Any Hype in a Storm

Let’s see here:  Biden is playing for time.  Trump’s in trouble – Secret Service secured the White House because of gunfire (outside) – We just passed 20-million cases of CV-19.  And, oh year, the federal budget is a train wreck due to massive making up of money. Soared through 26 1/2-trillion dollars now.

Think tanks, like the Cato Institute have been warning for years we are: “Marching to a Federal Debt Crisis.”  But that story is almost a year and a half old.  And 6-trillion of debt ago…

When I got up at 4 AM today, the Dow futures were up more than 300 points and that was on top of Monday’s rise.  Reason for all hype and glee?

Believe It Or Not, Russia

Who turned on the Hype-o-lator?  Turns out it was a story in the Russia news source RIA Novosti.  If you read Cyrillic, here’s the link.  If not, a machine translation goes like this:

“MOSCOW, August 11 – RIA Novosti. President Vladimir Putin announced the registration in Russia of the first vaccine against coronavirus.
“As far as I know, a vaccine against a new coronavirus infection has been registered this morning, for the first time in the world,” he said at a meeting with members of the government. He asked the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko to inform about this in more detail.

“Although I know that it works quite effectively, it forms a stable immunity and, I repeat, has passed all the necessary checks,” Putin said.

Hardly worthy of hype:  Still hasn’t done a large trial yet. 

But hey!  Don’t hold the hype for science.  Why, there’s a whole stock market to shove skyward and remember, this month (August) is often when the markets put in (putin, get it?) their annual highs.

Do we think this is hype?  Oh, uh….DUH!

Even VunderVlad says it won’t be out in quantity until next year.

“The head of the Ministry of Health, Mikhail Murashko, said that the vaccine will be produced at two sites: at the Gamaleya Center and at the Binnopharm company. According to him, the vaccination will be primarily offered to doctors and teachers.”

Did you notice that Putin, nor his Vaccinator in Chief, talks about passing the formula to the West?  Nope.

BUT, this is a fine chance to see a mini-media-hysteria storm.

Lingo-Lango  (or Sputnik My Ass)

What’s more laughable in the WMH (Western Media Hype) is how major media are seizing on the phrase “Sputnik 5” as the vaccine’s name.  Forensic search time, anyone?

  • Entrepreneur referred to Sputnik V at about 6:32AM (Central time)
  • Yahoo beat them into search engines by 2-minutes
  • NDTV Sputnik’ed 11 minutes before that
  • But wait!  Six minutes earlier, it was on IndiaTV.
  • And three minutes before that on OneIndia.

But the best part of all in this?  We knew to be watching for the Sputnik festival when way back 13-DAYS AGO, RT (Russia Today) was proclaiming “‘A Sputnik moment’: Russia hopes to be first with Covid-19 vaccine, top official says approval expected by August 10.”

To review now, class:   Putin’s daughter had a temperature – which dropped after the vaccine was administered.  But, she’s in that group (of young people) who have the highest what?  Recovery rate!  Moreover, Russia hasn’t tabled any trials data – because it hasn’t been tested.

So WTF is this?

OH – It’s the HYPE-O-LATOR!

What is Hype Hiding in the Real News?

I mean besides the remnants of the old Occupy movement trying to gin-up a “Seige of the White House” next month?

We have been telling you that the Online Uprising was “getting legs” for a long time.  But even open-eyed US became concerned when we read the group’s  “Tactical Briefing #1.”  Yet-another lefterly media distraction which will work to keep Slo Joe and his (whoever she is) from having to make sense and offer solutions.  My, how convenient.

Insurrections Are Rising

Craziness is a State?  Oregon, then? Riot declared in Portland for second night in row Sunday night.  And prior to that? Portland protest takeaways Day 74: Black activist among 16 arrested, another riot declaration Sunday.  Und, zo?

Maybe – like CV-19 – it’s all just one of those things that’s “going around” in the memery of modern whatever. 

Two more on the bonfire: 8 Arrested In Phoenix At Demonstration Commemorating Death Of Michael Brown By Ferguson, MO Police and in the Middle East? Furious Lebanese count their losses from blast, plan demonstration.

I think (*have to do more research) that a demonstration based on an explosion… Why that could be a first, wouldn’t it?  (Hand me the ViseGrips, please?  And the hookah while Ure at it.)

Another stack of cynicism meds quaffed and we move on…

Business Optimism Drops

“Sputnik” ass-side (what a joke) and gunfire near the White House and manifestos galore, what  else  is being buried by the Hype-o-lator?

“Washington, D.C. (August 11, 2020) – NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index fell 1.8 points to 98.8 in July, near the survey’s historical average. Overall, 4 of the 10 Index components improved, 5 declined, and 1 was unchanged. The NFIB Uncertainty Index increased 7 points to 88. Reports of expected better business conditions in the next six months declined 14 points to a net 25%. Owners continue to temper their expectations of future economic conditions as the COVID-19 public health crisis is expected to continue.

“This summer has been challenging for many small business owners who are working hard to keep their doors open and remain in business,” said NFIB’s Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “Small business represents nearly half of the GDP and this month we saw a dip in optimism. There is still plenty of work to be done to get businesses back to pre-crisis numbers.”

Well, gee, gosh, look surprised.  Need more?

OK, Gold’s Collapsing

Buddy of mine who’s a commodity trader make an interesting remark the other day:  “Here lately, Bitcoin and stocks tend to follow gold, seems like,” he told me.  Gold was down more than $50 bucks earlier today.

Rising market to fall to a Turn-around Tuesday?

BTC’s, $11,876 Monday were down to $11,740 earlier let’s see how this plays out.  Be an interesting idea to watch for a while.  Yet, it would all make sense in an “aggregate markets” perspective, since everything is interconnected when you follow the dots long enough.

PPI – Goods Rising @ 10% Annual Rate

Say, here’s another one for the Hype-o-lator to talk over:

“The Producer Price Index for final demand increased 0.6 percent in July, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This rise followed a 0.2-percent decline in June and a 0.4-percent advance in May. (See table A.) The July increase is the largest rise since a 0.7-
percent advance in October 2018. On an unadjusted basis, the final demand index moved down 0.4 percent for the 12 months ended in July.

In July, the advance in the final demand index was led by a 0.5-percent rise in prices for final demand services. The index for final demand goods also moved higher, increasing 0.8 percent.

Prices for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services advanced 0.3 percent in July, the same as in June. For the 12 months ended in July, the index for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services edged up 0.1 percent, following three straight 12-month declines.”

We can hardly wait to see the uptick in CPI inflation we’re expecting tomorrow.

The Oily Mess

The Saudi’s turning off oil to the U.S. this weekend has resulted in some interesting global footwork.  For example, Iran exporting over twice as much oil as US estimated – report.

So as Oil edges higher on hopes for U.S. stimulus, demand recovery, a deeper reality may be found in the  Seeking Alpha report that “Elevated Chinese Floating Storage Still Represent The Biggest Headwind For Oil Markets In The Near Term.”

In Your Briefs

Fortune  has to be kidding: Banks stand to make billions from the pandemic. How can that filter down to everyday Americans?…”  (Waving my hands wildly…) “I know, I know…IT WON’T!!!”

In a semi-symmetrical world, by the way, the  Fortune story Salesforce launches for schools would be balanced by Buyingforce launches for work… But, guess the universe isn’t quite symmetrical, after all.  Who needs CERN, anyway?

Its weather, not climate as Severe storm tears through parts of Midwest.

We’re been hearing that the next urban uprising is likely in the Queen Anne Hill area of Seattle.  Does this have anything to do with Seattle’s police chief stepping down, sources say?  Not retiring to Capitol Hill?

Also ringing out: California’s top public health official resigns.

All of the news flow today totally explains why Cannabis vape products remain popular one year after health crisis.

Going off-planet for a while never goes out of style.  Can we leave, yet?

Write when you rich,

54 thoughts on “Any Hype in a Storm”

  1. “Putin’s daughter had a temperature – which dropped after the vaccine was administered.”
    For the luv a Pete! You don’t administer vaccines to active cases and have their associated fevers break. If anything the fever ought to either be maintained or increase as the body fights the invader. The grandkids had … something … last Fall that was an on-again-off-again fever occurrence that went away only after we gave her some left over antibiotic. Our bet is that was the CV making its debut in our area. The schools were shutting down for a week at a time because too many students were coming down with it. Please send all the Russian vaccine to LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and NY.

    • Be warned; you should never administer left over antibiotic to anyone without first diagnosing the BUG that the person has. Case in point: just a short time ago, 35 years ago, infectious disease doctor story: a woman came down with a chest infection, took some left over antibiotics, the person went septic, the antibiotics hurt her chances to fight the REAL infection, which overwhelmed her body with the wrong antibiotic’s help, and she died. She delayed her trip to the hospital and she didn’t make it.

      All antibiotics do not work on all bugs, some bugs are resistant. Some bugs take longer than 3 days/7 days doses, or they come back worse than before. So unless it truly is an emergency situation with no doctors/prescription medication in sight, this is not a wise move.

      • It was a general antibiotic the local doctors were giving to everyone at the time. Even doctors roll the dice a little in every diagnosis they make because there are few that actually go as far as a definitive lab test. How many people die every year because the TRUSTED their docs? You can live in fear of your shadow or peddle fear for your own profit. We make our own choices and TPTB hate it.

      • Always keep your old prescriptions in a cool, dry place. You paid for them and have the moral right to use them as best you choose to. Be aware that some antibiotics – notably tetracycline, can become toxic when expired, but most are useful way past their expiration dates. Learn what you’re using and become as expert as an MD (at least) regarding the written info regarding the condition and whatever drugs you are using. You can delegate decisions to an MD, but ultimately you can never delegate responsibility for the result. You always suffer the consequences, so take charge of your own life.

        Having access to prescription medications empowers you – for better or for worse.

      • Tetracycline is one I’ll read up on but decades ago they were cleaning out some Civil Defense canisters from the county’s stores and we wound up with one of them. There were bottles and bottles of dry penicillin tablets and Sulfa drugs in them. I never took the Sulfas since I didn’t know anything about them but, at the time, I was suffering from constant sinus infections due to my work. The penicillin tablets, even though they were going on 30 years old, kept me out of the doctor’s office for years.

        I’d say any type of DRY antibiotic will be good for many years as long as they’re properly stored – cool, dry place, low humidity, etc.

      • “I’d say any type of DRY antibiotic will be good for many years as long as they’re properly stored”

        Any EXCEPT Tetracycline and its derivatives. Tetracycline is good for about 16 months before it starts chemically breaking down. As it breaks down, it becomes toxic to humans. At ~24 months it’s downright poisonous. Penicillin will keep darn near forever, and kill darn near every bug. We don’t get “new” or “next-gen” -cillin antibiotics because they’re better than penicillin. We get them because they’re “better-tolerated” and don’t upset sensitive folks’ tummies (i.e. they’re within their “Patent period” and so, can be billed at $20/pill, instead of the 2¢ that penicillin costs…)

  2. Why George never fear it fun watching an empire come apart before your eyes,they say as many as 30-40 million will join the homeless in the streets while the casino heads for the stars, and its the aftermath that will tell the story as the country comes apart.As far as Russia not offering the vaccine would you offer it to someone that has done nothing but crap all over you for years,broke every agreement that they ever made.Its a brave new world out there at least for the 1% as they are busy looting what little remains to be stolen….

  3. Saw where KSA was cutting off Pakistan but missed the USSA being cut of from KSA oil – but I’m just an engineer in the woods of CT – and yes there are rural pieces left… Any help for the surfing impaired?

  4. George, Enjoyed your column today. Was well done, albeit missing some of that spicy liberal bashing Texas ribs are so famous for.
    And, look at you:
    ” “I know, I know…IT WON’T!!!””
    Is it possible that you’re finally catching on to macro demand, and the fairy tale of trickle-down? Maybe you won’t go MIA for the next conservative $2 trillion heist of the national debt. Let me see. How many hungry school kids could $2 trillion feed? But of course, we’re teaching those 8 year olds the importance of moral hazard, which is more valuable than money. Best, Mike.

    • Pure oversight on failing to call out the commie, pinko’s and insurrectionists. I decided though that it will be in NORTHCOM’s hands soon enough…
      Tell ’em you know where Iran’s got all those pallets of cash Obummer sent ’em and maybe they’ll go easy on you.

  5. George,
    You said..” But even open-eyed US became concerned when we read the group’s “Tactical Briefing #1.” Yet-another lefterly media distraction which will work to keep Slo Joe and his (whoever she is) from having to make sense and offer solutions. My, how convenient.”

    That can be spinned the opposite way… What makes sense is the distraction Trump is Purposely causing with his COVID denials and push to start schools, play college football etc. Trump keeps saying kids are immune…Why? Kids are getting sick and are testing positive, spreading it to their parents and family. Trumps marching orders! Isn’t that being an accessory to murder? Add to that his conspiracy theories on mail-in voting and trying to de-rail the election and he has become the master distractor.

    The truth is…Trump is distracting from letting Biden and Kamala Harris (She WILL be the VP choice) from making sense, because he doesn’t have the capacity to do so. I listened to Biden yesterday…He sounded perfectly coherent to me…Is he Tony Robbins? No! But the Hypo-later memes that Biden has dementia are fake news started by the biggest hype machine in Trump.

    Meanwhile Trump struggles with any word that has more the two syllables. If you ignore me most of the time and believe anything that comes out of Fox, and Trumps mouth ….PLEASE, PLEASE, For the first time, see the other side of the story. YOU MUST Watch this and compare Biden with Trump. If you can say that Trump’s any better, well….I give up.

    • “push to start schools, play college football etc.”

      All politicians are swayed to do the bidding of those that influence them the most.

      Trump has a great deal of high end resorts.. not sure how many employees..but the resorts take a great deal of maintenance just to keep them from falling apart. This costs money a great deal of money.
      He went option 2 I am not sure but am pretty confident his losses from lack of traveler’s was big .the revenue going out for building maintenance along with any construction bonds etc.all cost money the I terest starts to compound even though construction stopped …
      It makes total sense to me what he’s doing. He’s attempting to go option 3 pretend it isnt a big deal and bring everything back online..let the chips fall where they will.. it is what it is.. eventually everyone will realize option 3 isnt the route to go .
      What can sleepy do about it ..absolutely nothing.. he to would be pushing the sa.e agenda..

    • Hey Mark. Come on man. Of course, they both struggle. We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by you know THE THING.

    • WE KNEW kamala harris, who slept her way to the top, would be named vp choice…she got her matching face lift, so now they look like TWINS!!!! That’s all folks!

    • “PLEASE, PLEASE, For the first time, see the other side of the story.”

      Silly question Mark… what is sleepy joe’s plan and more curious how does he plan to pay for it.

  6. George,George,George..Have been following you since the early web bot days. Still have all the Alta reports, fun to go back and read them , very entertaining. I know your a smart dude and you love stats and data, but you know the gov’t lies about everything. You can make all the graphs and spread sheets in the world but if your data is made up your conclusions are useless. This whole covid mess is just another diversion, but from what…time will tell. Regarding yesterday’s comment from Mark…So were going to forgive student loans, BS. You want the tax payers to foot the bill for a bunch spoiled little brats so they can sit around at college and drink beer and try to light their farts on fire, come on man! We’re still paying for all the mortgages their parents welched on in 2010. You realtors are just car salesman with magnetic signs on your car doors. I’ll use a line from Saturday night live (you will know it if your old enough) Mark you ignorant SLUT!!!!!!!
    Sorry if that’s too extreme George, I need to let the pipe cool down between hits…


      Angry much? You couldn’t handle my job for two seconds. I can assure you I have no magnetic sign on my car. Ask Andy…I had coffee with him this past weekend.

      As far as student loans…only 1 in 3 parents pay off their kids student loans…two thirds of kids pay it down all by themselves. In your world, maybe there are some students not there for the education…But,. in my world they are there for Wisdom, Wealth and Winning.

      I don’t know many parents paying student loans off anyway. If they could afford to pay them off, they would have saved the interest charges and paid the college in those four years. Most, if not all families that paid for their kids college do so up front either in cash, or by investing in a 529 savings plan from birth, like a majority of families did. Anyone who didn’t invest in a 529 savings plan is an idiot. That’s the first thing ALL families should do when they give birth to a child. As little as $150 a month per child, which is chump change and well worth it… can compound into a huge chunk of money( $90,000) to pay college tuition.

      Luckily, my kids received sports scholarships, so my kids received the unused portion of the money to jump start their careers and pay for their post graduate expenses. The information George provides on this site is invaluable and a treasure….But…The ignorance of some the readers on this blog astounds me.

      • Sorry Mark, I know that was a cheap shot. I am sure you work hard. Just going after the low hanging fruit. I’ll give you some background for payback.
        I am a horticulturist and certifield arborist consultant for the last 40 years. Started watering plants at the local nursery. Road my bike 8 miles to work for 3 years till I could afford a car . No freebies in my world. I consult many wineries and quite a few large estate homes here in Temecula. It always amazes me that people will spent 100’s of thousands of dollars on their landscape and refuse to spend the money on water to keep it all alive. These are well educated and wealthy individuals, just no common sense. I should view it as job security but I am a true plant lover..

    • So cal surf dude,,,Mark is not ignorant, Mark is not stupid, he knowingly chose to side with the traitors and haters of the US Constitution.
      Food for thought: Hollywood satan worshiping pedophiles use only certain realitors to buy and sell their Satanic homes for reasons to keep the secret rooms and tunnels from the normies. They did not like the Q post exposing this pedo network for the last 3 and 1/2 yrs and they know Trump is Q+ , It is an all out war of this global cult againist Trump and Mark is on their side, knowingly,,,it is all about HUMAN TRAFFICING,, mostly children, mostly for the drug the tortured children produce,,adrenochrome, funny that google has both adreno and chrome programs?

      • “Darrel, that could very well be the diversion, still waiting for some real evidence. If that comes, look out!! Most won’t be able to handle it.”

        It will never happen SoCal… there was a lot of newspaper articles about a suspected ring similar to the ones you brought up in the NE… there were investigative reports and the minute the elite and powerful were suspected… even though the first thought was it is hog wash then look at the peoples own websites that had been suspects and it is flaunted right in your face the more you read the deeper you went the uglier it got.. go ahead and prove it.. as soon as the elite politicians, leaders of industry affluent etc. became suspects. it all vanished the clippings in the newspapers the investigation the reports everything the web sites all brought down the emails that were leaked it all vanished like a bad chili fart instead a false flag happened drawing attention to a different area.. a little stink then it floats away.. all in a DC moment of lightning speed in a city that nothing ever is done…. and the new president became the bad guy because he was trying to do what he said he was going to do while he was running for office because of a fabricated false report…. non stop attacks.. heck they almost had me convinced that he could be responsible for the sinking of the titanic..

      • Other Brother Darrel,

        You should apply for a beer commercial spokesman.

        The Most Delusional Man in the World!

    • “I need to let the pipe cool down between hits…”

      SoCal… don’t Bogart that pipe pass it around so the rest can relax for a minute….

      If it was only legal here..

  7. you know every amerikan every site in amerika propaganda network aka internet / social media .. knows everything about gold , markets , conspiracies , pandemic hoaxes , space travel , politics .. if you are from any other place you don’t have amerikan qualifications .. so where does that put us?as far away hopefully from a breed of selfish , paranoid , neurotic insecure chronic liars as possible

    • “paranoid , neurotic insecure”

      No. LEN

      I AM…… F.I.N.E….


      For the rest we just have to wait and see what is on their agenda..

  8. Remember: 99.75% survive covid………….It’s a scam to enslave us all. Don’t wear masks.


  9. Comrades,

    Ghosts of Operation Gideon today as shots rang out in DC distracting The Commander-in-Chief from NewsSpeak of the nation? Who is hoarse?

    Atlanta will be the new Chicago? Such a coinky-doink that the third week of May 2020 msm image is recirculating of a 1918 Heismanesque Georgia Tech football crowd looking rather Niewe Angleland except all wearing a same design white mask due to Spanish flu. The masks’ white as snow uniformity really stands out in the sepia image. It’s such a shame that the only figure with no mask is the kid hawking snacks. Tsk, tsk. I’d post a May 5th original image link from the Georgia Tech Alumni Twitter account, but the tweet’s been deleted. Maybe the photographer’s great-grandson will figure a way to reinstate it.

    Meanwhile there is not a mask in sight on player or spectator at Fenway in images following the Red Sox World Series victory in a pandemic shortened 1918 campaign. Maybe there will eventually be another tea party; bring some dainties to snack on. In the meantime, everyone can nibble on pravda. Nyet?

  10. yep some strange American comments .. yep in American dna .. they think different , talk different but all lie the same .. did you see gold eh !!! cook up some more stories eh !!! probably being American , its happy days again , all corrections over .. la la la la la la la la la .. what a great pack of car salesman and snake oil salesman

  11. The current environment is a playground for partisan gang sociopaths and their corporate sponsors. What is going on now isn’t about right or left, it is about the partisans and their brown shirt corporate sponsors seeing what they can get away with, at your personal expense. The street looting starring nightly on the evening news is inconsequential compared to what the lawyer gangs and their judge pals are hatching. If you are angry, then you don’t yet understand what is going down; if you are afraid, then be very afraid, because you understand. Your assets and your life are up for sale at partisan auction.

  12. yep another day of rigging and rorting ..yep on your merry way again.. debt , no profit , corruption , crooked senile pollies, plenty of hoax deaths , unlimitef welfare .. ahh the commies , yeah there are reds under the bed alright .. they are everywhere !! 320 million of em , not 330 million ( population falls in depression ) but we lie its a national past time .. ahh so good

  13. Wouldn’t doubt if first round of vaccine(s) will be placebo given to those who probably wouldn’t die from covid if they caught it … sure would make it look appealing. Hey look, nobody’s dying !! Yea!!
    …. yet.
    Success is time proven … I just wanna puke.

  14. “WE KNEW kamala harris, who slept her way to the top, would be named vp choice”

    Well cartoon.. first. Sex is a gift and who she chooses to give her gifts to is up to her. Most businesses are that way to . It doesnt matter what company you have the brown noses and even when I worked in a govt. Facility it was well known if your a young woman willing to do favors the jobs every major Gov’t run city the list of ladies visiting to give homage to the govt elite is overwhelming.
    As for being the perfect running mate.. with a reputation of roving fingers at least he has a partner that won’t take offense to it..

    • Tara Reade (who accused Biden of rape); her lawyer DROPPED her for being a liar:

      It’s fairly obvious you feel threatened by a woman doing a ‘man’s job’, no she didn’t use her body but rather her brains to get to where she is:
      Kamala Harris was a District Atty for Alameda County, Atty General for State of CA, and Senator for CA.

      • She may have brains, but she used her total ruthlessness to sleep her way into her several jobs and then pick the low hanging fruit to incarcerate. Black men for the most part. I have zero respect for her and power looks ugly on her. I can say the same for the current governor of my state. When women assume power and maintain their femininity, it can be gracious – as in Melania and Ivanka Trump. (There’s no need for the titles – there’s power behind the throne). When they act like mad dictators, it’s truly ugly.

      • Pump the Misogyny , by using this “Pump the Misogyny” , are you accusing Looking out of the box of being a misogynist? if you are that is a form of LYING and makes you guilty of that which you accuse Tara Reade. No wonder you vote democrat you like to lie. Just because a bad person happens to be a woman does NOT mean a man cannot point that fact. We like women , we have the right to judge each person on merit without your false accusations based on gender as you are the sexist pusher. Do you just hate men in general. Or do you not really know the meaning of the word, and are just a Killary parrot?
        did you forget Camalla backed her during the primary debates, don’t you believe the demoncratic push”all women must be believed”?
        Do You see ?

      • “are you accusing Looking out of the box of being a misogynist?”

        Oh My God.. not this old boy.. I think just the opposite.. Women deserve to be respected and cherished they are companions not a commodity or property.. Their bodies are theirs to do with what they want.. it shouldn’t make any difference who or when she decides to share herself with..
        If it did so happen to be her bosses.. then that is totally her decision and it is NONE OF MY BUSINESS…Sex between men and women are gifts that they are willing to share with each other at no time is it a right..

        As far as its pretty common practice.. well it is unfortunately and there are people that assume they have absolute power.. and use that influence to command others..abuse of power is more prevalent in govt. settings..

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