There’s an old saying about Life: You can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want. Everything is a pretty big pile of toys but you can – with minimal planning – at least cycle through some of them in your life.
For example, I’ve been through serious big boat sailing and adventures (11-years), serious piloting and flying single engine all over hell and gone (7-years), drive high performance Porsche’s (911s, 944, 930) (about 8-years). And marry the Playboy club server (almost 25-years so far). Please notice – and this is the point – I didn’t do them all at once. Because they ALL cost money. At the most fundamental level, we trade our time for money.
This same kind of process (should) apply to outfitting our home shops and the skills which we like to practice. But it doesn’t seem to. Because unlike sailboats (which want to sink), airplanes that want to crash, or six carbs on an older 911E always going out of balance, which all takes money to maintain, shops are inherently low maintenance. You can, therefore, over time, develop one hell of a great shop if you have a plan and specific interests that hold your attention.
There are two aspects of shops, however, that comprise the “hidden traps” that go with a totally bonzer work area. First, they can eat up a lot of space. And secondly, they require some M&M’s. (Maintenance and Materials, which we will explore presently.)
Before clicking on any of the enticing Amazon Prime deals next week, or the counter-festival over at Wal-Mart, you’ll want to have firm plans and some budget guidance in hand before that first click.
A passing acquaintance with ADHD, how to manage our dopamine channels (sources and receptors – also colloquially the shopping genes) is also useful. A good refresher course from a 2023 article Resist the urge to splurge: How dopamine forces spending habits- Vox Magazine will provide valuable insights into the titanic forces at work as you try to balance both your needs and your budget against your “coulds” and “shoulds.”
There can be years – and even decades – between living in a college dorm and finally having a metal shop building before you can (at last!) build your own home. Other people may skip the home building part (building airplanes and sailboats if better fun) and besides, why build something you can buy – off the shelf, as it were? Well, except that home building is still (generally) one of the highest rewards financially you will ever do as a non-work (or the scheduled sort) variety.
Shop Types
Once you begin to plot out some of your Big Moves in Life (get educated, get married, get family, get an owned home, do the DIY route (or build the plane, boat, or double-A fueler) you’re now in a position to lift your head up from this page and look around to see what your present Shop location is.
No shop is what you see when you’re in a rented (or leased) condo, apartment, townhouse, or residence where you’re likely to be living for only the next six-months. No point “tooling up” if you can’t “begin using” your tools in fairly short order. Odds in this case favor looking around Prime and Wal-Mart deals for a simple home repair kit in a case.
As an example of the kind of toolkit that might work, in 2023 I bought Elaine a Prostormer 259-Piece Tool Kit, General Household Tool Set with Plastic Storage Toolbox, Portable Home/Auto Repair Tool Box with Essential Tools for Men and Women. They’re about $65 bucks, but you can do a surprising amount with such a kit. Mostly repair oriented.
The Single-Purpose Shop is what you see when you’re in rental space, but you still have that undeniable compulsion to do (__fill in the blanks___). Once upon a time, I (foolishly) tried to talk myself into downsizing my overgrown and bloated electronics hobby. A number of “simplified kits with most of what I’d need” caught my attention. Pro’sKit made an OK general electronics tool kit which is just over $200 bucks, but it’s in a case and can be tossed into a closet.
The Multi-Purpose Shop might be shoe-horned into a rental apartment, but now you’re beginning to look at either additional tool kits, or additional tool storage. It should be apparent why home ownership is usually best done before stacking tools a hundred deep. But that’s OK, because once you have the “Owned Home” you’re going to slide into the next generation of shop:
The Multi-Purpose Shop with Maintenance. Even if you have a simple hobby single-purpose shop when you begin, the minute you own a home you discover that everything in a home breaks sooner or later. Unless you are “made of money” 90-percent of home repairs can be done by that fellow in the mirror. But it will take more tools.
Let’s break this down based on recalling the adventures of Hank, out on the Big Island, who is trying to be retired. He’s got the hobby (ham radio) down into a repurposed closet. (Good job! Did I mention impossible for me?) but he still has the M&M problem. Maintenance and Materials (or and Machines) because the Hawaiian jungle want to move into his home. Machines do well fighting off Ma Nature. But they require maintenance, as well.
See, it’s not like you can just buy a string trimmer for around the sidewalk and foundation and be done with it. In no time, you will be needing more spools of trimmer string. And from there after 4-years of heavy “Woods of East Texas” use, you’ll burn out the string trimmer. Which was never designed to do an hour of fence line at a time.
Guys like Hank – out in Paradise – have a longer supply chain to deal with too. It’s only 26 miles round trip to Lowe’s from here, I think Hank’s trips are closer to 60 miles or more. The shopping point here is to maybe pay a little more for lower maintenance requirement tools.
This kind of shop also eats a fair bit of space. Which then sorts out as two personality types. The kind with “mini shops” for each of their interests. Or, the people who have all tools in one place no matter what. Which only sort of makes sense.
This gets us to the Multi-Shop Specialized Tool Slut domain. I was thinking how to explain the term “domain” and I guess the best and simplest way to look for a chair. If you have a chair dedicated to where you work, then that’s a “workstation’s domain.” This is the most dangerous kind of shop structure to have when Amazon and Wal-Mart are enticing your wallet to come visit daylight for a while…
In our home, there are a couple of chairs in the recording studio/music room. (There are basic electrical tools – pliers, cutters, crimpers, and such – along with a barrel of audio cables which now gets into the materials and supplies column. There are a handful of instruments (guitars – electric and acoustic), violins (acoustic and electric), drum kit, MIDI keyboard, higher end reel-to-reel Tandberg tape deck (that I bought from reader WmoRR) plus there’s a rack of compressors, noise gates, equalizers, and electronica. With a couple of Polk subs, Bose mids, and George-kluged tweets all tri-amped. With BOH fills with their own amps and EQ and effects… (We spend frightfully little time in this room because Life keeps intervening.)
With two chairs, therefore this is a “sound workstation” – which is where the digital audio workstation (DAW) lives on a computer with a half dozen recording programs.
Other workstations include Elaine’s screen porch art desk, the woodworking area of the main shop, the 3D and laser burning part, the hobby shop part, and outside, the welding and metalworking part.
I used the music room only as an example, but I have sort of been looking for a Korg MS20 mini but they don’t go on sale very often.
Anticipated Work
With so many interests, it’s hard to prioritize with no other references. So our next step (as you’re getting the sense of this) is to look ahead at your life and try to “See what’s coming and where you’d like to be in six-months to a year.
You start off with a simple list of your shop or workstation(s). Then you go through and look at what your realistic needs will be.
Maintenance: Everything breaks (and everything is a business model). What can you pick up next week at a good price that will help to maintain what you have?
Hobby: If your “shop” is small (as in rental space) what are the two or three projects you want do do in the next year or so?
Commercial grade Shop: You’ve got to go through each of the workstations and make the realistic list (yeah, right, lol) of what you plan to do over the next year. Now comes the fun part:
Gap Analysis
(One for form gets filled out for each shop space or workstation)
The basic rental home usually has little in the way of a “shop.” If you have a landlord, the basics – like most appliances (except maybe the washer and dryer – will be on them. But, if you are planning to move into a home in the next year, and you know something about it, you might begin collecting some journeyman grade power tools.
Just remember, everything will have to be moved, so any “savings” can be self-delusion. If you want a battery power drill-driver, for example, hold up on that until you move. Because batteries age and wear out just waiting for you to get your poo in a group. Where to plug it in…and so it strings out…
Write Your Gaps:
In a simple apartment, a couple with an eye toward parenting in a new home might buy a Baby Monitor, for example. That might be more useful than tools. Or a “get started: $50-$100” basic homeowner tool kit. As you can see, some gaps are simple.
On the other hand, if you have a single hobby that you are going deep in – like coin collecting, for example – then you might see a complicated gap like “I need a better coin microscope. But here, be on the lookout for “technology traps.” Because I haven’t found a good standalone 15” coin microscope yet (I have a 7” and a 10”). So for (maybe) less money, you can get one of the Prime Day mini computers that will be on sale for under $150 and hook that up to a USB endoscope.
And that’s really the point: The idea is to “fill the gap” but also “leave exit ramps” so – for example – that minicomputer could go into your media room and drive a television when you get sick of looking at old dead people on coins. (Mine are for tiny surface-mount electronic assemblies which I can’t see otherwise…)
The other angle in “gap filling” is to consider your WIP (work in process) and what tools you will need to get that done quickly and efficiently.
In the ham radio queue, there’s an old Hallicrafters S-76 receiver to be restored. It has a broken meter – the glass was busted in shipping. I know just enough about meter repair to be able to do it but the one indispensable thing missing was basic watchmaker tools. Now, that gap has been filled. Forty bucks.
Dream Shop Tooling
There are two parts to this: Innovation and Gap filling.
Let’s do the Innovation part first.
The other day, I happened to be cruising “Pliers” and I noticed an odd jaw on a pair of pliers that I didn’t have in my “right tool for any project” collection. Turns out it was a bead worker’s “wire bending pliers.” In fact, exactly this one. $12 bucks and disappointingly slow to ship, but it’s an innovation I can use.
If you look at the picture, you’ll see you can stick a small component in this thing and form a loop – right at the end of a component – which ought to become one of the most-used tools on the electronics workbench. Sure, I can do almost the same thing with needle nosed pliers, but this is worth tinkering with.
Expect a follow-up on how this Innovation works out.
Dream Shop Gaps
Obviously – this is the really fun and dopamine blasting part of any of these shopping spree events. You’ll have your own list for whatever your needs might be. For us?
- Dream studio tool: A great deal on an MS20 synth.
- Elaine’s drawing area on the porch: Maybe a glass adjustable drafting table for one side.
- Woodworking shop: I have been looking at used Port-a-Shop’s and ShopSmith V’s but no room for another machine. I need to finish the restoration on the radial arm saw in the next month or two, but MAYBE a 12” (or better) swing drill press.
- Hobby workstation: done, ready, waiting, needs my time on task to use.
- 3D/CNC workstation, ditto just add time. Install light burning laser instead of spindle motor.
- Electronics workstation, ditto – time. Other that see how those wire looping pliers work out on the bench.
Reality Checks
As you can tell, we don’t really want for much. There are a number of small to intermediate projects to complete – putting up the railing around the new deck and hanging some stairs on it. But the tools are here as are most of the materials. So this coming winter, the weight’s on me to get off the lard and go get things knocked out.
The reality check is that while a brand new hybrid or cabinet saw would be “nice” it would not result in a single bit of additional work being done.
When you spend money, remember to demand that in return for the spending you’re going to get either a bump in quality of speed of work, or you’re going to learn some skills that might be turned into an income stream down the road a ways.
Now, get to work making your:
Prioritized Shopping List
- Work-related
- Maintenance related
- Hobby driven
- Commercial
- Spouse pleasing
One for the Road
On Amazon or Wal-Mart, we generally only buy products with a lot of reviews. 50+ is a good threshold.
If a product doesn’t hit 80 percent in the top two rating categories, 4 stars or 5 on the Zon, then we will likely not buy.
This and being Prime members and Wal+ will help with customer service glitches if they ever come up. Trust me, they will.
Now, take your wallet, hand it to the spouse, and turn the computer off until next weekend.
Write when you get rich (because if you can do that, you might be),
“You can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want.”
Rolling Stones – ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’
JC: You Can’t Always Get What You Want …
Reading George’s tool shop schtick makes me think he simply likes shopping. I despise shopping but … tidy mostly secure, simple UI with excellent search?
It’s time and money more than online preference. I’ll burn $12 in fuel cost alone so most itty bitty need (wants) can wait if going to a box store.
The time part? My sense is that’s where the real savings lie. If every store assigned a personal shopper I’d sign on in a heart beat. Nope, go hike.
Another dangerous spill-over from any shopping mode: extra unintended spending. Some places require I drop a hundo -or- wear blinders.
ATL: after enormous house guests departed (after 10 straight days with 3 groups) we could have slid but instead launched a few timely big ticket items:
3 Masons later, last fella was the real deal. I knew it when gandering at the scaffold in use at a neighbor’s place. Brickwork was tidy so I hired him for chimney repair. He took down a dozen courses and built a gorgeous new top end with custom single pour cap.
In addition to a few more prep. fluff jobs, and one Flying Wallendas gig, that set in motion deroof/reroof which hopefully begins Friday next. Confirm Tuesday. Time and materials hardly changed so, time to pay up …
A coupe of sorts was required. Mrs. E picked the shingle. It was 6 weeks +/- out. I man-splained 3:5 we considered worked for me (while allowing her to assign #1). Now this one hon, it’s in stock for delivery tomorrow. New #1.
Met with my Padawan helper re: two 1/2 days this week, discussed safety plan and … I’m off to my worksop, wood-working side, to build a roller pan box to sit on a 6:12 pitch. And stare at what’s next in the barn.
Unlike so many of my fellows, I refuse to pull out a single bit of our summer lake setup. It’s a gorgeous fall here with low humidity and sunny days. Some mornings there’s differential mist blowing across the water.
Some trees dropped leaves a few weeks ago but that was drought related. Now something like 10% are showing an edge of crimson or orange. Pontoon wine trips are on the docket. Toodling at full color is stunning.
Taking the near 21 YO TomCat out soon.
Eagles are on the air so supervised.
Have a fine weekend alles,
As a kid, whenever anyone asked what I wanted to do when I grow up, I told them I wanted to buy an airplane and be a pilot before I reach the ripe old age of 25. Soloed in a Champ at 16, got my private license and bought a ’59 150 at 24. So I achieved my original goal, but apparently I didn’t set my goal high enough to keep the plane and go on to fly for an airline. Lost the plane to divorce at 26, lost out on airline work due to lack of college education.
If the airlines would not take you without a college education I say they were the losers.
I believe it was in 1967 United Airlines published a want ad at several airports saying they were hiring pilots with no college. I used my ’59 150 and got my commercial ticket, then went to a local FBO and got my instrument, multi-engine and CFI. Then in early ’68 I went to apply for a job. Found myself standing in line behind military folks with 10,000 hours of heavy jet time. I was, of course, no competition in that game.
“Divorce is big business – maybe even bigger than the wedding business in America.
That’s because contested divorces involve more than just lawyers. There are also accountants, parenting consultants and other niche specialists to be paid, plus the money spent by the newly single to rebuild their lives.”
Guessing here that Ure component microscopes are necessary, and that a Loop is not strong enough magnification, like the 10x18mm loop that sits on my desk under monitor? Been a Coin collector my whole life, in fact I finally acquired my one of my favorites and most rare recently past year, the 1916D Mercury Dime…”ahhhhhhh” – Angel Choir humming.
Been hunting the Lincoln Cent 1909 S (VDB), a very difficult penny to track down, last one I need.
One area of concern for the semi -retired home handy bastard, is the return of the grown up Crumb Snatchers. Whats that old saying…”Chickens Come Home to Roost” ?
When they grow up and start their own families, they always seem to come back and borrow scheisse…Never to be returned, unless I go over and rescue em from the khaos that is raising two year olds. I just got my Ozone generator from vevor – thx Fckrs, appreciate the advice. Anyways splained to one of the crumbsnatchers last night they have mold&mildew problem in their basement, and crumbsnatchers health was being affected (bad allergies). I will do the odor control Ozoning when their. little one is off at playschool
I have 2 separate water egress problems in basement past 2 years.
1st was yard drain got grown over, that severely reduced the Flow, scheisse backed up, hydraulic pressure – pushed water into foundation, eventually into basement..F-Me running!
A portable Sump Pump, and Wifi/Cellular connected Water Alarms placed along basement walls later, I think I got a grip..
Said water alarms saved my Bacon this year, when flexi plastic pipe off of one of Gutters – downspouts was grown over and blocked, alarm tipped me off to problem..threw on rain gear, out the door in flash digging with me bare hands into grass and dirt to unclog buried flexi pipe.@&@#^%#!
Wet/Dry vac and Dehumidifier – essential 4 Recovery/Restoration work. Just say NO to Mold & Mildew.
Like a good Women/Wife – a solid House requires TONS O MAINTENANCE….TONS! ahahahahhahahahhahaahah
..Man am I gonna pay for that quip…
Yeah – lots easier to do hot air flow soldering from 18 inches away from the face and fumes.
I’m as dumb as a box of rocks already and for my next hundred years, I need enough neurons to pump air…
Well..I thought I had one of the 1909 pennies.. I just dug out my childhood coin collection .. going to give it to my 9 year old mini me.. he loves collecting things..right now its poki man cards…
but I couldn’t find it..I would have just given it to you to complete your collection..
It’s not just a 1909 penny, it is the ‘S’ mintmark, with the sculptor’s initials ‘VDB’ at the base of Lincoln’s neck. THE 1909 S-VDB is the rarest, most valuable collectible penny in existence! In worn, barely readable condition it is worth $800 up to $25K for a near perfect mint state condition. You really want to give something like that away?
See I don’t collect so it wouldn’t have any value to me. its a curse I have I don’t value things and as many years that I have been reading your posts on Urban survival I kind of see you as a friend and your more valuable to me as a friend than some thing….. ( except kitchen gadgets lol and coffee pots I do love odd kitchen gadgets and cooking ) I will look through it tonight when I give the collection to my mini me.. if it is in there I will send it.. Its just a penny for me I collected them and stamps when I was a kid…. I don’t know any coin collectors and sure wouldn’t go looking for one..
I collect autographs to got a couple hundred of them.. most of them are just copies for their manager to hand out.. there are only two that I like.. one I took care of old actor..he was a great guy.. loved to cook and I still use his recipe for alfredo sauce today.. although I did add a couple things…to it.. that I like personally.. he had a great tomato sauce recipe to.. I needed something to keep my mind busy.. when I couldn’t get out of a chair.. ( that is how I discovered Urban.. a professor and TED talks speaker suggested it to me..) it was the same with coins .. my mother and father were the kind that if you were curious about something then give it a try.. I was wanting a Tandy Leather mocassin kit when I was real young.. my parents brought home and un tanned cow hide here you go.. and the pattern for the moccasins LOL god what a mess.. and for a nine year old kid… my mini me is doing metal detecting .. looking for buried treasure.. LOL found some change I will show him the park that bandits supposedly buried twenty thousand in twenty dollar gold coins at.. the story was.. It was a govt payroll and the money was being taken to a fort across the state when a band of renegade bandits and indians fought with them.. taking the payroll.. they had sent out one for help at a local fort.. and the fight was at one lake .. they took off with the loot across to another place that ended up to be a state park.. and when caught one of the bandits confessed before dying that they buried it in a Wash.. well the wash is now a small lake.. and the one that he confessed to was the hermit of the park up until he died.. he told us kids that when I was in the scouts and he told us the story he spent his whole life hunting for it..
I didn’t get real interested in finding it until the brother in law to my brother found a saber and a rifle where the battle was originally at.. he had it mounted and was his treasure.. along with the story.. what I will have mounted is my grandpa’s saber from the masonic order of the knights templar and if I can get it a photo of him and my grandma in their outfits.. I did get someone elses pirates hat to go with it.. I thought that would make a nice display piece.. my niece wants the saber LOL.. she collects swords and knives.. and has them all displayed the true treasure that most people don’t see as a treasure is.. books…. god would I love to see the lost library of Alexandria or the other lost libraries.. every time civilization takes a dump.. the libraries are lost to mankind.. the true treasure knoweledge.. crap comes and crap goes.. things are just things.. that can be replaced…a coin is just a thing..
well Hank we found a 1909 digging through the jar of pennies .. when I send out Xmas cards I will toss that in the card for you to finish off your collection..not looking for anything in return just have a merry xmas..
hopefully you will get it before the big show.. now to make some vinegar…
You don’t want to get even a whiff of ozone, as in sniffing to see if it is working! Throat closed up a bit from several seconds exposure.
Works, tho!
I actually love the smell it has.. that is why after a thunder and lightning storm I love to go out afterwards.. that smell is amazing.. but you are right you want to de gas the room before you go hanging around in it.. the human body is a virus and bacteria factory and it attacks and kills those things..
Good morning George and another beautiful day here in Costa Rica.
This morning I was blocked from your site by “CleanTalk” who ever they are. Note was “Security FireWall” and “Blacklisted”. Did find another way in so all is well now. Just info and thanks for alll of the info.
CleanTalk is a firewall I run on the server side to keep out the (.somewhere not here) riff-raff – present company excepted. Glad you got in OK…
(“another beautiful day here in Costa Rica.”)
Go ahead tinkerer..rub it in lol lol lol
its cool and windy here in the wastelands.. I did watch a show yesterday on Costa Rica .. looks like gods country..knew a young lady went there for school. the hard part for her was the water.. seemed every time she was going to shower the water wasn’t
I’m stuck in the middle of three weeks of highs in the low 80s, lows in the low 50s (with one 2-day frosty dip in a couple nights), cloudless skies and humidity in the low 30s — currently putting together a goodie box for the “caned” area. They need the Sawyer filter kits and MREs more than I do…
that is really nice to hear that.. so many in so many places its actually overwhelming to know and not be able to do anything.. Heck I had someone ask me if there was anyway I could help them just last week I had to say no unfortunately not at this time tapped out.. that it is nice to read about your efforts I have said it a lot.. never a hand out.. but a hand up…. god bless and have a wonderful day..
LOOB, I can’t afford it either.
Asheville alone has over 1000 dead bodies right this minute. They can’t refrigerate them, can’t cremate them, and can’t bury them. The mortuaries are begging for help.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. From this point, it is only going to get worse. When I said a week ago that the death toll would be in the thousands or tens of thousands, I wasn’t kidding.
I’m 800 miles away, and busted-up. I can’t do what I’d like, but at the same time, I can’t not do something. Maybe I can save just one life…
Ben Hynes
Asheville update day 7:
Buzzards everywhere… just a constant reminder
circling the store every time I walk outside.
I spent the morning helping a woman who runs
multiple funeral homes. She had to use our store wifi
as none of her buildings have power.
She said the refrigerator trucks are full. The
refrigerator trucks and the hospital have almost
1000… yes, 1000 unidentified bodies.
– they can’t cremate bodies as they have no power.
– they can’t embalm because they have no water.
– they can’t process paperwork due to no power.
This is so much worse than anyone realizes….
My late father used toolboxes to organize for specific activities. For example, he kept his chainsaw maintenance and sharpening tools and parts in a lightweight plastic toolbox. He was more geared for outdoor work on the go than shop work. The big gull wing box on his truck held his most prized tools, and he swapped out small toolboxes as required for a task.
When my brother sold the truck to a relative, he left the tools in it, and all the stuff I was co-owner of went with it. Still got some of the smaller toolboxes.
my fathers hobby was cutting trees and tree lot management. he had all the toys.. made his own chains.. and just about every wood cutting thing you could find if it had to deal with taking down trees… he took down three big trees a week.. every week.. he planted three trees a week.. not in the same place but was a firm believer to replace what you harvest.. when he would go to prune a tree.. dam you would think he killed it.. and he would explain what the tree would do.. and you would think yeah sure you betcha.. you killed that tree.. but dam it came back exactly how he said it would every time..
my don in law was at an auction and one of his old chainsaws came up for sale at the auction.. it was a huge chainsaw meant to take down big trees.. four foot long blade.. some guy that dad taught how to take trees down.. he had it.. and had a small sawmill .. he ended up doing root removal.. did several trees for me..
I made a few drops of stump remover.. ( I was insane.. ) and after I seen just how powerful it was.. scared me and I thought no more so I would have him come and dig out the roots LOL.. no more scary stuff.. Dad could drop a tree on a dime.. it was amazing to watch.. I miss and loved the smell of wood smoking in the stove and the smell of fresh cut trees…
Yeah yeah – love the smell of burning sulfur..
But I am suspecting you got a “kitchen demolition” recipe for “Loobs Stump& Revenuer Remover”. Care to share the details of Ure toxic paste ?
Guessing a lil nitrocelluose, nitroglycerine,mineral oil, wax, and mixed in acetone ?
Crank it up, high volume required -
..they used to make a silver cherry bomb like firecracker,back in the day, dam near as powerful as m80. The things detonated on CONTACT with hard surface. They had to mix it in a cement mixer, facing out the side of old warehouse..yeah my childhood was a lil messed up..
“Silver salutes” were much more powerful than M-80s. The M-80 was a 2″x¾” flashlight (flash powder) salute with plaster of Paris end caps and a transverse green wick line (or “cannon fuse.” The green burns ~½” per second — 22.5 seconds per foot). The common “silver salute” was 2″x7/8″ with an axial red wick line (30sec/ft.) and was often used to detonate dynamite. Pyrotechnic silver salutes were available in 2, 3, 4, and 6″ sizes (that I know of.) The 6″ salute was about 1½-1¾” in diameter (it’s been a LONG time), and damn’ near as powerful as a stick of dynamite. It was also indescribably loud.
The torpedos’ load was flash powder, iron filings, and sand (same as today.) It detonated on impact, not contact. The sand would cause the iron to spark when the device was jarred. The one you mention also wasn’t around for more than a few years, because kids lost legs or had them irreparably damaged when they had a pocket-full of torpedoes and got hit in the leg (or fell off their bicycle.) Today’s version are those tissue-paper-wrapped thingies that are about half the size of a pea — still flash-powder, iron, and sand, but terribly unsatisfying.
My daddy had better fireworks than me, but I had better fireworks than you.
That said, I’d like to know about “Loobs Stump & Revenuer Remover” my ownself — sounds like fun…
“That said, I’d like to know about “Loobs Stump & Revenuer Remover” my ownself — sounds like fun…”
your on the right track with that one.. made what a half tsp.. at most.. then some cotton.. carried the dam stuff in my shirt pocket.. just how dangerous could it be right… put it in the hole I drilled.. and put a fire cracker down it.. dam scared the hell out of me.. I will never do that ever again..
My sister had to stop my brother in law.. he was a scout in the marines.. made himself a cannon for the fourth of july.. took the tops of the trees off for a quarter mile.. scared her half to death.. she forbid him from making anything scary ever again.. in the end he was tooling leather for fun.. and playing mandolin with retired country and western singers and band members that had retired from making records and traveling at the local hardy’s restaurant in nashville.. the stump remover was as bad if not worse than when I showed the kids how to melt stones.. the idea was to show them how ancients made things like the old story of the sword in the stone..
not many realized that casting instruments was done in stone..During the Bronze Age, swords were cast using soapstone dies. Soapstone is a traditional material for casting swords because it’s easy to carve and can withstand large temperature changes. Most other stones would crack if molten metal were poured into them. what I got was a bunch of little kids melting everything they could find.. I was terrified that they would burn the house down
the scariest words anyone can ever hear.. is.. LOOKIE SEE WHAT I CAN DO…. how many country bumpkins have joined as a member of the darwin awards saying those very same words…
Its a lot like Rednecks at play the darwin awards.. better left in the science fair books…Let the professionals deal with it.. don’t attempt this at home kind of thing..
” carried the dam stuff in my shirt pocket.. just how dangerous could it be right…”
One of my brothers bought one of the 200 original copies of “Explosives Like Grandad Used to Make” (Kurt Saxon, 1972?) from Paladin Press (He had a Loompanics subscription forever. The catalog, and anything he ordered, came to our parents’ house. My Mom might’ve shot him if she’d known how many “subversives” lists he probably put our parents on…)
Kurt’s early”books” were all photocopied pages from reference books and encyclopaedia found in every library. He would compose and arrange the various articles and formulas (sticking the pieces on a card with, probably mucilage or fixative), then photocopy those onto (both sides of) a 10×14 sheet of cheap 40# paper. That would be four pages of a 7×10 book, stapled together at the spine.
“Explosives” was really “fireworks and explosives.” (Later editions were renamed to reflect this.) It was about 60 pages, the first dozen of which were all about making fireworks and gunpowder-derived explosives (like “giant powder”), and the remainder, mostly articles related to the history of manufactured explosives (including biographies of people like Nobel and DuPont.)
I didn’t care about Alfred Nobel. I just wanted to make red, white, green, yellow, and blue starbursts and Roman Candle balls, and engines for my model rockets. When I built my first cannon and rifle (in Junior High School), I used the stuff I’d learned to make my own gunpowder.
That said, I can’t imagine having an explosive in my pocket. Even when I was 10-11 years old, I knew instinctively to work with very small batches, and wet everything into a “batter” or “dough,” both to mold it into a shaped charge, and because nitrates and chlorates can’t oxidize when they’re suspended in watery moosh. Once they dry out, you can assemble the “cakes” into your candles and balls into your mortars, to your heart’s content — don’t forget the quickmatch…
When I was a tiny youth, I was an R&D tech in a famous ultrasonics company. (Branson)
The chief of the mchine shop was a dutchman named Helmut. (Where I learned a lot.)
He had a sign up that said:
1. Good
2. Fast
3. Cheap
You may have any two items.
(“one hell of a great shop if you have a plan and specific interests that hold your attention.”)
my interest vary so much..its hard to keep up. my shop was made out of necessitating circumstances.. and income..having had god what now medical expenses and shitty if any insurances..been shoved down. what’s funny is as a young man I actually thought I had the bull by the tail.. what shocked me is the bull had me with its tail.
in the lower income brackets sucks the life right out of you.. social programs make sure you know that without you in the world the world would be a better place and they could have a lighter government work load.
so every project had to be planned and gauged. shelter.. food .. the qualities of life that everyone takes for granted.
I would go and get three bids. A high bid a medium bid and a low bid..then my bid.. what would materials and tools and labor of mine at my wage at the time..if my doing it was more then I would go with the bid where I could afford. I built two homes and six garages poured a few hundred yards of concrete .. no one thought I would ever own a home..its nothing spectacular but its home and I built it.. and gained all the tools as it came. made everyone dressers on each there’s the hidden message.. that will only be discovered when its thrown it is a letter of what things we did a picture that they drew and was so proud of photos at the time..
A mini time capsule.
A few bed frames
with each time of struggling and the realization of what I took for granted a new quest was made.. how to provide the little things that give life a overcome and conquer adversity.. never give up.
if I hadn’t of experienced these adverse ..I wouldn’t have learned..if I had been able to buy the things that were desired that would give those I cared about a quality.. I wouldn’t have ever learned the end all that glitters is not what counts.. my parents were right to have us kids making things and learning..
God, I Loved that ole Tandberg TD-20….
Hardest “sell” I ever did…
(Hope it’s working well for ya…)
(…and if it’s not, lie to me, and say it is.
my clasped images are important to me.)
Spent a lot of hours, “razor & block” time
sitting at it.
It is still a great machine and until just recently was playing back old Drake-Chenault classics “Hisitory of Rock n Roll kind of series. Now though, the take up belt is slipping, so I have the manual (66 pages OMG) and will get to it when the rains return… great machine and thank you again – we both won in that deal – as everything in life should be…
Thankfully, the rubber bits are all still available — or were last time I looked. Ya gotta dig & sniff a bit, but they’re out there. There are thousands of TD-20s still in service. VERY popular in Europe.
About six thousand years ago, I had a very nice Rek-O-Cut turntable that used a long perimeter drive belt. It never lasted very long. I found a long “book belt” rubber band for students that worked fine and was dirt cheap. No diff in wow & flutter.
Had a Rover 2000TC four-door (BRG, of course) that busted a fan belt one day. Hiked fourty-seven miles to a gas station, showed him the busted belt, and he said words to the effect that there was no way in hell I’d find such an exotic part. At my insistance, he held up the busted belt to his big ElCheepo rubber belt selecto-chart, and Lo, a certain MG Sprite belt was an exact fit.
Seems the two engines were VERY similar in basic design. Drove on that belt for years.
I was just ozoneing an outbuilding and noticed a my similar Rekocut turntable forlornly tilted in a box of junque!
At least it should now be free of mold. I always thought there should have been a rubber band for it.
Seems the two engines were VERY similar in basic design. Drove on that belt for years.
Morris made a bazillion of those “B” Series engines and sold them to everyone. My Volvo 242 had one in it. However, the Rover mill was not one of them. Never worked on one, but if I had to guess, I’d say it looked more like a Standard SOHC motor. However, Austin, Morris (the two biggies), Standard, Triumph, Jaguar, and Rover (among others) were all under the same “house” (BL) by the late 1960s, and one of Morris’ big things was standardizing as many parts as possible across lines, to minimize production costs. I shouldn’t be surprised if, since Lucas was making parts for all of ’em, things like fan belts and spark plugs became standardized across all marquees.
Consolidated Electronics – Dayton, Ohio…
The crab apples are ready to be picked…
time to make apple cider vinegar… I will make a few gallons..
oh that’s on sale to.. now supposedly you don’t need to cut or chop but I do..
A couple spoons of mother and your good to go.. a bucket with an air lock ..
and time.. gallon jugs..if you want distilled white vinegar then you have to distill it
which you would need a still..
Dam Dude ! –
just when I thought my list was complete…Any ideers on good Bourbon mixes/mashes ? I guess Vodka will do in a pinch, “shaken, not stirred” of course.
Anyways tracked down 2 amber night lights, one killer pair Blue Light Blocking glasses that go over my Readers, and the Streamline 65006 Stylus 2 -Lumen Red LED pen @$21.61 on zon.
Decided to level up Sleep game recently, so ordered a Magnetico Sleep Pad (700 magnets) that goes UNDER the mattress, need the buffer from mattress – got discount with (Kruse15)
..”Nighttime is the Righttime” -Aretha
A Still seems like a perfect preppers Tool – and I dont have to worry bout no cheap ass lead solder in the lines..Snarf!
Which would you like..
I make wine and beer but know how to make the a book of recipes.. the difference is distillation.. you can make wine that tastes exactly like the hard stuff..just not as strong..
here’s the bearded one..
Historical drinks all used what was available for wine beer or the hard stuff..
spiced rum was originally the cheapest rum out.. they would get expensive rum for the captain and officers..the crew got the cheap stuff.. to keep the crew from complaining about the scrappy rum ration..the cook would toss in fruit and spices..
it was the same with coffee.. the choice beans went to the rich and wealthy..the poor and laborers were given the substandard beans.
then when the rich noticed how anxious the staff was to get their ration of coffee beans..Kopi Luwak was marketed.. island coffee has less acid and mild flavor..
( my weakness great coffee )
I have two ancient recipes in right now.. beet wine and Cacao wine..
(“This gets us to the Multi-Shop Specialized Tool Slut
domain. “)
I would love to have a nice big shop… years ago my dream was..make wood toys to be distributed to homeless and abused children..children suffering from cancer..
to fund original plan was sharpen saw blades..for cabinet shops..ten cents a tooth 1 dollar to replace lost carbide teeth..
the the crazy grandpa spearamints.. and personal interest projects..I had a friend that had an acreage.. he had a canning hut a ceramic hut a small slaughter house and aging hut a wood working and a welding shop machine was ideal..all of mine is in one place..
The problem with a shop is that unless it’s in a semi, you won’t be able to even get it near where the work is! It’s rather difficult to bring your underground plumbing project into a shop. Shops are great for things as small as an engine or even a car, but they fail with immovable projects.
Yes, tools will expand as necessary. I had to buy an entire porta-power setup just for one project, but it would have cost thousands to get someone else to do it. Too many tools in all the wrong places is the bane of the generalist!
Lastly, you can’t get anything you want, regardless of effort and cost. Sometimes you can, and sometimes not, even foregoing most other things. Sometimes you just have to do without. Now it’s time for me to go and dig up a sewer pipe. Sunday is Funday!
At least I don’t have a Prime or Wal+ account.
I would section it off.. one section would be for meat processing.. just making sausage and that..
one section would be for canning and processing..
one section would be green house and crop production
one section would be for woodworking
and one section would be for metal work and crazy grandpa spearamints… ( I miss spelled that on purpose LOL)
My dream house.. that I always wanted to build.. is an earth bermed house with an indoor courtyard.. a green house and canning section and meat processing.. then an old wood workers shop.. with all the tools set up..
I always liked how Norm’s shop was layed out..
you know he got ten grand an hour way back in the early eighties.. plus travel expenses
the bath tub that he has in that show.. is exactly like the one we used in the first house I owned.. LOL..
I would do the bench table differently.. one a full size table not just a serving table.. then the seat.. seats should be seventeen inches that is at fifteen inches.. and instead of flat.. like a lot of old benches were made.. I would have it slightly concave to fit the muscle.. LOL my youngest daughter wanted one of those when they got into their first home…. when I made it.. I made it and was not happy with it.. the table was to small.. and the seat to low and not comfortable.. probably why she got rid of it.. but it was a nice entry bench.. and they did use it for setting food out for holiday meals..
on the topic of homeruns.
you remember when i fousn that eric church CD on 01/302022 at midnight and 10 months to the minute i accedently took the exact image found within the Cd case. and the entire world conspired to place me there at that exact moment.
i went back to the same exact spot i found that CD to see if id see anything else. more of a nestalgia trip back where that happened.
and low and behold in the exact spot i parked on 01/30/2022 where i found that cd case was a large Pile of Baseball cards.
“Everything is a pretty big pile of toys” as you said.
see for ureself,
by estimate, the culmination of that many players, is around 22,000 career homeruns.
same exact spot.
a gift from THE DUDE,
once again the world conspires to take me there.
Boys will be Boys with big toys.
My favorite photo is a camel’s look.. we went to a zoo safari park drive through..this camel started coming towards the window..I rolled it up.. everyone was mortified I rolled it up cause they were going to feed it.. just as I was going to spit all over them.. where I calmly said..that’s lol
THE DUDEs timing is impecable. i was on my way to the gym, an eric church song came on the radio and i thought. oh. i should go to that place i found that eric church cd case then took the picture 10 months later to the minute and see what i see.
a massive pile of baseball cards spanning several decades. players who all knocked it out of the park on several occasions durring their careers. lay there in the exact spot i parked.
then i come on here and you said,
“Everything is a pretty big pile of toys but you can – with minimal planning – at least cycle through some of them in your life.”
okay, i am open to receive. i am open to receive. i am receive.
the Hot Blonde Lady, and The New Chevy Truck for starters.
que: ~ Swing ~
Trace Adkins.
Do yourself a favor and get the basebal cards appraised, rather than giving them away. You might have one or two that are worth something.
boy do I have a baseball card story………
long before cell phones were a thing.. I had torn down an old house that have huge boxes of baseball cards.. I gave them to the kids in the neighborhood and a cousin of the ex wifes..that collected baseball cards and the rest were burned in a fire as I cleaned out the old house of crap….
I worked at the cabinet shop.. one day the boss comes up to me and says.. do you collect baseball cards .. I laughed and said when I was ten or twelve I did.. but don’t now.. he said there was two pretty rough looking guys here wanting to talk to you about your baseball cards and are going to return during lunch break..
at lunch these two guys in a big beautiful car and a cell phone in the center console expensive suits on.. came up.. instantly recognising the scars of a lot of fights and battles and every hair on the neck was up indicating danger will robinson danger.. they asked me.. you have baseball cards to give us.. they had driven in from chicago.. one of the guys I gave cards to had somehow let these guys know about the cards I had found in that old house and told them I had piles of them that I would give them.. guess some of them were valuable or something.. I said I am sorry but you made one hell of a trip all the way here for baseball cards.. but if I had them I would gladly give them to you but I don’t have any baseball cards sorry.. I haven’t collected baseball cards since I was twelve.. they left.. I got home that night and the house had been ransacked.. torn all apart looking for baseball cards.. they went to my ex wifes cousins house and did the same thing there.. and even tore up his mother inlaws house.. I seen that big car for about two weeks and the house was torn up a couple times during those two weeks to.. before they finally left.. phew..
I have an idea who told them I had baseball cards.. but don’t know for sure.. well they said he told them that I had them and I believed he did.. he was a criminal type relative of my ex wife that hung out with unsavory people.. the other scary story I have is.. how many people actually know what is going on in and around them.. what do they do in that building over there.. what does your nieghbor do.. most people live in the box and don’t seek to find out.. so day by day they drive by buildings that they will never know what it is they do in there..
out of curiosity I would stop in ask what kind of business they do.. etc.. Well the wife and I would eat lunch at a little truck stop.. in between there and work.. there was a lumber yard just put up in the middle of nowhere.. none of the wood moved at all.. it was always the same.. one day I stopped in .. the first thing was there was more security than at NSA.. cypher locks cameras up the wazoo and every car in the parking low was worth around a hundred grand… I walked in.. there were six guys in the building.. each having a rolex watch on.. in cashmere .. they all turned off their computers.. ( computers were not common then.. it was a big deal.. neither was satellite communications and they had that as well ) the one guy came out and all the other five came out and was quietly starring at me.. I said.. I see your a lumber yard.. do you have any zebra wood or other rare woods.. no… and after about four minutes of strained indications I was basically told to get the hell out of there.. and I left.. that was a tuesday.. by friday the whole place was torn down and they were gone.. the fence everything.. well the wife has me under strick orders now.. I will not go in and randomly pick a building and see what they do there..
there is one I am curious about now.. in the middle of nowhere.. I mean no where.. there is a barracks.. exactly like the one I was in when I was in the military.. now why is there a military barracks in the middle of the wastelands with a big fence around it…. I do have my suspicions.. but why there.. I won’t go see though LOL LOL…
after my comment a tractor trailer went past me and on its wagon it read “Hey!” then another one went past me. and its wagon read, “Destined for Greatness!”
okay, cool, thanks!
Can you show a picture of that . I need to have proof, as per geo.
Oh ..time to put some milk up..
there’s no federal recommended guidelines.. how the Amish do it and according to gala emmeries book..
you sterilize the jars then chill the jars fill to A half inch wipe the top place a lid on it and finger tight don’t over tighten..
pressure can for ten minutes..
Amish water canning is place it in the water bath canner make sure the jars are covered with water and boil it for 1 hour. then let it cool..basically pasteurization of the milk.
the fat will separate shake it up before you put in the refrigerator.. if your going to pressure can then I use skim for water bath I use whole milk.
you can do whipping cream and sour cream etc.. with sour cream the whey will separate from the cultured product.. those that I know do the hot water bath for twenty minutes..I haven’t tried sour cream yet but will..
cream the fat solids separates from the cream similar to canning butter. once you open it whip the fat back into it or just shake it up before you refrigerate it. the internal temp has to reach 190 for 20 minutes
Look here LOOB, I have to stop reading your posts.
I put on another pound just today!
Lol lol
I use a meater in a sacrificial jar just a jar with water in it ..
you could use a sous vide but a water bath canner is just fine or a pressure canner ..
the meater is an awesome temp gauge.
it has been my experiance, sometimes it seems nothing happens for years. then everything happens in a few short days.
like burrying my denari, faith like potato’s.
~ We are right on schedule ~
“…but he still has the M&M problem. Maintenance and Materials (or and Machines) because the Hawaiian jungle want to move into his home.”
You’ve been spying on me, haven’t you? Dammit I just saw where a creeping vine from the next-lot jungle has made it up a guy rope to the center balun on my OCF Buckmaster dipole. Later today the 10-foot aluminum stepladder comes out, and I lower the ropes on the center feed point. Thank ‘The Dude’ for foresight and pulleys.
“Guys like Hank – out in Paradise – have a longer supply chain to deal with too.”
I’m always acutely aware that my supply chain is 2500 miles across an ocean. I have an orange box store in Hilo, only 20 miles away. But Lowes and Costco are 90 miles each way over a mile-high and more, mountain. What isn’t urgently needed I try to get mail-ordered. It’s wonderful to have stuff delivered to you, BUT… USPS “Ground Advantage” stuff sometimes takes a full month to get across that ocean. It make the lead time on projects agonizing at times.
And I knew I would not get away from this article unscathed. Now I NEED a wire-looping pliers! You and Ray are temptation devil twins, I swear.
don’t feel bad hank.. I ORDERED ONE TO lol lol lol…. wouldn’t use it much but dam…
I didn’t.
I’m quite happy with my Xcelite needle nose…
Hey George, Jim up north again.
As you know I have a beautiful shop. When I retired
I went from a 10,000 sf shop to a 3,500 sf. I have been two years trying to pare down. I put together a few tool kits and gave it away to neighbor kids, they loved it.
Next I had tons of bolts and hard wear, so I gave it to my friend up the road he is very neat unlike me. Now I go to his place to find my stuff all organized. We share!!!
The worst thing that happened to me was the hood decided to have a party at my place with my nice porch an all. They said they would clean it up for me. Well they did, I can no longer find anything in my shop.%$#@@
With friends like that…. gpes the saying…
“With friends like that…. goes the saying…”
Brings to mind a get well card I saw (and bought) once upon a time… Picture on the front is a bottle of castor oil with a spoon. Inside says, “With friends like me you don’t need enemas.”
No good deed goes unpunished!
Rumor has it that iran just exploded its nuclear bomb on the obozo-pedo joe – cumhola regime watch.
Please don’t post rumors here – if you don’t have a link to share, it didn’t happen and a bunch of partisans have gone crazy on all sides of the aisle already. Get data, get chill. thanks
So are opinions exceptable? Just asking.
If it is clear they are opins – yes.
So , do I have to take every body else’s opinion on what is going on in the world if they post it on your site? Does Mr Stewart post any thing that is not his opinion?
“So , do I have to take every body else’s opinion”
But do so with a twinkle and a grain of salt. Remember: “Opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one,” and try not to get terminally-offended when someone’s differs from yours.
Our space toys can detect a 2kt nuclear blast that goes off a mile underground. If you wish to add a layer of “possible confirmation” to the rumor that Iran fired off some extra electrons, tag the mid-level (O-4 to O-7) brass at the Pentagon over the past four days, and see if they suddenly got really busy. If it happened, no intel will make it to the public for years, but there are clues, and this is one. Another would be if Israel suddenly turned the whole of Persia into a glass parking lot…
Hal Turner posted pics of the seismograph reading comparing a quake in Iran to a “normal” earthquake. It appears to match that of a nuclear explosion. That particular article is behind a paywall so not available for everyone.
Maybe BS, maybe not.
Um, no.
Iran will NEVER test a nuclear bomb unless they can smuggle it to Russia’s test site. Neither we, nor perhaps even Israel, will even know they have The Bomb, until they have a sufficient quantity to destroy the U.S., U.K., France, and Israel. The Ayatollahs are crazy and fanatic but they are not stupid…
they could have just to prove they have one..
for all we know since the countries that have been deamonized by the NATO and USA countries.. could be sharing information and technology.. in the thought of with greater numbers they have more power.. the mere thought that societies where sacrificial bombings are a norm is terrifying .. and makes the thoughts of global destruction all to real.. what was it lavrov said..
the West and Nato should not be picking fights with countries with nuclear power.
then to see all of these smaller countries uniting into the Bric’s is scary.. either way we are in a very dangerous situation… Xi is right calm minds and negotiations… use maximum restraint..
If they prove they have one, Israel will annihilate them within hours. The sole reason for the existence of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and all the other sore spots in the ME is the total annihilation of Israel and the Jews.
Iran is NOT going to acquire a nuclear weapon and not use it. Therefore, if Israel wishes to survive, they MUST “glass” Iran, before Iran “glasses over” Israel. It is Tombstone, Arizona, only on a greater scale. The one that shoots first lives, the one that doesn’t, dies. Once Iran has a nuke, the argument is that cut and dried.
What sucks is the 87% of Iranians who want the Ayatollahs shitcanned and want the Shah back. They have begged us on multiple occasions for help in overthrowing their religious overlords. Bush43, Obama, and Biden all told them to GFS, and thousands or innocent Iranians died. Now, if the Ayatollahs get The Bomb, they will ALL die, and the fault (and responsibility) will lie squarely with American politicians — specifically Democrats and neocons.
“Opinion” is your creation; “rumor” is someone else’s.
You are you, and you are an original — so don’t be afraid to be one…
A time-unit proportionality fractal replay of 1929 has begun.
From the 100 trillion dollar global equity 27 September 2024 peak valuation, a 3/4of 6/6 day :: y/2y/2y 3-phase decay fractal series is observable and is interpolated in a 5 August 2024 7/18/18/11 day :: x/2.5x/2.5x/1.5x 4-phase fractal series ending 15 October 2024. This correlates to a 2/4/5/3 weeks or 11 week fractal series that will serve as the 1st fractal decay base for a series ending in October 2025.
Last Christmas I was gifted a new shed so I could move my electronics gear out of the house and move my good tools out of the leaky old shed. I ended up paring down my test gear to the stuff needed vs. the stuff I collected that I always wanted. Separated the bench into power supply, signal acquisition/power testing, and signal injection. Solder gear got it’s own corner. Seldom used gear went in a file cabinet and shelf along with parts/components in a separate area of the shop. General tools were separated by type, and specialty tools were put in kits with needed supplies included in the kit. The old building was relegated to dirty work, like cutting, sanding, welding, etc. Had enough room in new “clean” building, for some audio and music gear. Recently discovered the high powered joy of beastly commercial stereo amps vs. the old feeble stereo receivers that always had some shortcoming.
“As Empire Of Lies Crumbles, Hillary Clinton Warns: “We’ll Lose Total Control” If Social Media Stops Censoring Content”
The Hildebeast is 76 and looking rather haggard and wilted these days. Sounds like dementia talking here, too.
She definitely looks used! I wonder if her dementia is allowing the truth to hit national news. I’m still trying to determine the actual composition of “we” as she used it.
“She definitely looks used!”
Rode hard, and put away wet, once too often?
Bill said 20 years ago: “Hillary’s had twice as many women as I’ve had…”
If I cared, I’d dig up the interview — but I don’t.
YUP AGE was not graceful to her at all…
well she can’t be associated to Glenda at all by her looks… LOL LOL LOL to show the two together in the Wizzard of oz…
reminds me of the joke about a jocky… a jocky gets married to a beautiful woman.. OMG.. she was gorgeous.. the wedding night.. he is in bed.. and his new bride comes out of the bathroom with a mud face mask on.. and he asks.. why the mud.. she says.. you love to see me beautiful for you and this mud makes it so I can keep this beauty.. this goes on for a week every night.. on the first day of the second week she comes out of the bathroom and sees him with a whip and spurs on.. and she says.. why do you have on spurs and the horse whip.. well says the jocky.. mud or no mud baby we ride tonight….
That is Hildog 2.0 – the double.
OG Hildog already expired – wonder where that “thing”
that J. Parsons brought into existence that fateful night he executed the “workings” ritual got to after OG Hildog expired ?
From her own words she is indicating it “went right into” the 2.0 version..
Who knew that was even possible, has me wondering where the bloody queens’ went after she finally got hers.
I sincerely hope she’s right.
I believe the people and entities she refers to as “we” are the people and entities who should be kept farthest from “control” of anything.