IPCA: Insider Preview of Coming Attractions

Funny stuff we call “Future.”  Like the weather “everyone talks about it, but no one does anything about it” was how Mark Twain complained about weather.

Bet you didn’t know Mark Twain was a Freemason, did you? Or that he failed to pay his dues for a while before being demitted from the Craft?  Naw, didn’t think so… Still, we like to know the kind of person we’re citing when we’re re-issuing their snappy quotes.

Don’t get me wrong; clever and witty is fine. But if you don’t take obligations seriously, it shades our opinions a bit. Twain had an ill-fated publishing company, too. Charles L. Webster, and Company went bust in 1894. But again, I digress.

Here’s why:  There will be a lot going on this week, but sometimes the history – and future history ain’t what most people think.  A lot has to do with our perceptions of time.

Ask most people when “Now” is and they will point at a watch (the last one of which was manufactured shortly after the Flip-Phone was born).  “That’s NOW,” they will assure you.

It’s not.  The reason is both simple and complicated inside the same banana peel.  Sure, if you have a timekeeper, drop a baseball from shoulder height, it will hit the floor at the particular “dependent time” specified.  After those grueling 32-feet per second per second things that ruined higher math for so many of us.  Remember, I was flunked out of Engineering for daring to bring a small handheld calculator to class, eschewing the traditional slip-stick (K&E slide rule, bamboo, yellow, 12-inch.)

Precision of that will admit to this one form of time as Truth.  But the Second Truth is far grander, an appreciation of how God, the One Electron, or the Universe (everyone has a name for it) actually rules local disorder.

Time is a Gaussian distribution which we define around here as “That moment when the largest number of “time arrows” of events cross at closest proximity.” To compress it into compact form: Gravity is hard but surrounding events are soft.

Which Gets us to “IPCA”

Thus we fuel this morning’s “Insider Preview (of) Coming Attractions” with the confidence that our daily massive flight of Time Arrows will cross in close proximity in a predictable way this week.

Which has EVERYTHING to do with economics, but maybe not. Dow futures up 81 which is insane.

Take today.  Regional Fed bossette Loretta Mester is doing some kind of jaw-flap at 9 AM this morning. Our guess is her remarks will have something to do with the economy.  But, she holds only one string to be pulled on a hopelessly complicated Pinocchio of an Economy (largely based on lies, made-up money, and whose nose growth reflects compound interest).

For 99.9 percent of Americans, her remarks about the economy (or visiting with aliens or announcing the eschaton) will be (statistically) insignificant.

Which is why a) I didn’t short over the weekend and b) the Markets always need something to blame.  We don’t think Mester will be it.

Tomorrow, More Arrows Fly

First arrow by tomorrow will be the National Federation (of) Independent Business (NFIB) outlook.  If there’s going to be a line of business owner jumpers on the Golden Gate, this could tip what’s coming.  Or, if the arrow flies another way, we might want to be a Corvette or Tesla leasing agent.  But only for the day.

Before that settles tomorrow’s market trajectory, Producer Prices will be along.  We’ve always called this the “Looking up the tailpipe of inflation” to get a sense of what’s coming.  Hint: We told you months ago that the Fed’s HFL (higher for longer) would come to the point where the government will be – in effect – bidding against itself to fund our public spendthrifts in Congress.

Imagine taking your household checking account and writing yourself a $20-million-dollar check.  Then just holding onto it; pretending it will be paid back.  All the while running your checkbook millions into the red and convincing a crooked Bank that you really have $20-million of security somewhere.

That’s almost how it works, but it’s really worse.

For now, it’s working that way with Bitcoin, too.  As of this morning it was $62,656.60 each. I made up several 47-digit hashtags today, yet no lines have formed outside the ranch gates.  Then again, it’s early.

Warren Buffett has been a crypto skeptic,  like me.  And how about this report? Economist taunts Bitcoin replacing fiat is like ‘a sideshow in Las Vegas’.

Wednesday Time Arrows

If a reputable mathematician outing crypto as a con doesn’t arrive today, or tomorrow, the next flight of arrows inbound will be Wednesday. Empire State Manufacturing, Retail Sales, and Consumer Prices.

We figure one of those arrows will find its mark and the financial bleed out ahead of Index Options Thursday and Equity Options Friday ought to let some of the air out of this pig of a market.


Good post on G.A. Stewart’s Nostradamus focused website about how with all these solar flares, we are not out of the woods yet on the Great Theatre being in trouble. We’ve been watching the growing activity around the Pacific Ring of Fire and wondering “When?”

Last time we had a solar peak, I seem to remember looking at hysteresis between the arrival of solar energy and how long the “condensation to matter” (the necessary other direction of Einstein’s equation) would take.  Seems to me it was a week, or longer.

Just to have it handy, the Top 5 of all-time quakes go like this:

  1. Valdivia, Chile 22 May 1960 (magnitude 9.5) …
  2. Prince William Sound, Alaska 28 March 1964 (magnitude 9.2) …
  3. Sumatra, Indonesia 26 December 2004 (magnitude 9.1) …
  4. Sendai, Japan 11 March 2011 (magnitude 9.0) …
  5. Kamchatka, Russia 4 November 1952 (magnitude 9.0)

The junior high science quiz may be looking for “11-year solar cycle length” but the correct answer is actually 22-years, after Hale and others.  Frontiers | Deciphering Solar Magnetic Activity: The Solar Cycle Clock (frontiersin.org)

If you took enough worry-meds this morning, take the 2004 Sumatra quake and add 22-years, but that will only mean we are (loosely) moving into that region of time-arrows. Let me help.

As you should be able to see in our (rather amateurish) sketch here, we know that a big quake (Japan, 2011) happened ahead of the solar peak while the rest were on the “backside.”

Unfortunately, we can’t get high mathematical precision on where present time arrows involving quakes are, but with a nod to Stu’s work, it’s not a bad timing model because in this small sample (of big quakes) we do note a possible preference for the last 1/4 on  the upside of a solar cycle to the near-bottom of the decline.

The prudent gambler (if that’s not an oxymoron) would not bet against a big quake.  Yeah, we are prepped and considering the odds.

Back to Mundane

No cities fell, well exactly, over the weekend. But not going well in Ukraine at all:

Opening the way for VDV and Marine operation: Ukrainians move reserves from Kherson to Kharkiv – Risk of total front collapse. I keep getting this mental picture of what the impact of Russia winning Ukraine (and their Crimean zone) with only conventional forces.  That may be why the West is pushing ’em so hard.  If Russia was to resort to nukes, it would free up the West to go after Iran. But kinda hard on Western egos if Russia wins Ukraine 100 percent conventional.  They’d be in the position of “Having beaten the West with one hand tied behind their backs…”

Which may be why Vladimir Putin taps Andrei Belousov to replace Sergei Shoigu. Nukes would change the world accounting system for war.  Slides decimal places kind of thing.  Who? Who Is Andrei Belousov? Putin Loyalist Economist To Take Charge of Military.

Gaza didn’t fall, either: But wow, the Bidenistas are really catering to the democrat party extreme left as Antony Blinken stuns with public criticism of Israeli conduct in Gaza | Euronews. Where things are not going well, at all. US warns of ‘anarchy’ if Israel invades Rafah as Gaza death toll passes 35,000. But, as we have pointed out, Israel is not leaving before their idea of “done” is completed. Israel Defense Forces move toward a Rafah assault despite pressure from U.S., others.

Why would Blinken turn on Israel? Well…Sen. @tedcruz : “The Biden administration is in the business right now of buying votes.”.  And buying which votes?

Did you see this? DISGRACE: Pro-Hamas Thugs Raise Palestinian Flag at Daley Plaza in Chicago Higher Than American Flag. If they will promise never to come back, put us down for a one-way ticket for one of ’em to Rafah. Have fun.

Messes for the Masses

Oh, where to begin, huh?

With a mass, perhaps?  Parishioners stop teen armed with rifle from entering church during Mass. We know a lot of Churches have become very serious about protecting congregations with armed church volunteers at the ready.  Hell of a thing when Church grounds are no longer holy.  But it’s the times and the crazies, we figure.

Cop murders continue, too: Ohio police officer shot and killed after being ambushed by gunman, authorities say – CBS News

We are not in the least bit surprised: House Committee Report Exposes Global Social Media Censorship Regime. We keep waiting for more on the Michael Benz book on topic – before the election would be useful!

Best Government money can buy Dept. Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez faces second federal corruption trial with jury selection starting Monday.

Around the Ranch: The Oscilloscope Debate

Ham radio notes:

Sneaking closer to age 76 by the day, I finally decided a couple of outstanding issues around my office.

While Reader Hank has a dandy new portable handheld oscilloscope (these new 3-in-1 (scope, multimeter, signal generators) are amazing) I decided to get a 7-inch single purpose scope.  Vevor (which makes everything seems) came out with this one: “VEVOR Digital Oscilloscope, 1GS/S Sampling Rate, 100MHZ Bandwidth 2 Channels Portable Oscilloscope with 7-inch Color Screen, 30 Automatic Measurement Functions for Electronic Circuit Testing DIY.”  Amazon has ’em on sale now for $104.99.

Hank:  Send in a review and picture of yours?  I will do one when my new toy lands, too.

The one Hank got hasn’t been back in stock – and I already have not one, but two good signal generators.  A Rhode SMY-01 and a 40 MHz DDS.  The only missing piece was a 100X scope probe for doing things like high voltage power supply measurements.  That was a $14 problem.

Reorganizing the ham desks is going well.  Finally had to come to the realization that there wasn’t much point being able to “hot switch” between more than a half-dozen ham radios.  The final cut came down to:

  • TenTec Omni VII
  • TenTec Jupiter 538
  • Icom 761
  • Kenwood TS-590
  • And the Heathkit SB-313, SB-401, and station console.

The Hallicrafters collection will be at a second (and third) operating position.  While I wait for that, I snagged three new 6HF5 finals on eBay yesterday for the SR-400. Which is in my view, one of the better-looking radios ever made.

From here on, I figure the balance of life can be spent on Antenna perfection.

Every hobby has those “things that become clear over time.”  As an audiophile it didn’t take long to figure out (in the early 1970s that an Empire low-mass elliptical stylus driving through just about anyone’s amp into a pair of University Presidio speakers would always sound great.

As a broadcast engineer I had a great time with wanks who said they could “hear the difference” between like a Sansui and a Pioneer just by listening.  Sorry, when electronics get above a certain point, the human ear doesn’t recognize any volume change of less than 3-6 dB and anyone who says so is generally a lying sot.

On the other hand, no question about stylus on vinyl.  You can hear clarity on some – not on others.

I’m shocked by the way you can still find the old Command Records on eBay now and then. Ah, the days when needles and vinyl weren’t all part of kink…

Write when you get rich,


33 thoughts on “IPCA: Insider Preview of Coming Attractions”

  1. (“Bet you didn’t know Mark Twain was a Freemason, did you?”)

    Actually I did know… I believe he belonged to the scottish rites in Missouri.. just about every one was a member of the group back in the day.. today we have network television movies, the internet and facebook.. back then.. that was the entertainment.. the social gathering.. church and the lodge..
    When my grandmother passed on we thought it was just all lodge members that showed up for her funeral in uniforms.. it wasn’t until later that we seen on the cards every branch of the military and the white house that was there paying their last respects..
    I never told the siblings that I have grandpa’s sword.. from his membership of the masonic order of the knights templar.. beautiful sword.. my son in law wants it for his wall.. LOL LOL LOL

  2. (“I was flunked out of Engineering for daring to bring a small handheld calculator to class, eschewing the traditional slip-stick (K&E slide rule, bamboo, yellow, 12-inch.)”)

    wow.. I don’t think I ever seen one ruler length.. mine is my guess is six inches long.. use to carry it in my pocket.. what is really funny is.. I wonder if I would have to learn how to use the dam thing again LOL LOL LOL.. its in the tool box someplace.. just haven’t used it in a while LOL LOL

    • I made sure to collect up my Dad’s and my father-in-Law’s at their passing and have my step-Dad’s as well (thanks Chuck) in safe keeping. Can’t have too many. All are over 12″, except Dad’s aluminum 6″ pocket one. Big Al has a collection, too. For someone who doesn’t trust the grid, you sure seem to rely on electrons.
      Ask me how to solar power with storage that doesn’t degrade over time. I’ve done that, too.

      • storage is the issues… as far as relying on technology.. I personally believe that we as a society need to embrace and accept the technology of today and the technology of the future but embrace the past and utilized the techologies of the past… I love coal but in reality coal is a fuel of the past and has a finite end… to turn away from it is just stupid.. NOW i do not like nuclear.. we don’t understand it well enough. the cost of disposal of the waste is to expensive and dangerous.. until we understand it better we should stay away from it..
        NOW solar I totally love solar.. price has come down from fifteen dollars a watt to about a dollar a watt installed.. the cost for a power company to utilize this power is pretty simple to.. they could distribute solar power to any households willing to have them installed and expand production.. I have had mine up forever.. so far the oldest panels.. are still kicking out full power.. I test them every year.. we were the first to have them put up.. it was the best thing I ever did.. to build solar towers.. same thing.. they should be put up.. the cost of one wind turbine would put up between thirty to three hundred starting at the furthest point working back to the power plant.. put one up a year.. some Scandinavian countries did the distribute of small wind and grid tie .. god I want to say in the seventies already.. they didn’t have space enough for putting in more coal fired plants and even at fifteen dollars a watt it was the cheaper alternative.. in my tools. I have both.. I have the hand tools and the power tools.. the business model is the only thing that is weakening the national security of the grid.. its the same way with medicine to. the only reason we have one of the worlds worst medical systems is the business model.. and it won’t change until the business model changes.. a millionaire.. if you only have one or two million you can possibly get by six years max if there isn’t to many complications.. the business model says you won’t go with anything left.. like most things.. peopel are tossed to the side..
        Greenscaping the cities.. dam I have been saying this since the late sixties.. my first look at it was in an old magazine or novel.. the hydroponic monster.. it caught my eye as a child and kept my attention.. I read many books on it that were from the eighteen hundreds and experiments that were being done on it then.. then the biblical accounts of hydroponics.. and the mayan’s and the aztec’s.. use of it.. and I was sold.. Nothing new or remarkable.. but the first time I was in a big city was in 67 and we had to stay in because of the polution..as a little boy that just got me thinking that much deeper.. why does the air sting my nose and eyes.. why cut down the trees and make it hotter.. for a little boy.. why not grow more if the plants convert it to oxygen and lower the temperature.. since I love to read and read because I love it.. I love archeology and everything about the past.. and I love science fiction and science fact to.. I try to keep the grandkids and the kids questioning.. someone says oh you can’t do that.. why not.. what is the limits.. supposedly we cannot fly either yet planes are going over head all the time..
        batteries.. well what is a battery.. can you store energy in the earth.. hmm.. how about the air.. if electrons are continually moving tesla had the thought put copper roofs and collect the energy from the air.. store it in the earth.. and it is a proven fact that you can harvest the free electrons.. we have radio telephones television satalites.. five g and six is on its way.. more electrons.. so much they passed a law saying it was illegal to harvest them..
        ever look at the pyramids.. hmm.. notice anything funny about it.. and what about the mounds.. all things we have been told.. the ancient legends and stories comes to mind.. never stop questioning.. never stop searching.. right now.. a lot of the things that are kept hushed up.. like conversion of spun oil back into oil.. they stopped the units from being sold in the usa.. or self cooling can’s.. you can buy them in another country just not in the USA.. the university of washington state has the only plastic conversion unit.. algae.. easy peazy to convert it back to oil.. instead we destroy a country and eliminate a race to steal their oil.. where we could be out harvesting the oil from an island of plastic in the ocean bigger than the state of texas. instead they go for what someone else has .. why go through the steps of reclamation of it..I believe that the “next-generation lithium-ion battery” (NGLB), is going to revolutionize the industry.. at this time.. with some more research the idea of teslas car that collected and used the energy from the air.. so far we don’t know it or how it worked.. but he had it.. even had it on display.. on site generation of hydrogen.. we can already do it.. but free energy would shut down the.. OH WOW.. the BUSINESS MODEL… just saying if you can dream it then it can be done..

    • At university our advanced physics professor was notorious for having “pop quizzes” – no calculators were allowed – you immediately failed the exam if he saw one. He did however allow slid rules – and I had a beauty – about eleven inches long in its own thick cowhide case. [ still have it. ] Made in Germany – but no brand, or maker.

      • 1974 Physics class our progressive professor told us ‘no lookup tables for trig functions’. We either had to do them on the slide rule, or one of these new fangled calculators that do trig functions. I was working, so I could afford to drive 100 miles each way to the big city to buy the new HP-35 for $499. For one semester I was the envy of the class. Then TI came out with the competition for $150 next semester.
        I still have my CIE..Cleveland Institute of Electronics aluminum slipstick with the cowhide case. I barely learned how to use it before I got the HP-35 and put away the slipstick forever..

    • Oh you advanced fancy smancy guys with Ure slide rules. Backwoods of Pennsyltucky we still go with The Fundamental Operations IN
      How to use The Chinese Abacus

      “Example 2. Divide 123,456,789 by 3
      After placing the diviednd on the abacus we begin at the left to divide as follows:

      1: 1 by 3, plus 1 : Change 1 into 3 and add 1 onthe next colum to the right.
      2: 3 by 3, forward 1 : cancel the three, forward 1 in the colum to the left.
      8) 9 by 3, forward 3 : Cancel 9 and forward 3 in column to the left.
      9) 9 by 3, forward 3 : Cancel the 9 and forward 3 in column to the left.
      Hence the quotient is 41,152,263”

  3. “Warren Buffett has been a crypto skeptic, like me. And how about this report? Economist taunts Bitcoin replacing fiat is like ‘a sideshow in Las Vegas’.”


    Pray tell George, nowithstanding Buffet plunging $1B into Crypto exchange NuBank. What’s the space going to look like when Buffet and friends officially FOMO in?

    Got Blockchain? Not Advice do your own homework home gamers.

  4. Oh shut the front door. NuBank uses ripplenet [XRP]. LOL. Filled with gratitude. scoop scooP scoOOP scOOP sCOOP SCOOP!


    You homegamers follwing the ball here. This would make Mr. Buffet another one of those proxy/stealth billionaire investors in the crypto space.

    Would this be another Bank that Warren Whale has been caught swimming in?


    Watch what they do, not what they say for public consumption.

  5. (“But wow, the Bidenistas are really catering to the democrat party extreme left as Antony Blinken stuns with public criticism of Israeli conduct in Gaza | Euronews. Where things are not going well, at all. “)

    Think about that for one minute.. the Demoralcraps have been called on the carpet about opening the borders and supporting modern SLAVE TRADERS, CHILD TRAFFICKING, DRUG TRAFFICKERS…. then to be seen as supporting genocide of a whole ethnic tribe for Oil and gas off of the gaza coast… What they are doing is causing people to question.. then with the administrations CNN interview.. it becomes really obvious that Biden living in the bubble of public service .. he is so disconnected from reality that he is oblivious to what he is doing.. or what has happened because of his actions..
    I don’t believe that they will ever allow Trump back into office and even if they did.. I don’t believe that anyone can turn it at this point. I have been in the economic death spiral it is so god dam scary.. and the only thing you can do is either start over.. which would do away with all public services.. fire departments road repairs Social security medicare .. etc. etc. etc.. everything would have to start from square one.. and since the other possible thing is cut spending…not one dime on anything just the debt.. its similar to having a loan with a loan shark a car title loan.. once the interest gets going its impossible to turn it away.. especially with our dependence on industrial manufacturing from other countries to supply our needs.. and since we started to allow foreign countries to own and operate in our country.. they control us..but then that is just my opinion..

    • (“But wow, the Bidenistas are really catering to the democrat party extreme left as Antony Blinken stuns with public criticism of Israeli conduct in Gaza | Euronews. Where things are not going well, at all. “)

      I generally agree with LOOB’s comments, but I think the machinations of the Bidenistas are more sinister than he imagines.

      In my view, the Bidenistas (aka Obama communist insurgents + neocons) represent the far, extreme left of the Demoncrat division of the all-encompassing Uniparty. The Obama commies are following the Marxist communist playbook to destroy the USA via cultural destruction (encouraging gender dysphoria and child mutilation, transgenderism, funding and encouraging extremist groups, e.g, BLM, Antifa, allowing an alien invasion of the country, using lawfare techniques to punish political opponents, implementing a two-tiered system of injustice, re-writing history to demonize whites, and many more subversive operations).

      Biden, the senile, bumbling old man, provides a smoke screen to obscure Obama’s commie coup d’etat of America. In fact, I believe Obama and his minions are working closely with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to facilitate this insurrection.

      Even more disturbing is the apparent effort of the Israeli Zionists is to further divide the people of the USA while it endeavors to asset strip the USA and use its military muscle . This is all being done to further the Greater Israel Project (from the river to the sea) and its envisioned future leadership of the one-world government.

      Americans, we are at WAR, being attacked, and most of us don’t even realize it, and we’ve got traitors in our government facilitating the coup.

      Folks, we’re being double-teamed by two of the most totalitarian regimes on the planet, the CCP and the Israeli Zionists. The obscenely funny thing is we’re being told that Russia is our enemy. HA-HA

  6. The Winds of Change – do you feel em ? Have you been buffeted by said winds lately ? They be blowing strong now – “On a Glory night..Children of Tomorrow …on the Winds of Change”


    Change be coming to a hoop house nearz you soonly, if youse live in the NE, NC, NW…keep up the faith of growing Pineapples in northern climes, not just in back yard Placencia.. where every Pineapple top cut, is transplanted for reharvest.

    Asspergrass is being harvested now, Potato tops are up, Lettuces are up, beans are up. Melons, Squashes and Tomatoes go in this week. All Herbs made it thru Winter, even the purple flowered Catnip, so Chive On Homegamers.
    Yes Mothers Day is a gardening temporal marker for Safe to Plant in Pennsyltucky..Its On like Donkey Kong now.

    * rearmed and upgraded defenses over Winter, ready and waiting for the potato bug spring offensive – Biologic Warfare is name of game in 2024.

  7. Game changer means Game Time – Community guess who, with clues..
    WHO is;
    1) extremely corrupt
    2)looted the military
    3)”westernized” the military by copying American colonial mercenary model.
    4)passed information on to NATO as revealed by the Texeria leaks.
    5)coordinated the killing of Russians in Syria with NATO help
    6) had nothing to do with Crimean Spring Operation
    7)has blood on his hands from Moscow mafia days
    8)is anti Russian on account his ethnic animosity
    9)only got his career because of his ethnicity in first place
    10)deliberately starved Wagner(and not only)of much needed supplies for political reasons leading to the death of thousands.
    11)generally pursued a disastrous and suicidal strategy in prosecuting war
    12)is deliberately shooting down Russian planes in sea of azov
    13)intentionally missing with missile strikes or avoids critical targets all-together.

    Who we talking about ?

    “Now that didn’t take long, did it? The next day after posting France VIII and its scathing criticism of the Jew infested Kremlin my boy Putin got busy. There’s still hope for Russia, sadly none for mad dog America… ” -Jack Heart

    this is interview where Pooterz stated that shoigu had tried to halt the operation to take over Crimea..https://substack.com/redirect/eb9263eb-cfd5-4df8-9ef3-d8d7fe88adaf?j=eyJ1IjoiMWtrNHlkIn0.fVVcJH6f1r_zprDxpYe9yhWMCY9me-zumT3TyeeDR9A

    Natasha – love that J. Heart guy – Cold Hard Truths, no matta what.

    Thats a FACT, Jack.


  8. Speaking of time, the “two weeks away” may have manifested into now!

    Iranian Lawmaker: We Might Already Have a Nuclear Bomb

    “In my opinion, we have achieved nuclear weapons, but we do not announce it. It means our policy is to possess nuclear bombs, but our declared policy is currently within the framework of the JCPOA [the 2015 nuclear deal],” he said.

    “The reason is that when countries want to confront others, their capabilities must be compatible, and Iran’s compatibility with America and Israel means that Iran must have nuclear weapons,” Ardestani said.


  9. Kharkiv Ukraine
    Russian soldiers were pouring through the frontline defense of Kharkiv – a recon commander sent two small recon’s out to see what was going on.
    The entire defensive line protecting Kharkiv was gone. They simply packed up and left. There was no defense, at all, for the city. The Russians just walked right in.
    “I have never felt so betrayed in my life. They just left us., and the whole city defenseless.”
    It doesn’t get much worse then that. Defeated is one thing.., battalions packing up and running away – that’s a whole different kind of hurt. I can not imagine that.

  10. “I decided to get a 7-inch single purpose scope. “
    Damn! So now you can claim “Mine is bigger than yours!… and cheaper, too”
    Curses… bested again. Write a review? You mean I have to actually USE the thing, not just look at the pretty colored screen?

    “From here on, I figure the balance of life can be spent on Antenna perfection.”
    You still haven’t put up that eight-point rhombic I suggested years back. Invest in copper! I’m reminded of one Indiana ham I contacted on 40 meters. He must have had football fields of open property. At last count it was a 14 element wire beam for 40 meters aimed SW. He was 10-over S9 here in Hawaii.

  11. The U.N. announced today that a little less than half of the women and children were killed in Gaza – then previously reported. [ interesting timing.]
    I must admit that I did not expect such calm and reserve from the Arab nations as the IDF moves into Rafah.
    Guess I made the mistake at taking them at their word. Hezbollah – at least, I expected to go missile launch crazy.
    Relatively calm – so far.

    • Hahahahah
      – they only count Bodies that show up at Hospitals – Bodies that have been ID’d – hence Mass Graves filled victims shot at point blank range – with Organs removed.. Nothing to see there, nothing at all..

      Go back to Ure jeruselem post and the other zio news source rags, cant be telling peeps about israhell racial cleansing and genocide of the Whole of the Palestinian Peoples.

  12. “Parishioners stop teen armed with rifle from entering church during Mass.”

    The fastest-growing group (by percentage) of CCW holders is rabbis…

  13. “Every hobby has those “things that become clear over time.” As an audiophile it didn’t take long to figure out (in the early 1970s that an Empire low-mass elliptical stylus driving through just about anyone’s amp into a pair of University Presidio speakers would always sound great.”

    When I bought the filing cabinets full of NOS tubes and Sam’s docs, I also bought a master sales case of (mostly) Empire (with a smattering of Shure and A-T) cartridges and their associated needles/styli. I personally used Empire in my Garrard, and Technics in my Technics laser linear…

  14. Snopes had to back tract and make a correction, oh my
    look surprised,

    “Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from “Unproven” to “True” based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, ”

    you have to be a sick o to support this piece of garbage after this has come to light,,, and feel like a fool for supporting him to this point.

    get rid of the pedos and most of the global problems will go with them!
    you already realize that it is a global crime system that appoints our presidents,,, except Trump
    JFK was a problem till he wasn’t

    as the democrats scheme to insert the androgyne right after the dem convention, as they nominate Joe, who then bows out after the close of the DNC.

    • Kids write sh!t in their diaries that doesn’t always correspond to objective reality. The diary alone might be grounds for an investigation, but you would need more evidence to prosecute. There is also the matter of the location(s) the infraction(s) occurred in, and whether the statute of limitations has come and gone.
      I would also say that sniffing other people’s kids is acting like an animal in public, not a criminal offense.
      In short, attacks on Biden’s performance in office carry more weight in the public eye than the drama with his grown kid and political activist stalkers, or with his personal behavior quirks. Trump has plenty of skeletons in his closet as well, and the personal attacks are gaining him sympathy. It works the same way for Biden.

      • Quote from gOOgle
        “Objective reality
        Objective reality refers to the idea that the universe exists independently of human perception, opinion, or interpretation. It is the concept that there is a reality that exists regardless of whether or not we are aware of it or have a particular perspective on it. In other words, objective reality is the reality that exists outside of our subjective experiences and perceptions.”

        give a pee pee tape break and I might get back with ya
        you aren’t trying to defend the pedo’s actions, are you ??? sweep em under da rug or deflect to something orange man bad
        there is NO defense of that pervert on his personal actions or actions as resident

  15. Thank you n, for your perceptive comments, obd, why are you in such denial about donny?? Grab ’em by the pussy!

    Donny ‘liked’ many young girls:

    Just Donny, Jeffrey and 28 girls at Mar a Lago:

    Donny liked going into girl’s dressing room while they were getting dressed:

    • you are that ignorant
      #1 that is a bunch of unproven gossip about adult men and women
      #2 Biden is about a pedophile fucking his own daughter in the shower , written in her own hand writing
      3# Trump and Epstein, while Epstein was present at some events Trump was at, he ran Epstein off and eventually Epstein was arrested. G Maxwell is still in jail,,, they are/were Mossad,, Rothchild controlled spy agency.
      bring some solid evidence next time instead of a bunch of gossip column news repeaters, each article is JUST a someone said
      ” George Houraney, who ran American Dream Enterprise, claimed in an interview ,,” from your Daily Beast article

      BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE, and u use the gossip about Trump,,,, to justify a God Damn pedophile, that is destroying our country
      Vanity Fair, Daily Beast and rolling stone are 3rd rate mush for mush eaters
      act your age, not the number of ballots you filled out for the PEDOPHILE that fucks his own daughter.
      when you wake up , you will discover that there is a club, so to speak, of satanic pedophiles in DC, both elected and permanent gov employees,,, smocking, so to speak
      and the podesta video

      the only thing worse than a pedo is someone who covers for them and I am looking at you liddle miss c, please explain why you cover for them,,, deflect to,, OH LOOK AT Donnie, he was in a dressing room ‘full of people’ in a beauty contest where all the contestants wear almost nothing showing off their bodies,,,
      did Donald have an Island where he flew in politicians, give them liddle girls and then blackmail them? How many little girls survived?
      such narrow minds as yours, are susceptible to mental control by others, ie: VanityFair, Daily Beast and last and least the once famous but now just a ‘rag’ RollingStone

      like a broken 8 track tape lying along side of the Hiway, with the ribbon blowing in the wind, once was great, but now is roadside trash

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