Think Summer Was Hot? Try Winters Ahead…

There is, in our work, a certain symmetry to history. 

In economics, this plays out with a “shift West” as power goes on a westerly walk-about.  This is why China is ascendant but facing prospects of Replaying the U.S. Role in the Great Depression.

You can see it in the recent secret party reprimands of president Xi, if you know where to look.  But the CCP elders are not necessarily wrong in their assessment.  Because the U.S. spent $6-billion by some reports, overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine (2014-ish) and replacing it with a neocon-directed war machine that threatens to light up WW III. China looks at the West and casts us (and the Brits) almost in the same shadings are early Germany and Italy.

While superficial media reports amble by, however, there is another aspect of historical rhyming most people miss.

The Weather Replay? 

Just this morning, we wryly noted the CNN headline “Hong Kong paralyzed by flash flooding after heaviest rainfall since 1884.”  Yet this is not a lone indicator of “resonance.”

To be sure, the date range showing up in media isn’t surprising.  We saw recently where ‘1883’ Fans, You’re Not Ready for This Series News. But weather, and human behavior seems somewhat linked to us.

What we find compelling (rhyming) is that in 1884 as terrible flooding hit Singapore and China, there was a drought going on in the U.S.  In Texas, in fact, according to the Texas Historical Association:

“One of the worst droughts in Texas history occurred in 1884–86, causing most of the farmers to fail and to return to the East. In later years official detailed recordkeeping makes possible a better understanding of the geographical distribution of droughts. “

We look at overnight events in Asia, the historical record – and glance nervously at the latest U.S. drought Monitor – and notice the prominent role Texas seems to be playing again.

Could there be “more information” conveyed?

Perhaps.  1884 was 139-years ago.  Just beyond the distance of two Kondratiev waves; normally estimated at 47-62 years duration with a central tendency of 54-56.5 years.

If not economic, is there another cycle at work?  We look back into the same weather date range and seek economic markers.  Of which there are two:

  • March 1882 – May 1885   Depth: -24.6%
  • March 1887 – April 1888  Depth:   -8.2%

With stock futures down, again, we will save the assessment of Options week ahead for Saturday’s report.  What we will share is how our Aggregate Index tracks the past two years since the Everything Peak Nov. 8, 2021:

As you can see on the right, the shorter-term trend was broken to the downside. We then rallied for my long-predicted “kissing of the underside” (of the trend channel). And from there we are now in free-fall expected (minimally) to hit the mid-channel (dashed) line of the longer trend. Failing there we set up a test of bottom of the larger trend channel. Which could gracefully rhyme with a Chinese invasion of Taiwan (weekend of the 16th or 23rd) or perhaps a massive shock and awe Russian take-down of Ukraine in this period. See why the weather rhyme is a nice break from the gore of war?

In the long view of solar activity is there some cyclical replay of a “noisy solar peak” being indicated as a possible source of drought/flood extremes?

We won’t know, obviously, until the A.I. is built which can “see through” human wetware noise floors.  But if there is cyclicity and rhyming afoot, then it may lead to an extreme winter ahead this year or next.

A fascinating article on focuses (in part) on the Great Blizzard of 1886.  Now That’s Cold: The 7 Worst Winters in American History. Scroll in a ways.

We continue to be of a mind that a combination of global marginal food production coming off line, and a Chinese view west of us (the West) as being the cyclical Nazis of economic cycles, could lead to a massive die-off as minimally more bioweapons and perhaps EMP and first strikes ratchet up in the coming two-or-three-year period.

Leading us to ponder what a combination sequence of nuclear winter lite and historical rhyming might be like, a winter or three in the future?

I hope this continues to expand on your appreciation for our keen focus on gardening.

Still Alive at 25! is officially 25-years old now. This site was launched September 9, 1998.  I was just wrapping up an MBA and this was a capstone project. Designed to house a few papers I’d written including briefs like “Social Causes of Periodic Depressions: When does empirical data become sufficient proof?”  (The question is still a good one, 25-years on.)

I’d somehow gotten involved in the World Congress of Sociology as a member of Research Committee 51 (socio-cybernetics). They were intrigued with global futures, hence some interest in the direction of the planet. We continue to ponder that today.

Everything Else

The News Marches On!  Most of it useless, which is why we like to filter out as much noise as possible.

Musk is really under fire in Europe now.  With an explosive claim that  Elon Musk sabotaged Ukrainian attack on Russian fleet in Crimea by turning off Starlink, new book says.

We somehow overlooked buying a ticket to the $100,000 a plate dinner The Don threw to help Rudy with his legal bills.  And did you notice to where A lawsuit seeks to bar Trump from the primary in Colorado, citing Constitution’s insurrection clause  has been filed?

As the opening of WW 3 slogs along (until it doesn’t and just gets flashy) the Hacking Wars are well underway.  As US Aeronautical Organization Hacked via Zoho, Fortinet Vulnerabilities  – SecurityWeek.

Also prepping for W3 is the White House completes US$50m upgrade to famed ‘Situation Room’ complex.  Wait, wasn’t that Fox or one of them network’s brands?  Why, how dare!

North Korea has invited itself to the war, too: North Korea says its latest submarine can launch nuclear weapons, but there are doubts.  Well, unless they’re doing it as undersea drones in which case so much for the Navy.

In the Caribbean, another “load of blow” is on the way: Hurricane Lee strengthens to Category 5 storm in Atlantic as East Coast impact still uncertain.

Too Hot to handle?  Maker of the spicy ‘One Chip Challenge’ pulls product from store shelves. One dead and relatives point to an online challenge as suspect…

Mystery of the Deep Dept: Golden Orb Found at The Bottom of The Ocean Mystifies Scientists : ScienceAlert.   (Our theory is the Anunnaki dropped it…)

Around the Ranch: Chillun

Well, it’s only going to hit 103 today.  But next week, half an inch of rain is promised along with a decline to more seasonal temperatures.

Making my Asian soup for dinner tonight (I’ll skip lunch).  It’s a soup with pork, chicken dumplings (played by pot stickers) most of a head of bok choi, mushrooms thinly sliced, slic ed pork, scallops, shrimp, a splash of hoisin and a teaspoon or two of oyster sauce. Not as good as the deluxe real won ton soups, but a lot more filling…  (Got to make a saki run.  Which is good because the same package store has vodka, too…)

With cooler temps and half an inch of rain due next week, time to light up the riding mower for the final month of the mowing season.  I’ve left mowing alone due to risk of lighting off a grass fire if the blades hit a rock…which has been known to happen.

Off to water the garden and await our final couple of days in the hundreds for the year…

Tickler file: Hour before the close the Fed’s out with Consumer Debt – which could change the final hour of stock trading today depending on what it says…

Write when you get rich,

54 thoughts on “Think Summer Was Hot? Try Winters Ahead…”

    • Congratulations on 25 yrs with MBA.
      I completed my MBA April 1998, 25 years ago.
      Will have to get some slivovitz and do shots.

  1. Congrats on 25 years! I honestly I can’t remember when I started to read your blog, but it was at least 10 years ago.

    We’re just up the road from you, as the crow flies, and it appears that our long dry stretch is coming to an end as we speak. There’s a huge blob of rain and storms moving southeast out of Oklahoma and Missouri and pretty much covering the whole state. Thank the Lord!


    what do you do in a country that has gone out of its way to destroy their own infrastructure make their grid vulnerable to attacks .. disabled their industries and untax the wealthiest.. and then turn the world against them..
    on top of it invite illegals into the country and opened the shipping ports to anyone just for a dollar… the poison pawn trap in chess.. and leaders that have no clue over how people survive in the country.. they are disconnected from everything real.. living in the bubble of false realities..
    boy this reminds me of a MOVIE…

  3. Stop the presses RM-G, stop the presses!

    bbbbbBBBBBitcoin is a BUY today, BuyBuyBuy – get it while its still a lil peaked, as today we got a MRI Buy signal.

    Tis possible to arb up the BTC price action via Miners (BITF/MARA/RIOT) and synthetic option positions. Although IMHO getting some BITF stock for $1.20 or there abouts is a very good Investment. The Beta on price movement of Underlying is less than 1 for Miners – so Ure results/response of Options price movement will vary..

    Its tech – so no Speculative.

    Of course youse Naysayers, are aiding and abetting the WEF/central bankers. Ure doubts are not only reason they will Win, as “BELIEVERS” are the most Controlled Persons in the solar system.

    “The more religious a person is the more he believes, the more he believes the less he thinks, the less he thinks the dumber he is, the dumber he is the easier he can be controlled..” – Adolf Holl

    The maths on all the above for the believers..
    BCN math > quantifying Stupidity, that so easily responds to Fear – S=(I x A)m . Stupidity = Ignorance multiplied by Apathy exponentially multiplied by daily Media Propaganda.

    Youse either Anti -Humanity WEF participant or Pro Humanity aka value the SANCTITY of All Life . One or the Other – there is no gray area.

    Oh I know, how about Kathy Wood managed ETF on shitcoins (ETH) ?

    Dont forget homegamerz – No Ballz, No Bluechips .

  4. Congratulations on 25 years of practice …

    Let us know when you reach the “Oh, I think I will do this for a living” stage!! LOL

    Great info today, particularly the China news link article. Makes you go UMMM!!

  5. IF Elon actually did shut down Starlink to avoid offensive drone guidance, he’s an American hero! Ukraine and Russia have their tiff, and it’s none of our business. We’re still legally “neutral”, and need to stay that way, notwithstanding the egregious waste of hundreds of billions of our tax dollars supporting the dark comedian Zelensky. It’s not our business and not our problem. Let Europe handle its own affairs, since Brussels is “so good” at it. NATO is surplus since there is no USSR any longer. We have more important things to see to than starting WW3, like rebuilding our nation and reinstilling the value set that made us great. We can start with self-reliance, and move on to cleaning out the corruption in our government, starting at the top.

    Congratulations on the silver anniversary of Urban! I first found this site and “Inside Edition” over two decades ago. It’s one of the few that survived the culling of the years.

  6. Congrats on 25 years !
    25 years ago this month – what was I doing?
    I had just got back from my last “overseas adventure”. I was pretty beat-up. [Jeep over-turned on a mad dash for the airport – damn British drivers.] Decided to retire. Was looking into going to Florida, buy a live-aboard sail boat and cruise the Caribbean for a decade, or two., and possibly cross the pond and cruise the Mediterranean and the Greek Isles for another decade.,]. .., when an invitation to spend a couple of weeks, rest & rehab – at a very remote private lodge in north central Washington changed the course of my life. So., it was a pretty interesting & good year for me as well. Though at times., I do wonder how it would have turned out if I have set-sail for Caribbean.

  7. is bribes gone for a hot date? this is to weird

    who brings his young daughter to this? , as they go to the PM’s residence for a meeting instead of the office, hummm

    Guardians of the Pedophiles, quack quack quack, sounds like a duck, looks like a duck. Duck season is just around the corner
    maybe it was, “bring your daughter to work day”

    Jeff Sessions is a smart MAN

  8. Re: Fall-time reading
    feat: Atlantic storm warning


    I suppose it does not surprise that the “New York Post” editorial desk would issue a scathing book report on a new tome pertaining to President Biden, “The Last Politician” by Franklin Foer. However perhaps the book itself speaks volumes when the journalist turned author from the liberal “Atlantic” can best compliment his subject with descriptive adulation like “the old hack who could”. An owner of the holding company of his daytime gig is perturbed with how jobs are being done? According to Wikipedia as well, his mother made the Top 50 most powerful women in Washington in 2015. I think we all know what eventually happens when the women in one’s life aren’t happy.


  9. Were I Musk, I’d adjust the charter, ststing that Starlink would not be available in any active war zone… Then I’d shut it down.

  10. Trump was tried, and acquitted of sedition. That is what the second sham impeachment was about. AFAIK, “double jeopardy” rules still apply, even in the USSA…

  11. Doug Sherman and Eda were married in 1967.
    Kathy Hatch and I were married in Dec of 1970.

    Doug hired me for his RFI/EMI/EMC company
    in 1969. (Eda and Kathy worked at the same
    small investments management company in
    Greeenwich, CT. Kathy and I had been exchanging
    letters while I was in the Army from ’66 to ’68.
    Eda and Kathy got Doug and I together. We’re
    both hams.)

    We were all Great Friends ever since. We (all)
    were very happy every inch along that road
    from way back when until just now. It’s been a
    very, very nice ride for all of us.

    In 2010, we all retired to North Carolina. Doug
    passed away from esophegeal cancer in 2012, in January; and Kathy had a massive stroke in July
    of 2012, and never awoke, and passed in mid July,
    three days later in ICU. (I was there.)

    After a while, a properly respectful while, Eda
    and I were married on April 20 of 2013.

    My proposal was: “You’re lonely. I’m lonely.
    Why don’t we be lonely together?” A month
    later, she said yes. We were extremly happy,
    and much, much in love. That never abated.

    Eda passed away on August 29th, last week;
    a few minutes after midnight. (It was not an
    easy thing…) Metastised lung and bone cancer.
    Painful. I was right there. Again.
    — — — — — — — —
    I’m blind in my right eye now — that developed
    shortly after my second covid booster, from a
    blood clot in the small artery that serves the retina.
    (Yeah: I know–but I can’t prove anything.) My
    left eye has macular degeneration, and corneal
    erosion–had that latter for a long time, but it’s
    very slow. Been working the arterial occlusion
    and corneal erosion things for about a year now.

    This why I’ve been largely silent of late. Busy.

    Make all the good memories you can while
    you can. You never know. It’s amazing how
    many crucual things don’t matter anymore; and
    how many inconsequentialites are suddenly
    brilliant and important.

    …just so’s ya know…

    – 73 –

    • “Make all the good memories you can while
      you can. You never know. It’s amazing how
      many crucual things don’t matter anymore; and
      how many inconsequentialites are suddenly
      brilliant and important.”

      William. Thank you for sharing. Your post is one of the reasons I come here. Wisdom is in short supply these days. There are a lot of wise people on this site and you are one of them.

      Happy 25th George. Thank you for bringing us together.

    • I am so sorry for your loss.. I look at my little lady..she was the answer to my prayers..great woman.. I see what several mini strokes have done and realize the odds of the big one.
      when the big one hits with either of us neither would be able to afford the cottage in the country.. my plans are to GIVE it to whichever grand child needs it the most.. give them a chance..
      so far there’s two..the rest seem to be doing ok..
      we never know our day date and time.. which is why everyone gets a hug when we part ways.. that way if either is absent the memory would be the passed hug and message of love.

    • Hi, George,

      I am so very sorry for what William has gone through, as I know what it is like to lose a beloved spouse and a best friend. My sincere condolences to William.

    • Thank you for sharing such deeply personal items, and your losses. My deep condolences and sympathy. My prayers are for the best path forward, though most of us don’t know what it will look like at all. I’m glad you had the joys of sharing your life with such people, though the grief of losing them is certainly a challenge. There is wisdom in your words that I take to heart, though I’m not sure where it will lead.

    • Hello William,

      I’ve a similar eye condition and 6, 7 years ago (8? time does fly) read of a Canadian co marketing saffron as a remedy for eye problems (in pill form, I think). I emailed them for more info/possible business tie-up but received no reply so began drinking a cup of tea every morning, infused with saffron. I made a jug enough for a week, of charcoal filtered rain water with a couple of pinches of saffron, enough to turn the water a deep yellow/orange colour, and never missed a day, except once, when I was…oh never mind..

      My eye problems, that my eye specialist had said would soon require surgery, went into remission and that has continued.

      Since turning 75 I’m required to have an annual medical physical clearance as well as an eye test to retain my drivers’ licence. For a few years there has been minimal deterioration and at the last one, the optometrist was surprised/amazed to find that not only had there been zero eye deterioration, but that there was a significant improvement and new glasses were not required. We’ll see what happens in a few months as I turn 78.

      On your losses, like others I offer my sympathy. However, having had 2 obe’s and one nde I know, that’s KNOW that the end of this physical life is the beginning of something else, just on a different level of consciousness (hopefully up, not down as I suspect is possible).

      That leads me to the inescapable conclusion that ‘there are no accidents in the Universe’ – look at the Heavens on a clear night and tell me Darwin got it right. And the corollary is that that consequences of actions are inevitable (some call it Karma), and that there is re-birth in one form or another (some call it re-incarnation)…until, eventually, there isn’t.

      Consequences & re-birth explain most of the apparent injustice & inequality of life.

      You can’t change your present circumstance, it’s your consequences. You own it. But you can change your future by your present actions, only in the present moment, which is all there is. Hard road to hoe though, as I well know.

      • “look at the Heavens on a clear night and tell me Darwin got it right.”

        Darwin’s theory is sound, within the parameters inside which Darwin worked (a fact that’s conveniently ignored by, well everyone, because it doesn’t fit THEIR narrative). It is quite possible for species to be created by the Hand of God, AND to evolve over time to better suit the environment (also created by God) in which they exist.

        In real life, Charles Darwin was a devout Christian…

  12. ““Just someone besides Joe Biden”
    The is no real consensus for who should replace Biden though, as the CNN survey, which was conducted by SSRS, showed that the general sentiment (82%) among liberal voters was “just someone besides Joe Biden” would do, but no other person the poll presented to respondents got more than 3% support.”

    Are they serious.. just take a look at the lineup running for office tells you why they only get three percent of the voters. for one no one trusts anyone in the govt anymore.. ask anyone anywhere.. we have all these agencies that swore to protect the people all covering over some of the most corrupt crimes in our nations history….
    EVERYONE running for office is a millionaire.. EVERYONE… has been at the feed troughs of special interests.. MOST of them have a really crappy work ethic and poor attendance to doing anything at all or getting anything done.NONE OF them except rand paul and five others has read the shit they vote on.. the rest don’t even have a clue what is in the hundred and fifty thousand pages a year that they generate during their what month of work per year….. we have had nothing that would entice me to vote for any of them running for office except for rand paul or Ted Cruz and Kennedy..( I know he to is a millionaire ).

      • OTFLMAO….lol lol lol lol…
        look at the historical data of friends , business collegues , even their own protection patrol and co-workers of the Clinton’s..what would anyone possibly be thinking to want to ask any Clinton to be a ??? Running mate???
        that would be suicidal lol lol lol lol lol..
        does anyone truly believe that their vote actually counts…..

  13. Congrats!

    Although I’d hit US a couple times before, I just realized George’s “100 Top” website was 3 years and half a week old, when I started regularly dropping in. (Andy is the only person to whom I’ve told the whole story…)

    If I hadn’t been working in the garage the night a couple nutjobs showed up on the radio, predicting an impending dam collapse and other not-too-fun near-future issues I might never have bought an ALTA Report or made Urban Survival a permanent bookmark…

  14. Friday was a very tired day, no energy, tried to get some work done, very little got accomplished.
    awakened this morn @ 5:AM and saw that Morocco had a 7.2 shaker, many lost lives.
    where’s my coffee

  15. SAKI…

    remind slot similar to making a house favorite soy sauce with a small difference your fermenting rice not soybeans and wheat.. soy sauce takes a year.. aged..
    10 cups of rice.. cooked then blended.. let it get to room temperature then add the mini spores..
    the starter..
    Pour 2.5 cups of cold water into a container. Add 0.75 tsp of yeast and amylase a litt!e sugar and a pinch of Epsom salt. Stir them together until the yeast is dissolved.
    Add a half-cup of koji, then cover the container and store it in the refrigerator overnight.
    Rinse 1.5 cups of rice and soak in water. Water must be 2 to 3 inches high. Place in the fridge beside the koji mixture overnight as well. On the next day, drain and steam the rice in a steamer lined with cheesecloth.
    After steaming, put the rice in a clean fermenter along with the chilled koji mix. Using your clean hands, mix the ingredients. Make sure there are no rice clumps.
    Store the koji rice mix in a cool temperature of 70ºF . Stir the mix twice a day for a span of two days. Watch the koji rice liquify over the next 48 hours.
    After two days, cool the rice and koji mixture to 50ºF / 10°C for 12 hours. Then put it in 70ºF again. This will kickstart the fermentation. You can add citric acid if you want to make sure there won’t be any wild yeast production.
    For three days, stir the mixture twice a day. After that, stir it once a day for the next three days. fermentation should be complete after nine days. Lower the temperature to 50ºF and let it rest for five days.
    After the mash rests for five days, the next step is .
    the primary fermentation that will occur in the next four days. This step is divided into three to ensure a complete fermentation process.

    Do not add all the rice and koji all at once. These will be added gradually and in batches. This way, the yeast can fully do its job.

    The first addition of koji, water, and rice.

    Rinse 2.5 cups of rice and soak it in water for twelve hours. Steam the rice and rinse.
    While waiting for the cooked rice, mix 1 cup of koji into the previously made moto.
    Get 1and add a bit of warm water, enough for it to dissolve. Add enough cold water to make 2.75 cups of the mixture. Chill this in the refrigerator until the rice addition is done.
    Once the steamed rice is ready, mix the previously made water mixture in it. Use your hands to break the forming rice clumps.
    When the rice cools down to 85ºF, mix this in with the mash
    The mash should now cool down to 70–74ºF . Keep it at room temperature.
    Stir the mash every 2 hours for the next 12 hours, then twice a day for the next 36 hours.
    The second addition of koji, water, and rice.
    After you start rinse and soak 6 cups of rice for steaming. Then, add 1.5 cups of koji into the mash and stir.
    On the following day, steam the rice. Then, add 8.75 cups of cold water. Mix it well and make sure there are no clumps.
    Once it cools down, add the rice addition to the mash. Let it all rest at room temperature for twelve hours.
    The third addition of koji, water, and rice

    While letting the mash rest, rinse and soak the remaining rice. On the next day, drain and steam it.
    Mix the steamed rice with 1 gallon and 1 cup of cold water. Again, make sure there are no clumps.
    Add it all to the mash, then let it rest overnight.
    Move the container to a place that can maintain the temperature to 50ºF . Leave and let it ferment for the next three weeks.

    This is where we separate the (cloudy sake) from the rice.

    As the end of three weeks come, observe the specific gravity. The gravity must drop below 1,000 before you separate the sake from the rice .

    Siphon the cloudy saki into a clean 6 gallon fermenter to or plastic bucket. until there’s no liquid anymore.
    If it clogs, pour it into a nylon straining bag.
    Use either your hands or a fruit press to squeeze out the sake.
    #5 Secondary, Clarifying, Maturing
    You should have around three gallons of nigorizake. The alcohol content would be approximately 18-22%. You can add more water to dilute the alcohol content.

    For the secondary fermenters, keep them at 50°F / 10°C. Secure it with stoppers and airlocks to finish fermenting. Again, make sure all of your equipment is clean.
    After a couple of weeks, cloudy rice particles will settle at the bottom. Once this happens, you can siphon the alcohol to a clean container.
    The drink will appear to be pale yellow. But we need a clear-colored rice wine. To achieve this, some sake brewers use activated charcoal filters.

    But for homebrewing, you can use bentonite with a ratio of half a teaspoon per gallon. This ingredient will make the rice wine clear.

    Slowly whisk 1.5 teaspoons of bentonite in 8 ounces of hot water until you get a smooth mixture.
    Divide the bentonite mixture evenly into your containers and gently shake.
    After three days, the bentonite will have your sake looking clear.
    During the fermentation process, the concoction had an acidic pH level to keep it from spoilage. If you added citric acid, the sake would have a sour flavor profile to it. It might even have hints of fruity flavors.

    To stabilize this, the drink must be pasteurized.

    2 gallons of cold water to cook the rice
    10 cups of white rice
    2 cups of honey (or 2 cups of sugar)
    1 pack of yeast
    0.75 tsp of yeast nutrient (optional)amylase
    1 pinch of Epsom Salt (optional)
    2 cups of raisins cooked with the rice
    1 orange , lemon or (citric acid)
    rice can back sweeten it when storing it it needs to be pasteurized and preferably vacuum sealed.
    store in amber colored bottles or ceramic jugs..
    some saki has been discovered In 4500 year old tombs..
    rice wine..

  16. I am deeply grateful for this website, and it’s hard to believe how much time has passed since I first discovered it. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the professor who recommended this site to me during a difficult period when I was feeling troubled and in pain. He wisely suggested that I engage with the diverse range of subjects available here on G, explaining that it would help keep my mind occupied, which it certainly has. I will forever appreciate the valuable insights I’ve gained from urbansurvival and peoplenomics. My heartfelt thanks go out to you, and I hope that you continue to provide a wonderful service to humanity for another twenty-five years.

    • Readers don’t remember writing styles, but muhsin has also shared uhder the moniker midlaj (middle age, get it?). Or what fun it is to write on a one-horse open page…

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