The High Bar for Hillary

The stock market is NOT on the verge of collapse this morning.

That’s just one indicator that Donald Trump may be the real deal that democrats fear most.

You see, after a successful conclusion to the convention, if Trump was really seen widely as a danger to business, the market would be screaming this – and would likely be down at least 500 and maybe 1,000 points or more.

Please notice:  It is not.

In fact in the early going, the market was up a bit today – so if there’s a decline due to politics in the wings, it may be attributable to the democratic convention which will endorse an unprosecuted felon for high office.

Looking at this as a marketing problem, here are some of the key things demos have to worry about:

  1. They best hold their “victims of cops” to exactly one because that’s all the republicans needed.  Instead, I can assure you with near-certainty, they will march out at many victims as they can – and lay it all at the feet of the party that has not held the White House for 8-years.
  2. They will need to show how in real, purchasing power parity terms, how the average working family is better off than they were when this Obamanation took hold.  I’m sure they will play the heart strings, but the reality is that the Trump party had an openly gay Silicon Valley success story outing the dems for their “Fake Culture Wars” that keep us distracted from underlying economic reality.
  3. The left-leaning press is becoming exposed.  Take the article over here, just as an example.  It headlines that Trump would provide “Tax cuts for the rich.”  It’s just another one of those half-truths that power the democrats.  The actual Trump plan would give tax cuts to everyone…not just rich.  But you see, in that professional victim world, the half-truths get through to people who haven’t evolved their mental acuity when comes to economics.
  4. What’s more, with some polls showing 57% that Americans think Clinton should have been prosecuted for her email handling, that problem isn’t going away.

It’s likely, to my way of thinking, that Hillary’s democratic coronation will see a flip in roles between CNN and Fox news.

Elaine and I got a real kick out of flipping between Fox and CNN last night as the bubble-heads (alleged experts) on CNN couldn’t find a thing Trump did right, while the Hannity crew of Fox couldn’t find anything he did wrong.

I’m certain we will be flipping next week in much the same matter, except that the CNN coverage will be overwhelmingly pro Clinton and will find no fault, while Fox won’t be able to find anything good about her.

In the end, the whole two week period would be a fine time to turn the television off, except for one HUGE thing:

The good old boy Republican party was buried this week.  And the party that I grew up admiring was back.

That’s the fiscally responsible, progressive on civil rights, and progress-oriented party.

The ugly truth is that the Democrats are the party of Wall St.  The republicans are the party of the Main Street small business folks.

But no worries:  As I have told you, time and time again:  The Fix is In. 

We can safely predict some Hillary “October Surprise” which will be staged to sweep her into office using the slowest of the voters who don’t yet (and may never) see the big picture.

Even now, I find myself asking “How come the Bush and Cruz types aren’t working on party unity?””

The answer I’m afraid is an ugly third party – and should it arise – it would ensure that Hillary makes it into office because republicans and globalists will be divided leaving only the spoiled.

Honestly, there’s not much else going on.  The threat of a Corporate Party run with the whiners – Kasich, Bush, Cruz, and whoever else in the establishment can cut side deals to line their own pockets – that’s not going away.

Especially when Trump  starts talking about a responsive government law that would allow a president to toss out appointees of the previous administration.

And therein lays the biggest threat to America.  It’s not that Trump could win. 

It’s the Trump could lose

I’m a sonovabitch for saying it, but we’ve just had 8-years of the privilege party – so with all that time why are we still seeing item number one in their platform “Raising worker wages?”

Because Obama didn’t deliver and neither, as I read it, will Clinton.

The Washington Post has a really good summary of how Bill Clinton’s economy worked out.  I have absolutely no illusions about Hillary being able to do better than that. Neither should you.

Hillary’s biggest opponent next week isn’t Donald Trump.  It’s Hillary Clinton.

She has to learn about honesty and coming clean about Benghazi and email and Bill’s harem and a whole lot more. If she does that (and doesn’t play Victim in Chief) I’d like to hear what she offers. 

But short of a confessional, the only issue is how “the fix” is played out.

Voting Machines II, anyone?

Take the Day Off

Not really much else of economic merit going on.

Dow futures are up about 25 which means the world isn’t ending.

Victimology 101

The NBA has moved a planned 2017 all-star game over the North Carolina bathroom bill.

I think the NBA has made a serious error here:  While the move may be cheered by the 4% LBGTQRS etc crowd, there’s this other market called “straight folks with disposable incomes” who aren’t impressed.

They really want to do that?

I’m fairly sure that NASCAR won’t cancel events over the “bathroom law” – but I could be wrong.

The NBA as I see it has made a bad economic move – turning a sport into a sociopolitical football….

Ah, but this is how sexual preference (or lack) has been turned into a growth industry.  And lacking any other jobs, except counseling illegals, perhaps…maybe that’s what America has been reduced to.

Not that the IMF is Crooked…

…mind you.  But Chris Lagarde will be standing trial for a $438 million payout to a rich dude back in 2008.  Say, that’s some stone wall, ain’t it?

Look for a skate, though, since it will be before a “special” court for government ministers.

A what?  Well since people at the top are SPECIAL it only makes sense they would have their own court, right?

Isn’t that how it works here?

41 thoughts on “The High Bar for Hillary”

  1. re: Obamanation. I don’t know George I think we are light years ahead of where we were on 01/19/2009. Maybe you’d prefer those swinging economic heydays of 07-08, aye?

    • This post must have come from Washington, Oregon or Colorado.
      It is the only way to justify the emperor worship of
      Oreo the first and his non economic policies.

    • Are you kidding Wave, I had a business for over 30 years, finally gave up, turned all interest in it to my business partner. Went where I said I never would and took a government job. Benefits, retirement, healthcare, vacation and sick pay. Maybe your right if we can all work for the government utopia. Lol

    • Wave crave is right…and…the markets did not move because Mr. ‘I know nothing..I Say nothing” Trump, did not convince the markets that he will be a factor on Election Day. I have always said…wait till the debates…Trump will stumble over his words and spout a dizzying array of non-factual nonsense and it will be over…Wall street and others know this. Every station but “Fix” News was saying this last night as well….Heck…Even Comedy Central said it.

      • In Ecuador is it normal to call strangers names? Or maybe only when you are safely ensconced in the anonymity of the Internet?

        Name calling definitely isn’t a good survival mechanism. I wish you luck.

        Ditto for you too Dan.

  2. Trump’s problem is basically this:Too many are benefiting from the current system,especially with regard to income taxes.There are too many tax consumers and HUGE itemizers to derive any gain from Trump’s proposed plan.

    In my case,Democrats such as Brendan Byrne and Bill Clinton ruined me with their tax plans that made me Russell Long’s guy behind the tree.

    The current national laws were made in 1946 to rightfully honor GI Joe.These laws assumed that all single adults were living cheaply in Ma Bailey’s boardinghouse and could afford to pay the increased taxes necessary for the Democrats’ utopia.

    Things have changed in the past 70 years.Trump would be shocked to know that the subsidization of his beloved Real Estate has caused a portion of today’s problems(the overwhelming majority were caused by the Democrats passion to overcome reality(I’ll be civil here).

  3. Those people that drink the coolaid never see that in 07-08 we didn’t have almost half of the avaible workforce no longer looking for work, as we do now. They continue to unknowingly, are the poster children for what Trump said about whats not getting reported! Because of their cooliad drinking they don’t see or know that this is the first president in hisory that hasn’t increase the gdp in his enitre presidency more than 3%. YES I would take 07-08 versus where we are today. In 07-08 we could have made the right adjustments to increase our total gdp. But now that we are at the bottom of the barrel of economics…Why do you think there are so many perople talking about the next depression to beat all depressions (Ure’s truly in what, 2017-18?) Do they remember Dodd freaking Frank? Now we have Obama stinking care! There is nothing about the Obama-economy that is “swinging”. Obviously someone is bathinig in the coolaid!!! We have less people starting businesses now than in over 40 years! we have more people on the doll from the government (your tax dollars and mine if you pay any taxes) than ever before. The only thing in the economy that is growing is the government sector. We have more terrorist world wide, more illigals flooding our streets, and less safety in our own country than ever. Hell yes bring back 07-08!!!!! this has been 8 years of abject failure, unless you were in Solendra, Solar Power, Tesla, Banking, or in government or getting assiatnce. For those of us who are working for a living and paying more taxes then we have ever paid with less freedoms than we have ever had, and more executive orders, subverting our consitution!!!!! Yes take me back to 07-08!!!!!! Lets hope we can get to 2017 without a crininal in the White House.

    • Be careful what you wish for. I remember hundreds of thousands of layoffs every month, the market losing 1/2 its value, rampant foreclosures and a total lack of credit and liquidity. The world was truly sitting on an economic abyss.

      BTW no cool aid drinker here – never voted for Obama and won’t be voting for Hillary either.

  4. Wave crave is right…and…the markets did not move because Mr. ‘I know nothing..I Say nothing” Trump, did not convince the markets that he will be a factor on Election Day. I have always said…wait till the debates…Trump will stumble over his words and spout a dizzying array of non-factual nonsense and it will be over…Wall street and others know this. Every station but “Fix” News was saying this last night as well….Heck…Even Comedy Central said it.

    • However, if there is ever any chance of US not continue to go down the drain, so to speak, it’s only if TRUMP will be president. (And, I’m too old to care!!)

    • Trump will eat her lunch – she’ll die from a coughing attack on stage – I’d ask her if they have prepared a room for the “Energizer” in the White House should she win?

    • I’m guessing somewhere there is a comment from Mark stating Trump will never get the nomination.

    • I see Killary’s Keyboard Klavern is out in full force today, eh Mark and Wave. Paid shilling is the only economic growth going here in the New Socialist Paradise. I guess you have to make a paycheck somehow, right?

    • Even as nasty as CNN was about the RNC, the CNN polls had a result of 73% of people thinking TRUMP would take the country in the right direction. You’re wrong Wave. I’ve never seen the Dems so upset by one speech. Plus, there are the DNC leaks today and Munich. The markets take Trump as seriously as everyone else.

    • Trump will bury Clinton in the debates for two reasons. One, he’s telling the truth and everybody can see that. And two, there are more skeletons in Hillary’s closet than there are in the Vatican crypt. And Trump KNOWS them. He hinted at that in his RNC speech. I for one can’t wait to watch.

      • What? Trumps speech was possibly the worst speech in history. The Zombie apocalypse has begun. Whatever spell this doofus has over you people is scary. And the debates? Please…Trump doesn’t know one thing about policy and will spout some Sarah Palin like comment that he has international experience because he is served international food on his Gold throne atop Trump Tower. Trump is possibly the dumbest man on this planet earth when it comes to business and world matters…that just happens to be very smart in the game of Con. A con man is all about himself and the con. Everyone else is irrelevant…I am embarrassed that you all fell for the con.

  5. “While the move may be cheered by the 4% LBGTQRS etc crowd, there’s this other

    goerge, not sure what the ‘R’ and ‘S’ mean in the above acronym (sic?) but jsut reading some off worldly articles on the ‘net and it seems soon you will need to add either an ‘A’ or an ‘E’ to the above designations as Alein or Extraterrestrial bathrooms will soon be needed…..(are there gay e/t’s or what about lesbo e/t’s or all the same catergories as above, with the foolowing designations for E/Ts as well?? man, i gotta tell my bro in law to get into the commercial restroom biz…seems like it will be outa this world booming!!

  6. You know those interactive MSN polls I have been referring to? They’ve stopped. The Globalists won’t be able to steal an election so easily if everyone knows the true popularity of Trump. Like BREXIT, if the vote for Trump is big enough they won’t be able to steal it without a riot. Then, they would probably resort to the Kennedy outcome that Chris mentioned. The true Republicans were at the RNC and endorsed Trump. The rest are Globalists who will run an Independent so that the Globalist Hillary will win. I hope Americans are smart enough to figure things out. I still have lots of loved ones in the US.

  7. If trump is allowed into office it will be only to rule over rubble. But no matter who wins, the results will be totally irrelevant to what is going to happen in the USA in the next two years.

    Prison labor and economic colonization by the Chinese with USA wages equaling Chinese wages is the future of the USA. No matter who gets into office.

    That’s how it looks from Ecuador seven years out, and the visibility is very clear.

  8. Well..if your in any doubt of what to think, turn no further than to self-anointed American spokesman of the people (Mark Cuban) and his big ego…meanwhile Europe continues to enjoy the fruits of their “open society”

  9. Can someone explain to me why Bush acted like a happy idiot at the Dallas Memorial service, and now Obama is joking at the Munich press conference. WTF?

    • My guess is these are govt sponsored operations to set-up the establishment of Marshal Law and suspension of the November elections. They are smiling ’cause it’s going so well they can’t can’t keep a straight face.

    • Can someone explain to me why Bush acted like a happy idiot

      He started “marching” from what I saw. Odds are drunk/high but really who cares what he does at this point – how is he going to use power to effect the “rest of us”?

  10. “The answer I’m afraid is an ugly third party – and should it arise – it would ensure that Hillary makes it into office because republicans and globalists will be divided leaving only the spoiled.”
    How about a 4th party now that the DNC leaks show how they set out to screw Sanders? People are saying he should retract his endorsement and run Independent.
    A 4 way race would be a first.

  11. Personally I think Trump is the answer.. it is in his best interest for america to have a strong dollar and a strong economy.. whether its greed or not.. it is in his best interest.. to get americans back to work rebuild the infrastructure tax incoming goods and services.. I am almost positive that the puppet masters are flipping out.. they have in my opinion tried just about everything to stop him being a candidate.. I am not sure but heard rumors that they ever rewrote policies. so He has our vote.

    • at this point.. he is a business man.. hes been there done that I personally don’t care how arrogant he is whether everyone thinks hes wrong for wanting to make sure that refugee’s entering are coming for the right reasons.. I think that is smart….. now I think he would have a whole team of lawyers reading the very bills that our congressional leaders refuse to read they don’t write them and now with fast tracking don’t even have to look at the cover of them.. by him having a team of lawyers reading this garbage that lobbying firms keep pushing for congress to pass that he would like Reagan pass that information on to us the people that all of these effect..

  12. “Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” Hermann Goeing

  13. “Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” Hermann Goeing

  14. Has anyone noticed that, when the left wing passes law, in most cases to make it work the new rule needs a few words that result in the removal of a little bit of your freedom? Left wing politics are still a threat to mankind and in particular, the United States of America, the most free country on the planet.

    • the left wing passes law…result in the removal of a little bit of your freedom?

      And here I thought it was when laws got passed….but tell us all MORE about how this “left wing” is a problem on the turkey that is law.

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