Last Days of Joe. The “Pending is Ending.” Before the week’s out, maybe. Massive changes take time to happen and reactions to flow (spill).
All over the place this morning the message is clear – and simple. Everywhere from Andy’s post (look for the one keyword timeline) in our Comments section to an anonymous note from an unimpeachable source:
“Many impossible things happening. Things moving fast.
Shut up. Keep low and quiet. Anything you say tonight will seem stupid tomorrow. Just be silent and await developments.”
Our “overnight listening post” has been getting “rumbles” for almost a week. The problem is? Which development. We’re in a “small bets to cover the table” mode on this one.
Biden’s failing health is the #1 bet.
The first has to do with Joe Biden’s health. Seems to us quite possible that Biden’s admission that he wasn’t up to running for The Nomination may have started a landslide of change in the Swamp. Critters come out to feed, so to speak. People overnight (on the web) were asking odd questions. Like “Anyone seen Joe Biden?”
This would normally get “blown-off” in our early morning sitrep workup ahead of markets opening, but an email from our Century City backup consigliere sent us this:
“Okay, this is weird. It is now speculated by some of those present for the Biden call that it was either recorded or faked. Seems to me that Congress should demand that Biden allow a small bipartisan Oversight Committee delegation to meet with him face to face.
Biden’s surprise call to old campaign staff is labelled FAKE after viewers spot suspicious detail.”
Who’s Got a Secret (Service)?
Another item making the rounds is that someone in (or in the know about) the Secret Service may have a sudden attack of honesty and candor. This following the report that Secret Service director says her agency is ‘solely responsible’ for Trump rally security.
One source tells us the Service has an “attitude”:
“The local police, huh. Well, there were eight of them there. And their job was traffic control. That’s it. There was no “local police sniper.” The local police chief has come out and issued an official disclaimer that his personnel had nothing to do with site security – that was totally out of their hands. And I believe it. I’ve worked around and in the aftermath of Secret Service visits (in [redacted] and [redacted]) and they basically come in, boss everyone and anyone around, and leave a scum trail upon departure.”
Time-message magnification has continued to roll: such that even the departure of the Secret Service Director would not be sufficient now. Because if she’s out, the questions will linger “What about…” and those won’t be answered. For now, she’s still clinging to the gig: Secret Service director backtracks as feds, local law enforcement point fingers over Trump rally security.
Closer to real: Wall Street Apes on X: “American Rancher Comments On Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Testimony ? “I’ve been watching the Senate Committee hearing — I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in her and the Secret Service. — We cannot trust the FBI. We cannot trust the Secret Service. Cancer spreads, does it?
Psychic Warfare Misdirection?
Something else isn’t feeling right/honest. Now, this will sound a little woo-woo, so grab the tinfoil hat and square it away. Ready?
OK – lots of sensitive people I know – Andy, the “doc for the men who did the real staring at goats”, and some number of “well-informed sources” who are still loosely connected are reporting what sounds like a “disconnect,”
On the one hand, there’s a notion that “something has changed” recently and the path ahead will be good for another 3-5 years. And that would all be marvelous and would restore our faith in humans. But the core data flow doesn’t support “change” – especially when comes to war.
A couple of headlines to make the point. Pentagon unveils new strategy to enhance Arctic presence ( This reads as though the neocons who became Slow Joe’s neolibs who have a lock on State are still trying to get someone, anyone to use a nuke. More terror in the world means more control and that, dear reader is raw-naked Power.
Is a massive ground war still “game on” in Europe? Yes. Read UK considers the Swedish conscription system as ‘our military complex is shot’. Which follows by only two days Ukraine war: European nations turn to conscription as threat of wider war with Russia grows. If you’re thinking about all of NATO going with a draft, that’s a real possibility. NATO eyes Swedish military conscription model as face-off with Russia. Draft planned for Germany, too.
Meanwhile, we find ourselves looking at “disappeared reports on social” (like this one: Newsmax | Former Attorney General in the Obama administration Eric Holder and his law firm to reportedly conduct vetting of potential running mates… | Instagram” because our backup consigliere doesn’t hold Holder in very high regard:
“He was rewarded for his perfidy by being named as Attorney General by Obama, where he performed the function of wingman, making sure that none of the (allegedly) illegal things that the Obama administration did not become the subject of scrutiny. This is the first instance of Democratic weaponization of the Department of Justice. “
Like what? Obama open borders and immigrant recruiting and…oh, you know the list (we hope!).
But we know that weaponization is going well, er, sort of. All that remains will be the “locking up of Trump” which is also part of what’s in play.
The Hottest War Risk?
We don’t know nothing. But seems that we are awaiting a Houthi “next move” that might bring a super-sized response from Israel: Yemen’s Houthis pledge ‘huge’ response to Israel strike as Gaza violence spreads.
And let’s not forget the U.S. is deeply in this one, too: US Carrier Strike Group Fired Nearly 800 Munitions During Houthi Fight/
“…if you are looking for the likely start of WWIII, Houthis playing stupid FAFO games with Israel may just wake up (albeit briefly) to discover just what nuclear weapons can do against mud cities. Betcha after a few nukes, there won’t be any more Houthi drones striking Israel…”
And picking up the harmony: CENTCOM Commander: Current U.S. Strategy of Limited Strikes on Houthis is Failing
We can see where Israel might be “suckered” into a nuclear first use and how that would then be added into an already growing anti-Semetic meme on the web.
But like we said, we don’t know nothing. SWe, too, are in the “shut up and await developments” mode.
Financial Notes
The market had a pretty good bounce Monday. But, according to the early futures today, that may be the end of it.
Speaking of the Markets. we couldn’t help but notice that Yahoo has seemingly fallen in the typical “make work web design” pit. Redoing their page at World Stock Indexes: prices, charts, percent change, volume, and news – Yahoo Finance so it no longer fits nicely in an old-school browser. I HATE right-side content. Jeez, people, that’s for links and navigation. Who’s teaching layout these days? Ever hear about heat mapping?
This is great (full income for page designers) but honest-to-God – if you haven’t learned anything else from Microsoft’s “parade of layouts” understand that people aren’t idiots and that playing “hide the data or link” is NOT a freaking improvement. Industrial web users can’t be imitated by marketinbg-stacked focus groups. (Someone hit a hot button?)
Back to Waiting
Let’s play “wait and watch” (the idiocy) some more, shall we?
We think the State Department should extend Traveler’s Warnings to domestic U.S. States and Cities: Dearborn, Michigan Is “America’s Jihad Capital” And Has Descended Into “Civil War”, Nothing “civil” about it. Thanks, War party and unvetted immigrants.
At the Ranch: Global Cooling?
We’re not saying this is True Science (which has been missing for 40+ years ever since real data got buried). But it sure squares with what we’re observing out here in the field: More CO2 = Fewer Heat Wave Days! – Granite Grok
High today here might only make it to 77F – which is a tad cooler than normal.
The high (up the road from us in Tyler, TX last year on this date was 94.7.
Meantime, latest power bill since all my advanced work on the power system this spring. Same billing period from the power company last year was $453. This year a super-cheap $230. Percentage-wise, pretty good, but still more to go.
Write when you get rich,
“what we have here is failure to communicate,,,”
what we have here is a US Constitutional CRISIS
we have a stolen 2020 election
we have an unconstitutional anchor baby in the VP slot
we have an unseen resident
we have a Secret Service who allowed an attempt on Trump’s life
pass the popcorn, see the image and at the bottom of this Q post is,,, “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” from Sept 2018
yup I AM,,, a tard,,, ‘My oh my’ what exciting times we are viewing.
And oh ya about the Camala moving up, leaves a vacancy at the tie breaker position in the Senate,,,
So, I ask, Is there “Panic in DC” ?
Trump the troller? mis speel or auto correct? [speel was my joke]
as he spells poll as pole when referring to VP Harris’s numbers,, ya have to scroll down just a little to see, after the other past accusation or Question as stated,,,
communicate? were communications captured?
Space Force?
“Be careful of WHAT YOU WISH for.”
is in both the Q post and Trump’s post
Is the guy who owns Vanguard the same person
who wants us to eat bugs?
So he wants all of us to make $5,000 a year.
Plant a big garden. The dots all line up
Vance’s wife is Indian American and converted JD into veganism. Look to their culture –
“India. More than 300 insect species are food to tribal communities in at least ten states in India. Red ant eggs and the date palm worm are delicacies in Odisha’s Rayagada district. Naga tribes from Nagaland in northeastern India eat spiders, insects and worms, especially the woodworm and silkworm.”
mythical ownership claims – DNE .
Vanguard is owned by the Shareholders or rather the Funds Share Holders.
If you own some Shares in a Vanguard Mutual Fd, you are a owner..albeit a small one, but an Owner none the less.
This Ownership setup at Vanguard is unique in the industry..Founder Big John Bogle of UPENN/Wharton fame would have been an extremely rich fellow if had set it up like Fidelity and or T. Rowe Price..
Dam Watson, frigging game is afoot and youse be clamming up? Had not noticed Ure wearing a Bird Cage hat of late, must be wearing it in the evenings and at night?
cia/correa goup – von starmer in the know? obviously mr “bullseye” bribem was, after the miss, he dropped out..of existence .
SS dir. cheatle IS a christian in action . VA farm boys were backing bribem..until 2 days ago. same grp obviuosly implicated in shameful 2020 election fraud..never did see gina haspel again, after supposed firefight outside frankfurt airport over those “servers” on election night.
USA pop. easily gaslighted for past 60 years by fbi&cia regards lone shooter/magic bullet. Always blackmail involved – in JFK’s case, chief justice Warren’s blackmail was over his secret gay love life.
What do you think “whitehats” have been holding over tRUMPS head?
How many times did he go bankrupt from “making settlements”? Dont know, but I do know epstain was his best-est bud for years, and he picked barr to attorney general, and was mentored by the gayest attorney in all of NYC. hmmm sure smells like some Smoke.
Popcorn at the ready, awaiting the very public EXECUTIONS of William Burns, Christopher Wray and Kimmy Cheatle. If not officialdom, then by goodness the Peeps..see 2nd Amendment,please.
As 4 israhEL – If US shuts off daily ARM shipments – War will stop immediately- same wit pain in the kraine . Masonic construct been plotting & planning for what they want –
..NOTHING trumps their Oaths, nothing.
? of the Day, how big is Biggus ?
The Morning George:
To save everyone else the tribble, the FAFO acronym means: [Eff} Around Find Out
Most web design is no longer meant for your computer. It’s based on mobile device tech vs PC (&/or Mac). Add in many pages don’t display properly on the various browsers alike. We have tested, modified, reworked, a page and … our Editor simply gave up. You can’t hit all the sweet spots so hope for best possible and move on.
ATL: summer of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), aka: fish hawk (aptly named). Bald Eagle locals have seemingly given their lesser raptors free reign and now we have a mated pair of Fish Eaters. Despite my telling her to wait, Mrs. E has (3) couples coming by for dinner.
Sigh. Yes Dear.
re: “Quiet…Tuesday”
Yesterday’s official White House schedule included the 10:00 am presidential briefing at the Rehoboth Beach House. Today sees departure from the Beach House at 12:30 pm with White House arrival at 2:30. This will be followed by the presidential briefing at 3:00 pm. One looks forward to the Wednesday update.
“I’ve still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission.
And I want to help you.”
re: Salus Populi Romani
feat: Sit: “…whisper words of wisdom…”?
Thank goodness the world hasn’t fallen apart while the US administration conducts naval (sp) gazing exercises. CGTN notes that the newly signed Beijing Declaration “demonstrates China’s role as a great power and as an influential mediator for international conflicts”.
The pivoting continues as President Zelenskyy celebrates “defense independence” in his daily address along with a visit to Kyiv by the Vatican Secretary of State. Apparently a couple of days ago according to “Vatican News” the Cardinal Secretary attended the 18th century reproduction of the venerated painting Salus Populi Romani (Salvation of the Roman People) at the Marian Shrine of Berdychiv, Ukraine. The original work design said to be by the hand of the Apostle Luke guided by the Virgin Mary has hung in central Rome at the Basilica of St. Mary Major, one of the four papal basilicas, since 590 ad after arrival from Crete. The basilica was begun in 432 anno domini (anno diocletian 48) by [serbian] Emperor Constantine and is to be the future resting place of Pope Francis. Its oldest feature is a basilica column from within the Roman Forum built by [roman] Emperor Maxentius in 312 anno domini or 28 anno diocletian. Maxentius became “damnatio memoriae” (condemnation of memory) after losing the civil war between the offspring of the Four Tetrarchs who had been appointed by the successful Emperor Diocletian. The latter abdicated in 21 anno diocletian (305 anno domini) according to Wikipedia in order to tend to his vegetable gardens in modern day Croatia due to failing health. The civil war victor, Constantine the Great, famously converted to Christianity.
Before returning to Washington and visions of the 4 Horsemen, let’s tune in with DJ George broadcasting with Sun power. The Fab Four are riding again as Sir Paul plays a personalized rendition of “Let It Be” at the Kremlin to President Putin two weeks after the former’s well-received gig at the Roman Forum.
I was thinking about the Black King and the King could be Kamala.
Nostradamus was looking through 500 years of time and could not know many modern African American women shave their heads and wear Remy hair wigs. Consider Nostradamus may have seen a blurry Kam without her wig and declared her to be the Black King all the while it was queen. The King is a she, man!
Dude dude looks like a lady..
..With next pick in the fool the sheep draft, the christians in action have selected football, coach cam cameron with the 1st pick in Kam the Man look alike sweepstakes..
* barry is already a black queen . can a queen become king ? hmmmm
No, no, no. Please stop molding Nostradamus’ prophecies to the news cycle. It is the other way around. Please consider the entire Nostradamus’ picture.
Nostradamus spells out the name Obama in Quatrain VI-5.
LMAO, Kamala… She’s going too when the war starts any time now.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-5
Si grand famine par vnde pestifere,
Par pluye longue le lõg du polle arctique:
Samarobryn cent lieux de l’hemispere,
Viuront sans loy, exempt de pollitique.
Nostradamus Quatrain VI-5
So great a famine by a pestilent wave,
By rain extending the length of the Arctic Pole:
Samarobryn one hundred leagues [135 miles] from the hemisphere,
Living without law exempt from politics.
– 17th century printing convention)
I suspect the ascension of the Black King will be to the top of the steaming heap that is the United Nations, not the United States.
However, as far as any of us know, it could be to the top of the WEF, the Bilderberglars, or who knows what else. One thing about “secret organizations” is, they’re secret. WE don’t know how much power they have concentrated within…
true .. but then wouldn’t there be some sort of reference to her cackle…
I believe the Crowdstrike/Microsoft operation was an initial test. The actual will be taking down the global banking/financial sector – you will have nothing left in the system ………
buy bitcoin…oh wait..take down the banking bitcoin is gone
Biden call ” either recorded or faked”.
Be aware there is some swearing. A.I. Biden
Who Did This? This Has To Be The Clearest Anyone’s Ever Heard Of Joe Biden Speak!
Joe Biden is obviously “incapacitated”.., by his own actions and admissions. Does his recent admission and dropping out of the Presidential race give grounds for the GOP to initiate Article 25 ?
Biden has deteriorated so far that he would not survive the inquest / tests and he would be ‘retired’.
Leaving Harris as President.
Which in-turn would swing all the money and political momentum in her favor – which the Democrats desperately need right now.
So., the Democrats might just back an Article 25 move., sacrificing Biden to help ensure Harris is elected., and they stay in power.
– ahhh., the games we play.
Has the cabinet already invoked Article 25, and failed to advertise it ?
Um, no.
To “invoke” the removal clause of the 25th Amendment requires a 2/3 majority vote in both Houses of Congress, and after the vote, the President can appeal the decision, thus staying in office for many moons after the onset of such a proceeding.
I’m pretty sure we’d hear of it before it happened, and both Houses would have to have a quorum in-session, before an action could even be initiated. This ain’t Hollywood. Glenn Close and the Cabinet don’t get to do it by their ownselves…
Again, RTFM!!
“Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”
I understand that is a first step; however, the VP takes over immediately, until the Prez pushes back.
So, my question was valid, not Hollywood.
“however, the VP takes over immediately, until the Prez pushes back.”
What happens when the VP says “we’re taking over” and da Prez says “no, you’re not?”
The use of the 25th is, by definition, a “hostile takeover.” If it weren’t, it wouldn’t be necessary. So, who runs the ship while the Prez and VP duke it out?
Hint: You can’t proffer more than just your opinion, because neither you, nor I, nor any legal or constitutional scholar, actually knows.
I do concede your point, but only within my parameters. The only ways there can be a clean assumption by the VP are if the President is unable to respond, or if Congress has already voted before the President is served notice (so now we’re back to the quorum…)
Well.., she stepped down.
– Who will be the interim head of the SS now ?
G.A. STEWART: The justice system within the Federal government has shown itself to be completely corrupt. Words mean nothing now, as the world saw when the Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, refused to answer questions from a Congressional Committee.
I have always found it amazing that appointed bureaucrats have some magic power over the United States Congress and Senate, and can sit there and lie and tell them nothing. Why these people are not arrested on the spot says quite a bit about how the U.S. government is run.
Its probably due to our own congress not giving a shit over what they vote in.. they refuse to read the scrap they sure as hell didn’t write it and even now except for the skeleton congress just for appearances sake..
they need to write this real and read this crap..instead of rushing home they need to work five days a week and actually earn the money they get.. I am sure they do everything in their power to satisfy the guys giving them gifts..
“They” are always there.
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: This is what I mean: The unelected bureaucrats control the country—NOT the people, not even our politicians. This is the REAL SWAMP that is by no means the people we elect. It is far more sinister than that, and it runs much deeper – hence the Deep State. These people are always there and remain regardless of the administration.
Simple, though catastrophic, events are usually
“neat,” in that explanations are readily available, convincing, and only allow for a minimum of
interpetation or “conspiracy theories.”
Complex events are “messy,” have LOTS of contradictions and multiple explanatons, often at several levels of deepness. When one tugs at the loose ends, the entire tapestry starts to collapse in contradictions.
There is, of course, some base layer which IS the One Real Truth — but the public only rarely gets to this level,
and is often left to Alternative Truths, Conspiracy Theories, and unsatisfying stories or legends.
That is where we are now. A first-pass explanation of events has been floated and found insufficient to too many minds. Classic Cover-Your-Ass songs & stories are now being promoted and published. There may be very little to no Truth in ANY of them. Time MAY eventually reveal that Truth, but it won’t happen fast. If ever.
“It is better to keep mouth closed and be thought dumb, than to open same, and remove all doubt.:
Contrast and compare tRump wit JD – review avail clips of the two of them together.
Why do they appear to be the same Height?
tRump supposed to be like 6ft 2 or 3?
JD shorter – yet they appear to be same Height?
Is “some ting wong” ?–_8u5yPNU
wow ..if this one has any merit..then Mr. Mr. i hear no evil will have a lot of explaining to do..
why did the heritage foundation find this out and Mr. hear no evil and Mr. speak no evil don’t have a clue.. what about Mr. see no evil..
Last night, West Texas experienced a series of earthquakes near the town of Hermleigh. The strongest was a 4.9-magnitude quake at around 10:30 p.m., followed by a 4.4-magnitude and a 3.1-magnitude quake. These quakes were felt across the region, including as far north as Amarillo and as far south as Austin. There have been no reports of damage or injuries.
Fracking caused the earthquakes:
G, temps are rising when you look at average yearly temps, not extreme anomalies:'s%20temperature%20has%20risen%20by,0.20%C2%B0%20C)%20per%20decade.
Secret Service problems during Jan 6, Trump lunged for the steering wheel, told driver, go to Capitol, not White House4:
Heads Up!) Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park temporarily closed due to hydrothermal explosion
– On Tuesday, July 23, at about 10:19 a.m., a localized hydrothermal explosion occurred near Sapphire Pool in Biscuit Basin, located just north of Old Faithful.
– Biscuit Basin, including the parking lot and boardwalks, are temporarily closed for safety reasons. The Grand Loop Road remains open.
– No injuries were reported, and the extent of damage is unknown at this time.
– Park staff and staff from USGS will monitor conditions and reopen the area once deemed safe.
– No other monitoring data show changes in the Yellowstone region. Today’s explosion does not reflect a change in the volcanic system, which remains at normal background levels of activity.
– This is an evolving incident, and additional details will be shared as more facts are known.
I wonder what nostradamus has to say about that.. are the earthquake swarms and frequency magma related???
Cheatle resigned today after an even split D-R demand she do so. Problem is, she’s just Mayorkas, shield, and they both need to be axed from their jobs. The hired DEI help takes the blame, but the snake behind that idiot woman will slither out from the public’s short attention span. Between all the shady alphabet agencies being sneaky and Congress unable to get their sh*t together and function beyond “strongly worded letters”, it’s a wonder any wrongdoers are punished or removed from power positions. Still, I’m glad to see Cheatle out.
Interesting thought.
Did we just witness a silent coup?
I thought that happened back in 2020, and it was not really silent. I see the current shuffling as a consolidation of power effort. We still don’t know(by name) who is running the show.
The sad reality is that most humans cannot hold competing concepts and ideas in their heads for any length of time without adopting one to the exclusion of the other. That allows for government by emotion, and that’s generally a bad idea.
You could be onto something here, be confirmed if Ms Harris wins.
I would say “yes.”
Democrats have always been about power, and for the last 190 years, view the “Party” as being more-important than the “Nation.” They will literally do anything, to acquire and hold on to power, and they always do it as a united organ. I have no doubt they “carrot & sticked” Joe. Because of their nature, I can not relieve the nagging feeling that they also put a pillow over his face, and won’t lose that feeling until I see him alive and in public, on a FOX or NewsMax camera feed…
interesting.. as this moves forward and more information comes out . the allegations being made just get deeper and uglier with the same guys suspected of covering over illegal activities of the brand.. with all the cameras in dc.. there has to be surveillance videos as well..
the whole thing stinks. its so botched novody believes it. even hard core left people i know are saying what the fuck???
some one tries to kill trump.
biden last seen alive 3 days later.
bidens campaign manager says we are all a go!
hour later biden resigns from campain on X, not on presidential letter head, no presidential seal. different signiture than every doccument he has ever signed.
the whole power structure of the Democratic Party and the 2024 campaign has shape-shifted without the presence of the current President of the United States in about three days. We’ve gone from Biden saying he won’t quit the race no matter what -> to he quits, to Kamala Harris securing his delegates, fundraising cash and the backing of the entire party in less than 72 hours.
Without the endorsement of former president Obama.
That has never happend. Ever.
even the hard left i know is saying what the fuck? did the dnc whack biden because he wouldnt drop out???
idk. im having second thoughts about winging off to new mexico. signs and wonders can be manufactured. see the football play in the movie titled focus. with will smith.
even that scene in the movie is way convincing than a biden dnc coup.
i am not making any moves without a clear and concise indicator from THE DUDE.
today is weird too have the vp calling me to give ordes to everyone. all the QA and supervisors. im in the northgate 1 position. im not a boss. i dont wanna be a boss.
there is too many unknown veribles at this moment. too many fast moving parts.
all the homeless fenatyl addicts are being super nice helpful today. and ususally they wanna fight. lol.
we have a new term at the station. if you fuck around you will get steenberged. hahaha. all the officers are now saying that. and the homeless too. because when they push it to the max, i drag them off the tain. fast. i dont fuck around. so now the station coined a new term after me. pretty funny.
idk dude. im not making any moves at the moment. it all smells like bullshit. and even the hard coolaide drinking liberal people i know are
saying that.
chop wood, carry water.
“my Dog Sam, eats purple flowers”
twurn it up!
I was just watching Al Pacino in the 1983 film Scarface.
I put it on pause as these words came into my head…
“Time is limited. Death is certain.”
Great advice! I need to be doing exactly that today. The weather is great for the moment, but the winter this year may be a cold one.
Andy, sometimes I have a hard time figuring out what you are saying but this time you make perfect sense. Bullshit is the word of the day. The pile is getting higher.
Let us know when you hear from the DUDE.
Bull shit
“full of shit”,, what me ears heard while watching the ex secret service director get grilled
Congressman/woman Nancy Mace is HOT
“Director Cheatle:
I’ll have to get back to you on that.
Congresswoman Mace:
That is a no. Have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on July 15th, yes or no?
Director Cheatle:
I would have to get back to you.
Congresswoman Mace:
That is a no. You’re full of shit today. You’re just being completely dishonest…”
Trump and the Homeland team are going to need a lot of agents coming up,,, they and Andy are to prepare now
RawHide, keep them doggies rollin,,
especially now that things are being traced back to the weaponized agencies.. it just gets uglier the deeper this goes.. funny like they didn’t know phones can be traced and cameras are everywhere.. I live in a small village in the wastelands and not counting phones cars etc. that have cameras can tell you that in a half block there’s over 30 surveillance cameras.. I would be willing to bet there’s three cameras per stinks ..
similar to the pizza gate the deeper you dug the uglier it gets..they will make it all dissappear
“I’ve worked around and in the aftermath of Secret Service visits (in [redacted] and [redacted]) and they basically come in, boss everyone and anyone around, and leave a scum trail upon departure.”
I’ve worked TV ‘inside’ three presidential visits, and I can attest to the truth of that statement.
And today the Secret Service director DID resign after her beating by Congress.
here is the question of the day. what is the equivilant of building 7 in all this?
Controlled demolition.
Indeed, it was Controlled demolition. ;-(
what we all saw with our own eyes
what the talking heads on TV told US
The latest word is the Biden will give a “White House Address” at 8PM Eastern tomorrow.
The question will be “Is it real or is it AI.”
Show me, on a NewsMax or OANN camera (not a pool feed).
I’ve had really bad, really creepy vibes, coming out of D.C. for the past several days. (I can’t believe I’m saying this, but) I’m trusting Joe Biden to assuage my vibes. It ain’ta gonna happen with a pool camera or even one from FOX, and if’fn they DO let NewsMax in the door, I’m still going to be looking for one of Martin Landau’s rubber masks…
how would you. e able to spot one if those masks? I have seen movie makeup that was so convincing you had to touch it to be sure.
That’s pretty much true. I would keep watching his neck and eyes, to see if I could spot a seam discontinuity…
For the U.S. and our allies, to include NATO, nukes are to be used only in two instances – (1) retaliation, and (2) survival of the state. The two are generally viewed as going hand-in-hand. But current understanding of diplomacy argues that if Israel is pushed, back against the wall, they ‘could’ use a nuke or two, but ONLY against a nuke capable peer, to prevent collapse of the nation/state. I say no to this option, as Israel likely has a version of our Iraqi War ‘mother of all bombs (MOAB), ‘the GBU-43, a massive yield conventional weapon as powerful as a small nuke. Iran is thought to have a version too, which they call ‘the father of all bombs,’ being the misogynists that they are. These massive ‘conventional’ MOAB weapons provide more than enough effect in close quarters battlefields like the Middle East, where radioactive fallout can spread unpredictably across the region.
Warhammer: The USA’s MOABs weigh 25-30,000 pounds. Israel has no heavy bombers. The F15/F16 bomb load is apparently about 5000 per bomb max. Would an Israeli MOAB really be that much more effective than a pair of the 2000 pound bombs the USA has been supplying? Or are you seeing their C130’s as bombers?
If you can’t DO something about some event,
then don’t WORRY about the event, the
characters, or even the result. You are
an observer. Enjoy your role as may be
possible, and be Serene.
Me being me , I will prep a little more , while I have a chance. Two is one , three is two.
It is going to be a real slug-fest – and it is going to get nasty !
“You’re going to look really weird if you are a black woman and don’t support Harris.” Cafe owner [ black woman] in the Bronx. [Appears to back Trump.]
.., and
“Indigenous Peoples Day is a fake holiday.” – JD Vance.
This whole shebang could simply turn solely racist.., and Harris’ open disdain for Israel could push a lot money and votes to Trump.
This may be the biggest electoral year in our history. Will the Republic survive the 2024 election?
Safeway., the grocery store, has a sale going on with Orville Redenbacher. Stock-up now.., I think this going to get rather brutal., and we have over 100 days left before the election.
Music for the stressed
I came of age during a time of War. It looks like I will be ending my time here during a time of War. Human nature never changes … it is circular, not linear.
The contradictions of life are summed up by this song sung by Louis Armstrong, who died in 1971, which was written in 1967 during my youth at the time of that War.
just had a moment with a fella. his feet were so swolen he couldnt stand. he couldnt get off the train. his name is anthony. he is homeless. so i picked him up with another officer and carried him to a south bound train and set him down. the other officer is a muslem. i am christian. we are the only 2 officers who angel lights on our shoulders. because we are the ones to call when things get violent and bad, so they know where we are at.
not everyone wears the angel light.
when set him down on the other train. i gave him my unopend water bottle. the other officer his candy bar he had in his pocket. anthony begain to cry. he said i have no one in my life to help me. he said ive never been an believer in any religon but i prayed this morning and i heard, i will send to angels to lift you up and feed you and give you water to drink. i thought i must be dying soon.
and there you both are, 2 angels who lifted me up and gave me food and water to drink.
we road the south bound train with him to rosevelt station. a christian, a muslem, and broken man who needed lifting up. when we exited the whole train, was silent. as we exited the door, he said i believe in God and angels now and i know im not alone. the whole train bust into applause. we both smiled. the other officer turned to me, punched me in the arm, smiled and said, you christians aint so bad. i said smiled.
fuck around and find out. he laughed and said yes sir! im sure Muhammed would approve.
and just like that. the middle east delemma was resolved.
later icried. it was a beautiful experiance.
moving forward..
see ya in the future!
~ La Dolce Vita ~
I have have lived in domestic, somewhat upscale locations where Muslims were probably the neighborhood majority. Never felt unsafe. Poverty and oppression bring out the worst.
Him: “d’Lynn., do you think bad things happen for a reason?”
Me: “Yes. The Universe doesn’t like you.”
Him: “Now it all makes sense.”
Looks as though the big money boys on Wall Street are a little confused and hesitant about the current political mess. May take them a few days to figure out which way to throw the dice.
George, please forgive me for going full conspiracy theorist on you, but I’m seeing things that need to be brought to light but are being covered up instead.
A congressional delegation went to Butler yesterday and toured the rooftop and adjoining two-story office complex. They made a video from the open window of the office complex, overlooking the roof where the shooter was. They had a great view of the roof AND the rally stage area. Allegedly there was a local law enforcement counter sniper team that was supposed to occupy the roof in order to deny access to any possible shooter. They chose instead to go into the office under the roof where it’s air conditioned.
Now allow me to hypothesize… was the move into the cool offices their idea, or did a shadowy figure suggest it to them? If said shadowy figure was planning to use the second-floor window as a sniper nest, he couldn’t have local cops on the roof he was planning to shoot across. Besides which, he had already lined up a patsy to occupy that same roof so that his shots and the patsy’s shots would be close enough to the same azimuth as to be almost indistinguishable.
Watching the congressman’s video as he swept the room’s interior and out the window to the rally site, the thought occurred to me that a forensics team should swab all of the surfaces in that room for gunshot residue. I’m sure the FBI never thought to do that, not that I’d trust their results if they did.
If Sheriff Slupe were to send his forensic team up there without the knowledge of the FBI/SS and swab that room, he could give a definitive answer to the “second shooter” question as well as keeping the feds from tying the can to his tail for the initial screwup.
I hope that the FBI/SS don’t get wind of my theory, as you can bet that building will mysteriously burn to the ground before any swabbing can be done.
The Millennials, Gen Z an Y will out vote the Gen X and Boomers! They’re tired of all the problems these older generations have created. Just saying…
Remotes at the ready Time-Shifters!
As I understand it, PM Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congess at the Capitol at 7:00 pm est Wednesday evening. President Biden had promised as part of his campaign race withdrawal to address Americans at 8:00 pm est also tomorrow evening.
While DJ George segues into a Steppenwolf “Magic Carpet Ride”, let’s stop the time clock and have fun with a visit to a Disney Imagineer on a shifting holodeck.
We are ginning up one helluva Kabuki Theater eh? Now While you all are distracted by that. The Black Swan[s] are arriving.
I T ‘s the banking sector Folks!
While you all are donning your tin foil hats I figured this would be a most apropriate time to go down the rabbit hole. [Warning contains Potty Mouth].
BTW: Cyber warfare usually starts before the kinetics.