The Future in Plain Sight

Between multiple forward-looking predictions, we now have (we think) enough data about the future to make some educated guesses. We will begin with some of the biblical references and concepts, move into how “personal contact with Future looks” and then use a couple of emails from colleagues to illustrate how possible futures “wander by” our minds all day, every day.

After all this, as a warm-up, we reduce it all to a handful of scenarios, one of which may be seen (in retrospect from the future historian’s viewpoint out in 2030) to have been maybe partially correct.

Though, as the old saying goes, “In the land of the Blind a one-eyed man can be King.” As luck would have it, I’ve got the ocular chops covered.

First, though, we have some economic data to roll: Housing Starts from Census and just ahead of the market, Fed Industrial Production numbers.

Now, toss in the usual “hearts of Romaine”: (*tossed headlines) and it will be a grand morning to digest another – too-long – word ramble.  Now, if I had just figured out how to “get paid by the word…

“Let’s see: 7,650 words in today’s report times….. “

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79 thoughts on “The Future in Plain Sight”

  1. “Now, if I had just figured out how to “get paid by the word…“”
    You cannot serve two masters at the same time. It’s either stocks or words? The answer should have been plain to you already ;-((.

      • I didn’t know you were still looking for TRUTH. Eve was looking for it also when she bit into the apple — and you were informed of that trial’s consequences. I don’t care any longer for the so-called truth.
        You are certainly no simpleton; As a matter of evidence “you are too smart for your own good” and will suffer the results in your life. I on the other hand experience life in a fashion for which I find often no words, therefore I’m many times misunderstood.
        Anyhow, you often say: “this is no investment advice” but since you’re more educated than most, your prospects ;-) are noted and action is taken accordingly. In my case, it had cost me several $$$$$ in opportunity and I finally lost interest all together. NO HARD FEELING.
        Excellent prospects ;-) to anyone and all !

      • Read Ecclesiastes 10:19
        Youse can woin me and youse can doin me
        But da Money Talks

        More modern
        “Follow the money.”

  2. Your friend ‘Captain Gooding’ has a firm handle on things. You should listen to him.

    It’s been quite a long time, but I once have had what I would consider to be a ‘vision’ (which I rarely share, but the basic message is don’t worry, be happy) and several precog style dreams one of which was documented before the actual event took place. These things are not a normal dream. If you ever have one you will know the difference. The reason that we can have these things is that the Universe or ‘reality’ is not a mechanical construct. If it were there would be no physical means for these things to be possible. Take ‘spooky action at a distance’, for example, where, no matter the distance, two entangled particles will instantly change their spin when one of the particles is acted upon. That would be impossible in a purely physical Universe. What it means is that distance is an illusion and if distance is an illusion then the whole thing is an illusion or perhaps something more like a hologram. That implications of that is whole other kettle of holographic fish.

  3. George, you forgot the next planned plague that will kill off most people who had the mrna vaccine . The % of people in the “civilized world” who took the vaccine matches pretty closely the %s stated in the Beagle report.

    There is also the internal wars involving all those military (often ex prison) age men in the same countries that pushed the vaccine.

    And Clif states that something will occur that will make people look up into the sky and just freeze. A zombie kind of thing. UFOs?

    I am curious about how the near future will turn out but I am still hopeful that level heads will prevail.

  4. Very nice read today G!!

    Your isolation plan is a good one – just be sure you got a back way out though. We have one, and we let saplings grow in it and keep it un-mowed – you just have to drive through about 30′ of brush and there is a road. Oh! and cut a bit of fencing…

    Based on the goings on here post-Beryl, I think roving bands of hungries are less likely. Here we had some folks brandishing pistols during arguments at HEB gas stations. HEB shut down gas sales for rest of the week. Gas is harder to come by, has much shorter shelf-life and doesn’t survive summer heat well at all. I think that roaming bands in Mad Max type scenario isn’t going to fly due to fuel supply vanishing faster than folks realize.
    And as my daughter said recently, “If you can’t get paid, you best be working for your own family”

    Enjoyed this today I’m off to sort things out from a week on the inverters…

  5. im going to brag. i just recieved an email. “You are ranked #1 out of over 5000 candidates to apply for this position. congradulations! you are the elite of the elite.”

    ha ha ha. yes sir!

    time to go clean up this mess biden created. i look forward to honorably serving my coutry again under President Trump.

    *tips hat.

      • ok, but i have to get. i could be leaving as soon as august 15th. i need to focus..

        i have my moments of doubt, mostly venturing off into the unknown, once again. that 6 months training isnt easy for a younger fella.

        most of the time i have confidence that the Lord has me exactly where He needs me and wants me.
        I know He wouldn’t take me to it if He’s not gonna see me through it.

        i spy with my one eye.


    • Be careful sonny. We enjoy your company. I’d hate for you to get shot because you stood up for the right reason, but at the wrong time or place. With luck and God’s intent, DJT will be da Prez again in six months.

  6. If a 223 round hit the fleshy upper part and /or lobe of Trumps ear traveling at 3,000fps – would it just leave his ear bloody or would it have torn a large chunk of flesh off his ear. For those that were previously in the military and/or have hunted using a 223 or AR style sporting rifle I ask you? Now go back and look at the close-up pictures of his ear ……

    • Hi Clawsy,

      a .223 traveling at max velocity hitting the fleshy part of the ear would leave a hole just like it does in a target. A hollow point, on the other hand, if it were to hit Cartlidge on the way through, 50/50 on expanding. Myself, I took a hollow point to the upper left chest and it ricocheted when it hit the spine on the 7th vertebrae and settled at the bottom of the left lung. It did go through the left lung before hitting the spine.

      So, from personal experience, I have a small round scar where the bullet entered my upper torso and a long scar going across my left chest below my chest line. (I didn’t want to call it a breast line… that is a term I endure to women. :-) ).

      Bullet moving at 3,000 feet per second, sound travelling 1129 feet per second, it took a second and a half for the sound to be heard to Trump reacting as the bullet burned through his ear. Bullets burn when the break the skin, like a piercing does. 150 yards, that is 450 feet. That bullet should of hit Trumps ear a 1/3rd to 1/2 a second before the people heard the sound. As the bullet would be travelling 2.65 times the speed of sound. Not a second and a half after the sound was heard. So, the bullet was fired from a further distance or it was a much lower caliber bullet. If it shredded the back of his ear, it was probably a .22 hollow point, and not an AR .223.

      My math is sound, as is my FPS calculations.

      SS gave up a building with line of site to the stage, LEO were notified by multiple people there was a man with a gun, and no one was given the order to get Trump off the stage until this threat was cleared. I don’t buy it… The first shot of the CW2 was probably fired last weekend… I hope not, but, just in case, clean your barrels and lock & load. For those with larger caliber weapons, check your headspace & timing.

      Love your site, George.

    • I have not hunted with a .223 as they seem too light to knock anything I want to eat off their feet, and damage to much meat in the area of the wound. I like my various old .30 and .35 calibers that have a heavy bullet moving slow, that punches and through hole, and as they old timers always said “you can eat right up to the hole.”
      I would advise look at Trumps ear for one end of the wound spectrum and look ant Gage Groskramp (SIC?) bicep for the other. The bicep is what I want to avoid.

    • I am also having problems with the bullet speeding through his ear lobe, the bullet should have exited and been found (or hit the person behind him):

      Supposedly a photo has been found that proves it was a bullet, not a glass shard:

      Trump strikes down his own bump stock ban, June 14th ’24 ruling allows what he banned (after the Las Vegas shooting), that ‘NRA endorsement’ more important than his own life!

      It happened previously in 2016, duh, why not stand behind a bullet proof enclosure?

      Crook’s father ‘targeted’ as a voter who would respond to pro-gun messaging from Trump campaign’s analyzed database:

      Assassination predicted in Dec 2023, 3 different astrologers predicted hit to head or neck area:

      More on historical assassinations, etc:

    • An enlarged photo that I saw on another site showed no “hole” but two places where the bullet nicked his ear. One site was on the front of the ear and the other was a corresponding point at the rear of his ear. Both sites were on the upper portion of the ear and not the ear lobe.

    • Not sure the bullet would have to actually strike the ear to bloody it. Supersonic bullets push shock waves ahead of them. Trump was clearly wounded; the extent has been downplayed. Too close for comfort. The sound of the bullet passing would have been instantaneous and perceived next to his head. It is the sonic boom shock wave crack you hear, not the report, if you are in the crosshairs. There is nothing in the photographic record that disputes the Trump camp’s version.- Give the old guy
      a break.

  7. Wordslinger:

    Feely wordy of late, hey? I will have to revisit the Peoplenomics side to finish your latest tome. No way the hinted mkt continuation makes it to Labor Day. No.Way.

    Bifurcated swap from all-tech-all-the-time to not-so-much is indicative a disorderly messy top. My guess? There’s massive distribution underway and the crest is _very_ near.

    Powers that be are still actively “leaning” hard against the flow but, they don’t have enough juice to control crypto, commodities, etc. let alone stocks and * bonds.

    * The Fed is _again_ behind the curve, using old data. The bond market led the Fed up / is now leading down. If his Fedness was smart they’d do an inter-meeting cut now.

    * Watch the TNX. We printed 3 lower highs and a lower low than late March. Stand by for a sub-4% 10-year coming soon. The 3/08 low at 4.038 is all that remains.

    Watch the Dollar-Yen. Enormous currency dislocation is underway (probably the BOJ will intervene until the desired levels return). Interesting metals churn despite lower $.

    When the last (late) bull is in … we are toast.
    May we live in interesting times …
    We do. Book it Danno.


    • “If his Fedness was smart they’d do an inter-meeting cut now.”
      Going back to the late fifties., whenever the Federal Reserve ‘cuts’ interest rates after a series of hikes., the stock markets crash. It takes a week or so after the first cut.., but it has always happened [ eight times?] – and the average drop in the markets is around 64-68 %. That may be one reason they are hesitating – as it would devastate the current administration., and if this administration gets the boot in the up-coming election – so will they.

      • d’Lynn:

        All correct, as to after cuts comes a decline.
        But, but, but … the Fed is apolitical, right?
        We shall watch this together, hey. Yes.


        • That has been my thought for some time now.., just which way does The Fed lean politically ? Trump or Biden. Truthfully, I can’t tell, ‘for certain’. Wish I knew ‘for certain’., it would make a trade strategy much easier.

  8. Housing starts & completions – those numbers are pretty meaningless – when you have a margin of error of +/- 10 percent and 12 percent. That is not statistics., that is dart-throwing.

  9. Peoplenomics Bear Golum. Has there ever been a gap this big between the Aggregate and the 85 day bear Golum ? – .., and the Mood Swing Indicator? The gaps look enormous.

  10. You need to redo the:
    Reader Advisory
    Shop Talk Sunday
    – Posted on the top right of the page
    – I believe that is no longer valid.

  11. Multitracked Future
    “We have several ways the next 3-5 years could play out – ”
    It is very possible that your math is ‘stretched’., just a bit. I think maybe you should condense those 3-5 years down to 1-3 years. And I believe that all of this math will head-off into Chaos Theory if some [ individual, or government] radical decides to nuke Jerusalem.
    Question: Will a Muslim sacrifice a most holy site in the name of Islam ? I do not know.
    I don’t think the world in general has as much patience as you have given them.

  12. My “Low friend – in high places” informed me yesterday, via email., that he will not be coming back until after the swearing in., late January. [ “If we get there..,”]
    – Currently on ‘extended sabbatical’ and tucked away on the southern Oregon coast.

    • “My “Low friend – in high places” informed me yesterday, via email., that he will not be coming back until after the swearing in., late January. [ “If we get there..,”]”

      My sentiments, perzackaly, which is why I said the 58 days between November 5th and January 20th will be the most-dangerous period in the history of our species…

      • Ai 4.5 predicted November as the hot time… when I asked when the war would begin..since it has access to all digital information both lite and dark side.. in all the net.. I figured it had analyzed the material.. Came in with an educated guestimate..

  13. JD Vance’s ties to Silicon Valley and his economic views.

    JD Vance not only has the possibility of bringing Blue Collar voters in Western PA, Michigan, and Wisconsin to Trump (I assume those in Ohio are already there), but he has already brought pledges of absolutely HUGE AMOUNTS of money to the Trump campaign (think hundreds of millions – including Elon Musk’s commitment)

    JD Vance is closely tied to the Silicon Valley’s Libertarian wing of the Venture Funding, he worked for Peter Theil in San Francisco (Elon Musk’s early partner in Pay Pal) and then later Peter Theil and his friends provided the money for JD Vance’s own Venture Funding Company. Peter Theil was JD Vance’s biggest contributor for his US Senate campaign in 2022 (many millions both directly from him and his friends in Silicon Valley )

    The below two news audio clips are the BEST review of JD Vance’s money connections and of his own Populist Economic Beliefs I have ever heard /read. Forget that they are coming from NPR, they are actually a very good news piece on JD Vance.

    Vance’s views and beliefs seem to mirror almost to a “T” those of Trump, and existed even at the point in time when he wasn’t saying nice things about Trump. They have been his beliefs for a LONG TIME in other words and he didn’t express them just to curry favor with Trump.

    From this morning’s NPR show

    “Vance’s early roots are in Appalachia. Now he has ties to Silicon Valley”

    “Examining the economic policy of J.D. Vance, Trump’s vice presidential nominee”

    • Many here probably already know that JD Vance’s Wife is very good friends with Vivek Ramaswamy’s wife. Both families lived in Greater Cinn for a number of years until the Ramaswamy’s moved to Columbus OH two years ago, Ramaswamy’s wife is one of the top Cancer Doctors in the US, when she took a position with The James Cancer Institute of the Ohio State University Medical Center.

      In addition Vivek Ramaswamy and JD Vance were good friend at Yale Law School in addition to JD Vance meeting and marrying his wife who was also attending Yale Law School at the same time (she later clerked for Brett Kavanaugh on the DC Circuit, before he was nominated for then for USSC and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Robert)

  14. Biden shares conditions for possible withdraw from US presidential elections [ MSN ]
    Current US President Joe Biden, in an interview with CBS News, has stated that he might withdraw from this year’s presidential election due to health issues.
    The American leader noted that he is ready to withdraw from the presidential race if doctors indicate health problems.
    “If there had some medical condition that emerged, if the doctors came to me and said you got this problem, that problem,” he said.
    I have not read this before. And, interestingly, this news article was from the RBC Ukraine.

  15. Rumors of a Xi Jinping’s recent stroke, if true, might change the landscape or timeline for the near to intermediate future. It would certainly have affects on NK and Russia and embolden neighbors.

    • Have read same … but so far nothing to confirm any part of the rumor.

      If any secondary confirmations show up NTD will probably be the first to report it since they do a good job wrt the inside happenings in China (“The Epoch Times” TV channel). The “Hindustan Times” also does a very good job of reporting events in China (including rumors from the lighest levels), with possibly the best DETAILS of the entire MSMs China reporting wrt of ANY story coming out of China. I am watching both.

  16. A quote from an article I read yesterday regarding JD Vance and his democrat wife.
    Q: “How much influence does a candidate’s spouse have on a politician?”
    A: ” I guess that depends on how much the politician wants to have ‘that’ spouse.”

  17. Sooo… forty (40) Chinese banks have just vaporized. Like 1980 S&L probably, but over there.
    I am reminded. For twenty five years I worked in China, beginning in Hong Kong in 1980 until finally deeper in, a hundred kliks from Guang Zhou near a ‘village’ of four million people.
    One day when in the office of ‘the boss’ a literal bagman came in and opened one of a bank of gym lockers that proved to be full of remenbi, stuffed in like baled hay. The bagman got a signoff from the boss and left. ALL those lockers were full of cash.
    I asked the ‘boss’ why they had all that cash on hand, and he said with a smile “You can never trust a Chinese bank”.
    I had at least a hundred working trips into China in twenty five years, lived and worked in factories, ate with workers, had many friends there. Not a single one of them would have turned down an opportunity to be elsewhere.
    We can never give up what we are founded on. One simple word. Freedom.
    From far away now. With a liquid road out if necessary.

  18. George
    If you withhold telling us how to hide our sat-dishes, well newer ones, much smaller are out there easier to hide.
    And if you think describing roughly how to hack would give the proles ideas, well, in 1980, Marshall Lucky interrupted Jimmy Carters speech and put all kinds of Ideas into crazy rugby playing students heads.

    • They make “fake rocks” (small boulder size) that can be used to cover the Sat Antenna … as long as the dish still has a clear view of the sky when that close to the ground.

      Long been a favorite of Sat TV users who live in a place where antennas of ANY sort are outlawed (should work fine wrt Musk’s sat devices – check the Reddit Boards). Last time I looked several different models were for sale on Amazon.

  19. The NASDAQ is down over 500 points., desperately trying to hold above the psychological 18,000 mark. Yet ‘The Dow’ is up another 200 points., now over 41,150 mark. Interesting divergence.
    Gold is up
    Oil is up
    Bitcoin is up
    – One hell of a lot money being moved about in the past two days.

    – I have to keep reminding myself that the stock market never crashes from the top.

  20. The DJIA sets another record high as the NASDAQ closes just below 18,000.
    Bitcoin, Gold and Silver reversed, and all closed down.
    – Interesting looking psych going on.

  21. George, Please don’t post! My accountant (Wife) reminded me that the double billing has still not cleared. I don’t know if either of my emails got through, but call me at 916.917.6618 if you have a question.
    I’m halfway through 100 Year Toaster, and will give you a 5 star review when I’m finished. It’s profound!
    A.G. Kimbrough

  22. “For a period of time, the United States has continued to sell arms to the Taiwan administration, despite China’s firm opposition and repeated discussions. As a result, China has decided to suspend the latest round of consultations on arms control and non-proliferation with the United States,”
    Even though we have no formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan – the US has sold in excess of $80 billion dollars in weapons to Taiwan over the past few years.
    “Non-proliferation.”[?] That sounds a bit ominous. Wonder if they have a few allies in mind?

  23. OK.., I did buy electronics from Amazon during “Prime”.
    I bought five, 256GB thumb-drives. I have plans.
    One plan is to convert one of those thumb-drives to house the Unix operating system as a start-up when plugged-in. I have read that it is nearly impossible to do under Windows 11 – doable., but you will cuss, a lot.., but my secondary laptop is still Windows 10 – good laptop.., loaded to the max with ram and HD – so it is being designated for the challenge.

  24. Just watched Biden climb the stairs into Air Force One., and I immediately saw a universal saying here:
    – Old men shouldn’t do ladders.
    He looked looked/acted scared, feeble and unsure of himself.
    To me., it was rather pathic.

    • He looked even WORSE coming down the stairs!! Had to take a break just a few steps down. Took what seem like forever for him to come down those few steps.

      Getting into the car was worse. Had to be helped by at least one SS agent to get up into the suburban and then his legs appeared to have to be swung into the burb by the SS agent. (for some reason they were using a Suburban versus The Beast)

  25. George,

    The ACWI world composite equity index peaked on 12-16 July 2024 following a March 2020 x/2.5x/2.5x maximum :: 8+/24/23 month growth fractal series. From the Oct 2023 low, growth occurred in a 13/26-27 week :: x/2x series and from the beginning of the last 26 weeks in a 20/47/49 day series :: x/2x-2.5x/2x- 2.5x followed by a final 3-/5 to 6/6 day blow-off growth series :: x/2x/2x ending 16 July 2024.

  26. re: 7 Churches of Revelation
    feat: Revelations 2-3


    Last weekend a Hindu son of the world’s 9th richest man worth $122 billion was married in Mumbai, India – a city of 7 islands -during a three day extravaganza costing exhorbitant sums. Guests from the UK included former PMs Blair and Johnson and their spouses. Boris also brought his 3 children aged 4, 2, and 1 year old to the wedding ceremony to the delight of all. A pair of Kardashians represented America shadowed by a film crew for their “reality” show.

    The grotesquely wealthy Indian family lives on billionaires row in Mumbai. The lot that their mansion sits on previously housed an orphanage whose land was allegedly bought up for 15 cents on the dollar. The 27 floor mansion comprised of double stories which was then duly constructed is now valued at $2 billion and is named “Antilia”.

    According to Wikipedia Antilia is a cluster of phantom islands in the Atlantic also known as Isle of 7 Cities. Legend says 7 Germanic bishops and their followers left Spain for Antilia in 734 ad leaving the Muslim conquest behind.

    So far, so good. We don’t appear to have reached Revelations 6?

    • “The grotesquely wealthy Indian family lives on billionaires row in Mumbai. The lot that their mansion sits on previously housed an orphanage whose land was allegedly bought up for 15 cents on the dollar. The 27 floor mansion comprised of double stories which was then duly constructed is now valued at $2 billion and is named “Antilia”.”

      An obscene rags to riches story for sure Jester. I wonder where the orphans are now? :-(

      • Reach out and ask that evil ass witch, mutha theresa – nothing like forcing children into a life of indenture and misery, not to mention child sex trafficking…real saintly..that evil WHORE was . Thank GOODNESS, thank the LIght she is Dead.

  27. “Yet, what I didn’t appreciate – and it’s how “awareness of Future” creeps into my life – that there is a “soft cut-out” between a “single-use nuke” as a one-off demonstration device (to show commitment to ‘go all the way’ and the full-on horror of All Actors In WW III.”

    I agree with everything your two resident experts said — Posted most of it here myself, over the past couple years.

    The reason I said last month: After the first tactical nuke is used, we will all be dead within 48 hours” (or something like that) is because the use of a nuke is not a “warning,” It is an asymptotic escalation toward “infinite force” and will be viewed by every player with marbles in the game as “one hand, winner takes all the marbles,” and played-out as such. Who wins? Probably Australia/NZ, Southern Africa, and maybe China and Argentina (or maybe nobody, at all…)

    • Stone cold morons..

      See the Water Tower.

      See Shooter on top of water tower, just PRIOR to tRUMP flinching and grabbing ear..

  28. @ Choices,

    well its like those two fellas who met at woodstockand became friends before i was born.

    then one day one, in 1981 of the fellas goes to the post office buys a couple stamps, mails a couple letters from New York City to his freind here on Eagle Mountain Ranch. The fella on Eagle Mountain Ranch, saves the letters in a shoe box.

    i move from the valley of Enoch to Eagle Mountain Ranch. The same day i move in, the fella from Eagle Mountain Ranch’s grand daughter find the shoe box with the letters. she remembers i dont drink. notices the stamps on the envelope and thinks, oh Andy might find these interesting.

    she gives them 2 stamps to me the next day. im said. cool, i never seen them before. thank you.

    the next morning i look up the stamps. and find out they were issued on my birthday, 42 years before id move in to this place. those stamps sat in a shoe box out in the loft of the barn hidden for 42 years. until the day id move in.

    and they were issued on my 11th birthday.

    there are things set in motion in my life, long before i was born.

    i spose BP school is much the same.

    when you have series of events and timings of events such as this happen over and over. you tend to trust the process and have a good attitude. because you know there is a calling on your life.

    it doesnt matter what the critics say. it doesnt matter the praise. it doesnt matter what you think of feel. you have a calling and a purpose. and things, and events and time, THE DUDE is going to see it through. and chances are, your calling and purpose, isnt even about you. its about everything else.

    so, like the book JC mentioned about Don and Barron Von Trump. etc etc.

    i have my own little part going on.

    as it is,
    today is my friday, im 2 days ahead of the rest of the world.

    see ya in the future

  29. i tell ya one thing i know for sure Choices. anthing thing that van orchastrate the timing of events before you were born to arrive in your life 53 years after you were born??

    is not the force to fuck with. and that is what the dark blue evil represents. dont worry about karma and fate Andy. i got you. and if anyone trys to take from you or deter my plans for you??? i will bitch slap them into oblivian.

    okay, cool. thanks

  30. i mean you really think about it, seing occurances like that means, there are things in play to wipe mother fuckers out who would detour THE DUDE plans for me. HE might even let them think they are winning until they…. find out that shit was set in motion before they were even born, to stop their little plans before they even made them.


    there is a certain assurance in that.

    well, happy friday! on to the races tonight.

    que: ~ Girls, Girls, Girls ~

    Motley Crue

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