Roughing Out Collapse

The market decline this week may have marked the end of Wave II.  Which would be, in Elliott Wave counts and trend channels be the rally lasting about 192 days from 2022 lows.  Which was preceded by Wave 1 down from November 8, 2021.

Today, we consider our ChartPack and wonder how far down we could fall.

Not to be a spoiler but market levels half of two week ago levels seems increasingly likely.

What the present waveform suggest is not only purely economic in scope, but will lead into global war.  That is, if history continues with this kind of Rhyming pattern.

This morning, a short summary of how we got here, where trends are pointing.  And how the Fitch downgrade of American treasuries – glum as that was – is likely a “You ain’t seen nothing, yet.”

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20 thoughts on “Roughing Out Collapse”

  1. George

    Interesting news about the LK-99 superconductor.

    Is it a superconductor at room temperature or is it not?

    Much speculation in the world media and scientific community.

    If real then humanity jumps into near Star Trek type engineering.

    Let’s hope it’s the real deal!

  2. Temperatures have hovered around 100 and heat index well over 100 until sundown every evening. Fortunately there isn’t anything I really need to do outdoors until September or so. I did in what passes for a lawn with a short cut. The hay is still growing, but needs a shower. There is a decent chance of storms one afternoon next week. August storms can dump a lot of water.
    Exercise has been relegated to early on weekends. Too dark on weekdays before work, and too hot in the afternoon. Did a 12 mi bicycle ride this morning. Only put my foot down once at an intersection. Endurance and heat tolerance is slowly improving. My objective is not to relive fictitious past glories, but to get some exercise, and maybe to have alternate resupply transport if fuel supply gets dicey. The bicycle for exercise and the next item are making life less painful.
    I tried out an air mattress as a topper. Best thing I have ever slept on:
    The list price is over $200, but if you fish around at, you can find one on sale closer to $100. The thing about the camp air mattresses is that if you travel, you just take it with you, and convert the overnight torture rack into a dream bed. I wrap mine in a flat sheet. There is a large rectangular version, but no double.

  3. The White House quietly rewrote the requirements for the White House Press Corp – and suddenly 440 reporters no longer have a White House Press Pass. Purge complete. Members of the Press who can fly on Air Force One is also being rewritten.

  4. re: in sanus we trust


    Yesterday “CGTN” quoted top Chinese planner Yuan Da of the Department of National Economy at the National Development of Reform Commission (NDRC). Speaking from Beijing, the bureaucrat mapped out a second half 2023 forecasting “stable and positive growth”.

    Meanwhile Jobs Day saw the US VP appearing at a public-private “retail village” in Washington’s Congress Heights according to UPI. The neighborhood’s fine example of late twentieth century Western urban decay seeks to regain past glories. Prior to being paved over, the then rural farming area had shared a border with a health care provider delineated by the former Asylum Avenue which offered direct access to the Government Hospital for the Insane.

    Elsewhere the official WH schedule offers that the Beach House was vacated by the First Couple in favor of the New Castle abode.

    While tomorrow’s Sunday ‘Urban adventures in the toolshop promise a treasure trove of information, please do exercise self-restraint. Only “riots” in the sense of english good humor are encouraged. Thank you.

  5. Bond Analyst for JPMorgan: “You put on your seat belt when you get in your car, right? It is very smart to prepare for a crash.”

  6. The S&P500 has seen one of its best years since 1927. It is up 18% since the beginning of the year. After losing 20% last year, we are a little more than 300 points away from the all time high of 4,796 – set in January of 2022.
    – “On the surface it would appear that Fed policy has had very little effect on the speculative nature of this year’s market.” Goldman/Sachs “Thanks in part to the New Boy in Town – A. I.”
    – Though no one came out and actually said it, in the dozen or so morning reports I read, they all seem to dancing around saying – a possible stock sell-off.

  7. “Depression”

    A lot of people ‘lost’ in the last depression but a lot of companies started during the last depression.

    In this next depression pension bailouts will end, those people ‘lose’ but the remainder get more value for their production, whatever that might be so they win. But what are the ‘losers’ losing? Something they should not have had in the first place, bailout. So in the end they got free gravy while they could. As people what else do they want?

    Think Scarlett O’hara living ‘cradle to grave’ on the backs of slaves. Once slavery ended she and her family had to work again and she got pissed off about the situation:

    “I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.”

    What about Scarlett and her family stealing the life of a slave. That’s how disillusioned she was.

    • “Depression”
      A lot of people ‘lost’ in the last depression but a lot of companies started during the last depression.”

      the problem this time …is the size of the mountain..
      I visited with people that were the top of the pile..they put money in banks etc.. and the next morning they were poor..
      the rate of growth to the rate of the fall..
      considering the Smihula wave of technological advancement and the reduction of industry..and the reduction of education..
      then consider the fact that our urban advancement..and loss of cropland..
      this time around will be as catastrophic as the fall of the Roman empire.
      the noodle is falling apart..

    • it’s like the old trickle down .. the industrialists of old knew that the local economy was the important.. instead like the trickle down didn’t didn’t gush.. or even flow at all..the numbers didn’t move. when Reagan seen it he started the tax rebates.
      to get any flow back we have to stop being the warring nation and actually concentrate on the local infrastructures..
      just look at small town america..our grid is so fragile.. not one has considered strengthening it.. the same with the liss of crop land. it doesn’t fit the business model..mankind sold their soul and for a number.. the wealth inequality charts are 1990 nurses made 4.75 an hour they were making 4.25..
      the average wage earner here is still around ten dollars an hour..

      • “Trickle down” is the only system that works to the advantage of the masses. However, it requires Bosses who have morals, compassion, and/or sympathy. Unfortunately, between 1955-1975 a lot of the Bosses who actually cared about their employees, began to die out, and were replaced with the first generation of the corporate whore rat-bastards with whom we’re very familiar today.

        One of my friends worked at a high-end Amish-owned RV factory as a receiver. In 2005, ROI was good and the owner made $129 million.* He reinvested $51mln in the company, then divided the rest into three piles, pocketed one, split one between his family, and split the last one between all his employees. Employees at corporate-owned Amish factories got Amish hams for Christmas. My friend, the tow-motor driver, got a check for nearly $7500.

        The RV industry shit itself in 2006, about 3-4 months before the housing bubble burst. My friend was cut to 4, then 3, then 2 days/week and finally laid-off early in 2007. He was never called back, and after riding the unemployment wave for many weeks, ended up taking a receiving job at a corporate RV factory for (I think) $12/hr.

        Three years later, the owner sold out to a corporate RV builder. Employees now get a ham for Christmas…

        *I don’t know what the owner shared on other years. My friend mentioned this one bonus in particular, although I know he got one every year.

        Trickle down was never a problem.
        Morals was. It still is, only worse…

    • Interesting. She offered to lie, cheat, steal, and kill, but never offered to prostitute herself to anyone, though she apparently had sexual value. It would seem that she was not sincere.

      • She went for the dudes who still had some cash and /or a business:
        ‘After the war, Scarlett sets her sights on Frank, her sister’s beau, because he has the money to provide for her family. Later, she expands his fortune by taking over the store and opening up a sawmill using a loan from Rhett.’

        ‘While many of their friends struggle to make ends meet, Scarlett and Rhett become ostentatiously wealthy by the end of the novel.’

    • Hawaiian Comrade,

      see M.E. for 1st taste of “globo homo” getting his second reckoning.

      Russians have alwayZ been masterful at Chess..

      Whats that you say when U have Ure enemy (opponent) entrapped/cornered, with no way out, no escape…oh yeah –


      Wait, what ? S-500 is capable of intercepting hypersonics..

      As Ure Americano cartoon dog superhero ScoobyDoo says when in immediate danger..”Rutrow”

  8. roughing out collapse,,, of the old guard, that is.
    more than just the feral $ is collapsing, it is their whole system falling down like London bridge, which moved to Arizona,, Gary P Nunn, ‘London Homesick Blues’

    another pedo promoter gone,
    Q said watch for suicides, has it begun?
    “The Justice Department today announced the seizure of, the Internet’s leading forum for prostitution ads, including ads depicting the prostitution of children” ,,,CHILDREN,,, IT SAYS

    “Phoenix New Times co-founder and legendary Arizona publisher Jim Larkin died on Monday. He was 74.

    Larkin, who lived in Paradise Valley with his wife Molly, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in Superior near Boyce Thompson Arboretum, according to the Superior Police Department. No foul play is suspected in his death, police said.”

    it is going to shock many when they learn how many child molesters are running the financial show, Epstein needed bankers to move his millions and billions. The game is afoot and the Chase is on,,, they know,, those who know, and don’t report, are part of the problem.
    Other Brother says, “get rid of the pedos and ure problems will be few”
    just imagine an honest and fair money system, hard to inflate gold and silver, and we know 1964 or older still rules
    as long as we are humans with greedy brothren, even the electric money is faulty,,, bird in the hand is,,,
    psst ‘trade some rare tulips for ure little metal coin’

  9. The Strait of Malacca
    The strait, nestled between the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian island of Sumatra, functions as the primary shipping channel between the Pacific and Indian oceans. In connecting all of Asia’s massive economies together, the strait serves as the world’s second busiest waterway (behind the English Channel).

    Each year, more than 83,000 vessels traverse the narrow route. And every day, roughly 16 million barrels of oil flow through the strait, mainly to China. Accordingly, the Strait of Malacca is a crucial chokepoint, dictating control of the entire Asian sphere.

    India and arch-rival China both, want to control this important sea route.

    The Strait of Malacca could easily become the world’s most important geopolitical hotspot and potential military flash point.

    You might want to keep the name in the back of your mind and watch for any news from that region.

  10. onion cakes

    chop an onion.
    1/2 small green pepper minced
    in a bowl sprinkle
    1 tsp salt
    I tbsp lemon juice mix it up
    let it sit half hour..
    squeeze out the onion juice
    place in a bowl nest it put in
    2 eggs
    1 cup of flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp pepper
    1 tsp Mrs. dash
    6oz of water
    mix it up into a batter
    put oil in the bottom of your pan or griddle
    laddie your onion pancake mix ..
    you can add more eggs.. I personally mix extra eggs in the batter you can adjust the salt and pepper to taste .

  11. Niger is the 2023 Sarajevo of 1914.

    The “assassination” that lit that fuse for WW1 has now been lit for WW3 with the Niger coup.

    France, which has already lost two Wars to try to keep it’s colonies (Vietnam /Algeria) is now about to engage in a 3rd one to keep it’s ability to financially RAPE Niger like any good ol Colonial Power continuing (it has been buying Niger’s uranium at 25% of the world price).

    (France NEEDS Niger’s uranium in order to keep it’s nuclear reactors, which provide 70% of France’s electricity going. Niger provides 30% or Europe’s uranium and the Russia’s control another 60%)

    Call it the “Last Stand Of Colonial Rapists” in action … and it looks like France will be putting troops directly into the fight to “assist” the neighboring countries, who under France’s and the US’s pressure are going to intervening directly.

    Wagner units supporting Niger, already nearby, are currently being reinforced by units being flow in from Russia as of Friday and yesterday.

    This conflict is looking to be a DIRECT RUSSIA – WEST military confrontation. As with the growth of WW1 in it’s early phases different countries “Piling On” from what was “just” an assassination (common in the history of Europe of heredity ruling houses throughout the centuries).

    Watch the coming conflict in Niger closely, and what happens in Namibia too. Africa as a whole may erupt in ways that are unpredictable since although “Colonialism” is officially dead in reality there is STILL Economic Raping by former Colonial Masters that is going on and many parts of African society are PISSED about it (including apparently those in Niger).

    The 9th of Av did NOT pass peacefully. The Niger Coup came right on time.

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