Time to Spin Off the West?

Socialism’s darlings on the West Coast are starting to find their future is dimming quickly. Today, we consider latest Housing numbers – where the declines are clearest in financial terms.  But, even beyond this, the ancillary data supports the notion of moving “Back East.”

Toss in a barrel full of liberal Constitutional abandonment and excess development considering water and power…why, it’s the makings of a technology-rich hell.

Which we’ll jump into after a few headlines and the ChartPack.

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57 thoughts on “Time to Spin Off the West?”

  1. Nimarata Nikki Randhawa says Democrats are warmongers all the while we still have the hold-over Neocon, Lindsey Graham (among others) who was a part of the Bush gang from over 20 years ago.

    Clearly downtown stores are closing locations in the major Western cities Seattle, San Fransisco, etc.

    Once the stores are closed the criminals will start attacking the houses and subdivisions. I think think the flip is occurring & the suburbs will be abandoned and everyone re consolidated into 15 minute cities.

    For some reason California is being cleared out.

      • Yessir…

        And Steve, Leftists (predominantly Democrats) have ALWAYS been warmongers. I believe the only exceptions you’ll find are the Spanish-American War and Grenada, which were both (Mainely?) exercises of the Monroe Doctrine.

        • What’s the diff between a liberal/leftist?

          This is what I found.

          “a liberal believes that the system is overall redeemable if it is reformed through laws and social change, while a leftist believes that the system itself is the problem and only a revolutionary restructuring of that system would truly do any good. “

        • I’m going to try and make this simple enough that any of George’s younger readers can understand it, without insulting or pissing off my fellow oldsters…

          Let’s play the classics:

          A “Liberal” is one who pushes the social mores away from the establishment (whatever that is.)

          Because the United States was formed and organized as “an experiment” which ran counter to the established mores of every other nation, territory, and protectorate on Earth, “Liberalism” was a push away from central authority and toward personal freedom and the ability for people who were not-titled and not-monied to own personal property.

          This thing in the previous paragraph, here-called “Liberalism,” is now known as “Classical Liberalism” (look it up…) It is the definition of “Liberalism” in every country on Earth, EXCEPT the U.S. — It is the definition of “Conservatism” in the United States, but nowhere else.

          A “Conservative” is one who pushes the established mores toward maintaining the status quo. In every nation on Earth, EXCEPT the U.S. It delineates a push toward a king or emperor, or a de facto representative of same — conserving and maintaining an elite ruling class and tight-fisted central planning, central authority, and central power. In the U.S. it delineates a push away from central authority, and conservation of individual freedom and liberty.

          Our Nation was formed by a bunch of (Classical) Liberals (and a few central planning wonks like Alexander Hamilton). Somewhere between 1800 and ~1840 Federalists, Whigs, and a bunch of splinter political parties went away. With them went the idea of decentralization. The “Democratic-Republicans” dropped the “Republicans” from their name, and became just “Democrats.” The Democrats ran the country as, essentially a uniparty — and their power corrupted. As they became corrupt, they moved away from our founding principles and toward centralization, to give themselves more and more power and control.

          Are you confused, yet?

          Everyone else is, which is part of the reason for my labeling of people on the Left as “Leftists.” The other part of the reason is to define a general point in political space by which to delineate other ideologies, many of which have been (usually intentionally) mis-defined, over the years.

          The reason I started calling the people the MSM calls progressive, “Regressives” is because their ideological motivation is toward central authority with zero personal property rights — Their end goal is to regress our society exactly into despotic imperialism. *

          BLM, “Antifa,” “NeoNazis,” “Klansmen,” “anarchists,” and all others of their ilk, are Leftists.

          Real anarchists would be extreme Rightists, but none of the current crop are actual anarchists — they’re “anarcho-capitalists” which means they want to rise above chaos to become Emperor.

          Like anybody spewing political-speak, don’t listen to what members of any of these groups say. Instead pay attention to what they do.

          ALL of these antisocial flake groups espouse socialism — central planning, central authority, central control, and ownership of
          property by only government (they call it “public ownership.” Public ownership” is ownership by the government), and a [favored] select few. The people in these groups are not all Democrats, but they are ALL Leftists. BLM are Black-supremicist socialists, Antifa are Mussoliniesque fascist thugs, NeoNazis are Hitleresque fascist thugs. People forget the KKK hated Catholics and Jews as much (or more) than they hated Blacks.

          People like Victoria Nuland and George Will, Kagan, Conley, and Kristol, call themselves “Republicans” but they’re Leftists. ‘Same with the entire Bush clan. There are a number of Republicans who are, by no means conservative, yet some people still use the opinions of these to try and define a “conservative” political viewpoint.

          Not all Republicans are “conservative” — not all Democrats are “liberal.” Therefore, I hold that the terms “Rightist” and “Leftist” are more accurate, and less likely to be abused.

          That’s why I differentiate between “Liberal” and “Leftist.”

  2. I say Whoa Big Fella, whoa! or is it Woe?

    No Bitcoin = No Joy .


    You know Hong Kong ? where the massive skyscraper caught fire (March -2023)and burned for NINE HOURS..and yet -and yet it is still standing – AMAZE BALLZ engineering over there no doubt!

    Less than 316 days until The Halving – when the Mining reward gets cut in half..like the Apollo rockets’ loooooooooooooooooong track to launch pad, BTC is on the way to the launch pad – tickticktick


      • R U referring to Tax Loss on claim of Lost and/or Stolen Bitcoins ? Because that perceived Loss turned into a Gain – just some random numbers after all.

        BCN no Trade Crypto’s period. Buy and HODL ..raising FRN’s, as needed, for special projects ie ..legally titled in Belize and Incorporated as Big Mommas Beach House.
        (BCNs’ Wife known as “Big Momma” by immediate family and is named so in our IPhone list of contacts.) .

        So Yes – Up and Down.

    • Re: “io, io
      feat. It’s off to work they go”


      Let us rejoice in the observation of Karl Marx that Spartacus was “the most splendid fellow in the whole of ancient history”. If indeed the UK government receives a cut from .io domain name sales, the trezor descendancy from henry and megan must be undoubtedly appreciated in the dark corridors of palace humour.

      A perhaps overlooked theme as followers of Spartacus found in rewards too good to be true, the already rich and powerful people keep getting to the finish line first.


      God save the King!

    • BCN,

      I believe I mentioned here earlier that the Trezor has a JTAG header right on the PC board. Nuff said.

      IMO the Ledger NanoS doesnt have a enough memory to support the latest thinly vailed hack [umm seed phrase recovery feature] of your seed phrase.

      Of course all you home gamers are of the prepper sort, and have Ledger NanoS[s] NIB [virgin firmware] in your bag of tricks.

      Still researching the best options for alternatives out there, meanwhile Im not touching or updating anything in cold storage, the reasns are wqrit large here.

      Not advice do your own homework.

  3. I’ve posted this before :
    Frying Eggs on a cold stove. Posted on YouTube 8 years ago and the video is a lot older than that …


    Well, I’m not sure when it came out on the market but … here you have it … Induction Cooking.


    It’s been 12 years since this appeared: Water Torch …


    Wonder when Lowe’s will carry it?

    Nothing new under the sun, just reinventing what has already been invented.

    Lots of old knowledge squeezing it’s way back into our reality.

  4. Mark ?

    Tell them why theyre wrong and how wonderful it truly is.

    For extra credit , toss in a couple of London Breed quotes.

    Thanks !

  5. Ok. For A.I., what is the “Killer Ap?”

    Here’s an idea:

    Everybody wants a slave — a 100% exclusively dedicated Personal Servant.

    Nobody will ever admit they want a slave — its very unfashionable — but they do. Well, with AI they can have one — guilt-free. A very good one.

    My vision for a Personal Assistant is a pen that is in your shirt pocket. It has a 180 degree camera and lens, and a mike. It “watches” and “hears” everything you do. It learns all your ways of working and just Being. It adapts continuously. (Or, it could be a small tasteful, pin, worn on your clothing — like a Star Trek comm badge.)

    (Imagine a day when) ALL Bluetooth, WiFi, and celltowers all have a subchannel (time slice) and these are all fully integrated into a universal wireless “mesh” of communication points, and all these “service” the many, many thousands of PAs — highly encrypted for total privacy. Hardly a square inch anywhere not tied in.

    It’s sort of a universal communicative cloud, uniting your personal base of operations (home) — no matter where you are — with Your Life as you live it. It knows about all your friends, and everybody you know or interact with.

    Your AI is an Agent, empowered (granted permission by you) to coordinate with others and make and remind of appointments, be an information source (Wiki?), and generally help you cope with Life and all your needs.

    Ask questions, order goods for delivery, communicate in texts or by voice with anyone, anywhere on Earth — and later on, anywhere else, such as the Lunar or Mars colonies.

    Even possibly monitor your health continuously.

    Everybody, everywhere is a subscriber for an affordable fee. (Say, $2 a month?)

    To you, it will seem as a pal, a friendly, endlessly tireless, totally dedicated Helper,
    who Knows You very well.

    It will have a name that you determine, and always be friendly and helpful, and will always know when to be unobtrusive. You can’t imagine life without it,

      • “always be friendly and helpful, and will always know when to be unobtrusive”

        “That app is already there. Marriage.”

        Obviously my app, which cost me a LOT of money must have been defective since the “friendly” “helpful” and knowing when to be unobtrusive” were missing from my purchased version.

        Finally had to delete that defective app from my operating system, and the cost to get rid of it was unbelievable. Made the ridiculous purchase price look cheap.

        Maybe I should have installed a simpler, older, and less prone to problems versions when I initially installed the app?

        • Stephen 2. I wrote a book last year titled “The Backside of Life – Life Lessons For My Grandkids.” Give them all a copy for Christmas.

          From the Chapter “Choose Your Friends Wisely and Treasure The Best Ones,” here is a quote,

          “Along the way, you will lose friends and make others. The real pain happens when you reach old age, and you lose long time friends who die and are irreplaceable. Even if you find new friends, the long and deep relationship you had with the friends who die, transition to precious memories that you hold dear. Cherish your memories and the friends that helped you succeed in life. I truly believe you will see them again some day. More on that later in the book.

          But here is the most important friend decision you will ever make; the partner you choose to spend your life with. You will spend day and night with that person potentially to the end of your life or theirs. You could well spend more hours with this person than you spend with all the rest of your friends and your family combined. Put a lot of time into this decision!”

          I was either very lucky or spent a lot of time on the decision (or both). Just celebrated 59 years of happy marriage.

  6. “G2’s buddy who visited over the holiday weekend made a joke about our bad roads in Rural East Texas. “You have a number I can call to report the potholes I found on the way here?”

    In the Midwest, we not only have a “pothole hotline” in most cities and towns, many places do crater geolocation using the EXIF location data from a cellphone photo and ArcGIS.

    FWIW, Jackson, Michigan is the worst town I’ve ever driven, WRT potholes. Michigan does a good job with its roads, mostly, but no place in snow country does a “good job” until after the “spring dry-out” (going on right now). I swear, AMGeneral could ship HMMWVs to Jackson and stress-test their off-road capabilities by simply driving them back and forth on Business Rt-127 through town, in April. It’s no wonder Nugent moved to Texas…

      • You do know though, that the security of Texas may be in trouble.., right? “Walker – Texas Ranger” moved out a few years back and landed in Hawaii [ of all places.]

        • Walker can have the big, crowded, island-city. I got farming country, and the world’s largest volcanic pothole!
          Here the roads get destroyed by 40ft high walls of fresh-flowed rock.

      • Could be.

        Ex pro athlete near me has a bunch of houses he bought for next to nothing and maintains, empty… Of course, he’s the biggest coke dealer within 50 miles, too, so they’re maintained as stash-houses. As long as he makes his yearly 7-figure donation to the FOP, they never show up on the PD’s radar.

        I’m pretty sure that’d never be a concern with the Madman. He done come by his crazy, honest like — never partaken in booze or drugs in his life.

    • “G2’s buddy who visited over the holiday weekend made a joke about our bad roads in Rural East Texas. “You have a number I can call to report the potholes I found on the way here?”

      hmm we call them speed bumps in the wastelands…

      • I doubt that most of Texas has ever heard of a thing called a “Snow Plow” either.

        People would be scratching their heads at what that strange thing was and wondering what it was used for.

        (here the Pot Hole brigade does a good job at taking care of them. For the suburbs it is almost always within a day. In the City it is usually a 2 to 3 days for the main streets or expressways. Secondary streets take up to a couple of weeks if we are in middle of the Pot Hole Growing Season. I am alwasy amazed by how many can sprout up overnight and how big they can quickly grow during their growing season. Still looking to find the Pot Hole seeds that must somehow get planted into the highways every fall but have yet to find one.)

  7. Chopped from a post I made several days ago:

    Xi Van Fleet is a Chinese emigrant/escapee who survived Mao’s “cultural revolution.”

    I don’t watch Hannity, so I’d never heard of her until I caught a piece of David Webb’s XM show on Friday. Xi “came to fame” as a firebrand parent at a Louden County (VA) Board of Education meeting, when she called the Board on their Maoist policies, then had the video of her diatribe go viral.

    I strongly suggest [that] everyone I know listen to her interviews, one of which is presented here:


    Xi is writing a book which is scheduled to be published this fall. I will be buying it as soon as it is available for pre-order.

    (Yes, she made THAT MUCH of an impression on me!)

    Xi answered a question I’ve been wrestling with for years: We’re going down the tubes. The communist/socialists, both in Congress and as lifetime government appointees have been trying their damnedest since the 1890s to break the USA and turn the entire country into a new “New Harmony” experiment.


    The Leftists have been studying Marx, Alinsky, and Cloward & Piven, and using Alinsky and C-P to inject Marx into our lives.

    To one who’s politically-tuned and has more than two working synapses, this is obvious.

    However, it is not enough. It doesn’t explain everything. Mme. Xi opened the hidden panel so I could see that which was missing.

    I thought the commies were shoving Lenin up our backsides — They are — but they’re also shoving Mao down our collective throats. The missing puzzle piece was a “Little Red Book.” “She” explains everything from PC disease to woke fever and the sanctioned pedos in the preschools.

    Once again, I suggest giving Mme. Xi a listen. She may well be the red pill EVERYONE has been missing.

  8. I jumped in at the close yesterday – all based on a gut feeling – no technical’s involved. I simply did not believe all the ‘Happy Talk’ about the debt-deal being worked out.., and it seems it isn’t really a done-deal after all. Still awaiting the Congress vote.
    – I just got out [ DJIA & NASDAQ100 ] and if it settles within a dollar, or two of what it is telling me on the board – I just went over 300% for the year., so far.
    – Will sit back now and wait for Thursday and Friday – I think that is where we will see some movement – again, just a gut feeling – as my E Wave Count seems to have taken a hiatus from logic and is keeping the count a closely guarded secret.
    – As of ten minutes ago., Bitcoin slipped back under $27,000.

    • The emotions involved in the markets right now are a virtual Kissing Cousin of those involved in 2000 as the market went up into it’s INTERNET INTERNET INTERNET excitement blow off top.

      Remember back in 2000 it was clear a full year before the final top was in that it was bubble bubble bubbles of excitement all over the place wrt the potential for the future with the internet. Ditto today with the Fangs + Nvidia and AI. (with those stocks the entire SP500 is up 8% on the year, without them it is only up 2%). EXCEPTIONALLY narrow breadth to the current market.

      In my many decades I have never figured out how one can predict WHEN the psychology of a bubble mania will break … all I have learned is that bubble manias can continue MUCH longer than anyone can imagine.

  9. .., and I meant to post:
    An economist I follow., some-what, as he comes off as a card-carrying prick., but his assessments and math are pretty damn good.., well., he revealed the other day one of his major inflation gauges.
    Stouffer’s Meat Lovers Family size Lasagna.., it is up 17.2% over April of last year.
    I have never bought it – we make our lasagna from scratch.., but it does contain a lot of nearly every food group, plus marketing, packaging and shipping.., so he may have something there. He admitted he has used this yard-stick for over a decade with great results.
    I do wonder just how many of his subscribers will now bail-out on him for using such a trivial factoid. Even though he has been right all along.

    • “Stouffer’s Meat Lovers Family size Lasagna.., it is up 17.2% over April of last year. I have never bought it – we make our lasagna from scratch.., but it does contain a lot of nearly every food group”

      It’s actually decent. My Mom made hers from scratch, mostly, but every once in a while she’d want a break. After I made a couple babies, I started keeping one or two in the freezer. I had, and used Mom’s recipe, which was real Italian, but like my mother, every so often needed a break.

      BTW, it was cheaper than homemade, but not by a lot (especially if you use Ricotta). How they compare now, I don’t know because I haven’t price-checked it in several years. It just went back on my list.

      “I do wonder just how many of his subscribers will now bail-out on him for using such a trivial factoid.”

      If a tell works, there’s no such thing as “trivial…”

      • Mineralized salt blocks, the cheapest I could find made by Ranch House owned, I think, by Morton’s Salt, have gone from around $8/50lb block to $12+ in a year’s time. I was using loose mineral salt that started out at about $18/50lb bag that I mixed with plain, white, loose salt but it jumped last year to $32 or $33/bag so I dropped that and went back to blocks. The loose mineralized salt had a few more minerals than the blocks but it’s not OVERLY critical. At least we’re not feeding otherwise right now.

  10. Speaking of the chart. The chart is always right. If the interpretation is correct the current wave cannot exceed the previous 4.

    A nuking may be imminent. Or maybe Putin slips a FOAB into the mix.

  11. I was doing a little Looking-&-Reading on crypto., and came across this article:
    Binance eyes staff cuts as the world’s biggest crypto exchange says it’s ‘re-evaluating’ talent to position for the next bull run
    “This is not a case of rightsizing, but rather, re-evaluating whether we have the right talent and expertise in critical roles.”
    I don’t know about you – but that comes across to me., as total public bitch-slap to all the employees that got them to where they are.
    .., or is it simply plain ole arrogance.

  12. Chris Christie is running for President? Who’s next ? Hillary? Michelle?
    Would it be too much to ask for someone new ?
    I have no idea who that would be., but I am open for suggestions.

    • anyone.. at all…
      all we ever get is some polished politician .. Beavis and butthead dumb and dumber. the pedo Peter and cackling Cammy, the wicked witch of the NE that has a string of questionable suicides a mile long or no show with a work history so bad he’d be fired anywhere that requires labor or attendance..
      at the coffeehouse it’s a general conversation piece..just look who the prance in front of us to vote on..
      there’s no hope in sight..

  13. Yo Nizzle pizzle,

    Looks like Ure Tieoneon is in play, now that Bahkmut has been pulverized into Blud (blood mixed w//dirt). Weapon systems and advisors should soonly be pouring into Formosa, as globohomo needs to “redirect”/coverup/bury gross mistakes in Trashganistan II =da Pain in the Kraine.

    I guess as long as you have a pulse – you are good to go as leader of the “captured” western world – real danger there to all of us in CONUS.

    Really am missing Uncle Milty – who parroted the similar wise words of one our fav founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin..

    ” A society that puts Equality before FREEDOM, will get neither. A Society that puts Freedom before Equality , will get a high measure of both.” – MF


  14. Re: War Machine Booming
    feat. give a piece chance


    Brussel sprouts gratin may be the daily special in the EU dining room. Yes, the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service has released an image of Mr. Z. videoconferencing with the top brass of the UK’s BAE weapons manufacturer. There appears to be opportunity for them to set up shop in the Ukraine.

    Meanwhile the official White House schedule reflects President Biden receiving “the annual briefing on extreme weather preparedness” at high noon today in the Roosevelt Room.

  15. The U.S. and Israel are both responding to dangerous new escalations from Iran, this week, in the form of a new ballistic missile and reports on the construction of a potentially bomb-proof underground nuclear facility.
    The Kheibar missile, named after an ancient Jewish fortress conquered by Muslims, is capable of reaching Israel. Iranian defense officials say it can penetrate enemy air defense systems and evade radar detection. To the West, it’s considered a dangerous move that can’t be ignored.

  16. Re: Project Özgür (“Project Free”)
    feat. new kid on the block


    One of the coinkydoinks as President Erdogan won re-election again the other day is that Project Özgür apparently delivered. It seems Turkey now can fully complete upgrades inhouse on the oldest Turkish Airforce F16s. They get a new lease on life without reference to Uncle Sam? One imagines that the servant of the people would love an appointment to discuss a rent-to-own opportunity.

  17. Widely undercovered by right wing echo chambers, Tara Reade’s reputation as a manipulative grifter:


    She was dropped by her lawyer because of her history of fabricating lies:

    It wasn’t a regime change in Ukraine, learn some vocabulary, it was an invasion by Russia…

    Widely missed by right wing echo chambers. Trump & Co influenced many foreign countries’ investments for their own personal gain:

    GOP prefers trafficking in innuendo (lost their informant):

    Hunter Biden foreign influence money ?(Never proved, but Kushner & Trump’s is proved):

    Ignore influence spending at Trump hotel:

    Ignore Kushner’s $2 Billion payoff from the Saudi’s:

    Ivanka’s trademarks in China fast tracked by Donald:

    Donny’s rape was proven in court by a woman that wasn’t a serial liar…now back to your echo chamber where you desperately scapegoat bad wokey Democrats as a subterfuge for the right wing’s hollow accusations…

    • I only need to read a single pejorative sentence to know who this troll poster is. Remarkable.

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