.
The legal width of the platted roadway is often 50 feet. The actual roadway is usually much less than that. The 50 feet often includes sidewalks, fire hydrants, light poles, trees, etc.
(““In the United States, residential streets are typically 50 feet wide. That’s much wider than in most other countries.”)
Standard measures..
Like.. the standard measure of a kitchen table.. is thirty inches.. a counter top is 35 a toilet seat fifteen inches.. a wheelchair height toilet seat seventeen inches.. etc.. the roadways were designed by the standard width of the wagons and oxen etc. of the day.. I believe that the Roman Roadways were laid out by the width of a column in england the width was so 16 armed knights to ride side by side.
The difference is today.. where you see the wider roadways is where we have upgraded our enfrastructure.. since we haven’t really done any work on our infrastructure..on keeping it up to date.. we only do defensive maintenance nor offensive maintenance.. We have neglected our infrastructure since truman put all our resources into other countries and economic communities.. war is more profitable to the puppeteers so that is where money goes not into the USA.. and is probably one of the main reasons why our infrastructure on a whole is failing miserably across the nation. Upgrading and building infrastructure is not in the business model of stuff big buck billies pockets.. Now if Biden had done what he said he was going to do with the extra trillions that were printed up.. it might be a big change and more jobs.. instead not very much of it was used for the purpose it was printed up for and our grid is overall more vulnerable than ever.gaslines about to rupture sewer and water lines crumbling and bridges about to collapse…
around the wastelands.. they have been working on the same little bridge for years.. each year the road is closed and a mess because the bidge needs to be worked on.. we could learn a lot from china..
watch them build this massive bridge in a short time..
It is economic suicide to start a tariff-war with China.
No mensa membership claimed, lol
Rich western Sponsors ought be thankful for the additional costs of goods Ure about to realize and pay out of pocket..
Think Gratitude .
Think you rich westerners ought “donate” half Ure gleanings to the new “hispanic voters” food bank this year as well.
..while Ure at it – I Demand youse hurry the hell up with the Patriot Anti Missile Batteries,DAMMIT!, Russians are hammering us night and day.
LOL LOL.. one look at JB and you know why..
I believe that the time to tariff goods was during Reagans term when he deregulated everything sending mom to work outside the house.. NOT after industry left the country it had to be a conversation point before the changes have been done decades ago and impossible…. the USA is to dependant on foreign industry.. heck I know a grain elevator that just sold out to a company owned by another country.. there is a reason they are buying the only companies that manufacture in the usa.. control.. they used the business model to achieve their goals to..GREED and the present business model is what is going to take the USA down..
don’t forget the 300 since a billion is a million.. how much is going to go into savings from what is being thrown out now..rudy disclosing some of the stuff on the laptop..
yup…it’s to late this needed to be done thirty years ago … when they first started to outsource industry..they should have taxed offshore holdings to..
did you see the international economic forum.. they want to do away with the federal reserve all money and coins and gold and silver precious metals as forms of cash..go digital dollars only
It is not.
China cannot survive economically without the U.S. market.
What IS suicide is to apply tariffs or trade limits randomly, irresponsibly, or without regard for all the potential consequences. The Trump Administration did a very good job with tariffs and treaties. I do not believe there is anyone in the Biden Administration who is knowledgeable enough, or mentally or intellectually capable of making these calls effectively or correctly.
Democrats are notoriously ignorant of the “Law of Unintended Consequences.”
“China cannot survive economically without the U.S. market.”
I have wondered about that.. can they..and is this why they are buying american manufacturing companies that are within the countries borders.. what good is the dollar bill.. it isn’t backed by anything.. it is just a piece of paper or a chunk of metal.. that someone promised it is good..On the other side of the circle We cannot afford to lose their manufacturing ..
Tariffs and Sanctions are odd things, where we are angry at a country and only hurt ourselves.
Doesn’t make any fkng sense
We had over 10,000 tariffs on Chinese goods before Trump was elected.
We have tariffs applied to various items, from every nation from which we import goods, and they have tariffs on our goods, as well.
Everybody does tariffs. Until the U.S. experiment was murdered in 1913, we financed 100% of our government via tariffs.
I had a root canal last week after waiting a week to get into the Eondontic place. Once the anesthetic wore off from there I spent the rest of that week in extreme pain since the prescribed pain management, Ibuprofen and Tylenol did not work. Diana took me to town to the ER. They gave me an Amoxicillin and a Hydrocodone pill along with prescriptions for both. Before we cleared the parking lot my lips started to go numb. So I stuck with the antibiotic but trashed the goof balls, which knocked me flat on my ass. So, long story short. after 2 weeks of agonizing dental pain, lack of sleep, and turning into according to Diana, one giant son of a bitch, I was able to get some sleep. Finally, the point. For the past 3 days I have woke up after a vivid dream. I’m looking at what looks like maybe dense forest or jungle from the air. A voice tells me, “You have to get ready” except this morning it asked, “Are you ready?”. Spooky.
As to William and dLynn comments. Agreed don’t click unknown links.
Stay safe. 73
It appears to be a stealth tax., that no one seems to know about. But California is about to get a 50 cent a gallon tax increase over the next two years – and only the Governor and few others know it.
As one Republican legislator stated: This new gas tax is purposely designed to pay for the infrastructure for the mandated electric vehicles. A gas tax to pay for the EV’s.., I find that outrageous.”
Coming to a California near you?
I have an EV for the Wife… when I go to pay taxes on the EV and get new plates.. they slap a road tax on it because it uses very little fuel..
Just drop an electric motor, controller, and batteries into an old gasoline car and call it good.
We actually did it to show the kids.. to use the old but embrace the future.. NOW.. I do love XM radio.. no dead spots and great music.. they have a hallmark station.. that plays all the good oldies.. and a comedy station.. you can even download an app to use it on your phone.. whats not to love..
“The Best Offense, is a good Defense.
..EMP’s oh my, ionizing radiations, dbl oh my!
BIOCHAR for the masses Urbanites
– Got Ure interest ?
You wanna know of what I speak ?
Nizzle Pizzles, let the guru of woo show the way..
I know this community has dadgum Biochar experts on board?? please advise..
A smart feller that clif high guy, or is he a fart smeller? snnfff
Biochar bullshit.
Enough. If anyone takes the time to actually read the data such as contained in the paper
You would see that at a 20 cm thickness the neutron absorption fraction of 20 percent biochar is virtually indistinguishable from plain concrete. At the 60 cm depth of biochar concrete compared to regular concrete there is a modest difference. But mixing with paint?
Mix with maui wowie maybe. But unless you’re planning to paint with 24-inches (or thicker) of concrete, the pseudoscience peddlers of biochar is way overdone.
We do have a couple of tins of biochar (roasted old jeans work will) as char cloth for fire starting. Don’t suppose you know of a source on Amazon for some of this corn silk pyrolized magic rad shit? No? Hmm…color us SURPRISED.
Then again, maybe anti-biochar is on the inside of the Mesa at Skinwalker Ranch, huh?
(Keep an open mind but don’t let your brain fall out. Count zeros and build to scale!)
Listening to Rap Music again..?
YOU FORGOT THE ….. C…… in front of rap
Instead of C…Rap music.. try a little country western…
Save a horse..
I hate to see women wear high heels.. seen so many horrible breaks because of high heels.. so now.. how do they dance in those god forbidden heels..
OK. Fallout does not give off neutron radiation – betas and gammas primarily. Neutrons are only present for the first second or so after a nuclear detonation. If you are exposed to neutron radiation, you are going to be cooked long before the neutron exposure becomes an issue. 6′ of carbon will provide excellent neutron shielding. 6 mm of carbon is a conceptual error. Concrete might, depending on composition, might give you 1.25x shielding over hard-packed dirt. There are concretes from high-density ores, but you will not be able to access unless you live next door to a meteor crater. 8 – 9 ft of hard-packed dirt is the gold standard for shielding. And no, I don’t have a bunker.
Last, the Russkies are way down the list of potential domestic bombers. More likely scenario would be small improvised low-yield fission weapon(s) from someone or something trying to provoke retaliation.
I don’t have one either.. if the balloon goes up… and I am in watching distance.. I will get me a cup of good coffee.. ( keep a touch of the good stuff around just for special ocasions..) and sit on the veranda and watch it.. there is very little anyone can do at that point.. where would you run.. they were checking on radioactive fallout in our area of the wastelands from the testing done in white sands NM… they are testing now to see cancer rates in Washington and Oregon because of Fukishima accident.. how bad did it affect them.. I seen autopsy reports on fish caught off of the coast and I won’t buy wild caught fish even now..My siblings can’t see it can’t taste it can’t touch it.. so it doesn’t exist..My children think I am paranoid and leaving on monday to go overseas on vacation….. its out of sight out of mind..
re: The rise & fall of Asclepias
feat: a Monarch’s butterfly
Legend has it that Zeus killed Asclepias, known as milkweed to botanists, who healed too many otherwise fatally ill humans for maintenance of Earthly balance.
Today a portrait of King Charles III was unveiled at Buckingham Palace. The painter Jonathan Yeo, son of a former UK Minister of the Environment, graced the proceedings clad with the artistic licence of an open-necked shirt of dubious fashion provenance. The 8.5 × 6.5 Imperial foot masterpiece was commissioned by The Drapers Company founded in 1361 and who purchased their current abode on Throgmorten Street from King Henry VIII in 1540. The King is celebrating 54 years as a Draper. The Company previously commissioned a portrait of the late QE2 by the celebrated Anglo-Russian artist Mr. Sergei Pavlenko from St. Petersburg. His one man show 20 years ago at the Russian Embassy in Kensington Palace Gardens otherwise known as Billionaires Row was the talk of London.
The newest portrait of the King features extensive fiery red tones throughout. A butterfly hovers above the Monarch’s right shoulder which painter Mr. Yeo explained to the BBC and Daily Mail is meant to convey a metamorphosis taking place.
……, yuk !
They seem to have captured his cancer nicely. I’d give it an “Ick”.
He looks terrible like he has burned all of his skin off – like he’s going to die soon and go to hell.
That should be some metamorphosis.
“Yeo” should be the sound the artist emits, right before the executioner’s axe strikes home…
I love it!
that is a horrible painting.. wow.. I sure hope it was a gag and not the real thing..
The link
is an image of the King’s new portrait from The Royal Family Twitter account.
Satan on display
Garland subpoena hysteria:
Biden voluntarily cooperated, handed over misplaced docs, Trump hired lawyers and aides to conceal and destroy potentially incriminating evidence:
Can’t fool all of us all the time, 65% say Trump guilty!
Only 1 in 10 caught falsifying business records get locked up, Trump’s felonies are non-violent:,a%20prison%20sentence%20is%20unlikely.
This is where the dems will do the “have to teach the public a lesson that no one is above the law” unless you have a corvette and a deal-maker son.
You really don’t understand how your Party apparatchik works, do you?
keep milking the pedo ‘s dyke, it’s what you want
Garland subpoena hysteria:
Biden voluntarily cooperated, handed over misplaced docs, Trump hired lawyers and aides to conceal and destroy potentially incriminating evidence:
Can’t fool all of us all the time, 65% say Trump guilty!
Most business falsifications don’t get prison time, only 1 in 10 do:,a%20prison%20sentence%20is%20unlikely.
you left accused out your quote against Trump
the CLAIM, which is bull shit to start with
“Biden voluntarily cooperated, handed over misplaced docs, Trump hired lawyers and aides to conceal and destroy potentially incriminating evidence:”
when the article said
“Biden’s team returned the documents after they were discovered, and the president cooperated with the investigation by voluntarily sitting for an interview and consenting to searches of his homes. Trump, by contrast, is accused,,,”
Judge Merchan’s Daughter Worked With Anti-Trump, Democrat-Aligned Lawfare Group.
Authentic Campaigns, a Democrat-aligned digital media and fundraising firm where Judge Juan Merchan‘s daughter Loren serves as a partner, counts the Brennan Center for Justice among its clients. The Brennan Center is a group tied to the efforts to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 election ballot in Colorado. The Democrat-aligned lawfare group’s connection to Loren Merchan presumably bolsters Trump’s attorneys’ accusations that the hush money judge, through his family, is conflicted and should recuse himself from the ongoing trial.Earlier this year, the Brennan Center for Justice filed an amicus brief before the United States Supreme Court, asking it to rule against former President Trump’s appeal of a Colorado State Supreme Court decision that would have removed him from the state’s presidential ballot. On March 4, 2024, The National Pulse reported that the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sided with Trump and threw out the state court decision.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and New York’s Attorney General Letitia James (D) — who are integrally involved in the Biden government’s lawfare campaign against former President Trump — are tied to Authentic Campaigns. Additionally, the Brennan Center has a long history of using lawsuits to hamper Republican policy efforts, including filing at least 14 lawsuits against then-President Trump and his government over immigration and census policy changes.
BIAS judges are required to recuse, this case will be found by a bias jury and will move on to a higher court, not the victory you hope for, just a misuse of government office to interfere in an election, they can’t win
Another Hugh Solar Flare!!
Not a drama. Most only pay attention when directed by the hype. I check the space weather 10+ times a day, and the earthquake data. If you are self-directed you’ll find a different story. A story of change, like watching a sunset. Raging light, glory and drama fading to deepening dusk. A link between EQ activity and magnetic storms? Sometimes, but tenuous.
” May 14, 2024 @ 17:05 UTC (UPDATED)
The largest solar flare of the current solar cycle 25, and largest since 2017 was just observed around departing AR 3664 off the west limb. The X8.7 event peaked at 16:51 UTC (May 14) causing a strong R3 level radio blackout directly over North America.”
Phew tired tonight.. all my grandkids are home for the week.. they were reminiscing the malted milks and shakes..then their eyes lit up..grandpa do you still have the cotton candy mini me pops up have been making cotton candy all night for them and the neighbor lol…
just got it all cleaned up and put a stinking feeling its going to be a cotton candy summer lol lol..
“When the economy blows up, we figure the nukes will, too:”
G.A. STEWART: I will present ample evidence in Book Three that new technologies are being developed to harness and exploit the fundamental principles of nature. Any misstep has the potential to destroy the planet Earth. It involves pumping the cores of planets and stars as if they were huge cathodes. On a much smaller scale, a cathode ray tube produces the electrons needed for old television and computer screens. Tapping the energy of a planet’s core has a potential to be far more destructive than any use of nuclear weapons. As you will read, this research is connected to United States Senate Bill 517 and the US House of Representatives Bill 2995, blandly entitled, the Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005.
The Age of Desolation – page 152
Copyright 2007
All Rights Reserved
“When the economy blows up, we figure the nukes will, too: Russia will hit target with tactical nuclear weapon: Generals’ recommendation passed – What scenarios NATO is considering. ”
Um, no.
Russia is not going to spuriously detonate a nuke. Not tomorrow, or next week, or 20 years from now.
The only way Russia will detonate a nuke is if Russia is in genuine imminent and immediate danger of annihilation. Even in this case, they won’t “detonate a nuke” — they will detonate thousands of nukes. Even the nutters in the Kremlin are not juvenile enough that they want to light a firecracker, just to light a firecracker. The rest of the world simply needs to grow up.
When you read “nuke” in print, it was put there by someone who wants people to panic, because humans in a panic don’t think rationally, and they accept acts, actions, and rationalities for them which don’t pass a smell test, and are, by definition, irrational…
“Donald Trump trial: Five key takeaways from Michael Cohen’s courtroom evidence against former US president”
The main takeaway is no one present, not even Bragg, can identify any law which was broken by Trump.
Always looking in the wrong place. All of you………..
By that I mean that everything is derivative. For people “outside” the groupthink bubble you’re still posting links from other sources and reacting to everyday politics. Over and over ad nauseam. Here in Aus we feel exactly the same – but why waste one flying f…k on that side show. We don’t. Period.
I’m thinking Andy is the only free thinker here………….
What’s your suggestions for topics that folks SHOULD think about? And once thought about and pondered what should be posted here as discussion?
“I’m thinking Andy is the only free thinker here………….”
Therein., lies your main problem.
The reason I have concern over todays drama’s.. is they are forcing the people of the USA into this mess.. all because of their stupidity.. and the people are the ones to suffer.. YOU sure don’t see them planning on sending out the son of the president to lead the troops.. hell they are doing everything they can to cover over his crimes.. with mountains of evidence all the agencies are busy covering over his business dealings.. now what would they do if that was Don Jr. he would be sitting in a prison cell… for high crimes.. they are trying to put Don Sr. in prison for what absolutely looks like stupid shit..
“An Instagram making the rounds has an attractive Asian female saying “They nailed Trump with 4 trials and 91 charges. Before even ONE of Jeffrey Epstein’s clients has been charged. Think about it.””
I’ve spend considerable effort trying to find this attractive Asian female post to absolutely no avail. Even Yandex can’t find it and simply points back here.
Do I have to do everything for you?
Wow.. she is absolutely beautiful..
I take care of my vision, ahem…
Thanks George! Now I get it. The quote was spoken in a video and not in text on the site, so the search sites couldn’t find it.
Nikki V. is a pretty girl and a smart one, but her eyebrows looked a lot better natural, as in her other videos!
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Tuesday that his confidence has weakened that inflation is under control.
His comments made at a bankers’ conference in Amsterdam came the same day that the Labor Department reported that wholesale prices jumped 0.5 percent in April, the largest increase in a year.
“Core inflation is now at 2.8 percent, so it’s down. That progress though really happened over the course of last year, particularly the second half of last year,” the fed chief said.
Core inflation measures the change in prices of goods and services, but does not include food and energy costs, which have gone up considerably during President Joe Biden time in office.
Powell wasn’t actually “negative”., but he sure wasn’t sounding very optimistic.
CPI [ Consumer Price Index ] was reported today coming in at 3.4% for April. [ The market seemingly loved it.]
CPI was 3.5% in March.