I get more done when I have too many irons in the fire. I need to start a 1960s saw restoration like I need to give birth to quintuplets.
Still, the old saying “If you want something done right, give it to a busy man…” Thanks to modern wokiocy, we encourage the reader to assume we mean, of course, “Give it to a busy Black, White, Asian, Latino, bi, straight, lez, or….jeez, whoever I missed.
$50 Tool Whore
I began to tell you this story over a year ago, I think. How I’d bought a semi-working Sears radial arm saw. Even put a picture up. But, when the high-end server crapped out (eating all our old graphics. And, gee, think this is why I hate cryptos?)….so here’s where it sits:
The saw is heavy. Tw0 person lift stopping every 30-feet (because I couldn’t drive the truck in the house).
For a good long while now, this project has been “seasoning.” What that means is you’re letting the tool mature a bit in your spouses head. See, if you buy a tool and then go out and piss away money on it right away, spouses can get suspicious. But if they bump into it a few times?
“I need a doo-dad for the saw…”
“That thing I’ve been tripping over? About time…”
While the spouse is being aged into acceptance of the last visible asphalt on the shop floor disappearing, you hit all the radial arm and Sears tool restoration support groups on the web. Where, after carefully reading the manual, you see what’s missing from the saw and get it ordered.
Hmm…dead spider on the crank handle? I gotta get to these projects quicker. The new miter gauge was already installed. This is the old one. Might fetch $10 bucks on eBay. Tool restoration, like ham radio, and Covid, is somewhat contagious.
Now Into the Project
So we have a saw, sitting on the floor, Elaine’s seen it enough not to notice, all the spare parts seem in hand… So the logical first thing to do is get it off the floor.
There’s a lot of history to the Sears Radials. They have a devoted following and the saws were sold with a) no base, b) an open base, and c) a really nice roll-around stand with room to store blades, clamps, jigs.
Unfortunately, the odds of finding a restorable Sears Radial for $50 dollars with even a metal base, let alone the nice roll around cabinet, are pretty slim. So the next stop in this project was to order a Chineseium metal tool base.
As always, begin the project on the last remaining unoccupied few square inches of workspace that isn’t covered. Which in this case was the table saw.
Project Estimating Breakthrough
There are always (crazy) new ideas that pop up in your head while assembling a project like this.
For example, while I was cursing the people in China who assembled the screws with nuts and washers – meaning I had to unscrew before screwing and I’m just to ADHD for that….I came up with a new way to estimate projects.
Here’s the Theory: Project Time equals 2-minutes times whatever the hardware count is. If you have done the project before, then maybe 1-minute.
Remember, in this case, counting a screw, washer, and nut as three items (6-minutes) may seem excessive. But, by the time you take all 40 screws apart to make them useable, lay out the parts, assemble two wrong, and then line it up loose. Take a beer break…
While I was working through investing my new estimation system, my attention drifted far enough that one of the back rails was not lined up in the right hole…
The price of the metal stand – and then the shop time to put it together, eventually getting after it with an adjustable square to adjust corners to equal spacing….
(Top of leg was tapped to the left to match angles.)
Suddenly, the skies parted and this part of the project was done.
With something to set it on, we can at last get it up and off the floor.
Blocking Out the Project
A radial saw is what a miter saw would be if it had longer rails and a table. And they are terribly more dangerous.
What a miter saw lacks (and this is a deal point) is the ability to run dado blades on a 5/8″ arbor that are down in the 6-8 inch diameter range. Which is part of the reason radial arm saws have a following.
Miter saws could do everything, except that with a world full of lawyers, nothing will ever get done. Blade guards proliferate. Why these days? There’s even a brush guard on my electric toothbrush so I can’t poke myself in the eye and sue…swear to God. Try many dado’s on a miter saw?
Plan with the miter saw is to use it almost exclusively for dado work. For roughing out, I can use one of the battery power Skil saws over at the plywood, for example, truth things up for a shelf on the big table saw (10-inch, cheap Sears – never waste money on cheap tools, relearned!) and a small 8-inch Sears (higher grade, older, much less run-out) for precision work. Or, what I pass off as precision around here…
Step 2 of the project will be getting the saw lifted with a come-along off the 2-by-6 ceiling trusses. Getting the saw set down on the stand is only a start. This is the part where I whisper “Those people who measure shit 3-times and it fits on TV are all quacks…real world doesn’t work that way…”
Our approach is:
- Lift saw off ground
- Figure out how to cobble it onto the stand
- Lower saw into first pass for Sharpie markings.
- Cut plywood, drill holes and whatever…
- Make all that fit then attach saw.
- Disconnect come-along and take down the lifting beam.
- Move the now larger footprint saw to the second most inconvenient place in the shop.
I think that will about cover it.
Then Step 3 and Beyond
Hawk-eyed devil you are, you no doubt noticed that this saw doesn’t have any wood table on it. So yes, in step 3, I’ll be trying to get the saw table built and attached.
Of course, the original Sears saw used precision cut MDF rail, backing, and table cuts. We’ve lined up some sacrificial 3/4″ birch ply for that.
Thing is, I’ve researched deeply enough to know that even getting that looks like a useful saw is really only getting us warmed up. For?
Yes, Step Four
Precision cutting saw? Not yet – not by a long shot, It’s not as easy as it sounds. Putting wood on the saw frame and tossing in a blade is just the beginning of adventures.
As an author, I shouldn’t even mention https://pdfdrive.com because so many authors books are over there and I don’t think they get royalties. Still, if you put in radial saw (or radial arm saw) you will be flooded with resources on the tuning and alignment of a radial saw.
I’ve only done a 6-minute power read of it so far, but it looks to me like the table, in addition to having the expected four corner fastenings, also has an under table adjustment to take care of “wowing” of the table?
Of course, these fine points happen after you have the saw running precisely perpendicular to the table. Your errors will appears as a deep table gouge of uneven depth, back of the saw to the front.
Step 5 gets to be boring. In fact. hardly worth mentioning. But, I suppose the “build something” does come along eventually. Tool sluts like to spend time with every tool in the shop. This pretext of “skilled craftsmanship” and “honing ancient woodworking” to justify tool-buying is often a pantload.
I just like building and using good tools. That’s it, pure and simple.
We Still Like
That zero clearance saw tape I wrote up a while back. Still works great.
When the saw is useable, which it is once again, now that the saw stand is assembled.
I’d say it reduces the sawdust floating around by a good 80 percent, or more.
Still, good idea to wear a mask in the shop. However, for just a few quick cuts, something like the no-good-for-covid paper masks (woke idiot masks) are OK for general cutting. However, the particle sizes from sandpaper on the belt sander (depending on what you’ve got loaded) can get down into the N-95 level.
OK, more coffee and then a quick tune through the ham radio bands before doing the tile cover for the roll-around in the kitchen. Still no sign of the black drainboard that’s holding up pictures. Maybe in time for Christmas if not turkey day? Did Kamala know?
Not Quite Shop-Related
Well, it is and it isn’t: I don’t know if you’ve seen but there are some 55-inch UHDS TVs coming out that sure might be useful in the shop.
Thinking about a big monitor for the planned CNC/engraver station, for example.
On the other hand, if your shop gets cool (ours was 36 last night and it’s not winter yet) then maybe the laptop in the safe, warm house is a better bet.
Still $299 for a 55 UHD with delivery? 50-inch for $249 with free delivery? AYFKM?
We keep track of things by how many hours of work they require to purchase. So, if you make $30 an hour, a 55″ TV is only 10-hours of work.
Back when I was growing up (admittedly 60+ years ago) people worked almost a full week to buy a TV.
So there’s progress for you: Work a week for a 17-19 inch black and white set, or nowadays 10-hours for a 55 and still nothing worth watching.
Such is progress, huh?
Write when you wake up, get rich, retire, pay off the house, or whatever..
You’re going to fool around and make me get into my old 10″ Monkey Ward radial if you keep this up. Paid $150 for it and a 4″ jointer in 1971. I built my barn with it, among many other things. But over the years the carriage has locked up, probably from dirt daubers building in the arm, and the elevation crank has locked up for likely similar reasons. Motor still runs. I’ve replaced the bearings in it a couple of times over the years.
You left out a few things that the radial can do that a miter can’t. For one, it can rip. Not as accurately as a good table saw, but close enough for government work. It (mine, at least) can serve as a shaper, a buffer, even a router. A darn handy tool to have around IF you take the time to get it set up right.
You know, I was going to mention the ripping part, but unless you have taken the time to put a low friction surface on the table (formica?) RIPPING IS DANGEROUS.
The other thing is, when looking for a real collectible radial is to get the kind with a shaft on the right-hand side because it can allow for installing a sanding face, drill chuck, and other doo-dads.
The worst time sink in the world may be the ShopSmith tools – which if you really like tooling – demands a trip to http://shopsmith.com/mark7site/index.htm to check out the (not quite free) ShopSmith Mark 7 with all tooling.
Say, that’d be a fine gift to Mr. Ure, lol…
I never had a kickback issue, ripping with mine. That said, when I restored it, I built the table out of 24″ prefab shelf, which is formica-ish over OSB, and (Gorilla) glued two slabs together to yield a 1½” table. I used a Forstner bit to countersink the table screws, and I used elevator bolts to attach the new top because the original Sears bolts were in the same state as the original table (semi-nonexistant.) Screw tops MUST be sunk to a minimum nominal depth of ¼” below the surface of the table (the thicker the screw head, the less material you have for it to bite into.) Only the squareness of the back edge of the table is critical, but it’s really critical, since only 5 arc-minutes out can give you funky rips. The original fence was 5/4 OSB (as was the table top.) Since I was gluing shelf-board anyway, I built two fences out of the double-shelf — one for crosscut/miter and one for ripping. The rip fence does not get notched. The thumbscrews that compress the bed & fence tend to get damaged when the saw sets around for years (or you lend it to a careless nephew.) I couldn’t find replacements, and so had to restore the ones I had. A set of split dies (https://www.threadtoolsupply.com/murray-tools-thread-repair-system.html) is a handy tool set but so specialized that unless you’re a serious tool slut, you’ve got to price “saved frustration” into the cost to justify owning a set (Yes, I own a set — MIL-Spec, Made in USA, and expensive. Rebuild just one antique engine, where everything gets reused, and you can damn’ near justify the cost. I’ve rebuilt a couple dozen…)
Great tips, Ray. Nearly talked me into glue-lamming 2 hunks of 3/4 birch for each. Which would make the wood in it 3X the price of the saw, though…I don’t know where I’ll get the money for all the “savings” on a $50 buck saw, lol…
So don’t look at it as a $50 saw. Go price new radial arm saws and see what it would cost to buy a new one today. Bear in mind, the Craftsman Radial Arm Saws were all made by Emerson Electric, in Wisconsin, and were really good pieces of machinery. I’ve used American-made Rockwell, DeWalt, and Delta radial saws, and still prefer my Craftsman.
@ 67 It is nice to be reminded of good memories.
Father (Maths/science) teacher opted for second income. I.E. Quota for laying hens=2000+cockerals in 1966.
Bought Sears Radial New and built 140’x40′
coop with supplementary saws being hand driven only.
Uncle and Grandfather True carpenters were taken aback by teacher skill.
The multiple abilities of radial and complementing run-off tables fixed and mobile were a sight to behold. Little aluminum wobble-washers gutted correct designs. Me crawling thru hydraulic pressed truss rafters tacking 1x3s before purloins for steel sheet roof installed.
Learned a lot towards my future career.
When crosscutting with a radial Dad said “grip it like the H&H”
Loved the red brake button!
Morning George, you know, Now would be a good time to puts rollers with locks on them on the bottom of your metal shelf, before you put the saw on it. all you’d likely want to do is screw four wood blocks, one at each bottom corner to fasten the rollers to, then you could roll it outside on the cement or anywhere in the shop, set the foot brakes on the rollers and plug it in and you are in business. Good luck.
Been thinking about that Rog – great idea. Tool small a welded gusset for a screw plate so may just grind down to metal and wire weld ’em on. For now, as of 10 minutes ago, it’s holding up another project, lol
Yo G Daddy,
Come on man ! Mark7 – thats only a 1/14th of a Bitcoin.
Ure $28k low-call this year in BTC- Mark7 was 1/6th of a BTC at the time.
Time to fess up U ole sidewinder – U bought the dip in BTC, now having cashed in 1/2 of Ure original investment, (sold 1/14th of a btc -$4795), you are now sitting on a new Mark7 AND roughly $6000 in profit & potential.
Unfortunately shopsmith is still operating a tired business model – no plan (s) B,C,D – so sales tax – no biggie – throw em bone – keep em lying where they bee. Nothing to see here, move along baa- baas – the Banks will be TAKING good Care of All U allz – just like Ure parents did..
*Armageddon – not a field = In the Air. E.Cayce “there is a war going on in the heavens/Air”, between the Souls(good-devine) returning, Versus the outgoing souls (bad-evil).https://youtu.be/KFbgAxxVh1E
Getting crowded “out there” lately, 1000 years ago to the day Friday – Someone (s) built machu pinkachu fortress atop a mountain in Peru – Full Moon Eclipse 11/19/21 – gonna “knock” on that door/gateway and see who answers..
Ah, the old 3d blade leaves a 2d line trick is it? Glad to hear your picking up some bit coin pixie dust as the blades of commerce slice through the curve. Please don’t forget to buy something nice and sturdy for baby before the bough breaks and cradle will fall.
Agreed to a point, but then so is a table saw if not used properly. I replaced the table on my MW radial with particle board just like what came on it, and it worked fine for ripping SO LONG AS I USED THE ANTI-KICKBACK DEVICE. I also built tables on both sides of mine to give me a much larger working surface to support long boards, plywood sheets, etc., thereby keeping my body away from the line of travel when ripping.
“when looking for a real collectible radial is to get the kind with a shaft on the right-hand side because it can allow for installing a sanding face, drill chuck, and other doo-dads.”
Absolutely. Mine has both standard and high-speed output shafts on the right side. This is because the MW radial is a geared output saw. The 3450 rpm spindle on both sides is the geared down low speed, the 10,000 rpm spindle on the right side is the motor shaft.
Why,. that spins over almost fast enough to start a Dodge, don’t it?
Save your fingers or maybe your life with this knowledge.
17 minutes video of how kickbacks happen. Little and subtle things that set the operator up for a kickback on table saws. As usual we lock the barn up after the horses are gone. Several thousands of dollars to repair a thumb and close the tip of the bone… very dirty laceration.
Give yourself a break that may save your life.
Check out this video on saw practices BEFORE you shorten your thumbs.
The old ShopSmiths were known as the liability lawyer’s friend. The new ones hopefully have all the guards and gizmos you mention.
Have you guys had any experience with the Sawstop table saw safety system? It sounds like a good idea if it works as advertised. I could’ve used it 20 years ago when my thumb had a too-close encounter with a spinning blade. Cool scar, though.
The problem with the StopSaw – and I looked at one for here – was they only worked if you had grounding shoes on. Either new-agy things, or leather. Because that’s what changed the circuit and killed rotation. Tennis shoes? Not so much. My 20 kilovolt insulated solar panel boots? Why prolly not a-tall.
That said, the design has likely evolved to where a wet fart could stop it, but me? Idea of being any part of a circuit – no matter what – runs counter to the ham radio/broadcast engineer genes. Bet Hand and Wm of Radidio rancho would agree. Most shop floor? Conductive shoes? Electricity?
You do know the rumor my great-great-great grandfather (Andrew N. Ure, wiki it) was supposedly the prototype for Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, right? Shocked the shit out of a corpse of a murderer…so only genetic that my son would love shocking people back to life as an EMT/FF….oops…of point, eh?
I agree, too. Got my first bite @ age 9 when trying to repair the family Zenith B&W console (I was successful. I also knew what the belt loop in the back-middle of pants was for…) and got into the flyback. That was a long time ago. I now assume that any such jolt could kill me, and stay far, far away…
George is right. Depend on my body conductivity to stop a saw blade?! Sounds like a double bonus to me…. saw off a hand as you get electrocuted!
And George wonders why I am a fan of low voltage solid state ham rigs, versus tubes and lightning bolts.
Lighting bolts with 2500 V under load and half an amp giving tubes a nice, soft cheery red glow…can’t do that with silicon and germanium. Nor on cool fall mornings, can one warm the office with the linear amplifiers.. (SB-220 and Johnson Thunderbolt)
Lightning heard around the world. 1n34 wannbe’s? Not so much.
I try not to ground myself unless I’m working on
the E-bench on electronical thingies. I hang a clip
lead off my Speidel Twist-O-Flex watchband. Clip
goes to aluminum sheet tabletop and is earthed.
For 110V and crude stuff, sneakers and the one-hand
rule apply.
Not ZZZapped yet… (age 77)
“… a nice, soft cheery red glow…can’t do that with silicon and germanium.”
Sez who? The guy with the red LED helmet?? LOL!
“Lightning heard around the world. 1n34 wannbe’s? Not so much.”
My silicon has talked to my antipode. And I was the proud installer of the world’s first 22kW all solid state TV transmitter in 1986. Did I ever tell you about the 4-1000 modulator tubes at my first AM radio station? After the new multiband high-density audio processing was installed we were melting holes in the cherry red plates of the 4-1000s every six months.
So it was a rock and roll station with a hyper PD?
My Sears 10″ sits out in the shop on its fully enclosed steel cabinet. Don’t keep blades or attachments in there. Matter of fact since I have yet to be cleared to venture outside away from this air hose in my nose I can’t tell you what’s in there at this time.
The saw was originally my Great Uncles and I guess it would be a very early 60’s or maybe late 50’s vintage. Left side blade mount so no really fancy attachments but I do have a set of shaper blades and a nice dado set. The current table is 34″ marine plywood leftover from a boat project many years ago.
2 things about the beast are 1. you have to spend a lot of time setting it up for each task. Simple cross cuts are easy though. And 2, that tool is about the most dangerous thing you can have in your shop. A lawyer would have a shit fit if he was to see it. Uncle Bert just so happened to be missing a short piece from the end of his right index finger due to guess what. Remember the blade is on the left side and to this day I cannot figure out how he did that. Although Uncle Bert was never too far away from a jug of Old Grandad.
Stay safe and count your fingers after each use of your new saw. Is this the one you dropped out of the back of the truck to bring it home?
73, Peace
Good memory!~!! 10-pointer. Walked crooked for two weeks. 130 pounds when you’re twisting wrong? M aybe for Andy or some Galoot. Upside: Some of the locals thought I was crooked enough to be a democrat.
and to think I gave my Radial Arm Saw to the kids.. I got mine at the landfill LOL…
it was one of the most usefull tools.. but since I needed the space.. I gave it to one of the kids that hasn’t even looked at it in almost twenty years.. what I really regret giving away.. is one of these..
I used that thing so much.. but when I went to bench top .. I got rid of my mill a few lathes.. to downsize.. live and learn..
I wouldn’t feel as bad about it if they used it.. but it went into the back corner of a shed and there it sits.. not even covered up.. no one keeping it from becoming rusty or anything.. probably doesn’t work anymore..
Radial arm saws? Dado-ing on it? That scared the crap out of me the way it bites into the feed. Too dangerous. I like my fingers where they are…..
I’ve been thinking about it. Maybe use the small table saw for the dadoing and call it good?
Daaaaa Do
Dah, dah
Daaa Do
Sharp saw cuts
And me want to stay safe-o.
Pish — My Dad (a jack of all trades machinist) and I (a jack of all trades computer geek) both ran dadoes on a radial. He ran a molding cutter on his Shopsmith; I ran one on the radial arm until I got my first router table. If’fn you make safety paramount, and NEVER space safe operation, the saw is an amazing tool. If you don’t, you are going to get hurt, and you’ve no business in ANY wood or metal shop.
When I teach someone to use a tool, I teach safety before the switch ever gets thrown. Even an orbital sander can make a nasty abrasion, if the user gets careless…
Feather boards…
Heres the best.. a little spendy but worth the money . It takes the fear out of the saber tooth tiger whop whop whop
Freud is nice to.. but still a little whop whop..
For a traditional by hand .. little nibs not deep cuts till you get to your target depth.
The thing to remember about the radial arm saw is it can cut in two directions, even though the instructions and instructors tell you to only cut in one. I can’t count the number of rough rabbets or dadoes I’ve cut with a standard blade, just rowing the saw head across a board with my right hand, and constantly re-indexing the board with my left. The one thing a radial arm saw will do, which no other tool even CAN do, is make depth cuts relative to the BACK SIDE of the board you’re cutting. I’ve built stuff where a rabbet so-cut was absolutely essential…
From a “generic” perspective, meaning any brand, I am opposed to having a radial saw on rollers. For any “precision” work where tolerances are as close as 1/32 inch or tighter, the saw should be “trammed” same as a milling machine. The error needn’t be as close, “half a thou” as opposed to 1/64 inch(~.015). But a radial saw should be kept as stable as possible.
A few years back, I tackled a project that “required” a radial saw. I maybe could have built a fixture, but the job was a good excuse for another machine. Cutting dadoes into a 16 ft 2X8, at a specific angle (attic stairs) on a specific spacing. Cutting 20 plus slots twice (left & right) would have required 2 separate fixtures and I didn’t look forward to running a dado blade on a portable saw. Bad move on a dood day. . . And a router was out of the question where repeat cuts were concerned.
I found a Craftsman machine for $100 bux at a recycle store. Had to “true” the frame and build a table. No biggie, bought a sheet of 3/4 partical board and doubled it, 32 inches wide. The biggest issue, after I trued the mast, was to true the table with the leveling feet. Of course, there are adjustments for everything, but it does take time. Using a “plunge router” to cut recesses for carriage bolts in one layer, then glueing the second layer. Then glueing the melamine sheet on the table and fence.
In the past I had a DeWalt radial saw, but it was a low end model with a “skil” saw mounted on a rail. I swapped it off for something because most of my work is hobby level framing. I don’t do fine cabinet work, don’t have the patience for it. When I need something, I need it yesterday, not tomorrow. Even knowing this, I still can’t spend the time to do good work. But my machines are capable, even if I’m not.
Bi11 Hudson
“trammed” same as a milling machine. The error needn’t be as close, “half a thou”
My old insurance man..lol did everything with his metal machinist lathe..
The stuff he made was the best..all within a thousandth of an inch.. some of the most beautiful craftmanship I’ve ever seen.. lol he said the hardest thing he ever made..was a rocking horse.. lol hemadeit iutof a tree.
I took care of a Carver that was even more impressive.. my personal favorite was an apple with an arrow through it and a worm..all out of a single piece of wood.. his favorite was a wrench..
BTW, rollers, casters, dolly, etc., not necessarily a good idea, but if you use them, use wood blocks screwed to your floor to locate the saw and keep it from moving. If you don’t, it will, and likely screw up an expensive piece of wood when it does. Also, you might consider constructing a shelf out of ¾” ply and installing it to the lags, a few inches above the ground. It will make the saw much more stable.
FWIW I removed my casters and replaced them with carriage bolts — installed head-down with washers & jam nuts — makes it really easy to adjust the leg length to make the saw “rock steady.” If I need to move it, I have a hand truck…
Yo Jorge, found a very informative article on Vitamin D. Ins and outs of dosing and various studies on effects of the China Virus. Enjoy my friends:
Seems to be a pandemic of Vitamin D deficient patients in the U.S..
Damn good article – thanks for spotting and sharing Mark itols
Good article. Passed it along to several of my friends. Thanks for posting this.
Great article – saved for further research(after popping 10k IU vit D). I am concerned about typos, since there was one reference to Vit E, though the context was Vit D. The units of measure need to be read through carefully also.
It will take more than a few minutes to read all of the references and do proper follow up. Following the “do no harm” principle, I’ll stay with the 10K IU/day regimen until I can refine that(with perhaps up to 50 mg zinc). I’m forwarding this to those I know are at risk for cancers and autoimmune diseases. Of course, do your own research – I’m not your doctor.
Speaking azz bout a busy diy day.. my niece and a bunch of her friends wanted me to explain how some things were made.. like vinegar, soy sauce, vanilla extract.. cheese.essential oils etc.. phew . To think I wanted to watch hallmark movies..lol lol..instead I was busy giving directions.. I guess they want to learn how to make their own..
I have Xfinity Internet. Their DNS servers are taking a huge crap — Dunno if it’s a side-effect of the FBI hack or a separate issue, but I am less than amused. I can reach UrbanSurvival [] and Google [], but most other domestic sites are unavailable through my HS cable.
Of my dozens of news sites, I can reach exactly three:
Kazakh bodybuilder’s ‘marriage’ to sex doll girlfriend on hold because of coronavirus
Why Democrats got stuck with Kamala Harris
Celebration of Kamala Harris’ trip as ‘gaffe-free’ stuns conservatives and liberals alike
Food banks struggle to feed hungry Americans
There’s a new target on the US regime-change list. It’s been there before
COP26 climate change summit sets unexpected ecological record
MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle: ‘Dirty Little Secret’ About Inflation Is People Can Afford It
Exclusive— Tom Cotton: High Gas Prices ‘Intended Effect of Joe Biden’s Energy Policy,’ It Is Not ‘Some Accident’
China Complains Bidenflation Is a Threat to the Whole World
Moscow plans ‘asymmetrical’ response to West’s ‘unfriendly’ acts
Moscow will respond to ongoing hostile moves by the West in a “reciprocal manner,” Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, warning that an “asymmetrical” response may also be on the cards.
Read this one with the next…
Britain to deploy troops to Belarus border
Poland has announced it has struck a deal with the UK, calling in British troops to help with the construction of a fortified border wall along its eastern frontier with Belarus, as a row over illegal migration escalates.
On Friday, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz B?aszczak issued a statement confirming that the two NATO member states would work together in an effort to prevent migrants from crossing over.
The damn’ urepeeins are slow on the uptake. Now all we need is an Archduke…
Why the Brits would be building a wall is beyond me, since our Leftists have already determined that walls don’t work.
Russia stocks up as reserves rise to historic rate
Russia’s international reserves rose to an unprecedented $623.2 billion last month, setting a historic record, data released this week by the country’s Central Bank shows. In just one week ending October 29, Russia’s international reserves increased by $1.6 billion.
Bet’cha they’re not storing any tungsten…
Ricks good this week . Rick Ackerman . Recognised deflation not like George spruking reset stories . Ahh f yous all . Stay short . But if your a retard which most are . You will buy gold and sheetcoin and be a guru . Gold will loose 100s sheetcoin be zero
“Recognised deflation not like George spruking reset stories . ”
Hmm.. you must be stuck in the box to.. that’s ok though bud..
People are all pretty much on the focused path and unable to view the whole apple for what it is..
Its like the time I was to go in for surgery.. i read the books ,sat through the classes and observed the surgery bring done by my surgeon in surgery..
I knew what was going to be done how it was to proceed . What i was in the box about was the resulting pain threshold or the complications involve with the surgery.
Right now we see what’s going on people making money market flight ups and downs.. but fail to see the reason its view is what it is is from them shoving money in the pockets of those that spend the money..
The pain comes from the point when it stops..
Craftsman radial saws can be had for free in my area ( facebook MP )
They are not worth taking up space in your shop. The one to have is a Delta turret head radial arm.
Make a plywood cover for the saw table so you can lift it off, with everything you have piled onto it, when you need to use the saw.
Very fine idea!