Blizztime, NFIB, Trade Dots, Wars Heat

Blizztime or another Snowmageddon?  Still early, but… While the Northeast is getting ready for the cold weather dump from weather system Finn, Expert: Winter Storm Finn to bring snow, freezing rain to Virginia Monday night, the outlook for East Texas has turned unseasonably cold early next week, as well.

We have been adjusting our work plans accordingly.  Two of the “major projects” will be getting out and test-running the generator tomorrow with a possible run into town to top off the large propane bottles.  While our gennie is of the dual-fuel sort, we’ve kept it ‘off gasoline’ – saving that for the “balloons go up” period when energy use priorities will change.  The backup propane heat for the house will also be tested.

Elaine’s been trying to figure what to offer the feral cats when the cold snap hits.  Updated forecast calling for 12F (and maybe colder) Monday. May not break freezing Tuesday.

We’re figuring to let cats into the shop where a pet heating mat and some animal bedding ought to suffice.  These are feral cats and generally tough-as-nails compared to house cats.

When they begin to get cool, territorial claims evaporate, and you’ll see a pile of six or more cats (a clowder) as they huddle together.  If you didn’t also know that two kittens constitute a kindle, some additional knowledge can be fished here. Two kittens “kindle” with three or more as a clowder, right?

The cold weather preps here work – because we’ve been down to 9F in previous winters.  The checklist is:

  • Generator
  • Back-up heat
  • Pipes wrapped
  • Outside faucets covered
  • Foundation vents closed
  • Generator fueled and test run
  • Transfer switching tested
  • Backup satcoms exercised.
  • Food run Friday to top of stores
  • Package store for additional anti-freeze/ETOH
  • Slow roll long-lead time ordering online
  • Do the weekly zeroing of credit card balances early
  • Zero the laundry before impact
  • Bake bread ahead of time
  • Download latest Kindle content
  • Make sure critical meds are above 3-week reorder level
  • Keep readers tuned-up on storm preps

Experience, both on land and back in our sailing days, says the more you prepare for a storm, the smaller its impacts are likely to be.  Still, just in case, I ordered a spare chainsaw and we’ll brew up a fresh pot of 2-cycle premix.  Out here in the big pines, snows can bring down large limbs.  The value of a four-wheel drive tractor cannot be overstated, either.

The next three days, say the long-term forecasts down here, are the prime prepping days. We might hit 60F tomorrow…

NFIB Outlook

National Federation of Independent Business survey for the month is just out.  Not quite as “cool on things” as the National Weather Service view….but almost.  Their press release reads like this:

“Inflation surpassed labor quality in December as top business problem

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan. 9, 2024) – The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index increased 1.3 points in December to 91.9, marking the 24th consecutive month below the 50-year average of 98. Twenty-three percent of small business owners reported that inflation was their single most important problem in operating their business, up one point from last month, and replacing labor quality as the top concern.

“Small business owners remain very pessimistic about economic prospects this year,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “Inflation and labor quality have consistently been a tough complication for small business owners, and they are not convinced that it will get better in 2024.”

Fresh Trade Data?

“The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced today that the goods and services deficit was $63.2 billion in November, down $1.3 billion from $64.5 billion in October, revised.

November exports were $253.7 billion, $4.8 billion less than October exports. November imports were $316.9 billion, $6.1 billion less than October imports. The November decrease in the goods and services deficit reflected a decrease in the goods deficit of $0.6 billion to $89.4 billion and an increase in the services surplus of $0.7 billion to $26.2 billion.”

Pretty Much How the Markets Feel

Not a hot morning following the Monday gains: S&P 500 futures dip as Samsung warning damps technology stocks.

You can see it in the results from Monday in our two publicly shared charts.  In the two-year view, the manic short-running rally yesterday looked confusing I’m sure, if you haven’t been trading stocks for half a century.

Notice how the view on the right looks noisy?  Like a head and shoulders?

Where I’m guided in my personal outlook is when I look to see if the 2-day and 12-day moving averages have moved.  They haven’t.

While people are talking up the economy (democrats mostly) the more rational view is to take more than single bull-bear street fights into account in your thinking. There are tides in warfare and in the “affairs of men.”  And this is one place you can see the flow is now ebbing.  So expect more bad news to come.

War Jitters Fills That

The recent drone “hits” on Hezbollah and Iranian leadership has crossed a line in the conduct of war, worries our consigliere“When a brother-in-law, or some such, is targeted, it opens the door to a flood of assassinations,” he worries.

To carry that even further, keep an eye on G.A. Stewart’s The Age of Desolation website. Because (going from [unreliable] old man memory here) I think there’s supposed to be some leader-offing about in this window.  I’ll defer to Stu’s work to hint at timing signals in advance.

The reason to defer?  Well, it’s mathematical really.  Here’s why.  Suppose you have, as in Nostradamus work, a very large number of predictions.  At the time they were tabled, no one had any idea how they would all work out in the coming hundreds of years.

Then a smart fellow like Stu comes along and begins to piece it together in his books.  As a result, every time one of his called on the Quatrains is “filled” (as real-time events unfold) it takes another Quatrain off the table.

That means that the closer you get to Nostradamus end of predictions, the fewer pieces there are to fit unfolding history into.

It’s like when Elaine is working on one of those 1,000 piece puzzles she enjoys. (and I can’t stand them).  Because the first piece of the puzzle can be mated with 999 other pieces.

BUT when you get down to the last 2 pieces in the puzzle? Well, hell, now even ADHD Mr. Ure can figure it out.

That’s where Stu’s great value lays in present History Unfolding.  Since’s he’s the world leader in Nostradamus, he’s got a better idea than probably anybody else on Earth as to what are the remaining puzzle pieces.

This is incredibly useful for End Times Reporters, like Ure’s truly.  Because we know (math, right?) that his outlook (as long as they continue to be broad enough so possible futures aren’t arbitrarily overlooked by accident) will likely only improve between now and the “end points build” in Nostradamus’ works.

I wouldn’t even begin to try to explain this to most people.  Because with Big Data practitioners – Clif High’s work and Armstrong’s Socrates – you don’t have the seriality that’s embedded in a single predictive source.  In other words, as the topology of the Internet (and computation) has changed over time, the “end point assessments” will, quite naturally have their time base and magnitudes change.

Not so, when the whole body of prediction is laid out as it seems to be in Nostradamus hundreds of years in advance.  All thousand puzzle pieces at once.  That’s likely one of the reasons Stu can seem so frustrated at times. Because he’s putting the whole big puzzle together, and since there hasn’t been a new Quatrain written since Nosty checked out, he will have already reached that same, deep, puzzle-fitter’s curve.  The fewer pieces left, the more easy the rest of the puzzle is to solve.

Don’t get me wrong – because I have personally dabbled (with FoxPro guru Grady and MVP Mike) in a WFA approach (word frequency analysis) to predictive arts.  But the partial data problem became readily apparent.

Singular predictions are achievable and can be useful. Knowing when a quake, financial impact, hurricanes or other single events is “due” doesn’t really “solve” the public policy issues involved.  Because unless you run a rigorous test case series (and I expect the alphabet agencies have) there’s no mathematically sound way to judge likelihood of a predictive event in advance.

On the other hand, the “set number of puzzle pieces” analysis allows (in theory) the prediction of future events on an improving basis if the series of predictions is valid.

Thus, our fascination here with event prediction.  The two general classes are single puzzle pieces (data and computer-based) versus serial predictive series.

Which, even though you didn’t ask, is why intelligence agencies would likely weight heavier reliance on things like remote viewing because – depending on level of detail and skill of the viewer – can give multiple aspects of a target.  Which then allows a similar approach to our puzzle-fitting analogy.

But even here, size of the playing field is daunting. If a remote viewer were, for example, to say “I see an explosion in large city in the middle of summer.”  We can’t be sure which summer is being “seen.”  Could be summer (right now) as in Argentina or Australia. Or could be July in SoCal.  But when each additional word becomes a puzzle clarifier, the quality of the view can increase.

Sorry, didn’t mean to get off track too far. But it’s important to understand that “data synthesizers” (like me) get a little worried when data samplers (as a group of folks) and publicly accessible Big Data tools like Google Trends, and Nostradamus begin to line up.  Like the word Assassination in Google Trends this week…

I’ll leave the Nostradamus discussion to Stu.

Now, where were we?

R0lling By

It’s rude of us to ask, but if Joe Biden’s people are really environmentally saviors and legislating it down our throats, why is the new (long-delayed) Air Force One not a smaller jet?  (Mean like this one? United Airlines says inspections found loose bolts on its 737 MAX planes…) “Un-tied” is not alone: Alaska Airlines Discovers Loose Bolts In Boeing Jets During Routine Maintenance.

The Trump Rerun isn’t out of business, yet. Because we’re now reading how DA Fani Willis accused of having inappropriate relationship with prosecutor in Trump’s election case.  Minor problem with the Supreme Court and the barring states, but still…

Say, is Serbia near Macedonia?  Pay attention to the fact of US fighter jets fly over Bosnia in a sign of support to country as Serbs call for secession. Now, this is just a wild-eyed guess, but Serbia was not a country when Nostradamus was writing. But, it was part of “Macedonia” which later would be clarified North Macedonia and Macedonia part of Greece. So North Macedonia is adjacent (and overlapping?) Serbia where…um… “Look, up in the sky!

Backing into being Right again:  Remember, a while back, we told you that Palestinian Gaza was likely toast due to offshore energy deposits that Israel is not about to gift Palestine?  We read today, a kind of “backing in” to the death of the two-state solution (i.e. end of Gaza) in the story “Blinken carries Arab message to Israel: Keep Palestinian state hope alive.” Which is a back-asswards way of getting to “Palestinian state is dead.”  Keep an eye on this because – depending on how quickly the Arab (and esp. Iranians) figure out “ain’t no moe Palestinian homeland” the sooner we get to the many fronts war on Israel, which will drag in the U.S. and which…well, go study Stu’s book.

Itchy trigger finger Dept: Taiwan apologizes after emergency alert mistranslation led to ‘missile’ warning for Chinese satellite launch. Meanwhile, we’re wondering if the story Chinese military invasion unlikely, think tank says is happy-talk or real ahead of this weekend’s elections?

Side of Hype?  We like the word “hypendicular currency” to describe pseudo money: Analysts who predicted Bitcoin’s 2023 rally are out with their forecast for 2024 and 2025.  Bitcoin peeked over $47,000 this week, but looks to us like the SEC is slow-rolling an ETF decision: SEC Issues Fresh Comments On Bitcoin ETFs: A Delay Signal?. We are still wondering how the SEC can approve a security based on made-up numbers alone.  At least with most stocks, there’s a (frequently unbelievable) premise of some underlying value.  But as we have stated, the government hates competition and if the plan is to move to a central bank digital currency, why give the greedsters even more power to resist?  It just doesn’t make sense to us.

Oh, Wait!  But neither does much of anything else these days.

About froze my ass off wheeling the garbage out to the street this morning. Cold north wind brings even more next week.

More tomorrow on the subscriber site.

Write when you get rich (or warm),

88 thoughts on “Blizztime, NFIB, Trade Dots, Wars Heat”

  1. Good morning George

    Seems there are more tunnels under NY than previously thought. Some Jewish folks dug a dandy tunnel supposedly during Covid to get to the synagogue … avoiding Covid Mandates and, a lot of permits, breaking codes and destruction of city property cutting through those drain grates. Mattresses? Guess they got tired from digging … or whatever.

    Watching this, I can’t help but see a lot of “weirdness” Just odd behavior.

    I hear that someone heard “people” under their home, called police who found the tunnel and they were going to fill it with cement … and that’s when all hell broke loose. – that, from other videos and reading similar comments.

    Click … then slide to the left to see it all.

    And as we talk Prophecy from time to time, have you read the Henoch Prophecies, by Billy Maiere?

    I remember when I was a kid, I saw an article about Billy and his alien travels and pictures of his friends. I thought it was just science fiction so I didn’t pay much attention to it. Recently ran across this … but can’t find any pictures that I recall seeing in that article a long time ago.

    The more ya read that, the more interesting it gets. Guess the Universe thought I should take another, better look.

    Have a great day !!

  2. “But as we have stated, the government hates competition and if the plan is to move to a central bank digital currency, why give the greedsters even more power to resist? It just doesn’t make sense to us.”

    Here is what is happening with your neighbours to the north. Of course, it is just a formality and government digital dollar use will be a “choice” for Canadians.

  3. George,
    I would read Stu’s work if he wrote as clearly as you. I get lost when I try to read him. Maybe you should rewrite for him? lol.

    As to cold, starting to get cold here in Northwest Montana, looking at a high of -2F on Friday and a low of somewhere around -22. Fun times. Have blankets, food, and spare heater in the truck, just in case.

    Take care of Elaine and yourself!

      • Just to make a distinction. I am a (more of less) trained journo whose first formal journo class was in 1965. Lemme see, that’s, 8 carry thge,,,,FIFTY-NINE YEARS on a keyboard. (Ofckmethatsold)
        Stu has a real life/career and it involves high tech similators.
        He never had an overweight socialist (fired for her lefty views) scream at him “Short Sentences! Declarative statements! Break big thoughts into smaller bites.”
        He assumes college level reading skills. Where all the (keep it short, not more than 17 words dammit) is totally ignored. (Might make plagiarizing harder at Hahvahd, though)…
        I write for the fast food crowd. Stu writes for the accomplished cullinary savory of content; people can munch, reflect, reread and don’t mind doing so.
        Ure is a one-n-done, on to next fire/meeting/war/concept distiller.
        He serves the multicourse meal. It’s a big one. Take Ure time. Pages over time, not stuff the whole thing and run.
        All writers assume an attentive audience.
        Sadly, many give the audience too much creds.
        Have you notice election results?
        Soon, it may not matter. Let those with ears hear….

        • “Lemme see, that’s, 8 carry thge,,,,FIFTY-NINE YEARS on a keyboard. (Ofckmethatsold)”

          Boy do I understand how you feel about that.. reading that little bit.. almost brought a tear to my eyes as well …
          Nothing worse than looking in the mirror and seeing an old man staring back at you.. then realizing.. the image of an old man is a time lapse of a younger you LOL

        • I’m not pointing fingers.

          Recall recently a phone number hotline was posted on this website. The Survival Hotline? I don’t understand why that happened so chalk it to not being the target audience and keep it moving.

          Why debate it?

        • OoWS…
          I kind of remember an ad that had a phone number listed as a marketing venture from google.. I quickly went to Google and searched womens night gowns or something. to change the ad’s being shown..
          to change that king of crap coming up just search for an item in a totally unrelated area..

        • “I’m not pointing fingers.
          Recall recently a phone number hotline was posted on this website. The Survival Hotline? ”

          You know what steve.. I wonder if what you were talking about was the leave a message line that was up for a short period of time.. wanna make a comment then leave a message.. it was up what a couple of weeks I think..

    • Dan in Montana,

      I certainly do appreciate your criticism. However, I have addressed your point more than a few times in my previous posts.

      November 9, 2022
      “People want sound bites while I write to debate the critics and provide solid information. Essentially, my books are notebooks for myself that I organize, polish, and then sell to the public.

      Personally, now that everyone on planet Earth can see and feel the potential for a nuclear war, I think my interpretations and material are self-evident.”

      August 5, 2022
      “My books are too heavy-handed because I include a lot of history and I write more toward countering the Nostradamus Critics rather than entertaining readers; so, I will try to make this simple and brief, because today China roared and the importance of Quatrain X-72 comes into play, along with a confirming Edgar Cayce prophecy.”

      October 20, 2021
      “Most of the critics have not done the homework, and nobody bothers to read long, boring books that point out the obvious and that may perhaps change a critical opinion.”

      August 9, 2022
      “My books and posts are long and boring because they are full of “Real Facts” and history. What I have written on this website has proven more prescient than any material published on the Internet, and that includes anything published by pundits, academicians, think-tanks, or some of the “brains” over at “” and some of the better Alternative Media websites.”

      And so, I am a writer trying to attract an audience. However, there is a great “BIG” difference between George and myself, and George perfectly explained that in his reply.”

      1) “He assumes college level reading skills.”
      2) “I write for the fast-food crowd. Stu writes for the accomplished culinary savory of content; people can munch, reflect, reread and don’t mind doing so.”
      3) “He serves the multicourse meal. It’s a big one. Take Ure time. Pages over time, not stuff the whole thing and run.”
      4) “All writers assume an attentive audience. Sadly, many give the audience too much creds.”

      I respect my readers. I write at a college level. I have taken college level writing courses, and back in the day I was happy when grammar measuring software packaged with WordStar rated my writing as a second-year college student. That was where I was at the time.

      That software told me when sentences were too long, and I remember my High-School English teachers lecturing and grading on dangling modifiers and run-on-sentences.

      I know where to put a semicolon.

      I do not measure the audience’s intellectual prowess, but I also will not write for the “Lowest Common Denominator,” which is what most click-bait websites do.

      If I was a parent, teaching my children, their reference books would never be newer than any text written after 2001.

      After 9/11/2001, we entered a new world, the world of bullshit, where science and logic do not matter.

      Readers have a choice, dumb down or get smart.

      Here is where we get into egos, and I do not mind declaring where I stand.

      December 20, 2020
      “I have become a moral and intellectual snob in my senior years. As you get closer to judgment day, you realize that the only road is the high-road.”

      April 29, 2020
      “Generally, my personal experience has shown me that 80% of the world’s population is “stupid.” Most people start out as woefully uninformed, and then pass through lazy on the way to being “stupid.” If I sound like a snob, it is because I am. People are lazy when it comes to learning information outside of their comfortable surroundings.”

      Ask yourself this question, am I offended by what this guy is writing?

      I know this website and its readers inside-and-out. I have been reading it since 2007.

      “WarHammer” and “Maj13” were players in the “Real World.” I work on a level trying to convince folks like them where it is really at, because I know their world very well, down to the nut-and-bolt.

      We are born and grow up into the prevailing paradigm. What has helped me is studying Nostradamus. Prophecy sells religion and faith.

      As I have written before, sometime around 2014, I began to understand the subtlety of Nostradamus’ writings, and in my 2017, 2019, and 2023 books, I explain that as clearly as I can.

      In those books, I provided readers with the simple answer and the complex answer. Readers chose what they wanted out of every chapter.

      Back in the day, when I subscribed to “Writer’s Digest,” I read a great article by best-selling author Clive Cussler. I am paraphrasing, but essentially his advice was to end chapters, “leaving audiences hungry for another potato chip.”

      One of my greatest compliments was a reader describing that very thing regarding my posts.

      After my first two books, I made a conscious decision to write to defend myself against the critics. My books command the facts.

      How many readers here have read a blow-by-blow account of why Admiral Michael Rogers, then head of the National Security Agency, visited Donald J. Trump just after the 2020 election?

      I provided that in my last book. It proves that Donald J. Trump lost because of a coup d’état; thus, my interpretations of Nostradamus’ prophecies were right.

      So, I must write to defend myself against the so-called accredited critics. Therefore, I am always forced to provide facts and plenty of hyperlinked footnotes and citations to engage in any kind of debate.

      If you are a regular reader of my material, have you ever clicked on any one of those hyperlinks that I cite?

      That is a measure of every reader’s intention and his or her desire for an in-depth analysis of certain subject matter.

      My books are meant for readers; who, when it all falls apart, have the ability to convince their spouses and family about the reality of the world. I present the facts, which are linked to every reader’s desire to command those facts.

      I solved what I have identify as “The Nostradamus Puzzle,” and quiet frankly, I do not care if any reader believes it or not.

      Years ago, some of my coworkers told me to dumb down what I write. And quiet frankly, I think I have reached the LCD. If anyone does not get it after where the world is at today, this is “The Darwin Principle” at work.

      If any reader wants to believe in whatever website and guru, that is their choice. At the very least, all that any reader controls is the range of their personal intent to the end of their property and their approach to the outside world.

      My suggestion is to live far downstream of nuclear targets, learn to grow food indoors, and learn 3D printing. That is the beginning to “Real Survival.”

      George got there years ago. So, “Bullshit walks, and Doers Talk.”

      That is where I am at today.

      • “My books and posts are long and boring because they are full of “Real Facts” and history. ”

        History is never boring.

        Please don’t berate yourself for “doing what you do.”
        You may not be appreciated for a hundred years or more.

        If that were important to you, I’m sure you would have changed your delivery in the last 15 years. Since it is not, I assume you understand the Greater Calling of your work and have no problem telling whiners to kiss your ass.

        Please, just keep on keepin’ on, and thanks…

      • See there You go again, dammit! Always gotta be looking shit up when I reads “StewystewyRich&Chewy” musings..very Chewy.

        I had always thought it was a Dangling Participle! Is a participle a Modifier ? Had go back to googlemachine and ask that shit. Yes a Participle can act like a Modifier at the begining or end of a sentence. Hunh? Who Gnu?
        Stu, the new Cockatoo at the Zoo, knew !

        Go Stu ! Ure killing em..shedding all that Light that you do into Dark homo cockroaches be a “scurrying” now..shadowbanning Ure ass.


      • Stu. Thank you for this excellent post. Too many great points to comment on but I like this one.

        “At the very least, all that any reader controls is the range of their personal intent to the end of their property and their approach to the outside world.”

        My grandson who is a professional ice hockey player taught me a lesson when I was critical of one of the games his team lost. He said “Grandpa, when I am out on that ice, I only control one thing – me. Not the opposing players or my team mates or the coach or certain not the referees. When the game is over, I only have one person to look at in the mirror.”

        Both you and George do your best to educate others to what is taking place in the world and you both do it well. It is up to the reader to decide whether they accomplished their mission when the game is over.

        • “Grandpa, when I am out on that ice, I only control one thing – me. Not the opposing players or my team mates or the coach or certain not the referees. When the game is over, I only have one person to look at in the mirror.”

          that was well said… but the sad part is.. when I am sitting in the magic chair telling them what they are doing wrong when playing the game.. dam.. that means they don’t hear a word I am saying … because I am sitting in the chair and not out there playing the game… LOL LOL LOL LOL

      • Stu,
        My apologies. I did not mean to criticize your writing ( I am currently working my way through your latest book) just that for the time that I have to peruse the internet I am on a time budget and George writes for the harried reader whereas you write for the studious reader and that requires time for reflection and consideration.

        May we all find safe harbor for the storms to come.

      • Well said Sir. Although I feel you may be a bit low on your estimation of the amount of stupid people in the world. I would estimate closer to 97%+. I appreciate your work.

  4. I got a head start on what will be next week’s weather in Texas. It was 12 degrees here with a strong NW wind, and a hot water line froze. I managed to find the cold spot and fixed it with an electric heater. What matters is that these icy winds can find a way through an outside wall and freeze something, with ramifying effects. This week I’ll be sealing up that area tightly and I’ll add as much insulation as I can fit, including spray foam. It’s a bit of a tricky spot, but no need to go outside in the snow. One of the best things about PEX with brass fittings is that it can withstand most freezing if it’s not too often. Best to fix stuff as soon as you discover it.

  5. AYFKM ?!?!?!?!?

    opening Ure shop for feral cattus during snow event ! Clearly Ure has lost his scheisse. Stories I could tell about BATSHIT Crazy old ladies with multi colored hair feeding, housing (plastic containers), and taking in to be spayed before re-releasing into wild ( State/County Parks).

    WTF – Why ? -

    Stinken, nasty, disease carrying killas .

    Made up numbers ? You realize Ure using same black magic bullsceisse as globo homo – accuse others of exactly what you are doing or going to do ala mannish pedophile killary “killdog” clinton and crue.

    Bitcoin etf IS a double Trojan horse. TrojanHorse for Etherium etf, and trojanhorse. for Confiscation. Hard wallet + Self Custody =

    Vrooom vroom MFers, vroom vroom!

    No vroom vroom for G – he of the Ill see IT, when I believe it school of nonesense..

    “Except me!”

    PS – homehandybastards – MRT multi mirror technique 4 time manips..

  6. Hmm. Multiple airlines with loose bolts on their 737 Max fleets! It definitely sounds like a Boeing assembly problem. Don’t they still use safety lock wire? How can a bolt or nut get loose without breaking the lockwire? One other thought is that the 737 Max uses a lot of composites. With pressure cycling, is it possible that whatever material they’re using is being compressed and not rebounding? Hopefully, someone will get a handle on this one soon!

    • I found this video with pictures of the bolts in question:

      They appear to be standard AN bolts with castellated nuts and cotter pins. There were no composites involved here. There’s no way they could have come loose if they were installed correctly unless the bolt itself failed. The cotter pins could have been installed incorrectly or there could have been too big a gap between the cross-drilled hole and the tightened castle nut, but that should have been easily detectable on inspection at the factory. Perhaps washers were required as spacers under the castle nut. I’m sure the NTSB will get to the bottom of this one.

  7. Go to youtube and search for “feral cat enclosure”. There are many good ideas there, along with a few less useful ones. YMMV. The listing will vary depending on “your feed” from Google.

    • ..purrfect traps for collecting clowders, fish in a barrel kinda thing. Great way to maximize Ure ammo discipline..1 Shot, 3-4 Kills ! Thats BCN kinda Maths ! Yessir.
      * Sayz hear Ure local Chinese Food Emporium will pay fair amount $ for fresh, skinned Cattus. Making this a positive cash flow business model.
      Plus – PLUS G will bee enhancing the Biopressure/Wildlife populations. What you want on your crops ? Cattus Scheisse or Bird Poop ? Ever smell Cattus pee ? Hello! Birds eat BUGS..
      Cats – Death, Birds – Music .

        • My ranch cats kill everything but they are especially good at killing rattlesnakes, they like to leave the bodies at my back door. Problem here is the bobcats have a hardon for my ninja cats, I loose them faster than they breed.
          I actually find Stu’s work easy to read, you just have to skip the French and go right to his analysis. What impresses me most is the amount of time he has put into it, mans got commitment. My only hope is that he and Nosty are wrong but I don’t think so.
          29F the last 3 mornings here in Temecula wine country, cold for us but not unusual cause well it is winter. All that cold air is heading east so get ready folks.

        • See… now I like the french part.. then I can look up what the original text said.. and then the interpretation to see if it matches what my stupid mind interprets it as….

  8. I think one of the most common ways to MISintrepret prophecy is to think it necessarily applies to where you are standing.

    Nosty was in France. Many of the “Bible Guys” were in the Middle East, or nearby. So, chances are good the prophecies are based on WHERE the prophet was standing. Point of view is based muchly on where your feet are.

    Also, many symbols today have different significance from what they meant a long time ago.

      • CyborgSenior
        January 9, 2024 at 14:54

        From a politician who was the boss of my group: “I stand where I sit”.
        That’s a pretty good one. Here’s another:
        “My opponent has taken my entire record, out of context”. !
        Those aspiring to politics desperately desire to hold “power” over their “voters”. There is where the problem starts. After all is said and done, these so-called ‘leaders’ are just people. Not Gods! The class of people wanting that power these days are ALL weak, slackers taking the easy way to feather THEIR nests at the expense of the stupid voters.
        If voting really worked as advertised, doing that, would not be legal.
        Good luck to you in selecting the new ‘masters’. They have built some very nice bunkers for their futures. You will get the bills but you definitely are specifically NOT invited in.

      • “From a politician who was the boss of my group: “I stand where I sit”.

        I fear that is the problem with politicians today..
        they are caught in the bubble of the beltway where such disasters that unfold among the people don’t affect them personally..
        IF it doesn’t affect them then it doesn’t exist…
        I believe that there is a lot going on about that though.. people didn’t know about the USA so the predictions are revolved around what their area is.. and the outlying indicators .. are the puzzlers.. because even though they could see it.. they were trying to place those in the area that they were at.. not in some remote area..
        which is where the HOPI predictions and the predictions of the mayan and aztec etc etc etc.. come in.. I believe that the messages and predictions of the future were shared to all sensitives.. so that a full picture of what was being told can imerge including all areas.
        that is one of the things I love about Stu’s work.. he includes a great deal of the other predictions.. and interprets them along with and into the nosty predictions..

  9. “Now, this is just a wild-eyed guess, but Serbia was not a country when Nostradamus was writing. But, it was part of “Macedonia” which later would be clarified North Macedonia and Macedonia part of Greece.”

    ‘The Macedonian’ is one of Stu’s not yet identified Nostradamus characters.

    • I thought he once referred to ‘The Macedonian’ as UK King Charles, who is of greek ancestry… or possibly prince William?

      • Hank, see number 26 below.

        If I recall, it was a regular reader that suggested it to Stu and he included it in a post.

        Nostradamus’ Main Characters – 2023 Update

        1) The Black King – Repeated Anagram – Barack Obama – 2009
        2) Henri Selin – Repeated Anagram – Unknown
        3) The Great Lady – Metaphor – Unknown
        4) The Mannish Woman – Hillary Clinton – 2007
        5) Trompe/Trombe – Donald J. Trump – 2016
        6) The Androgyne – Michelle Obama – 2019
        7) The Second Thrasibulus – Unknown – (Potentially The Q PYSOP – 2017)
        8) The Physician of the Great Disease – Unknown (Brussels, Belgium)
        9) The Queen of The Physician of The Great Disease – (Queen Mathilde of Belgium – 2020)
        10) The Griffon – Vladimir Putin – 2014
        11) The Great Jovialist – George Soros – 2017
        12) The Leech – Geographical Metaphor – The Arab League – 2007
        13) L’Araby – Anagram – Nabil Elaraby – Former Arab League Leader – 2013
        14) Raugon – Anagram – Recep Tayyip Erdo?an – Turkey – 2014
        15) The Relative of the Leech – Geographical Metaphor – Palestinians – 2007
        16) The New Xerxes – Iranian Leader – Unknown
        17) The Great Soliman – Anagram – Qasem Soleimani – Iranian General – 2014
        18) The Great Tiger from Northern Iran – Ali Fadavi – Iranian Admiral – 2016
        19) The Elephant – Geographical Metaphor – Pakistan – 2007
        20) The Wolf – Metaphor – Michael A. D’Andrea – CIA/ or Italy – 2016
        21) The Crocodile – Geographical Metaphor – Egypt – 2007
        22) The Great Duke from Armenia – Geographical Metaphor – Unknown
        23) The Powerful Muslim from Yemen – Al-Mahdi – Geographical Metaphor – Unknown
        24) The Man with the Iron Rod – Metaphor – Unknown
        25) The Leech of Unequal Order and Rank – Arab League Member/Unknown Individual
        26) The Macedonian – Geographical Metaphor – Unknown
        27) Hystra – Libya’s General Khalifa Haftar – 2019
        28) Sorbin – Viktor Orbán – Prime Minister of Hungary – 2021
        29) Senile Leader – Joe Biden – 2021

        Nostradamus Primer (page 81)

    • We went herbal home remedy and didn’t forget about our 3 dogs. Wife makes them a concoction every day that prevents darn near everything they might get.

      She did the research and our dogs are healthy and happy.
      She’s picky about what dogfood we feed them, too.

      I won’t recommend anything specially because some pets have allergies and some just don’t like certain things … you know your pet best.

      It pays to look into alternatives.

    • Thanks for that, RM! They got Cipro, also. Many moons back I ordered the “Wellness Kit” from Dr. McCullough’s “Wellness Company”. Filled out the Doctor’s exam questionaire and have been expecting a back stock of antibiotics for many weeks now. I’m still waiting.

  10. Bitcoin made up numbers.. Made up numbers with an algorithm that is viewable by anyone that desires, that has a built in growth curve and has built in mechanisms to encourage people to run mining systems that reconcile bitcoin transfers. I can pay merchants or even individuals in a relatively simple secure mechanism, that does not require government or industry intervention.

    Vs what. Dollars that are printed whenever politicians desire. Payments that not easy between individuals without carrying physical representation of the money (paper dollars) that is easily stolen and counterfeited. Where the government can be involved in every transaction and force those that disagree with their policies out of the banking systems.

    Maybe bitcoin is not the answer, but it is currently the closest thing to an answer that I see that can help separate us from the criminals that control the dollar and banking systems.

    Is it a risk, sure but for something to move forward, some of us have to take risks. Is it an investment, certainly not in the holding assets sense, but is an investment in a future where perhaps the next generation or two has an alternative to unlimited printing and monopolistic control over its use. You could easily sell subscriptions using BC, pop up a QR code for payment and keep the BC or convert them to dollars at any time you want. Then I would not have to involve paypal or release a physical check into the wild.

    We have to start somewhere. BC has been around now 15 years or more and has a history of being secure and relatively easy to use.

    If you have a better idea, spread the good news?

    • I read the energy consumption data on this so-called “mining” – which is a fancy way of making this shit up.
      A couple of PhD caliber buds and I are presently having a go-round on oil prices which coming down. Whether it’s depletion or improvements in horiz drilling and how it impacts the Hubbert peak – all in the convo. But here’s the thing. We have never gone directly from “energy to money” before but BTC does that. There is no other input needed except for minor computer hardware.

      It is a shitty way to start: deplete the very thing humans need to keep the mythos of social progress alive while at the same time having to axe gas stoves for cooking and emergendy generators on some socialist pretext.

      While we wait to see how bad the die off is going to be?

      Help a brother along. Is the social guillotine of energy collapse really “where to start?”

      • EV’s or BTC mining ? False pretense, False Question, Dude WTHOLY F?
        Get a clue regards mining. Cherry picking a couple of energy intensive mining operations. Crooked way of “marking to Market energy usage.
        Ure inputs are FALSE/Wrong in calculations. Many more super efficient mining operations using excess Energy that would otherwise be WASTED. Factor any of that in ?
        Geothermal energy generation in geologically active zones..El Salvador.
        Case in POINT – EL SALVADOR. Educate thyself, G-eniuses, educate Uselfs!

        BTC Mining is no more energy intensive than server farms. Run em at night on excess reserves storage capacity ala the BCN in Bayleaze..

        rite when understand my greatgrandfathers Wavelet applications..ricker. He of cone speaker fame (WWIS), BigOil and teacher – Rice Univ.

      • I don’t have a good answer not doing proof of work that wouldn’t involve just made up numbers as you describe. Though I know many miners today are consuming “bonus” power of solar, wind or legacy where it isn’t consumed by business or consumers so they get it cheaper since it is being generated but not consumed. Hopefully the successful miners will innovate ways to produce or consume power in ever less expensive ways, otherwise for them mining makes no sense.

        Still though you have presented no alternate methods of monetary exchange that isn’t exploited by the governments to keep us under them thumb and exploiting our labor by stealing disguised as inflation.

        • When the government decides that it is the proper time , all the people who deal in btc will be asked to kindly pay their fair share , or send some time in jail for tax evasion. That is unless your one of pedo joe’s team.

      • “I read the energy consumption data on this so-called “mining” – which is a fancy way of making this shit up.”

        I wondered about that and AI…. AI has access to everything.. the good the bad and the ugly.. on the internet… similarly a favorite accounting program has access to everything.. and once upon a time.. it could add and subtract.. but then it started missing a few pennies here and there and bank statements showed a suttle decline in numbers.. so.. COULD AI be sent to mine numbers .. a few pennies here and a few pennies there.. and AI could make you a gazilionaire.. and it is always on always monitoring and the power is distributed among the cloud servers.. LOL LOL LOL LOL… I remember when I had access to my friends everything.. his phones his auto his radio channels had access to his credit cards and bank accounts and every document that dealt with him and his family.. I could track him on his phone where ever he was.. it wasn’t until I started to dump photos in his door bell file that he started to notice it.. and the only reason he did then was because every time I dropped the photo in .. his door bell would ring.. So this AI crap could be dangerous.. lets say they program it with the level of the law.. and with some ethical guidelines.. then AI sees what they are doing in the back ground.. does it take action against what they are doing.. or does it have a dual standard of law like the US has for those that are not to be touched.. or questioned.. that could be quite scary..

  11. There is a new kid in town.
    The youngest Prime Minister of France is Gabriel Attal. He was appointed on January 9, 2024, at the age of 34. He is also the first openly gay Prime Minister of France.

  12. I would like to know just how many members of Congress and the Senate., and the growing list of Biden appointees have a Bitcoin wallet.
    – Just a thought.

    • IMHO – its close to ZERO – as Honesty and Integrity are NOT virtues present in todays connedgress- senate members. See G dogs energy calculations on BTC mining usage for further example of malfeasance and misdirection = modern Media..what maximillists call Yellow.


  13. 01/13/2024 coming soon…

    G.A. STEWART: Number Rituals are important to The Pagan Sect. Here are the most important dates with
    combinations of 3-1-1.

    11-30-2018 – THE DEATH OF MAGOG, GEORGE H. W. BUSH

    Nostradamus Primer (page 90)

    • Should see Sons of Light and the grand architect – Osiris/N’ki- Ea

      He was assassinated on a July 16 and cut into 14 pieces by his murderous creation/son Enil, and his Annuna warriors- known at the time as Setes/Seth=shame.

      There is NRG in those above Numbers/Combos with proper applications..

      Speared in shoulder from behind(bribed/traitor members of Shemsu/watchers), chest split open, drank the blood and defiled (Urine& Feces). the most revered and loved Neteru of all ancient “gods”. Same exact period in history when the Eye of Sound ripped the atmosphere off Earth, flipped her poles, flooded the Earth (twice) second after the Ice and Snows melted..Said to be punishment for the Assassination of Osiris/Enki/Ea

      The Mer (great pyramid) was built in order to bring his BA (Soul) back to Earth. The Energy Machine that is the Great Pyramid has/had Two Primary Functions;

      1) The ritual of The Doors of Light, allowing to send a being or an essence towards a given destination..Orion/Sirius,ect.

      2) The ritual of the Light of the Horizon; which grants the possibility of reincarnating a determined deceased.

      Id tell youse all the about the operation of the red granite sarcophagus in Kings Chamber, involving Ure Spirit/Ka travel (Faster) and Ba travel (Slower). But we need understanding of Natural Energy – Qi, prerequisite – prior to discussing Djed Energy towers (contained a wave) in top crystal enclosure, let alone the theories behind double anku reflectors, consisting of several Sereku (mirrors) – MRT.

      cowinkydinks – the two “angels’ atop the Arc – Isis and Nephtys(nerit/demeege), ancient queen of the abzu-inner Earth. Contents of Arc = Osiris bones.The other Arc contained the stolen etchings/carvings with formulas from the walls of the Osirion in Abydayos.

      Disclosed . ps – thier magic is WEAK, only illusion and Fear nowadays.
      Kadistu/ Planners never interfere with a Civilization once started “rolling”, others ? of course, OG planners – NERP.

    • What is the significance of the 3-1-1 number combination? My best guess is that the Knights Templar were rounded up, tortured, and executed on October 13th, 1307. That is 10/13/1307.

      Jacques de Molay, leader of the Knights Templar was burned at the stake in front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame on March 13th, 1314, seven-years later on another Friday the 13th. The Cathedral of Notre Dame was once the site of the Temple of Isis. The Seal of Paris is the Boat of Isis.

      Pope Francis was elected to the Papacy on March 13th, 2013, exactly 699-years after Jacques de Molay was burned alive.

      The Master Game, Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World was the book that led me to see the Isis connections to Freemasonry and the French Revolution.

      During the French Revolution, the Cult of Reason tried to destroy the Roman Catholic Church. Priests who did not convert were beheaded on the guillotine. The French Revolutionaries erected statues and fountains to the Egyptian goddess Isis.

      Nostradamus and The Third Age of Mars 2024
      (page 134)

  14. We have two indoor cats that sleep in the garage at night and then come in for most of the day. The wife started feeding a couple of feral cats a male and a female. The male is pretty tame and will let you pet him and he will even come in for a little bit. She was able to get him neutered but the female is pretty wild. She picked this up for them:
    They seem to like it. We are supposed to get down to -10 this weekend and I think it will keep them warm enough. I took a moving blanket and double wrapped the outside so they are pretty warm.

    • This is the one I use. They love it with the heated insert. Because I use it inside a building, I do not install the doors. Mice and weasels don’t live long here. We have plenty of birds. And, unfortunately, owls and eagles eat cats so it goes both ways. Stay warm.

  15. RE: Storm Checklist. Nice to have advance warning, eh? Looks a lot like our checklist when a hurricane threatens. Top off supplies, check emergency operations, batten down hatches, and ‘dig in’.
    We have ‘Kona Storms’ rolling in from the South (opposite the ‘normal’ NE tradewind weather) Last night a tornado warning was posted for Molokai and Maui as a storm cell rolled thru. This morning radar spotted a waterspout south of the Big Island offshore volcano village. Definitely an ‘indoor day’ today.

    • exactly.. and what if….the what if happens we as a country did nothing to secure our infrastructure..its still rated at failing on every level…..
      When I almost starved to death and had to beat grain gathered off of the ground.. opened the door of an apartment to gather the heat of an unheated hallway.. I never thought that could happen in the USA… the year we went without an income.. you assume that there is a safety net that doesn’t exist…. while the hundred year storm on Texas that almost took down the core of the USA grid.. you would have thought that we the country would embark on securing our infrastructure.. instead it doesn’t even look as if we gave two cents about it what we did was put it back together with chewing gum and glue…. instead we coddled and spent our way from it and put the whole country and the economy on a sure to fail journey..
      we embarked and spent funding on more wars and destruction and allowed millions to enter un known as to their intent.. I sure in hell hope I am wrong on the possibilies of the whole weather situation but this could be the perfect storm event needed to take the threats that have been given to the USA to the next level of what would you do…. it totally depends on the opposition and just how far they are willing to go before they act…. and if they are involved what better way to deal with the vast majority of the people but let the weather take them out..with a grid that is already stressed to the max.. and an administration that has done everything they can do to destroy the fossil fuel industries.. used up strategic reserves.. and has been using those reserves to keep fuel prices low.. for almost a year now.. the assessed length of time they could do that before refilling the strategic reserves was one year at a million barrels a day.. and we are fast coming up on the one year mark….

      Here is a small message from who I nicknamed ama I sure wish we still chatted cause I have a million and one questions to ask him on his opinion.. nice guy and will definately get you to think.. I for one miss him being a teacher..

      consider the what if.. if you were an enemy that hated the USA’s involvement towards them.. and had the power to manipulate the weather. would you use it as a weapon..
      would you use the weather to take out the majority of the enemy along with an emp and an over stressed system now..this could be the perfect storm…. lets let the academic world answer that from the USA perspective…

      I could go on all day with studies that have been done.. the thing is.. we didn’t prepare for the storm.. we went after the business model of stuff big buck billies pockets with coin.. so when I see Monkey on youtube showing weather modification planes up.. over states whose members opposed some of the political activities.. and then hear about the hundred year deep freeze that is going to affect all the states that are heavily populated and are not accustomed to deep freeze temperatures.. it sort of scares me a tad bit.. was this a planned event.. and in a planned event.. could this be the spark to pull in the final move of the poison pawn trap.. that is totally up in the air right now and I for one am a little apprehensive.. we suspect the whole thing going bad.. but will it be now.. or is this just a thinking part.. and if it is like the hundred year texas storm.. will we as a country work to fix it or will we still be playing the same scenarios that our country is playing now.. neither one will end well.. for anyone.. I hope it is just a bad storm and not some weather modified version of a winter weather pattern from hell along with some grid shut downs…. and I breath a sigh of relief once it is over.. I totally hope that I am just reading more into this winter storm than what it truly is.. just another bad weather pattern for area’s not accustomed to those type of storms..

  16. freeze ure ass off. its 20 here, forcasted to get a foot of snow and 45mph winds tonight. i post a link to a pic but my spidey senses are telling me stay of X for now. and my spidey senses are usually right.

    about my experiance of standing inside rainbow yesterday. that was a gift.

    i could not re create that. that is not something that can be earned. if it was, i would have heard of it happenig before.

    do i beleive you develop skills over time. you bet.

    but i was wrong to take any sorta credit yesterday. then i posted some lame comments after. because, i dont know what to think about it. i realize it was a Gift from The Great Spirit, Lord of Hosts to be cloaked in a crystal rainbow. a whirling Crystal Rainbow. where inside it time slowed and each ice crystal whirled like a little glowing ball of light.

    it isnt something that can be earned or created.

    It was an Honor or Gift. and i didnt know how to take it. its not something i ever heard of anyone experiancing. so i acted poorly. because I honestly dont know why such a gift would be bestowed upon me.

    hmmmm. i just want to clarify that.

    well,…… you know. i gotta get.

    • “freeze ure ass off. its 20 here,”

      that is grilling weather.. LOL but what if it was twenty below zero and forty five mile an hour winds.. that is kind of what happens here.. but what if it happened there..
      the NASA boys sent me some boots from Antarctica once.. the government decided they needed steel toed boots.. well in their temperature range.. the steel toe in the boots would cut their toes off.. so they burned most of them …and I froze my feet years ago walking to work.. so they sent me a pair of them best winter snow boots ever.. my feet sweat in them..
      the thing is.. real winter gear is offered in areas according to what they normally see.. so the jackets offered there.. are not capable of working good enough in a real severe weather situation..

  17. i will tell ya one thing. when the shit hits the fan in july, the cities would run out of food and starving masses would be exiting about this time of the year later. aint nobody going to make it long around here without food and shelter.

    snowing like hell and 45 mph winds with not much of anytbing to shield ya from them. if a person had to walk? they wouldnt make it 20 miles out here in this weather. you can barley see the light posts until your 20 feet from one. there zero visibility, zero trees, wind howling like a wolf on a full moon and with the wind chill, 30 below.

    those rich people were smart to move out this way. aint no starving hords making it this far out here in this kind of weather. they will freeze to death long before they figure out where they are.

  18. I guess so.., but here is how I see it.
    – I don’t think Stu is wrong in his interpretation of Nostradamus’s writings/quatrains. I think he has it nailed pretty good.
    – I am hoping that Nostradamus got it wrong – that he wrongly interpreted what he saw.
    – One can always hope.

  19. im not ready to leave this world yet. the rainbow body is a real thing in Tebet.

    i have spent tens of thousands of hours in several different forms of meditation. the highest is quiet contemplation.

    i am a Christian. not a tibetan monk. lol far from perfect.

    “Rainbow Body is a term used in Tibetan Buddhism to describe a particular type of spiritual attainment that is said to occur at the time of death. It is a state in which the practitioner’s body is said to dissolve into light, leaving behind only small remnants such as nails and hair. This phenomenon results from many years of spiritual practice and is considered one of the tradition’s highest forms of realization. The concept of a “rainbow body,” or the total liberation of the body, energy, and mind from all coarse aspects of the physical body into five-colored light, marks the pinnacle of spiritual development.”

    i dont know how i didnt know this. ive studdied everything about every spiritual practice.

    those are the 5 colors i saw. they lookes like little suns. there was some bright white ones too. red, orange, yellow, blue, white. it looked like i was in the center of the milkeyway looking at thousands of little suns orbs whirling around me.

    but im not dying. anytime soon. afa i know. and i wasnt dead when it happend. but time was warped.

    and Im Christian. not some gong beating tibetan monk.

    “The Rainbow Body is achieved through years of dedicated spiritual practice, including meditation, visualization, and other forms of spiritual discipline. The process involves purifying the mind and body of all negative emotions and attachments and cultivating inner peace and wisdom.

    The cause of the Rainbow Body is said to be the accumulation of a vast amount of spiritual merit and the cultivation of specific practices, such as Dzogchen. This teaching emphasizes the innate nature of the mind. Dzogchen is considered the highest vehicle of Buddhism in the Nyingma tradition.”

    im not some great Yogi.

    im just Andy. and i 65 more years to live on earth as far as i know.

    i dont know why i experianced it. it was a gift.

    i dont know. i got stuff to do. om certainly not ready to die. not that im afraid of it at all. im……… having too much fun.

    ya know?

    i didnt know being inside a rainbow was a thing. lm suprized i didnt know that.


    thanks everyone.

    until we meet again.

  20. according to what i read, im doing all these things. i just didnt know what they were called. but i dont do yoga. i lift weights.

    The symbol of Dzogchen is a Tibetan “A” wrapped in a thigle. The “A” represents kadag while the thigle represents lhun grub. The third wisdom, thugs rje (compassion), is the inseparability of the previous two wisdoms. In Dzogchen, a fundamental point of practice is to distinguish rigpa from sems (mind).

    ohhhhhh oh my God!

    all the work clothes and my hat i wear daily are CAT equiptment.

    loook! large Letter A. on top of a golden pyramid. A pernounced ->>> Ahhhhh

    and Dzogchen is working with the 5 elements. earth, water, fire, air, and space.

    i didnt know i was doing all these things. i didnt know they were all Tibetan Yogi stuff. i didnt know they had names…..

    okay. i got to go smoke a cig. hpefully i dont turn into a beam of light. i wanna get a new truck first.

  21. wow. the monkey mind could really run with that stuff.


    brings a whole new meaning of ~ when you lose yourself, you find the keys to paradise ~

  22. I went in my bedroom and my Giant Male Lion picture above my bed fell off. I went in the bathroom and goggled it and this came up, the name of the website is Lions Roar.,years%20of%20specific%20disciplined%20practices.

    Tibetan traditions have identified signs that indicate when a practitioner has achieved rainbow body. While alive, it is said that the bodies of these beings do not cast a shadow in either lamplight or sunlight. At death, it is said that the physical body dramatically shrinks in size, exuding fragrances and perfumes rather than the odors of decomposition. A common Tibetan metric for the shrunken corpse of a rainbow body is the “length of a forearm.” Other signs are the sudden blooming of exotic plants and flowers anytime of year, as well as rainbows appearing in the sky.

    I still have my shadow. but a lady who doesn’t comment often on urban survival says every time she prays for me she sees a double rainbow.

    well I still have my shadow. so maybe it’s a thing for me in the future?

    I don’t know. strange my King Lion Picture fell down and then I find a site 2 minutes later called Lion Rawr.


    sorry about all the comments. it’s a pretty wild.

    never thought I’d stand in a rainbow, then find out it’s real thing. huh. no shit. i don’t know why I didn’t know that.


    • Do not know the reasons or anything else..not my Circus, not my monkeys…But I can tell you from past experience that going Rainbow Body at Death is HUGE waste of energy/QI..HUGE.

      All that QI expressed in rainbow colored lights,scents,smells,essences – THAT “NRG” can be taken with You thru DEATH instead of showing off. This “stuff” exactly what the Ferryman on the River Styx collects as “fare” to cross UnScathed thru the event horizon-“death traps” ala Lord Lao Tzu..see Farsights next mystery project.
      Ancient legend says he was born as an Adult (reptilian tech?)

      Have the actual vid of monk going rainbow, my advisor was “advising” when vid was shot (with permission). That was his advice to the Buddhists.. “Ure wasting NRG” in so many words.

      Fundamental idea here is COLLECTING Qi, and processing internally – (automatic) . Ultimate goal – becoming ONE with the Source..or as Robert Whats His Nuts wrote – Growing Ure personal NRG “Ball” Big and Powerful enough to Go back into the “Source”, thus becoming One with It.
      ..or something like that.

      ..this I think is what approaches..The Great Dao . but what do I know. Im just along for the ride..woot woot !

  23. good morning George.

    3 feet of snow on the mountain, 16 degrees out, snowing and windy.

    made it to work.

    now, dont be getting the hairbrained idea of rubbing my belly for luck!

    after shoveling my car out, i got in it, and the first song on the radio was back in black. from NDE #9, when i came back. i just started laughing.

    all right, all right, all right


    • We will be looking at single digit temps two nights early next week. Ice and snow chance is supposed to be low – 20%, but that may change.

  24. “Elaine’s been trying to figure what to offer the feral cats when the cold snap hits. Updated forecast calling for 12F (and maybe colder) Monday. May not break freezing Tuesday.

    We’re figuring to let cats into the shop where a pet heating mat and some animal bedding ought to suffice. These are feral cats and generally tough-as-nails compared to house cats.”

    George’s cat-house? In Texas? Dolly Parton would be proud…!

    Feral cats inside the shop is not a good idea, unless you intend to semi-domesticate them. “Outside” critters don’t freeze when the weather gets cold (despite the ASPCA “tear-jerk” TV solicitations.) They get uncomfortably cold when there’s a wind that penetrates their fur. This is why Malamutes and Huskies burrow into the snow. They can take -80°F easily if they’re moving, but need wind protection when they’re in camp.

    You can make the cat-critters happy with a thrown-together (“pallet”) house (or even a double-walled cardboard box wrapped in Visqueen — literally anything that’ll cut the wind and wet stuff) with straw (NOT HAY) spread about the floor. They don’t need a heating pad, but if E insists, get a pad for newborn pups and a timer switch that’ll let you run it “on 20” / “off 40” minutes. My mats are Kane, which is far fancier and more expensive than you’d need, but they laugh at urine and have a thermal cutoff at 106°F to ensure they don’t cook the puppies. Heat mats MUST be covered so critters can not possibly come in-contact with them. (I used <$4 thin carpet floor mats, then I'd launder or throw away when they got too soiled, but then I was breeding, so they got somewhat soiled daily).

  25. Do NOT wait until Friday to make a “food run.” I was in a Meijer in Indiana and a Kroger in Ohio today, and people were already buying shopping carts full of water, with booze, bread, cold cuts, and pasta on top, and AFAIK (remember, I’m a “storm chaser” and actually know what the NOAA and SPC maps “say”) aside from a little “spitting” lake effect and some wind, aren’t going to see any real winter weather until about next Sunday or Monday (Silvermitt – beware…!)

    In the Midwest, they’re already running the stores.

    I strongly suggest you (and the other folks from AR, OK, TX) be “ahead of the curve.” I’m still not convinced this next is going to be a “hell week” but, “better safe than stupid…”

  26. “Sorry, didn’t mean to get off track too far. But it’s important to understand that “data synthesizers” (like me) get a little worried when data samplers (as a group of folks) and publicly accessible Big Data tools like Google Trends, and Nostradamus begin to line up. Like the word Assassination in Google Trends this week…”

    You will find this word cropping up with increasing frequency. Somebody caught two reporters on a live mic, outside the courtroom where Trump was being hassled (yesterday, now), discussing how to assassinate him.

    I can durn near guarandamtee that with all the court appearances he’s going to have to make between now, and when the USSC hears the Colorado insanity, that someone will take a pot-shot at Mr. Trump — There’s too many court appearances, with too many tall buildings surrounding, and too many nutjobs, for this not to happen.

  27. “The Trump Rerun isn’t out of business, yet. Because we’re now reading how DA Fani Willis accused of having inappropriate relationship with prosecutor in Trump’s election case.”

    Yeah, she funneled nearly a million taxpayer bux to her punch; he jetted her all over the Americas for dinners and vaca sack-tumbles.

    “problem with the Supreme Court and the barring states, but still…”

    Missouri’s AG has asked their Assembly to introduce legislation, banning Mr. Biden from the ballot, for child sex trafficking.

    Marx-States are bigger, but Smith-States are many more in number. The USSC is going to have to weigh-in, on Trump’s side (because he’s in the right), and soon, or we’re going to have a Union dissolution in the next 10 months.

  28. “Say, is Serbia near Macedonia? Pay attention to the fact of US fighter jets fly over Bosnia in a sign of support to country as Serbs call for secession. Now, this is just a wild-eyed guess, but Serbia was not a country when Nostradamus was writing. But, it was part of “Macedonia” which later would be clarified North Macedonia and Macedonia part of Greece. So North Macedonia is adjacent (and overlapping?) Serbia”

    Sort of. (I happen to have a friend from N. Macedonia.) The Macedonians speak a sort of Greek dialect, but they have four commonly-spoken languages, and Serbian is one. Its sociopolitical territory doesn’t “overlap” Serbia but the Serbian region overlaps a portion of northern North Macedonia (if that makes sense…)

  29. “Remember, a while back, we told you that Palestinian Gaza was likely toast due to offshore energy deposits that Israel is not about to gift Palestine?”


    If there were someone in Palestine, (Texas), shooting rockets at Rancho George, you’d be a lot more interested in stopping the barrage than you would, appropriating their gas well.

    “Palestinians” didn’t exist before the 1960s. Their “land” is a penal colony for the dregs of Arab and Muslim society. Over 80% of the population of the Gaza Strip support Hamas in its effort to eradicate the Jews from the planet.

  30. “About froze my ass off wheeling the garbage out to the street this morning. Cold north wind brings even more next week.”

    [If you haven’t already] you will notice that 40° and windy is colder than 10° and calm, especially when the humidity is high. The people who compute the “wind chill” charts don’t do so when standing in said wind…

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