This morning (after headlines and charts) we ask a very important question.
While not apparent on the surface, one of the macro trends most American’s don’t seem to notice (thanks to lowest-common-denominator media clowns) is that open warfare on We the People has been declared by corporations. Which, in case you’ve forgotten Citizens United, are now superior to humans in some very fungible ways.
Starting with social media, is it time to regulate how corporations make money? We’ve done it in drugs, airlines, and tons of other places. Why is social special? I mean, except that they are, of course.
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And yet Trump provided them with billions and billions in tax breaks. The Republicans, along with half a dozen NeoLiberal Democrats want to strip back banking regulations put in place after the 08 meltdown.
The problem isn’t R vs. D As your posts indicate.
The problem is the same one that got ML King disowned by liberals in the last year of his life and murdered by ???
They didn’t care that he wanted blacks and whites to be treated the same. They only sat up and started paying attention when he suggested the rich and poor should be more equal.
“Call it democracy or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.”
Lesson here? You, as a Poor, are utterly disposable. Don’t muddy the waters where the big men fish or you will pay.
Your commentary as it relates to “providing a message with civility”, is a welcome addition to this site..IMHO
To succeed in this environment which you correctly described, we need to be more like Trump & Bill Clinton. Keep on moving forward no matter what is happening around you.
Does that mean we get an intern?
Amazon vs. Walmart – When I shop online, I use to find the product & check the reviews. Then I go to to see if they have the same item for the same price or less. The majority of time, I purchase it from & either have it shipped or pick it up at the store. My latest purchase of an Eureka vacuum cleaner ($100) was made this way & shipped to me by Their air speed cannister is as good as Dyson at half the cost.
I like the idea of a local Wal-Mart store for returns. That is why the rumor of Amazon buying Target looks good. Also, Target stock is up about $15 since the rumor began.
Yeah that’s a good aspect yeah they’re going to have a lot of legal issues they’re going to have to filter through but money can just Breeze right through those legal issues that they’re going to have
Excellent article today. The breakup of AT&T was a bonanza for AT&T stockholders (especially all the widows who loved the stock). Today the original AT&T is Verizon, Century Link, & Southwestern Bell which was renamed AT&T.
The FANG stocks could, down the road, provide a similar opportunity as they continue to gobble up companies with their stockpile of cash.
And an especially TIMELY PN today – if you saw the article in the Wall Street Urinal about how some of the FAGS should be broken up – like Amazon and FB…
Problem is: and this is what I was getting to in the article.
If we ONLY break based on size, we miss the more urgent need on the horizon to prevent what we’;ll be discussion this weekend on PN: The Automatic Corporation.
Wih no people – and absent any government control specifying how many employees must be paid p[er $xxx,xxx of revenue…we’ll you get the idea…
And now China has rated the USofA
the end maybe near!?
Putting it all in perspective!!
Another odd health issue that doesn’t seem to fit logical thinking happened last week.
Driving my curiosity.. the old hit your finger with a hammer situation.. the logical thing if you miss the nail and hit the nail on your finger.. your mind says ouch and you expect that because it’s the logical sequence.
Now if you hit the nail on your finger and you don’t have the pain and discomfort then it brings up the question why not. There has to be a logical reason.
This was the type of event. Seems there’s a lot of odd health events so my curiosity hit I have to know why.
The physician had a perplexed look and then started running variables through his mind.. now put it in perspective..
The visit I made will cost as much as a three day I carnival cruise for two. No tests. Or a months worth of groceries for a family of six, one tenth the cost of a new low end car or hiring some college girl to rub my temples for a week wearing a bikini saying poor baby.
To get the tests they want ran half or better the cost of a new car one tenth the cost of a new home.. etc.
all of which I would have to pay for.
So.. I ended up donating every dime I saved for my old age trying to put the pieces of this odd puzzle together to make some logical sense. Now last night an old friend called he had a surgery needed to have someone around so they had him check in to a facility his cost almost a quarter a year. He couldn’t believe how much simple room and board was.
The thing is.. if you consider predatory business models this is one.
I didn’t have fun like I would on a cruise which a pretty woman saying would you like a drink before your dip in the pool or a massage sir.. I was in a dingy office with a doctor that basically didn’t have a clue and an attitude like I just pulled him from his favorite tv show.
What’s the answer I don’t know those targeted are the low wage single or married young parents. The elderly that are not able to pay the ten grand plus a year for medical insurance. The dentist same story. The hospital business offices will be the first one to say. If you don’t have the money why then did you seek out our services. A week ago one such organization got caught on camera dropping an old woman off in freezing cold weather in a hospital gown.
The point I am trying to make is how do you stop predatory business models that target the average everyday laborer and elderly when our own political system targets the same group.
It’s cold in Texas. 15 degrees…..
Heck that’s almost cold enough to shut down the outdoor pools. And limit how long the ladies will sun themselves.
Only if you bring your own cigars