If there is one thing people could benefit from buying, it would be an accurate view of the Future.
Why, just think of the things you could do with it!
- Avoid Pandemics
- Avoid industries headed into tough times – thus reducing personal layoff and lost-income risk.
- Making the most of all your investment choices including stocks, bonds, and real estate
- Plus, you’d live in the right places, not the wrong ones.
Sounds dandy, but most people don’t control their personal information inputs effectively.
Which is the distinction between a site like UrbanSurvival and other online news dispensers. We try to give you enough useful, “see it coming?” inputs, that you may return and stick around for future exciting episodes of Monday on the Rock.
Let’s start with the Big Ones…
World War 3
The simple reason for the stock market selloff in the early slog today is never a precisely singular event. You get to take a smidgeon of multiple news narratives to arrive at a general trend which can guide personal decisions. Thus, for example:
- The Russians have bulked up their supply chain to feed rockets into their arsenal from both Iran (doing drones, too) and North Korea. Over in the land of unbelievable kneelers (UK) outrageous ego expressions are on a roll as Putin had to go ‘cap in hand’ to beg North Korea for weapons, says the UK’s defense secretary. As side note, Elaine and I binged the whole series on Netflix this weekend of The Diplomat which could have been snipped from recent headlines. The writing tracks the reality of present-day news events. Where the series misses a bit on headline facts, it more than makes up for in the political/attitudinals – which they totally nail. While the Brit’s are wrapped up in B&B (bullshit and bluster) their PMAing doesn’t really matter as Video: North Korean KN-23 and KN-24 ballistic missiles bomb Ukrainian positions in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia – Threats from Britain. Oh, such a close rhyme with Trowbridge in the Netflix series!
- The Gaza Coriolis zone is not going well, either. So, in order to set up a major war (that is sure to shake loose more shekels from the Bidenistas) we see the light-off of Lebanon in motion today: US top diplomat warns of risk of Gaza conflict ‘metastasising’. You think? Yes, Hezbollah wants a scrap, but the Israelis have screwed the pooch of planetary opinion by not taking a more humanitarian track i9n Gaza. Notwithstanding, Blinken brings US push on post-war Gaza planning and stopping conflict to UAE and Saudi Arabia. But that’s not who’s doing the fighting.
- Meantime Israel-Hamas war: IDF uncovers evidence of Hamas developing precision missile capabilities with Iran’s help.
- All of which has left the Bidenistas in a state of extreme cognitive dissonance. How do the lefty’s support Palestinians on the one hand, while raising Jewish political contributions ahead of this year’s elections now 10-months off? Politico is wondering too in Netanyahu is losing control in Israel. The U.S. is struggling to deal with him. – POLITICO.
As we’ve modeled it, the two (main, for now) war zones are like BLM and the KKK going at it. Odds of success are low, particularly when the SecState has a religious allegiance to one side. Such that no matter how “clean” the U.S. proposals may be from us, no one in the M.E. will have a high level of confidence in them.
The second problem with the U.S. position is that the SecDef’s woof – trying to keep his hospitalization secret – was another Bidenista Boner. Look for the mainstream to play down Defense secretary faces intense scrutiny over hospital stay that was not disclosed to key officials. It’s a mess for the News-Agencies alliance that rules the high-level narratives. But, manageable with think. If for no other reason than if it gets too bad, the “racist attack” card will be played and that will be that.
All of which is not particularly useful – in terms of scamming a trade and parking more money in the Lunch Money Day Trading account (LMDTa). But it lends a kind of theatrical performance level to the runaway greed in the world.
Judgment Test!
Who you going to believe? Boeing and some offshore folks who are pimping the “737 Max are safe” line, or the risk-averse airlines in America that are a little gun-shy about putting additional loads of obese bodies in wide bodies, so to speak?
Let’s look at curtain #1: Kazakhstan’s Aviation Administration Confirms Safety of Boeing 737 MAX 9 Fleet Following US Incident. No, even after reading the John Nance books (like this one) we somehow didn’t underline Kazakhstan as a world thought leader in aviation safety. Our bad?
But hey, the only 737 acquisition I was involved in was a pair of 737-300 series back in my airline VP days…and that one (and is) a great airplane. But single angle-of-attack indicators? Um, can I walk?
Not just me: FAA grounds more than 170 Boeing 737 Max 9s after section of Alaska Airlines plane blows out. You want to roll with the Kazakhstan pitch, that’s on you.
To Markets, to Markets
We don’t offer financial advice, but we have an interesting “This is how [from Monday’s perspective] how it looks like the market will roll out this week.
We see on the Schedule that Consumer Prices will come in Thursday. (Follow carefully, here): We look at commodity prices all the time and figure that Inflation may still be hotter than expected. Energy prices are firm again and the gold indicator hasn’t been beaten down under $2,000 recently. A coincident indicator (BTC) is also holding onto $45,000 hopes.
On the other hand, the market should (say our trading platform indicators) should drop (free falling safe) at the open. But then, since swing trading cycles are what they are) we could have a “turnaround Tuesday” this week. Or start up today.
In our crossing moving averages work, we’d see today MAYBE work out something like this:

Which would set the stage for the BKoD (Big Kiss of Death) rally Tuesday and Wednesday ahead of the CPI bleeding to come (we’re guessing, this is not advice) Thursday.
Which means for the balance of this month (and February) we should work our way down to the bottom of the trend channel which describes the rally (in this chart) from the 2022 bottom (Wave 2) and sends us careening down into Wave 3 down.

Follow along here:
- From 2021 (Nov. 8) market fell out of bed
- Hit lows in 2022
- Rallied as a double zigzag (1-2, 1-2, for an A, then B, C, nice decline D (not labeled) neither is the E (because hope and strange things can still happen).
- But for now, we look to have completed the trading box which should be it for the Wave 2 macro rally.
- From here, we would not be surprised if we bounce off of support at the top of the Elliott Wave 2 (5) trading box, with a BKoD in here somewhere.
- Then a “grinder down” as the market figures out Ukraine is lost, Israel will need American boots on ground, the demonscraps have a spring grand mal trying to love Israel and Palestine which are splitting the sheets.
- All of which waddles and waffles forward in time and down to the bottom of the lower Wave 2 support.
- And THAT is where we can start looking for a catastrophic market “Event”.
So be looking right now for who is going to sneak in from the commercial real estate implosion (and the 683 thousand fewer people working in December than anyone, but the BLS database, will admit to).
The real crappish is coming, but we still have time to be patient while one of my late mentor’s Laws of Elliott forms up: Markets don’t crash from Tops. They crash from Bottoms of trend channels.
And that sets up the Nuke Flashes over summer that Andy has seen in visions. Your visions may vary.
ATR: Woo-Wood School
Notes on use a Grounded Pillow
Since I have written a book about Dreaming (Psychocartography: Mapping the Human Dream) a couple of pointers you may wish to consider since we seem to be arriving in the biblical prediction zone where “old men will dream dreams.”
I’ve told you about “earthing” – and you can find a ton of stuff on the web (and YouTube) about it. Thing is, I’ve been doing A/B experiments and find that a grounded pillowcase is as effective (for me, YMMV) as a full grounded sheet set. The one I got has actually come down in price a bit ($26 now, down from $29),
IF you decide to use one, I’d sure recommend an independent (technically, a low-inductance) ground. Most people don’t get the full effect of grounding/earthing because the typical (in a big city, living in a people coop) makes it hard to go outside, stick in your own “sleeping ground” with a six foot copper rod.
My experience is they really do improve the quality of sleep (for me/us).
The idea behind them is simple: There is enough radio (and natural) energy in the atmosphere that it can serve as a low-level irritant. You know, if a new technology like radio were to be invented today, it might never see the consumer market. It would be studied to death, first. But, since it wasn’t, the cell phone makers have vastly (in my engineering view) vastly understated the risks from too much RF (radio frequency) exposure.
Lots of books to read on topic, but some to look at include:
- Paul Brodeur’s Currents of Death. Especially since many people use electric blankets this time of year.
- Dr. Robert Becker’s The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life.
- And Clinton Ober’s book Earthing (2nd Edition): The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!
Not that earthing/grounding is a be-all, end-all. It’s not. But my pal of 70+ years, The Major, who besides being a psychiatric social worker by trade is also expert (and has taught for years) in the field of subtle energy medicine. He’s gone so far as to remove wifi from his house and put in Cat-6 and he and his Mrs. Captain/Dr. have an elaborate silver mosquito-netting looking silver thing out of Europe use to attenuate subtle energy interference with life force…
Not all electricity, though. Good sleep hygiene also seems to be related to our internal “polarity” as well.
For example, when I have had my most intense predictive precognitive dreams, my body was aligned (while sleeping) up in the 300-320 degree range on a magnetic compass. Since our bed is east west, head west, 270 degrees at the head, I lay on an angle (head further north, legs more southerly) and that seems to influence my dream states a fair bit.
So does seasonality, as well. My most intensive lookaheads come in the March-April period, for whatever that’s worth.
But if you have never had lucid dreams, or you have difficulties bringing back your dreams, a simple week or two of bed orientation (say 10-20 degrees of rotation for two or three nights, then move to the next orientation) may help.
You may find that the change of body alignment could boost your energy and dream recall, while tossing in a lot more lucid dream content. Which all sounds like woo-woo, I know.
Because it is. But it works for me.
Not sure where this gets “locked” but I’d rather expect that it happens when the soul/spirit essence lands in the biological body and takes up residence. Which way was your body pointing at the moment of birth? And what’s the analogy to Salmon and the other anadromous species of fish which lay birthing in a sandy river with their eggs in a particular magnetic orientation.
Is there stuff “baked into us” we don’t bother thinking about?
The Major would say “Oh, gosh yes!” And I can’t argue.
Write when you wake up,
Careful…just saw this in the Daily Mail:
“Retiree, 71, plunges 130ft to his death down hole he dug under his kitchen floor after dreaming gold was buried beneath property.”
Just read that story.., and I have a question: Just when was he going to stop digging? The photo of the shaft looks like it was pretty well done.., but doesn’t there come a point when you have to admit that you could be wrong? And – why no safety harness? Damn fool !
Any relation to that dark redshield witch ?
wadda ya know, joe ?
Say it aint so…
“well done” ha ha sure looked like a well!
” a simple week or two of bed orientation (say 10-20 degrees of rotation for two or three nights”
You either have a very small bed or a lot bigger bedroom than I.
Try one of these for a sleep shirt:
I keep my bedroom window covered with shielding aluminum and 3″ of acoustic foam. My home has 30# roofing felt and Tyvek under the siding, and 30# roofing felt under rubberized composite shingles. The carbon attenuates external signals to a higher degree than you would expect.
I keep the cell phone as far from the bedroom as possible at night next to a window which faces a cell tower. While I have wifi and wireless phones, the signal strength in the bedroom is still pretty low.
With orthotic antennas built-in, I figure I should be more prone to having an emf problem than the average flatlander. I haven’t made my mind up as to whether the phenomena is real or not, but I have been suspicious at times.
A new competitor to my ISP was overlapping their bandwidth for a period of time, disrupting their service. I had discussions with the service department, which is why I became aware of it. Not sure if it was intentional or just newbie incompetence. During that period of time, I noted more severe nerve pain issues than before or after, not to mention appalling slow internet connections. Microwave wild west.
Shungite Medallions are par excellence in shielding Youse from emf’s…though do not wear em to Bed/Sleep…they mess up Ure sleep patterns, even when in close proximity to Bed. Store in bathroom during Ure end of evening toilet, prior to going to bed.
Easily test Ure coverage with a cellly, shungite sample and emf mete. See wit Ure own eyes.
Lol lol.. I was going to question shungrite as a benefit..then it dawned on me..I believe in the power of crystals..gemstones..
my drinking water goes over rose quartz.. I have a chunk of rose quartz in my pocket..teach all the kids to find what special rock speaks to them..they all have one..my mini me has a dresser full..
they hold memoty..quartz memory chips.. A black chunk of coal and a cut diamond.. (always wanted to ask Nancy if a piece Of coal can be cut like a diamond.. both the beauty of the black that holds endless power..the beauty of the white that while under pressure and heat clarified into a whit crystal. both carbon both burns the same each treasured for their beauty and power they can offer.
royal crowns filled with gemstones each with a supposed power..
for me..I love rose quartz.. my mother had crystals in every window the beauty of the light shining through them.
“5G” (Fifth Generation) cellphones & towers are a complex stew of microwave frequencies all used together to achieve high speed bandwidth. I will not have a 5G phone, much less hold one to my head for any amount of time. I’m just appalled that they are considered ‘safe’ when those frequency exposures generally are deemed questionable among the RF experts.
Yeah I’m A little disappointed… all that frequency and it still won’t cook a hotdog lol
I have a 5G phone. With -40 db aluminum over the bedroom window, I get zero bars on any cell phone in there, and I charge the cell phone outside the bedroom at night.
The biggest safety issue with 5G I have heard is adjacent band proximity to jetliner altimeter radar.
Apparently, the radar altimeter issue has been addressed, FWIW. One problem I’ve seen is that 4G-LTE is only guaranteed to work until 2026. That may or may not be true, or it may be by carrier. Someone in the cellphone industry probably knows better. I have a super cheap paygo cellphone just for when I’m away from the landline and my crappy DSL. It’s the best option here unless I go Starlink. Even Starlink Pro won’t assure better than 8mb upstream!
I am with you on that one… the signal close to the body and away… is it that strong.. I keep thinking on taking an LED light bulb out to see if it flickers or lights up.. or a flourescent light bulb
RE: I got a real ‘charge’ out of Ure body sleep magnetic field alignment, although some may find it to be ‘polarizing.’
You definitely manage to keep up with ‘current’ events, even while Ure sleeping. ‘Splains why Ure a ‘magnetic’ personality.
The rest of us not aligned with the poles during sleep just have dreams in a state of ‘flux.’ We are ‘bipolar!’
I expect this ‘attractive’ topic will ‘field’ a lot of questions from Ure readers.
PUnnerific declination, I note.
Pun Police! Cleanup on aisle one.
Lol lol lol… the USA spent millions studying how dogs poop..yes the theory is they circle and align themselves to the poles.. BS.. every dog I have ever seen aligned themselves as to which was more comfortable.. cold blast in the face or a cold blast in the keester…
now I am big on what power magnets have.. but does it help.similar to the wearing a rubber band on the wrist to help your balance..that’s mental balance.
in my dreams I am usually building something..if I have a question.. I ask it mentally before I fall asleep.when I wake up the answer is there. I have to de-gas the wine ..
lol lol
An even year must mean another Boeing bailout on deck.
All of our lives Boeing has been on the dole and they still can’t get it right. The retirees who couldn’t get planes to fly pull an average salary (Boeing Retired) of $92,670. But it’s not stealing.
It might be cheaper for Americans to buy planes from Airbus and give them to U.S. airlines.
The new Air Force Ones are gonna be delayed, again.
“Boeing struck the deal to make the two new planes in 2018 with then-President Donald Trump. At the time, Trump asked for the planes to be ready by 2021, but the project has faced a series of delays.”
“The first of the two new airplanes is scheduled for delivery in 2027 “
re: ‘das kapital, Folks
feat: IL-96 winds ‘4 7 years
It’s so regrettable that the two future Air Force One aircraft originally ordered under the reign of President Obama didn’t quite make planned delivery to Russia’s defunct Transavia airline despite being painted accordingly. One imagines the plane’s “Imperial Service” on the Moscow – London route would have been absolutely fabulous. According to a 90’s edition of “Russian Life”, the airline’s ceo had in close succession achieved academic excellence in both Communist Party History as well as Radioelectronics while multi-tasking with a deliverance of child. Apparently her father-in-law had been a minister in the Gorbachev regime.
Yo OOWS, and to think they built a $660 million hangar for the new AF1 at Joint Base Andrews. Previous hangar was 12″ too narrow. Been completed since summer of ’22, hangar pissed off the golf members, went from 54 holes (3) 18 hole courses to 36. So sad….
Ze Silver is commonly used in the manner you mention “shielding” when outside “noise/nrg’s” at high enough level as to distract/deflect your “intention”. The main character (Tony) in Ceres Colony Cavalier uses silver mail shirt to protect from and focus on task/magic at hand..
Personally wear Silver..always
CosmicChickenBunny will find much in CCC.
I had a mind blowing event today. similar to grounding. I have never honestly ever heard of a person having. ever. not Jesus, not Buda, not Zoroster, not Kristina, Not Muhammad. and nobody else. ever.
I’m working on the mountain today. it’s a clear day. the ice crystals are blowing about so much that it looks like I’m working on glitter farm. seriously.
you remember that crystal rainbow I posted a picture of on X and linked it here?
today, I got out of my Tonka at around 11am. as I was walking the wind started whirling around me. really whirling. the ice crystals were spinning around me. they started changing colors. it was like I was standing in the center of the milked way watching a trillion sun’s whirling around me. blue, red, yellow, white, orange, purple. it lasted for about 30 seconds.
another Coworker said, Hey! you were standing in the middle of a rainbow!!! ive never seen anyone stand in a rainbow before! he said your entire body shined like a sparkly rainbow!
I said I know man! it was was so amazing! it made me cry it was so beautiful. I never seen anything like it. it was as of time slowed to a crawl.
he said I never seen a human disco ball. and laughed.
it was like watching a trillion different colored sun’s whirling around me.
I seen alot of stuff and experienced some off the chart wooo things, but that was definitely in the top 5.
have you ever heard of anyone ever standing in a Rainbow? in the center of one? ever? I didn’t think it was possible.
Hey Andy, was the rainbow coming out of your ass like all your other sh**?
Crazy times looking all directions, in rearview mirror and out over the hood. One known, the other to become known once … it’s too late. No model I have ever used has better than 50% predictive rate so I just watch the chart, join legit moves and stay on sidelines the rest of the time.
Models predicting winter are causing a stir around-the-lake. The 10 day was wobbling and now seems set we are about to get winter size XL. Friday may put >11″ down and … the (10) day suggest 21.4″ total.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
Lloyd Bridges: Steve McCroskey, Airplane 1980
My young helper worked the tail end of winter prep with me yesterday including stapling up an interior envelope of polyethylene plastic sheeting. This reduces area I might (sorta) heat by >50%. It’s something I have been wanting to do for two winters past and so am suitably geeked.
I am told we are hosting a Baby Shower for fam. come start of March so figure I’ll be living out there in Man Cave #1 that day (and maybe more depending on how many wimmen are overnighters). Or I could go to pole barn and clean workbenches in Man Cave #2? Nah.
Watch the TNX your Ureness,
tnx for the tip
The Art of Dreaming is a 1993 book by the anthropologist Carlos Castaneda. It details events and techniques during a period of the author’s apprenticeship with the Yaqui Indian sorcerer, don Juan Matus, between 1960 and 1973.
The Art of Dreaming describes the steps needed to master the control and consciousness of dreams. The Toltecs of Don Juan Matus’ lineage believed that there are seven barriers to awareness, which they termed The Seven Gates of Dreaming. In The Art of Dreaming Castaneda describes extensively how a state called Total Awareness can be achieved by means of dreaming.
This book was so damn good i must have read it through at least five times and refer to it with regularity. Never involves substances, just practice.
I live on a boat. Not sure how the grounding works when your ‘alignment’ is never solid, although the ocean is probably a pretty good ground.
We have a beautiful ‘dream catcher’ and when we hung that over our bed, the intensity and clarity of dreams increased. It’s not a solid world.
Ahh., good ole Castaneda.., one of the greatest con jobs ever perpetrated on the gullible New Age public.
After his wife of thirteen years came out stating that he had never visited Mexico., never studied under any one, that the Elders of the Yaqui Nation had never heard of a shaman named Matus., and that he spent most of every day just laying on the couch smoking hash – he abandoned her, bought a compound in west Los Angles, and for ten years dropped out of sight and started what was basically a cult. His ‘adopted daughter’ [ read that as: main sex bunny ] disappeared and his little rancho deluxe came crashing down. Her remains were found 2006, but the other four ‘private witches’ that also lived on the compound, were never seen again.
I would take whatever he has written with a healthy grain of salt – more like a five pound block salt lick., chased with a little tequila, of course.
Not to mention of course, that when doing this kind of work there are no short cuts. If you don’t find your own signs are not shown the right path by events (though Andy’s example is a bit nuts, lol) then it’s like not path of the Dude – more like pretenders and up-enders… there’s still more work to do
The good news is, if you’re still a live, there’s still something to be learned.
Hop tuit
ya well, atleast I’m consistent. haha.
and I agree. there is no short cuts. every prayer or mantra thought or spoken, every minute of deep meditation creates a tiny golden thread connection to all that is Divine. altering your field state a tiny smidgen. after year and years of tiny golden threads and smidges of altered field movements?
one day, you might also find yourself high up on a mountain in the valley of Enoch, standing in the center of a rainbow as it whirls around you. and for 30 seconds get a glimpse of the view from the center of the milked way galaxy.
“and that he spent most of every day just laying on the couch smoking hash –”
So who wrote all those books?
I am pretty sure he wrote the books., at least I have never heard otherwise. The point that his wife was making was that it was all fiction.., a collection of other writers ideas and doctorial thesis., and “those five books from Argentina”. That he never “studied” under some mystic, guru unknown shaman – that it was fictional story culminated from other writings. She never explained “those five books from Argentina”.., and never gave another interview.
I was just telling my in-laws about earthing and earthing mats. I have a couple for standing on while doing Chi-Gong and in the work shed, plus a mattress cover for the bed.
Great stuff here:
We got some Grounding sheets for our bed. Has 2 chords, one to plug into the wall outlet ground and the other to run out a window. I ran ours out the window and stuck the probe in the ground …. Then (made a personal upgrade) sticking one of my 6’ Electro Culture sticks with the copper wire around it, next to the sheet probe outside.
Sleep is deeper, dreams more vivid and I don’t wake up as tired as I used to. Most times, I wake up and feel energized like I did years ago.
Also made the change to 100% Cotton and Linen fabric night clothes. – those fabrics as well as Wool, allow the energies to flow freely.
Slowly changing our whole wardrobe to those 3 fabrics, as we can find them.
Sleep naked(commando style), you never know when opportunity will arise and or beckon!
Plus you dont have to fumble around in dark, looking for rope to pull Johnson out with..not to mention accidental splash downs..water in bowl is always freezing!
Dont forget Survivalites – “to wrap Ure whacker, before you attack her” this way youse can be singing along with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith fame..https://youtu.be/82cJgPXU-ik?si=borhWKAg0i3wTPxx
~ chop wood, carry water. ~
15 degrees on the moutain this morning. foot of snow in tonights forcast.
while this plays on the radio in the background,
take me down to the paradise city, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.
The Ruskies say that the african austin was killed in a missile strike in ukraine. Hmmmm
my 1st chuckle for today, thank you
just desserts ? Irony of it all, sheep dipped out of .mil into christians in action, then to Raytheon (patriot missiles), then connedgressionally waivered into secdef..
Yeah yeah “he is still working from hospital”..whoops.
Just noise for the sheeeples, when the real news is happening right hear at home in the communist states of Jewmerica –
Aint that right, Fudster G?
Doubt he was killed or injured … the timing doesn’t match up correctly, BUT, until we know more the risk that he was injured during a “Secret Trip” to Ukraine is at least a small possibility.
Now that Israel has opened up the “Can Of Worms” of “Political Assassination” look for that dynamic of “OH, Let’s go copy the Serbs of Sarajevo (June 1914) so people can understand out viewpoint”, mindset to start infecting and influencing less powerful groups. Israel wouldn’t mind … they WANT, no make that CRAVE, a wider War, fought by the US of course. (conspiracy types would say that is what they are trying in fact to accomplish)
Elvis Presley’s would be 89th birthday.
A sister’s nic name since she has Jan 8th birthday.
Happy 2024
This peanut butter, banana and bacon-flavored whiskey honors …
Achtung Baby!
Yo Greenshades – what do you know regards Military of Office of Settlements ? Ever heard of a General Zeleny ?
a bizarre DOD UCC filing suggests $21 trillion dollar check written in 2016 to settle-PayOff the entire national debt..
Who is Dr. 3 Rivers and Howard Bertram ? What do they know regards tRump and General Zeleny and trillions of DOD $$ ?
Cmon prog deniers BRING it On – debunk That .
PS – snopes/wiki = christians in action “managed”
re: Wishing (Will Make It So)
feat: Glenn Miller Road, YTR
It seems last NYE marked the 97th anniversary in Tokyo of the Buster Keaton movie release and commercial flop “The General”. Interestingly General Zeleny’s Canadian mail drop appears to be a commercial condo mall across the 401 Highway from Canadian Forces Base Trenton.
Let’s go to DJ George for more on tonight’s “Moonlight Serenade”.
One of my “escapes from reality” after I got out of the Army was backpacking. I solo backpacked “a lot”., from three days to two and half weeks., from Alaska to Mexico and everywhere in-between. One thing I noticed, right from the very start, was after just a day, or two “in the wilds”., I felt, thought, and slept differently. I initially thought that it was just winding down from my chosen occupation., but after reading a book regarding radio wave saturation I became fairly convinced that my overall change was due to being away from all the electronic noise that filled the air. I still believe that.
(Arctic blast scare: A wake-up call for grid-down survival preparedness
Mike Adams
There’s no way to know for sure if this forecast will emerge, but one of the weather models is predicting an insane arctic blast across much of the USA by Jan 16th. If it unfolds as this weather model believes, most of Texas will be below minus 25 (F). (Yes, that’s -25.) Kansas will be in the -30s, Idaho in the -40s, etc.
Most of Oregon will be at -30 or colder, and nearly the entire state of Washington will be around -30 as well. Florida will be at around 15 degrees (F), which will destroy most orchards.
We pray this weather model forecast is wrong, and it’s still more than a week away so things can change between now and then. But either way, it’s a reminder to get prepared for extreme cold weather, power grid failures, burst water pipes, closed grocery stores, and all the rest.)
I wonder if grounding sheets work. I always wondered deter about magnetic insoles but was it the magnetic energy or was it acupressure..
The national weather service keeps lowering their predicted temperatures for the weekend and early next week, but as of this morning, they are showing 13 F for Sunday night.
Weather.com is showing 11 F for Monday night, with temperatures staying below freezing for maybe 3 days.
I got this impulse to start sawing firewood around Christmas, and I have a lot of seasoned tornado deadfall to draw from. I have about a week or so of dry wood cut to the woodstove firebox length, covered with plastic.
Tonight I put new chains on a saw or two, and tomorrow I saw up another week’s worth. I don’t see me burning that much fuel, but I feel the need.
I have enough canned premix gasoline on hand to saw up enough wood to last until spring. I bought a little plastic flexible flyer with a rope handle to haul wood up to the house if we get ice and snow. All holiday impulse buys. If it gets cold enough, the tractor is hard to start, and the front end loader hydraulics get gimpy.
“The idea behind them is simple: There is enough radio (and natural) energy in the atmosphere that it can serve as a low-level irritant. You know, if a new technology like radio were to be invented today,”
we are being bombarded by streams of energy magnetic frequencies day and night. what damage does it have to be bombarded by frequencies.. well you can cook an egg with a radio frequency.. guys working the towers have to be grounded..there’s been a great deal of controversy on cell phone brain cancer..
Feels once said the secrets of the universe is energy frequency and vibrations.. I say the secrets are frequencies that create energy and vibrations..
Survival pro tip #407
when its -7F outside and your at the top of the mounain and have to visit the Honey Bucket outhouss to take a dump. Warm up your gloves on the heater vent of your truck and set them on the seat so as your ass doesnt get frozen to it.
note: dont shit on your gloves.
You are welcome.
Winter survival tips from Northern Michigan. Keep a toilet seat warm & hanging by the back door of the house. Take it with you to the outhouse.
Alaska ‘dry cabin’ tip: (C’mon, Andy, you are an Alaska boy!) Get a block of blue insulation foam and carve a toilet seal hole in it. Insulates bare skin from otherwise freezing contact!
our company supplies the porta potties. i aint making no toilet seat to bring to work.
thought about it this morning tho. have some thick socks i can warm up on the heater and use.
it so windy and snowing. i cant even see the house 10 feet away.
the differencw between here and Alaska is trees. they block the wind. here there is very little trees. wide open potatoe farms. after 3 minutes you can see the difference between the road and the field. at all.
its different than alaska. that is forsure.
sigh…… arizona is looking really good right now. lol
its that or buy a big lifted 4×4 truck. lol
“its that or buy a big lifted 4×4 truck.”
We who live in snow country call them “4-wheel slides” ‘cuz if you don’t know how to drive in snow country, spinning four wheels sends you out of control faster and with less chance of a recovery than one or two wheel drive.
I DO suggest you get yourself an OLD 4×4 GASOLINE pickup and fill the bed with snow. I also suggest you put Bridgestone Blizzak or Nokian Hakkapeliitta tires on it (change the tires, don’t replace them), and buy a set of chains. Also, plan to get stuck and have to spend 3 days living in that truck while the search parties are looking around,* and for Pete’s sake, don’t buy a white (or earthtone) truck…
*Before I had a GO-Bag I carried a Buddy Heater – the little one that you could screw a 1lb propane cylinder into, 3-4 cylinders, and an Ames Mil-Spec trenching (foxhole) shovel in the cab, with a heavy sleeping bag and a couple gallons of water. Since I assembled a GO-Bag, I still have these things (the heater is on a shelf in the garage, the rest is in the truck and has been supplemented with a Yaesu tri-bander, a Baofeng HT, and a flare-gun (and an Olight flashlight that’s brighter than the Sun.)
Two kinds of people do high-up snow country in winter:
Careful ones, and dead ones…
George, you still don’t have UltraMake in your banner at the top of the site(main level). I’d suggest that you put it next the the Peoplenomics link(s). Just my opinion, FWIW. Did you, or are you planning to register the trademark? Delete the previous sentence if prudent.
A friend sent me this regarding 23 and me! Apparently the outfit is blaming users for THEIR data breach! Interesting reading:
This is why I’ve avoided it, though family members have not. I truly believe that these things should be absolutely anonymous(as an option) with a simple access code and password to get to your data. 2FA optionally if you choose to. It should also be downloadable en toto and securely deletable if you wish. We all have choices to make and I’ve no idea what choices are best for others.
Blame the Victims … WOW … a page right out of Boeing’s everyday operating handbook. “23 and Me” is merely following the Big Business Operating Manual pioneered by big boys who over the decades have managed to avoid responsibility for countless things that have damaged their customers.
wrt Boeing: … Surprised Boeing they didn’t jump right out and blame Alaskan Airlines for their latest manufacturing fiasco. (ground crew must have run into the door; cleaning crew damaged it while cleaning; etc. etc.). That is what that company seems to try to do every time something goes wrong.
btw if the screws and bolts were NOT properly tightened on that airplane (reports are United has now found similar problems on another 5 planes) WHERE ELSE ON THE PLANE were corners like that cut? Were corners like that also cut in various hidden places on the Max 8 planes when they were built? I highly doubt this is an isolated incident of poor workmanship if the reports are true and it has now been found on 6 different planes.
I think having the Kazakhstan av. authority was a whole next level down tho
I still remember PeopleExpress airlines back in the 80’s. The CEO Fred Reid had a philosophy I still use in my business today. He felt if there were any peanuts on the floor or trash when new passengers boarded, they must be thinking, where else are they cutting costs? Fuel? Maintenance? What else are they overlooking? As a former VP of an airline, maybe you remember that?
Sure can. And our Cayman Airways “We go the extra mile for you” was ripped by Southwest’s “We go the extra Smile for you” campaign.