Wow. Never had this happen before. The internet ate my report.
Wrote a dynamite column (aren’t they all?) and WTF? All disappeared. 2 hours of work down the crapper. Controversial stuff this time – odd how that stuff goes bye-bye. Maybe this is just my computer keeping me out of jail, or worse, though… hmm..
Won’t even try to reconstruct it, but we’ll just have to slog through the morning pile of woe in abbreviated form and try to figure out where the revisions went!
Rally Ahead
Early Dow futures with a little over an hour to the open were up about 200 points. And our own index of market action – the Aggregate Index looked like it was making a concerted effort to fill out trading box in the lower right in this view:
We would not be surprising to see a rally into the weekend.
New unemployment filings are also out this morning, but nothing particularly dramatic:
We will just see how high this present run goes before the House of Cards collapses – and the biggest worry is the weekend after this one which is a 3-dayer.
News Grindings
Of course we did it. Biden Behind Nord Stream Bombing, Pulitzer-Winning Journalist Claims – Act of War Against Nuclear Power? WH Denies ( (Biden denies all kinds of evil shit, in case you hadn’t noticed…) Kremlin Endorses Report on U.S. Involvement in Nord Stream Sabotage – The Moscow Times.
Reliable word that the U.S. blew up the Russian Nordstream pipelines is rocking the world. Independent Evidence Video Confirms Key Part of Sy Hersh’s Report on the Attack on Nord Stream 2. Which means? Russia Issues Warning to U.S. After Nord Stream Sabotage Allegations ( So now we wait to see if Russia brinks on this with a “Fix it or WAR” demand. Which *don’t look now* is already in play.
You know the Chinese are already pissed with Slo, too, right? China slams Biden for ‘irresponsible’ remarks on Xi.
And not going well in some accounts. Like this one: Ukrainian counterattack in Ugledar ends in tragedy: Withdrawing they entered their minefield.
Not sick of Lying Joe’s BS yet? Here’s another one for the burn pile: White House triples down on Biden’s false claim Republicans want to cut Social Security, Medicare | Fox News.
But no worries, the Bidenized FBI is playing the racial divide in America for all it’s worth: While groups like the MuBro’s get a free ride, did you see FBI Memo Warns against ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology’ | National Review? White hating is game on in government.
What ahead for America? Biden says he sees no recession in 2023 or 2024: TV interview, World News – AsiaOne But we also know he doesn’t see words like Top Secret well, so we won’t take this as investment advice.
Pass on the Politicians when it comes to a reasonable outlook: Steve Hanke on Stocks, Recession, Inflation, Fed, Interest-Rate Cuts (
Lies often told: No changing the stripes of this aged tiger: Biden heads to rival-rich Florida ready to push Republicans on Social Security and Medicare. The lie plays well with the ignorant and simplistic.
More Tomorrow
Again, sorry for the short column – it was much, much longer (and better) but like I said: Internet ate my report which is, oh, you know…kinda suspect. I can only write this much in 25-minutes to our usual publishing time.
Write when you get rich,
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse are now saddled up and ready to ride. The globalists are destroying and eliminating Nitrogen fertilizer which will drastically reduce the output of crops by 50% worldwide.
Famine is coming. Famine for those that are not killed by the new deadly bioweapons. Get ready. Too many fertilizer, food processing, and food distribution facilities have been destroyed in the last year to not see a pattern of sabotage. Just had another fire destroy a New Brunswick fish processing factory.
Ukraine is a distraction while the Chinese are the real problem. We need to tell the draft dodging Zionist Zilensky if he ever wants to snort another line of cocaine with all the billions we have sent there, that he needs to sit down and negotiate NOW. Give Russia the Russian speaking provinces that were constantly under attack by the Azov Battalion of Nazis. Stop sending weapons to Ukraine or all of Ukraine will be under Russian control. Period. The current fools in D.C. are letting Ukraine be destroyed to cover up all the illegalities that have taken place there.
We have Milley still in charge at the Pentagon. The same Milley that called the Chinese and told them we would not launch because he had the codes and Trump would not be able to do anything. Milley is not a hero! He is a damned insubordinate. Trump should have fired the little sawed-off petunia when he went on TV and said he did not agree with Trump carrying a Bible and asking Milley to walk with him to a church that was attacked the day before.
Milley didn’t fight the COVID clot shot and now we have the Pentagon finally backing down and declaring that the shot is no longer mandatory! Why? Because it didn’t work, but they have gutted the military of seasoned personnel who resigned or were involuntarily discharged. Now with Ukraine, they are gutting our weapons and oil reserves by the oil sanctions on Russia. And as Seymour Hirsch said, we destroyed Nord Stream II. The Russians will get us back if proven.
I don’t know about you, but I am fed up with constant lies and stealing from the people of this country!!! Biden’s State of the Union was one BIG LIE.
There is a day of reckoning coming if we don’t stand up to the Chinese now. Now, like the school bully just to see how far people can be pushed, they float a balloon over us that could have carried bio-weapons, mini EMP nukes, not including all the spy equipment that was on board. And instead of knocking the bully in the nose, we let them creep all over strategic places in America with their balloon. Sure, we were discovering what they were after, but that is not the point…they were blatantly invading our sovereign air space.
Biden always talks like a bad ass. “I would take Trump behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.” Does anyone really believe that, as a young lifeguard, he faced off with a “bad dude” named “Corn Pop” who had a “bunch of bad boys” armed with “straight razors?” Biden claimed he used a six-foot chain to force the gang to leave. Biden is the consummate politician…lie and tell people what they want to hear. All talk…and no walk! When it comes to the Chinese he continually rolls over. Wonder why? You think maybe, they have the goods on the lying little chicken shit and his family.
What a perfect time to respond to their spy balloons. Punch them in the nose HARD just like the school bully, and tell them any more encroachment of our borders is an act of war.
Our response: Send every Chinese student and citizen back to China. That should be our immediate response! Round them up NOW and send them the hell to North Korea to walk home. No longer would we have Chinese working in our top-secret national labs like Los Alamos and Sandia. We have even given one of them clearance of Top Secret. When will we get some people in D.C. that have some cajónes? Not with Biden and his bunch of socialist, commie, woke wimps.
Add the commies in the socialist WEF that want to destroy populations by disease and famine, and you have a bunch of psychotic fools running the show. 2658 Globalists registered to meet in Davos to determine our future for next year…they think! The arrogant asses that change their “W’s” to “V’s” to make themselves sound more intellectual and European. “Ve vill own eva rhee thing and you vill own nothing and like it”. Just try taking our property we worked so hard for you lily livered SOBs…just try taking our property!
Which is horrific and why (listening for the hoofbeats as we do) we have been all over for more than a year the whole “prepping is 10-10-10 fertilizer and a personal seed storage plan.””
Hunger bad, food good.\
Hunger is a great war-selling tool.
Eliminate fertilizer and pesticides too.
‘French farmers drove hundreds of tractors, if not more, into Paris on Wednesday to protest against a ban on pesticide use.’
They started in every restaurant kitchen … wanting to ban gas stoves, now it’s the staff .. as they reach out to stop customer base business. Not to mention, eggs and beef being criminalized and facilities being destroyed.
Biden said he would end Nordstream … then it happened. Evidence pops up and Biden’s reply, “wasn’t me.” – Hell of a move for a guy who wants to protect the environment.
A Balloon crosses the country, pausing at Top Secret sights along the way, and doesn’t get shot down until mission accomplished.
Open Border and millions of people that crossed just disappear. There are far more people than a few buss loads that make the news.
Saying the US is not at war with Russia, while supplying money and military equipment for Ukraine to fight with, is like saying those who sent unmanned drones aren’t responsible for blowing shit up in other countries. (Because there weren’t boots on the ground.)
It’s easy to see through the bullshit. Even those who worship God are being targeted …
We are at war on so many levels. From angering countries on the other side of the world, to destroying things internally that sustain us.
Seems we’re being whittled down to a level to which someone could attack and over run us.
“They started in every restaurant kitchen … wanting to ban gas stoves, now it’s the staff”
Which pisses me off, no end. Waitspeople make $2.13/hr. Leave their damn’ tips alone…!
“Biden said he would end Nordstream … then it happened.”
QoD: If Trump gets back in, will Biden and Nuland be shipped out to The Hague (or the Kremlin…?)
“Saying the US is not at war with Russia, while supplying money and military equipment for Ukraine to fight with, is like saying those who sent unmanned drones aren’t responsible for blowing shit up in other countries.”
Just be glad that Russia is not at war with us, and hope Mr. Putin can remain both in-power, and the adult in the room.
“It’s easy to see through the bullshit. Even those who worship God are being targeted …”
SPLC is a communist, anti-American organization, and has been ever since Ralph Abernathy took in a partner who was a Soviet agent. The fact they’d call the Catholic Church “radical” for daring to practice religion the same way they’ve practiced it for the last 500+ years, should throw a red flag for everyone, here and abroad, who claims to be a Christian or Jew, or a lover of freedom.
but Hoss, there is some good news as this young lady in CONgress is racking Yule Roth former Twitter chief, over the coals and has to refresh Roth’s memory for what he has done.
Maybe she help find Mr Ure’s missing home work in a private cloud
“A STAR IS BORN! Rep. Anna Paulina Luna TORCHES Yoel Roth – Exposes Democrat-Big Tech-Government Collusion and Former TWITTER EXECS ARE LEFT SPEECHLESS!”
scroll down in the article for the video, about 5 mins, popcorn worthy!
I AM full of high hopes and off to buy rope
3mm x 1.0 meter for Stihl chainsaw pull rope.
and for the deepstate some 1″x50ft hemp
GAME ON,,, all of our problems are connected by and to the deep state owners,,, will their minions die for them willingly? Epstein?
Luna – hoo rah
Starter rope look for kevlar
Starter rope ??? Just throw that battery in the charger.. must be a lot of “arrrrggghhh’s” dropping in Ure neck of the woods what with starter ropes..Old pirate walks into bar dragging a heavy rope behind him, coming out front of his pirate pants, and tied on the other end to the ships wooden wheel. With every step he takes towards the bar, he says a loud “arrrrggghhh”. Bartender noticing tall this taking place says “hey Pirate, whats with the rope in Ure pants?” Pirate responds – “dragging the ship wheels, and its driving me nuts!”
‘Been a fan of Anna Paulina’s for several years now. She is one of the conservatives running for Congress whom I thought the corruption machine targeted in 2020 and screwed out of a Seat.
Between Bobert and MTG (and old favs like Louie Gohmert) I’m of the opinion that the more the Dems and the media pan or come down on a Congressman, the more-likely that particular Representative is, to be “one of the good guys…”
click the link at the bottom to see Elon’s response about Yule Roth,
Roth did it himself. I hear a clock ticking, tick tock, hope he was wearing Depends
Elon’s still handing evidence to investigators. Roth and other former Twitter executives were caught flat footed during their testimony yesterday.
The look on Roth’s face when Boebert said she’d gotten this evidence about her account being censored FROM TWITTER STAFF JUST LAST NIGHT was PRICELESS.”
Wow…WTHS…Wow…lot said..
I for one have truly seen gangs of bullies as a little boy.. I seriously doubt the chain story is true. that’s how gangs take over huge sections of a city is through fear. its also the reason why its extremely hard to get officers to patrol those neighborhoods and usually end up with officers as bad as those they are protecting the people from..NOW… I am still trying to understand who the real bullies are.. after hearing first hand stories from people living in Ukraine long before any of this began. tell how the Aviv army crucified and set fire to a 4 year old toddler .. just because his parents disagreed with what they were doing. How there was a vote and they asked for putin’s help… and we are pushing the boundaries of assistance pushing the globe to the edge of economic destruction or the destruction of human existence..
it takes a criminal to know how criminals think and act.. an old friend of mine was working as a border patrol then as a loss prevention officer.. one day we were talking could see his adrenaline increase all excited.. and he says..that guy is going to steal something.. how can you tell..I sure didn’t see anything..
all bank tellers are told if somebody demands the money..give it to them even if you don’t see a weapon..
so a group with razor knives surrounding him.. I have to doubt it..
” I seriously doubt the chain story is true. ”
It has been proven a lie, many times, and on several different levels.
Joe Biden is as tough as an overcooked linguine noodle and, even when he was a bigmouth, elitist kid, could never have fought his way out of a wet paper bag.
Personally, I’ve never been in a fight with someone who had a chain. I HAVE been in a fight with someone with a baseball bat, and someone with a knife. ISTM fighting someone swinging a piece of chain around would be easier to take down than either.
I don’t like violence of any kind.. and usually go through great lengths to avoid violence.. it doesn’t solve anything.. My parents were against violence as well..
I did go to NYC to see a show.. I always had wanted to see a great broadway show.. my room mate was from Brooklyn.. this was going to be great.. when I first got to the city of DC.. I made the mistake of walking into a place that looked like a nice place called the BeeHive.. got in there to find I was the only caucasion in the building.. in the scene in animal house where they walk into a bar and the place goes quiet.. that was what happened.. being nieve I didn’t turn around and went to a table.. luckily a friend from the military came over pretending to be mad and got me out of there .. he told me never to run in a bad neighborhood.. so I was in whites.. in NYC and went to follow my room mate onto a subway.. no one told me a million people would rush at it at the same time.. I got separated from him.. ended up in the worst neighborhood ever.. and seen a halfway house for homeless shelter.. they were amazed I was there and still in one piece.. then they gave me the bad news.. I had to walk sixteen blocks .. at night in a neighborhood that was known to see caucasions killed.. a gang noticed me.. I kept the steady pace.. they started to follow me.. what idiot white boy would be here this time of day.. leisurly walking along.. they kept getting closer and closer.. I could hear the pipes banging on the walls of the buildings and I knew I was a dead man.. they got a quarter block behind me.. I turned the corner to see a thousand sailors all in whites in one place.. everyone vanished and I followed the crowd home to safety.. swore I will never go back there ever again in my life time.. and the broadway show.. I lived just fine never seeing it.. LOL LOL
“I don’t like violence of any kind.. and usually go through great lengths to avoid violence.”
Me, too.
However, I also grew up in a place where such was an everyday occurrence. Kids would fight all the time, and when your number was up, you fought back or the number didn’t advance. (This means, once you showed “yellow,” you would be beaten up every day until you were killed or crippled, your family moved away, or you fought back.) I hated bullies and guys who’d pick on girls in a not nice manner (still do), and between these two, was probably in 50 fights between the ages of 7 and 27.
I never in my life started a fight.
I finished a lot of them, though, and saved a bunch of other kids (and young adults) from being mauled and left in a bloody pile.
I also never used a weapon (it was considered “cowardly”) although I fought people (mostly kids, when I was growing up) who did.
I’m sorry I wasn’t around to keep you from being bullied. If I had been, I would have been THAT GUY…
“(This means, once you showed “yellow,” you would be beaten up every day until you were killed or crippled, your family moved away, or you fought back.)”
Don’t get me wrong @Ray… I am not weak or a coward.. I just don’t like violence. I do get how gangs take over neighborhoods the kids comply join or be targeted parental guidance is eliminated because mom and dad are at work or afflicted with physical weaknesses..I hate bullies with a passion and have had my share of physical conflicts bullies use a group to belittle and dominate someone they see weaker. which I bieve is why school shootings have increased..most of them were well known to have been bullied and targeted usually older kids and with great numbers.. the school staff that allowed that to happen should have all been fired… I do not like women beaters .. and abusers and child abusers.. traffickers and the past I have assisted women to get clear of woman beaters.. most fear they’ll be killed..I still keep in touch with one young lady she was trafficked from a really young age where pedophiles are willing to pay great sums of money.. beaten half to death, threatened with guns violence and death..the guys got caught they threatened her and her family with death if she testified so she didn’t testify out of fear gor her siblings and mother..they threw her in prison for a very long time..a victim again for being afraid..
if I’m still alive when she gets out I will make sure she has a chance at a normal life..she just turned 31 up until then I will write her send a few bucks so she can get shampoo and a few books every month.. I have known that kind of fear..and totally understand why she didn’t give a testimony on them..had an engineer live in my spare bedroom had the life of prestige..a horrible accident with a deep water drling platform. he was called to give testimony and then was black balled..he couldn’t get a job cleaning kennels all because he told the truth and became homeless on the street. his car broke down and he got sick.
a physical confrontation will always be a last resort occurrence. unfortunaely those type of abusers will always be in control
It would be interesting to know what was so sensitive in your original report that the Over Lords felt shouldn’t be made public
A lot had to do with the Bidenized FBI White Shaming and making all who question terrorists – when the FBI *(and embedded MuBro’s) in govt go after White establishment it’s like Gestapo 2.0.
And then I referred to TM Productions and their 1977 extrapolation into radio’s future which talked about US president Idi Amin on his “fat black cat” label in radio and how that was sure close to a now former…er… yeah, it was a hot column
And it ended (which I won’t forget) with the male newscaster voice being a remade Barbara Walters ending the news with
“And, today in Washington, 2 people. And in Newark, an armadillo and a windmill.”
Re: “Lost Art”
feat: Elizabeth Bishop
Yesterday is what would have been Ms. Bishop’s 112th birthday.
Re: Armadillo & Rabbit
feat: Southern Cross
I’m jumping like an armadillo. Thanks for the Bishop clue! Her biopic of sorts movie first screened 10 years ago this week at the Berlin Film Festival. The ‘fest’s lead-in movie was from China, “The Grandmaster”.
So the official WH schedule takes a gander to Florida this afternoon. Should be some sunny times news clips for the evening news? Wonder if the accompanying press got a birds-eye tour of the flaming chinese lantern that went down the other day off Cape Fear?
Here’s DJ George who hasn’t lost his touch spinning the hits.
Anne Murray
yeah yeah yeah, Ure so full of it – dudes eyes be brown.
Likely story, new version of the classic dog/homework story. Sure, and Ill bet the check is in the mail too. Not only in the mail, but I m sure that is Only a cold sore, and no, you wont do “that” in any ones mouth as well. Bet you wave at opposing drivers as you cut them off too.
* This is one of the main problems wit today’s modern society – No mr apocalypse dances across Urban Survival office/ pages this morning – moving to the tune of mr bojangles
The dog star ate your homework? That’s why if I have any inkling that a long tome I’m pounding out on a comments section somewhere isn’t going to go through I either highlight and copy it and/or paste it to a Word or Word Pad document. I’ve lost a lot of writings like that, not all due to ticking off a moderator somewhere, so pain is the best teacher in the World. It’s a-MAZ-ing how fast the clock hands spin when you’re deep in thought trying to put it down on some medium so losing that time to nothingness is particularly vexing.
I compose in Notepad Plus, until something gets over a thousand words or so, or it’s something I’ve got to keep overnight — then I’ll c/p it in Word (because I’m more familiar with Microsoft’s recovery methods). I have lost many “gems” over the years, through computer or network “hiccups” and now try to lose as few as possible…
And BTW George, I’ve lost a number of posts here, over the years, which I assumed you 86’d because they contained possibly classified info or intel (they didn’t). If you are not the one to shitcan such posts, perhaps you really DO have an overlord who’s editing your columns…
Don’t mind them keeping me out of the America ver. of gulags, but some cash would be nice.
Whawuzzit Jerry McGuire said? Oh yeah
Hell Ray, at our age either us – or the whole freakin world – may not last through recovery efforts!
Interesting thing about the net it has been strange last couple of days not allowing a relative to send me some pics and things not posting etc. etc. so who’s doing what? are they testing the final blow to block as they see fit? or is AI being tested for policing? lots of questions and no real answers other than someone is doing something! LOL and it “AINT” good!
This is alongside Samsung wiping phones in Australia…cough, cough, hmm…huh, uh huh.
My phone was wiped just a month ago.
It was full of all of the amazing raging bullshit of the age we are living in.
So, definitely a good clean swipe wipe off of shot truthful information passed as much as possible to as many people as possible.
BUT, they CONTROL the platforms….all except one wee little one, which of course can be interfered with.
Not sure if anyone saw this yet….
We are definitely at war…. Fighter planes next…. Manned by US, unofficially, then officially.
and they are moving those tanks into ukraine by night.. even though another red line has been crossed.. so .. How many read lines in the sand need to be crossed by our interference before it ignites in area’s besides Ukraine….
Like the Ukraine war was in my opinion from what I have read and seen totally avoidable.. the Russians were not being aggressive and asked even pleaded us to move the crap away from their borders.. we of course moved more in..
NOW.. look at what was said about a dam balloon..
HOW would the USA respond if missiles were parked three hundred miles from DC.. my guess is we wouldn’t be as civil about it as Russia has been.. we keep crossing the red lines in the sand.. I fear at some point.. like the Ukraine war was started.. that this to will elevate to the next level..
You may want to retract your “Biden lies” statements, unless you think your Highness Trump is one as well. Republicans wanting to cut SS is not false. It has been thrown out there as a threat…while nobody is stupid enough to actually cut SS and Medicare, why would those on the far right even make that statement? Biden was just using their own words against them. Just a bunch of stupid little word games politicians like to play.
WASHINGTON, Jan 20 (Reuters) – Former President Donald Trump warned his fellow Republicans on Friday not to “destroy” federal retirement and health benefits as they try to exact spending cuts from President Joe Biden and his Democratic allies in the looming debate over the debt ceiling.
“Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security,” Trump said in a two-minute video message posted to social media that could test his influence among Republicans who now control the House of Representatives.
“Do not cut the benefits our seniors worked for and paid for their entire lives. Save Social Security. Don’t destroy it!”
Trump’s call to protect the two single largest federal spending programs could put him at odds with some House Republicans who have said they should not be off the table in budget talks.
Just because President Trump is a big mouth and can be an asshole at times, does not exclude the other big mouth assholes out there like the one now occupying the WH.
All you have to do is look around to see things are worse off than when the previous dickhead was in office. Personally I want an asshole running things that does things to make my life better. I don’t care about all the other crap and especially the crap falling from the mouths of these people.
But the Trump hating is a huge expenditure of energy that is just not productive and does no good for anyone. Keeps you agitated and us thinking you are a moron for even concerning yourself about someone who is no longer in office. I mean really, do you think it’s relative to the huge screwing we are enduring presently? Can we move on?
Besides, I don’t think George lies about anything here and if you catch him in something wrong he will admit it and correct it. Will you?
….. A couple of blessings, maybe.
Wait – did I get something wrong, lately?
(LOL Bitcon is under $22,000 – where’s that BCN when we need him to coral the rats and keep em on the sinking ship?)
Well honestly G, I hope you were wrong about the gold hitting 1500 before 2K. I think it’s high time it broke out and hit the numbers it’s really worth, and silver is so underrated since we are using it up as I write this and there is just a finite number of ounces of the stuff in the dirt and after that it’s hunting planets and asteroids for PMs. Which if China finds any on the moon we will see WW3 moving of planet to the moon. Either way I’m okay but it’d be nice to see some respect where it’s due when it comes to money, it’s real money and everything else is a photograph of real money with a promise as long as it suits the issuer of the photo/promise. Blessings …..
Righty, matie.
Obama took 716 BILLION out of Medicare, but just forget about it!!!
Liars, scammers, con artists, and thieves!!!
Another One Bites The Dust:
Sen Rick Scott of Florida, (who encourages Soc Sec & Medicare cuts) while CEO of large hospital network, was fined in the largest Medicare fraud ever (fine $1.6 billion) Quite a healthcare policy and costs background!
G, thought I made this reply post yesterday, why was it omitted?
Can you prepare the column in publisher or the likes and save a copy prior to publishing it? Trusting the webserver to save 20 something years of hard work is a lot of faith in something that can be hacked or something. You’re more up on this shit than most of us so you must have thought of that. I’ve had stuff like that happen and basically “ouch”. Blessings
I still wonder if that balloon was really Made in China.
It was not written on it…
Well if it’s anything like we do it is made in Indonesia or Viet Nam and assembled in China so it’s ostensibly Chinese like our cars and other crap we get ripped off on daily that says made in America on it. ….. Blessings
now I’m curious.. in the last twenty years where did you find anything that actually said..made in the usa?
when Mexico industry making car parts wanted a dollar an hour for the laborers and we bailed out the automotive industry.. the response was if your going to hold us up we will get our parts from china..a uniform manufacturer lost their business making military uniforms to China because they could get them cheaper..
except for steelers mucklucks they still make them in the usa..
dam auto correct..
LOOB, there’s lots of stuff made in the U.S.A. My clothes, shoes, sidearm, belt knife, hell, even one of my computers is 100% made in U.S.A. from 100% American parts. Gildan has factories all over the world, but I switched to them for t-shirts, because one of their lines is made in USA out of American cotton. You can buy Wolverine or Bates boots that’re made in China, or you can buy them that’re made here. The difference? About $40, and the American boots are made from American leather, canvas, and rubber, and are distributed to American servicemen, where the Chinesium boots aren’t. Got Chan-nel-Locks? If they are real Channellock multiple slip-joint pliers, they are forged in Meadville, PA from Pennsylvania steel, just like they have been for over 100 years. Etcetera, etcetera. Try to look at the origin tag before you look at the price tag — and understand places like Amazon and Wal-Mart don’t sell much that’s American made, but the mom & pop hardware store or clothier a couple towns over, does…
Wow @Ray… I didn’t have a clue that there was so much made in the US anymore.. probably because the big box stores is where I mostly shop…
…And I will drive 30 miles to shop in a country hardware store or Amish market, or the Red Wing Shoe Store, before I set foot in a box store (often saving the price of gas, or more, in the process). I haven’t been to a mall in six years, except once when I was invited to a set-to at an MCL Cafeteria.
Sometimes ya gots to shop Chinese, because they DO own half the world’s manufacturing now, but the more I look, the more I find that there ARE alternatives.
My point is: At least, look.
Drop in on the “Made in USA” and “Made in America” websites (there’s a bunch of them) or search out “NSN numbers.” The government does not buy ANYTHING foreign, unless they can not source it domestically. See who’s making stuff here, then make the judgement call on whether you’ll save enough money by buying the Chinese crap to justify buying it.
By the way:
“My clothes”
Gildan t-shirt, Bill’s Khaki’s pants, Wigwam socks, New Balance shoes…
sidearm – Ruger
belt knife – Ontario
computer – SuperMicro
You CAN do it. The reason I do it is not because I hate China (which, as I look over at my collection of Chinese music, I’d venture to say that I don’t). It is because I have this silly thought in my head, that if enough Americans “buy American,” the flow of manufacturing from here to China may cease, and possibly even reverse. It is this idea which makes me believe the research required to “buy American” is worth the effort…
” The government does not buy ANYTHING foreign, unless they can not source it domestically.”
when my brother went to Iraq.. he had to show me the stuff he was issued.. none of it was made in the USA. LOL LOL LOL my shoes came from the VA made in Vietnam…
I tried to get him and another co worker that had to go.. some beer with the auto cool can.. for their birthdays.. only to discover I couldn’t purchase them because I was a US citizen.. LOL I asked a friend in the rangers what was the best tool he had in the field.. he said send them a multi tool.. which is what I did.. got a multi tool… ( he told me which one was the best one.. ) and sent it to them.. seems there is a million and one uses for it.. When our community went for a grant for putting up renuables.. come to find out.. we couldn’t get anything made in the usa.. we had to get products that were stamped assembled in the USA.. to get it to pass.. they are making some of the components for the large wind turbines here now.. I do look for american made items.. unfortunately I end up having to buy because of cost the cheaper made.. I do buy from the colonies.. if you ever stop at the amish colony off of I-80 close to chicago.. check out the barn museum.. it has small houses recreations .. that was done by a realitive.. he had hundreds of them.. when he retired he took up making small buildings as a hobby he was a construction company owner before.. many he lost on world wide tours.. people would swipe them in transit..
I love to buy things from the colonies.. and love the amish people in general.. the same with the quakers and mennonites.. They will be the ones to survive.. the mormons which I am.. was community driven but through the years are just like everyone else.. sad to.. they still are family oriented but money driven..
Within months after switching from a typewriter to a first generation word processor, I learned that I could NEVER recreate text that I lost in the dark reaches of the digital world, that was as good as the original text. After many generations of backups, I finally went to Carbonite, and it has saved me through many errors, crashes, and other disasters.
Yet, as I write this response, I recognize that typing on this box opens the door to their loss, since opening a file in Open Office & then copy/paste is too much effort, unless…
Got out of my morning trade when the NASDAQ100 went up just over 1 %. Done did good ! Figured it wouldn’t do much better., and it didn’t.., it stalled and bounced around., and I moved on to other endeavors. Just checked back.., it has sold off completely and is now in negative territory. Along with the Dow, S&P and gold.
Didn’t see that coming !
Watching Turkey is a good exercise.
I can’t find a way to bet on the Superbowl being attacked, yet, but if the Superbowl/the Palo Verde Generating Station is attacked the affected will need immediate resources.
Do you donate $20.00 and let the supply chain handle it or pull cases of food out of the dungeon and pass them on? Food that perhaps cannot be replaced in a timely manner.
Downtown gets bombed and the people walk my way. I don’t know what to do. Hang the no warning shots sign at the end of the sub then get behind the chimney or give them food and join the pack.
People may have radiation burns. Me too. Stray pets running around.
The neighbors, “Where’s the help?” ‘There’s no help coming.’
We must all begin to exercise a bit more discretion in what we say and write.
I can not THINK of any more chilling words; except maybe “Bus B undervolt.”
The great and effective constraints on Opposition rely on metering expensive medical care and necessary drugs, rationing nutrition to favor the productive and deserving, and regulating movement and unfettered speech. Make the proles completely reliant on the Powers, and you have them safely ensconced in a huge universal Controlled Area where nothing can go wrong, and nothing messy ever happens. Shortages are necessary to operating such a program, and black markets and “cash” must be eliminated with harsh punishments. (This must also include unfair personal accumulation of extra supplies by making “hoarding” a crime. Two cans of soup on the shelf is fine, but three makes one a “hoarder” subject to severe punishment.)
All persons will be required to contribute what they are able, and consume only as much as they truly need. Many years ago, it was best said as, “From each, according to their ability, and to each according to their need.”
Just because communists said so doesn’t make it true. When people are expected to contribute according to their ability, their ability will magically implode.
Accumulating excess allows for time and money investment into things that can improve the world, along with improving yourself and those you love. Living without reserves(along with insane politics) is how our nation got into this mess. There’s nothing as incentivizing as the opportunity and the right to try to get ahead of the crowd and keep your winnings.
Last night…………,
I was sitting comfortably in my reading spot – latest Steven King novel [ not too bad.,] and the misses walks in…;
“When was the last time you were sick?”
I grinned.., “Just yesterday. I had this very evil thought and was..,”
She cut me off, by placing her hands on her hips.,
“You know what I mean….,”
“You mean like blowing through an entire box of Kleenex and a couple of bottles of NyQuil, sick?”
“Yes.” – slight reprieve., she dropped her hands from her hips.
“Ahh…, I’ll have to think about that.., been a while though.”
“We’ve know each other for how many decades..? And in all this time I can’t remember you ever being sick. Not once.”
“What made you think of that?” [ Feeble attempt at misdirection.,]
“My sister.., she has the flu again., and I got to thinking how many times I have had the flu, or a bad cold., and then it hit me that you never have, for as long as I have known you, ever been sick.., Have you?”
“Not that I can recall..,”
“Have you ever been sick? Ever?”
“Ahh, I got food poisoning in northern Thailand once., does that count?., oh, and there was that time in Rhodesia, I.., ”
Ut-oh.., hands back on her hips…., head slightly tilted…, ‘Danger Will Robisnon, Danger!’
Quickly added – “I will have to think about it a bit., but as of right now – no, I don’t ever recall being sick from the flu, or a cold. Lucky I guess.” Slight, disarming smile…,
“How is that possible? Everybody catches the flu., Joanne [family friend] catches a cold at least once a month – how is it that you don’t?”
“Superior Viking immune system ? ., with a steady flow of antibacterial bourbon? ”
She smiled.., “That same old Viking heritage routine, huh?”
“Full-blown Viking attitude and bottle of bourbon and superior math skills has served me well for over…, [ I counted on my fingers as a joke..,] close to seven decades now.., mom wouldn’t let me have the bourbon as a kid., or it would be eight decades.”
She turned to leave…, “That’s not fair., everybody gets sick……” ., and as she leaves., “I’ll help with dinner if you want.” [ I still get a kick on how a 5’1″ ex beach bunny, turned corporate banker can get all puffed-up and feisty when she discovers one of my enigmas. She still doesn’t understand why I sharpen the left edge of my entrenching tools to a razors edge.., “It’s just a shovel.., Right?” Damn, Vikings.”]
[ My night to cook. Jumbo tempura shrimp, with my home made thick teriyaki sauce, Chinese hot mustard sauce as dip, Koshi Hikari friend rice and baked asparagus with a sprinkle of olive oil and melted smoked gouda cheese.]
This conversation got me to thinking – I never have been sick., not that I can recall anyway. Wonder why? Any one else been fortunate enough to dodge the viral bullets all these years ?
The last time I recall being sick was, oh, long-ass time ago – prolly 30-40 odd years.
Pappy let me keep a bottle of Scotch (and a box of cigars) in my room (radio shack in the basement) from about age 16 on (“Just don’t drink and drive or hang out with loser high school kids that drink beer and die in accidents. Good women and scotch or don’t waste Ure time…”)
So with the Viking (Danish/Scottish) genes and a bit of the anti-freeze going, yeah, been AT LEAST 35 years since been sick. Maybe sniffles, but not even in my airline days which goes back to 1985, or so…
Which does get us to a kind of group woo woo – I have always known that people who hang out here are prone to high uric acid levels (gout) but gout is a good (to great) indicator of high IQ and I suspect also high resistance to common bugs.
See Tana (2018)
De Giorgi (2015) “CONCLUSIONS: Uric acid has a stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex, and this could have allowed humans, compared with other animals, to develop higher brain mass volume, better intellectual performances, and maybe evolutionary supremacy. On the other, a growing body of evidence is accumulating on the independent association between uric acid and cardiovascular risk. A careful interpretation of uric acid levels is appropriate and necessary in different kinds of patients, both at risk of cardiovascular or neurodegenerative diseases, due to its contrasting significance….”
On the IQ track:
On the antiviral track take a gander at “The Prospective Effect of Allopurinol on the Oxidative Stress Index and Endothelial Dysfunction in Covid-19” at,of%20ED%20and%20clinical%20outcomes.
But realize that the improved prospects as an antiviral may simply be coincident to allopurinol being used in patients (like Ure and maybe you) who are ALREADY prone to higher serum uric acid levels which seems to be a way of mimicking the effects of the antiviral drug Favipiravile as outlined in “Uric Acid Elevation by Favipiravir, an Antiviral Drug” (at
Which we prospectively take to mean that not only do higher (than global normal) uric acid levels in crazy fucking Viking (CFV) dudes likely have strong neuroprotective and antiviral capacities, but in addition the “tools of the trade” driving gout (like scallops and high purine seafoods, pork, plenty of booze and rare red meat) likely keep both blood alcohol AND uric acid levels high enough to imbue said CFV’s with super intelligence as well superhuman disease resistance.
Damn shame they (CFVs) are White and therefor on the endangered species / political woke bullshit artist’s hit lists.
(Print this off and give it to your Missus. She’s likely to go into skeptical epileptic-like frenzy if you try to speak this kinda shit aloud…but there’s the data and inquiring minds really do, uh…you know…)
Some good reading and links there – thanks.
As for, trying to relate said information to the misses.., well, I think that is for another conversation. I managed to slide-on-by the interrogation of this subject by sluffing it all off onto my CFV dude genetics., without her going off on why I hopscotched around the world blowing shit up and breaking stuff. She is rather non-violent and doesn’t quite understand all the CFV ‘stuff’. She’s a tom-boy at heart., but violence ? – nope. That’s on my side of the relationship. Which is fine by me.
Come to think of the blowing up shit days, every hear of a backwoods soldier name of Barry up in Lederhosen city local to u? One of G2s gunnery instructors…
George – nope, never heard of him., but that should not diminish his worth any, I have a tendency to ignore most people around here., especially any with military claims. If they are headed my way with a katana, then yeah, they now have my undivided attention.., otherwise – I just motor on down the road, as quietly as possible., carefully watching watch comes out of the alleys.
I redacted a lot of links to studies on the health benefits and anti aging benefits of an active sex life..
I’m another one of those rarely sick individuals. The only time I really school was chicken pox in the second grade, and mononucleosis in the fifth grade. All other years was nearly perfect attendance at school and I don’t recall anything besides sniffles. In my 40 years since high school I’ve been sick with the flu two times, once in 1986 when the CO was there and I couldn’t avoid the shot (I managed to avoid getting a flu shot my remaining years in the army) and again in 1998 when I was getting the recommended shots for going to Africa and they snuck in a flu shot. I was also sick in 2017/2018 (could have been the flu) but I have no idea where that one came from. When my wife caught COVID (feverish, lost her sense of smell for a few months – I was able to eat sardines without repercussion) my only symptom was a slight rash on both forearms.
I also eat foods past their expiration dates and have been known to sample unidentifiable leftovers. I’ve eaten Nsima in Malawi the way the locals do (scooped up with the fingers), and when the kids and grandkids were little and wanted to eat dirt, I didn’t stop them. Come to think of it, they also rarely get sick.
To me.., that is a lot of – being sick.
I rarely get sick – especially since I started serious meditation around 1990. Very little affected my health other than being betrayed by a lover or truly excess solitude.
I did have a run-in with covid – before it had a name. I just dealt with it and kept on going. In fact, it seems that my health is improving now even though I’ve not seen a doctor for decades, and never for an illness. My worst health was when I was in medical school.
Dec 2019 my consigliere was out (around Christmas or NY as I recall) and I had a one day runny nose like NOTHING in history a week to 10-days later. He’d come in from SF and we always wondered. I mean I went through BOXES of kleenex in a day, plus paper towels and ISYN NOTHING EVEN SLOWED IT. Felt off but the water flow was the remarkable part. Unstoppable. drip, drip, drip nonstop no mattah what.
Wasn’t sick – was drip, drip, drip… and done next day.
Yeah, my best friend ‘the germophobe’ said the same about me. “How come you never get sick?”
I attribute it to an intelligent program of supplementation to boost my natural immune system. I never took the flu shot… and never got the flu! I’m not totally ‘anti-vax’. I’ve taken my true vaccine shots years ago. With aging, the most recent were a shingles (dead virus, frozen, no adjuvants, no preservatives!) and two different multi-valent pneumonia shots. But it never made sense to me to get a shot for flu, with so many variants that evade the single strain vaccine. And these mRNA shots are a horror story of an untested poison! But Covid found me, after 3 years of evasion, and I was damn glad I was prepped with the tools to handle it early on.
Been meaning to ask…. – Has there been any lingering, hold-over side affects from the Covid? Notice any changes??
I thought I was in congestive heart failure after having covid..
after the x-rays and tests that showed lung damage..
I take red ginseng and drink elderberry eucalyptus tea.. and haven’t had to use the inhaler in a long time..
Do you make your own elderberry flower tea? I grow elderberry shrubs and have made wine, syrup and pies, but have heard the flower makes good for u tea. New elderberry planting last year about 8 more plants.
“Do you make your own elderberry flower tea? I grow elderberry shrubs and have made wine,”
I have planted elderberry shrubs.. so far no berries yet.. I just buy the juice.. the tea..
I buy the one below.. the local health food store keeps it on the shelf.. ( I had to special order it the first time)
the elderberry juice wine was a favorite one.. I still have one bottle left of that.. I am saving it for a friend..
the dandelion wine.. I like it.. but no one else does.. good wine.. a little tart.. but not bad.. the one lemon I put in it really made it tart like lemonade..
Re: As the Bell Tolls
feat: the daily mosque
Four years after winning a million $ national Canadian lottery promising to start “a family business”, and five years after 4 male family siblings allegedly conducted a break and enter home invasion with assault under the false pretence of a police warrant, the CBC reports on a pending forfeiture. The provincial authorities are seeking to take 3 homes, $500,000+ cash, and the keys to a $200k Mercedes following alleged police drug buys from the enterprising family, with the accused apparently never having been gainfully employed in Canada. Authorities indicate they are also examining why the two parents have been drawing income support social assistance payments from the public purse since 2001.
Justice shall be served, inshallah?
In 1974 during my 25-year Army career, I was appointed to the rank of WO1 from specialist 6. From that point on I was somehow allowed to very easily avoid taking the mandatory flu shots. Since that time, I have never had the flu or even a serious cold, and I most certainly have not been jabbed. Another interesting and questionable fact is that prior to visiting the snow-white beaches of beautiful South Viet Nam I had been allergic to just about everything that grew or had fur. I had no allergies the entire year I was in ‘Nam, except for a quarter sized piece of a Soviet 122mm rocket that entered my personal space very energetically. Gray Fox
George, you need to get current with your journalistic ‘spinmeister’ skills. Current events usage would be: “The CCP spy balloon ate my homework”. Gotta be a Huawei router involved there, somewhere? ;-)
Smartest man in the room………..,
“Inflation has a 75% chance of rebounding or staying high, and the Fed could crush the economy in its attempt to fight it.” Mohamed El-Erian.
Disinformation Inc: Meet the groups hauling in cash to secretly blacklist conservative news
This is the first part of a Washington Examiner investigative series about self-styled ‘disinformation’ tracking organizations that are cracking down on conservative media and part of a lucrative operation that aims to defund disfavored speech.
Major ad companies are increasingly seeking guidance from purportedly “nonpartisan” groups claiming to be detecting and fighting online “disinformation.” These same “disinformation” monitors are compiling secret website blacklists and feeding them to ad companies, with the aim of defunding and shutting down disfavored speech
These two are too important to not post…
BREAKING: FBI Rescinds Memo Citing Southern Poverty Law Center After Daily Signal Report
The Federal Bureau of Investigation rescinded a report on “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology” on Thursday, one day after an FBI whistleblower published the document and The Daily Signal reached out to the FBI for comment. Former FBI agents condemned the document for citing the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing smear factory infamous for branding mainstream conservative and Christian organizations “hate groups”
This one was bounced 5 times before WordPress would let me post it…
“Wow. Never had this happen before. The internet ate my report.”
What? Didn’t expect a good scrubbing before it really got out? Okay, maybe a little paranoid on my part, but to think you aren’t being monitored would be a little unrealistic, given your scope of discussions. Next time, backup and save periodically and hope you didn’t get scary close to the mark for an alphabet agency.