Some 1929 Notes

Sure, some social harmonies.  But show us the Money!  Which is what we will be focusing on today because when the market opens Monday, it will mark a possible turning point week for stocks – again.

Just a few headlines today.  Because someone you know has been spending too much screen time making his lunch money!

A break for headlines and then we’re into it.

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24 thoughts on “Some 1929 Notes”

  1. Just a note …

    We read in the media about the vaccine mandates and how many Healthcare Professionals are being terminated. We read, 100 here … 250 there and doesn’t seem like much. But are those numbers correct?

    Have to question that, just like all the other statistics coming down the pike. Specially when a working vaccinated person at a very large provider says, “OMG, what are we suppose to do ? We just lost 2,500 people yesterday!”

    No, they didn’t die of Covid. They are very much alive and in good health. – they were fired for not tempting fate which could potentially kill them or effect their health in a negative way.

    Guess there’s a reason there is a crack in the Liberty Bell, huh?

    • “the vaccine mandates and how many Healthcare Professionals are being terminated. We read, 100 here … 250 there and doesn’t seem like much. But are those numbers correct?”

      WELL…. I am going to guess.. YES…. the Healthcare industry has a yearly witch hunt.. from the middle of september to around xmas.. the reason is budget.. It is a yearly event.. my guess is the expenses associated with Covid screwed up the budget.. How it works is when the kids go back to school.. they hire Nursing students.. ( Raisins) and they dump the higher paid nurses that are still far enough away from retirement.. one year they dumped ninty percent of all the nurses on staff.. with govt. healthcare.. they have probably the best staffing of all.. what they do there is rather than dump nurses and support staff.. they have a hiring freeze.. what you aren’t hearing is how many housekeepers and janitors that they have dumped.. they never get mentioned.. in the eighties the second in command was dumped.. his daughter and my daughter are good friends.. ( she is almost like a daughter to me) anyway we were sitting around his pool drinking a cold adult beverage and he had been doing his job search.. ( I worked for the hospital at the time as a floor worker at 3.00 an hour) we were talking about it and he was telling me he got an offer for a half mil a year and he felt like he had been slapped and abused..insulted if you will.. I laughed and said hell I wish someone would insult the hell out of me at that kind of money LOL . the top tier rarely gets downsized.. they in turn get the condo vacations cruises and the seven digit wage increases.. The hospitals are the places that work long hours and short shifts.. many times you will see one worker for five six times or more of the normal work load..
      It is all a business model.. OH speaking about housekeepers and such.. LOL LOL LOL LOL… I avoided the yearly witch hunt because I could flop in just about anywhere.. thank god.. and I was a part time employee.. ( working full time hours) anyway they flopped me into housekeeping.. LOL LOL LOL having ran maintenance crews I was busy and the woman I was working with said..we wash windows once a week.. that set me back a step or two.. since if it is done in house.. it is a once a year or if your really on top of it once every six month job.. LOL LOL LOL SO.. to test.. I did the old popcorn and face print test.. LOL LOL LOL you toss a piece of popcorn on the floor.. preferably near a plant or under a chair or someplace that needs to be cleaned.. and then roll your face across the window pane..the oils will leave a perfect mirror impression of you .. you then can see if they do wash the window.. that was in 1994..they cut housekeeping and kitchen staff so hard to keep budget it was horrible…. I would sit in the evening with the security officer and we watched that piece of popcorn migrate back and forth across the floor for five years.. LOL LOL LOL today.. some of the face prints have been removed.. but.. if you wanted to see me almost thirty years younger.. well they are still up.. I wasn’t going to go and wipe them off till I get mid seventies LOL LOL LOL LOL.. I visited with one of my old coworkers that they quit trying to dump.. she is so close to retirement that they won’t now.. the expenses went sky high with covid.. and many of the supplies costs skyrocketed as well.. since clinics send uninsured to the ER hospital costs soared even more and they in turn passed those costs off onto the doctors that sent them to the ER in rent and supply costs..
      so seriously none of that surprises me at all.. what I am surprised at is insurance rates haven’t announced they are increasing.. see those costs have to be passed onto the insurance companies as well..
      Those that get caught in the witch hunt.. seldom are allowed to have unemployment either.. we went a year without an income because they wanted me off of the insurance.. we almost didn’t make it..

      • That’s a heck of a story. Lol. I was a Jack of All Trades kind of person as well. Worked several departments. Managing Laundry, Housekeeping, Maintenance, and so on. I heard EVERYTHING from Everybody. My wife is the one with all the medical knowledge. Most of our friends are medical folks.

        You’re right about it not just being the “professionals” getting the ax or walking away. Everybody’s under duress. And yep, it’s all about money and control.

        Those folks at the top might gain the world but I got a feeling, their gonna lose their self in the end. (Where have I heard that before?) hmm –

        The United States of America was founded and framed on Liberty, among other things. Those folks at the top should look up the definition. – also the definition of “mandate” which is not Law, and then the word “blackmail” … they might realize they’re being played by the higher ups. But they’re all cowards and won’t fight for what’s really right … until they stop getting paid to do what’s wrong. They just pass the buck (blackmail) and get a check while the quality of healthcare takes a dive. That’s just the kind of people they are. They’re stupid. No ethics.

        Charging more $$ to people who can’t afford care now, is like a prophecy waiting to happen. Implosion, sooner or later. Like sharpening a pencil until you can’t no more. And once the lead wears down, all ya got is an eraser. Maybe.

        Btw, when I ran Housekeeping, I walked to floors looking for popcorn. Lol.


      • “and so on. I heard EVERYTHING from Everybody. My wife is the one with all the medical knowledge. Most of our friends are medical folks.”

        I can’t even tell you how many part time jobs I have had Bob.. through the years… in the eighties I worked six jobs at a time just to get the forty hours and enough to pay the bills.. never less than three jobs.. usually two full and one parttime jobs.. from steam cleaning blood tanks to scraping fat from the fur of road kill.. scooping hot dirt and emptying trash.. stocking shelves or washing dishes.. driving big rig or a front end loader or scraper making variable resisters.. been there done that.. where I found meaning.. was in helping others by being their strength when they were at their weakest.. and I worked healthcare for over forty years either volunteer or part time.. what I did learn is.. I haven’t heard or seen it all.. the minute you think you have.. then something comes along that shocks the heck out of you LOL… I am sure the family members you have in health care know all about the yearly witch hunt.LOL LOL it is everywhere.. visited a hospital and long term health facility in Oklahoma city.. and in Minneapolis.. it was worse in the big hospitals.. told everyone if I get in a crash fly me home.. the daughter was on vacation in LasVegas.. got really sick.. was in there they admitted her and she called for help in getting her out and sent home.. extremely short staffed.. sucks to.. its all about the big guys money..

      • “Charging more $$ to people who can’t afford care now, is like a prophecy waiting to happen. Implosion, sooner or later.”

        Boy isn’t that the truth that is essentially why the USA has one of the worst healthcare systems in the world..People wait until they are so sick that they have to go and the doctors not realizing they are really smacking their own finger by sending them from the clinic to the ER for care.. LOL Shizt runs downhill and they are at the bottom LOL.. Hospitals that are run by the govt.. have better staffing.. but.. they have off every federal holiday and a very lucritive vacation and benefit package.. what is funny is.. even though they get off eight weeks of vacation they take two days off every federal holiday giving themselves sixteen five day sessions.. and weekends.. great gig working a govt job.. essentially they get off two of every three working days they of course don’t see that..because of all the bureaucratic bs.. This time of year all the older RN’s that don’t have seniority run scared.. seen them break down in tears.. then Physicians being stupid and wanting control write some of the most stupid orders I have ever read.. LOL LOL had one ask me once.. why did you call me.. I was honest.. because some fuxing idiot wrote this stupid azz order making me call you.. ( he changed it that day) I have seen dr’s toss charts at the Nurses because they didn’t want to be bothered.. when all they have to do is write.. In an afterhours let oncall treat I will follow up in the AM.. the one that tossed the chart at the nurse.. well he refused to treat and no other doctor would see them because of the order he wrote..
        I told him when I seen it.. why don’t you chunk that thing at me.. go ahead I am the one that brought it to her attention.. well he was smarter than I thought and didn’t do it.. what would they do fire my butt.. I was working off a hospital debt at the time..

  2. “Virus Management”

    Was it a Chinese Bio-weapon? If it was a Chinese Bio-weapon the best management is to trust the U.S. government’s Operation Warp Speed cures.

    No matter how the virus came to be, the virus was identified and a government supported cure/preventor created.

    If you catch syphilis do you try mud packs or ride a Penicillin needle? If you want to manage COVID you need to ride the Warp Speed needle.

    Too many “ifs”. And people aren’t acting right withholding pre-paid resources form Unvaxx’ed. Looks like a con to me.

  3. Liars Figure and Figures Lie .

    Consider the way back machine..

    Going back to yr. 2000, after falsie was first working on AIDS research and weaponizing corona to deliver kill shots to AIDS. We have evidence of UNC researchers (dr ralph baric)working on corona viridae by at least 2003 with funding coming frm falsie.
    Changes the math – as this virus has been “trialed” on world pops in earlier iterations… Swine Flu, MERS, SARS – all man made/manipulated.

    The only “clean” numbers being used in this plandemic phys op are # of Deaths -NO Comorbiditys. Everything else is Paid For phys-op noise.

    Do they ring a bell at the TOP ?

    Nope, but when they announce that No More Free Shipping on the ZON – know U are within 30days of absolute ClusterF___!

    Short SPY, SLV, Select Base& PM Stocks / Long UNG & USO

    Ever wonder what the apocalypse will sound like ? I got U..

    • Ha ha ha ha.

      On an interesting note: I’m staffing Security and food services for the Seahawks Thursday Night Football. An Estimated 68,000 fans in Atendance + staff. Then flying home to Alaksa where I grew up with total population of 7,147 people, 717 Moose and 497 Grizley Bears.

      I will your see your shipping numbers and raise you one 900 lb Hugry as F Grizzly bear eating everything in site before hibernation.

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha.


  4. Hello Everyone ,
    I need some help finding a video that was posted by a commentor a few days ago . It was by a doctor , I believe was from florida , and he said this was the first video he ever posted . I listened to the first few minutes and got distracted , and did not save the link . He mentioned some anti – inflamatories concerning the covid . I have scanned the last several days and can not find it – can anyone help me out ?
    THANK YOU George for Ure excellent content .

    • There is a Dr. John Day who lives in Florida who has a blog site (which I can’t find now). He is a regular commentator on Raúl Illargi’s The Automatic Earth website. Raúl recently posted an article by John Day with his covid treatment suggestions, based on his research and personal use. This may be the same person who made the video you are looking for, because I don’t believe he’s generally a video person. But in any case, his recommendations make sense to me, with my background in immunology and pharmacology research. John Day’s Covid treatment recommendations

      • Thank You Farmer, that wasn’t the link, however I will read it and see if I can pick out that drug this other Dr. mentioned . This Dr. had a u-tube video .

        Thank You Farmer , I will read this site and see if I can pick up on the drug this Dr. had mentioned . The Dr. I had in mind had a u-tube video . I’ll see what I can find in this site . Thanks again

    • Good find.

      We know for sure contract law was changed to save GM. Everyone was happy that day.

  5. A New Word for the Administration
    For Those Who Have Chosen Power and Profits over Patriotism


    It is an Eastern European insult historically reserved for dictators, despots and tyrants. In fact, one thesaurus describes it as “THE most potent and offensive insult known to man.” It has so much connotation that cannot be truly defined — that the closest you can come to its meaning is “horrible person”. It further instructs the inquiring linguistic student to “use (the word) with caution.”

    If the shoe fits…

  6. Majority of U.S. Voters Say Biden ‘Must Resign’ Over His Handling of Afghanistan, Rasmussen Poll Reveals

    That majority had better be careful for what they wish…

    National Divorce? 52% of Trump Supporters, 41% of Biden Voters Think It’s Time for Red and Blue States to Secede

    While the idea of states, both red and blue, seceding from the union is nothing new, UVA’s poll found that support for the idea is popular among both Republicans and Democrats nationwide.

    Democratic Org Unleashes Sneaky Idea That Would Ensure Republicans Never Hold the Senate Again

    A popular social media group for leftists floated the idea of strategically relocating young Democratic voters in a number of traditionally red states this week, with the aim of ensuring a permanent Senate majority for Democrats.

    They’ve actually been doing this for years.

  7. Dunno what yah said but you and the Elliot gamblers are wasting your time . Tell bobby prechter to Git another cruise going. Yankee salesman

  8. nah nobody hassles me, so many zombies here in the penal colony . getting exemptions for family , family is . wife .daughters .. rest can rack off they all got saline like pollies ,celebs. told em your gutless spivs . throw me out to sicily , daughter london favourite city in world , other in melbourne , greatest sewer in world ., aka acapulco or panama cities on canal, yep daughter in melbourne wants to move to taormina sicily use euro passport . fark australia never give a convict freedom

  9. I got a $10.00 off $50.00 purchase coupon for the local big store. Bacon was on sale so I loaded up on 9 pounds for $41.96 out the door.

    Bacon & potatoes. Bacon & rice. Noodles fried in bacon grease. Twigs smeared with bacon grease is bait in the live trap. Skunk and eggs. Mini cat quiche w/bacon bits for guests.

    Bacon is a good supplement to have. But! government may turn off power for unvaxx’ed.

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