QFRA, Death of SynGro, Great Repricing, Trading Box Trouble

If you’re a new reader, who has perchanced to stumble onto this website, please consider how far you want to read.  Because our stock-in-trade here is eyeing the future and trying to assess where the world is going. The Global War, massive earthquakes, second pandemic, Oh! Let’s not leave out the Greater Depression. Like the old philosophical quandary cautions: “If you could know the exact moment and circumstances of your Death, would you really want to know it?”

I’m 76 this month and Elaine’s almost 82.  We’re in no hurry to know that part of Future. We’ve seen what Garner Ted – what, 70-years ago? – was calling The World Tomorrow”  and we planned accordingly.

The Future is like that; not everyone wants to know it.  And because the Future is unknowable – well, sort of – we are in an area of investigation that involves inference, probabilities, projections and prayers. We watch evolving work in prediction of many types: Religion, linguistic shifts, remote viewing, religious sources, plus a bit of “out there” mathematics.

So, think about reading further.  The people who hang our here are not pessimists – quite the opposite, in fact.  But, they do want to KNOW what’s coming next.  With our interesting collection of “tools” and RSS/feed scanning implements, our guesses have been pretty good, some times.  If you’re still reading, you’re about to dive into the deep end…


Quest For Real (Re-Priced Assets)

The stock market is about to fall on its ass today.  We’ve seen it coming for a while.  Though a little bit slower than what we were seeing a week ago.  It’s bad, as a writer and researcher to “quote yourself” but last Monday, I warned you

“Now, as long at the market rallies (without closing at new lows) then there’s a case for another run slightly higher than the recent highs.  BUT, the “grim reaper” in all this is a move powerfully down – and under the 85-Day moving average, would set up a “Women and children to the lifeboats” this spring.  Because it would be a second 85-DMA fail and the huge, gaping downsize looms for the Spring.  Could be a grim one, especially because at the Fed meeting this week, we not only see no rate drop – which has been the jet fuel for Delirious Class.  We see a strong case that the Fed might actually raise rates.”

And yes, exactly as we expected.  Sure, sure, this “grappling with the Future” stuff isn’t for everyone.  But it’s not bad as hobbies go.  Our “play money” account was up 34 percent for the day when checked a few minutes ago.

QFRA means the “Quest For Real Assets.”

What may not be clear to you – YET – is that the world is in-process of repricing all assets.  You can see the evidence/data points, but some people won’t be able to generalize in order to extrapolate  from there.  Let me help.

First, let’s talk about Asset Prices:

  • Commercial Real Estate is showing some tiny glints of light.  As our Houston Bureau says there are “office lights in the oil patch” again.  While this is an obvious response to Trump’s decision not to continue in hock to the Global Banksters, there is still a (northern, industrial cities) problem with office space galore and mall tenants that no one is writing about.
  • Bitcoin is (as we have said from the get-go) is a Ponzi Scheme.  There’s nothing there.  You can’t open a (42 gal. barrel) of hash codes and fry anything,. drive anywhere, or build anything (well, except a story, maybe…)  Which explains why it’s down today and was down to $94,000 overnight before bouncing a bit.  In QFRA repricing involves an assessment of “What’s the historical record? Does it have calories”
  • Gold and Silver are just warming up.  Divisible, transportable, long track record, sufficient industrial and fashion demand, so this looks better than praying for a new “anchor tenant” to save the bankrupt malls.  Which are falling before the might of Amazon and Wal-Mart and anyone else in the click-and-buy space.
  • The Dollar bios getting stronger.  Because with tariffs now in effect (to take fentanyl away from Mexico and Canada border jumpers) it is taking fewer dollars to “buy the market”.  Strong domestic dollars crater stock indexes.  See my 2004 work on differentiating internal versus external effects of monetary purchasing power.  The short version is a Strong Dollar reduces costs.  Which leads into Depressions, but we have some months before that problem.

If the problem were  confined to a single country, it would be easier to understand.  But it’s not.

THE big story of the day is Tariffs.  But it really shouldn’t come as a surprise given Trump to discuss tariffs with Canadian, Mexican leaders, as Mexico readies ‘Plan B’ response. As our consigliere pointed out over the weekend, there are places where the impact will be difficult. Like the border-spanning the U.S./Canadian auto industry.  Where tariffs will be collected before parts, sub-assemblies, and whole vehicles will move…

Death of SynGrow

What Trump is trying to do should be obvious: America has been “Making Up Money” for decades of spendthrift democrats on the Hill.  For example, one bleeding financial artery is in all the money pissed into foreign aid.  More USAID staff ousted after clash with Musk’s team as Trump dismantles agency.

You will get more perspective on USAID by liatening to Mike Benz lining it out on X with Joe Rogan.  Readers regularly report they learn more about the real condition of the world from Rogan than the four corporate media networks and sure, toss in PBS…

Crooked China Research:  (Think this was a Biden pick?) .@RandPaul Asks Samantha Power: ‘Did USAID Fund Coronavirus Research In Wuhan China?’ “Should we be funding the Academy of Military Medical Research in China? …Some of the research proposals in 2018 were the Wuhan Insitute of Virology asking for money to create a virus with a https://t.co/SZ53PzWKnq” / X Slimy to watch…Pants on fire?

And the “Oh-so-righteous Lefties” are hang-wringing up a storm today with stories like “CDC Scientists Told To Withdraw New Papers To Cut ‘Forbidden Terms’  What the financially unaware (we’ll let you apply the stupid label) can’t understand is how SynGrow works.  Ask one of us Oldsters, though, how many genders there are.  We know it’s two.  No more, no less.  The rest is all bullshit. But for academic creds, we use the label Synthetic Growth.  Because even though “gender studies” is an obvious fiction (a synthetic) designed to secure tenure for a butt-load of leftist academics in the corrupt higher Ed world, DEI and ESG dont’ return high enough value to the taxpayers or shareholders.

There are two metrics Trump is driving towards:  Equality (real, not the syngrow made-up varieties) and Merit (also called competence, skill, etc.).

The reason – almost a quarter century ago – when Elaine and I moved off our sailboat and “headed for the hills” (via a couple of education and software turnarounds) was that we knew when the Great Repricing began, the SynGrow elements would be stripped away.  Of course, a few gender surgeons will survive, gay clubs will still be around.  Black Studies will still be a liberal niche in higher Ed. But the marketing on non-critical social issues is toning down. Maybe even going away…

People forget how Product Value is added.  Not by hiring DEI consultants.  Not by taking from shareholders for ESG.  Not by giving away money to Marxist third-world shit-holes, come to think of it, either. The fact is that which POC (and we include White in that) makes your hamburger, doesn’t change my life one way, or the other. “Double extra pickle and with onions” does, however.

Change Troubled Markets

So to keep it brief.  First is the general market problem: We had a wave one up, filled a final trading box, we did a (small) 5-wave 1 down, we completed a 2 up around December 12, then we went down, rallied for a minor 2 and we are (likely, we don’t offer advice) in Wave 3 of 3 of macro 1 down.

Peoplenomics readers can use the BrainAmp software (see the Master Index pages) but the simplified view is we’re screwed and about to hit the “widows and orphans to the Lifeboats average (an 85-day moving average of our Aggregate Index work).  Observe closely the red average line below.  700-points (or more) down, ought to do it.

This is a pretty simple “line chart” (but with enough “salt” to make it a “derivative work”). But it is not as informative as our Ebbinghaus-Ure Correlation work which uses a nested series of moving averages to derive a “surface” from the raw numeric:

The right-hand “trading box” is projected based on a 50 perdcent larger second Elliott wave. Actuals have historically run from around 1.32 times to 3.5 times wave 1’s.

Not to mash this in too much, but see the 1 down trading box?  34 percent gains (before the open) today, argues we are now into the 3rd wave down trading box.  And that could be a puker.  We could be in misery for a couple of months, rally, and then re-implode (if that’s a word…) in the Fall.

Again, not financial advice.  Just a “useful idiot’s view.”

Oh – hold up on property buying until we figure which way it works out (inflationary or deflationary): We are at the top of a bubble which could be bursting. So unless you’re working tax auctions, or some-such bottom fishing operation, might want to hold out on buying more land and focus instead on positive cashflows…prices for everything could be a lot lower next year.

It’s what Great Re-Pricings do, ain’t it?

Phraeseology du Jour

“Wrecking ball.”  As in:

Stick around, the Great Re-Pricing is here.  And the Developer-in-Chief is “demising the property to make room for growth.”  Bye-bye DEI and can we now evolve an “engineering class” as China has?

In other words, DEI doesn’t help the trade picture.  A new plant, more infrastructure updates?  Well, yes, then.  You know what a “case study” is, right? The Destruction Of The South African Air Force By DEI.

Which gets us to the discussion of  how the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act impacted in the Great Depression, but we’ll save that for the Peoplenomics side of the house.

But do ion the meantime  watch the Martin Armstrong video here: “It’s too late…”

Crash and Burn is game on, huh?

Above the Fold

(But under on our site…)

Bipolar Europe is worrying us: Germany Commits Cultural Suicide, Votes AGAINST Stopping Illegal Immigration.

Trump’s pulpit: “South Africa is confiscating land, and treating certain classes of people VERY BADLY. It is a bad situation that the Radical Left Media doesn’t want to so much as mention. A massive Human Rights VIOLATION, at a minimum, is happening for all to see. The United States won’t stand for it, we will act. Also, I will be cutting off all future funding to South Africa until a full investigation of this situation has been completed!”

At the southern border:  The Trump administration has officially DEPUTIZED the Texas National Guard, giving them immigration enforcement and arrest power, per @AliBradleyTV This adds another 4,000+ personnel protecting our borders. THANK YOU 47 and @GregAbbott_TX! 

Yellow Journalism?  Naw, just clickbait: Watch: Kanye West Walks With Nude Wife Bianca Censori on Grammys Red Carpet.  News?  Um…

Democrats have a new gun-grabbing chair: Good News! Democratic Party at Extinction Level.

And to help you sleep better at night: Iran ‘secretly building nuclear missiles that can hit Europe’.

At the Ranch: Spring Shop Cleaning

Yeah, well, that’s about a whole story in a headline, ain’t it?

OK, lets get those dice out and play a few rounds of  Yahtzee or Shut the Box while we wait for the wheels to come off this thing?

Write when you survive,


103 thoughts on “QFRA, Death of SynGro, Great Repricing, Trading Box Trouble”

  1. “Commercial Real Estate is showing some tiny glints of light. ”

    Here in the D I heard a news blurb indicating business/city leaders concluded there’s too much space down there. Now that they misguided everyone by building new buildings while not refurbishing the old, their tune has changed.

    They admitted GM wants out and the city may pay to remove two towers from the Ren Cen. They explained converting any tower to residential would cost at least 1/2 a Billie each and that’s out of the question. They say the skyline look of the area won’t change, but it will.

    Back there leadership cheered new buildings and the screeching monkeys went along. Now leadership is saying buildings aren’t needed and should be torn down, the screeching monkeys are going along.

    Money grows on trees.

  2. Here’s what chat GPT has to say..
    (“Outsourcing and Community Taxation
    Outsourcing is often driven by companies seeking to reduce costs by hiring cheaper labor abroad[_{{{CITATION{{{1{Why Companies Outsource with Outsourcing Examples … – NIX United. While this can benefit companies, it can lead to job losses in the home country, which in turn reduces the tax base. Fewer employed people means less income tax revenue for local governments, which can lead to increased taxation on the remaining taxpayers to fund essential services[{{{CITATION{{{_2{Taxing Thoughts On Outsourcing – Kirkland & Ellis LLP](https://www.kirkland.com/siteFiles/kirkexp/publications/2320/Document1/Taxing%20Thoughts%20on%20Outsourcing.pdf).

    Tariffs and Wage Earners
    Tariffs are taxes on imported goods, and they are often used to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. However, these tariffs can lead to higher prices for consumers, as importers pass on the cost to customers3. This can disproportionately affect wage earners, who may see their purchasing power decrease as the cost of goods rises.

    The “Let Them Eat Cake” Analogy
    The phrase “Let them eat cake” is often attributed to Marie Antoinette and is used to illustrate a lack of understanding or concern for the struggles of the common people. In this context, it suggests that while companies and policymakers may benefit from outsourcing and tariffs, the average worker bears the brunt of the negative consequences, such as higher taxes and increased living costs.”)

    • No offense but it doesn’t take a GED.

      I went to the mall over the weekend and bought a few things. The biggest purchase was a wool coat for 64% off. Next year the coat will be 64% off 50% more than today.

      On a side note I see people are adapting to Chats rapidly and wonder how this will impact society in the long run. Why think, be told. ???

      • Exactly..but without a college degree your limited at best..
        in 80 they targeted the middle class and below laborers..today the tariffs are targeting the laborers in other countries..who should have been targeted is the industries that decided to expand their profits and reduce laboring costs to gain more wealth and expanded benefit packages.. a vicious circle..

      • there’s no offense taken.. Trump is playing tight rope walker.. huge and i believe really huge changes have to be made. Right now he’s in self preservation mode..not so much for him but everyone he cares about..if things erode he to loses everything. he doesn’t truly care about you or me .he does care about the country though and wants to turn it to the better..
        Biden never ever had any clue he’s never lived in the real world. congress I believe is to scared because frankly it’s like a horror movie where you can’t look..so they run off and wait for it to work itself out rather than deal with it..let it become someone else’s problem. the tariffs..well in my opinion they had to be done but instead of going after the culprits that caused the mess he put it on the laborers that’s never had anything to do about any of it..
        targeting the manufacturers that were providing wealth to those that sought them out in the first place..dangerous yes..these industries in other countries have obligations to their laborers .
        the reverse slap is prices here should if what I see go sky high..for people that are already severely burdened..
        my suspicion is the casino is already failing. there’s not enough going into the coffers to make payroll..if we default now he to wakes up penniless.. if he went after the culprits that bought the greed path..then he’s going after the money pushers that helped him stay on top..somehow to maintain the position of wealth he has to figure out how to maneuver these troubled waters..he’s not stupid he knows everyone would suffer..the ones manipulating the USA politicians all this time..actually would be better off if they just paid our deficit..if it cannot be turned the default is where it heads to.
        years ago the daughters best friends dad and I were sitting by his pool. watching the kids play..big swanky house..he had been downsized..as we were drinking and chatting he made the comment that he felt insulted because the only job offer nationally that he had gotten was for a half mil a year and embellishments in benefits.
        I made less than 4.00 an hour..not a big deal his view was he was making a mil a year and taking that job he lost half of his income..
        a similar story about my grand daughters other grandpa..he ran a college..( speaking of which he’s in a memory care center and I need to stop in and take him out for lunch soon..)
        by going after the laboring class that’s already feeling the pinch.. ( trust me if my kids are now thinking I have any brains then they are feeling it. hell they asked my opinion the other day)
        playing this roll by doing what’s being done could turn.. just wait till construction material goes up a thousand percent

  3. The insurance industry will use “tariffs” for their next excuse to raise rates for auto insurance. Parts and replacement vehicle costs covered under your policy just went up.

    • I increased my deductibles and cut one policy out..what happened is they rewrote the policy to increase it to just below what I was paying for the lower deductible..if I cut all my auto and home insurance out completely ..I could regain about six grand a year..

  4. Excellent article today (always great) you covered it very well and anyone who spends time here should have their eyes open to what is coming and it will be rough for awhile and who knows if or how that will end up, BUT being caught off guard is not good and if you read here you should be aware of it and not be caught with your pants down.
    Thanks George for al the hard work you do!

  5. re: The Artful Doger

    Past family activities of Canadian-of-convenience The Artful Doger appear worthy of further inquiry. It seems a self-described nazi supporting grandparent had to be reigned in by the RCMP during WW2. Consumption by the Artful Doger himself of publicly subsidized housing during his Canadian sojourn surely raises an eyebrow of even the most liberal ‘Urban reader. Certain maternal Doger current promotional affiliations with a Chinese billionaire should play well with the threatened Roosevelt Corollary going on between President Trump and Panama.

    All in all it looks like a week of good fortune and interesting times ahead.

  6. “But do ion the meantime watch the Martin Armstrong video here: “It’s too late…”

    Definitely worth a watch. He explains the global financial problem better than I have ever seen. Trump came in to “drain the swamp.” Problem is “it’s an ocean.”

    • My fear is we are over the tipping point..
      Biden made sure of that before leaving office..Trumps just trying to maintain his position in society as the top of the pile. what happens otherwise ..is a cataclysmic economic event globally..one of the go to bed rich wake up poor moments. I sincerely hope and pray what I see coming doesn’t happen..I have been in The economic death spiral its ugly and extremely hard to pull out of..

  7. RE: Kanye’s Grammy stunt – he’s essentially pimping his wife out to the world. Bad optics [almost] all the way around. ;-) As far the the ‘fashion reveal,’ no surprise there’s literally nothing there.

  8. Hey G Pops,

    Besides being “all wet” this AM with Ure usual misdirected bullscheisse regards BTC (“haters gonna hatehatehate”/TSwizzle-https://youtu.be/X-0qHFhRbeU?si=2D4LNmOAvynK_03l
    I am confronted with yet another “mind fuck” via our purple and green dyed hair “Progressive” neighbors to the north.
    In reading bout Ontario’s response to tRUMPS tariffs,they have torn up big Starlink contract bringing HS internet to rural Ontario, they describe the leader as belonging to the Conservative Progressive Party..WTF is a conservative progressive ? Is that any different than progressive conservative ? I dont know – am completely dumbfounded by this.

    My weak intellect is unable to comprehend conservative progressive or progressive conservative – must be a genderbender party kinda group, Ya know the all the Freaks obongo brought out from under their respective Rocks many years ago now. You remember him, no ? The rumpwrangling president (All of em) with Trans 1st “Lady” .

    where is Michael the androgyne now by the way ? anyone..


      • Hmmmm,
        Ya dont think RM “Hanky Panky” out on the big island got a lil something going on with the former 1st Tranny, do ya ?
        No wonder the ground be getting hot under his Feet, can only imagine what is happening to his Johnson, considering the available options available.

        Me thinks a Hawaiian would be eminently qualified to define what a conservative progressive is or BIC – which is where we saw our 1st “Rainbowed” Budlight Can back during the covert19 lockdown operation days. Shocked we was, SHOCKED at how quickly a once proud Nation could be so easily “Faggotized” by all pedo FAGGOTS at the WEF – looking at U Claus Squab and his lil butt boy Turdoe.
        See the little Deer
        Does the Deer have any Doe?
        Sure, two Bucks!

        • “Ya dont think RM “Hanky Panky” out on the big island got a lil something going on with the former 1st Tranny, do ya ?”

          AAAAARRRRGGGHHH! Lord, Deliver MEEEE!
          Give IT a bottle of Gin, and toss IT into the volcano! Surely IT is a virgin, as IT certainly didn’t give birth to those two girls!!

      • In? I’m out, and content to be so. Whiplash day. The great showmen are working the sys. as expected. Having tribble keeping track of puzzle pieces in the maelstrom? Don’t bother. The game is underway.

        GU : “people who hang our here are not pessimists – quite the opposite, in fact. But, they do want to KNOW what’s coming next.”

        I am content to watch from the sidelines and accept what comes next. IMO the tipping point is past and we are witness to cyclic change. MSM is blathering away while changing the chyron lickety split.

        Remind some about the “big stick” then get just tolerant enough to postpone the beatings (not through weaponry, through power of the purse). Moral improves until the next guy is singled out. In the end we will all pay more attention to the border. It’s late but hopefully not too late.

        Oh and … something usually missed then causes cacophony … declare Victory. Fair enough all sides share in that but stand by for 47 to share a wry smile at the least / braggadocio a strict possibility. Every other leader too!

        ATL: a great relief here, not because we might have run short of Canadian Bacon but … we are not required to register and process landing rights or collect fees from all the Geese! C’mon people, give it a month shall we?


        ps ~ bear-on-the-boat: most of our sailboats might fit forward but, Stick must have a lot of J (fore-triangle horizontal length) to fit my big girl at 28′ long? Of course, we have no idea how big the fellas yacht is but … I maxed out captaining a 50′ monohull, fav. oceanic Cat was 39′ (in the Caribbean) but will always be a bit dinghy

        • The considered opinion of the greatest Sunfish racer the NE has ever seen – Moi..
          (All Camp Sailing Trophy, after winning Lower Camp, when I was just a Lower Camper (JR’s/Lowers/Uppers/Seniors) .
          Real reason WE won all camp championship – 2 crew members on very windy day on a Sunfish meant MOAR weight than one upper or senior. My son 25-30 years later at same camp could not believe his Eyes at mess hall where the all trophy’s are displayed.
          Yes I took down All the Swimming awards as well..JR’s/Lowers.
          Mutually “outgrew” camp by time I woud have been an Upper..Son did exact same thing..sans All Camp Sailing Championship.)

          .. is that Monohull Sailors are real deal BTDT kinda Guys&Gals, while the Catamorons are more leisure cruising types. Why most of em dont even know how Curse properly while underway. Hell most of em wouldnt even know how unfurl the main sail.
          One of the 1st things I listen for when amongst Boating types. No, cursing has nothing to do with actual Sailing skills, but it really Helps when Racing, really helps.

        • The vessel is 42′, a chinese junk rig, mast well forward, flush deck, 14′ beam. Won’t fit your boat for sure but has a nice hard dinghy on deck when we passage.

          The scow bow makes us have the room below of a 50′, nice shop area forward, good light storage forward of that. Gets up and surfs on the bow wave, like an old nose rider.

          Best thing is already 4000 miles down the line and far from the maddening crowds.


    • re: starlink
      feat: alternative reality

      Digital publication “The Business Times” founded in Beijing in 2009 and headquartered on New York’s Fifth Avenue since 2020 published a report a couple of days ago quoting Mrs. Obama’s IG post.

      The former First Lady apparently has on mind a 2013 Chicago passing of a teen, Hadiyah (‘Gift from God’), by gun violence. She had played at an Obama event shortly before the tragic incident. Apparently the young person’s legacy is to be soon memorialized by the Obama Presidential Center.

      Hadiya also was also commemorated in the lyrics of a song by Chicago rapper, Lupe Fiasco aka Mr. Wasalu Muhammad Jaco and sometimes MIT instructor on “rap theory”. Mr. Fiasco believes that Islam will conquer the world. His memorable set at the second Obama Inauguration apparently featured his removal from the stage by security.

      Let’s join DJ George who can bring us up to speed on the lines from the Drogas (‘drugs’; ‘don’t ruin us God said’) Wave album. Here we go with a Youtube link to “Jonylah Forever”.

      • re: Xi Thought


        Speaking of Panama, with thanks to BCN’s Fokkers and Camels along with George’s Woodstock, another circle is complete.

        The “Daily Mail” published images of unshackled(?) illegal migrants being sent back to Colombia from Panama. Not less than seven were allegedly criminals. The Panamanian Public Security Minister along with the US Secretary of State posed at the periphery of massed humanity on the tarmac for a photo-op. A 32 year old Air Panama made in Holland Fokker 50 prepared to remigrate the group home. Although Royal Dutch Fokker was founded in Amsterdam, it did take sojourn in Berlin during WW1 to provide for the Kaiser’s air force needs. The Red Baron’s Fokker Dr.I triplane reappeared on 1965 screens giving dogfight to Snoopy’s Sopwith Camel while Woodstock rode shotgun.

        Interestingly the Air Panama plane of today entered service with Formosa Airlines which became Mandarin Airlines, both headquartered in Taiwan. The parent company of the latter was Air China from the Mainland.

    • “You remember him, no ? The rumpwrangling president (All of em) with Trans 1st “Lady” .

      where is Michael the androgyne now by the way ? anyone..”

      “CIA initiated remote control crash of un-published VIP. I’ll go with this because it is the only thing that makes sense.”


      Nostradamus Quatrain II-45
      Too much the sky weeps for the Androgyne created,
      Near the heavens human blood shed,
      By death too late a great people re-created
      Late and soon the awaited relief comes.

      Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 608
      If Michelle Obama is transgender, that discovery would destroy Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels. This Quatrain points to a fatal airplane crash in a storm.

      I now think that his/her airplane will be sabotaged and the crash will be blamed on a storm, “Near the heavens human blood shed.”


      • word frm the “Qberts” (grayhats) is that helo was manned, but there were are Chykneesium Chips in the flight controls..
        Cannot have that info/news getting out, Sheeples might panic.

        “Woo Woo Dude” on jsnip2 youtubes called this one out almost 2 years ago now. Said it would be like a temporal marker for things going HOT!

        ? How many Drug Overdose(WAR Casualties) DEATHS were there in USA in 2024 ? How much money is being made per annum in Canada and Mexico on the cheap precursor chemicals to Fenty?

        How many more lives will we see prematurely EXTINGUISHED by Chyknees Fenty before we do something about it ? according the Democrats/Liberals we still got MILLIONS more to go.


        Lets KILL EM ALL for Chynah joe the cackling ho and the pelosers.

        • Just as deadly as sending nerve gas over the border, maybe more dangerous, as gas dissipates fentanyl doesn’t . .

  9. Trump just ‘paused’ the 25% tariffs on Mexico until March First.
    Wonder what she negotiated to get a reprieve ?
    Has anyone heard what China’s response is / will be ?

    • She promised 10,000 troops to the border for a one month tariff reprieve. Trump spoke to Trudeau this morning and will call back this afternoon. He is probably trying to round up 10,000 non DEI troops.

      Dying to see what China is offering up? Should not have shortage of troops.

    • Not sure what the zips are going to do but a company I buy a lot of mining equipent from just raised most there prices across the board. An air motor I bought on Monday and was delivered on Thursday is now 8-1/2% higher than when I bought it. Preemptive strike? Don’t know!

    • I shall reiterate:


      Trudeau and Sheinbaum would rather get in a dick-measuring contest with Trump than do what is right, and would benefit all three of our nations.

      Sheinbaum just proved her dick is bigger than Trudeau’s.

      Trump is using the “tariff” as a force-multiplier in negotiations. He is NOT using it as an economic or revenue-generating tool, at this point in time.

      He smacked China, Mexico, and Canada, because they (respectively) produce, transport, and distribute this poison into the United States.

      The object is to eliminate the gangs and cartels. Gangs and cartels can’t function without finances and they can’t exist without functions. If they have to snatch granny’s purse to finance their operation, they are not going to be buying many bullets. If the demand for their product drops 95%, they return to being a local problem for Sinaloa, rather than an international problem for Chicago.

      We can’t stop China from making the poison, we can’t stop them from attempting to do unto us what the Brits did unto them, 200 years ago (and we have millions of residents who’re too stupid to realize drugz iz bad 4 u) so a properly-run and beneficent government would make the drug’s acquisition ad difficult as possible whilst educating it’s population regarding their future, should they indulge, and finding alternative life paths for them to walk down, to avoid the need or desire to cook their brains…

      Stupid people, conspiracy-freaks, and political losers want to find multi-layered ulterior motives for Trump’s tariff. There isn’t one. It is simply to induce a behavioral-modification in the three nations who’re destroying our society with drugs.

      • (“rather get in a dick-measuring contest with Trump than do what is right, and would benefit all three of our nations.”)

        legalize hemp (aka marijuana) Medical marijuana legalization was found to be associated with a lower odds of any opioid use: OR = 0.95 (0.94–0.96), chronic opioid use: OR = 0.93 (0.91–0.95), and high-risk opioid use: OR = 0.96 (0.94–0.98). The findings were similar in both the sub-group analyses and all the sensitivity analyses.

        people tend to self medicate to numb the realities of their situation..I have seen it often..Studies have shown that people frequently engage in “self-medication” by using substances like alcohol or drugs to cope with difficult life situations, effectively attempting to “forget” their problems, with research highlighting this behavior particularly in individuals experiencing stress, trauma, anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges; however, this practice can be detrimental and lead to addiction issues.
        look at Philadelphia.. jobs left people get down in the dumps life looks hopeless to them.. we can thank greed and deregulation and outsourcing for that. so many things happened.. mom went to work. the adult presence gone. our youth was targeted with desensitization of violence and crime. games that revolve around harming others and criminal acts. physical abuse spousal abuse substance abuse.. huge school loans all set to keep the people in their proper social groups..
        want to put the fentanyl and looks abuse on a major decline.. legalize marijuana.. put the same legal ramifications that you have on alcohol .. and bring back jobs..Here’s one look at the city of freedom Philadelphia..

  10. “Quest For Real (Re-Priced Assets)”

    Once again you nailed the outcome George. To complete the thought consider the following:


    Last time I checked Syngrow means taking a perfectly working corporation and breaking it up the unlock “value” with a complete disregard for the long term viability of the company(s) involved. A money grab.

    And seeing that blockchain is eating the world. Home Gamers you need to pay attention to the following Web3.0 term.

    “Digital Twin”


    Moving along :
    USAID used to fund what?.
    Recommend applying the vise grips before reading how your tax money was weaponized against you all home gamers….


    Put it all on an immutable public blockchain ledger.

    Last time I checked XRP is open source.



    What’s that all mean? It means you’ll walk your crypto into Mellon or Blackrock and lease same for a lucrative monthly payback.

    If you don’t like the terms, open source, start your own AMM.


    Such empowering technology.

    Not advice do your own homework.

    Steer away from the distractions folks:


    It’s always best to be in the market buying up the green bananas (when none except the specialists ) want to own them . Truly an epic outcome:

  11. One of my problems, readily admitted, is that I look at “international politics” – playing chess with the world leaders – I see it very differently. And would act/react very differently.
    Trump seems to be pretty good at it. If you pay attention., you can see/hear/feel that he has made a chess move with one of his ‘tweets’, or Executive Orders. What he maneuvers about in public is not the what the politicians think it is – he knows this and uses this against them – the outcome., the hidden agenda., comes later – after they have mouthed off and usually make a fool of themselves.
    There are many pieces on the international chess board from Mexico that Trump-Tariffs could capture. Looks like he has already made a start as those tariffs have suddenly been ‘delayed’ a month.
    Not too sure about Canada’s chess pieces though. There are a couple., sure – but overall, not that many. His ‘hidden agenda’ on this particular chess board seems to be a bit foggy. Hidden in the mist., kind of approach. It will be interesting to see just what develops from this – besides his dislike of Canadian leadership., what is he really after ?
    So…, don’t go getting your tightie-whities all in bunch when he ‘tweets’ something odd, or derogatory. It’s a political game – and you are not invited to that table. Just chill a day, or so., what he is really after will come out, soon enough.

    • “besides his dislike of Canadian leadership., what is he really after ?”

      A curtailment of the flow of fentanyl and terrorists across the Canadian border — that’s all.

      There’s a hundred thousand buildings in SoCal and East Texas that are going to require dimensional lumber. Canfor produces about a bazillion board-feet every year. GP and others can produce it domestically, but not as cheaply as the Canadians. Trump doesn’t want to exclude that market, but Trudeau hasn’t figured out that Trump doesn’t bluff. If he tosses up a blanket tariff, Trump will go to 50%, 100%, 200%, or whatever. I would guess a 20-25 percent tariff will bankrupt all of Canada within a couple months.

      Maybe Trump really WILL buy Canada and turn it into a State. Maybe he’ll buy it for the fire sale price of $10bln + forgiveness of their debt? This is where Canada’s “Liberals” (and Trudeau, in particular) are out of their element, and where I fear, Justin can REALLY fuck up Canada on his way out the door. Trump not only has a piece of paper from Wharton, he had 50 years of training in the NYC market to hone the edges of that piece of paper. Why would Trudeau not just “do the right thing” and put the sojers on the border?

    • (“what is he really after ?”)

      my guess.. The tariffs were also used as a tool to exert political pressure on Canada, especially regarding issues like immigration and drug trafficking. The U.S. administration used tariffs as leverage to push for changes in these areas. To gain control over the drug fentanyl crossing the border and equalize the trade differential.. there again.. legalization of hemp and utilizing it in construction materials by making man made wood..
      you have a renewable construction resource and also reduction of the CO2 levels by hemp the consumes twice as much CO2 than trees for every acre its just about nine tons of CO2.. not counting the thousands of other products.. what as it the George Washington said.. Hemp would save the country..
      I made man made wood..and madea n ornament to see how good it would work. A father move here from Seattle because of the violence tgere..his children are friends with my grand kids.. one had noticed my mini me’s cardboard chaos .. she wants a chair..so my plan is to make a mould of chair components then make man made wood cookie dough.. ( can’t let ten year olds use power tools..)
      so want construction materials cheaper ..clean up the air stop the zombie manifestation..


  12. Whomever it was that stated: “I don’t even like spam, why did I buy a case?”
    Suggestion. Don’t go giving that away. A can of spam would be a great barter / trade item.

    • Omg..those that hated it were mostly due to the salt and preservatives in it..I love spam..couldn’t eat it every day but yum that’s good stuff..

  13. This saying has been attributed to Winston Churchill., but I’m not sure of that.., but it is very relevant today., with Trump playing the game.
    “Negotiations are nothing more than saying – Nice doggie.., nice doggie., until you can find a bigger stick.”

    .., and in most cases today, the threat of financially crippling your economy is greater than any 500 pounder you could drop.

    • dLynn : now that’s ^ funny. Bigger stick can be, uhm, convincing!

      How’s that digital footprint disappearing act going? I’m invisible :0)

      Centerboard Tipper : “the greatest Sunfish racer the NE has ever seen”

      OK, we (Royal) cede the NE. However, I was the greatest MidWest racer!

      Still have a Sunfish for guests. We were a regional distributor (when fiberglass was new). I still sponsor the local fleet though have outgrown the boat entirely.

      Instead of deploying rough language, I still sing to my boat and the breeze, asking for a lifter. Often as not it’s a Pirate song or shantie from the sea. Sometimes it works?

      High velocity hot money day underway. Lot’s of shifts.

  14. She agreed to put 10,000 Mexican National Guard troops on the border to stop the fentanyl traffic immediately. I doubt the Cartels will let that happen.
    There’s a long way to go. In SF, fentanyl is cheaper than bread or milk ($3.00 for a gm).
    I think the only way to defeat the Cartels, is for our Special Ops to take them out. I don’t think the Mexican Government has the will or the capacity to do it.

    • “I think the only way to defeat the Cartels, is for our Special Ops to take them out.”
      When Trump was asked, point blank, if he would consider using U.S. military personnel in Mexico – his reply was: “Stranger things have happened.”

      • I discussed this whole thing with my husband today. In agreement, we figured the Mexican government will not be able to significantly stem the drug trafficking problem, and the tariff could implement a Mexico in financial chaos, ultimately leading to perhaps a request for US troops to be in Mexico to relieve the government of both cartel control and drug (and human) trafficking. Sound strange? Idk, but logically, I think the Mexican government would like a more peaceful country. Just my 2cents.

        • We sent our first planes (spy and telemetry platforms, whatever those are — didn’t look like AWACS, didn’t look like any flavor of C-130) over Northern Mexico yesterday. They seem to be patrolling from San Diego to about the Tex/Ari border, and about 100 miles deep into Mexico. I’m guessing their presence is part of the Trump-Sheinbaum conversation which was not made public…

    • No worries AGK, the Mexican drug cartels will be bringing the FIGHT to streets of USA.

      Who is going to stop them ? DEI’ed Military ?

      The DeFUNDED popo ?

      Grandma & Grandpa?

      DEA/FBI/CIA – bwahahahahahah

  15. The CFPB [ Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ] announced this morning that they will NOT defend Biden Era Policies in court – since their chief was fired.
    Look as though Trump may have gotten that one right.

    • the CFPB actually returned $20,000,000,000 to consumers, in their pockets.

      “Arrayed against Warren, and today against the very existence of the C.F.P.B., was the full force of what many, most notably Simon Johnson, the M.I.T. professor and former International Monetary Fund chief economist, have called the American financial oligarchy: Wall Street firms and banks supported mainly by Republican members of Congress, but also politicians on the other side of the aisle, along with members of Obama’s own inner circle.” https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2011/11/the-woman-who-knew-too-much

      “…the American financial oligarchy.” Interesting. It appears that the american financial oligarchy is running a coup of the federal government. billionaire president, billionaire cabinet, but yeah they’re looking out for wage earners.

      you may want to look at the groups organized against the CFPB and then decide which side you support. aligned against the CFPB are all the deep pockets – chamber of commerce, banking industry groups, payday lenders, consumer lenders and big finance.

      if it’s good for consumers, republicans hate it.

      • You need to understand bankster flimflams. Elong does, you don’t. Consider:
        1. The outfit is funded by the Federal Reserve – to the tune of $853 million per year. It was $161 mm in fyi 2011. How much is that: I wilol take a stab: Round off to $500mm per year times 14 years. Call it $7-billion of expense.
        Against $19.7 b of gain,. $12.7 billion? So we spend $498mm/year (rounded) and don’t get a billion back?
        2. If it’s a payoff looks for Dems. If you accept a CFPB settlement you agree not to sue for more/additional.

        In fact, the Pokahontas vehicle works like this:
        Waiver of Further Claims – Many CFPB settlements include a release of claims, meaning once you accept the settlement, you may waive your right to sue for further damages related to the same issue.

        No Admission of Liability – CFPB settlements often do not require the company to admit wrongdoing, which could affect any independent lawsuits you might want to pursue.

        Private Right to Sue – If the settlement does not explicitly waive an individual’s right to sue separately, you may still have legal options. However, if the settlement creates a class action resolution, your ability to seek additional compensation could be restricted.

        Future Violations – A settlement generally applies to past conduct, so if a company repeats violations, you could still take action in the future.

        Consulting Legal Counsel – If you’re unsure whether accepting a CFPB settlement would end your legal options, it’s best to consult with an attorney.

        My bet is Musk knows that class actions (without the charade and the Fed in the loop) might generate more and bigger settlements. I will ask my consigliere.

        But how is it you manage to troll us such opinions without resorting to data (though you kinda did in this one).

        If the ROI on a bureacracy ain’t 10:1 or better, Musk would be right to be slicing.

        His other metric would be $607,000 revenue per employee. It was less than that in 2022:

        So in 2022 1707 employees generated times $519,000 should (at basic F500 productivity) have generated 372,123,000
        In fact: In fiscal year 2022, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) secured over $193.2 million in monetary relief for consumers through its enforcement actions. So – as I read ’em – Musk is right and it’s a Warren strongarm that we don’t need and we hold to the practice of never signing away rights.
        Seperate from the settlements, the CFPB acted as the collection outfit for the fed and other agencies – something that could be done effectively anywhere else in govt.
        He looked at the numbers (as I have just done with a.i.) and your conclusion isn’t WARRENted.
        It’s a boondoggle to give the banksters a story to tell thanks to democrat enablers.
        More acocutning lessons later in the week?

        • I might also mention that in 2022, tech companies like Netflix and Apple reported revenue per employee figures of approximately $2.47 million and $2.4 million, respectively. Clearly CFPB doesn’t have enough product (or too many people, pick one to defend).
          Musk can read-n-grok.
          There’s a term for people who don’t understand accounting and the use of comparative ratios: dems

        • G, Shocking and sad that you take Musk’s side instead of your humble fellow consumer’s side.

          You are blinded by your hatred of Democrats and women.

        • The minimum cash back on the hamster wheel that I run on is $1MM per employee (minimum). Looks like you need to let half go to meet the same metrics as the public has to grind under..

        • yup siding with the big finance, big banks, big business and the rich and powerful. siding with payday lenders. siding with subprime lenders. siding with credit bureaus. why?

          class action?? lol. bigger settlements for the lawyers but not the class action plaintiffs. you’re denying reality.

          all of the terms are standard in any settlement or haven’t you ever seen a settlement agreement? and your use of boilerplate plate standard in all settlement agreements to disparage the CFPB proves you are engaging in confirmation bias.

          jeesh, you already had an opinion that the CFPB was bad then you ran a bunch of BS to try and back fill your preconceived opinion.

          and in your haste, because again your attachment to your opinion outflanked your logic and reason, you didn’t even run the numbers correctly. using your numbers $7Billion in “expense” versus $19.7 Billion returned to the pockets of americans and $5Billion in fines, this looks like one of the better run government ops.

          reviewing your analysis for FY2022 shows multiple errors. in FY2022 the CFPB received $641 Million in funding (https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_financial-report_fy2022.pdf) and returned $2.5Billion to consumer and issued $2Billion in fines. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/enforcement/enforcement-by-the-numbers/

          that looks good to me, $2.5Billion put back in the pockets of americans. cheaters, cons and flim flam artists fined $2Billion for an outlay of $641Million. but keep convincing yourself that the CFPB is the big bad boogey.

          you want .gov employees to generate $500,000 each. hmm, DoD 3,000,000 times $500,000. that’s $1 1/2 Trillion that you want the DoD to cough up in revenue yearly. with 21,000 employees ICE has to generate $10.5Billion yearly instead of costing $10Billion. what revenue do libraries generate? public schools? bridges? OSHA? NTSB?

          i’ll tack up your dislike of the CFPB to partisanship and ignorance. you should click on some of the links to read about how consumers, americans, working people, real people, your neigbors have been cheated and how the CFPB made things right. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/enforcement/payments-harmed-consumers/payments-by-case/

          not having an open mind ain’t a good survival strategy.

        • g, https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/5054026-cfpb-elon-musk-doge/
          ‘Musk’s post on X, for example, seems to have been prompted by complaints from Marc Andreessen, a venture capitalist whose companies have been sanctioned (and, in the case of LendUp Loans, shuttered) because of CFPB investigations and actions. Andreessen accused the agency of “terrorizing financial institutions,” and was clearly infuriated when the CFPB found that LendUp had misled customers about high-interest loans and overcharged U.S. service personnel.’ (G, so you have no respect for our Military Service people..just like Musk, screw the little guy all the time??)

          ‘Fortunately, neither Musk nor the incoming administration can completely eliminate the CFPB, whose funding comes from the Federal Reserve in a model, upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, that is meant to protect it from political meddling. Republicans and Democrats alike should ensure that firewall remains in place, and the CFPB remains on the job, if they’re serious about providing real, meaningful economic relief to Americans. ‘

  16. “Bitcoin is (as we have said from the get-go) is a Ponzi Scheme. There’s nothing there. You can’t open a (42 gal. barrel) of hash codes and fry anything,. drive anywhere, or build anything (well, except a story, maybe…) Which explains why it’s down today and was down to $94,000 overnight before bouncing a bit. In QFRA repricing involves an assessment of “What’s the historical record? Does it have calories””

    If you had the opportunity to see how many network feature sets in cloud use block chain tokens to unlock those functions for end users (whether human or algo/AI driven) , I don’t think you would be so dismissive there Mr Ure .

    Last time I checked, that data center in any town USA was indeed accepting paper bills at the front gate.c

    https://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server5500/e7w4k/products/318/images/725/GVG_Bill_Changer_Pro__56850.1539187712.1280.1280.jpg?c=2 LOL.

    Lookie here as of 18:35 UTC says here Bitcoin chart has formed a reverse BART Simpson on its way to close a CME futures gap @~$101K. We will round up $99,989.00 as back to $100,105.00. Headed higher. What a delicious BTFD .


    Got blockchain.

    BCN, You go shopping this weekend?

    • Most fortunate and thus most Grateful I be.

      OEM Replacement parts for the Suzuki DF90 on my Penga are tres EXPENSIVE – just replaced Throttle Body Control – the whole F-ing thing, and IAC Valve last week..ouch my ass still tender from that bite.

      So yes been shopping for new Motor. Done added Battery module to Solar System and add’l 5 panels with crypto – no bank,no middleman, just a simple Transaction.Thanks SESB

  17. .., another reason why they lost……..,

    Gun-control activist David Hogg becomes DNC vice chair.

    In 2023, Hogg posted, ‘You have no right to a gun.’

    “There are so many quotes. There is so much content to work with. Democrats just gave us a huge gift by electing anti-gun David Hogg as DNC Vice Chair.”

    When Trump heard of the election he tweeted – “They just don’t learn.”
    You would think that since they got bitch-slapped pretty good in this last election., that the Democrats would regroup and begin looking at a few completely different directions for ‘voting approval’.., nope.., they are seriously adding to their self-inflected political injuries.

  18. USAID and FBI, strange sounds are being emitted,,,
    sounds like a toilet being flushed,,, or swamp draining.
    but I am just a retard,,, a non speaking idiot of Newhart fame, that sees truth in Q posts
    what’s that smell? Pedo shit? when will the Epstein logs be released, officially?

    Rubio, as SoS takes over USAID
    Panic,,, as the cash flow is stopped, supporting the non constitutional bull crapola

    Every day, now, I get good news of the shifting power,,, even as Samatha Powers goes away, yippy kiy aye cowboy

    • obd, why not also obsess on your local Christian sect – 900 abusers in 30 countries:
      ‘Child sex abuse is a significant problem within many religious institutions: Insurance data company Advisen lists child sexual abuse as the second most frequent insurance loss for religious organizations, after wage-related claims. But survivors say the tenets of the Two by Twos place kids at particularly high risk.’


      • …Actually true.

        It was created by a JFK Executive Order after the spectacular failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The spooks convinced Kennedy we needed a “non-governmental agency” (think, MISSION: Impossible) which would be publicly attached to the State Department, but in actuality, attached to the “dirty tricks division” of the CIA and function “outside the Law.” (I’m not sure Kennedy knew about the dirty tricks thing. I’m similarly not sure it wasn’t said dirty tricks division which offed him, 2.5 years later.)

        AFAICT all the ghostly-types told him was that BoP was a huge embarrassment which wouldn’t have happened if we’d have properly laid the groundwork (also not true. BoP was one of them there “public secrets” which everybody, including our news nerds knew about and reported on.) Hell, Castro had forward observers in Guatemala, giving his staff play-by-play on the invaders’ training progress and techniques.

        ‘Point is, this was the cesspool from which USAID was formed. You hear the pols talking about USAID spending millions by the few, on homoerotic comic books and DEI initiatives. NOBODY in Congress wants to mention USAID spending billions to overthrow governments, murder whole populations, attempt to overthrow Israel and Hungary, and successfully overthrow Ukraine. A large number of our Representatives and Senators — both Republicans and Democrats, and “Independents,” have been very bad little boys & girls, because there’s an awful lot of them who know and condone what USAID is and what its “employees” have done, and fear for their power and fortune (and likely their very lives) should Mr. Musk make USAID’s activities public. This is very serious shit and could easily get members of “Trump’s team” assassinated, if it is deemed necessary by the swamp, to keep this effluent from hitting the newswires…

    • (“but I am just a retard,”)

      no your not..that’s my job to uphold.. the status of an old ignorant schmuck or imbecile in the wastelands if the usa..lol lol

    • (“what’s that smell? Pedo shit? when will the Epstein logs be released, officially?”)

      will they ever be released..there’s to many powerful names on that list..it would turn the apple cart completely over.. All those people that we are constantly told that they are the ones we should honor and respect.. their crimes are overlooked because of their station in life and society.

  19. President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order directing the U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments to establish a “Sovereign Wealth Fund”.
    He eluded that this fund could purchase TikTok.., or parts there of.

    I see it.., as the start of the governments BitCoin bank.

  20. “More USAID staff ousted after clash with Musk’s team as Trump dismantles agency.”

    My one daughter and her Lib friends are absolutely losing their shit over this.

    I will let her know that if USAID had gone away a dozen years ago, there would not be a war in Ukraine, and see if that makes her, at least take a look-see into what the agency is, and the things it has done. (If USAID had been disappeared 30 years ago, wars in Sudan, Egypt, Georgia, and a bunch of other countries wouldn’t have happened, and several million people who’re now fertilizer, would still be alive. As utterly demonic as George Soros is, he could not have caused all the misery, damage, and suffering without the assistance of Vichy Nuland and USAID…)

    • (“My one daughter and her Lib friends are absolutely losing their shit over this.”)

      I got a huge shock the other day… we went to the kids for supper… they asked my opinion.. they had thought that slo was the best dam thing that walked the planet.. then when we played cards..dam if I wasn’t winning.. I had to look outside and see if there was any anomalies in the sky and have my wife pinch me to see if I was asleep..
      fortunately I didn’t see any of that lol

  21. Trump Administration to Remove 4 Major News Outlets From Pentagon Office Space

    The New York Times, NBC News, NPR and Politico will be replaced

    The New York Post would replace The Times as a print outlet; the conservative cable channel One America News would be swapped in for NBC News; Breitbart News would be a radio outlet instead of NPR; and the news outlet HuffPost, owned by BuzzFeed, would switch with Politico.


  22. One female activist judge just pissed off Elon and killed Delaware…

    As you like know, Elon Musk has been in a full-blown showdown with Delaware’s legal system over his $56 billion Tesla pay package.

    Now, fast forward to 2024, and right on cue, a female Delaware activist judge by the name of Kathleen St. J. McCormick, agreed with the whiney shareholder, calling the payout “excessive” and tossing it out the window.

    And just so you know – Democrat Governor John Carney nominated McCormick to the vice-chancellor position on the Delaware Court of Chancery back in 2018.


      • Sorry, troll.

        I am not responsible for your reading comprehension issue.

        I didn’t say anything. I posted a link.

        Do your own damn’ homework.

  23. Expecting a bloodbath at FBI today and tomorrow.

    My guess is acting FBI director Brian Driscoll will be gone by this evening for defying a direct order seeking names of FBI employees—perhaps more than 6,000—involved in Jan 6 cases.

    Hard to see how James Dennehy, who runs the NY field office, keeps his job after sending defiant email to colleagues over the weekend promising to “dig in” and not step down or follow orders.


    Housecleaning. I would fire every field agent who either suborned or encouraged insubordination and put every remaining agent on a really short leash until they proved their loyalty to the Constitution.

    • well if agents were being asked about the constitution that would make sense. rather they were asked if they had any involvement in investigating 1/6. the constitution has nothing to do with who will be fired. loyalty to trump is all that matters now.

      or maybe you’d be fine if biden fired every agent involved in any investigation into him or the clintons.

      y’all really do hate equal application of the law and LEOs too apparently.

  24. Senior FBI officials ordered to resign or retire, or be fired

    Former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe says the FBI is in “utter disarray” thanks to Trump, says they are living in “terror” because their pensions, healthcare, and retirement are at risk.

    “It is a place in utter disarray right now. People are worried about how am I going to pay the bills? How am I gonna support my family?”


    Actions have consequences. No sympathy for dirty cops…

  25. CBS’s Margaret Brennan Floored After GOP Congressman Says He Wants a ‘Purging’ of the State Department: ‘What Does That Mean?’

    In an interview on Sunday morning, Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) — who chairs the House Foreign Affairs committee — said that he’s on board with a purge of State Department personnel.


    I don’t watch Deface the Nation, but I saw this excerpted from the show — funny as hell.

  26. “We Don’t Let Them Get in Our Way”

    GS-14 DHS Official Admits Department Will Defy Trump Appointed Secretary Kristi Noem’s “Marching Orders,” Reveals Tactics to ‘Interpret Priorities We Don’t Agree With’

    “The secretaries can set the priorities for the department, but they can’t actually tell us what to do.” “By the time the actual marching orders get to me and below, we can filter it in a way that steadies the ship.”

    The Department of Homeland Security provided the following statement to O’Keefe Media Group:
    “Secretary Noem has not seen the video in its entirety. This type of behavior will not be tolerated. This person has been placed on leave and is under investigation … The senior official says the termination of the official is imminent.”


    SO tired of “deep staters” who believe they are above the law, above judgement, and above reproach, irrespective their acts and actions.

  27. Lindsey Graham and the Freedom Caucus join forces

    Speaker Mike Johnson already has to worry about a clutch of hard-line conservative ideologues inside the House Republican ranks as he tries to pass the heart of President Donald Trump’s legislative agenda.

    He also needs to keep an eye on one garrulous, shape-shifting, veteran Republican from the other side of the Capitol.

    Guess who I believe is suddenly concerned about being Primaried…?

  28. Hey George I’d really appreciate it if you can somehow post this comment at the TOP of your next piece. I have had an absolute gutful of Ray’s misogynistic comments. Not a nice man IMO.

    I posted some pertinent info relating to Canada and get called a FANGIRL for my trouble. I’ve dealt with men like this my whole life. I’ll miss the truly interesting and insightful people who post here but that’s it for me. I’m not a precious snowflake – had to crash through so many walls to be a geologist in the oil industry – last position as head of the Australian exploration portfolio for a well known and major US oil company. Thanks for your insights.

    Me: “Well, former central banker and economist Mark Carney has been floated as a possible leader of the Canadian Liberals after the resignation of Justin Trudeau. His previous post was as the Governor of the Bank of England. Not someone to engage in economic warfare with.”

    Ray: “I suggest you choose carefully, for whom you wish to be a fangirl…


    • Seem to remember Carney sold the last of Canada’s gold at low price when he was head of Bank of Canada before going to UK. Not sure we have any now other than at the Canada Mint.
      I don’t like Carney and would never vote Liberal with him or the Ukranian Canadian Freeland both are WEF.

      • Vic S,
        I think this thread illustrates that it doesn’t necessarily profit to choose business/political family as one chooses social friends.

        Carney has a reputation as having been an astute banker at perilous moments while remaining a political chameleon. President Trump arguably made a huge strategic error to blab that he wants American banks operating with free reign in Canada. Mr. Carney is fresh off teams planning UK and Canadian sovereign wealth funds. He also up to last month had a board seat at the Toronto-headquartered real estate company which is 100+ times larger than the Trump real estate empire. Loob’s pancake aficionados might be overjoyed should a surfeit of Trump Lemonade start overflowing at neighborhood corner stands.

        Getting myself back to the original topic at hand, winter days here are many along with lots of rays of sunshine. But hope springs eternal.

    • Transference of your insecurities accomplishes little.

      I have no prejudice against women.

      I am sorry that you do.

Comments are closed.