A Technology-Based Approach to Scrying Future

No, you can’t buy our DreamTuner system – or download the Dream-Steering app.  Yet.  But this morning we will explain for subscribers how a new combination and some code to link up some off-the-shelf products might allow people to experience mental enhancement.

As you will read, the product will be useable in two modes:  The “Dream-In” mode, where the device will function to keep you from falling asleep in deep meditative states.

In the “Dream-Out” mode, the system may have some “tricks” to keep you in lucid dreams for longer periods of time.

Might it also be used to enhance Remote Viewing?  But of course!

Really a nice wrap up to our earlier reports including the generous contributions of G.A. Stewart of The Age of Desolation website.  Because his exhaustive knowledge and my own first-hand experience with several actual look-ahead events set me on the trail to find enhancement tools.

Since there’s no DreamTuner and I can’t find a DreamSteering app, guess we will just have to build it.

But first?  Our usual poke at the markets and the ChartPack along with a tear-down of what’s the speech last night.

Coffee up and let’s work on sleep theory, shall we?

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George Ure
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/George-Ure/e/B0098M3VY8%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share UrbanSurvival Bio: https://urbansurvival.com/about-george-ure/

78 thoughts on “A Technology-Based Approach to Scrying Future”

  1. is demonic possession real?
    Poor ole Joe has to many voices in his head trying to talk at the same time. To many puppet masters, that he has SOLD his soul to,, like Casey Jones,,, “trouble ahead , trouble behind,,,” it does not look good for slo joe’s future.
    hat tip to Grateful Dead

    • At a time when calm heads are needed to prevail, Joe certainly has no restraint on his anger outbursts. – being booed and jeered, being called a liar when he lied, doesn’t give a strong representation of a President. – Seemed more like just an angry old man having mood swings.

      Many of the real issues were either not mentioned, or those that were, were mentioned in a cursory manner.

      We are living on a very shaky foundation.

  2. Re: “Sharp Dressed Man”
    feat. ZZ Top


    Deutsche Welle has a picture perhaps drawn from the Telegram account of The Servant of the People as he stoicly deplaned from a ZZ flight numbered RAF C-17 at London’s Stansted Airport this morning being greeted by a jubilant PM Sunak . Public airport records reflect that the flight from Rzeslow, Poland – headquarters of the Russian Imperial Army in 1915 – arrived 1 hour 18 minutes later than its assigned Stansted landing slot. Shortly thereafter, carbon emissions from the massive 4-engined military workhouse of the heavens did vent during the onward 21 minute flight to RAF Brize Norton. There it awaited the return journey requirements of Mr. Z. following a rumoured-to-be discourse with His Majesty.

    God save the King!

    • Why is anyone catering to that idiot penis piano playing pretender in Ukraine? The guy is disgusting on so many levels it’s amazing that he’s able to get any support from anyone. The king? Who cares.

      • Hmm… why does anyone let anyone with severe dementia drive. the bus and control the destiny of the global population and civilization’s of the world..
        doesn’t make much sense does it.. more reasons why the fate of mankind should be put in the hands of someone with some common sense and moral ethics..
        its who the one is that’s pulling the strings behind the curtain that matters I doubt that either of them are the ones in control..follow the money..who will profit from this nightmare..

    • Re: 3’s Company


      As Bono took his seat beside a black-hatted Mr. Pelosi at yesterday evening’s Capitol version of a Maury Povich programme melée, one could have reminisced to more settling thoughts of Mrs. Pelosi at a White House dais last St. Patrick’s Day. She solemnly read to receptive ears a newly-written Bono poem comparing Mr. Z. to Ireland’s patron saint, Saint Patrick, who drove out the snakes. Of course last night’s uncouth pandemonium must be taken in measured stride. Mere miles away, history of 13 years ago records the presence of Mrs. Pelosi at FedEx Field where a raucous Washington crowd greeted Bono’s U2 opener “Breathe” supported by The Muse. A machete throw away, former Tutsi rebel commander and now most-favored benevolent dictator of Rwanda also graced the audience.

      • Re: “Bend it like Beckham”
        feat: Glen Mills


        The SOTU broadcast Neilsen numbers since 1991 appear to show that the SOTU viewership has cratered even including online stats. The Administration’s best year so far of 2022 was worse than Mr. Trump’s worst of four broadcasts. If network execs were using current numbers to sell airtime, a project manager would be offering “gofundme” mule rides out on Madison Avenue. It’s rather telling that by comparing CNN and the The Washington Post’s favored Pennsylvania-based pollster surveying, more than twice as many Americans plan to watch Super Bowl LVII as compared to the number who watched the SOTU debacle.

        • Oops, forgot to mention- rating share by age demographic for the 2022 SOTU:

          18-34 years 3.8
          35-54 years 10.9
          55+ years 26.1

        • We purposefully did NOT watch it.

          Why give the clicks.

          Why give the attention to an obvious demented compromised paid off loser (did not win the election) former senator whose business model was to let his son sell him out to the highest bidder.

          He is obvious a George Soros puppet, he is a Rothschild agent, he is a Zionist, he is a genetically medically modified beast being made to tap dance to the bidding of the WEF/NATO/UN/WHO NEW WORLD ORDER agenda.

          He is crushing America with an unlimited unstoppable immigration and drug invasion he is bankrupting our country with uncontrollable/unpayable debt, and he is corrupt to the core of his demon being.

          Yeah, that’s Gangster O’Biden and he is unwatchable because he is a criminal and he is showing the world who owns him and who he works for and it is not it the best interests of these United States of America.

  3. “And around she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows…
    It’s all become so totally tabloid with stories like Watch: US First Lady Jill Biden kisses Kamala Harris’s husband ‘on the lips’.”

    But did she bring little candy coated chocolate candies.. LOL LOL LOL..

      • BINGO! they just told US to , Fear the Covid, but we should fear the vid’ians, the real cult, purple Koolaid drinkers, pushing the ‘so-called’ vax. Same idiots pushing climate change/global warming/ice age 2.0,, seasonal label changes
        Get the VAX, as the sheeple ran to the vax dispensers
        and they complained about US calling them “sheeple”
        Now I have heard some say, “Why didn’t you warn us?”
        Ivermectin,, it works, to hell with all the ass holes that deny it.
        They lied about everything, yes the vid WAS worse than the common flu/cold, but the death count was boosted and the Demon Governors shipped covid sick patients to nursing homes to spread it among the elderly who have weak immune systems, pushing the numbers up, fake numbers for the SHEEPLE to eat up like crickets for the bait eaters. For the better part of my life, when someone tried to convince me of something stupid, I would tell them “go eat bugs”,,, now the NWO tells US to eat bugs, they think the people are stupid, well the bug eaters are,,,,


        They really did not want Trump to become President,,, too late,,, orders have been signed,, nothing can stop what is coming.
        the latest Hollywood awards show was nothing but a demonic, Satanic ritual, they do not hide it anymore, they Quit fearing US, when good men do nothing.
        Drag queens in our grade schools, but they shut down church services because of covid, hang them, after a fair trial.
        Durham got his orders and Q came on line during Trump’s first year in office. you can not put the avalanche back up the mountain, once it starts, and it is in motion, albeit slow in our terms of time.
        They fear Trump but they do not fear DeSantis, ole ronnie is compromised
        Nothing like a light being left on, to welcome you home

        • maybe to much coffee,
          went out to run the chainsaw after I posted, pulled the starter rope out, said fuck it, went and ran the splitter for a while and carried wood in. I will fix the rope tomorrow.
          Crappy weather for Thur. so fixing the saw in the garage will be fine.

        • well heck,,, and she gets into the child porn that was allowed on Twitter, Yule Roth , head of security
          “JUST IN: Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops The Hammer On Ex-Twitter Execs Over Her Ban From Twitter”
          5:34 long, in congress today,,, brutal day and there are more

  4. “Since there’s no DreamTuner and I can’t find a DreamSteering app, guess we will just have to build it.”

    Now I have always had lucid dreams similar to G.. usually there is a small pixie blond that wakes me in the dream and I follow her.. to a huge resort type room with windows all around.. a big staircase.. and she shows me things..
    Now where i am worried is in dreams I have had since the 80’s.. there are people that were in those dreams that are now moving through my waking life.. which freaks me out.. the Dejavu of seeing them enter in my life is actually quite frightening..
    anyway lets go beyond that..
    a week ago I had a dream in color.. Now the blond that usually is in those dreams was not there.. so is this just my fears.. that evolved that dream.. or what..
    anyway.. in it chinese soldiers came to the door.. noticing a symbol in chinese saying only love lives here.. they turned and left..
    I went and got the window symbols for that and put it in the windows of the doors.. was it a pemonition.. or was it a dream out of the fear published in the daily news.. I don’t know don’t care but I did it just in case..

    • Dream Weaver by Gary Wright.

      I’ve just closed my eyes again
      Climbed aboard the dream weaver train
      Driver take away my worries of today
      And leave tomorrow behind

      Oh dream weaver
      I believe you can get me through the night
      Oh dream weaver
      I believe we can reach the morning light

      Fly me high through the starry skies
      Maybe to an astral plane
      Cross the highways of fantasy
      Help me to forget today’s pain

      Oh dream weaver
      I believe you can get me through the night
      Oh dream weaver
      I believe we can reach the morning light

      Though the dawn may be coming soon
      There still may be some time
      Fly me away to the bright side of the moon
      And meet me on the other side

      Oh dream weaver
      I believe you can get me through the night
      Oh dream weaver
      I believe we can reach the morning light

      Dream weaver
      Dream weaver

      Great song; give a listen:


    • Not that there is much to discuss regarding my own dreams, as of late, but twice in the past week now, I’ve had Morgan Freeman in them. What the heck?! I’ve only got two dvds on my shelf with him in it, and neither have been seen in months, tbh. Dreams can be soooo weird.

  5. Now that is crazy.. they have the voynich manuscripts on television today.. the big mistery.. LOL
    anyway.. there isn’t any mistery there.. I am waiting for it to come out in print.. I have the printed version already and had read some of the deciphered version..
    ITS an ancient Farmers almanac.. of sorts an old one written in babylonian an ancient dialect of turky..
    Now I am waiting for the recipe section to be finished so I can try some of them….
    Its no longer a mistery to be solved.. just read and enjoyed.. I can’t wait for the recipe section they had some of one of the recipe’s..The one I read sounded a lot like a delightful Pilaf that I would totally enjoy.. I like the rest of the world will just have to wait till they finish deciphering it..But its coming.. and I will have the copy of the decoded one in my library of fun read books..

  6. Oh boy Georgie, you have done it now! Ya know the papists been tracking down, hard (torture/death) any order/group of peeps who “practice” what chu talking hear todayz. Four what chu are talking bout is same way the MCN workz.

    What – have youse never heard of the MCN ? One of Ure favs, C.Castaneda, talked about south american shamans using it, the OG mujaheddin in trashganastan used/use it, as documented and utilized by neoconfacist operatives back in 80’s when “they” tricked Russia out of detente/SALT2 and drew her into the “graveyard of nations”.

    The Mystical Communications Network.

    Basically INTENT and “cleared mind” – eyes closed, relaxing out of the Red (what you see wit eyes closed) and into the Blue, or in own personal case..the Purple. Set/state Ure Intention 3 times and drift off..
    do some of my best work in the “purps”

    As Mr MOJO RISEN said ..”break on thru to the other side” Morrison wrote a ton regards the other side..ancient memory stuff.
    The Why – church banned anything ritualistic that connected US to the Otherworld, and made everyone reliant on the priesthood. Otherwise you were a heritic and would be “Molayed” one way or another. Same exact reason New grange in Ireland was “reconstructed” with concrete floor- cut off the nrg’s from Earth (ley lines). Yes you can feel “it” when you hold Ure hand over many of those ancient stones.

    Remember, you slaves have NO BUSINESS “treading” in the “GODLY” realm.

    great story/read that takes U thru the MCN and how dreamworld worx is The Valediction (resurrection) Paul Fitzgerald (yes-JFK fam) and Elizabeth Gould https://www.amazon.com/Valediction-Resurrection-Elizabeth-Gould-ebook/dp/B0B7KCCF2V/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3M6844VHVTK6H&keywords=the+valediction+resurrection&qid=1675874518&sprefix=the+valediction%2Caps%2C1480&sr=8-1

  7. George, the first image in PN today is not loading on either Brave or PaleMoon. When queried directly, it comes back with “No, bad guess. Try something else. “.

  8. “I don’t see much “union” in these allegedly United States.”

    It’s the bailouts. Rip off nation.

    At this point Boeing has criminal charges pending against its certificate of incorporation. Boeing should be in the dust bin. But instead and another one of their 737 planes went down yesterday.

    No good comes from Boeing. At the end of the line we bail Boeing.

    “Boeing was charged with conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government for allegedly skirting safety rules when introducing its 737 MAX jets.”

    – Jan 26, 2023

    “Two pilots have walked away with minor injuries after a Boeing 737 jet converted for firefighting crashed in Australia.”

    – One day ago

  9. Hi,
    The first chart in today’s column appears as a question mark on an IPad. Even logging out and re logging doesn’t change anything.

    I have to say “finally” someone who articulates what I have been thinking regarding astrology. Two thumbs up.

  10. GA Stewart’s work:

    Just finished rereading G.A. Stewart’s posting on “Comets and Coincidences” and realized I, and my family are more than screwed. In it he said: “have to be at least a hundred miles out of town for anyone living near a potential nuclear target.”

    Whoops!! Within 60 miles as the crow flies are 4 Air Force Bases (different directions) plus one old full size Sac Base still used as a civilian airport for large aircraft which I am sure the military would immediately use.

    In addition there are TWO level 4 bio labs, one just 5 miles from my house. One steel mill at 60 miles, then there are the auto assembly plants (2) about 30 miles away, one plant that makes the guidance systems for all of our missiles etc., 20 or so internet server farms (with plans afoot for another 10), plus massive data centers for a couple of our top 5 banks, AND to put a cherry on top the second largest R&D company working for the US Government (with about 7000 Phd’s, though the Phd’s are scattered around the country not all being “here”) being 5 miles from my house.

    Not sure if it is worth prepping any more since in any direction I go from here for 100 miles there are even MORE targets!! (more steel plants, refineries, enrichment facilities, manufacturing facilities of every conceivable type , etc. etc.)

    Maybe my prepping should simply entail a very comfortable lawn chair so I can sit out front and watch events unfold from the comfort of my place, with a good beer in hand.

    • One of my relatives has a view of Cheyenne Mountain off his front porch. I asked him if he was going to build a shelter in his rather deep basement; his answer was that he would go sit on the front porch.

    • S2; this is my opinion, so please take it with a grain of salt.

      You are fine where you are.

      What is the easiest way to take down America?

      The Grid (including communication systems).
      The Banking System.
      Martial Law.

      You notice our own government can do all of these even without the threat or action of nuclear war.

      We are not prepared to rebuild our grid, just look at Austin, Texas, and how long it has taken to get things back ship shape. This is an ice storm and broken tree limbs.

      So, George Ure has consistently told us what things we need to focus on in order to get through the next several years.

      You are already doing that as you have found a community of like-minded people.

      Find that community near you physically, as well.

      Expand it, if you can, you may take a road trip.

      We all have that front row, front yard, front porch, front step view.

      Be prepped, be aware, stay safe, and try to make a good day out of every single day we have left, each of us as we neither know the hour or the day of our last day.

      The Sun is Shining Today.

      Reign is good, too:


      May you be continually blessed.

  11. simple question.. Will this be the straw on the camels back that crosses the red line and escalates this..
    How will that play out with my dream of a mushroom cloud as a dandelion is coming out of the snow…..How many Red lines has to be crossed before it escalates.. only time knows.. but it sure is a sign that it is all escalating


    • EARLY Dandelions here don’t start to show up until late April, they really aren’t noticable until mid May, and yep we can have snow here as late as very late May which is unusual but late April is NOT.

      I have now read multiple “seers”, “visionaries”, and of course Martin Armstrong, who are all seeing things start to POP in mid/late March and then getting worse into April/May. One visionary with an OK track record has put a timing on it as starting April 8-23 I seem to recall. (Easter is April 9th this year, Orthodox Easter is April 16th this year)

      Of course don’t forget the BEST “weather windows” for a cross Straits invasion of Taiwan are May and October.

      Maybe more later, I have other things I could say here but there is no need to spoil everybody’s current happiness level. Enjoy your families and get right with God is the best Prep Advice I can give to everybody.

      • “Maybe more later, I have other things I could say here but there is no need to spoil everybody’s current happiness level. Enjoy your families and get right with God is the best Prep Advice I can give to everybody.”

        AMEN on the get right with god.. happiness level.. heck I have been scared for the last two years.. about the time you think maybe some common sense is there.. it isn’t..
        the kids and boss think I am paranoid.. I still have a few things to get to even remotely be prepared and not enough money to do it.. prices have left the building.. I don’t know what to do.. compared to ninety percent of the rest of the population I am better off for something mildly catastrophic. If the biden war is pushed to nuclear then we are all screwed.. what do the studies say.. a population of about the size of a small town would be left. …there just isn’t enough time or money especially if it hits this year…. I don’t dare get a loan for the changes I need to make.. what if it doesn’t happen.. then I would be screwed.. and would have done it to myself.. so the boss has her head on her shoulders.. I just have to pray for guidance or a miracle..

    • It’ll take 4-6 months to train a Ukrainian pilot to drive that bus. I’m a lot more concerned with giving them the SCALP missiles. The only thing Ukraine can do with missiles that’ll range 180 miles is shoot just far enough into Russia to piss the Duma off. Ukrainians will have 3 battalions of advanced tanks and a bunch of newish NATO planes, with trained crews, by the middle of July. Those commanders and pilots may not have a country to defend, but by God, they’ll have the means to do it — at least until a spark plug or water trap fouls out…

  12. SOTU:
    Angry Joe showed up.
    Faux Ominous.
    Dangerous (via miscalculation or bad advice).
    Unbalanced and unfair.
    Out of his depth.
    Actually felt bad for him. Things not going well, he knows; but doesn’t quite understand why. Must be somebody else’s fault.

    Worst, scariest, SOTU I’ve ever heard (I’m 78).

    – 73 –

    • Don’t you fellas and fellettes think this has gotta be the most tempting time in modern history for our enemies to take advantage of our horribly weak situation? How the hell can NORAD miss an object as big as the “3 bus size” balloon? I’m thinking this doesn’t end well but praying that it does.

      • I’m thinking NORAD has its own “Vindman” whose job is to cover Biden’s ass &or bury Trump’s.

        Our radar will pick up a 24″ quadcopter if it gets above ~80m — maybe even a smaller one, now.

        The “They did it under Trump, too” narrative is a lie.

        If it had happened, the President, DNI, SecDef, SecState, and Head of the Joint Chiefs would be notified, or the person(s) responsible for notifying them would be in a military tribunal on a charge of treason or gross dereliction of duty. Bolton hates Trump with a purple passion and Millie is none too fond of him. There is no way they would cover for him. Ergo, it didn’t happen under Trump’s watch.

        According to one of my more-reliable little birdies, the CCP has done a total of 18 gasbag flyovers of North America. When? The birdie didn’t say. I would venture to say that, after Trump interrupted dessert with Xi for a couple minutes to blow the hell out of a troublesome little patch of Syria, Mr. Xi concluded it would not be a good idea to piss Mr. Trump off…

        We should blow “weather balloons” which incur in our air space out of the sky, because they’ve wandered into our air space without authorization, not because they are “spy balloons.” They’re not capable of spying on anything the Chinese sats can’t do as well, with a lot less fanfare…

    • He got pissed because Jill was playing tonsil hockey in front of the whole world, and his attitude never recovered. She can’t help it if she’s 60 years too old for him…

      You have to understand, Biden really IS scary, because he’s a tinhorn coward, out of his league, and is seriously demented. His reaction to an adverse situation or reception will always be bared teeth and bluster — like a cornered rat.

      I did not watch the STFU, er, I mean SOTU. The older I get, the less tolerance I have for bullshit and sophomoric theatrics. I did see the clip where MTG called him a liar, which I found amusing, if a violation of decorum. (I consider lying at such a gathering a violation of decorum, also, so that episode is kind of a wash…)

      I expect the SOTU to be a syllabus, prospectus, recapitulation, and most of all an accurate representation of where the United States is, with regard to current pressing issues. “Politics,” partisan or otherwise, should not come into play. I was mildly impressed when, when asked about the SOTU, Mark Levin stated he would not watch it, because he never watched such proceedings. Instead he’d get a good night’s sleep and read the transcript in the morning. I thought I was the only one…

      • I have been so disgusted with everything.. I watched some good shows.. quality programming..

  13. Since this site deals with not only money but most things woo, I have a question I have been pondering regarding a nuclear strike.

    If a nuclear explosion is so devastating and quick, would the soul survive the nuclear blast as it separates (as some have witnessed) from the body or does it get incinerated with the rest of you?

    • Great question:

      I have read others who say that if you go in the POOF of the original explosion your soul is destroyed in addition to your physical body. If somehow you linger a bit … say even a few seconds, then your soul survives.

      No one in the plane of existence today imo can know the answer to that question, and remember some people believe there is NO SOUL that exists beyond our physical bodies in the here and now.

    • Derek,

      Good question.

      I think G.A. STEWART had some info regarding your question in one of his books. Either that or I read it it somewhere else, but anyway, it seems your soul will be obliterated. Gone.

    • of course NOT. Ure Soul is Indestructible and Immortal . Can it be blown to pieces, smithereens..yup. No worries it has an eternity to collect itself back together.

      LIFE on the other hand…fugly!

      The Natural Source/The Vital Source is the “one “ring” that rules them all”

      Why my martial arts (soft) advisor has a 20 year old peer reviewed paper (journal scientific exploration,vol16,No3 pp381-411,2002) on using it (external Qi) to altering the half life of Am241, as well as strong responses in aqueous solution structure as probed with laser Ramen spectroscopy. Study also included strong responses developed in LiF thermoluminescent dosimeters, from his “external Qi”.

      Its ALL there for the sharing, just open Ure mind and you will find. the flavor of Qi..its everywhere and in everything..

    • “I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”
      ?Obi-Wan Kenobi, sensing the destruction of Alderaan

      I was a kid when I first heard these words and didn’t think anything of them at the time. Now, many years later, my only concern regarding death is possibly having unfinished business when I die (because I hate leaving things undone). The complete destruction of the soul would mean there’s no chance to start over (or to go wherever we’re supposed to go).

      My woowoo experiences: I have regular dreams and people appear as themselves in real life. In some of my dreams people have appeared in caricature form. I have learned, after several of these dreams, that their death is to be expected (usually within six months). When I first had these dreams they bothered me, but now I know if there’s things to be said or amends to be made, now’s the time to do them. My most recent of these dreams involved a teacher from high school. I didn’t have anything to amend but I did reach out and thanked him for everything he did for me way back when.

      • “I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”

        Here I will finish that for you….


      • It’s the whole reason for reincarnation. A full path completion is entirely too much for a single life.

        As far as atomic obliteration there does seem to be some inter-dimensional concern about such an event but I look at what a soul is kind of like a digital coin. God created it and only He has the key to its dissolution.

        • “It’s the whole reason for reincarnation. A full path completion is entirely too much for a single life.”

          OR… is it like the movie 12:01 @Bill
          and we keep traveling the same paths till we get it right..


    • As an NDE survivor, all I can offer is what I experienced, and no I don’t think your soul will be vaporized since it’s not a physical object. When your body dies the soul immediately separates. Catches most survivors off guard to suddenly be looking down at their body. It sure was in my case because I had lifeguards performing CPR after they drug me out of the deep end pool they had thrown me in resulting in my drowning. It’s odd in that at that moment you know your body is dead, but you feel SO GOOD (because you no longer are dragging around a meat sack), and FREE!! I floated out of the Earth’s atmosphere and was headed to the dark side of the moon. Then they yanked me back here, that’s all I know.

    • https://thejaijais.com/blogs/sunitas-blog/the-journey-of-the-hindu-soul

      the hindu’s believe birth life death rebirth… the rule of three..this is something people working the floors believe.. I believe it..seen some odd things through the years..
      the old saying means a lot to me..if you live by the sword you die by the sword.
      took care of a woman.. money was her life’s goal.. her last years were miserable..when she passed on..I went to her funeral..total attending..one me..no one cared enough..many driven people push to be remembered.. they have streets and buildings named after them.. but is that the memory you wish to have.
      my brother said something when my mother passed on..she was the last of our immediate family that have a lineage straight back before the signing of the declaration.
      he said..isn’t it sad that at the end of your life..all that’s left is a couple of boxes of crap..a few photos and the memories of who you were and what you stood for..
      one local gent was a little self indulged.. how he is remembered is they screwed him into the ground..didn’t need a coffin.. everything he had auctioned off and donated ..hospitals doctors and lawyers take most of what you leave the state takes the rest..

  14. Peak asset valuation in 1929 is not the same as in 2021.

    In 1929 the federal debt to GDP ratio was about 16 percent, and the ratio of private total debt to GDP was about 110 %. Today its about 130 % and 230 %, respectively.

    And today’s 26 trillion of GDP is based on a disproportionally susceptible consumer and service-based economy. With the recent consumer inflation, the Federal Reserve, still operative after over 100 years, has dialed in interest rates to about the same level as 1929 with the consideration of concurrent money supply removal.

    With the 21st century higher percentage total US debt to GDP ratio and its super-bubble asset valuations, expect greater asset valuation nonlinearity in 2021-23 than in 1929..

  15. It’s easy to tell the future when one plants the c4 three months before pushing the button:

    ALL of this is PLANNED. It’s a movie. The CIA calls them Color Revolutions. You’re in the middle of one now to take over your country.


    https://www.conservativedailynews.com/2020/09/what-is-a-color-revolution/ (For some odd reason they put their outline toward the beginning of the article so feel free to skip over any areas in red ink to get to the actual info unless you enjoy reading outlines.)

  16. Lithium batteries. Lithium-Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) is very safe and I cannot recall fires from batteries of this chemistry. Most household battery storage has moved to this type. Many offer built in “warmers” to use during low temperatures and certainly have controllers that disable functionality at temperatures that might damage the batteries. Take a look at Will Prowse youtube pages for some options. He likes this setup – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzZR6SWonrY Though I don’t know if that model include battery warmers

  17. How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

    The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now. Last June, U.S. Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.


    The substack is longish, and names names, dates, places, etc. — Tip o’ the hat to Tucker Carlson for this one…

    • Still unknown: Was the intention to just destroy three of the four pipelines, or was it to destroy all of them and one charge failed? The Swedes investigated, so perhaps they know the answer.

      Obviously, this is a provocation/incentive for Russia(and/or others) to initiate a World War. I’m sure that someone thinks there’s a benefit, but I see little benefit for anyone. Those who keep provoking won’t stop, and there’s plenty of evidence for low level conflict already, including sabotage at many varied locations in our own country. If/when we become a smoking ruin, who benefits?

      • I’m guessing the intent was to destroy all four, and one demo pack didn’t, which is how the Swedes identified it so quickly as a caused, intentional act.

      • Nuland (and Hillary) have been trying to start a war with Russia, ever since W became President. I don’t know why, but if I had to speculate, I’d guess it is because the Soviet Socialist Republics threw off the mantle of communism and split up, as HilVichy and others of their political persuasion were planting the seeds of communism, here.

  18. “The astrology-based alignments don’t, in my opinion, do well to predict actual 3D future events. Instead, it’s a map of the energies that can very accurately be predicted.

    From that energy and influence predicted, you would then have to predict peoples’ reactions and free will behaviors in order to predict actual events purely from an astrology chart.”

    Something I noticed many years ago, when my mother introduced me to the “Daily Horoscope” column in the newspaper:

    If I were to read my horrorscope, it would be about as inaccurate as it could possibly be.

    If I were NOT to read it until after the day had passed, it tended to be startlingly correct and accurate.

  19. No Woo-Woo but still weird. I wonder if this is a new hint at the characteristics of anti-gravity?

    From this morning’s Spaceweather.com. Pictures and a short video representation at the website.

    STRANGE TIDES IN THE PLASMASPHERE: Tides are one of the oldest phenomena known to physics. Ocean waters rise and fall like clockwork in response to the gravitational pull of the sun and Moon. There’s nothing surprising about tides.

    Yet, researchers studying tides have just found a big surprise. There are tides in Earth’s plasmasphere, and they are very strange. The discovery was published in the Jan 26th edition of Nature Physics.

    The plasmasphere is a lopsided donut of cold plasma inside Earth’s magnetic field. It is created by leakage from the top of Earth’s atmosphere (the ionosphere). The outer surface of the plasmasphere is called “the plasmapause”–and that is where the tides have been found.

    “We can think of the plasmapause as the surface of a ‘plasma ocean’ surrounding Earth,” says one of the lead authors Quanqi Shi of Shandong University. “Using a 40-year database of satellite observations, we report the first identification of lunar tides on the surface of this plasma ocean.”

    It is not surprising that Moon’s gravity would stretch and modulate the shape of the plasmasphere. After all, the plasmasphere is made of matter, and matter responds to gravity. But the response is not what the researchers expected.

    Shi explains: “Interestingly, the lunar plasmaspheric tide forms a few percent bulge that is offset 90 degrees ahead of the Earth-Moon axis, which is significantly different from the high tide in Earth’s liquid oceans.” This inexplicable offset was verified by nearly 36,000 plasmapause crossings by various spacecraft over almost four solar cycles from 1977 to 2015.

    What’s going on? The researchers aren’t certain, but they believe gravity and electromagnetism may have joined forces to produce a new kind of tidal effect.

    Space physicists have long known that the Moon’s gravity affects winds in Earth’s ionized upper atmosphere. This means the Moon can actually modify electrical currents in the ionosphere, altering electromagnetic fields. The research team looked at data from NASA’s Van Allen Probes and found that, indeed, electric fields reaching up into the plasmasphere appear to be modulated by lunar tides. Computer models suggest that these fields can shift the bulge to a 90 degree offset position and explain its daily and monthly variations.

    “Our discovery of this plasma tidal effect may indicate a fundamental interaction mechanism in the Earth-Moon system that has not been previously considered,” says Shi. “Understanding this phenomenon could lead to better forecasts of space weather and improved safety for spacecraft and satellites.”

    For more information about these strange tides, please read the team’s original research.

  20. Some of of us have come to the same conclusions LOOB and thank you to you, WD, James and RGEa for sharing your thoughts here.

    If our brief 70 or 80 years on this planet is all there is, what a sad and useless trip it will have been. I also knew a man who ran a business and treated his employees with disdain and subservience. He was in the clothing business and wore the finest suits, ties and shoes. He cheated on his wife and stole from his business partners. I had the misfortune to do some business with him. When he died, they planned a big funeral and banquet and no one came.

    There is a golden rule and some think it is “them that has the gold, make the rules.” The elite of this world live their life by this rule. We see it in full play today. There are many of us that try to live our life by the other definition and live out a life of purpose in helping others. LOOB is one of the best examples I have found and I am privileged to have met him through George.

    Is there a soul? Yes, I believe there is. Does it survive after death even with instant evaporation of the body? Yes, I believe it does. Otherwise, there is no purpose in life.

    Please excuse me for my sermon this morning. I just gone through 2 weeks of COVID hell. After a 5 day dose of Paxlovid and apparent recovery, I was one of the unlucky ones that got a rebound back to a sickness much worse than round one. My doctor got me on a a short treatment with Prednisone and I am back in the land of the living and watching “Biden, Bobbles and Balloons.”

    During my sessions with COVID, I had many vivid dreams including one where I met my closest friend who died 2 years ago. He was an AI and robotics expert who helped me build my business asking nothing in return. He told me before he died “one day soon the world will be run by AI.” In my dream, he was just standing there for a split second with his unmistakable smile.

    If the world is going to be run by AI, I am glad I am near the end. AI may be created by humans and thousands of times smarter than humans but it will not have the soul given to us by our creator. I would rather spend my final days hanging out with people like LOOB that have a soul.

  21. Dr. Pierre Kory


    Dr. Kory goes over many things but he did express his suspicion that the reason there are some that have negative experiences with The Jab and others don’t is there seems to be a wide variation in batch concentrations of “active ingredients”. Some get what amounts to placebos while others get more concentrated doses. He also goes on to describe his therapeutic treatments for those having ongoing negative experiences with the “vaccines” that help them live with the symptoms and the fact there are no clinics out there that are going to help those injured by The Jab. All they do is give you a run-around and deplete your bank account.

  22. the tropical desert wine is bubbling away.. smells good.. the boss came over and she asked.. what kind.. I said apricot peach.. she said.. YUCK… guess her dad made some once and it sucked and no one would touch it…. Now for me to show her how this old mans taste buds were with the thimble full that I was given to taste test before buying at the wine cellar.. and see if I am a fair Vintner.. or just a mediocre home wine butcher.. My grand daughter will be my guinea pig. she has good taste buds…

    • I would like to think that I am getting fairly good at it.. the rhubarb sucked.. and I threw it out.. I wouldn’t give it to anyone.. a waste of good water and rhubarb..

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