Wherein we describe a movement of warfare toward “Tainter Point Wars.” Which we set about describing with plenty of historical references.
From there, we jump into Ure’s world of woo-woo dreams and get a glimpse of where the “new styles” of warfare seem to be leading us.
As one colleague in the review loop for this observed, “War is ugly. Civil War is uglier still.”
All the while, tiptoeing out on the ledge, a number of hot dates are expected soon. Leaving us to ponder whether the Ides of March, or Ides of April will matter a damn in the long-term scoring.
So, we’ll kick off with the GDP numbers, followed by the Creepy Crawlers, into the ChartPack and ending with a good roll in the mud of history and a precognitive jump into a world on its way to us on the present paratime line.
With a nod to Oasis Technology for quantifying in the computational space, a notion that may be extensible into deeper philosophical and paraphysical realms.
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Yellen urges world leaders to redirect frozen Russian Central Bank assets for Ukraine reconstruction
Thought all that was interesting.
That’s nifty. “Dammit Janet” wants to use “international law,” which the United States does not recognize (unless it’s in our interest to do so), to confiscate Russian assets “for Ukraine.”
So, who gets the assets when Russia completes their repatriation of Ukraine (which IS going to happen, because we’ve threatened to fast-track UKR into NATO)? We’re manipulating things to send that confiscated wealth to Blackrock, to rebuild Ukraine. (Seriously?) Russia will do Belt in Mouth for 1/10 the money and the Chinese [will] have it done in 5 months. THEN the Russians will come looking for their assets.
Ever deal with Russian mobsters? I have. (if you built computers in the ’90s and lived between Camden and Cheyenne, you bought at least some of your stuff from the Bratva, or from Uzbeki, Odessian, or Armenian mobs.) Nice guys — just don’t cross them or EVER be rude, and “don’t remember” anything that happens at the warehouses which you might catch out of the corner of your eye.
Mr. Putin is not a mobster.
He’s not even the head of a mob.
He’s the guy who’s over ALL the heads of ALL the mobs — what the Sicilians would call the “Capo di Tutti Capi.”
After meeting (and dealing with) a couple hundred of the folks on the bottom rung of that particular social ladder for a dozen years or so, I feel qualified to say without equivocation that nobody in their right mind (or otherwise), wants to cross the guy on the top rung — or even pull his focus.
Mr. Putin has been tempered by 30 years of “learning diplomacy.” He is a great leader for Russia, but for nations opposed to Russia? Not so much. Between land, yachts, bank accounts, and artwork alone, over a half-trillion pounds (sterling) worth of Russian assets have been seized, confiscated, or sanctioned into limbo. Once Ukraine is again “Russia’s breadbasket,” Putin is going to come looking for those assets. If he sends Russians, people will die. If he sends Iranians, their families will die, also…
wow….. Or maybe I should say WOW… I never thought about that..thanks for sharing that with us
BTC the new NVDA – if you weren’t paying attention to the AT&T trial run you just don’t get it ….
Rather than get wound up in unproven conspiracy stories, you might take a look at the science. In one way the science is more complex and less fulfilling — no one to blame — but it adds another dimension to what we all will have to deal with over the next decade.
Network Outage Was the Sun – END OF STORY
Richard in Colorado
Watching the solar flares
your video debunker has been debunked his self
a salute to Paul Harvey as he said, the rest of the story
testing 1 1,2 1,2,3, 17
Be careful about your choice of video debunkers. This one likes fluoride, trannies as a protected group, the jab, global climate change, etc., and denies the possibility that COVID could possibly have been created in a lab.
does anyone at all believe that the puppeteers in charge will allow donald trump to sit in the seat of power again?
You talking about the guy who sold rice to China? The same guy who met with Kim Jung Un? The same guy that wants that new temple in Israel? The guy that doesn’t start wars and brings prosperity? That guy?
Naa, not a chance. Cough-cough.
If he does (win) that would be quite a … Revelation.
Hmm with as much of our money that has been spent.. to destroy him.. and protect another that seems to flaunt their position..
I don’t think anyone will ever allow him sit in the seat again..
the country has flipped from the one I grew up in to something else completely..
the powers that be,,, did not allow Trump to win 2016, they tried to fix the election but failed. Ask Killary. The cheating baby fuckers increased their cheat so much to win 2020, it became obvious to almost everyone, except the truly gut hooked believers of the LIE.
The Trump team aka ‘Q’ let them steal the White House, to prevent the CIVIL WAR 2, the deep state wet dream to kill off the US Constitution once and for all,,, but the big Question to me is ‘who has the ‘nuclear football’ ? is Trump still CiC of the military or did Bribes manage to secure it?
While Stu has a lot of support for work here, but when he goes with his anti-Q and anti-Trump views, I do not agree with him. He injects his personal view into Nosty and that is his right to write.
The general population is awakening to the TRUTH, slowly but shirley,,, open borders and a rising crime rate,,, murders and rapes, the public is fed up, they deny US a safe border but send hundreds of BILLIONS to pass through Ukraine support bills.
as Trump has said in a past speech ’17 plus me’,,, he is the + in Q postings, 17th letter of alphabet is q
Trump has used the number 17 so many times in his speeches, at 1:13 in this video he says 17 plus me,,, I see if I can find a video for ya, Oh ya here it is,,,
I truly believe that they can not stop what is coming,,,
everything cycles,,, it is how energy flows,,, wheels on the bus go round and round and another satan minion died, rothchild, king charlie is ill and so is the pope, and bribem is a soap on a rope, where is Ashley he asks, and European royality is getting weaker as they demote the local citizens and welcome the hoards.
We live in a Universe but only are somewhat aware of what is happening on Earth let alone out there in the Milky Way or those uncountable other galaxys
but the big Question to me is ‘who has the ‘nuclear football’ ?
Charlie Brown runs the plays, but he answers to Barry…
Just remember RAY… the one holding the Nuclear football has a lot of respect and admiration for the USA.. he said.. the country can be explained in ONE WORD…. Tramiscalativethe
and I like ice cream..
The “Urban Pulsed Warfare” you describe from your dream Tuesday morning is something I had never considered, however as countries like Venezuela and others are emptying out their prisons and sending convicts across the wide open US border, it is a scary but entirely possible concept. NYC comes to mind.
Maybe best only paid subscribers read your column this morning George. I don’t plan on sharing it with any of my family or friends.
Comments on “pulse warfare” brought to mind the episode of “The Art of the Heist” I saw a few nights ago. The national museum in Stockholm lost a Rembrandt and two Renoirs (worth $30M+) in 2000 to a brazen closing-time robbery. Streets were jammed anyway because of Christmas shoppers and the thieves thoughtfully set fire to two cars on the prime access roads to the museum. The three robbers escaped by boat from the waterfront museum while the police took over an hour to arrive. The point: with planning and diversions you would not need 25-50 people–maybe just half a dozen per site. George, your column this morning plus yesterday’s headlines about Chinese grabber satellites and a Russian nuclear EMP weapon have me thinking about remote off-grid “bolt holes” again.
August 23 of last year my area received 5.5″ inches of rain in an hour so resulting in the general area being flooded.
FEAM reps are walking the neighborhood today asking about storm damage! Luckily for me the house is on a high point and no damage ‘cept for the basement springing a leak which I repaired and was tested last night by a thunderstorm.
It’s getting trippy.
Govt can’t just rush into things, lol
A couple of years back a math friend of mine had an idea., and over the course of about three months worked out a plan that would completely cripple Los Angeles without firing a single shot. He then amended and refined the entire scenario into one of his computers and reworked and further refined it. After a couple of months of ‘game simulation’ on his system he had a near perfect plan. Nothing could stop it., fairly easy to execute and accomplish and Los Angeles would come to a complete stand still for a couple of days. Serious crunch-time for many businesses – like grocery stores, to feel the impact and cause major disruptions throughout the City. Do it during the heat of Summer and you might just get a couple good riots going.
We talked about it – discussed the weak points and re-imagined those points.., and a couple of days of pondering., came to the same conclusion within an hour of each other: We can NOT tell anyone about this.
It was just an idea., that was entered into a computer to play “what if” games – to see if it would work.., and it worked very well.
He destroyed all his notes and emails [ me too..,] and wiped his computer clean. We haven’t mentioned it since.
“Sometimes a Great Notion” is just too damn dangerous to let out into the general public.
.., and thus – I am not too sure you should have posted your Mao tactics into the public domain.
Subscribers only – and I won’t write of the concept again, though as my colleague noted, antifa et all are already part way there. But he (and others) value some of my “thinking the unthinkable” (like the Directorate 151 models_) because they force the force protection folks to focus, focus, focus. The people are not the enemies, but the enemies are swimming amongst the people. And some are running…again.
No worries chaps , Big Mike will be the demons nominee for President, with pedo slo there on stage to endorse.
Man do I love it when a good evil plan comes together- and this one already smells putrid, like a vat of boiling scheisse -ya know what the talmud talks about for j.C.(Babylonian)
“The Androgyne” for President in 24!
USA Citizens once again “getting” what they deserve..
Freedom, just another word for nothing left to lose” JJ
I m not a subscriber but if George can think of it someone else can think of it.
Go over to Lewrockwell.com and read “Comes Thermidor” by James Howard Kunstler. I think he hits a nail on the head.
A question has been pestering my thoughts lately to wit: Are we going to see the sudden collapse of a large city in the near future?
“a math friend of mine had an idea., and over the course of about three months worked out a plan that would completely cripple Los Angeles without firing a single shot. ”
seems to me that LA doesn’t need any help with that lol lol
A lot of moving parts in today’s report.
“pretending to have a legit government,”
The statement summarizes the paragraphs above it. Even Rand Paul stopped chasing Fauci and instead wrote a book about the pandemic. For profit and posterity I guess.
I’m starting to see rumbles of ‘Boycott the Blues’ – blue states/blue products. Bud Light cans are blue and Trump said they should ‘get a second chance’. (Did any of you buy a pair of golden sneakers? If there’s a country of origin label, and by law there has to be, tell us where they were made.)
Trump is right, don’t choose a side. Take the money from both sides. It’s the system.
From Lords of War:
“I don’t know what was going through Vitaly’s head that day. What I do know is that Vitaly broke the cardinal rule of gun-running: never pick up a gun and join the customers.”
– Yuri Orlov
Don’t forget self-interest in Gone With the Wind:
Scarlett : But you are a blockade runner.
Rhett Butler : For profit, and profit only.
If NYC needs supplies rent a U-haul and get them supplies.
Speaking of UBI. Imagine the NYC boycott works and NYC files BK. There goes a significant portion of pension payments to the folks in Red States. Then the reverse multipliers kick-in, a feedback loop.
The Red Staters will demand to be made whole. That’s when UBI will come onto the scene. UBI completes the federalization started at the end of CW1.
It didn’t take Trump/Biden/Congress a long time to put together stimulus packages that everyone went for. A UBI package can be put together within a month. People will be freaking out after a month of broke and closed banks standing in lines for TP and insulin. UBI will be lapped up and welcomed as a ‘return to normal’.
More on bargain hunting. I have started buying used clothing off of Ebay and Poshmark again. So far I have limited the purchases to nylon blend casual button down shirts. Those sorts of shirts are almost indestructible to anything except barbed wire (destroyed a favorite shirt doing fencing). If the pictures look OK, then it probably is. Off the rack, a big name brand shirt of that type goes from $40 to $100; used it is more like $15 – $30, unless you go diving at the ShopGoodWill site. It is tough to find anything that fits at ShopGoodWill, although I acknowledge, there can be bargains there.
Harder to tell condition with other clothing. I saw a lined vintage big name brand wool shirt jacket for $75 this week; I am tempted, except I already have too much of that sort of thing I don’t wear enough.
after my last comment, i went through the Burger King drive though, the lady gave me my double wopper.
i went to hand her my card and she says, i just quit this job. t
This is the last Burger im handing out and besides, you are good looking a man. Perfect way to end my day. You get your Double Whopper made your way and for free.
i said, Ha! thanks! she blew me a kiss and i drove off.
i call that a bargan.
Life is good.
Good time!
you remember when coinbase delayed my purchase of Global Reserve Currency token which i purchased $200 worth at $0.02, for 3 Weeks. 2 weeks later it skyrocketed from the point i purchased it at $0.02 to $79.83, then 2 days later it went back dowm to $0.02. the following day my order for $200 came through.
which was suspect as fuck. coin base delayed my purchase until 2 days after it skyrocketed to $79.83.
when i asked they said, sometimes it takes a while to fullfill some orders. you got your order now, though. i said yeah…. i did..
the whole thing was sketchy as fuck. that delay cost me over $700,000.
that july last year.
i saw that coinbase is down today and alot of peoples balance was registered at zero. and all durring a massive bitcoin ralley.
wonder how much that delay of coinbase being down, cost coinbase? $700,000??? probably alot lot more than that…
hmmm. interesting.
very interesting.
cant we all just get along and play fair?
rob one fella out of $700,000, then less than a year later it costs ya $7,000,000 in fees and sales.
i play honestly. fairly. that doesnt mean i dont bend the rules of reality at times in my favor. i do that on occasion but nobody gets hurt when i do it. i dont break the rules.
i dont commit theft. because that is not who i am. i havent stolen anything in 30 years.
and when i see coinbase go down less than a year after they uhhh delayed my purchase and cost me $700,000 and said oops! some times orders take longer. you got it now tho. right?
and it cost them oh i think more than $7,000,000.00
i think. huh.
i forgot to pray for coinbase.
well there ya go.
good day to relax, rest and move forward. i uhh removed all google and mircosoft products off my devices. all of them.
i heard, both their A.I. have gone batshit. no telling what a batshit A.I. will do.
i took the day off after almost dying yesterday to ummm rest and think about things. readjust my sails, so to speak. rest and start back over tommorow morning.
hope you all a blessed week!
the opposite of poor me is…
Rich Me!
Your dream mirrored the outline of a book concept I’ve worked on for the last two months. It has been challenging, to write because it seemed too real, based on current events. The influx of illegals and fontanel, the crackdown on legal firearms, the controlled media, the warfare against police and the rule of law, and finally, the overwhelming government corruption are all in place today.
I’m afraid that what I’m attempting to write as fiction may become reality. I’ll keep writing for now, but I don’t know if I’ll ever publish it.
I wouldn’t consider it a Dream…more along the lines of a nightmare happening in real life..
it is interesting that both google and microsoft played a part in slanting the elections, hiding hunter biden laptop stories, hiding things about the covid 19 vax… then this year, their A.I. is going Batshit and everyone is now doing the simple math.
Google = Bud light. Microsoft = Target.
Bud Light alone lost $27,000,000,000.00
and reputation for years ahead.
i wonder what the equivilant of a $27 Billion dollar loss for Google would be? Bud light is worth X amount. Google is worth Y amount. is the same ratio applicable??? times 3, because there is 3 accounts???
it seems i am correct in my draw. 2024 is the year of The Justice Card.
a Ballancing of thr Scales.
in my own recent experiance, most notably,
“Balance comes from making the choice that’s right, even if it’s difficult. There’s a call for harmony and balance, but to find the correct equilibrium for the situation, you must first get totally honest about the situation or decision.”
sometimes ya have to make the right call. even when ya sure dont want too.
the pendilum swings one way…. always returns to center before it moves the other way.
i am curious to see how Bat Shit A.I. does the next few months. as it is already ->trouncing its makers by very definition of the word.
and hmmmm….. i wonder if i would have taken the job in Arizona? if Lord Jacob Rotchild would be alive today. He is most regognized and portayed as Mr Motgomery Burns in the comic The Simpsons.
yes. 2024 is the year of The Justice Card.
everyone who has been on the take by neferious means, pays back in interest. like i said, in some cases by other form.
with the exception in rare cases where the books, accounts and matters have been settled, Granting Grace.
funny this morning The Owl headed fella with a buisness suit lighter returned. i had lost it a while back, and boom. there it was. all happy to see me.
as the scales of justice balance, i wonder how much i am owed??? that i didnt know was taken from me… guess i will see soon enough, as it is metered out, by The
Sword of Justice.
one must never forget, it not just scales Justice is holding in her hands. most people look only at that hand.
however, she also holds a really Big Sword.
for a reason.
G.A. STEWART: I certainly recognize that all of this prophecy stuff is a tough pill to swallow, and I certainly get it. But that’s too bad for the critics.
Just recently, on last weekend’s morning stop at the local bagel shop, I bumped into an old acquaintance who is also the attorney who prepared my will. I have endured years of jokes regarding the work of G. A. Stewart, and so after discussing the latest news and mentioning my latest book, he asked me, “If 2024 passes quietly, what will it take you to give up on Nostradamus?”
I have learned to answer these kinds of questions with my own rhetorical question, “Don’t you read the news?” or “Where do you get your news from?”
And so that was the way the conversation ended last weekend.
Just this weekend, we bumped into each other again. On my way out the door, I mentioned former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s threat of a Declaration of War against Great Britain if British troops are deployed to Ukraine, and then there was the U.S. and British attacks on Yemen.
Rhetorically, I asked him, “When will you start believing in Nostradamus?”
And he shook his head “no“, and that meant never.
This fulcrum of disbelief is where each and everyone of us are at right now, including myself, but it’s all about to get very personal.
final thought on the matter,
only the afraid build underground bunkers.
some say this is the end of the world. i say it is the beginning of a new one.
like back in the day when the 13 little colonies told the Great King of England, “Go Fuck yourself. is that clear? Go Fuck yourself!”
we had something then The Great King of England didnt have. We have that same now, ruling elite doesnt have.
We have Heros.
And balls
And 40% of all guns worldwide. All debts will be paid in 2024, agree with just Andy.
Fortunately that King didn’t have an arsenal of MIRV warheads pointed at all major ‘merican population centers. Bravado has a way of running down the pants leg and filling the shoes in a nuclear confrontation. I’m still reassessing contingency resources. Hidey holes are very expensive and difficult to build without attracting two legged rats.
LEKL (leave early, keep low)
Georgrle, I am grateful to live in The Next Age of
and honored to have spoken with a few of them. Some are famouse but i have met a few who are anonomous who are just as Valient and Brave. whose works and deeds, may never been seen by the publics eyes, but that doesnt make them any less Legendary.
re: Heroes
feat: Caliphate of Córdoba
Fourteen days ago a joyous gala event celebrating the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s “First Folio” was hosted by the Queen Consort at Grosvenor House, Mayfair, subsidiary to a State company whose ceo is Qatar’s Minister of Finance. In attendance was a great-granddaughter of King George V, a second cousin to King Charles and 56th in line to the throne, alongside her spouse aged 45 years who appeared vital and robust. He had earned praise at St. George’s parish, Baghdad as a hostage negotiator against the PLO in Gaza during the early 2000’s. Yesterday, Buckingham Palace released a (delayed?) statement from Their Majesties mourning his passing Sunday evening at a private residence in the Cotswolds. May he rest in peace.
Despite the tragedy, the Queen Consort led mourners yesterday into St. George’s Chapel on the one year memorial service since the passing of the King of Greece, godfather to both the new widow and the Prince of Wales. The latter was excused at the last moment to attend to the Princess of Wales in her continued recuperations. After the service Queen Camilla hosted a reception at nearby Windsor Castle for attendees from the Royal Houses of the UK, Greece, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Denmark, Jordan, and Serbia.
God save the King!
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: I have warned that these people are desperate to create war to influence the 2024 election. The media is all on board, cheering war just as they did with COVID-19. You have Victoria Nuland calling anyone who is against war is now a Putin supporter. She has labeled the Republicans who are against war a “Putin’s wing of the Republican Party.” She is on a mission to create World War III before Trump might become president, who is anti-war and will fire her ASAP.
The mainstream media is all pushing for war. Just look at the stats. World War I saw 9 to 11 million military personnel dead, with civilian deaths of about 6 to 13 million. World War II was by far the deadliest military conflict in human history, with a total estimated death total of 70–85 million people. The civilian deaths totaled 50–55 million. Because you cannot grow food during such events, there were an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from famine. That was 3% of the 2.3 billion at the time. Today, the world population is 8.1 billion. They used the COVID-19 vaccines to alter the herd. But war is always the best means to reduce the population. If they eliminate just 3%, that would be nearly 250 million. They want to reduce a lot more than that.
uhem George.
this new browser (not parented by google, meta or microsoft) and search engine and email takes a bit to get used to.
and its time for a good write/erase.
Andy, if you’re using a new browser for the sake of security or stealth, I hope it is Tor, Opera, or Brave. They are the most secure “off the rack.”
For search, Startpage uses the (wholly-owned and Dutch-based) ixQuick engine, and Dogpile uses the Webcrawler/Metacrawler engine, which is wholly-owned by Infospace.
Despite the TV ads, the reason Duck, Duck, Go doesn’t let Google spy on, or track you, is because it is Bing-based, and lets Microsoft spy on, and track you, instead.
I listed all the search engines here about a year ago, with the plusses and minuses of each.
You could search out my post, however, neither George’s search nor Google’s “search site:” function seem to work any more, to search the comment section here, so…
(in reference to George’s comments about me onthe 27th)
Thoughts about my missing the Business Law Class about “Lemming Dynamics”:
Alas I am guilty … though I did do a lot of reading over the years of non case law texts that talked about Tulip Mania, South Sea Bubble, Mississippi Land Bubble, Florida Land Bubble, and in addition personally experienced the Benie Babie Bubble and Pet Rock Bubble.
With that said I am reminded about the key operating philosophy of the old Vancouver Stock Exchange players who traded in that land of the Junior Mining Stocks (ala pump and dump schemes of every iditeration). The operating phrase of those players was: “At the beginning the “promoter” has the dream and “potential buyers” have the money. At the end the “promoter” has the money and the (now) “buyers” own the dream.” (after which the company collapses since it was all hype of hot air to begin with – after which the “promoter” will just buy back in the worthless stock, recycle the shell company through about 5 names changes and run the scheme again).
Those who actively traded the Vancouver stocks in those days were of two sorts … those who couldn’t resist getting fleeced time after time … and those who were perfectly willing to fleece them time after time. Teresa Lo, at one time probably the best trader of Vancouver issues, once put it to a group of us … (sorry Teresa if I am misphrasing you) “Some people just WANT to lose money trading. It is something in the inner psychic that drives them, probably guilt because they have made so much money in their real businesses and feel guilty about making so much money so easily.”
Well … in my defense George … Bitcoin has a LOT of similarities to the old Vancouver Stock Exchange, wrt trading there and trading with Bitcoin, the biggest difference is that there will be NO EARNINGS SURPRISES with Bitcoin!! since there is NO earnings.!! Supply /Demand is what it is all about .
The major Wall Street firms with their TOUTING of their new Bitcoin ETFs are doing the exact type of HYPING/TOUTING that the old VSE promoters did … driving up DEMAND!! The biggest difference being that unfortunately for the the Wall Street Crowd they didn’t lock in the supply of Bitcoin before they started touting it so that THEIR INVENTORY could be fed into the demand that they are creating. Alas Wall Street’s profits will mostly be coming from transaction fees NOT selling off internally owned inventory. In fact there is a HUGE SHORTAGE of inventory to feed into the escalating demand they are creating!! (others DO have some supply, but as long as prices keep going up they are unlikely to sell much into a quickly rising market)
Bitcoin mining (not talking about other crypto products here, only Bitcoin) is only generating NEW Bitcoins at a rate that is about 1/4 to 1/6 of the NEW DEMAND that is being created, thus second day of econ 101 class kicks in wrt a classic Supply/Demand chart … with Demand now exceeding available liquid Supply, a dynamic that is going to continue going forward until some outside event happens that changes the DEMAND side of the curve since by it’s very nature the Supply side of the equation will NOT be changing much in the foreseeable future. That change could be the pricing gets so totally ridiculous that the Marketing Muscle of the big Wall Street firms STOPS marketing the product … or there is an outside event that changes the underlying economy of the United States (War? Natural Disaster?)
I am NOT saying Bitcoin has any real value …. but it is like any other bubble, yep even Benie Babies, that as long as the Demand exceeds the Supply it is going UP, and then UP, and then UP SOME MORE. (and the Marketing Effort behind Bitcoin is currently only GROWING NOT SHRINKING).
Going back to the Vancouver Stock Exchange days …
Bitcoin is a BETTER product for the outside traders than those Junior Mining Companies ever were since there are NO insiders who can flood the market with inventory so as to wipe out the outside traders!! Also … REMEMBER Bitcoin has been BLESSED by the good old USA government itself!!, which was done when they took the seized Silk Road Bitcoin inventory and SOLD IT TO OUTSIDE INVESTORS! thus giving Bitcoin the US GOVERNMENT’S STAMP OF APPROVAL, unlike with other Cryptos.
OMG … the dream of a trader who is NOT an insider has been realized, they stand on equal footing with INSIDERS!!
Personally I fought in my mind against the notion of Bitcoin … but alas it does HAVE the Stamp of Approval from the US Government, Wall Street has pulled out it’s Marketing Guns which they are firing in a great cascade of noise, AND there is a shortage of product for the buyers to buy.
Final thought: Which will collapse first? Bitcoin … or …. US Treasury Debt?
We all know that the US WILL default on it’s debt if it can’t get it’s economy to grow, and as that starts to play out WHERE will people – at least those who are still alive and have liquid assets, both BIG IF’s – try to financially hide? Strange as it may seem … will Bitcoin actually outlive US Government Debt since more and more of the latter which will never be paid off is being produced daily?
The upcoming bitcoin halving event, as a key factor driving bitcoin prices. Slated to occur in April, the halving will cut the supply of new bitcoin created per block as well as cut the rewards for bitcoin miners in half.
Do you believe the halving event will have a positive for Bitcoin?
I saw yesterday that small software company, listed on the NASDAQ, has over $11 billion in Bitcoin listed on their assets sheet. Which is nearly twice that of their predicted total revenue for the year.
I can NOT speak to the halving event except to note that the cost to mine each coin will go up considerably once that happens … AND … it is going to make the NEW supply of coins to the market that is now being driven by massive Hyping/Touting by Wall Street an even a smaller percentage of the coins needed for meeting the demand.
As I mentioned in my post OTHERS, NOT the Wall Street Firms doing all the Hyping/Touting as would happen with the VSE, have Bitcoin in reserve … but the question is how much of that are they willing to feed into the market as prices rise? AND at what price?
The liquidation of the vast number of Bitcoins held via FTX’s trust entity (apparently about 24,000 to 28,000+- coins) by the Bankruptcy Trustee of FTX which was done over the last 4 months or so did NOTHING to stop Bitcoin’s rise, it only slowed that rise. (about $1 billion realized by the Trustee on those sales )
There ARE some big bitcoin holders out there who imo WILL feed SOME Bitcoins into the market as it rises, but those holders are mostly long term Bitcoin owners and have now held on for YEARS, obviously believing in the Bitcoin story of it becoming an Alternative Currency … so what will it take to induce them to sell since many (most?) think the fiat currencies are heading into the toilet so why would they want fiat (other than so they could buy hard assets)
NO crystal ball here … but I would look at the overall capitalizaion of the top crypto’s to get an idea as to market saturation since I think it is market saturation that will determine the top area barring an outside event.
The top 20 coins on Yahoo Finance (crypto is a drop down menu along the top) show a current market value of $2.120 Trillion: Bitcoin and Etherium make up $1.628 Trillion of that – remember after the big sell off the total Crypto value for ALL coins was down in the $.5 to $.7 +- Trillion range).
Make your own judgement as to how many Trillions of Value in Crypto the markets will support … and like always leaving the party early is better than leaving the party late. (some long time bulls are saying $500,000 for Bitcoin, maybe as early as end of 2025 which is about 10x from a couple of weeks ago – sounds high to me but I have been shocked by Bitcoin so many times I am now in a state of suspended logic)
1. How much marker saturation disappears with one Poseidon torpedo on a NATO held island?
2. How long after that will the internet be up.
3. Grid, then…
“1. How much market saturation disappears with one Poseidon torpedo on a NATO held island?”
All of it. The value of all cryptos goes to zero, virtually instantly, as everyone remaining who’s alive and unaffected attempts to convert to PMs and their local “coin of the realm,” to attempt to panic-buy anything they can get their hands on — especially food & ammo.
“2. How long after that will the internet be up.”
When the King of the Sea rears his ugly head, not only will he create a tidal wave a third of a mile high, he will also vaporize any comms cabling or pipeline which lies beneath his feet.
With the first Poseidon torpedo your bank accounts, stock holdings, and US Government bonds will BE GONE TOO!! Those ELECTRONIC assets will not survive either since we all know the Poseidon torpedo is just the first of several waves of shit that are yet to come.
Every electronic asset WILL BE GONE, no more cell or IP phone service either, … only your rubber life raft and life raft survival cookies will still be available for you to “maybe” use!
Out here in the woods with the (guns) and radios and solar panels, and well, and… sounds less stupid, huh?
i have full access to one your parents tax payers dollars paid to build. then a super wealthy “goodfellas” type Sicilian friend who considers me “family” said if shit ever hits the fan, we would love to have ya aboard.
and it didnt cost me anything other than, hey, you need some help with that? after, thanks for the help, you hungry? let me buy ya dinner. hour of conversation later,
ya know i own one of the old underground Titan Missel bases, wanna come take a tour? its like a space ship in there.
sure. that sounds fun.
—–>>> sometimes all it takes is a simpled act of kindness to open Doors to Big Things, ya never knew were there.
and….ya just never know who you are talking to and who they know. i had a fella who worked security for me once and he a big deal rabbi at the local temple. he worked that so he could bless alot of people without them knowning. it was between Him and God.
******ohh saw this. people are getting warnings on their TVs about the coming eclipse.
so i thought id pass it along for J.C and G.A.
maybe i aught to throw an extra can of beans in the cart. hahaha.
i dont think THE DUDE saved me from falling off the cliff yesterday to kill me in an eclypse.
THE DUDE may whack other people, but HE wont whack me.
The link.
“Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.”
Account has been suspended…
“Now listen up..”
Not the eclipse you should worry about…it’s the nefarious scheisse (DEW u wanna, DEW, DEW u wanna Burn to a cinder wit Texas tonight?)
What gets beamed from Antarctica, does Not stay in Antarctica..Maui Owie’s may be incoming, begging the question does Ure ark prepping supplies include a Blue Tarp ?
Cheap, multifunctional as in cover a hole in Ure roof from space debris associated wit the “the devils” comet, pitch a temp roof cover, pitch a leanto, insta backyard water slide..the list is endless.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s a Harbinger of ????
Dont bother ask the “star council” ..cause they all hiding, you know the best offense is a strong defense kinda mindset..good luck with that” hoohaa”, should instead be planning SOC’s relating to a Tactical Neighborhood Watch..locations for ambushes, funnels of death, fire zones, sniper nests, understanding Ure local physical geography, night ops/nite vision., comms. Better to have plan than jerryrigging a defense plan after the fact (s).
My question is “ Can any hold out/ hold on till we get to two 7’s?
Yeah, medications might be helpful, depending on expansion vs contraction, begging the question “what’s in Ure stack?”
“This “time to forgive” number is especially interesting and a key number to seek out in news and current events. Because, for example, we have a sense from Black voting history, that with good information control (and practiced by the democrat party) the “grudge time” against the democrat involvement with formative and growth years of the KKK, is certainly a model of psychographic manipulation.”
Not just the Klan, but “Democrats” in general. The plantation owners / slave masters were virtually all Democrats. The Republicans, under (first) Grant, elected Black, former slaves to Congress and appointed a number of Blacks to Administrative positions within the government. These continued until Woodrow Wilson eliminated all Blacks from government, and established punishments for anyone who attempted to hire a Black person for any government job.
From the late teens until the early ’30s, Black America regressed from a social position of near-parity, if not equality, nearly to where they’d started, only without the forced physical indenture. Republicans did none of this, yet got the blame — blame which the ignorant amongst the Black population harbor to this day.
Why did this happen?
Nature abhors a vacuum.
Wilson, Sanger (who created “Planned Parenthood” to fix the “Negro problem,” by sterilizing Black girls so they couldn’t reproduce), the Indiana Legislature (probably a lot of other States too, but I’ve actually seen the plaque at the Indiana Statehouse, which marked the end of State-sponsored eugenics in Indiana) did their best to eliminate Blacks, but then blamed it on the Hardings, Cooliges, and Hoovers of the world. The Republicans spent years, ignoring Black America, hoping the problem of being blamed would go away.
It didn’t.
The Dems created the narrative that they were the good guys.
They then used it to fill the vacuum — They repeated it until Black communities across the Nation, even places like Tulsa where they knew better, believed it.
The vast majority still do.
Until his dying days my dad HATED Woodrow Wilson, couldn’t believe the good press he got in the history books later on. Called him the most racist man he ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Not sure how the Republicans let the Democrats convince the Blacks that the Democrats were the party for them … but alas it happend. The Civil Rights bills of the 1960’s only got through Congress because of the Republicans, NOT the Democrats who on paper had control of Congress.
Well sadly times now have changed … and today instread of trying to climb the ladder with work and to be treated equally, ala Martin Luther King’s mindset, many now want the big Plantation Owner (Uncle Sam) to provide for their every need or to give them preference in every way possible.
Sadly the Plantation Mindset, combined with the Thug Culture which encourages criminal behavior, is now strong in the Black Community even though as shown during earlier times Blacks are just as smart and can be just as successful as Whites with hard work and education if given an even playing field. (note Rev. Jessie Jackson’s own son who was a US Congressman and was sent to reside in a Federal Prison because of HIS criminal behavior – the entitlement Thug Culture mindset writ large has permeated even many of those Blacks who are already at the top of the economic and education heap)
“Not sure how the Republicans let the Democrats convince the Blacks that the Democrats were the party for them ”
The Republicans stood on their laurels of having won the war and freed the slaves. When the White Southerners started talking, the Republicans kept silent. Read your Bernays. Hitler went from the gulag to the Reichstag in eight years. It really doesn’t take long to “program” a society, especially when there’s no opposition to the sewage that’s being rammed into people’s heads…
“Voting is key infrastructure but only IF secured, which is the part of the problem not addressed.”
This is why the Biden Administration is offering to pay new-voter college kids to be poll-watchers, and it explains the “VOTE” posters, printed in 12 languages, in all the illegal alien holding and integration areas…
(when Ray offers many comments, it’s a great writer’s “scoring metric.” The more Ray comments, the better I judge the article!)
Yes, I too wait for Ray’s comments every morning. He is an excellent late night resource and I have learned a lot from him. Thanks Ray.
And in case you didn’t think we are taking life seriously here in Canada.
I want you to know I held a memorial service this morning with Canadian back bacon in my frying pan.
Let the day begin.
The Samsung held a similar 4 minute memorial service here today, as well.
(Moment of silence)
Need to keep our strength up for bovine fire forensics class around Miller time.
me sentiments exactly there are a few more that I seek out as well
I just wish my current schedule permitted me to comment more often, during daytime hours…
Schedules will disappear this year….
“Russia pledged not to threaten or use force against NATO Allies and any other state by signing the act. However, NATO says that Russia has broken this commitment by annexing Crimea and supporting militants in eastern Ukraine.”
This bullshit offends me every time I see it. Crimea held a referendum, and over 92% of its population voted to secede from Ukraine and petition the Duma to become a territory of Russia.
In 2014 a person could still follow the goings-on in this part of the world by reading the online English language versions of newspapers from Minsk, Warsaw, Budapest, Belgrade, hell, even Kiev — and I did — several times a week between 2011 and 2015.
“Annexed,” my ass.
It didn’t happen that way, and no matter how many newsnerds, talking heads, anchors, and pundits use the “A-word,” Crimea was not annexed.
When Ukraine is [annexed], the fault will lay squarely at the feet of the Houseplant in Chief and the megalomaniac bastards in Brussels. I suspect I’m about the only voice in the country who will state this, but it is true, accurate, and nearly inevitable.
Wow! Nice job.
Not as dense as one would suppose most yanks are..including cucked carlson, failed talk show host, failed university (history), whose Daddy ran Voice of America for the chritians in action, now spewing scripted bullshit for the zombies/muggles and vaXed daily bread.
the Stage opens the “door”..what comes in or out can be Light or Dark, the Intention is ours, solely..
Got Metal?
Natasha we must spread the Light…the choice is Ures.
I totally agree with you …years ago I use to visit with a gent from there on a game chat site long before they voted to seek Putins help.
what he told me of what the Ukrainian azov army was doing was horrific at best.
the corruption there has always been well known by everyone. even commented on by everyone.. if it was up to me not one dime of us money would go towards this war. not one shell ..
don’t we have enough worries here at home that we could be working on..
“Now, using the Ukraine government’s figures which we will estimate wildly rounding at 30,000 per year and a nondisplaced population of 30.1 million, very close to the one percent level. At this rate, we can envision a two-years hence Tainter terminus.”
‘Thing is, m/l half the population is Russian, and nearly the entire population is predominately Rus and Caucasian. I suggest the UKR-Pop will assimilate which will severely skew a Tainter projection (or perhaps give a possible insight on the drop in Mayan population. No one knows if Adams’ theory is viable. It is entirely plausible that other Mesoamerican tribes “picked off” the Mayan women & children and assimilated them into their tribes…)
“Another group of people has our attention. Illegal immigrants. (Soft-headed liberals can’t deal with such clear language”
Clear language? They are not “immigrants.” Since their first act on U.S. soil is a Federal Felony, they are not even “migrants.”
They are “illegal aliens” which is both the technically and legally accurate term for use in describing them.
They should always be referred to as either “illegal aliens” or “enemy invaders” — never by any term which contains the words “immigrant,” “migrant,” or “undocumented.”
“This came to my attention because we have been tracking a long-term decline in the fraction of White population in America to non-White over the past century. The simple generalization is that America has gone from being (roughly) 85 percent white to under 60 percent presently.”
The Census always grouped “Hispanics,” “SA’s” (Spanish-Americans), “Latinos,” etc., as “White” or “Caucasian” because the Spanish and Portuguese speakers are all Caucasian, to some degree. This began to change, sometime after the 1976 Census, as the communist branch of Leftist America began to divide and pigeonhole our society, believing the more they could divide us, the easier it would be to suck small, special-interest blocs into the coalition of Democrat voters. By about 1990, Latinos were their own Census demographic.
THIS, not a physical decline in number. It is the reason “White America” has dwindled in size, by percentage, and the reason Latinos have swelled in size, by percentage.
Look at the numbers, not the percentages! In fact, if you want to look at percentages, look at the Black and American Indian populations. Have the percentages of Blacks or Indians changed, relative the entire population?
(Ans: Not appreciably)
Okay, so what has…?
“Is Collapse “Bad”
Up for a values discussion?”
So, what happened to European/W Asian/N African societies after the Roman Empire tanked?
Does anyone actually believe France, the UK, even Canada could maintain their socialist model and hybrid capitalist/socialist lifestyles, if the U.S. weren’t spending breathtaking amounts of money to keep the wheels of commerce greased-up and spinning, worldwide?
Is it okay to sentence our progeny to 40 generations of feudalist poverty, without even the presence of The Church to maintain standards of morality (since they pissed that status away) or emperors or kings (with actual power) to stronghandedly rule over the warlords, to prevent mass rapes and mass murders of we peons?
This is what annoys me about the “tear it all down” crowd. Were they to “tear it down,” whatever they replaced it with would not be as good as what we have now, and it would make life a helluva lot more dangerous, everywhere on Earth, for hundreds of years, and would eliminate scientific progress from our current point in time.
“And yet, people living in big cities have mostly never practiced the “escape and evasion” drills that Elaine and I did while living in Burbank, California.”
You mean everybody doesn’t do this?
I have started again, doing this around home base. As the mystery “population control cameras” have begun going up, I’ve begun to map routes by which I can GOOD without being surveilled by these devices.
I don’t know who owns them or where they beam information to, but I know they cost somewhere between $38k and $50k each to install, so whatever entity is sponsoring them has really deep pockets. BTW, there are THREE of them installed at my local LOWE’S — one which covers each approach/exit and parking lot, and one which covers the building’s entrances/exits. As of two days ago, I no longer shop at Lowe’s. Also, some telephone-pole-mounted cams are now mounted in a wood block instead of the swivel bracket, and some have been replaced by a meter base with a square thingy fastened where a meter would be installed.
lol.. we use to eat lunch at a truck stop.. I use to have this habit of being curious . there in the middle of nowhere a lumber yard set and nothing ever moved.. one day I thought dam.. I wonder what they do..so I pull into the driveway.. in the parking lot sat a half dozen really high end showers cars..around the yard was a high fence with razor wire..what the hell.. I go up to the door there was more security than they had at the NSA or Pentagon… cameras everywhere a sat link .. ( before the days when sat links or cell phones were common..)
I walk on six guys all wearing really expensive clothes . turned off their computers simultaneously.. the one guy came out had a Rolex watch on with solid gold band a cashmere sweater.. every hair stood on the back of my neck..they basically told me to leave.
which I did..that was on tuesday..by Friday everything was gone.
the boss forbids me from stopping by some building out of curiosity since then..
The fallacy to your “Urban Pulsed Warfare” scenario is:
350 million guns
12 trillion rounds of ammunition
After it happened the first time, every driver, and likely every passenger old enough to carry, would pack heat and return fire, and after the 2nd or 3rd time it happened, folks would start buying boiler plate and Lexan sandwiches — Maybe not on the coasts, where everybody’s a pussy who’s been beaten into PC-submission, but that shit would not fly in Chicago or Detroit, or any place else that lies between the mountain ranges.
Nope. No fallacy due to gun numbers. When designing pulse warfare, the specific distribution of civilian arms is critical. Think heat maps. Urban/ghetto is Glocks Galore. In the rural wilds, it’s wonders of Winchesters. But in Blue States, upper disarmed wannbe elites? Where concealed carry is banned? See where I’m going with this?
“But in Blue States, upper disarmed wannbe elites? Where concealed carry is banned? See where I’m going with this?”
Of course.
After the first time this happened, I would break my rule, and the local laws, and carry anyway, when I had to go to the coast.
I would assume that threatened with a real, imminent chance of dying at the hand of a pulse attack, even the most rubbery-backboned of elitist snobs would realize they could be dragged from their limo and shot in the street, right in front of their dead bodyguards. I shouldn’t think very many politicians or celebs would have to be offed before they realized, unless they took action themselves, their final curtain call would be an everlasting Internet video of them screaming in agony as they bled out and wet themselves for the whole world to see.
Then again, perhaps I underestimate the level of effete, pusillanimous snobbery which courses through the veins of those who’re legends in their own minds…
Guns are irrelevant to a population that is going to take over your lands … if they deploy GERMS and DISEASE.
Germs and Disease worked wonderfully for depopulating North America of Indians before the western movement of people began from their coastal enclaves. In “Guns, Germs, & Steel” Jared Diamond discusses a few actual locations where that happened. At one location on the Missouri River somewhere above St. Louis, probably in or above today’s Iowa, the affected tribe went from several thousand people to just a few dozen in about 9 months. (MOST of the killing of Indians by Europeans by germs and disease was NOT intentional, it was just a result of the Europeans bringing typical European diseases into the Americas where the native populations had no genetic defenses against them).
Guns and ammo are irrelevant to the main weapon of attack is germs and disease. Dead people do NOT fire guns no matter how many are lying around and how much ammo is in the nearby buildings.
FWIW imo the Chinese can read history books just as easily as I can.
Hmm…someone has been getting into my “UNTHINKABLE THOUGHTS” meds.
Not unthinkable, at all. In order to properly plan for a situation, one has to allow their thoughts to “see” that situation.
I would guess d’Lynn and the Major, and likely others of your readers who’ve either a military background, or study history, would likewise have little difficulty visualizing such a problem or situ, and planning countermeasures. When you seek to avoid something that’s unpleasant, you can not allow an emotional taboo to cloud your mental processes…
It wasn’t just smallpox and Indians. Man has known for thousands of years that stuff which makes them sick or dead will also make their enemies sick or dead. The Romans used their trebuchets to chuck diseased cattle over a city’s walls at least as often as they used them to chuck boulders at the walls themselves.
White trash assholes intentionally used infected blankets to destroy whole villages. That wasn’t widely known at the time but the die-off of villages, or even tribes, wasn’t seen as a bad thing, because most Indians of nearly every tribe would kill strange Whites, Blacks, or Yellows on sight, if they could, irrespective of age or sex. In most dialects, the word for “stranger” and the word for “enemy” was the same word. The secret to living in “Indian country” (or even passing through it) was simply to not be a stranger.
I had several ancestors die from Indian torture, before we learned this. A person who went into an Indian village voluntarily, was always safe from harm until after they left. Ergo, when you move into the neighborhood, you go introduce yourself and agree to abide by the tribe’s HOA. White trash, especially, never learned how to be a good neighbor.
For that matter, they still haven’t…
a coworker.. didn’t wash good enough taking care of someone from another country.. she had a sore big toe. went to the doctor ..you have the gout .. so the doctor gave her meds..a few days later she brings us doughnuts..I ask how’s your gout. better but I have a stiff shoilder..we are at work..her landlord heard a thump in her room so the Don sends a couple if us to check on her..she had fallen in the bathtub.. we get her out dry her off get her dressed..took her temp and bp.. the Don was going to send one of the girls over to sit with her..we head back..within five minutes there’s a call this woman was walking down the middle of the street butt naked heading to the bar.. we get her take her to her apartment..got the ambulance to come get her..she had caught a disease from the country the patient was from..in intensive care for the best part of a year. they did get her to walk again..she wasn’t ever able to work again.. I’ve known several that have gotten rare diseases and died from them..CRE was the one I thought was the new plague.. fifty percent die right away twenty percent linger and thirty percent don’t even know they have it..
happy leap year. special day.
I got invited to a private party in Jackson hole this weekend last night.
I said sure, why not.
there supposed to be a blizzard this weekend, why not go to an ~ eyes wide shut ~ party
I mean Daniel himself was sent into the lions den, The Good Lord also lighteth my path.
why not go rub elbows.
I could be in Arizona starting a new life. everything happens for a reason? right! right!
why not see what the alternative trajectory presents.
I have seen several videos lately of famous and wealthy people building beautiful underground bunkers to survive the coming nuclear Apocolypse. The rest of us are advised to have holes in the ground with water, canned goods and lots of toilet paper to take us through until we can live above ground again.
I remember when we were kids and were told to go under our school desks in a crouch position and not look at the brilliant flash.
At 82 years old (almost), I think to myself, do I really want to spend the rest of my remaining days living like a mole or should I just get myself a school desk?
You know Andy, I enjoy your posts because they give me some good imagery. I have this image of you sitting in a lawn chair in the middle of a field calmly smoking a camel and a butterfly resting on your knee when the bomb goes off.
The Government builds an underground city. It can support 50,000. They plan to populate it with ~12,000 people. Those 12,000 people will not survive if they live to be 100, but their grandchildren will.
The Nuevo Riche software wonk who builds his family a 3000 sq.ft. bunker is raising his children to be cattle. When they run out of supplies, the folks topside who haven’t cooked from the radiation, will be starving for anything they can eat without dying. Mr. Wonk has 3-months to a year of stored rations. When that’s gone, he’s going to have to go topside and seek out food. His fat self, wife, and kids are going to look like Thanksgiving dinner to anyone who sees them.
If I had to choose a hole in the ground for longer than to survive the flash-bangs and the initial wave of radiation, I believe I’d prefer to simply be topside and at ground zero…
“nouveau riche”
I hate spell checkers…
i like that.
you are blessed. you still have your soul.
look at Joe Bidens example. He is 81, amd he sold his soul, lied, cheeted, rob his way into the white house.
became the most powerful man in the world for a moment in time.
buy when he got there he got demitia, couldnt even tie his own shoes, and became a puppet and a tool for others to pull the strings on.
and i assure you none of the stuff that Joe Biden really wanted to do, will ever last.
for what profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his very soul.
this isnt our world Bic, we are just passing through. everyone born on this world is on a pilgramdge to the other side. and with them, through the valley of death, they carry the only perfect eternal treasure, their soul.
and the entire world is designed to convince each and everyone of them that enter this world, to give up that precious treasure.
the entire world is designed to trade it for knowledge, information, power, pleasure, for dominence or subissive pleasures or out of fear and shame.
you are a wealthy man BIC, you still have your soul.
still, there is much beauty in this world. much Love and Honor and a Great deal of Good.
get as much of that as ya can. that is all i do.
and let THE DUDE swing the gavel of Justice.
i never wanted to be a great big thing. im pretty good with bening
just andy
with a ten thousand year half life.. I dont think we would have enough toilet paper..
not sure if ya saw or not. it came out that P did is a fag and chimo. all them gangster rapper queer and Satan worshipers. Including the fresh prince of Belair.
and here we are. taking a step daily towards the big eclipse.
wonder what will happen if I’m not at the center dancing in my blue Kachina suit on the anniversary of when I stood in the dry well? 04/08
4 years later.
what will happen if I am?
haven’t heard the lady whisper on the wind yet. but f n I hear the call. I will attempt to go. but what if i cant make it?
what then?
maybe nothing. maybe everything.
it’s gamble for sure.
place your bets.
a gamble with everyone’s life on the table. we are all in.
should I stay? or should I go?
“should I stay? or should I go?”
STAY ! US crazies cannot get
enough of U ;-).
“haven’t heard the lady whisper on the wind yet. but f n I hear the call. I will attempt to go. but what if i cant make it?”
You’re teasing, right?
We both know, if’fn you hear the voice, you will go, and when you go, you will arrive.
i been talking to the legion of shamman, i know.
they said, we will be there if it is rquired of you to dance in the court yard.
that is comforting.
atleast i know, when she calls, what i am to do this time.
last time to be honest. i had never heard of the hopi. i didnt even know who they or what they were. i didnt know anything about their over 2000 year old, 80 ton prophecy stone or any of that stuff. i didnt know it was an over 800 mile drive. or even why some lady whispered at me on the wind. i thought it was all nuts.
when i got there i didnt even know why i was there. and neither did the Shamman dude who showed up at the same time, who i had never met before that day.
last night i said, IF I am to go? i trust You Lord God make a way. if i am not? i Trust you Lord God to make a way.
go or stay? i Trust You Lord God.
and i left it at that.
i will tell you this.
my kachina mask has a big circle on it.
same exact one on 2000 year old 80 ton prophecy stone.
i was laying on the floor infront of the stage after a big show. and nobody was around but me. and it wasnt the kinda show, that people wore masks too.
i went home and looked around my room. all the other kachina suit parts were right there scattered around my room.
and everything fell into place.
so i dont know. the eclipse path doesnt cross where i stood.
and i havent heard her yet. even though i asked. several times.
she doesnt say much.
“and i havent heard her yet. even though i asked. several times.”
She won’t call when you ask. She will call when and if (and only if) it is time for her to do so…
You’re in God’s Country. Kick back and enjoy the days — they won’t last. Don’t rush the next page of the journal…