Fresh CPI data, the UK slides into recession, liberal “gush” about Kamala. Then part two of our plan-ahead piece on aging. Totally full plate this morning. (Like I need another full plate, lol.)
Somewhere in here’s we’ll also review our Aggregate Index market charts and ask some questions about gold’s decline.
Coffee and speed-reading? Welcome aboard…
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“And if you own physical (and this goes for silver, too) where do you store the damn stuff?”
Really George.. be creative.. I realize the saudi prince was just being a smart azz tossing it in everyone’s face.. but seriously it’s easily stored and useful..
Liberals Gush while real People laugh their collective asses off
AYFKM ? Kamala-Toe Harris – she who pulled 2% in the Demonrat primaries?!? Her own party cant stand that nasty, lying, sleep my way to the top ho.
Biden-Ho can not possibly be the DEMONRAT ticket – they R Placeholders – there will be a “late inning reliever” …Kilary?Moochel?Fauxcahauntus?
G-Dog – I hate to be the one to break it to U, but There IS No Such Thing As Financial “Regulators”. That is a MYTH used to scare the sheep, just ask Elon.
There are NO REGULATORS in Financial Markets anymore..Not in Stocks,Bonds, Commodities, Banking,ect. how can U run afoul of something that does not exist?
Sure, there are Government Agencies with cute little initials like SEC, CFTC , FRNA- They dont regulate Squata!
They are ALL on the “TAKE” -winkwink ; ) just Pay them Off and Admit NO guilt..easypeasylemomsquezy.
Share a little of Ure ill gotten gains – No Problemo!
Call it for what it is Cochise – IT is exactly like Trafficking in Children/Women/Organs/Drugs – The Clowns In Action do not Tolerate competition – U gotz to Pay To where have I heard that before??
East coast, messing with AI censorship on twatter,are we? eAsTcoAst dEplorabLe
-. — / …. .- … …. … –..– / -.-. — -.. . / .– — .-. -.. … –..– / -.-. — — — … / -… .- -.-. -.- / -.-. …. .- -. -. . .-.. –..– / -… . . -. / – .-. .- .. -. . -.. / ..-. — .-. / – …. .. … .-.-.- / –. — -.. / -… .-.. . … …
I see people doing this now, maybe our friend George will read it to us, or I could just decode it for myself
“am hashsx cmde amrdsx … getting a headache – poorly formed hrd to read the -.. .- … …. when “modern” wp’s turn it into long dashes, ellipsis (elipsi?)
George, I see what ya mean, I was not looking at ellipsis, but a computer searcher would, It took your experience to point that out to me. They are hiding their messages from ALICE the AI, why does upper case I look like lower case l, it is all so Corney.
Twitter has been censoring conservatives left and right on twatter and some have been looking for a work around .It is a war game, it is the woman in the red dress, in the Matrix movie
“Her own party cant stand that nasty, lying, sleep my way to the top”
You know what they say ED…
It’s not what you know but who you ( )
It’s the same with all companies..and seriously shes a looker.. everyone has their talents..
@eAsTcoAst dEplorabLe
Harris has the same credentials to be president….as have the last 4..except Trump….
Not quite. Clinton and W were both Governors, so they actually HAD executive experience…
Kammy hopped from Willie to Montel, (and sucky DA to crooked AG), and would probably still be riding rich, powerful men for bennies, had Willie not explained to her that “national politicians” could not behave in such a manner. She’s never had an executive position of any kind, public or private, and neither has Creepy…
ECD – $1,000 says that it will be biden/harris. Want to put your money where you mouth is? if GU is willing he can be the escrow agent.
Your rant makes you seem deluded, deranged, hyper angry and bitter. folks like you are the reason republicans lost the female and suburban votes.
yada yada yada .. corrupt numbers everywhere as well .. don’t even know that things go down .. corrupt sheetco aka kitco and old ramper salty tongue little tough guy 321 ramp.. god bless rigging
I just have no idea how to value companies any more. Most have had earnings/profits drop since March, but few are reflecting the lower “value” in PE or other similar metrics. The Market Cap to GDP metric has never been higher.
Is understanding company or market value now impossible? Everything seems so over valued to me, but cash is losing what 6-7% minimum now with inflation. I feel I am losing out from the gains every day, but staying in the market that seems so overvalued also seems silly. I guess this is what it looks like to be a coward in the face of such uncertainty.
Buffett and Schiller’s valuation formulas are so old they predate etrade, which marked an influx of broader stock ownership. Something about supply and demand might apply. The newcomer strategy is simply “buy the best, (or coolest)” and the pros are still getting their butts kick by it. Play or go home.
Ed Yardeni talks about interest rate as relates to stocks:
That is something that applies to valuation. Geo U talked about that a while back in a lucid explanation. Treasuries and bonds paying close to 0% makes stocks more valuable relatively and there are a lot of investment advisors that don’t eat if they can’t tell clients to buy something. Also the fed is backstopping the markets so that subtracts some risk. Not that they will tell you in advance, but the fed is unlikely to blow up soon.
I follow momentum, which seems to work ok most of the time. But it all goes to hell if, like yesterday, a margin call in gold blows up half of all the markets. That bumped my indicators enough to make me lighten up equities. In a typical year, only about a third of stocks appreciate, and they aren’t usually value stocks.
I don’t understand how the commercial loan/residential mortgage markets are still functioning.
Fund a loan and come Fall the mortgagee may have no payments on the loan, legally. Who would loan money like that?
Simple! The Fed. By extension: Taxpayers!
“So, white is not a color now?”
Yes it is George. Technically, white is the presence of all colors so is a color. Technically, black is the absence of all colors.
So those of us who are white are people of all colors..
Confused yet?
You have the ability to think this way in Canada, but down here, I think I’d be off to a re-education camp!
I have always had this Reversed.
Tesla hisself said Black is the TRUE Color of Light.
I KNOW it to be my Reality…just like “modern” Physics – its all backwards gobbledygook..
We’re all colored or you wouldn’t be able to see us.
Even more to the point, with all work for “the Man” at some level.
Pessimism and skepticism are reaching all time highs on every front. The whole fetid mess is transparent.
If the Biden / Harris ticket wins (Biden as a place holder) when Air Force One takes off it will be ‘Heels Up’ and the final nail in the Republic experiment coffin will be driven home. (sorry)
Almost all of the 29 Democrat Candidates who participated in at least one debate knew they had no chance of prevailing but ran for the chance to fill a cabinet position.
Here’s a fun exercise; match the candidate with the position. Somebody’s going to be left without a chair.
Department of State
Department of the Treasury
Department of Defense
Department of Justice
Department of the Interior
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Labor
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Transportation
Department of Energy
Department of Education
Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Homeland Security
White House Chief of Staff (Hillary Clinton)
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Management & Budget
United States Trade Representative
United States Mission to the United Nations
Council of Economic Advisers
Small Business Administration
1. Bernie Sanders (I), a U.S. senator from Vermont, withdrew April 8, 2020.
2. Tulsi Gabbard (D), a U.S. representative from Hawaii, withdrew March 19, 2020.
3. Elizabeth Warren (D), a U.S. senator from Massachusetts, withdrew March 5, 2020.
4. Michael Bloomberg (D), the former mayor of New York City, withdrew March 4, 2020.
5. Amy Klobuchar (D), a U.S. senator from Minnesota, withdrew March 2, 2020.
6. Pete Buttigieg (D), a former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, suspended his campaign on March 1, 2020.
7. Tom Steyer (D), an investor and philanthropoist, withdrew February 29, 2020.
8. Deval Patrick (D), the former governor of Massachusetts, withdrew February 12, 2020.
9. Andrew Yang (D), an entrepreneur, withdrew February 11, 2020.
10. Michael Bennet (D), a U.S. senator from Colorado, ended his campaign on February 11, 2020.
11. John Delaney (D), a former U.S. representative from Maryland, withdrew January 31, 2020.
12. Cory Booker (D), a U.S. senator from New Jersey, withdrew January 13, 2020.
13. Marianne Williamson (D), an author and spiritual adviser, withdrew January 10, 2020.
14. Julián Castro (D), a former secretary of housing and urban development, withdrew January 2, 2020.
15. Kamala Harris (D), a U.S. senator from California, withdrew December 3, 2019.
16. Steve Bullock (D), the governor of Montana, withdrew December 2, 2019.
17. Joe Sestak (D), a former U.S. representative from Pennsylvania, withdrew December 1, 2019.
18. Wayne Messam (D), the mayor of Miramar, Florida, withdrew November 20, 2019.
19. Beto O’Rourke (D), a former U.S. representative from Texas, withdrew November 1, 2019.
20. Tim Ryan (D), a U.S. representative from Ohio, withdrew October 24, 2019.
21. Bill de Blasio (D), the mayor of New York City, withdrew September 20, 2019.
22. Kirsten Gillibrand (D), a U.S. senator from New York, withdrew August 28, 2019.
23. Seth Moulton (D), a U.S. representative from Massachusetts, withdrew August 23, 2019.
24. Jay Inslee (D), the governor of Washington, withdrew August 21, 2019.
25. John Hickenlooper (D), the former governor of Colorado, withdrew August 19, 2019.
26. Mike Gravel (D), a former U.S. senator from Alaska, withdrew August 6, 2019.
27. Eric Swalwell (D), a U.S. representative from California, withdrew July 8, 2019.
28. Richard Ojeda (D), a state senator from West Virginia, withdrew January 25, 2019.
Soooei, sooei!
@Desert dog
MANY mentioned above
deserve a ‘neck tie’party…….plenty of rinos also….
Its all about the ORANGE GOLLUM of GREATNESS!
A new closing HIGH today in S&P and coot becomes BULLISH..all over again!
Creepy joe announces VP pick and Market drives higher – yessir its good to be LONG.
TRUMP has been GOOD for Markets – U can not deny..ATH during a global PANDEMIC – wootwoot!
PRESIDENT TRUMP 4 LIFE! buybuybuybuybuybuybuy..
Time to start thinking about Re-Naming Airports, Federal Buildings, Streets…change Pennsylvania Ave in DC to TRUMP AVENUE, TRUMP Airport,obviously Eccels building would be changed to the TRUMP Building -housing the FED – poetic justice..
“Dear” Leader TRUMP = Thirty Thou on the Dow.
yes its so much fun .. be a vege and get rich .. oligarchs USSA.. so good rename amerika .. called it hoaxville , united covid hoax .. yep you pulled the best one here .. made 911 look real !!! I think the towers have re appeared
yeah so good to be long !!! what could go wrong.. whats the next great hoax ? alien invasion .. san andreas fault , asteroids , tsunami .. re enact enact moon landing with evil eddison musk driving a tesla on sea of tranquility freeway .. theres a few for yah Jerome .. yah t ridden c . yeah a bit of tc
Great article on geezerhood today! You and I are following somewhat parallel paths although I’m 7 years your senior. I’ll distill the article into a checklist of “things to research more.” ??Of particular interest were your comments about late-in-life moves. We moved 7 years ago. My wife and I are pretty-much self-sufficient, i.e. don’t need a whole lot of socialization, but we do need some. We have one son; he emigrated to Sweden which was no big deal until covid hit. We’d usually go once a year, he’d come once a year, and sometimes we’d meet his family for a joint vacation and we would spend all-told probably more time together than if he lived around the corner. First Skype, then FaceTime, and now Echo Show make keeping in touch easy. ??
Same age friends did not come so easily after the move. We knew before the move that socialization in our south Florida town was largely church and fishing based. Being neither religious nor avid fishermen, we knew we’d have to affiliate with some groups to make good friends. The local Power Squadron was our salvation. It led to a bird-watching subgroup where my wife made good friends, a kayak club, and a volunteer work opportunity fixing boats for a youth sailing program with a very pleasant and amazing talented group of fellow-geezers. We have since quit the Power Squadron as our social needs are better met with informal friends. No friendships have resulted, but a Lifelong Learning program at the local state college has provided excellent short courses on dozens of subjects that keep us doing some disciplined learning. All of our friends are home owners, most are transplanted northerners like us. Your perception about friendships with renters jibes with mine. I find it interesting that our friends previous work lives seems irrelevant. Professional, tradesman, civil servant, business owner — no discrimination except that none of them are stupid and they share values that are closer to ours than we find in our extended families.
It helps to move to a community in transition or a quickly developing community. Move to a staid old town and you’ll find almost everyone has a sufficient relationship network; outsiders need not apply. My wife made a friend volunteering for the Red Cross for awhile and is currently doing TEFL tutoring. I’m involved in the solitary activity of taking water samples from the failing adjacent lagoon; gives me some warm and fuzzies. Once we see our way clear to travel again, we’ll try to see more of the world—70+ countries, 7 continents, so far. In short, this part of our lives has been extremely satisfying. There have been a bunch of medical issues — eye and orthopedic — but, like you, we’ve discovered workarounds and alternatives and are generally operating on the theory, slow down and you die.
I got the ‘geezer home’ down pat. Volcano ranch is single story… tile floors… grab handles in both baths. I suspect a previous geezer or wheelchair person once lived here. Taking charge of my own health has been a BIG part of the second half of my life. I was training for my third marathon at age 40 when I discovered to my horror I had exercise-induced angina! Oral chelation and later IV chelation with a doctor took care of that problem, and revealed the level of mercury poisoning I had suffered from too many amalgam dental fillings in my lifetime. They got removed and replaced with biocompatible stuff. Dental health is also directly correlated to heart health. That bacterial plaque that builds between your teeth gets into your bloodstream and finds a new home in your heart valves! Ask me how I know! You said Elaine uses peroxide rinse on her teeth which is excellent! I can’t handle the taste, but after flossing and brushing I use a WaterPik with a shot of peroxide and a shot of listerine in it for taste moderation and foaming rinse. The hose invariably flushes out a few more particles of food from my supposedly already clean teeth.
23 and me… happens to be the number of pills I take daily to treat and prevent the conditions I had or don’t want to develop. Sea salt is good because of all the trace elements included. Lack of ‘Iodized’ salt is not a problem if you take an iodine supplement like Iodoral or other 12mg dose. EVERY hormonal reaction in the body that the Thyroid performs requires iodine. Some people benefit from doses as large as 50mg daily. Discovering and removing the organic mercury that was embedded in my body ‘cured’ a bunch of seemingly unrelated but nasty health conditions I developed over the years. At 67 I am now MUCH healthier than I was at age 40. I think I wouldn’t be here now if I just gave in and followed ignorant or bad medical advice 27 years ago. Remember… ‘medical’ is a BUSINESS MODEL. Do your own due diligence about your health and treatments. And finally, I cannot say enough about the Life Extension Foundation. They fund medical-style research into supplements for extending a healthy life.
Wonderful comments Hank!
In the “I have no idea what I am doing department”…Trump is trying to push a payroll tax deferment. Payroll tax is the tax that funds social security for one. What Rob Peter to Pay Paul scheme are they going to use to fund social security if it isn’t coming out of our payroll?
That’s my money, that’s your money. We as life long workers paid into that system to get paid back when we need it the most…at retirement. But this is typical of the boob in charge. He just says stuff. Throw things on the wall and see what sticks…
But, here the real curious issue…In what way does this benefit the 21 million people that are presently out of work? If the aren’t working, they can’t benefit. Instead of cutting taxes to those that already have a job and are doing ok…why not take those taxes and use it to re-train and get those 21 million back to work?
I guess that would make too much sense. The thing is…many of those out of work are his own supporters. Why aren’t they speaking out? We live in strange times.
Has the administration revealed what was meant by “payroll tax”, since that is a category, not an actual thing? There are a list of taxes that might go under the heading of “payroll tax”, and some that might be assumed to be under that category by someone who is not accounting detail oriented. Unemployment business taxes might be an example.
“Trump is trying to push a payroll tax deferment.”
He’s just reflecting on the past history of how it worked during Reagan, Bush Sr. And Bush jr.
The onm ly difference is hes going huge..
With them they just recalculated how it was to be deducted.
You still pay it but all at the end of the year. Which if anyone understands hourly wage earners would not only be devastating to the wage earners but the economy as well.. that is why they came up with the EIC tax credit give away program.. to shovel money into the pockets of those that spend..
When they recalculated the deduction then we had to change how they deducted from our paycheck..just so we wouldn’t have more in..
So my thought isn’t that hes doing anything new just taking an action that was successful in the past and doing it on a grand scale. Like most millionaires and billionaires..the trials of the hourly wage earners isn’t in their scope of experience so they don’t have a living experience.. although mr. Buffet I think understands or is open to understanding the plight of wage earners even though it’s not his normal range of life experiences..
I am not sure how this should be handled..but my guess is put regulations back on essential services and products.. tax incoming services and products..take away tax give aways to even up the tax base. Give tax relief to the companies manufacturing in the us using american Citizens and tax those using foreign employees.. tax illegal refugees with the same taxes everyone has to pay along with a non resident tax. Put all federal retirement funds (congress included) under the department of social security..
Then none of that will ever happen..
As they devalue the dollar: print print : takes more dollars to buy same thing a year ago. Thus market up is an delusion
Off direct subject but relevant to some readers: You have until August 31 to roll back IRA RMD payouts. I stocked up on cash at the beginning of covid and thus can put $ back into my IRA. Previously you only had 60 days to put money back into an IRA. But this is a once and done. Found out about in a mutual fund newsletter and have since verified it. My tax bill will be lighter this year — but, of course, we can expect higher taxes in the future.