Rafah and Ready – Future Sniping

With a lack of positive news – the apparent breakdown of Gaza peace talks and all (Israel Shutters Al Jazeera Bureau,  while the Israeli military tells 100,000 people to leave eastern Rafah) – we are braced for a world where news events will drive the markets.

As we go over the “planned and scheduled) for this week, we see little more than a couple of minor Treasury auction and some regional Fed Chief jaw-flapping today, while tomorrow looms as not much more exciting.  Well, except for the Fed’s Consumer Credit (which to normal/non-banksters is Consumer Debt) gets reported.  We label this the “deck slope of Titanic America report.  Because half the country is up to its armpits in debt.

The REAL action – financially – seems likely Wednesday.  Because it’s the “other” of the two Bank Reserve Settlement days.  If you imagine two times a month the cheap-money-artists having to be held to account, it’s one reason why we sometimes see market “variability” increase around these times.

Rafah and Ready?

It’s not that hard to see the future.  We figure Israel-Hamas war: Israel telling civilians in Rafah to evacuate is ‘likely to create a storm of protest internationally’that will lead to another fitful round of misbehaved children and paid agitators rocking campuses.  Already in play as Police clear pro-Palestinian encampment at University of Southern California. Kids will be kids and Soros money is right in there stoking the fire.

So, what else is new?

You need to have read G.A. Stewart’s (brilliant) piece this weekend to understand all of what’s on the Threat Board for the week. In his update “Nostradamus and His Dates

In addition to the events that might swing Egypt into active involvement (during or post-Rafah), he also explains about possible future events like a possible mega-quake out west, The Pacific Ring of Fire has become a little more active lately, and overnight there was another 5.6 in Taiwan. So, pay attention to Stu’s discussion of Quatrain IX-83.

The WW1 Replay Awaits

Setting aside the long-running Nostradamus pointers, though, Long Wave Economics offers us a kind of “turd in a sack” as well.  You will remember that it was April 6, 1917, that we (USA) formally entered World War 1.  The Spanish Flu followed the war.

In the modern rerun of this segment of history, a Disease X might logically have followed the Middle East/Ukraine/Taiwan dustup, which is still in the opening/organizing phases. But the odds are high that the (*Fauci) flu was a bioweapon release; something the gods of search engines noted and have continued to punch down our data-based views. Yet over time, our irreverence for public relations swill has turned out to be a reasonable call.  All other rights are reserved to the People.  Which the fearmongers white-washed while dissing ivermectin and other alternative and complimentary approaches.

That’s not the point today, however.  It’s that a Kondratieff (Kondratiev) long wave cycle runs from 48 to 56 years.  This gives us – tops – 2029 to be engaged in a massive war basis 1917.  Using the 54-year (popular) cycle length, 2025 will be “it.”

If we “work the math backwards” we find (using a 52.5 year K-wave, that the kickoff the WW3 – using the Russian response to the NATO-US backed coup in 2014 by the West, came in right on schedule. The cycle relationship here can be argued several ways.  Based on the NATO-US bought Ukraione “revolution” [overthrow-coup] 2014 makes for a 50-year cycle,

If you use the Nordstream II attack (which is widely credited to the West), this 2022 event then pencils to a cycle length of 52.5 years, which is just a year off my consigliere’s idealized 51-years and change.

What’s missing? Hand me the Wiki-clicky:

“The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand[a] was one of the key events that led to World War I. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were assassinated on 28 June 1914 by Bosnian Serb student Gavrilo Princip. They were shot at close range while being driven through Sarajevo, the provincial capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, formally annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1908.”

Straight Up – Here’s a Key Event This Week

Think Archduke – then think about tomorrow.  May 7 Putin’s inauguration: bne IntelliNews – Russia’s government to change following Putin inauguration.

We think if anything goes sour, such as an Archduke moment, or even an attempt by long-range Ukrainian operations, that the hardliners likely to follow Putin would immediately “go nuclear” and then we get into that July King of Terror zone in Stu’s work.

Also, because of the government-linked (controlled) media in America, we are already being limited to “stories after tomorrow” about Putin.  Like his travel plans to China later this week: from April Putin announces plans to visit China in May – Bloomberg

Are we going just a little paranoid about the risks this week?  With stories like Czechia and Estonia will not attend Putin’s so-called inauguration, we wonder if these might be early “signs and portents.”  We keep seeing people announce no-show plans:  Latvian officials will not attend ‘inauguration’ of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. then see how Pashinyan will not attend Putin’s inauguration, Armenia parliament speaker says.

Definitely a reason to leap out of bed tomorrow and check the wires. Moscow is 8-hours ahead of U.S. Central time.

The “best case” is that the short-term trading peak at the Friday session, will continue heading upward and news events won’t intrude into this financial trajectory.  But we have a >$10,000 bet on that by Thursday the world will be changed. By something.

Like, oh, um… Putin orders military to practice tactical NUKE strike as Kremlin slams Macron’s ‘unprecedented’ refusal to rule out sending troops to Ukraine.

Nukes at the ready and talks on the rocks (Hamas says Rafah evacuations ‘dangerous escalation,’ may scuttle talks) if you want to be a Bull in this wall of worry, have fun.  We’ll watch from the short side.

Creepy Crawlers

Best Government money can buy?  US lawmaker hit with bribery charges tied to Azerbaijan, Mexican bank. Yes, a democrat. Yes a Texas fellow (not our district, we’re in Jake’s), but still another indicator of how crooked the District of Corruption has become. Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it? House Republicans Eye George Santos Payback.  Sadly, we still can’t answer “Who is the most corrupt on the Hill?”  Turnover has made this too complex a question to answer.

You got a problem with misleading a court, or sumthin? Trump Says Jack Smith Should Be ‘Arrested’ After Documents Revelation.  No worries for Smith, the fix & war party holds power.

OMG! Someone must have read the Constitution! MIT Bans Use Of DEI In Faculty Hiring, Promotions – CDM – Human Reporters • Not Machines. Now, if we could just get a few signers on our petition to TAX A.I. for Human Equivalent Work…  Make those processors pay someone besides the miners, right?

BTC Up:  $64,246 when we looked. Side of hype with that? Bitcoin Enters Key Buying Zone, BTC Price Rally To $70K? (coingape.com)

Around the Ranch: Writing Weekend

Finishing touches on Wednesday’s Peoplenomics report.  Which will address many of the questions raised by reader Robert, who was wondering when and how to broach the “get home now” question with grown children. When the world’s about the light up.

Report after that one? A week from Wednesday (assuming no nukes) will be a “Tour of the Afterlife.” Seems most people will have one, but the key thing is the relationship between how you live (present day, waking) life and what you pack in your “Suitcase between the ears.”  And your workplans to improve your Afterlife…  (Pretty interesting to write and keeping it all non-denominational and suitable for people of all Faiths.

Might turn into a book…which we’ve done two of on the PN site and haven’t taken the time to bump over to Kindle, yet.  Those are “The 100-Year Toaster” – which is a treatment of how planned obsolescence is wrecking the world.  The other is “Making Your Own Ark” which we started work on in 2003 by deliberately moving as far as we could from nuclear and CivWar2 zones… Both in the Peoplenomics Master Index.

Repetitive Injury Time.

Oh, yeah.  Lemme see: March 21 ripped tendon in right forearm while single-handing a full-sized sheet of plywood in the wind.

About mid April: Reinjured while Elaine and I moved the 50″ TV on top of the armoire in the bedroom.

Then I got serious about doing a ton of LLLT (which we’ve been working on since the Light Crown Project back in 2016, also in the Peoplenomics article index).  If you don’t recognize LLLT as low-level laser light therapy, you have missed out on a whole bunch of science.  Get thee to PubMed and start reading here.  The stuff works.

Until this weekend, that is.  There I was, at the Hobby Shop workstation and changing out the (too large for accurate work) headpiece on the 1 HP flex shaft grinder.  Had to pull like hell to get the old Big One off and put the new thinner profile headpiece on.  In the process, pulling out the old one, it let loose and before I could “de-power” my (old man strength) arm, it “snapped to a stop” accompanied by searing pain from the voice yelling “Come on stupid, not again?”  Yep.

More light, more mindfulness is in order, I ‘spose.

Inner- Outer Work Balance: One of the reasons I keep active, though, is that I believe people age (and die) in part because they “sneak off planet” too much – and get used to it. It is therefore not surprising to us that vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s are on the increase.  Because having lived with it a while, “progression of the disease” seems to be associated with people spending “more and more time in their head” and less time “out here in nominal world.” Work may literally keep us sane!

So, I’m going with the crackpot theory that one might be able to postpone (or even moderate would be fine) the onset of APOE4 allele disease by mentally drawing a hard mental boundary between “On There” (headspace, daydream, actual night and vivid dreams) on the one hand and “Out Here” (doing physically and mentally demanding activities and doing hard, attention-needed work).

That’s not wholly crackpot.  A lot of processes in Nature are “bi-directional” in that sense.  Like electricity can go into a battery, or some out of a battery.  And so, seemed a logical extensibility to link Outer Work to Inner Work ratios as a possible Alzheimer’s and dementia paradigm.

This is not to say correction nutrition isn’t critical – it is, for sure.  And exercise is meaningful, too.  But now we’re back to my nutjob ALZ inner-outer activity (or work) risk ratio.  I may have mentioned for a very long time, I have worked on “quiet mind” self-training.  This is one of those “good ideas” that jumped out of the mental silence that is my most productive state.

Think back to all the people you have met in life who just couldn’t shut up, or turn down their output of trivial conversation.  I’d bet the smartest had the lowest “inner noise” levels. And as a result, may have experienced the most productive “outer lives” too…  Wisdom from silence.  Kinda like, oh, prayer…but without all the ritual and branding wars.

So much for extensible generalization of Life 101, huh?

Write when you get rich,


56 thoughts on “Rafah and Ready – Future Sniping”

    • You may be correct – physically.., but mentally, I’d be a complete wreck !
      – Playing poker.., without my bourbon !!? I think that’s illegal….,

  1. I understand your desire to Tax AI, but it is a step we really never took before as the economies improve productivity. Tractors, Steam engines, hydraulics, weaving machines. All these displaced human workers. Sounds like you are for a universal basic income, that people deserve funding from other productive citizens because they happen to exist in our country. I don’t believe anyone should get any funding taken from one citizen by force and given to another. If the state should have an expectation of some offset, that if you want government funding you should provide back a government service. Scrubbing graffiti, planting flowers, picking up garbage etc. We have private charity where people may get assistance in whatever criteria they require, maybe sitting through a prayer. Just being born should not qualify one to feed off the productive citizens.

    • if you lose a tax payer who will not be replaced they should have started with robotics – now with illegal aliens they will drop minimum wage after they figure out it will bancrupt a ton of business’s and it will take 5 of them to replace a single taxapayer ………. thye’ve scewed the pooch ……

      • they won’t pay illegals minimum…. they are illegal aliens.. and by law can’t be hired without having credentials.. they pay them below the table.. no taxes collected at all.. and if they are paid taxes.. they get both sides.. when Reagan first realized he screwed up with the trickle down he came up with the EIC tax credits.. to keep the economy going.. anyway I had to work six jobs to make a living.. you couldn’t get a full time job anywhere.. and cheese and peanut butter isn’t going to keep you going.. well one job working at a factory we if lucky got ten hours a week.. but refugee’s were guaranteed forty.. I worked with a little vietnamese.. nice guy.. had a wife and two kids.. free college for him free college for her free medical and dental for the whole family.. they bought him a conversion van.. ( the hot thing at the time) they got him a house paid his utilities and bought him food and paid his daycare..
        well they still sent checks.. he was a legal refugee.. and they deducted taxes.. at the end of the year.. he got back a check from the IRS for what he paid what the company paid and an eic tax credit.. he got back more than I grossed working six jobs.. it is still like that.. legal refugees don’t have to pay in.. and the companies that do pay in for them they get it all back.. I just was visiting with one guy works at the store I frequent.. he still has a couple of years his son and daughter inlaw don’t have to pay a dime either.. got a beautiful new home to.. so has it changed.. no.. everyone keeps saying oh yea they pay in taxes yet I have known and know many that even now still aren’t required to pay.. an old nurse I worked with lives with an illegal refugee.. they can’t hire him legally so he doesn’t pay but they pay him cash under the table..to taxes collected..

  2. Homey G,

    Guess what ? “Asstroman” returns !

    Thats right home gamers – buckle Ure asses up, for the month of MAY is going to be a doozy.

    Party time begins MAY 7th when Jupiter enters Cancer..BCN’s sign..wootwoot!

    Taurus 18 degrees, New Moon, Sun, Venus, Uranus and Jupiter – Sun and Jupiter get together once a year- the luckiest day of the year – MAY 18th is that day, Emerald Day is the start of my Emerald Year.

    May23rd – full moon in Sagittarius – See Pluto’s influence as it is a Financial powerhouse.

    ‘Advisor” suggests – valuable meditating on What I’d like to achieve Prior to my Emerald Year.

    ..same thing as forever – it is My Greatest Wish and what I always meditate on when I do : )

    ? Why is Cathari Cross symbol stamped on bottom of all NATO Ammunition ?
    Cathari Cross – The horizontal bar represents Matter/Matterium, the parallel bar represents Spirit (goes Up&Down). The four quadrants within Cross represent 4 elements Soul; Body/Spirit/Heart/Mind – Bounded by an endless/eternal Circle..wonderz why it is stamped on bottom of ammo????????????? WTF, over ?

    * PS – BCN shares Birthday Month/ Zodiac sign with USA – she/WE was born in July..the 4th to be exact. Jupiter the Giver of Gifts is coming to a chart near you!

    – Forizzle my Nizzle Pizzles.

    • funny you should mention that. im processing all this stuff while im sleeping.

      last night i dreamed, i sat down and drew an entire map in blue and white ink.

      i stood back looked at it.

      im not sure where i was. i was some ancient place, a city of some sorts. i was inside a white tent. like an army tent but white.

      i took the map, followed its instructions and walked through this door and into this place. it was totally different world. looked like that world in the movie pandora. but instead of blue kitties. there all these little green children there. their skin relfected like emeralds. sparkled.

      one of them ran up and gave me a hug and said in another language that i understood, i hadnt ever spoke it, but it all came back to me that i knew the language, i just wasnt aware of it until it was spoken to me. the little green child like person gave me a hug and said you are back. you came back!

      i turned around and there was a bunch childeren behind me. earth kids. from ages 5 to 12. thousands of them and few really old people. only 6 people my age. most were children and a couple dozen senior citizens.

      i looked at the sky and there was 2 suns. one bright green and one violet colored. like a pink sun. both in differnt spots in the sky.

      and there was 3 moons. one had a ring around it.

      the entire sky was purple and green. much like the sunsets in palm desert california. the clouds were orange, purlple and pink ish.

      everyone. was standing around looking at me. and i spoke this language to the little kid looking emerald skin looking person. i had no idea how i even knew how to speak it. there was a chick with me and she grabbed my hand and said to me in enlgish, you did it. you actually did it. i didnt believe you. i thought you were chasing a dream. she said i love you so much.

      the little green dudes had an entire city built out of trees. these wierd trees. and the fruit on them was umbelivably good.

      i had the thought that we had not only moved to a new world. we were in an entirely different galaxy. not the milkey way.

      there is more to it than all that. for one there was not a singlr famouse person there with us. not a single one.

      i dont know who the senior people were. and i dont know who the people who were my age were. i didnt even know who the chick was that told me she loved me was. she had bright green eyes tho.

      i woke up and im like processesing this stuff in my dreams. pretty wild. could just be my imagination getting the best of me. except,

      i drove down today and am at the place to do my tests. i get my badge on friday. and come monday, im taking the night stick to the bums on capitol hill and booting them off the gravy train.

      fun fun fun.

      when i got down here to the place to get my badge. the new cathereral church down the road. is exactly the same cathederal church i drew in a picture on saturday. the same exact church i drew. pretty trippy.

      i drew the image of the same exact church. a cathederal. same exact building. the building i saw is under construction tho. there is scafolding up at the top of highest tower, with the the dome on it.

      art is fun. i didnt even know i could draw stuff then have it manifest.

      maybe my dream wasnt really a dream at all. maybe it is a memory forming before it happens. idk.

      okay i have to focus.

      emerald skinned people. who looked like little children. 2 suns and 3 moons in a world that looked like avatar, where the skies looked like the sunrise and sunset in palm desert except instead of blue skys they were purple and green.

      pretty wild stuff.

      good luck to you too.

      • Are you sure you haven’t read that book I pointed you toward? The stuff you’ve written the past few days is straight from “9 Princes…”

        • I haven’t had a chance to read that book yet.. is it any good.. I got it from the reading lounge..
          an online readers group.. they have one of my favorite books the count of monte christo to.. love that book.. when I was a kid and read all the fantasy books.. that one was one to catch a childs mind like treasure island and robinson Caruso

    • learn something new every day.. I not once even questioned what the cathari cross was about.. thank you for sharing that information

    • I also can tell you I didn’t know it was at the bottom of bullets LOL I don’t know anything about guns..

  3. “Soros money”

    That guy is super rich and has tentacles all over the world. An unstoppable mad genius.

    Speaking of the tit for tat.

    From last week –

    “KYIV — Ukraine has the “right” to use British-supplied weapons to strike Russia inside its own territory, U.K. Foreign Secretary David Cameron said on a trip to Kyiv.”

    Does Russia have the ‘right’ to donate weapons?

    An interesting response from Russia would be donating a nuclear sub to the Houthi rebels. Secretly enroll the Houthi rebels into sub simulator training then turn ’em loose.

    • those fine folks just declared Mediterranean Shipping fair game..its all RED now. dundundun

    • I hear ya on that.. but it really has me puzzled.. he plays one country against the other.. always having a hand in everything or so they think.. but seriously how does one leader know that they are the ones he isn’t attempting to overthrow or have removed.. and why would they swear allegience to someone that they figure are going to kill them..

  4. Evacuations have started in Rafah., explosions could be heard in the distance.
    Might want to keep an eye on the news., regarding Egypt., and Houhtis Terrorists.

    • Nostradamus Quatrain VIII-96
      The Synagogue [Jerusalem] sterile, bearing no fruit,
      Will be received the infidels entering,
      Of Babylon the daughter of pursuit,
      Miserable and sad her wings severed.

      Nostradamus Quatrain III-97
      New law to occupy the new land,
      Around Syria, Judea, and Palestine:
      The great Barbarian Empire will decay,
      Before the Moon’s [Islam’s] cycle is determined.

      Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 34:5
      Its greatest cities will be depopulated and those who enter within will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.

      TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 34:5
      Israel’s greatest cities will be made uninhabitable by nuclear radiation. Those who enter will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.

      Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:3
      Oh what a calamitous affliction will befall pregnant women.

      TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 35:3
      Pregnant women will be greatly affected by the radioactive fallout.

      Matthew 24:16
      Then let them which be in Judea flee to the mountains;

      Matthew 24:17
      Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house:

      Matthew 24:18
      Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

      Matthew 24:19
      And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!


  5. (“who was wondering when and how to broach the “get home now” question with grown children. When the world’s about the light up.”)

    We have an action plan..just like if there is a fire.. where do you go how do you get there..
    What we see is a slow topple of the towers…
    Like a tree being cut down.. it happens.. but happens in slow motion..
    You know.. that everyone in govt.. that is going to the bunkers.. has to know at least three days in advance.. if they don’t then they won’t make it to them.. people so set up a plan for action if this happens then this is what you do.. everyone missing from congress wouldn’t be a big thing.. they aren’t there but just a few days a year anyway.. they make you believe that they are busy and there.. but in reality they put on the show .. a skeleton crew stays behind to give you the image.. watch key people.. you don’t think that the ex presidents building bunkers is a big thing.. but the exit strategy or war game..The public would be assured that this is a temporary measure or a war game scenario to explain that in the event of a real emergency they would be taken solely to safeguard political leaders. Reassurance would be given that they will return once the war gamse or emergency subsides. because of mass panic they wouldn’t ever say it was a real emergency.. seen any riots that didn’t have some joker smashing windows of a store and carrying out the tv lawlessness would be horrible….where the US fell short is they only prepared for the chosen ones.. none of the rest of us was taken into consideration..
    In the event of a war attack on the country, having a well-prepared family emergency plan is crucial. Here’s why:
    Safety and Survival: An emergency plan ensures that your family knows what to do to stay safe during a war attack. It outlines evacuation routes, shelter locations, and communication methods. Having a plan in place can save lives.
    Communication: War attacks can disrupt communication networks. A family emergency plan includes details on how to contact each other, where to meet, and alternative communication methods. This helps reunite family members if separated.
    Unique Family Needs: Families have diverse needs, such as caring for infants, elderly members, or pets. A plan considers these factors and ensures everyone’s safety. For example, it addresses medical needs, medications, and mobility challenges. Evacuation Routes: Knowing primary and secondary evacuation routes is essential. During war, roads may be blocked, and having alternative routes can make a difference. Families should discuss where to go and how to get there. Shelter Plans: Families need to decide whether to shelter in place or evacuate. Having a designated safe location (shelter) and understanding when to use it is critical. Shelter plans account for different scenarios, including chemical, biological, or nuclear threats. Emergency Supplies: Families should assemble emergency kits with essential supplies like food, water, first aid items, flashlights, and important documents. These kits sustain you during disruptions and help maintain resilience. Psychological Preparedness: Having a plan reduces anxiety and fear during emergencies. When everyone knows their role and the steps to take, it fosters a sense of control and confidence.
    Remember, preparedness is a shared responsibility. Families play a vital role in national security by being informed, resilient, and ready to act during war or any crisis. So, take the time to create your family emergency plan today!

    I cannot even begin to tell you how many people that have told me.. if the SHTF.. we are coming to your place.. LOL…family knows that everone is within a few hours drive home.. backroad routes are mapped out.. my friend that lives next to a DUMB .. well he is set up.. he just has to figure out how to get in the dam thing.. it was decomishioned when 5g came out.. and they sold it fully stocked and ready to go.. for a million dollars big enough to care for a small city.. and it had everything in it..

    • “I cannot even begin to tell you how many people that have told me.. if the SHTF.. we are coming to your place”

      And therein lies a major problem LOOB. The unprepared will be coming to the homes of the prepared. I remember watching the 3 little pigs cartoon years ago. Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Tra-la-la-la la.

      Lotta piggies, not just family, coming to the brick house when SHTF.

      • The Shelter (The Twilight Zone)

        It is a typical evening in a typical suburban community outside of New York City. At the residence of physician Bill Stockton, he enjoys a birthday party being thrown for him by his wife Grace and their son Paul. Also at the party are Jerry Harlowe, Bill’s brother-in-law; Frank Henderson and Marty Weiss, Bill and Jerry’s former college roommates; and the wives and children of Jerry, Frank, and Marty. Bill is well known and liked by this gathering. Moreover, Bill has repeatedly administered to the health and well-being of each one of the guests. Everyone is friendly and jovial, even when mention is made of Bill’s late-night work on a fallout shelter which he has built in his basement. Suddenly, a Civil Defense announcement overheard by young Paul is made that unidentified objects have been detected heading for the United States. In these times, everyone knows what this means: nuclear attack.

        As panic ensues, Stockton locks himself and his family into his shelter. His friends become hysterical and now want to occupy the shelter. Stockton offers his basement to the guests, but the shelter itself has sufficient air, provisions, and space for a total of three people. The once-friendly neighbors do not accept this. All of the previous cordiality is now replaced with soaring desperation: pent-up hostility, nativism, and other suppressed emotions boil to the surface. They break down the shelter door with an improvised battering ram. Just then, a final Civil Defense broadcast announces that the objects have been identified as harmless satellites and that no danger is present. His neighbors apologize to each other, and to the doctor, for their behavior; yet Stockton wonders aloud if they were all destroyed without a bomb dropping.


      • I know.. that is a scary part.. my hope is when I helped write up the FEMA emergency plan for our community.. I told the mayor at that time that you cannot prepare for shtf by yourself it has to be community involvement.. it has to be a community.. a village to support a village the stone soup story..
        A Native american tribal leader called me the other day.. invited me to a pow wow and to come visit the res.. I think I will go that would be a lot of fun.. Indian history and stories legends and beliefs should be taught at every school to every child…. everyone has value.. everyone has a talent.. each person is a genius in his own right.. some hunt some fish some farm some knit and some sew.. some garden.. each has their own genius.. so when it was written up.. all the towns residents and their careers and talents came to the table.. and put in designated areas.. teach the others what you know.. depend on each other..


        • There’s a lot of angles to survival.

          I mentioned my area flooded last August. Luck of the draw made my house on a high point so minimal problems. Other folks had water pouring in through basement windows.

          If DC gets vaporized by a Tsunami Bomb – the U.S. .gov falls or become very impaired – who’s to say Mexico won’t give the Southwest one week to evac before they start shelling with a warning, Chinese troops are on the way.

          That’s just to say how could the people in the Ukraine or Gaza have prepared? Especially Gazans stuck between a bad .gov and advancing foreign troops with starvation in the mix.

          A lot of heavy decisions could be coming down the pike.

        • (“That’s just to say how could the people in the Ukraine or Gaza have prepared? “)

          The majority of the citizens asked Putin to intervene on their behalf.. the country was known for child trafficking, illegal bio warfare labs, money laundering, illegal organ harvesting, and the trafficking of young women, and many many more.. it wasn’t a secret.. everyone knew and talked about it for years.. euthanization of the elderly and poor..
          at the beginning you seen miles and miles of cars driving to Russia Poland etc.. When have you ever seen the USA do that to a country.. Give the citizens an avenue of escape..

        • (“There’s a lot of angles to survival.”)

          what do you prep for? you cannot prep for everything.. prep for a nuclear world..
          I prep for the short term get by storm.. for a cataclysmic event is almost impossible to prepare for.. bio warfare.. radioactive fallout.. the unseen horrors.. they never even called an alarm in Washington state.. when I scooped hot wet dirt from a radioactive water spill at a power plant.. they didn’t inform any of us scooping.. not until it was over and I asked did they mention what it was about.. while we were in the mud shoveling the govt employees were three hundred feet or further away directing us.. even the guy in the loader we scooped into had the suits and protective gear on.. we ate our bologna sandwhiches drank our coffee in the muck of it all.. how do you know how much your body took in.. I have the reading strips now.. but not then..instead in washington state they have a cancer study going on to see how many get cancers .. the US govt doesn’t give two cents about the people.. it is how it is.. take my wifes ex employer.. bought medical facilities all across the USA.. didn’t pay any of the bills.. what did they do.. gave him a few million for covid.. he hit the news again last night.. see the pro’s and cons of private healthcare.. my wifes current job.. the owner just sold it.. federal price freeze and being able to pay the bills.. he finally realized he wasn’t making a dime and sold the facility.. where govt. ran health centers.. the costs are distributed between seven hundred million people.. it comes out pennies.. then a freeze on incomes.. ok.. but then the doctor doesn’t have to pay rent or materials or other workers wages and benefits.. it evens out..
          instead we have a situation like what is in the news now.. and what is surprising is banks are loaning this joker money..

      • speaking about stone soup.. I want to make some chicha corn beer.. it is on the planner..

        5 cups of malted corn
        3cups of Pilsner malt
        1Cup unmalted wheat
        3–4 oz. (85–113 g) Horchata lojana herbal tea blend


        LalBrew Belle Saison, Wyeast 3711 (French Saison), or Yeast Bay Wallonian Farmhouse yeast
        You can use just about any yeast.. I have a brewers yeast that I love keep it in the freezer and some frigerated.. ..

        2 g Lallemand WildBrew Sour Pitch or other Lactobacillus of choice


        Brettanomyces Bruxellensis of choice, such as Yeast Bay Beersel Brett Blend


        ¾ cup corn sugar
        7 gallons of filtered water..

  6. Hamas says it has accepted a ceasefire deal proposed by Egypt and Qatar which seeks to halt the seven-month war with Israel in Gaza.
    In a statement Monday, Hamas said the head of its political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, told the Qatari prime minister and Egyptian intelligence minister that the militant group had accepted their proposal.
    Should be noted that Israel was not a part of this new deal.., they were not “at the table”., they have not agreed to anything and have not responded to the announcement.
    – If this new deal does not include the release of all the hostages – then I doubt Israel will accept it. [Opinion]

  7. Natasha,

    make sure we got enough Popcorn and Bison Brats from the murhicans Dakota Pure, before the daggerz are let lose on sons of darkness/British losers.
    Yanks will prolly support the “dark” royals and their miserable subjects.
    These insanely stupid wef’ers are going to get us all killed, so we therefore must KILL them 1stly..

    Natasha we must stop the evil bloody brits! Will get the Moose and Squirrel later..

    If youse really hungry, we have some left over foreign fried frenchs..they are just lying around, kinda crispy, though Dipped in nato “ranch” dressing, makes em almost palatable.

    • (“make sure we got enough Popcorn and Bison Brats”)

      time to get some KIELBASA

      4 1/2 lbs pork butt

      1 lb beef chuck
      1 lb pork belly or back fat
      3 garlic cloves large, pressed
      2 tsp dried marjoram about 1.2 g
      2 tsp ground black pepper about 4.5 g
      2 Tbsp kosher salt about 36 g; plus more to taste, if needed
      1 1/3 tsp Cure #1 about 6.5 g; see notes
      1 cup ice water about 240 g
      Grind pork make sure its really cold.., beef and pork belly/back fat on a medium size plate, 4.5mm (3/16″) – 6mm (1/4″).
      Add the ice water, all of the spices and mix well.
      Stuff into small size hog casings (28-32mm), tie into rings and hang to dry at room temperature for 2-3 hours.
      Preheat smoker to 140F, or 150F-160F max if your smoker can’t get that low.
      Hang sausages in the smoker and dry for 30-60 minutes, until the skin is dry to touch. Then apply smoke for 3-4 hours.
      Remove sausages once the internal temperature has reached 154F. If the internal temperature is not rising too well after 3-4 hours of smoking, raise the temperature to 170F-175F. You may have to go to 195F if necessary.
      Alternatively, poach the sausages in 167F water for 25 – 30 minutes or until the internal temperature is at least 154F. Poaching is a much quicker and more effective method.

      Cool the sausage down and store in a refrigerator or a freezer.

    • You can make it as hot dogs to.. grind it and blend it.. so it’s almost a paste use a half cup of powdered milk as a binder..
      then once its all cooked peel the plastic casing off and smoke.
      For the all beef hot dog recipe here it is with a video to..two guys and a cooler..
      1000 g well marbled beef chuck 80/20
      16 g salt
      2.5 g Insta Cure #1 use if you plan on smoking or to preserve the color
      2.5 g white pepper
      5.5 g turbinado sugar
      2 g garlic powder
      2 g mace
      2.75 g coriander powder
      2.75 g dried marjoram
      1 g ground celery seed
      7.5 g mustard powder
      8 g smoked paprika
      30 g potato starch or non fat dry powder milk
      .8 g sodium erythorbate this is a cure accelerator
      250 g ice water (or crushed ice)
      I personally buy the seasonings already made up..
      the sausage maker has it all..

    • “Bison Brats” sounds delicious. I am, however, reminded of a school mate who went to work for the coroner/medical examiners office. After a particularly fiery auto crash, he was tasked with removing the bodies from burned out cars. When we asked him how he coped with the gruesome task he just shrugged and said they smelled like bratwurst.

        • True story, that! Danny was a very pragmatic guy. We were all grossed out, though. I don’t think any of us ate a brat all that summer.

          Bison is delicious, though, as burgers. And for authentic German ‘Beer Brats’… boil the brats in beer. Can be refrigerated at this point until the cookout, then throw them on the grill just long enough to get the char marks. Serve on a whole wheat hot dog bun with mustard and cold saurkraut on top. I had to fly back to Minnesota last year to get my fill, by special request.

      • Bisen is to dry.. so there is very little flavor.. you need the fat in them other wise your just chewing on a tough bratt..

        fire patients.. nasty stuff.. seen a few through the years.. pain dam … make you cry watching them in misery.. for a year I couldn’t eat chicken.. a surgeon.. fairly well known in the wastelands.. went to africa and didn’t wash or change his scrubs.. came home from a heavy day of surgery to his wife.. gave her what the patient had.. nasty stuff.. a flesh eating disease.. it bothered him that he was the reason she was sick so bad.. he quit being a surgeon.. couldn’t bear to see his wife even it bothered him that much.. anyway you barely touch her anywhere.. and instantly it would rot to the bone.. tendons hanging out.. nasty stuff.. only two of us was brave enough to do her cares and one doctor from the CDC that was flown in to consult.. anyway one day the other guy said.. ( looking at her tendons hanging out..) looks like chicken.. dam him anyway.. I couldn’t eat chicken for a year.. it was pretty horrible.. had a good friend that was in a hurry did the same thing.. rushed home for a weekend off at the lake.. surgery nurse.. didn’t wash or take her scrubs off.. ( there is a reason they have showers in the locker room use them.. put your clothes in a dissolvable laundry bag and toss them in the wash.. by themselves.. told that to all the new kids following me around)


        You would be shocked at how many kids getting into the medical system don’t do that.. shoes the works.. just take them off put them in a bag then hit the showers and put fresh clothes on..

  8. https://rumble.com/v4tkfyr-bbn-may-6-2024-russias-orbital-nuke-platform-confirmed….html

    A few years ago I seen a video of a Russian nuke platform that was automatic conveyor like system with radio controlled launch similar to the club-k defense systems that there was reports on plans to construct it. If this is that one then that’s a little scary.. that happened the year Rand Paul was concerned because an older version was sold to Kim in NK.. about the time they discovered a small hidden program inside the guidance chips sent to the USA for our defense ..

  9. Earthquakes? Some link them to solar flare activity, and the sun has been very active recently. Sunday there was an X4.3 solar flare, the third most intense of this solar cycle. Radio blackout was over Asia and Europe on the sun side.

    “…accompanied by searing pain from the voice yelling “Come on stupid, not again?”
    Perhaps the only way to save you from yourself is to have the MDs encase your arm in a plaster cast so you CAN NOT and WILL NOT use it and keep it immobile. Welcome to eight more weeks of healing… but only if you behave.

  10. lol.. a facility the boss worked fir was bought by a company that bought medical facilities all across the usa. they were in the news again tonight. they got a 2 billion dollar loan to buy facilities.. didn’t pay any bills no supplies the workers were buying supplies and food .. so the US govt then gave him huge money because of covid now he’s back in the news. did some idiot banker give him more money..with the crappy history of default .. where did the money go..

  11. re: Archdukes & Sophies
    feat: Audita Tremendi & Holy Wisdom


    The Austrian Mint issued a commemorative €10 silver coin 20 years ago bearing a likeness of Artstetten Castle, resting place of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. The Mint began operations in 1194 with a stockpile of 15 tons of silver. The kings ransom had been secured from King Richard I (the Lionhart) of England who had survived the Sect of the Assassins in the Holy Land, but unwisely insulted the Holy Roman Empire during the Third Crusade. The crusade had been undertaken after the Pope issued his “Audita Tremendi” whose literal Latin title translated for the massed population reads “Terrible Hearing”.

    Yesterday msm offered word in subdued, muffled tones that the two opposing heads of state involved in the Special Military Operation had visited the environs of their capitals’ respective homages to the Church of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) of Constantinople dating to ad 360. Each leader portrayed God as being on their side. Mr. Putin was pictured lighting a candle alongside the head of the Russian Orthodox Church inside the second iteration of Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The cathedral was built to thank Divine Providence for turning back Napoleon. The site hosted the first public recital of Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture”. Do stay tuned with DJ George regarding proactive speaker integrity measures for when the Canons sound.

    Mr. Zelensky was pictured in solitude outside Kiev’s monument to Holy Wisdom, Saint Sophia Cathedral. The building has been a secular edifice for the last 30 years due to disagreement amongst the religious sects as to who should control it.

    Extraordinarily for the photo-op Mr. Zelensky had exchanged his usual military t-shirt for a finely embroidered Ukrainian vyshyvanka shirt with brown highlights.

    The ethnic shirts speaking through embroidery are named after Vasyl Vyshyvanyi aka Archduke Wilhelm Franz of Austria turned Ukrainian nationalist. Apparently he passed away in shadowy fashion in 1948 Soviet hands following purported decades-long intrigues that included Western intelligence, nazi, and Banderita groups.

    Please join DJ George on the unsmothered deck outside and take in the lyrics of tonight’s Classical Hour replay opener. Here we go with Mason Williams-
    “Classical Gas”.

  12. Folks,

    Seven years ago the songstress Mariah Carey was paid millions and flown to London to sing “We Belong Together” at a wedding. The nuptials of a grand-daughter of the Russian multi-billionaire owning Moscow’s Domodedovo airport were held at an opulent hotel formerly known as “The Kremlin” when it housed the British Railways Board offices. Apparently Grandaddy Warbucks also built the most expensive mansion in Israel at Caesarea a decade ago. However the 69,000 sq. ft. colossus modelled after the White House only has 4 bedrooms.

    While commoners awaited the other ton of bricks to drop, Ms. Carey was jetted to the French Riviera this past weekend for another billionaire wedding. The four day long nuptial celebrations in designer fashions of an Indo-Anglo multi-billionaire built a fortune selling cheap fashion to UK minions. Seer of song Andrea Bocelli serenaded the bride down the aisle with “The Prayer”. Evening A-list partygoers bopped to a Ms. Carey performance again highlighted by “We Belong Together” at the real world setting originally known as Villa Soleil appearing as Foreigners Hotel in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s fictional “Tender is the Night”.

    Time to segue with DJ George launching the studio overnight autoplay. Light a fire, sit back and relax as The Doors open
    “House of the Rising Sun”.

  13. Heavy lifting is not the domain of oldsters. The rips and tears don’t heal like they did when you were younger, so once you screw something up, it never mends fully.
    Outside, and to some extent, in the garage, the front end loader takes care of the lifting. I blew a cylinder seal on the front end loader in the garage lifting stuff too heavy for me or a tractor. What a mess.
    Inside the house, I haven’t found a good solution for lifting, but one of the hydraulic lift carts is starting to look appealing.

  14. I fell this week on the up ramp at the Post Office. It seems that the tip of my sneaker caught in one of the deep ridges on the ramp. I sprained my toe and have some impressive bruising on my knees. I also pulled a muscle that runs from my spine to my breast. I have pulled that muscle in the past. No bruising but darn is that painful. Thank goodness my new hand joints weren’t injured.

    A friend of mine told me that everyone our age falls because we don’t have the reaction time we once had. My older brother was told by his family doctor that he has had too many recent falls and the next one might kill him. Another older brother fell while going to the mailbox and hit his head. He died of a brain bleed.

    I used to fall as a kid rollerskating on the sidewalk. I never thought too much about it. Looks like I’m too old to bounce.

      • Ham radio friend is trying to persuade me to get into his Tai Chi class. The stuff is impressive for enhancing oldsters balance and mobility. BUT… getting up early twice a week to fight crowded rush hour traffic for an hour going into the city would seem to defeat the purpose.

    • Eleanor. Not sure of your age (and of course, ladies don’t tell) but balance does decrease with age. Most seniors go to emergency for falls more than any other reason. My doctor warned me about this many years ago. Seniors definitely don’t bounce like we did when we were teen agers.

      My advice. Be extremely cognizant of where your feet are going especially on stairs. Hold the handrails at all times, especially going down. Watch out for objects on floors including carpet corners, pet toys and even small pets. Take it slow getting out of bed. Relax for a minute before starting to walk.

      And above all, remember that most of our falls happen at home.

      • (“Eleanor. Not sure of your age (and of course, ladies don’t tell) “)

        My guess is 21

    • I’m glad you are OK. I score at half my age or lower on that reaction app George mentioned, and I am cycling more days than not. I still fall down hard from time to time, usually when I am distracted and multitasking. Acting my age would mitigate, I suppose.

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