ShopTalk Sunday: Mudding, Tape, and Sealing

…and ceiling,, too….

The (never-ending) project of getting the guest quarters up to snuff saw the “bulk, underlying” mud go on this week:

Some discussion of old construction sheetrock repairs is warranted by this (ugly, but only for now) view.

  • When “dealing with ceiling” and a repair of this type, I like to put a batch of “filling mud” into large cracks and such before taping.  The reason (*at least seems logical to me) is that unsupported tape over a void will crack (move) easier than tape which is semi-supported and very small – if any – voids.
  • This kind of repair is problematic in another way, since the new sheetrock does not have any (time and humidity-driven) sag between supports.  A non-issue on vertical walls, but a grand problem on a saggy 16-inch centers ceiling.
  • Next point is the tape to be used.  I really like the new fiberglass tapes – and I’m using it on this job.  One reason is the fire tape – which gives a 1 or 2-hour fire rating when properly applied, has a bunch of fine-print about having to be oil-base primed first before paint.  Paint brushes and I don’t get along as well as, um, wine bottles and me for example…
  • Finally, the fiberglass tape – get the finest weave you can.  Some tape has really big fiberglass strands and damn near a quarter inch apart.  May be strong as hell, but it leaves you with a ripply surface if you don’t mud on the 45/bias to float things smoothly. Finer weave of the glass tape, the better, I reckon.

Like Remo Williams, the “adventure continues” when I get up the gumption to face it.  Thus goes the mud discourse.

Taping Before Cutting

I wasn’t particularly happy with the rou7gh edge left by the circ saw when I was tearing down the sheet of 3/4 inch plywood that’s being lammed up for the Radial Saw Restoration.  Reason is the edges even with a good carbide blade were really ragged.

The way you get around this is to pull out the woodworking tape, although over the years, I’ve used green, blue, and Manila colored masking tapes and they work just fine.

Here’s the tape going on before a “truing cut” to clean up the edge on the table saw:

Cut down the middle of the tape and you get a vastly cleaner cut.  I suppose if I wasn’t lazy, I would have taken off the all-purpose carbide blade and put on a plywood blade.  But I like to save that for honest-to-God cabinet work.  Which this isn’t.

Next step in the process, once trued-up, was laminating the matching pieces together:

As you can see, the 3-inch and the 7-inch have the glue and screws in here.  The 17-1/2-inch was next in line.

No to Glue Brushes

Of all the K-6 classes I remember from 65+ years ago, I think finger-painting was my favorite.  Great fun. Seriously – think back on fingerpainting and remember the smell, the colors?  Wayback Machine stuff, Sherman.

Point is, there is this fad in “fine woodworking” where everyone goes to Rockler (or the Zon) and pisses endless money into glue spreading devices.

Around here, we grab a half-gallon jug of TiteBond III and drizzle it about as thick as you would syrup on pancakes or waffles.  Then (imagining yourself to be either a porn star or fully regressed kindergartener) you put on a rubber glove and smear the glue around, just so.

Over time, I’ve found that I seem to get about the same amount of squeeze-out when clamping no matter what the tool is. And a nitrile glove is a dime, handy, and not a made-up industry.

Order of the Radial

Reader Ray – a fine Fellow of the Radial Order who has also restored one of these beasts – says the clamping screws are damn near Unobtanium.  But, on eBay a brand-new set was found for around $45.  The ones that I have will clean up fine, but when doing a restoration (and this saw may be passed on to son G2) the idea is to have all the parts that can “go wrong” in the future.

Remember the story of John Titor having to time travel to find some IBM mainframe parts in (his) past?  Thing about this is it does turn one’s shop into something that looks like a Hoarder outpost.  You don’t really care what others think, do you?  But like in electronics for example, a collection of vacuum tubes may be in the same boat in another 20-years, or so.  You might need to travel back in time for a 12AX7, lol.

In a Shop, it’s NOT HOARDING.  It’s an advance purchasing program!  

You want to buy all of the critical parts for a project early-on and set back spares.   But yes, there is a problem in organizing.  Do you “file by function” or “file by tool” – vexing thoughts that wreck my sleep several times a week.

Ray had some good hints on bluing the steel vertical column on  his saw.  But I just don’t have the patience for that.

I did, however, find a “saw top bellows” and will be installing that when we get to the repair and restore part.  For now, we’re in the scrounging stage.  $35-$50 will buy just about anything for one of these, except the motor, yoke, or slide.

Sealing and Sanding

When I was growing up, Pappy was big on primer but he never passed on the critical nature of sanding sealer to his son.  I won’t make that mistake (though I have a huge personal collection of other mistakes…).

Amazon carries Zinnser Bull’s Eye SealCoat Universal Sanding Sanding Sealer. Which, as $27-bucks and change is more expensive than a lot of hooch at the package store, but that’s just a budgeting note in passing.

Thing about sanding sealer is that it lets you fill in the wood with a purpose-built material that is designed to give you a really great underlayment for any of your clear finishes.  What most people don’t know is it makes getting to a super glass-like finish about 10-times easier – and 3X faster, too!

Didn’t know this until I read the instructions, a few years back.  But the sealer dries (to touch) in about 10–minutes, unless you really slather it on thick.  Then 20-minutes.  Then, depending on slatherizing (if that’s a word) sandable in an hour.  Again, or two.

Typically, for “glass-like” you’d use 2-4 coats of sanding sealer and then two coats of final product. I’ll likely to use a hard clear varathne of some kind.  The point is not to polish up the fine woodworking skills (though that wouldn’t hurt, either). The idea is to have a saw table that should be somewhat low friction.

Stuff looks good by itself:”

One more sanding and one more coat and these pieces should be “project ready.”

One of our readers was asking:  The dimensions for a Craftsman radial table saw are (plus or minus).  About 3-inches (small, backmost table).  7-inches, or a bit shy for the middle table.  The stop fence is 3/4″ wide and about 3-inches tall.  It sandwiches between the middle table and the front.  And the front table is anywhere in the 16-18-inch range.  It’s hard bolted.

Ray’s point about those clamps is you do want to take care of them because they give you adjustment range. More as this project meanders along.

Fattening in a Healthy Way

Very happy with the Bighorn propane broiler I wrote about earlier this week:  With the cover off and drip pan inside, it looks like this on the stainless steel table on the BBQ deck:

The food is really good on it.  Rack on the lower shelf is the warming rack (also called the baked potato finishing rack) from the Tru Infrared this sits next to.

Later this week, I’ll be tearing up the wiring for the motion lights around the house.  Because I need to put an outlet close to the BBQ grill to power the new rotisserie which will be doing teriyaki chicken this afternoon.

Elaine’s got two hip replacements, so we don’t just run extension cords willy-nilly.  A properly done GFI outlet to power the cooking area seems like the smart thing to install.

Off to visit the 3806 KHz crowd on the ham rig, then a dandy for gardening, shop work, and eating.  Hope yours is as much fun…

Write when you get rich,

68 thoughts on “ShopTalk Sunday: Mudding, Tape, and Sealing”

  1. better than Sex Bread…

    1 cup of rice
    3 cups of water
    Boil till done
    1/3 cup of room temp milk
    1 Tbsp. Of sugar
    1 tsp. Yeast mix together
    Mix into the rice
    1/4 cup of oil
    3 cups of flour
    Sift into the rice mixing as you go one cup at a time.
    Kneed it.. oil your hands so the dough doesn’t stick to you..
    Place in a greased bowl cover it set it in a warm dark place for an hour maybe more..
    Take out kneed spray your loaf pan with oil then dust it with flour.. place your dough in cover and let rise. Put in oven pre heated at 350 degrees.. for about an hour or until the top is golden brown.
    Slather the crust with melted butter let cool ..slice and eat. Makes great dinner buns to..

    Second recipe..
    Three large potatoes cubed boil until they are done yet firm
    1/2 cup of milk
    Mash and mix very well
    1 Tbsp sugar
    Mix it in along with
    1/4 cup of melted butter
    1tsp of yeast
    Mix this in let it sit covered for about a half hour

    Beat one egg add it to the mix
    Take two cups of flour and mix it in
    Making a dough kneed it good..
    Place in greased bowl cover and let it
    Take out and kneed it dust it with flour.
    Place on your pastry matt then roll out the dough to Bout a quarter inch.( give or take)
    Coat the dough with a light coating of melted butter.
    1 package of shredded cheese. ( your choice I like Swiss or mozzarella.
    Sprinkle it on the dough. Roll the dough up pinwheel fashion pinch the seam.
    Then put the dough in a greased and floured pan.
    Cover and let rise.
    Put it in a pre heated oven at 350 degrees. About a half hour till the crust is golden brown.take out slather melted butter over the crust..let cool slice and eat.
    Now.. to take the potato bread pinwheel to the extreme..your the boss of your taste buds..
    An alternative.. cinnamon sugar and raisens instead of the cheese..
    Brown sugar butter mix with crushed pecans for a Carmel pinwheel.
    Or jelly jam peanut butter. You get the idea your the boss enjoy..
    Fry the buns in hot oil flip and fry both sides golden brown
    1 cup of rice
    3 cups of water
    Boil till done
    1/3 cup of room temp milk
    1 Tbsp. Of sugar
    1 tsp. Yeast mix together
    Mix into the rice
    1/4 cup of oil
    3 cups of flour
    Sift into the rice mixing as you go one cup at a time.
    Kneed it.. oil your hands so the dough doesn’t stick to you..
    Place in a greased bowl cover it set it in a warm dark place for an hour maybe more..
    Take out kneed spray your loaf pan with oil then dust it with flour.. place your dough in cover and let rise. Put in oven pre heated at 350 degrees.. for about an hour or until the top is golden brown.
    Slather the crust with melted butter let cool ..slice and eat. Makes great dinner buns to..

    Second recipe..
    Three large potatoes cubed boil until they are done yet firm
    1/2 cup of milk
    Mash and mix very well
    1 Tbsp sugar
    Mix it in along with
    1/4 cup of melted butter
    1tsp of yeast
    Mix this in let it sit covered for about a half hour

    Beat one egg add it to the mix
    Take two cups of flour and mix it in
    Making a dough kneed it good..
    Place in greased bowl cover and let it
    Take out and kneed it dust it with flour.
    Place on your pastry matt then roll out the dough to Bout a quarter inch.( give or take)
    Coat the dough with a light coating of melted butter.
    1 package of shredded cheese. ( your choice I like Swiss or mozzarella.
    Sprinkle it on the dough. Roll the dough up pinwheel fashion pinch the seam.
    Then put the dough in a greased and floured pan.
    Cover and let rise.
    Put it in a pre heated oven at 350 degrees. About a half hour till the crust is golden brown.take out slather melted butter over the crust..let cool slice and eat.
    Now.. to take the potato bread pinwheel to the extreme..your the boss of your taste buds..
    An alternative.. cinnamon sugar and raisens instead of the cheese..
    Brown sugar butter mix with crushed pecans for a Carmel pinwheel.
    Or jelly jam peanut butter. You get the idea your the boss enjoy..

    The filled buns can be done differently to smaller like a dumpling ..with chicken in it.. and put in a boiling chicken broth and vegitables.
    Then another alternative..
    Half cup of pizza sauce chopped pepperoni
    Cheese. Make a dumpling and fry till golden brown. These are the best pizza puffs..

    • Oops I copied and pasted the recipe twice.. you can steam that dough fry it.. if you use it for dumplings.. to make pizza rolls or cinnamon puffs.. if you do that then dust them with cinnamon and sugar.. fill with cinnamon and sugar.. great snack.. the pizza rolls are way better than the ones you buy in the store.. the dough is really nice..

      • Or .. Just drink some of the lotus wine of the first emperor..LOL… that stuff is good.. well I think it is.. the wine was called the forbidden wine of the first emperor .. anyone caught drinking it other than the emperor and his concubines.. was put to death..
        I made a batch a few months ago.. I like it .. didn’t get much feedback about it.. I should crack a bottle open today to see how it is aging..

        • Thinking i was gonna write that using unsubstantiated history when the victors write it to demand equity (money) is akin to strong arm robbery meanwhile our representitives steal from us to pay that …after bread better than sex…????

  2. Nice work on the saw. I’m inspired to use your idea for Saw #2 except I have some really dense 5/4 material that looks kinda like particle board but it’s smooth. It is supposed to be the same stuff they use for the base of treadmills and is heavy as hell.
    After checking fences yesterday with my Consigliere we stopped for a visit with Barney and had a chilled Schlitz. The adopted twin Saw #2 was discussed. Earl asked why don’t you just put the old cabinets and countertop from the kitchen on one side of your shop and put her in the center. You can keep your tractor in my shop as long as you want. By the way Darlene wants to know when you will be able to build that kitchen island for her. Guess what is on the schedule next week.
    Stay safe everyone. 73

    • Kitchen island projects are GREAT. Just run the power first… overdo it and a sep circuit – then you can have lots of electricity for awful irons, paninnis, and even that Cruisinart electric rotissie with a nice sirloin roast on it…

      • Done, just waiting for the island to go in. As a surprise I had a quartz top made for it that arrives this week. All Darlene has to my knowledge is an ancient Kitchenaid set up and a 10 year old Cuisinart food processor we gave her for Christmas years back. But the food she creates in her little farm kitchen puts any 5 star restaurant to shame. It’s Sunday and I can smell the fried chicken from 3 miles away.

  3. ” it’s NOT HOARDING. It’s an advance purchasing program! ”

    I hope you don’t mind.. I am going to remember that explanation and the next time the boss is counseling me I am going to use it…

    as for glue brushes.. I do get the three quarter or half inch brushes..
    for glue.. I found that cath syringe works great..

    Of course I never had to buy any.. after they flush a cath they throw them away.. so I just picked them up.. 150 ml gives you plenty of glue to use and the bulbed one is easy to clean and store.. the other piston pump one is ok.. but you pretty much have to toss them after you use them..
    these below are what I use as well.. boy the price of those things went up.. I pick them up for a dollar a piece at the hardware store.. keep ten or so of them around all the time.. they come with a roller and a small pan.. put them under the sink with the paint that is used for the walls for touch up.. great for quick touch up jobs and for spreading glue.. at the cabinet shop that is what they would use to spread contact glues..

  4. I’ve been checking 3806 when Nature Calls around 3 to 5 am EDST, and am surprised at not hearing anything. This is my Ground Truth Test for the 3.999 / 7.299 thing. I’m hearing other insomniac gabby night nets up and down the dial, but not on 3.806.

    What time do youze guyze gab it up? I’ll try a pee & check around then.

    3,933, 3.938, 3.940, and several others are on, and quite audible from Maine to Florida, and far, far beyond St Louis to the west pretty much all night rom midnight to dawn… (…and, of course, the AMers on 3.885)

    (I’m in central North Carolina.) (100 watts to a very good dipole. Excellent receiving QTH…)

    – 73 –

    • We were on from 6:30 to about 7 AM today – I was using 1.2 kw and antenna ocfd at 40-feet. But remember, that’s central time – so the band would be closing in your tz as the gray line goes by

      • OH! My goof. I thought 3806 was a wee small hours insomniac gab net.

        7am is very near local sunrise these days. Next week (EST) will be worse. 2 am to 5am is golden insomnia ham radio time here.

        I hear WLW (700) until about 6am when the botom falls out.
        (But they’re gangbusters till then most nights.)

        – 73 –

  5. Experience with some wide gaps in drywall repairs, I noticed that even mudding and taping didn’t stop it from cracking again later. Dug it all back out and found that if I run some (good) latex caulk into it and then a thin swipe of mud, then tape … let dry and finish. Worked great. I learned to determine weather or not to do that the first time I do a repair.

    Make sure you mix the mud – drywall compound – what ever you’re using, before you apply, per directions. – Man, if I had a dollar for every person who didn’t read and follow directions … lol.

      • Speaking of ceilings … when there’s a damage in the (texture) scrape the area then caulk the edge because no matter what, where the texture is left, there’s always a “gap” that’s very tiny but will create an air pocket and crack again eventually. Just put some caulk on your finger and wipe the edge. (Leave zero excessive caulk.) Sand about an inch of texture around the area so the new texture blends in smoothly. Prime it, then add the new texture to the area.

        It’s the same for wall texture repairs.

        Man, I’ve done shit loads of repairs and countless texture jobs.

        If you ever need to remove texture, this is the machine to do it with. It make for a pretty clean job.

    • Even Better – Overcut the Repair Drywall by 1 – 2 inches – Cut it back saving the outside paper as your tape – Lightly mud everything & There is no seam to crack – Lightly sand after drying & paint. Cracks Will Not Come Back or Show Thru..

  6. Hope everyones Sunday is going well.
    I’m checking things and packing for the drive to KY.
    While browsing around Friday I found a documentary on verifying a Jackson Pollock painting from a fingerprint found on the back and a fingerprint on one of the pour cans Pollock used in his studio,
    Forensics guy later found another third print on a verified Pollock.
    Painting was found in a thrift shop by a woman trucker for $5.
    She’s been offered millions but won’t sell until the price suits her.
    Art world dismisses the forensics and the painting because the painting has no provenance.
    Oh well.
    I never connected the finger painting I did in 1959 Kindergarten and 1960’s elementary school, until you mentioned it today, after seeing that documentary. Then I realized the popularity.
    I wonder if some old lady will find one of my finger-paints in a thrift store somewhere?

  7. alright, now.

    lots of cool stuff going on, if one has the eyes to see. I ain’t saying. I’m at the gather information point. some of it just makes me laugh so much inside. definitely still adventuring. I did mention it to one person and she said ohhh my gawd Andy, that is hilarious. only you would notice that stuff. I said nah, I know some old dudes who would notice it too.

    super synchronicity, the adventure continues!

    last day of comicon. so much fun. you ever seen Darth Vader hugging a Power ranger? The Hulk and Kool walk holding hands?

    ohhhhhh yeah! I have! hahahah

    a place where all the heros and villains come to hang out together.

    i gave out a million smiles last few weeks. best part of the job. received 10 times that amount back.


    • I will tell you one thing. that girl that looks like a panda bear, surprised yesterday when she told me she has a PHD from Oxford. has a PHD in English literature.

      now I’m not really into panda girls. but that is pretty dang cool. she is kinda crushing on me. that is okay. don’t have to do anything about it.

      not every day you meet a PHD from Oxford. let alone a female, Kung fu panda one.

        • haha we will see. definitely a cool lady.

          comicon, definitely reminds me of where the collective of proto-gstal develops the archetypes within the lattice matrices of time, to know itself through sensory as it relates to the phenomenal reality.

        • if one can comprehend the movements of honey bees, and recognize the patterns of movement of superheros and villains and their archetypes, it is pretty cool dance to witness. a sea of living dynamic moving, dancing archetypes.

          I’m at the main exit, so I see everyone who comes in, because they have to go past me to leave.

        • speaking about bamboo.. I bought some clothing that is made out of bamboo pulp.. they make sheets of bamboo paper then grind it up and spin it .. this is more comfortable than anything I have ever had before.. awesome product.. bamboo one of the worlds miracle plants.. you can do so much with it..

        • “The Primordial Image, Or Archetype, Is A Figure—Be It A Daemon, A Human Being, Or A Process—That Constantly Recurs In The Course Of History And Appears Wherever Creative Fantasy Is Freely Expressed. Essentially, Therefore, It Is A Mythological Figure…In Each Of These Images There Is A Little Piece Of Human Psychology And Human Fate, A Remnant Of The Joys And Sorrows That Have Been Repeated Countless Times In Our Ancestral History…”

          according to Jung there is 4 major archetypes.


          it is has been very educational to witness the flow of them the last 4 days.

          to my understanding, and studies, there is a total of 42 different subset archetypes. and 73 facets of each.

        • Thanks. Now I’ll have “Everybody was Kung Foo Fighting” playing in my head all day.

        • more interesting than that was stumbling in upon Gandolf banging the hell out of very beautiful wonder woman in a bathroom stall. which they laughed with glee then promptly decided to elope to another venue upon me saying, oh my fucking God!

          as well as Batman holding hands with strawberry shortcake after I clearly seen him holding hands earlier with Cinderella. and watching Neo turn right around and chase after a very beautiful cuella deville.

          only one Chewbacca spotted, yesterday it seemed we had 87 Spidermans, today more Wonder women than any other genera. and the day before the 87 Spidermans, there was a total of 67 captain America’s.

          due note we had 6 Darth Vaders, 3 who vape and 2 who smoked, the other a non smoker. the irony of that is hilarious.

          very very wonder filled expression of Creative Fantasy Is Freely Expressed.

          many wonderful personal notes in the language of.creation directed, directly for me, which , I will keep to myself. thank you very much.

      • Re: the Dyslexic from Oxford
        feat. 4 the Sensitive Reader


        Thank you for your inclusive move with the added rapport of m in m’s thoughtful discourses. This rather does remind me of an article today on the CBC website featuring the rise of sensitivity editors. Their report speaks to woke concerns in publishing trenches about insensitive literature muddying young, impressionable minds with racist rhetoric. It references a piece from the British poet Kate Clanchy MBE attributed to “Unheard” (sic). Her LinkedIn feed features a panda bear.

        • Folks,

          I have been remiss to mention that the main civic library here has repurposed an entire floor to be more reflective of the modern age. The bulk of a hoard of accumulated local city records and memorabilia dating back to the fur trade and early colonial times were apparently dispatched – undigitized – to the main city landfill. Future archeologists will have a decayed treasure trove on their hands indicative of past civilization. The newly opened up library floorplate welcomes knitting groups and others which can serve to knot together the communal spirit.

  8. Nice job on the saw table, although if you’re planning to use it rather than display it in a museum, it’s serious overkill. Sure, the slick surface makes for nice ripping, but that surface is not likely to stay slick if you actually use the saw. I’ve replaced mine 5 – 6 times over the past 50 years, as it tends to get cut up when making diagonal cuts. The fence gets replaced every year or two, even under light use. I always used the old, cheap but stable “particle board” for the table surface and ripped a 2″ wide piece of 1 X for a new fence.

    • I was planning on inch and an eighth melamine board – turned out birch cabinet ply was cheaper by $40 buck and 3 weeks quicker than ordering what I really wanted…

  9. I don’t know whether to be impressed or concerned with your ceiling repairs at your age. Does Elaine hold the ladder? Do you not get dizzy looking up at the ceiling and straining? Do you have cushions on the floor for the fall?

    Be careful George. I have my 40 bucks set aside for Peoplenomics renewal coming up. We need you here!

    • Well, first – I am in really good shape. When I pick up wine, for example, and they ask myt birth date, I get “You kidding me? You look like you’re 50-something….”
      A lot of that comes from hobbies that use a lot of balance. Think living on a sailboat and flying a lot…
      Then, I rarely use 2-post ladders. The one for this job is a 4-step old man platform ladder. Not small rungs to slip off.
      Then, I only work after a good breakfast (solid nutrition, cup of tea) and no distractions. Mindfulness matters in your 70s.
      Not that I can address all the risks, but you can use common sense (times 2) and reduce risks to not much more than a youngster in a hurry levels.
      But keep that $40 bucks handy. I intend being a writer for another decade or two…

      • when I worked at the gas station.. there was a woman that would come in.. I swear she was ten or twelve.. but no she was older than I was at the time.. NOW her sister came in and she looked like she was in her fifties.. but she was under the legal age.. amazing .. I checked that womans drivers license every time she came in..

  10. ply tear out.there is some controversy on tape and tear out… well what I have done is if you know the exact spot you are going for.. lay your straight edged on it.. clamp it down and tun a razor knife over it twice to score the top layer.. plywood is nothing but skinds glued together.. chip board and particle board is exactly what they say.. MDF is cardboard dust.. and glue..
    Now if you have two pieces put the good side to the inside and use double sticky tape.. then cut the good side will be on the inside and the tear out will be on the bottom or top depending on what saw you use.. I have used sacrificial boards to..
    a slide.. or a zero clearance insert.. mine uses I believe either one eighth inch insert or a quarter.. cut out the blanks then run the saw up through it.. you have zero clearance and that will help avoid tear out..
    fine tooth.. plywood and 60-80 and above teeth.. I have one blade that is just for plywood..

    • Zero clearance tape is a better alternative and replaceable.
      look up FastCap Zero Clearance Tape, 5 Strips, 2″ x 16″, Made in USA on the zon– $9 bucks and change.

      • Dam.. I have never even heard about that.. I will order some right away to use..I always used a sacrificial board.. or a sled..

    • “there is some controversy on tape and tear out… well what I have done is if you know the exact spot you are going for.. lay your straight edge on it.. clamp it down and run a razor knife over it twice to score the top layer.. ”

      I combine the two. I’ll run a razor knife down the straight-edge, then use masking tape over the score and mark the tape, to ensure the saw kerf is hitting the score and not screwing with the veneer (or wood, if I’m crosscutting.) I also often tape both sides, because I got tired of the damn’ splinters.

      “Now if you have two pieces put the good side to the inside and use double sticky tape.. then cut the good side will be on the inside and the tear out will be on the bottom or top depending on what saw you use.. ”

      “I have used sacrificial boards to..”

      Yepper, I’ve done both, although without sticky-tape. If you’ve got a good clamp, you don’t need it. Definitely prefer the razor knife though…

  11. Good plan on the platform ladder. My wife bought one with a support rail at the top so she can get high with some degree of security.
    For my part, it’s time to rework the innards of the 24′ water tower I built about 25 years ago. May have to put an old mattress under the ladder just in case. The wife is too old to catch me anymore.

  12. George
    A late comment from yesterday’s topics.
    With regards to Earths geomagnetic and electrical environment there has been tons of research and constant monitoring by satellites and ground stations.
    A scholarly and easily understood presentation of this data has been provided by a geophysicist on YouTube.
    It is amazing what is going on in the Sun-Earth-Moon environment. The graphics and animation provided are way cool and shows the data in an easy to understand way.
    If the results of this data is accurate science is on the verge of predicting earthquakes and other physical dangers to the Earth.
    Search YouTube for the Stefan Burns channel.
    Go to:
    What’s GUARANTEED TO HAPPEN around March 7th, 2023 Energy Forecast from a Geophysicist

    It’s about 30 minutes long and worth your time especially if your a data hound!

    • I read an article many, many years ago titled something like “The Electrical Solar System” or some-such, that posited that thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Amperes of electrical current flowed between the various planets and natural satellites, acting as electro-emissive cathods and collecting anodes. That the interplanetary vacuum was mildly conductive dur to the filiments of ionized gasses, magnetic field force lines, and the Solar wind seeding space with ions a-plenty from blow-off gasses — enought to provide a conductive medium. Additionally, the planets’ motions through that medium acted like the moving coils of wire in a generator, sourcing that current.

      Considered a crackpot theory at the time, I thought it sounded possible enough to think up a way to measure for this current.

      Then, the NASA shuttle conducted a long tether experiment that went very badly due to such wire-in-motion-through-a-magnetic-field effects as to be indicative of something being to the crackpot theory.

      Which theory disappeared from view and discussion shortly after.

      Arthur Clarke’s “Space Elevator” (The Tower Of Kalydassa) isn’t being talked about much lately — and that seemed like a wonderful idea.

      Maybe it would suffer the same problem.

      • AKA – Plasma Theory, the Electric Universe, Plasma Cosmology is perhaps what your referring? Fascinating stuff. All the planets, and sun(s) create a vast electrical – magnetic circuit (hence plasma). Universes are all connected and part of the circuitry.
        One very interesting website on this is

      • Plasma physicist James McCanney ( advanced that theory long ago and has written books about it. He is a dissident scientist and decries how money has wrecked the scientific and education system, so he is ignored by ‘mainstream’ science. The info is all there on his website, but you have to dig for it. He’s a smart guy. He also published a book on how to ‘calculate primes’ that everyone ignores, also. But you can crack any prime-dependent cryptographic method with his information.

  13. “Cut down the middle of the tape and you get a vastly cleaner cut.”

    In addition to the tape you might want to score the cut line with a utility knife. Then make ure cut on the waste side of that line. Always worked for me.

  14. George: enjoyed ShopTalk Sunday

    “In a Shop, it’s NOT HOARDING. It’s an advance purchasing program!”

    I’m stealing that Sir. I have a large pole barn plus attached garage plus boathouse at waters edge. My Dad used to buy 3 of everything (one for him, one for the pole barn, one for me. I still need 3 of everything. Or, 4, one for my son.

    Being boaty, I’m all for Polyurethane and/or Varnish. Worth it on my tiller handle(s). Or brightwork. My radial arm saw is a beast. It’s now covered with black high density plastic cut to fit as a backsplash between range and micro. Lovely bit of kit.

    ATL (around the lake): big weather event Friday. Well forecast. Escaped possible 40 mph winds and 12.1″ of snow. Got 7-9″ of borderline sleet snow, (E) 2″/hour burst lasted 3 hours. And, lightening thunder snow! Exciting.

    Brownout near 8pm. Expected, Coatings on everything aerial were 3-4″ so tree branches caused havoc to say nothing of line sag which was enormous. Nearly bedtime so set up at-a-pinch lighting, put a flashlight in pocket, enjoyed the extreme quiet.

    Lost sleep concerned about letting temps fall <60F. 10 minute fix would have been start Generac (portable total house) or 2 hour fix light the fireplace. Decided to sleep it off and pull from boot straps at dawn. 2 am we rejoined the 20th century.

    Debrief: add more wood stored inside. Had 12-ish hours dry supply plus a cord 50' away but? Make minor improvements to interior battery LED backups. *Big* store more gasoline outside onsite (I don't hold with storage inside.

    Lake is half hard frozen. A phased mirror across the mile of water. Very purty. Enjoy the day, Egor

  15. Do you hire out? The walls are done, but I never never finished out all the ceiling sheetrock in the garage. Getting a commercial sheetrock guy to do a small job is very difficult, especially in a cluttered garage.

    • ALWAYS rock the ceiling FIRST. Reason is that if done right, you get a 1/2 to 5/8 support under the joint when the walls go on. The wall sheetrock, pressing up on the ceiling rock is the way to go. See the Ure family Designs book: Design so that in even of fasters (like ceiling screws) the ceiling rock would still stay up. (Also leads to tighter, smaller seams in the worst to mud area. Horizontal wall rocking is best too. Keeps more of the seam at waist level and easier to work.

      • The ceiling sheetrock went in first, as you suggested. What I need is someone to finish taping and floating it, then texture it. My late father hired a couple of amateurs to finish it, and they mucked up the job. I managed to sand out what they failed to finish over a period of time, but it still needs quite a bit of work. Working overhead off ladders is not on my DIY project list these days.

  16. George, yesterday you talked about the sun exploding next month and someone said all of north America is toast. And today you are making a ceiling repair perfect. You have 6 weeks to live and you are fooling around with teaching us. Why don’t you just go back to bed and snuggle with your wife?

    • Back to Bed?
      Remember, Ends of World haven’t happened in a few thousand years. And prediction can be way off. Besides, why would I go back to bed with my tool-runner and chief critic? Sunday’s just another workday around here.

      • With respect to all. Why are we trending drywall mud and Bamboo? The kicker is huge corruption and deception beyond 1776 or the COUS. Been here long time sailor and ignoring reality has not been in your past work. WTFU

    • A few reasons in no special order:
      “The Millerites” (and others similar)
      The Myan Calendar (“2012”)
      Global Freezing / Ice Age (circa 1970)
      “MissilesOf October” (1962?)
      Jesus came (several instances)
      And… Coming soon: Global Climate Collapse
      Mark Twain said words to the effect:
      “I’ve had many troubles in my time.
      Fortunately, most of them never happened.”

      Eat, drink, be merry. Etcetera.

  17. Regarding batteries, my worst coppertop experience was with a new LED 3-cell Maglight… baton large. First set of coppertops swelled in just a few months… barely used. Could not remove the batteries from the tube and I was so pissed I sawed the head of the Maglite off at the battery top. Cobbled some angle brackets on it and with a 5-volt supply wired into it, it has become a working ‘spotlight’ for the workbench that I can aim to any angle from above. Damned if I was going to throw it all away.

  18. I’m not a pro at taping, but I have rocked and taped a bunch of houses. If there’s more than a token gap, fill with hot mud! It will set in your lifetime and you can get on with taping. Make sure that you never, ever fill above the surrounding rock. The idea is minimal or zero sanding. I personally tape with premixed mud, unless it’s time sensitive or a wet location. The top coat should always be premixed as it tends to be much more workable, and you can remove many mistakes with the edge of the taping knife. I always use paper tape rather than fiberglass stuff, unless it’s in a damp location, and sometimes even then. I’ve never used “fire tape”, and I don’t think it even existed when I used 5/8 fire rated rock. If Ure doing ceilings, a sheetrock lift is almost necessary for working alone, and it’s really helpful on angled ceilings too, like an attic. They are cheap enough, and it certainly beats using just 4×4′ half sheets balanced on your head while on a ladder.

    Sometimes it’s worth going to a level 5 finish unless time is of the essence. It’s not that difficult. Plenty of videos on youtube. It can also help get rid of texturing that’s been painted – I HATE TEXTURE! Then again, it’s a personal preference. I’d rather see dead flat surfaces.

  19. Here’s a gadget that seems to be worth every penny of its cost. One of my favorite YouTubers, Officer Greg of OG’s Danger Show, is showing off a new Night Vision binocular with some impressive extras.

    I had a night vision monocular years ago until my slippery-fingered boy dropped it to its death one night with his friends. This probably cost as much as that one did but with many more features. Time always brings costs down in technology and it drug a lot of things down with it coalescing in one very impressive piece of equipment.

    I wish it was thermal but we can’t have everything … yet.

  20. “One of our readers was asking: The dimensions for a Craftsman radial table saw are (plus or minus). About 3-inches (small, backmost table). 7-inches, or a bit shy for the middle table. The stop fence is 3/4? wide and about 3-inches tall. It sandwiches between the middle table and the front. And the front table is anywhere in the 16-18-inch range. It’s hard bolted.”

    The reason the deck is in three pieces is so you can rip with a ~17″ deck, or with a ~24″ deck, and with the saw blade in (against the fence) or out. The length and width of the primary deck (which is bolted down, and upon which the leveling screws push) is arbitrary. Mine is 20″x48″ (which means I have to reach slightly under the deck to adjust the turret height) The width of the smaller boards is critical (if you want the scales on the arm to be more than decorations). I had to locate and download an original manual for my saw (not difficult — the members of the Craftsman tool forums have darn near everything, and they’re a friendly lot), to get the precise dimensions of the secondaries.

  21. Carbide triple chip for plywood, maybe you won’t even need to tape the cut line. Except you’re using a circular saw that probably has no thrust bearings. Most have only roller bearings, so the blade jumps back and forth as you cut.
    Gaps in new drywall? Ahem, umm, . . . how did they get there? Anything over 1/16″ I’ll caulk in 1 or 2 passes (or more). Caulk sets well enough to mud over in a few hours, just make sure it won’t need sanding – doesn’t sand well. Plaster of paris is traditional but also doesn’t sand well.
    Shop finish for all the wood tables (like doweling, radial arm, runout tables, belt sander, etc.) was Johnson paste wax in the shop I worked in in the 70’s. Also used whenever wood didn’t slide easy across the jointer, table saw, planers, shapers. 1 can lasted a few years in heavy shop use. Unfortunately:
    Melamine board is great for shop surfaces that aren’t metal, second only to laminate. Fused melamine, not the rolled stuff, it’s junk.

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