Reader Discretion Advised

There are some things we don’t like to talk about on the “open web.” Although we normally confine our “deep thinking” to once per week, a very troubling observation from a colleague is our lead topic this morning.

We have our eyes on a very serious “change of sea state” and its part – we’re afraid – of the larger change that began when in the 2020 election, certain forces normally tasked with externalities of paving the road to future were turned internally.

Which matters?

With a Michael Benz book in the works his appearance in April on the Jewish News Syndicate’s Caroline Glick show was work taking the time to watch.  Benz was just as on point (and disturbing) as was his Tucker Carlson appearance. The U.S. government may be “managing” things domestically despite laws against such activities. Guess it depends on what you mean by “continuity of government” doesn’t it?

Once you understand what Benz is telling us then it’s easier to see the startling layers being perped on America right now.

Along with our usual ChartPack and a few other housekeeping items.

Three cups optional today.  It will really depend on how deep you want to roll with what we’re about to read you in on.

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33 thoughts on “Reader Discretion Advised”

  1. The Burn Baby Burn meme has been around for more than a generation:

    This sort of meme caters to the disenfranchised and exploited. That the updated version is now becoming viral in middle America should give you an idea how deeply divided and angry the post-industrial fr@ckees have become. If the intelligence services are fanning the flames looking to fill empty beds like they did with 1/6 dupes, then it would be business as usual. The business plan of America is, after all, exploiting morons for fun and profit. For my own part, I think this is just entertainment media cashing in on angry patrons. The revenuers play everyone off against each other, so they are just mining targets of opportunities to be heros and fill empty law industry warehouses with said futureless stupids. If you infer that 1/6 was a reaping of morons, you are following me.

    • Remember the CHAZ/CHOP violent idiocy prior to the last erection! Apparently there’s a science to fanning flames of left wing types who are eager to be caught up in social contagion and be part of anything that they can follow and participate in, as long as it generally agrees with their “woke” religion and gives them a dopamine fix. Those people are dangerous since they can break far more than they can fix, and have no self-control! They also vote, as if that made a difference. I suspect the campus riots regarding “Palestine” are a test case. I can definitely see a parallel to 2020 and the initial installation of puppet Biden.

      The Maui, Chile, NW Texas and other wildfires may related in some way. It’s interesting that Canadian Prepper has been muttering about some horrible thing that he’s not allowed to mention that will affect food supplies.

      Regarding music as a control mechanism, the letter agencies were experimenting with this way back in the 1960’s. There’s the entire theme of Laurel Canyon and the many acid-laced musician/songwriters who happened to be related to high ranking insiders. Obviously I don’t know the whole story there, but there’s enough open literature to see connections. Paradoxically, some of the best music ever made came from those who had spent time in that place!

      The formula muzak of more recent decades has become a total disgrace, with no melody or harmony, only a drumbeat and some angry random vocalist with a pitch range of less than an octave.

  2. “Programming”

    Programming is so thick people are brainwashed.

    “raise tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles next week.”

    Count the Chinese badged EVs the next time you head out. It’s going to be zero. So the tariffs are meaningless.

    Now count the General Motors vehicles, as example that are simply re-badged Chinese models. Much harder to decipher but they’re everywhere.

    The take-away is when it comes to vehicles and us pocketing the savings = bad American. GM adding a layer and pocketing our savings = good American.

    And people go along.

    “Unveiled for the Chinese market in August 2022, GM introduced the Envista in April 2023 in the United States and Canada. The Envista is manufactured in Changwon, South Korea by GM Korea and in China by SAIC-GM.”

    The same people have no problem saying “America First” while buying house brand acetaminophen that is clearly labeled “Product of China” while turning their backs on the American made Johnson & Johnson Tylenol product as example.

    Dangerous thinking is everywhere.

    Equate label

  3. Re: “Burn”

    Many years ago, we worked for several productive years with an ad agency art director named Mark. An essentially happy guy, his creatve take was mostly positive, and about as rational as any ad guy creative ever gets.

    Once, we did a really cool and very different ad for a bank – and the ad (TeeVee-Bluescreen) really worked.
    An award-winner, for sure.

    It had been running for a few days, when a damn-near exact knockoff appeared. We (my partner and later wife) felt Really Quite Outraged over this clear piracy.

    Mark’s philosophy was that some ideas are “just in the air;” and large groups of people seeing precursor ideas will come to similar answers and reaction “takes” on it.

    He further speculated — I think correctly — that if one could examine their client’s expressed need, and pre-prod conferences, along wih the budgetary, scheduling of production, editing, and time-buy and distro cycles, and all the delays and time sucks along the road, that we’d probably be assurred that the whole thing had simply been running in parallel, and completely unknown to both parties — and that the other guys probably thought WE nipped the creative concept from THEM.

    Some ideas are “just in the air.” Signs (symptoms) of the times.

    I have found that whole mechanism at work several. times over the years since.

    Probably just as atmospherically coincidental…

  4. Re: “Burn”

    Many years ago, we worked for several productive years with an ad agency art director named Mark. An essentially happy guy, his creatve take was mostly positive, and about as rational as any ad guy creative ever gets.

    Once, we did a really cool and very different ad for a bank – and the ad (TeeVee-Bluescreen) really worked.
    An award-winner, for sure.

    It had been running for a few days, when a damn-near exact knockoff appeared. We (my partner and later wife) felt Really Quite Outraged over this clear piracy.

    Mark’s philosophy was that some ideas are “just in the air;” and large groups of people seeing precursor ideas will come to similar answers and reaction “takes” on it.

    He further speculated — I think correctly — that if one could examine their client’s expressed need, and pre-prod conferences, along wih the budgetary, scheduling of production, editing, and time-buy and distro cycles, and all the delays and time sucks along the road, that we’d probably be assurred that the whole thing had simply been running in parallel, and completely unknown to both parties — and that the other guys probably thought WE nipped the creative concept from THEM.

    Some ideas are “just in the air.” Signs (symptoms) of the times.

    I have found that whole mechanism at work several. times over the years since.

    Probably just as atmospherically coincidental…

    I would not give the conspiracy angle much cred..

  5. Re: Ukraine

    1.) The Russians are very good at games of strategy, such as chess.

    2.) One doesn’t have to always “win” to instruct an observer that fighting you would be expensive, dangerous, and painful — and mybe fatal. You just have to beat the shit out of your current opponent badly enough to show the observer on the sidelines to best leave you alone.

      • A very good post …. Russia is playing chess and China is going by the book the art of war… combined that is a very effective combination.. Our weakness has been exposed.. and it is the business model GREED and open corruption of the present leaders that is the weakest links..

    • thank you William. you are one of my favorite people on here. honestly.

      my creations have a 5 minute to a 5 week lag time.

      i dont understand how somethings are instantly created almost on Demand. and others take a week and others take a longer.

      i dont see how stream line my creative process. i know the edition of music, speeds up the process.

      i know i know. you fucking drew a picture in a note book Andy and the sky matched it. not only once, twice but the third time the entire state of washington and a few other states witnessed it!!!

      ya. im just working with material i have.

      i have to use what is available as a resource to create.

      and my creations pale in compairson to THE DUDE creating entire galaxies.

      i hear HIM, not bad kid. not bad at all. watch this!

      im like whoooooaaa DUDE! hahaha.

      i know this come as a suprize. i dont wanna deter the discussion here by my things im doing. so i will return to limiting my comments.

      last thing. when im deep in mediation, (having logged over 20,000 hours now in meditation) there is many things that are presented in a deep meditation. some i just discount. like the x’ing people out of reality. that is a line i dont cross. same with knowing peoples private things. they come all the time. i see things about people on here. they come to me and i push them off, and i stay in my lane, and mind my own buisness.

      because i have integrity.

      and once you break your ingrity, the creative process stops. or your creation is warped to a degree.

      its very important to note that.

      and ya. i know. my creation is pretty cool. the entire sky changed itself to match what i drew. that is like the entire sky saying, Hello Andy, I see you. do you see me? i sure do.

      so now the sky above aka Heaven is my friend. we are on the same page.

      i know alot of people. im good friends with a few. im good terms with my new buddy the sky. The Sky knows me and I know the Sky.

      a match made in heaven.

  6. “certain forces normally tasked with externalities of paving the road to future were turned internally.”

    im on a whole new level. i have drawn 25 more images.

    at first it seems as if inhave personally discovered my nack for remote viewing.

    and in some ways that may be true. i dont know much about remove viewing other than what little i have read.

    what im seeing is. after i create a drawing. creation continues responding.

    the thing is, when this occures the chemtrails vanish. they are gone. i have spoke to a few friends who have never seen any of my drawings. all them said. there was like shit load of chemtrails then this happend. and they were gone.

    not only that. 7 people i personnaly know, changed their bannor on facebook to vangos image. the one with the spirals. none of them know the other did the same.

    the image i drew wasnt inspired by vangoe’s painting.

    honestly i sat down with a blank piece of paper and drew it. there wasnt a plan to it other than hands and a rose. i drew the whole thing in ball point pen.

    and creation is contunuing to manifest what i drew. it would be differnt if it only happend one time. one occurance. that is what my understanding of remote viewing is. you lock on to an event in the future and draw it.

    but this keeps going. i deleted my old post. because my drawings are private. just me playing THE DUDE in the language of art.

    and im very careful who i lend my energy and attention too. because some people will take it and use it to make something else. reguardless of my spiritual copy right.

    check it out dude. you can see in one of the pictures a friend took of the sky a muti colored rose. pretty nifty.

    same exact colors i used.

    i talked to a couple people and they said it was hard to take a picture but it was forming spirals in the sky. they said i have never seen anything like it. a few said, i have seen the norther lights before, but i have never seen it form spirals moving accross the sky.


    i will draw something new, today.

    La Dolce Vita

    • check it out.

      after my comment and i folded laundry. i took a nap. when i woke up this was right above me on the ceiling.

      its a Key. not sure how the reflection of a key ended up on my ceiling above me as i slept. i have no idea what is reflecting it above me. in the over a month i have been living here its never refected that above my head where i sleep.

      its a Light Key.

      when i first woke up, it looked like The Ank Symbol but as a Key. same symbol as the Egyptian Ank, but the form of a key.

      oh wow. now the circle part just changed to form an Eclypse. a bright white circle with rays shooting off in every direction. coool.

      i looked outside and there is no cars or anything out there that could reflect that all way into my room above my bed.

      my bedroom of course in the map of The City Of Gods is

      Temple of Quetzalcoatl according to all map Schematics i have seen.

      the staff of life, but a Key, A Light Key.

      okay, cool. thanks!

    • there was a story something like that on either warehouse thirteen or the twilight zone years ago.. a guy that drew a picture had it happen.. interesting.. ..
      I have always believed is you think violence pretty soon violence finds you.. so think good thoughts.. I tell the kids.. smile and everyone will wonder what in the heck you find that is so good to smile about..

  7. im not even sure what to think about it.

    someone told me. i tried to get a picture of it but you could clearly see it form a red rose in the sky. i never seen anything like it.

    and not single one of them saw my drawing. not a single one of them even im drawing stuff. i still didnt tell them.

    i just said, wow, that is pretty groovy.

    i asked one of the elders. they said manifesting means to make. you are not just seeing. you are now making.

    other than that, its
    just another day for Andy, living in The City of The Gods. as i sit out here in the pyramid of the moon, (deck) listening to the birds sing and bees zipping around, watching the baby horses play, a big stud prancing around on the earth below
    with the sun on my toes, having a smoke and cup strong coffee.

    on the early shift tommorow. helping others find their way.
    its what i do.

    down at the bell a vue station.

    i will keep the rest of the drawings i make, between THE DUDE and me. i give THE DUDE full permision to poke anyone in the eye, who looks without my expressed permision.

    i have considered that all these blonde haired, blue eyed, bearded white dudes are all High
    Melchizedek Priests.

    and….. uhhh
    when i do… open the portal, Quetzalcoatl might pass through back into this reality.

    maybe that is the point. not me passing into a new world. maybe a High Melchizedek Priest enters this world.

    that would sure change things around the little blue ball space ship. now wouldnt it.

    hey…. i wonder if we have entered the point in time where the remote viewers couldnt see past yet.

    maybe that has to do with my now drawing.

    nah. i cant be that big of deal.

    I am Just Andy.

    La Dolce Vita

    que: ~ Kiss Him Goodbye ~


    • Given the geomagnetic ‘banging’ the earth is getting right now, you seem to be drawing the Auroras in the sky.

  8. Took yesterday off, and have had a busy weekend already. Got up on the roof with an electric chainsaw and pruned some limbs that were almost touching. I used the Krause folding ladder stretched out straight to get on and off. I have a 12′ fiberglass step ladder, but it’s a toss-up as to which one is safer (or unsafer).
    The worst problem were the shoes, and the weight of the full size Echo. My soles were plenty grippy, but the inserts flexed too much. I probably should have pulled out the inserts, and pulled the shoelaces up jam-up jelly tight. Once I was up there, I just slowed down, and sat down a couple of times while I did a risk/reward evaluation for things I was about to do. This was more difficult than the last time I was up there.
    The Krause folding ladder has been with me a long time, and has been under-utilized. The main drawback is that it is about 4″ too narrow, so you have to very careful about putting both feet on the same rung. Getting off the roof is a little more difficult than a fiberglass stepper, but I’m not sure either is any safer. The Krause is a lot lighter, and I can get it out the door faster without moving obstacles.
    Did a preemptive part replacement (when was the last time I did that?), and I am getting a tune-up on the non-electric transport. Planned objectives for the 3-day weekend have been accomplished. Time for lunch.

  9. curiouser! and curiouser!

    i googled what is the date frame that remote viewers cant see past?

    and this artical pops up from 1998. titled: Revising Reality.

    “The theory is that you might be able to erase events that had been harmful to or degraded consciousness or life forms on this planet, or in this galaxy or universe, and clean up the world a bit, make it a nicer place to live in, and answer all of our questions about the nature of reality, to boot.”

    if you look at the very bottom. it says steam shovel.

    and the song i qued is from a band called steam.

    and everyone said to me, when i saw the rose and spirals last night. it erased all the chemtrails in the sky. the chemtrails vanished as the light show in the sky started.

    huh. no kidding.

    i find that,

    intersting. very interesting…..

    well, i best get the laundry folded, eat a bowl of lucky charms and put pen to paper.

    ya all have a great week.

    La Dolce Vita.

  10. i wonder if that is why Dr Jung drew pictures in his Red Book. maybe he figured it out as well.

    quite the ponder.

  11. Scroll down to the geomagnetic Kp index chart… Red bars to the roof! That is as fugly as I have ever seen it. I had the ‘earthquake tireds’ yesterday and disturbed, fitful sleep last night also. NVIS propagation for the 40 meter interisland net has been hit-or-miss, with close in stations being the weakest.

  12. I’m seriously concerned about a repeat of 2020 when the antifa/blm “people” were setting fires, not only in the cities, but also where I live. Two were set at the end of the dirt road I’m on but were put out in time before they got big. I ruined a pair of shoes helping to stamp out the first fire. I carry a shovel in my car now in case I find myself in that situation again.

    The Fire Chief for this district told me there was a second fire in the same area. When they got there, a woman who lives nearby was carrying buckets of water to try and put it out.

    There were also two fires along the highway going toward a town near me. People saw burning materials being thrown from a car at that time.

    A fire that got very large was started at the edge of Omak in 20 MPH winds. It burned South across the Colville Reservation and even jumped the Columbia River. It got so large that it was divided into two fires at the river for administrative purposes. A young couple were badly burned and their baby (as I recall about a year and a half) was killed. The mother was pregnant with another at the time and lost that one as well.

    The Fire Chief told me they confirmed that fire as arson and just could not prove who lit it.

    These fires were all started within a couple of days after the antifa/blm crowd came here for one of their “fiery, but mostly peaceful protests” in the small town of Omak. Locals turned out en masse to let them know that they wouldn’t let Omak be burned.

    I am very concerned about losing my home to fire this year. Those antifa/blm animals are nothing more than heartless Untermenschen who obviously care about nothing but hurting those they disagree with.

  13. GU – I have looked .., off-n-on.., and have seen no reports., or even a mention in the media – on the billion dollar downdraw.
    Seems it would have caught someone’s attention…, sure caught mine.

    I wonder why ? & Where did they put it ?

  14. discretion,
    remember back when this low educated pion claimed that Pfizer had more than one vaccine, ya I was just a retard.
    I had no proof, but after dealing with liars and cheats, ya learn to read the hand writing on the wall.

    now I wonder if the employee vax was just good ole Ivermectin? I don’t know, but it is an excellent guess.
    I have no forgiveness for those who pushed ‘FORCED’ mask wearing or vaccination. Those who just ‘shamed’ US for not complying, need a ‘come to Jesus’ or just a public whipping
    those who pushed forced masks should be branded on their face for identification, scarlet ‘M’ and the forced vax pushers should be forced into jail or hung, depending on their level of enforcement activity.
    this only applies to those who acted in forcing others, only when they are forced back, against their will do they begin to understand.
    school yard bullies will continue to be bullies until they get their ass whipped
    whippens are reQuired or the problem will resurface.
    Geronimo,,, on to GITMO and Camp Justice.
    The BIG Question is,,, “who will enforce it?”
    I say Trump has so ordered the Military, but issues need to be brought into open court for all the people to see first. Are we there yet? As all the Trump non-sense court cases are boomeranging.
    Samson, the demons danced with delight when Samson was shaved and blinded, but yet he dropped their temple down on their asses,,, RETRIBUTION
    Steve Miller, Fly Like An Eagle song
    “(Tick tock tick) Doo doo doo-doo
    Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
    Into the future,,,”
    Trump hats say 45-47
    they do not say 45,47,,, giggle snort
    future seeing? although I am a poor punctuator,,,
    punctuation has meanings
    and Trump’s misspellings also have meanings or clues
    Everyday, I see how great and marvelous this historical time IS.
    We are winning but just don’t ‘see’ it yet
    Zippity do dah,,,
    “How do you introduce evidence legally?
    Did ‘Impeachment’ harm or help POTUS [public]?
    How do you introduce [D]s high crimes [corruption] to the public?
    Why didn’t POTUS remove [Hussein] holdovers from NSC?”,,,
    “How do you ‘awaken’ the ‘induced coma’ public [FAKE NEWS control] from their long sleep?
    Sometimes allowing your enemies to [openly] attack…….
    Logical thinking.

  15. Harlan Page Chapman – a legend has passed away.

    After six months of micro-management and interference from President Johnson., the 312 Marine Fighter Squadron was finally given a legitimate target.,

    A mission on Nov 5, 1965, Chapman’s strike group was tasked with pounding a heavily defended railroad and highway bridge deep within enemy territory of Hai Duong.

    Strafed by anti-aircraft fire, Chapman was forced to eject, dislocating his shoulder in the process.

    With that, Chapman became the first Marine aviator shot down in North Vietnam.

    The Marine would endure over seven years in the infamous prisoner of war camp, Hanoi Hilton., spending 2,657 days in captivity before becoming the first Marine Corps POW of the Vietnam War to be released during Operation Homecoming on Feb. 12, 1973.

    Upon his release, Chapman took command of Marine Fighter/Attack Squadron 314 in El Toro, California, where he served from July 1974 until his retirement two years later.

    Chapman was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and early-stage dementia in 2017. He died on Monday, due to complications from dementia, May 6, 2024, his family confirmed with Military Times.

    Lt. Col. Harlan Page Chapman was 89 years old.

    • Government won’t either..

      I know from seeing it more than once. the standard is the moment you’re gone your no longer an asset .. guys that are admitted to private care as you leave your no longer a veteran..and any agreements of the system is null and void.
      its the same way for those that had the right of the most inspiring individuals in my life and lifelong friend..
      he was a presence in every command I had ..what got me is he had been in military decades before I had been there.. always wore slippers to work. no one gave him any guff about it either..had an old pipe he smoked burning whenever he had the inkling for a puff or two.
      we had a rare inspection.. and we had to be in full dress.. I was concerned I couldn’t get a full shine..He would say its ok no one is going to look at your shoes..the dreaded day comes everyone was out awaiting the arrival my friend comes out a electoral of gold and glory.. I look at him and ask wow what’s all rhis..he laughed and said they give you all this deal to make you the prime targets.. we get into line the cars of dignitaries starts driving by.. they get in front of him and screech to a halt.. everyone gets in front of him they come to attention and salute him.
      later when we all were back in comfortable ..I was going over to his house and I said what did you do to get that kind of rsponse..he said I tried to do the right thing..then he told me the story of his lovely wife and how they met. there he did the right thing to.. she had no future no education nothing and bound to live in Ignorance and poverty. instead she became well known as one of the most influential physicians in the world.. she’s awesome his kids are awesome and he is now gone..she quit using doctor on her return address so I believe she’s retired from giving lectures. He deserved 2 of those metals for doing the right thing..
      no pomp and circumstances..
      its how its done..

  16. I decided to go outside after midnight and walk to the darkest part of the property. Even at my low latitude, I figured there might be something to see from the solar activity. The sky seemed quite energetic, with a strong north wind and low but separated clouds streaming south. I could notice a red tinge in the sky – not everywhere, but there was definitely structure in the atmosphere in a way I’ve never seen before. Just standing out there in the cold for perhaps a half hour, my eyes adapted and I could see what looked like tendrils in the sky again with a reddish tinge They were dancing all over, and there were concentrations of activity and apparent energetic red tinted particles whirling about. Much more chaotic that Van Gogh’s paintings but definitely something that I’ve never seen before. The sky seemed alive in a brand new way. I’ve no idea what this means, but it was an eye opening experience!

    As I walked back to the house, I noticed touches of green too, but mostly red/pink. None of this looked like the classic auroras in pictures, but more like micro-sprites dancing in the sky dimly, yet down to the treetops . If I can, I’ll go out again tonight and see what’s there to see.

    • ya man. pretty cool.

      ya know George waay back when we met, if you told me id draw a picture and the entirety of creation would make it so. id never believed ya. id never believe ya if ya told me in 15 years andy you will be driving ore trains at elevation 7007 feet above sea level in the valley of enoch and then moving into a mansion, and living in a scaled version of The City of Gods which some archelogical people say its construction pre dates the ice age.

      id told you were fucking nuts!

      and yet here i am.

      God only knows what i will be able to do in 5 years from now. 10 years from now.

      i was just in meditation,

      i thought i could write down peoples names and draw a line through them and they would be no more. Then, i thought, no i wont do that. that is not ~ The Way ~.

      that is thing. with great power, one must be vigilant in how to apply it.

      not everyone is corrupt or can be corrupted.

      what was it that Elder, The Oldest said, ahhh yes, ~ Humility is having The Power and using it wisely. ~

      they also said, at some point, you will out grow them. you will superpass them all. and you will have to let go some of them. to move forward. they said as you grow so will others spring up and grow too here and there. a new generation will follow you.

      and nobody not single thing can hurt you. you are protected from relms way above this one.

      sometimes i dont understand what the Elders mean. lol.

      sometimes they say the littlest thing. and it means alot.

      like andy when you find that 8 key, touch the note, and you will journey far accross desert sands for a fun vacation.

      uhhh what??? what 8 key? where?


      i have already seen several other of my pictures start to manifest.

      im heading to the art store. i need supplies.

      La Dolce Vita.

    • Still pix bring out the colors with time exposures, but don’t show you the motion of auroras. It’s an awesome experience to see auroras live, shimmering in the sky!

  17. Hey Smokey Bear,

    How did you know ?

    Massive FIRES in NW Canada & BC today. Smoke is coming to USA..again. See Dutchsinse -YouTube for latest..

    “Smoke Em if you got em” and we got a lot of useless Eaters to harvest yet..filthy dirty puny Humans.

    • dont be trippin boo.

      light, ash and fire are the ingrediants of new growth. its how the earth regenrates new life. lol

      when i see stuff like that, i know the earth is healing itself.

      its not a scary thing at all. i spose it is if your in the middle of it and dont wanna be fresh soil for a new tree. lol

  18. i have been thinking about the vannishing point. the dream i had and seeing my reflection watching the windows on the the light rail as it passed, after the last window passes, i vanish from site.

    what that says to me is, i will be at this job very long. its a station. a stop along the tracks.

    that or some om chanting tibetan monks are going to show up and take me to the city of shambala. haaha

    or some space aliens are going to beem me up and take me to their homeland to live with them.


    if a hot chick with a rabbit tattoo shows up and a blurb on my screen says follow the white rabbit.

    well Trinity sure did look good in pleather pants. but thats not really my style. haha

    that is an old movie ya know.

    the vanishing point.

    i used to have a 1970 Dodge Challenger with a 440 6pack. fun car.

    with that. see ya when i see ya.

  19. uhem. i wont be at this job very long. lol

    i will be doing something else soon. maybe as soon as in 3 days.

    i am expecting visitors soon. hope its big golden shiny seaguls and not space aliens. little green men. haha.

    they are on their way tho. i been exepecting them for a week now.

    soon. i can feel them. hopefully not men in black either.


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