Three Novels from the Future

It may sound odd for what is nominally an economics website to mention Monday morning news in terms of three novels.  However, these are odd times, and anything goes.

Novel #1 involves the present Trump trip.

As yourself the following question:  What you really know:  If Robert Mueller were to convince a grand jury that president Trump had in some way acted improperly, and he was pressing for an indictment, could this explain the president taking a long overseas trip – out of the country?

(Continues below)


Both the New York Times and Washington Post eagerly ran stories this summer about this possibility.  But is it?

Our first novel begins in July with the NY TimesCan the President Be Indicted? A Long-Hidden Legal Memo Says Yes.”  The Washington Post parroted the notion with an op-ed from a legal scholar a few days later.

Where novel #1 takes unusual twists and turns is when it’s pointed out that a long-hidden memo is NOT how LAWS are made in the United States.  Those are made by Congress and, absent that, the Supreme Court must decide.

As the novel progresses, the sitting president begins his travels by going to Asia.  But, as he is about to return home, he decides to extend his travels. Perhaps to drop in on Saudi Arabia where a possible plot to overthrow, or at least widespread corruption, is being rooted out right now.

In the background, though, the real driver is the press for an indictment and the matter of how to serve the sitting president.

As the novel winds to a conclusion about the end of the year, the sitting president remains off-shore and pardons everyone involved.  Congress is left to sort out how to get rid of the special prosecutor.

With the president’s trip extending several times, speculation builds before Thanksgiving:  Can a president preemptively pardon himself?

In the “directors cut” of the movie based on this novel, the president globe-hops all the way into the New Year before the vice president steps up and claims the office on the theory of abdication.

Trump doubles down, saying he has always wanted to spend a traditional Eastern European with his wife’s family in Slovenia.

Supported by the K-Street mafia (the lobbying firms that really run America, in concert with The Network (called the PowersThatBe by those who haven’t read Quigley [see Tragedy and Hope 101: the highlights]). Trump becomes the first president removed from office by the corporate-deep state alliance.

In the aftermath, America is told “There’s nothing to see here…move along…

Being born and bred dopes, we do.

Novel #2 This novel is based on the notion that there is a major housecleaning being undertaken by The Network at the behest of the branch of the mob that no one talks about.  The one that’s behind the story portrayed in the December movie release upcoming of the Jean Paul Getty flick starring Kevin Spacey.  Ring a bell?

Will enough “public outcry” be generated to keep the Spacey-Getty flick off-screen?  Especially after Kevin Spacey accused of groping Richard Dreyfuss’ son Harry?  Movie trailer is here:

The premise of this novel is that the low-profile branch of the Italian underworld (the Ndràngheta if you didn’t grab the in-depth on Peoplenomics this weekend) has directed the house-cleaning of Hollywood.  Too many loose ends.

Like the Harvey Weinstein-backed Waco series scheduled for January on the Paramount channel.  The novel watches for cancellations and delays.

In this obviously fictional story, the Las Vegas shooting was simply a warning to The Network from their “muscle-providing friends” that certain people “have to go.”

The highly speculative outcome suggests that a second mass shooting (the one in Texas this weekend) means the mob isn’t yet happy with the depth of thee cleaning process undertaken by The Network.

And in the wake of this “headline making public messaging” from Texas, two or three additional big Hollywood names get their careers crushed before Christmas.

In the end, The Network and the “quiet muscle branch” resolve their differences

And once again, the born and bred dopes simply move along…nothing to see here.

Novel #3:  The Climate Fraud Series

In this novel, a serious newspaper science reporter begins by revealing the latest date on the Sun’s output.  It has continued to decline as the solar weather cycle winds down.

In the novel, the newspaper guy continues to reluctantly be swept along with the stampede to make “climate changereal in order to avoid being “tarred & feathered” as a climate denier.  His paper won’t keep him employed if he continuously questions the paradigm-shift, even though based on fraud.

Until, that is, in the second half of the novel, the reporter receives the following note, neatly typed and delivered in a plain manila envelope to newsroom:

“I am a long time subscriber to your paper and have many interest similar to yours.  I sail, I fly.   Until recently I felt that what is on television about global warming was mostly true, it seemed to make sense that dumping pollution into the atmosphere could cause it. I have a friend (also a pilot) who is very liberal and was Trump bashing about the Paris climate agreement, It bothered me to agree with him since I support the President on almost everything else he is trying to do. I decided to do what you would do and look at the data myself and see what I could find. A good place to look is the NOAA website, when you get there you find lots of talk about global warming and it’s terrible effects and very little data, but if you keep looking it is there. What you find is that the average world temperature has increased 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the past one hundred years. My first job out of college was as a test engineer for a farm machinery Co, so I know some  about data and what you can do with it. That 2 degrees looked to me to be very close to what you can expect  for measurement error so I tried to look further into how they determine average world temperature, good luck there, all I could determine was they had changed their methods twice in the last ten years. I was discouraged for a few days but as is normal for me when I have a problem to solve I woke up a few days later with an idea. I reasoned that if the globe is warming then the United States has to be warming and if the United States is warming then the state record highs should be clustered in recent years with many in 2017 the warmest year on record according to NOAA. Also I thought state record high temperatures would be solid data not affected by what method is used to find an average.  I have to admit I was surprised, it appears there is lots of smoke and no fire to global warming, worse we have government agencies lying to us. I urge you to look at this data yourself, but in a nutshell, 1936 is the warmest year on record with 13 of the 50 state records, 1954 and 1994 had four, 1911 1930 and 1934 had three, 1975 and 1983 had 2, the rest are scattered at one per year. Since the year 2000 there have been 2 state record highs, in 2006 South Dakota tied a record set in 1936 and in 2012 South Carolina tied a record set previously but I don’t know when. The warmest decade is not now but has to be the 1930s with 23 of the fifty state record high temperatures. I hope you find this useful, good luck and keep up the good work.”

Just then, the editor of the newspaper bursts into the science reporter’s office and screams at the top of his lungs “Did you see this?  There was a record-early snow in the Pacific Northwest this weekend.”  The Editor throws a copy of the Seattle Times on the science editor’s desk.

Early November chill brings more snow to parts of Seattle area.”

I want a lead for the early editions how this can happen with “climate change!”  The door slams behind him.

With the finishing touches on my non-fiction book that sets the scientific ground for my next novel, it’s hard not to pick up the headlines and jump to erroneous conclusions, but here they are:

The world is an honest place.  People in Washington follow the laws.  There’s no underworld.  And that snow up in the Pacific Northwest this weekend was just a freak event.

There, all better now?

Nominal Economics

Light news flow this week.  Bitcoins are still up in the $7,600 range, but bouncing around a good bit.

Dow futures have been above and below flat-line.

But a few stories catch our eye as possible market drivers to come:

Wind power has its issues: Aging US Wind Energy Fleet Driving Surge in Operating and Maintenance Spending, IHS Markit Says.

Oil hits two-and-a-half year peak on Saudi purge, world shares retreat.

The Running Bubble Has Popped. (You Couldn’t Hear It in New York.)

Worse Than Useless?

Celebrities react to Texas church mass shooting. You don’t really need to read how to feel, do you?

Anthony Weiner to Begin His 21-Month Prison Sentence For Sexting a Minor.  What about the OTHER data on the computer?  Spritz of Teflon?

24 thoughts on “Three Novels from the Future”

  1. Hello old dude. A couple days ago, I drew the king of pentacles for my future. I’m tired, still working 6 days a week. I take this as a good sign as I feel the need to cut out many adventures, one in internet dating.. and return to a much simpler life style. Prayer and meditation, gym, nutrician work and less emphasise on “play”.

    I was talking to this witch via tender… funny how most of them are all about empowering themselves by any means.. She called me a drama king. Lmao! I just said, I have a flair for all things brilliant.

    Been playing with the dog as “time” allows. Had been interesting. (Grin) the latest reads like a tabloid review..

    Rumor has it that the Cia is making a move on Trump over on the conspiracy boards. Some are saying he has deep family roots with the hebrews. Blah blah blah, or should I say, yada, yada, yada. Never a shortage of either.

    As was stated, Trump has another year and some change before he gets left holding the bag.

    So it’s down to 3 girls, one a religious woman who loves kids. One a freak who will do anything I want including bring other women home with her… and my long time friend the stripper. I will will think long and hard, about which to choose.

    The simple life is so speaking and routine and structure seem the better.

    King of pentacles! A good card.

    Wonder if there is a ‘minority report’ coming out soon for the heads of state? If so, it is long over due.

    Be back later, that is what they always say in the car biz..

    Off to grab 18 gears!


    • Re your card – All depends on many things – which spread did you use? Was it reversed? Crossed? What was the question you asked prior to pulling the card? In general, you are already in a good place, and you already know the answers.

      • I pulled one card. I asked one question. “What is my future for the next 3-6 months?”

        I pulled it after about an hour meditation.

        Yes, the simple life for a while, a good Christian woman, church and kids. :)

    • I have to respect your lifestyle. I can do many things and I don’t particularly care which one, as long as it’s honest and productive. Your success with the ladies is amazing though. I have no idea how you make it work. I’d trade a lot for that skill.

      I only want one – the right one, but until then I’d settle for the right now one.

      • He is not successful yet, he is still shopping. One day he will have to stop shopping and choose. The problem is can he do that and stick it out. Love is a choice after all.

      • @Picking- Love is a choice in that you have the right and ability to love anyone or anything you choose to. You don’t have the ability to get them to reciprocate. That’s their choice and your influence is limited.

      • Ohhhh and im a really good listner. That helps alot.. most people are self centerd by nature and want to tell you their ehole life story. ;)

    • 1 Corinthians 6:18

      18 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

      • Elisabeth Haich wrote a great book called, “Sexuality and Yoga.” In it, she explains how each time 2 people have sex, they exchange information on a spiritual level. She said that the body cannot perform a sex act without the mind and soul. So, to join oneself to another – there is a joining at the deepest level, thus the one night stand’s and sex for lust only result in making a person mix their beautiful essence and muddy it turning the beautiful colors murky and harming themselves and others. IF everyone was raised to understand how powerful their choices are and how important it is to treasure your unique spiritual essence, then one would not want to destroy it in sexual indulgences. Anyway, if you get the book, you can read all about it for oneself.

      • Love covers a multitude of sins.

        I have stood before God 10 times, not just here in some church. Im talking about in the after life. We habe talked many times…and he over looks many of my doings, because when it counts! I’m there.

        My first comment went into the aether. So apparently, I don’t need to say all that.

        I have been part of a thousand thousand miracles in this life. Miracles that created other miracles… I have physically flat lined 10 times and I’m still here.

        Because God knows my heart. And it is good. So he overlooks some of my ramblings and doings. Because when I’m called, I always say send me.

        1 example of the kind if man I am.

        I made an appointment to get fixed. I told God and my ex wife, I am done having kids. 2 days later! 2 freaking days. We get a call. It’s about my ex wife’s sister at the hospital. They won’t tell us anything. We get there, my ex wife thinks she is dead. She is an iv drug user. Meth and heroin.

        So they say, after checking my ex’s id. Right this way. So we follow. We get to the maternity ward at the Arlington hospital and they tell us, your sister had a baby girl and left her in the hospital. Ohhhg what? Would you like to see her? Sure. You are next of kin, so would you like to take her home? If not she will go to foster care.

        As I held that baby girl in my arms my ex wife asked me what are we going to do? I looked at her with tears in my eyes and said, there is no way in hell we are leaving a baby in the hospital. She took a week to detox, born on meth and heroin.

        Now normally you have 9 months to prepare. We had 6 days, so i drained all my savings and bought a crib, fomula, diapers, clothes etc. Etc.

        When I got home I went out on the porch and said Really God!!!!!! And I felt him smile and heard him laugh.
        2 years later I adopted her.

        Off to grab 18 gears.

        Have a good day.

  2. George, So sorry about the deaths in Texas. Whom ever is ginning these catastrophies up should be relegated to a special Hell, and be dragged from the houses by angry mobs for a just end. But then, maybe this is what they want. A populace killing each other to solve an overpopulation problem they want changed. The good thing is that their world is starting to unravel, and soon we are going to see the hangings so rightfully deserved.

  3. Heard on Coast last night about the Saudi royal jockeying to be next king and cleaning house. Very interesting indeed.

  4. Global warming..
    First I’m neither party.
    Two degree’s in a hundred years. Four degrees started the mini ice age and the dawn of the dark climate change is real in my opinion but a natural process. To assume that seven plus billion people and their actions won’t have any effect at all. Well how much land is cleared yearly covered in concrete.
    As an experiment roll your Windows down sit the car in the sun.take temp readings. Then roll the windows up.. Take temp readings.. Now block the windows with a dark cloth..
    If you put a bucket of ice in each time you can see the effects that’s global warming. A naturally occurring process.
    A book I love because it seriously gets you to contemplate it all is cataclysm of the earth. Written long before the coined global warming.


    Now what happens if the puppet masters don’t get what they’ve been working so hard to achieve. My thought is their taking the hard road first because he’s one of their own and let’s face it wealthy enough to take the original route to eliminating his headaches as well.
    Will they go back to basic methods if they do fail at having him removed??
    Congress of course loves the fact that they can maintain the usual daily activities.

  5. I have been saying for years that the news programs look like the tv shows from a earlier date and that the time gap was closing. Looks like the circle has closed when George goes to pure literary fiction to try to figure out what is really going on. You might as well, because the American Dream is the biggest fiction around today. As George Carlin said, “they call it the American Dream, because you gotta be asleep to believe it!”

    I have also been pointing out the terminal madness in the end times for years, a term coined in 1998. Even the President agrees that the Texas shooting had more to do with a mental health issue than a gun issue.

    My favorite local joint run by a former West Virginia pot dealer and now yogi par excellence has a sign on the wall that says, “Sometimes I wonder if I belong in a mental institution, but then I look at the people around me and think perhaps I already am!”

    From my perspective here in Ecuador, where I have nothing vested in the USA culture so I can call it like I see it, In light of the chemical consumption of psychiatric drugs, street drugs, booze and pot, anyone living in the USA with the expectation that those around you, including your politicians and government officials, are going to act in a rational manner, simply means that you have a screw or two loose as well.

  6. You want a baseline for global warming? Get NASA info on Mars polar temps, then through inverse square law, establish temp on earths polar ice cap. Some correction for earth’s atmosphere, a good basis to start with.

  7. Wowsers – batten down the hatches in Fortress America, or what?

    It’s very bubblicious in Canada at the moment, and a person could just go dizzy trying to keep two feet on the ground with pending tax windfalls for politicians. The decision for pending carbon taxes and legalized pot and is not if but how soon.

    The insanity is even creating traffic chaos during inclement weather. Sadly, new-fangled traffic light bulbs no longer emit enough heat to melt snow accumulations from obscuring lenses and creating scenes of auto mayhem. The situation is particularly pronounced on north-facing lights. Civic crews on overtime resolve the problem with manual cleaning.

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