There is the scent of Fall in the air. And with it, my interest in doing yard work is on the rise. Besides, Mercury goes out of retrograde this week. If you don’t follow retrograde, this episode is running August 5–28: In Virgo and Leo.
My life goes to crap about 3-4 weeks ahead of Retrograde. I won’t bore you with the whole list this time around other than mention the lightning strike that cost me a computer, a big grid-tied inverter and a $900-class ham radio (Omni Vii) power switch…
Today’s 3-Dollar Word
When I was a boy (early fifties) everyone at the firehouse called my day ‘Cap or “The Encyclopedia” because he was a walking repository of all kinds of neat (sometimes arcane) knowledge. He knew “all the three-dollar words.”
And this morning we have one: The art of trimming trees into shapes is called topiary. The non-$3-word is pronounced “Hedge trimming.”
And with the gates of hell slowly closing for the season, I got out the hedge trimmer and got to work. This is outside our storage building and I’m about halfway through the first (eyeball) pass:
Next time you go to Disney Land (or World), spend some time looking at the topiary – because they have all kinds of animals and such. Hedge carving. Very enjoyable.
One little fine point (every shop art has “hidden tricks” to it). In this case, it’s considering your sight angles.
If you want the hedge to “pop” more (ask an artist to explain the visual concept of making things pop. But be ready to hear tales of how in graphic arts, artists will often use a “knockout” (a thin white or black outline) around lettering placed over a busy background to make lettering stand out.
The analog to that is a slight “back cut” so that the hedge has a light down-tilt toward the side of the building like this:
The result is that when you stand back (and this really works only/best when the main viewing angles are at, or slightly lower, than the hedge height. But you can really make a hedge “stand out” from background:
OK, little bit raggedy, but this wasn’t string and straight-edge work. Just the hedge along the side of a storage building. Still, it looks much better with the application of a nice trim.
If you haven’t dealt with hedges before, you will want to do all your hedging work before mowing. With the sunup this morning, I’ll be mowing and all the small leftovers will be turned into lawn food over time.
Ou at the road, we have a massive yaupon which would make a fine topiary. The only easy form we could come up with (and this is after a drink or two) weas to make it into a pyramid. Making a big “U” didn’t seem good, and when comes to elephants, deer and such….meh. But a nice green Cheops? We’ll see as the weather cools.
Welding Table Southern Rust Studies
Before I started the welding table a quick pass with the burnishing machine got it looking reasonably clean:
Then I put on a coat of Ospho…
Ospho is interesting stuff. It’s a runny (almost consistency of water) chemical that you paint on with a brush – then let dry for 24-hours.
Then you can either paint (not a good choice for a welding table) or coat with something else – and in my case the choice was the Pro version of WD-4 which comes in the non-aerosol container and seems to last longer than the aerosolized version.
If you’re going for the ultimate welding table, don’t bother taking the rust off. because it turns a nice black color and frankly, my table is a little “mottled” appearing.
On the other hand, bare metal it’s great for paint adhesion, so useful stuff to have around.
With the WD-40 coat on top:
See the black spots? That’s rust – now stabilized into something that won’t rust further – which means (again, over-thinking the project) I may come out with my “two layers of rust resistance” but at the cost of appearance.
The welding table doesn’t care.
Ham Radio Notes
Had a great conversation Friday with Joe Dube, K4TR who makes some of the best (wire) ham radio antennas about. You’ll remember, I put up one of his W5GI antennas about a year ago. It works just fine, but it was a little down from other antennas on the 75-meter (3.8 MHz neighborhood).
His “big version” of the antenna is about 200-feet on the top and I should be able to get that up around 60 feet, or so…looking forward to that.,
Joe says the antenna has three big lobes (each half) at the design frequency. So I’m looking forward to “owning 40-meters.”
My long quest for a Hallicrafters PS-500AC came to an end. And what comes with it is a Tornado, better known as the SR-500. Both even have the original stickers on then, and an Electro Voice EV 719 (with the correct mic plug already one it) should be here in time to get nothing done over the three-day weekend next week.
Hard decision whether to use the Tornado or the Cyclone, but the latter is five bands, though the additional 100-watts of the Tornado has some appeal. *Unlike the SR-400, the Tornado runs a pair of 8236 tubes (spec sheet here) making them a little pricey to replace ($100 a pop). The solution is not to try for that absolute last half-watt out.
With the greenhouse ripped out, the main “agricultural” project will be firing up three or four of the hydroponic units (these) and getting starts so they will be ready for transplanting when greenhouse temps aren’t over 100-for the day.
Eyeing the holiday weather, looks like rain – and that means an hour or two at the burn barrel with trash I’ve been gun shy about burning with “the heat on.” Wet lining around a burn barrel works, but we aren’t included to push envelopes…
Have a great week ahead… and write when you get rich,
When I built my house, I opted to not put in shrubs or flower beds next to the house. Instead I put in a 2 ft or so grass/weed suppression mat, and covered it with gravel. No regrets.
I have some lilies, buttercups and perennial ground cover scattered about the yard; in the fields I have native flowers like Indian Paintbrush, Firewheels, Buttercup’s, and Black Eyed Susan’s, with maybe a few non-natives like Sweet Williams in a few spots, so I have a lot more flowers than most, just not next to the house. I also have a lot of clover, mostly planted white with a few patches of wind and critter delivered red clover. I have a hard time calling Vetch blooms flowers, but I have as much of that as I can stand. It is good for soil nitrogen, but will overrun fields if allowed to.
I have allowed some of the volunteer cedar (juniper) to live and grow in places where I want a privacy screen. It is the poor man’s hedge.
Periodically I will see something new that only is there for a season. I put a lot of native seed mix out by the road in years past, and 99% didn’t germinate, at least not in the first year. The native seed can lay dormant for years, then spring to life one spring. When I put out the white clover for nitrogen, it was a dry year, and I would guess that 1 seed in a 100,000 germinated. Four years later, we had an unusually wet spring and early summer, and suddenly I had white clover everywhere. Every spring it is different.
Yep – I planted ‘foundation plants’ around the house when we built it in ‘92. Mostly Rhododendrons. After about 25 years, they started to overwhelm the front of the house. So I sawed ‘em off and hauled them to the burn pile. The following Spring, I threw down a hefty amount of hardwood mulch from a local gardening establishment where the Rhodies once stood, then planted mounds of pumpkins with great success. The next year I planted tomatoes in plant bags, again with great success, once I learned how to keep the local deer away (shaved Irish Spring soap tucked into cut up nylon stockings, tied off of course, or anything meshy that could hold the shavings). The deer apparently don’t like Irish Spring soap, and it worked like a ‘lucky’ charm. This year, the chipmunks have discovered the tomato bags and are knocking down the ripened ones and feasting on them. So, with some degree of hesitation, I purchased some apple flavored baits from Tractor Supply which contain an anticoagulant that unfortunately (for the chippies) results in them bleeding to death internally. It works as advertised, but be careful if you have dogs or other free roaming pets (or local wildlife) that could be attracted to the bait, as they could endure some degree of pain and suffering (or death) if they ingest the cubes. The Japanese beetle infestation is fading, but now our area (Western PA) is experiencing the Spotted Lantern Fly invasion. This, after enduring the Emerald Ash Borer 5 or so years back (lays eggs under the bark, and the nymphs essentially destroy the ‘roots to leaves’ transport mechanism and kill the trees). Ahhh, nature!!!!
Topiary… yep, that’s a good word for “accidentally cut the top of the hedge a little lower in the back”. Especially if it was my wife doing the trimming. ;>)
My big project yesterday was to buy a big round bale of hay and get it over the goat pen fence (because I lacked the foresight to build a tractor gate into the fence). I don’t have a hay spike, so I put my “brush fork” (homegrown 4 tine gizmo for the tractor bucket) on the tractor. Then I realized this huge roll of hay likely weighs close to 1,500 pounds. That would be enough to lift the back tires off the ground, which is not a good thing. So I put the bush hog on the back of the tractor as a counterbalance. Then came the delicate dance of working that load around the chicken tractor, little chicken house and a utility pole to get to the goat pen in the back yard. Lifting it a few inches at a time, I finally got it high enough to clear the fence and dumped it into the pen. Have I mentioned it’s not fun snipping button holes in a plastic tractor seat? Once the bale was in the pen, the pucker factor decreased to normal levels, and I let the goats get to their smorgasbord.
Did you miss the part in Spouse Training 105 here it sez – an i quote
“If your spouse criticizes any aspect of workmanship, it is required you hand the spousal unit the tools involved and walk off the job.The job (and related) remain red-flagged until an apology and compensatory time and wages awarded.”
Elaine appreciates everything I do…
Diana insisted, once, that I show her how to operate the hydraulics on Big Red. During hay season Red’s normal operational config is bale spikes mounted to the bucket fore and on the 3 point hitch aft. After a training run she was assigned to transporting bales from a trailer to their storage building while I was busy raking and baling with the rest of the Executive Committee. We had a full crew that day when everyone found out that she was running a rig in her shorts and halter top. When the trailer did not return I had to stop and call on the radio to ask what the hold up was. All I got was “You better come back here”. I got back and found that she had been doing great until she got to the end of the barn where it got a little tight. She had laid the front bale into the spot OK but when she backed the rear bale in she pushed down on what she thought was the rear 3 point but was in fact the front bucket forward which put the spike straight ahead. Without looking forward she lowered the rear bale and started forward impaling Ole Rusty the farm truck through the driver door shoving him and the attached trailer a few feet before she stopped. Took the Committee about an hour to get the equipment untangled. I told her not to worry since nobody got hurt and even I poked a hole in one of the hooptys once but she has never offered to help run big machines since. Ole Rusty still works but you have to get in and out through the passenger side which can be a bitch since you have to climb over the gear shift and transfer case lever.
In my view one of the greatest shows ever to be produced by mankind. Here Laslo discusses the art of hedge trimming
As of 2am HST, HONE has become a hurricane as it passes South Point of the Big Island, with 80mph sustained winds. Wish I could post a graphic of the South Point weather radar. Eye passing just offshore, with massive yellow/red intense rainfall hitting the east side of Mauna Loa. It has been a constant, heavy rain hammering the roof here for the last 12 hours. Power was out here for a few hours last evening, and there are scattered outages all around the east side that the ham networks report to civil defense. I don’t have a rain gauge (and wouldn’t go outside to read it in this waterfall) but I’m guessing we get 10-20 inches in the past 24 hours. WIll let you know. Safe & snug here.
Joe K4TR is where I purchased my Mystery Antenna from and it’s still doing great in a sloped configuration. For those who like a wire antenna, I highly recommend his antennas.
Ospho is great stuff! Here in the tropics, if it ain’t stainless, it rusts! Galvanizing lasts about a year before the brown shows thru. Ospho is weak phosphoric acid that converts rust to Iron Phosphate ceramic material. Then you paint over it with Rustoleum, too. I use it on my fence T-posts that would have dissolved by now if not treated.
As for hedges, I have some Hibiscus along the property line fence. About every second year they get ‘trimmed’ to the ground. By next year I have a nice, flowering bush to trim. Second year they become unruly over head height, and get whacked to the ground again. 150 inches of rain a year. Everything grows!
“Ospho is great stuff…
…Ospho is weak phosphoric acid that converts rust to Iron Phosphate ceramic material.”
So’s Rust Mort, Naval Jelly, Rust-Oleum Rust Conversion, and a bunch of others.
I used to buy Rust Mort by the gallon — good stuff. In theory, it doesn’t need a top coat. In practice, I always laid Rust-Oleum on top after it dried — I’d use their oil-based (tractor or industrial), or Valspar MIL-SPEC (oil-based), with a hardener, if I didn’t want it to need a repaint in my lifetime…
I wonder if Coca Cola would work as an Ospho substitute? It’s relatively cheap and contains phosphoric acid. What else does Ospho contain?
I’ve never used Ospho and have sworn off Coca Cola for decades.
Orthophosphoric Acid (CAS No) 7664-38-2 45% by weight
I would guess 45% Orthophosphoric Acid, 55% distilled water…
With Coke, you’d have to clean off the HFCS with water, which would cause surface rust.
Having just been thru some major eye problems, and considering yours, and your IQ, it boggles my mind that you are still welding.
Skip the rationalizations.
Welding is fun, and allows for quick fabrication and repairs. It’s probably worth investing in one or more of the higher end flashglass(self darkening) helmets.
Lol. .. didn’t think I would hear the grand kids reminiscent of past projects..then the daughters barbeque… the daughter had us over for a barbeque and fire last night.. grand kids built a greenhouse. grandson in law gave me a great tip on solar fans.. I am converting a plastic shed into a generator shed..anyway the smoked loin was delicious and we were lounging around the fire pit..the young man neighbor was asking what size pressure gauge I needed for the corn cannon .. and the daughter says.. I am going to make an indoor garden..
the son in law says how do you plan to do that?
that’s when the kids chime grandpa’s cube. he gave you the first rack and it wouldn’t be anything for the grand son in law to make a few just need to get some lights..
lol the grandkids are going to build that anyway..
here’s the exhaust fan he put them in his greenhouse and it keeps the temperature down real good..
similar to the cube idea the only difference is the sliding rail..
We didn’t know it was our last Chinese dinner out, but it turned out to be. I always kept the fortune cookie slips for a while — not a long while; but a while. I kept Eda’s last fortune cookine to this day for some reason, and ran across it this morning. It says:
“We find comfort among those who agree
with us — growth among those who don’t.”
Pretty good.
Of course I hope you know the proper way to read “fortune cookies.”
Just in case you don’t, add the words “in bed” to the end.
Definitely truer than you can imagine!
We were just talking about having chinese.. we have a restaurant we both enjoy going to eat at.. great food super nice people working there.. I never read the fortune cookies though.. they should mix it up a little bit..
Haven’t raked, weeded, mowed, grubbed, trimmed, planted, or burned for five years now. I do admire your spread and would choose a spot lke that if land was the draw for us.
There is a small teak trim on the foredeck (came from the wreck of a schooner built in 1900) gets oil every month or so, and a bit of some African teak substitute left bare that is a barrier to water running into the cockpit when heeled, but other than that it’s a scrub down when it doesn’t rain enough, some stainless polishing for fun to play rich, and lots of time to row around the Bay checking out the visitors. Today it’s blowing 20-25 so activity is down below. Might rebuild the head (not so nice) or read and nap. Usually the first leading to the latter. Some gentle rocking motion leads to dozing.
Being thousands of miles from all the crazy stuff and being required to pay attention to everything to continue the relative safety, i’m OK with calling this ‘retirement’.
Forty two by fourteen, four feet down, 20000 pounds of everything in our world with Southern Queensland in mind for a dockside end of voyage, sometime.
78 and 75 and still enjoying the lack of an outboard.
Love everything you do.
Ain’t life a gas?!
I knew my time on th hard was coming when the rib boat on the foredeck and the 15 HPO evirude on the stern rail with a crane was fun. But, aye, those 11 years aboard the Magic Elf were magical indeed. Except the time in the yard, of course…
I’d be there even now but the mood changed against ragboaters and their (“I spent all of my money on sailing gear, wine, and women — the rest I wasted”) lifestyle of fun first and if becalmed, let’s fire up the BBQ attitude towards life.
I miss it dearly. If – for some unforeseen reason – my son doesn’t return to the ranch to build his home, then a liberty 458 with the keys and intercoastal south in winter and the northeast in summer is an attractive option. If the anti-aging protocol continues to work well – and we’re spry enough – then maybe. the “Around once more” lingers especially when driven indoors by the heatstorms of summer.
There’s a reason land is called “the hard.”
Hurricane HONE continues to dump on the Big Island as daylight wakes up the ham radio operators. I have power but many areas are without power yet. Volcano Village reports measuring 14 inches of rain in last 12 hours. Farther south along the flank of Mauna Loa where the storm impacts the mountain, several operators report getting flooded out of their houses. One fellow was drilling 1 inch holes in his floor to drain the water out of the house.
Mr. Ure, thanks as always. When RFK dropped out Friday, he spent about 1/2 his speech, talking about the crisis of our health care and nutrition and BIG pharma. His (and T’s) advisor for this is Calley Means. This is an interview by Tucker, with Calley and Casey Means. They are the MOST snappy and credible 30-somethings, (insert your own adjective here)… We all know this (I think), but to hear it in bang-bang fashion is eye opening (watering)..
big tobacco became big processed food became big pharma…. (sorry if posted here before??),, and if it’s not fixed we’re doomed (among other things)
I think Trump is open to fixing this using RFK (we can only hope)
and in a lighter mode, how about some anthropomorphic enjoyment: (2 minutes each):
Thanks to you all, Glad I live in a tiny town in Kansas,, there is plenty of room here……. (and excellent health care)
Sounds like a “Kennedy Hat Trick” is coming our way…
Thanks for posting the Tucker Carlson video. When I saw the time committment, I thought I would just watch the first 15 minutes. But it sucked me in (at 1.25 replay speed). I’m forwarding it to parents I know.
An article in Geomatics a peer -reviewed scientific journal shows how the Sun and cloud albedo are the primary weather drivers, not CO2 and humans. Definitely supportive of your past discussions.
I have a couple of questions that may be one, or more of you can help answer.
Let’s assume that the recent revision from the BLS is correct – and that 818,000 new jobs were not created – it was all a statistical fantasy. 68,000 new jobs a month., never happened.
Then – how can the GDP be going up – remaining positive? With over 800,000 jobs – that never were – how could all the “goods and services” be any were near positive? That is a pretty big chuck of the economy – that never even existed.
So.., the reports on the GDP have also been a statistical-fantasy ?
About a week before the revision by the BLS I read a government report that stated the income tax revenue is matching the forecast. How can that be? The forecast was made last year -how can income tax revenue be anywhere near the forecast with over 800,000 not paying taxes ? Another statistical-fantasy ?
One more leap-of-faith…, if all of the above is true – then are we actually in a recession? One team of analyst [ Yahoo Finance ] believes that the Middle and Lower class workers have been in a recession for over eighteen months now – that the government, Wall Street and Federal Reserve have simply ignored it – and that they expect it to get worse. The longest running inversion on interest rates for government bonds in history says it is all very possible.
Where does that leave us, right now ? [ Besides lying in the ditch at the side of the road.]
Oh, that’s easy. ERP and CRM systems. You can be on the phone all day and still be a stellar performer with the right ERP and CRM systems. You take an old-line company and add enough automation AND UP go the numbers, down come the body counts, in comes DEI and nothing changes. Unless you are White, Male, and over 50.
We used to measure People. Now we measure things like floating point calcs per second and shipped goods. NO people needed. the party goes to the moon.
At least till the end of the week.
the prices go up and sales could be going down and still look positive..
I asked a guy about this last week..
the average pay in the wastelands is 12 – 20 an hour..the cost of LOW income rent.. just the rent is at 2000.00 a month.. businesses trying to compensate for the loss is sending people home.
the manager at the gas station made a random comment that the owner is upset because of lacking sales..The average cost of a home has gone up significantly.. yet a sales person will tell you how well everyone is doing.
I believe they are simply cooking the books..creative accounting at its best..
we are on a set income.. after auto deductions for home and auto insurance at the end of this week we will have 200.00 for four weeks. there’s no magical creative income. I did away with plastic.. now I know everyone around us is in about the same situation..the only difference is they still have they don’t have yet spendable at a level of interest..
as soon as plastic runs out is when the curtain falls..
“Then – how can the GDP be going up – remaining positive?”
You don’t actually believe the fairy tale of inflation, do you? Our true inflation rate is between 16.5 and 19.2 percent per year, since Joe creeped into office.
Most government benchmarks are measured off raw numbers. Given the dollar-depreciation inherent in our true inflation, it would not be difficult at all to “measure” an increase in “goods & services” because they’re being measured, not in parts, pieces, or products, but in dollars.
This is a discussion I’ve had with George on several occasions. It is a twofer: both a “fun with numbers” market exercise and a reporting distortion.
The easiest way to illustrate these is via the “Black Friday Sale” numbers, because they’re reported every year, as sales in dollars. When you see you’ve spent a thousand bucks over your budget, and gotten less goodies for the fam, the illustration becomes instantly visible.
a car salesman can show everyone how they can afford a new car…
“Where does that leave us, right now ? [ Besides lying in the ditch at the side of the road.]”
Isn’t a ditch defined as a ‘depression’??
I just think of the name used for a ditch in other languages.. WEIMAR OR..they will Ram iew in the keester… LOL LOL I doubt seriously they aren’t planning on using any KY either.. I think Cali has it all figured out.. they need a few more millions to build new free houses for.. cut back on deforestation by wild fires.. what is it that our old friend and poster use to say.. its the only logical way.. the smell of money on the sidewalks…. ( going out the window.. and that is only the good side of what is going to happen if the threat analysts have any brain cells and their predictions are only remotely true..)
san Franciscan speaking about san Francisco fair warning.. the videos below could be seen as offensive unless you are from cali then it shows see we are progressive..
and you said there wasn’t any progress in the biden administration LOL LOL.. plenty of room now for some of those new free homes for illegals..
LOL LOL where is C when you really need them to explain just how wonderful this is the greatest shit in the world and how bad they need more homeless and more illegals .. LOL LOL LOL
SF still gets 23 million tourists per year,
Tennessee still 2nd highest overdose rate in nation, nearly 2x rate of CA:
Thanks for that, and understood. Floating is not as romantic as everyone thinks. Being wet mostly all the time, getting back to the boat in the tropical downpour, waking in the night to close all the hatches when it dumps at 3:00 a.m., is definitely only for those who choose.
I sincerely hope you do stay fit enough for floating and the Liberty would certainly be comfy enough. And it’s Ok by me if you use the zoomer to get around the harbor. Just doing any of it is its own reward.
I would have been a land guy in Taos in 1967, loved El Segundo, where the hardware store had zero power tools, and was almost ready to take on six acres with an adobe that actually had real windows, for six dollars a month. Lots of my fellow travelers from the Haight found home there, but I just couldn’t give up the ocean. Even though i spent satisfying summers working a dairy farm in Southern Oregon, something about being around and on the water is deep in my soul. We did a thirty day passage to get here, and when the ‘end’ came, it was kind of sad. Being ‘out there’ is a peace I have not duplicated anywhere in my well varied life of international travel and living in Maui for 45 years. It’s still the hard, and even boat yard weeks get over and you float again.
If you go closed shop, i will pay again. Couldn’t while boat building. But now it is possible. We’ll figure out something.
Thank you again
Wonderful sharing – and thank you. Fair winds and following seas – we gentlemen never go to weather.
There appears to be a surge in street folk looking emaciated and very dirty around major roads local. The look I am seeing is SF Left looking for a place to crash, or something to burn. Newsome’s about face on homeless is working. I haven’t seen any written “arson for meth” signs, but I am seeing the signs. Need to get a rain shower, then bale.
re: bustle in the hedgerow
feat: Kompromat Msgr
Call Miss Piggy; Kermit’s in hot water? There are imaginably many steps on the stairway to heaven as a co-founder of the Telegram app cogitates in custody the workings of the French legal system’s “guilty until proven innocent” mantra.
The Kremlin’s Presidential website has seen fit to delete a photogenically inferior image of President Putin being greeted by the Azerbaijani Prime Minister at Baku Airport last Sunday. The PM was of course appointed five years ago in coinkydoink with peaceful womens’ protests which turned violent after the men got into it with riot police. The women had been celebrating the famous, wealthy Azerbaijani poet, and only daughter of the last Khan under the Iranian suzerainty two centuries ago. Apparently her Persian given name Kurshid Banu translates as “Lady Sun” while her pen name Natavan means “Powerless”.
The following link is from the Telegram news channel Bazu. (Azerbaijani visit?) schedulers have made it known that Mr. Putin did not wish to meet the founder of Telegram during the pair’s coincidentally timed visits last week to Baku. C’est la vie. (Images of the now-detained billionaire’s last supper flight to Paris posted by his girlfriend to social media look very tasty. Dionysis has left the room.)
re: Elko Airfield, 1942
feat: topiary
Today Russian “Pravda” has picked up a story by an alleged disinfo journalist from Donbas who moonlights in a band, “Nashi” (Ours). As the story goes, the Russians had determined a Ukrainian airfield (“Pravda” named it) where the newly Western-delivered F-16’s were operating from. Supposedly they had geolocated the site from images posted earlier this month by the Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force to his Telegram account. A current search of the publicly available account reflects that the topiary background of a possible image of note is blurred. As an aside, the Ukraine MoD cv for the air force chief reads that he rose to command an s300 anti-missile brigade in Odesa prior to promotion into the higher ranks of the military stratosphere.
The lead story on the “Tass” Russian language site is an anecdotal report of an attack on a Ukrainian purported F-16 facility. Their source is apparently seeking clarification? Google translator functions normally, but then refreshes and fails with an error 520. Here is the public “Tass” link:
Cliff High posting about upcoming late August and fall.
Posted 8/24/24 mid afternoon (esdt)
I really wish there was actually a summary posted at that link, or anywhere for that matter.
I find it very difficult to listed to Cliff rattle on for half an hour, especially when I don’t know just what he is trying to get to.
What is worse is that for some of his audio blogs he talks about all sorts of things for nearly an hour … and only spends about 60 to 90 seconds talking about what his data is showing that is approaching. To catch that 60 to 90 seconds you have to listen to the entire hour. An organized college lecturer he will never be.
fwiw the long and short is that his data is now getting old, it was collected 8 weeks ago so it’s “timing” dynamics are getting sloppier. With that said he has continual tension building over the next few weeks with serious tension releases happening at the same time.
His first “sloppy” date for release language is this week, 28ish (since sloppy make that +- 5/6 days) but with things then taking a BIG move for the worse (release language) starting around Sept 2/3.
Cliff gave NO indication as to what the release would entail (war? / markets? /political chaos? /terrorist attacks? /assassination attempts?) though I am sure he is seeing stuff in his data which can send you in the general direction but because of the ?friendly? stalking he has experienced by both crazies and by nation state actors he now seems reluctant to go into the detail of actual events that may be showing up (and if I were him I would be too after what he has experienced … a short future life can be the result of tangling with certain state actors wrt information they do NOT want out)
Hope this helps
I started listening to the audio presentation as well. Then I realized that Clif’s words are offered in a transcript format option just beneath the audio controls which is faster.
What if? Emotions release is Isreali Arab conflict like 67. 1 million dead Israelis and 500 million dead Arabs as 33 million barrels oil permanently off line. Gretta happy less co2
cc: total population of Israel about 10 million;
total number Arabs in Middle East (per ChatGPT) 400-420 million: per ChatGPT “The largest oil reserves in the Middle East are concentrated in a few key countries:
Saudi Arabia: Around 266 billion barrels
Iran: Approximately 157 billion barrels
Iraq: Around 145 billion barrels
Kuwait: About 101 billion barrels
United Arab Emirates: Approximately 98 billion barrels”
Note that the figures are billions, not millions
Total number of Jews worldwide is about 25 million. (FWIW, total number of Muslims worldwide is likely above 1.4 billion.)
Zero oil would go “permanently offline.”
Greta is a two-legged tape recorder. She is incapable of generating a thought that is not first programmed into her. Nothing will make her happy unless Mommy or Daddy tell her to be happy. Neither of her parents is bright enough to realize CO2 is the “air” that plants breathe, and without it, they, and we, die.
Well my initial estimate of 10-20 inches of storm rain was pretty good. Official gauge numbers now show 18-20 inches of rain in the 24 hour storm period along the east side of the Big Island. Next time I gotta remember to put a 5-gal. bucket outside.