Primarily Charts–And the Keys to the Bank

(Tacoma, WA) —  With the markets obediently following my calls (surprising even me, mind you) we will have a nice, short, to the point discussion of the charts this morning and we can kick around what I’m doing in the way of a position once we get through the second half of the political silly season…

This is what passes for “vacation” for me – which means anything un der 590 hours a week on sorting out markets and crap.  My head is still reeling a bit from that new wave we discussed in the Wednesday report and the implications of that…

In short, I reveal the use of the brainamp.xls spreadsheet and how we use it to predict this coming week should be a down one for the market.

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2 thoughts on “Primarily Charts–And the Keys to the Bank”

  1. Most people do not realize how ‘rigged’ the markets are and what the Central Banks do to move the economy. Looking at DOG and SDS for next week.

    Luck to ya.

  2. I’m in San Antonio and 104 degrees is hot. Son graduated from BASIC lackland. Pretty neat.

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