Interesting times we’re in on the “snooze front..” But, we’d rather be in the shop, pursuing Art, or up gardening. Instead of “whining” about “distancing.”
These lower-level “contact times” are great time for getting projects done that have long-term tangible pay-offs.
Today, we table three simple ideas -yours for the taking – that will increase your “joy of shop-time” considerably. None of these projects will take more than one hour.
First, however, some “Shop Philosophy” to get into the mood. Efficiency and its cousins; Task changes and Set-ups.
Home Shop Efficiency Matters
One of my home shop goals is to have a fairly efficient operation for anything that “moves my spirit” at any moment the whim to work strikes.
As long-time readers already know, once your mind gets too big to live in an apartment, you’re set to begin selecting “Personal Task Stations.” In other words, for cooking there is a kitchen. For sleeping (OK, maybe other indoor sports, too!) there is the bedroom. For body maintenance, the bathroom is the “shop space.”
Ask yourself, though, how you have organized all the rest of your interests into fully-optimized areas. The kind you can float into – or out of – as the you feel “called.”
Start By Listing Your Activities
Although we’re not-quite young, our “activities list” is still good-sized. We want optimized spaces for:
- Cooking
- Reading
- Computing
- Sewing
- Pottery-making
- Interior design
- Painting (*acrylics and oils)
- Writing (both production – like this website) and books
- Welding and metal work
- Woodwork
- Gemstone work and art
- Gardening (greenhouse, in-ground, and hydroponics)
- Ham radio
- Electronics research (being space-time)
- Light research
- Wildlife watching
- (and there’s more… we hardly have time to be “retired”!)
For each of these pursuits, there is a “compact way” – a “cheap way” and a “going large” way.
Take gardening, as an example. The “compact way” is to container garden. Everything from a small herb growing kit on the Zon all the way up to old 5-gallon paint cans on the deck. The Cheap Way is to either use leftover vegetable cuttings (many of which can be “started” or several small seed assortments. The Going Large way involves a greenhouse with A.C. wiring and plumbing for indoors (gotta have a seed mat or three for winter, right?), an in-ground planting area, and a hydroponics set-up – indoor or out, your call. Plumbing, too.
Pick a Dream – and Optimize
Life is a “Big Canvas.” Some people use the canvas superficially. Others won’t even give “the canvas” a second glance – they’re too busy being victims. Third class of people (*that’d be us…) look at the Canvas of Life and decide to “Go For It!”
Once you make that decision, you will begin finding ways to make your pursuit highly efficient.
Overall Efficiency
The metric here is “How much “pursuit or skill” output can you get in a set amount of time?
Take gardening: Make up a metric…say one meal per hour of work…and aim to produce more food than that for each hour of effort. Or, in the woodshop, how much time does it take to make a footstool, or some other do-dad?
Task & Tool Changes
You don’t have to be the Father of Time on Task (which was Frederick Winslow Taylor, by the way) to quickly figure out that the two biggest obstacles most people run into are a) moving from one task to another and b) finding the damn tools.
I used to get sick of the “task change” wasted time. Until I came up with a way to increase my personal efficiency. I simply lumped materials into “staging areas.” The electronics and shop “flow chart” goes like this… While in the shop, there’s a small bench with “pending work” that is not yet WIP (work in progress).
Set-up Time Matters
Small shops are notoriously inefficient but often necessary. In order to experience a really smooth-running shop, you need to understand not only the basic work-flow of a project, you also need to have a mental map of where all the “ancillaries” are. These can be tools, small parts, fasteners, and so on.
In the garden, for example, the “joy” of gardening quickly leaves the building if you have to spend a half-hour looking for a tool in a messy garage.
I used to have days when more time was spent looking for tools than was spent doing the job. No more!
Meet the “BenchMindr”
Scene: Main bench in the shop. This is where everything happens.
In noticing my personal time-and-motion study (always running in background) I noticed that I was spending a disproportionate amount of time down on my hands and knees looking for small parts that fall off and get lost somewhere in a 10-foot area.
Springs roll. Washers not only fall off the bench, but I have sound them as far as 9-feet away when the hit and roll. Screws? Lots of them. And magically, they all want to roll UNDER something. Which leads to the magnetic screw finder, but that doesn’t work on non-ferrous materials.
Here comes a cheap invention that will be installed this week:
I’ll just rip-down a 2″ wide strip of 1/4″ plywood about 6-feet long and nail some tiny brads to hold a 1/2″ rail on it (to keep it lower than the bench height).
My thinking is that anything trying to “make a getaway” will be captured in this “parts catcher.” I’ll let you know someday down the road how it works out.
The Saw-Muvr
There are two table saws in the shop. Plus a compound miter saw. The big table saw doesn’t go anywhere. 10″ and a reasonable workhorse we’ve had for more than 10-years, it doesn’t need to budge. It’s placed so 8-foot stock can be ripped as long as I remember to open the double-doors to the shop.
The second table saw is something of an extravagance. Old 8-inch Craftsman in good shape and for $100-bucks. This one is used for either very fine cut-off work, but usually, it’s just left with a “wobble-dado” set to 1/2-inch wide and 1/2-inch deep. Reason? That’s useful when making small wood projects and its convenient to make mortise and tenon joints.
Unfortunately, this saw didn’t have casters. So….40-minutes of cutting and (ahem…) screwing and here comes a simple frame. Although you can’t see the small casters under it, it’s easy to push-around and get out of the way.
On Today’s List
Later on today, a similar caster & frame will be built up to move the new shaper around. I was lucky enough to pick up a ToolKraft shaper from about 1977, or so, that was new in the box. A few bucks in some new and used 1/2-inch cutters and it will be used…a lot.
See, the savings with a shaper aren’t apparent until you get-after your house with a vengeance for woodworking. A shaper lets you face just about any molding you can buy at the store.
Down in the big-box stores, the 1/4 and 1/2-round stuff sold these days is mostly *(pardon this) shit. Plastic with vinyl wrap on it. What a freaking joke!
The way you make custom molding is easy and it can even be done with pallet wood if you get one that’s not terribly bunged-up. Just make sure you get all the nails and staples out. Run it through your planer to get two decent faces and once through a jointer so a straight edge will present to the shaper fence.
Run it through the shaper…then rip off the new molding however thick you want it. Easy-peasy!
Multiple Tool Carts
I love tool carts. Back in 1968 when I became (for like 4-months before selling out for way too much money on a defense contractor job) a journey Radio and Electronics Mechanic (IAM 751, Seattle) with the long-defunct West Coast Airlines which became Hugh’s AirWest…uh…where were we?
Oh, yeah: Tool carts. Anything I needed when doing an annual on an F-27, for example, was on a cart. There was a “wire cart” and there was a “fastener cart” and so forth.
I had forgotten about how useful carts were to speed up workflow until we helped do the annual of our old Beechcraft about seven or eight years back in Creswell Georgia. Hammerhead Aviation was there at the time and the best Beechcraft wrenches you could find.
What came back in a rush was “the Carts.” They had a “Paint Cart” with every spray you could imagine for touch-up and so forth. There was a “wire cart” which went along with the “fasteners cart”” and there was even an “air tool cart.”
Carts Come Home
I’ve got three Sears “project centers” loaded with tools four-feet back from the bench. But it’s never enough and the tools? Well, they get in the way of the work on the bench. So here was my answer:
This is my “bench cart” and as you can see: The most-used tools live on it.
- Top shelf: Tray of box wrenches, SAE and Metric. Bostich 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2-sockets, SAE and metric and deeps as well. Plus screwdrivers. The tall ones are the big ones and to save time, the handles are marked with a Sharpie with either a “+” (Phillips) or a “-” (slotted) to eliminate tool-hunting.
- Middle Shelf: Two sets of Stanley SAE and metric open/box combo wrenches. The green wrapper is a set of “thin open ends” and under that is a T-handle Allen wrench set. Right of that is a Dewalt bit set (for things like odd Torx sizes and such.
- Bottom Shelf. Left is a 4-1/2″ small circ saw for whacking down sheets of whatever. The odd brown wood box is a a small router. *(the bit sets are under the bench about middle of that space) And to the right (red box) is the Extra Large sockets which get used maintaining farm equipment all the time.
Sunday’s Bottom Line
Working with our hands is something America needs to get back to.
Even Donald Trump Junior is proud of his ability to effectively use any tool on a job site and his playground is real big buildings. Any comments about politics on this point will be trashed… My point is ONLY that DJT-jr is a hands-on guy. If you can’t run a D-6, can’t run a chainsaw and sharpen your own chain, can’t bring in a crop, or repair equipment in general, then you’re at risk of being “late to the party.” An ugly future is out there.
Technology is great – don’t get me wrong – but in the end it’s a lot like a young teenage male with their first Playboy magazine in hand. They might think that’s sex…but no….
Same with tech. It’s not an “end in an of itself.” It’s a means. Tool to get there.
And the “balance of system” requirement to have a functional, self-reliant, and resilient world, involves a hell of a lot more physicality than just another useless app.
I’ve often said it…but it bears repeating: Apps *(and smart phones) are for lazy people who can’t plan their work-life balance.
Power tools and a host of lost “industrial arts” (along with survival gardening) will be the next challenge and the frontiers of the future.
Are you getting ready?
Write when you get rich,
Good morning George,
I agree to be prepared. I think from your writings that you are a believer in GOD and the bible.
I think it is admirable that you encourage all to be prepared for what is coming.
But as the scriptures do predict what is coming on the world, where is the admonishment to be spiritually prepared? “Mens hearts will fail them…” Is a frightening thought. I have been preparing for what’s coming since 2001. After the .com disaster I lost a 100k and was directed to PMs from above. I started when gold was $280 and silver $4.50. I still buy if I have money for it.
Living in central NJ means being prepared for a whole set of issues that you probably won’t have out in the boonies. I wanted to make that kind of move but I was not permitted to cut n run. So I am in the midst of a cesspool and if I didn’t have faith in the LORD, I would not survive.
I believe we are putting the cart before the horse by not preparing within while we are preparing without. Just saying, people are fkn crazy and ungrounded. The worst are the youths. Killing indiscriminately in video games makes
it that much easier to pull the trigger in real life. Especially with limited or no moral guidance from the elders and TV/media push sinful lifestyles as normal and healthy.
Everyone with a platform needs to address this issue and cry out for people to WTFU before it’s too late.
The Bible is clear that the Earth will be destroyed by fire in the future so saving the planet is hopeless, yet good stewardship shows good character. We are definitely in trouble. Preps won’t save us, only hope we have is in CHRIST. Prov. 21:31″The horse is made ready for battle, but victory rests with the LORD.” Blessings
Amen. God said if you pray for a good crop you better say AMEN with a hoe…(I think so anyhow).
Steve, I know you must have cathedrals or some stained glass
adorned houses of worship down there. Bet you can catch some good rays thataway.
And if you are a student of Tom Brown “The Tracker” you have a leg up on the Pine Barrens.
Tom Horn has a book about
Wormwood’s (Apophis to NASA) future “coming”. We don’t have much time anyhow, imo.
In ’83 the Naval astronomer Harrington spotted “something big” out there and that news was promptly suppressed.
The Cascades could erupt anytime now, more hidden volcanoes underwater, and the biggest kahunas too.
We undoubtedly live in “Biblical”Times.
The Satanists are surely in our face, some say they had formed the first of the-ISM’S.
I think there’s nothing new under the Son, anyway you slice it all.
The Grand Designer,Shaper,and Maker, has the biggest Shop anyhow and “owns” all the goodies,imho.
Thankfully, our shops are smaller – and judging by the state of the world – we are mostly failing this training “shop class” of life…
Spot on brother. I have avoided fancy houses of worship, (worship of the money from what I’ve seen). Besides as a Jew that believes in Jesus, I don’t belong anywhere. Outcast in my own family.
Yes we are most definitely in the last days. People had better recognize their creator and stop fkn around. No boys are not girls and visa versa. Why is all so in our faces now. 30 years ago what was a shame is now encouraged openly on TV. Can’t watch it without some token scenes to force us to view it as normal. When it’s the very thing that has brought judgement on us. It’s throughout history. Every society that goes this route is gone. Looks like we’re next. Pine barrons out if my territory. Got my own slice of forrest in the middle of everything in the middle of nowhere. Should be okay if GOD wills it. Had a dream 40 years ago. Remember it like last night. HE’s got it covered. New Joysey sucks cuz of the people. Just like NY. Stuck in a 35 year biz and sons involved so I’m staying put for now. Blessings.
Hey Mindfullman!
“God said if you pray for a good crop you better say AMEN with a hoe…(I think so anyhow).”
Actually, that was a saying by a famous preacher.
See first chapter of: “J. Vernon McGee on Prayer”
Great book, too!
“I have avoided fancy houses of worship”
Most of the houses of worship are filled with hipocrites… they show their religious face in the house..then the other side when they are out of the house..its usually a business venture.. to impress those that have influence..
“The Bible is clear that the Earth will be destroyed by fire in the future so saving the planet is hopeless,”
Our sun will expand and swallow the earth (in due time!!! ;-)).
However, what will happen to oue souls? Just asking,
Seek & ye shall find. Only you has the answer to your soul’s destination. Let us know what you find.
Brother if you read the bible starting with the book of John, it’s the 4th book of the new testament. 4th “gospel” which means good news. Simply put; if you believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, and HE bore all your sins; your safe. That’s what it takes to be saved. Just believe. After the Earth is destroyed, we are promised a new Earth and a perfect life void of pain and suffering of any kind. It’s awesome to consider. But most folks only believe superficially and when tested show no faith or resilience. That’s why we are warned to draw close to GOD and HE will draw closer to us. Seek the LORD while HE may be found. Who knows? You may be protected from the wrath that comes on the world. Blessings
Ahhh that is a while from now. Its actually says. It will be rolled up like a scroll in the very end. Lol
You do know,
Each world ending is not just a world ending. It is a baptism for a soul to journey through. Baptism by ice, water, fire, strife, aether and earth. Until completion.
There is no true ending because Death commands life to pro create or death would starve to death. Lol
I am a fork in the road. I have 2 months to pray and decide. There is no wrong path for me. Only what I would prefer to enjoy. I will sell cars until then.
My 111 year old Indian Oracle said, The reason you say “you will never be back” (I actually dont know why i say that and he didnt know I say that all the time) is because this is your final life line here. You have traveled the many roads of this world and lived many many lives. This is the final path. You are already victorious not even the Ancients nor those who Rule above this relm would deny you that. You have 0 Karma to reap for you corrected all mistakes from past lives and know all there is to learn here. You have traveled through all the many baptisms, fire, ice, wind. earth and Aether. You are Gods rightful child. With that comes command of Gods kingdom and all its inheritance. Your true soulmate is only God. Then he said, the symbol 0 is your cosmic name (I never told him I use that symbol) and it’s TRUE meaning is only know by God and you. In the world it means fool. However it’s closer meaning is: completion. This is your final act apon the world stage. You can create and destroy at will. What say you?
I replied, thank you old dude and Oracle. I forgive those who place pain upon me and denying the me the many gifts i was to recieve this life. I ask God to have mercy upon their souls. I recognize no offence so that any given remains with the intent of the offender. May they understand the True love and Mercy from what is Pure, Holy and all that is Divine.
He smiled and said, I now see that all that was said to give into you is true as much as you have displayed much in majesty, honor and grace. Enjoy your final life here. Your destiny is complete and none can take it from you not even you. None true would want to. Any being that would harm you or your family will be dealt calamity and strife as it is custom and written in the Divine language for A souls final life line to completion is a journey of reminiscing beauty even in within suffering displaying grace ever so beautiful. In 4 days you will suffer no more. They will release you from the spell 4 days from today. Not a day sooner and not a day late. In doing so they will also release themselves from reeping a thousand lifetimes of poverty, strife and meaningless existance. When they cross the veil to the other side. They will weep in relief and bitter shame for the error of their mistake.
Pretty cool old indian dude. Never met anyone 111 years old before. Let alone an indian that old.
I am leaving Ure site permintely after this post. My life is not my own. It is also Gods. I have a new direction and I must move forward in that direction. The fork splits and I can go to the land of the wealthy and live with the sun on my face and my toes in the sand. Or the smile of sunshine upon the back of my neck as I walk among fields of life and seed. I have 2 months to pray and decide. Yes, I think I will sell cars for a few months until then.
I can not thank you all enough for the hilarious moments, laughs, wisdom shared, the seriousness of politics, debate and optinion. It has been truly fun. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the thoughts you have brought into my mind and life. Each of you are a thousands of page books. full of adventure and goodness. May God who is 1, keep you until time and the earth is no more.
I was told,
Eveyone during their final journey will speak to the Oracle once in their life. Sometimes he looks like a litte girl or homeless man, or a nun or an old indian man. Always has a smile and a spark of lightning in his eyes. Some call him michezadek. some call him Buda, or Christ. You will know when he or she speaks to you. You can feel it in the core of your bones. He knew things about me I never told anyone. private thoughts I would never speak. It was truly wonderful.
Infinitely NOW!
Be careful Andy, Satan transforms into an “angel of light” but he knows much about each of us. He has a lot of time to study us and find out our weekness.
There is only ONE who is holy. No flesh is holy. We will see GOD once we are free of this clay jar we are trapped in. Blessings
wonderful listen to the podcast of dolores cahill that someone posted on the previous George topic in comments .. yep we are really being all played for fools .. and who would ever believe a human organ head called bill gates would be the chief killer of humanity .. as for that little fauci bloke never did like the look of him .. my distant relatives where the 3rd estate in france .. I would sharpen the blade right up for those blokes
AMEN….may it come to past
“yep we are really being all played for fools”
We are NOT being played for fools — we act like them!
This guy is awesome has some really cool ideas for maximizing shop space / tool use
Well worth looking through his channel
I’ve had links to his stuff before…and why he hasn’t been out reinventing industrial arts so we can keep up with China is way beyond my pay grade.
The Lord’s Prayer is too often uttered as one continuous expression.
Here it is in meaningful segments:
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory
Ure right – most people don’t count the lessons line by line
Maybe if it was on Twitter is would matter more to the fox-uniformed younguns
” deliver us from evil”
I had to change the word evil to pain with good results ;-).
Though, why does the Latin version say:
“who art in the heavens” and how many might there be?
The book of Enoch mentions 10 levels of Heaven. If we add our atmosphere as one and space as one that makes 12. Nachmanides said there are 10 dimensions. Maybe it’s out of our league or above our paygrade as humans.
About Donald Trump Jr….about the only thing he knows about tools is…
In 2010, Trump started his own building materials company, Titan Atlas Manufacturing, with two business partners. But by 2012, the company ceased operations after tax liens were filed for unpaid sales and withholding taxes. Titan Atlas continued with legal troubles through 2016. A lawsuit involving the company brought by Saint-Gobain Adfors, an international construction company, has been pending since April 2016. The actual warehouse has also caused issues as it’s environmentally contaminated.
The rest of the Washington Post article here says
“Blackburn, 44, said he has had successes along with setbacks, noting that he has been involved in community work and housing programs. He told The Washington Post that Don Jr.’s role was limited and that the president’s son “was not responsible for the failure” of their company, Titan Atlas Manufacturing. Blackburn said the operations were completely separate from the Trump Organization.”
Like I warned, this wasn’t open to comment on the pollyticks of vit…
Wouldn’t it be nice if Mark & Mike did their homework beforehand so George wouldn’t have to do it all for them.
Seriously dude, your vitriol and contempt for the President of the United States and his family is loathsome. You spew hatred and liable for no reason other than your corrupt soul. Perhaps you would be better off with the likes of Obama.
What do plan on accomplishing with your vile output? You will not unseat him or vote him out.
You make yourself many times more the child of hell than you attempt to paint falsely a dark view of the first man in over 50 years to try and be patriotic as our leader.
You back nothing you say up with facts other than snippets or out of context quotes. Give it a rest, please. Blessings
@Steve H
Marx’s excuse is that he is a Republican…so he can trash and hate President Trump with impunity….I pray for them BOTH every day…so far only one is benefiting from the Lord…Blessings to you also….
George, why are we accepting and using this stupid term “social distancing”? It’s a corruption of the English language. A much better term would be “personal isolation”! That’s true unless you’re graced to already have a bedmate. Those who have one already spend 8 hours in contact each night – and most don’t even realize the value of it. Of course – with your weird hours, perhaps a bit less, but even so it’s far more valuable than most people realize. Whatever you do along with sleeping just adds to the net value of life. Working/playing at home with your lover is ideal, IMHO.
Touch is the great joy that’s trivialized by our electronic communication. We have nothing electronic that can compare with even a momentary touch between intimates.
Yes, I’m highly productive today – as I have been for the past many years. Isolation is simply a fact of life, and doing validates my being to a degree. You never mentioned the most valuable tools you own(other than Elaine). They are in order, the finished flat concrete floor of your shop(s), and the enclosed buildings themselves. Building these out is far more effort than what gets accomplished within, simply because you are at the mercy of Mother Nature and her weather.
Back to work!
Uh…’cept the floors of my shop are cheap asphalt! It was in place when I got here – and some day when I put in a real shop – more power and 60×60 with a bigger office and view – it will be 4000 pound concrete 5″ thick on 3 inches of compacted gravel and French drained…and….. and….and central air and R60 everywhere. ($$$$!)
Is prostitution subject to the social distancing rules? Also, never compare a tool & woman in the same sentence. That may be why you are in personal isolation.
NC, love your comment, so succinct and such irony.
NM Mike, Owning a person?? Like slave chattel?? It’s obvious why there’s no ‘significant other’ in your life, dude. Your perspective tells it all and also that you are jealous of people who can be ‘in a relationship’. I suggest psychotherapy or listen to “A Man Needs a Maid’ by Neil Young. Nobody wants to be ‘just a number’ to a bean counter.
Is this Republican misogyny part of the Republican’s dna?
Good morning brethren of the glorious shop! Let us burn grinder smoke, spray our nuts with WD40 and anoint our heads with 40W oil.
I had a lovely conversation with a student of power this morning from the New Age Pulpit from the church of Facebook, who screamed, “knowledge is power! After quoting Sun Tzu and exclaining we are the new generation of samurai! Our word is our sword! The congregation exclaimed in their hypnotic state of drunkin euphoria, Truth! and Facts, Yo!
Until the the unlikely suspect of a raised his finger from his calased hand, stood up in his crooked grin, dirty hat and T shirt with a mustard stain on it and said,
“I see you are ruled by fear. You miss the point entirely. In order to have power??? You must plug into it. Knowledge is fruitless. A sword is nothing but a tool. It is nothing without the hand that weilds it! And the mind that that weilds the hand an the heart that weilds the mind and the soul that weilds the heart. It is better to be a fool and love! Than be a genius and have no heart or soul!
Even with the sharpest blade the most skilled samurai without the power of Honor is only Seppuku.
A sword can cleave but the power of Love can heal generations.
Then a lady said, Wow! You are wise sir! I said, no mam. I am but a fool but I do know old people that the militant millenials who thirst for power refuse to plug into. Who are a vast resource of the wisdom and power.
Have a wonderful week.
Words have power to heal or destroy. The sword can rightly divide the truth. Both are guided by the Spirit. A Soul is won or lost from the wisdom to discern the Power of Creation.
In the beginning was the Word.
And the Word was the beginning.
We perish from lack of vision of the true path.
We have not because we ask not.
Strengthen our hearts, I pray this day, in our weakness we seek the strength that is and is forevermore.
“We have not because we ask not.”
Ok, you are right. I hardly ever pray for myself. So I dont ask.
Here goes something.
God, please, may I have a Hundred thousand Dollars this week in cash?
Thanks in advance God.
“We have not because we ask not.”
“Ok, you are right. I hardly ever pray for myself. So I dont ask.”
I have a firm belief I and Y.. a few times when things were really despirate.. I had prayed in earnest for help guidance etc.. and the help I needed came from the damdest places.. I have a lot of academic friends that think I am out there because I haver such a strong belief in some entity that is invisible. but then you believe in oxygen..or electricity..etc…. well I have personally seen some things that are really out there and experienced some amazing acts of wonder..
Just pray in a serious way.. not for money or gifts.. ( If you seek money or gifts free vacations or a fact finding trip to the islands then go to your congressman and ask him which lobbyist is donating to get his votes or have him submit a new bill to be voted on and see if you can makea deal. .)Our heavenly father isn’t a wish catalogue .. and even though the answer may not come right away.. the answer to your request will come along and it will dawn on you why it wasn’t granted.. guaranteed..
try it.. JMHO
What does 116 mean?
Raise the outer legs on your work table half inch to an inch
So b igger things can run an hide down there????
Thanks for the peek into your shop. Especially in these uncertain market times I’m reminded that perhaps my very best investments over the years have been the all the tools and implements in our collection. Organizing for efficiency is always time well spent. My social distancing of choice is time spent sailing in the fresh air and wonderfully blue skies here in North Texas on my old ’81 Catalina 22. I would imagine that it would also be joyous to be in the left seat in a Beechnut these days of mild clear skies. I’m reminded of the words of one of my favorite old Sages, sports journalist Blackie Sherrod…to paraphrase:
“when you own a property, everywhere your gaze falls, there is a chore that needs doing.”
As for Pols that used their property with efficiency and industriousness, give me Founding Fathers George and Thomas…I recently found new respect for GW when I learned that among his other endeavors at Mount Vernon, he had a working still to produce Whiskey that is still cranking out spirits to this day. Talk about adding some value to society!
Happy Sunday!
And a dram hoisted Ure way as well!
Dear Mr. Ure,
Thank you for again bringing order in a chaotic world. The gentleman formerly known as the Duke of Sussex would no doubt be pleased that such work continues. I recall you mentioned not so long ago the notion of competing interests for the future of off-earth resource mining. Well, wouldn’t you know it, I was served up an ad from You’d likely have some suggestions on how they could improve their website. The amateur group has a number of interesting linkages. Perhaps not the least is an angel venture capitalist outfit with sino-amero democrat expressed social media sentiments bunkered down in a New York Third Avenue Depression-era tower. The building might have featured in a background portfolio of “All Good Things”, but the history to be written ending has been re-scheduled. Again, that’s due to covid. I’ll have to take a pass on “Space Force” at month end because I’m probably one of the few without Netflix. Program 863 appears launched.
“Money, it’s a crime. Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie…”
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Robert A. Heinlein
I haven’t died gallantly(saving that for last), planned an invasion, or butchered a hog. The rest are in the been there done that category, though I’ll admit my sonnet was pretty bad. It did work though, I’ve been married for 45 years. Tried to have a well rounded skill set my whole life. Wish others did the same. This old world may not be so messed up if they did.
James Johnson, ex-nuke
I love the bench cart…
I wish I had come up with that idea.. it will be a new sight in my shop. Tha is for sharing..
Total cases: 640 (1 newly reported)
Hawai’i County: 77
Honolulu County: 415
Kaua’i County: 21
Maui County: 117†
Pending: 0
Residents diagnosed outside of Hawai‘i: 10
Required Hospitalization: 82‡
Hawaii deaths: 17
Released from Isolation: 573§
Cumulative totals as of 12:00pm, May 17, 2020
One new case Big Island Hawaii County.
OMG….I spanked the Monkey at 552 MPH… I was shooting for four hundred.. LOL
I was just reading the news and a little frustraited.. and whap…
Dear Mr. Ure,
What is going on over there in the USA? Here is a link to what I imagine may become a defunct YT link of a rv nomad’s channel who has felt driven to take refuge off-grid to maintain his freedom. It would seem inter-community travel is becoming more challenging to the point that random, arbitrary blockades create a quagmire for non-locals not engaged in the pursuit of an “essential” task.