Prepping: The “Slow Rapture” Model

Bad news for you, but we might as well bring this up on a Sunday, right?

The rumblings that led into the “rapture” began in 1989.  That’s when Motorola introduced the MicroTAC personal phone.  The following year, GTE would bring it to market and bundled as a “flip phone.”

But the  real rapture begame in 1992.  That’s when IBM introduced it’s Simon Personal Communicator.  It wasn’t called a “smartphone” until 1995.

Not to poke too hard at Apple, but they didn’t launch the iPhone wasn’t released until June of 2007.  Sure, Apple talks a good game of innovation, but like the computer mouse, such a key part of their computing products, it was an engineering refinement off something else.  In the iPhone it was IBM’s Simon Communicator.  Oh, and the mouse?  X-PARC – Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.

The Digital Ascension’s Roll

There are still a large number of traditionalists, particularly among North America evangelicals, who would understandably remain skeptical of my timing.

It’s much more useful to look ahead for a physical “rapture” to many.  As Wiklpedia explains Rapture’s background….

…Some adherents believe this event is predicted and described in Paul the Apostle‘s First Epistle to the Thessalonians in the Bible,[3] where he uses the Greek harpazo (Ancient Greek: ??????), meaning to snatch away or seize. Though it has been used differently in the past, the term is now often used by certain believers to distinguish this particular event from the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Earth, mentioned in Second Thessalonians, Gospel of Matthew, First Corinthians, and Revelation, often viewing it as preceding the Second Coming and followed by a 1,000 year millennial kingdom.[4] Adherents of this perspective are sometimes referred to as premillennial dispensationalists, but amongst them there are differing viewpoints about the exact timing of the event.”

As an “old man in the woods” who takes time to read and think (since we’re outside of the cellphone umbrella) it has occurred to me that ancient prophets, just as Paul and others, may not in their future beholdings have understood the linguistic shifts that have caused people to (possibily) looking UP for a rapture, rather than consider rapture as an “into” event.

The distinction is clear in computer geekdom, even if those studying a previous ascension (into heaven) aren’t following their thinking.

For example, where do computer boot?  UP.  As in “How long does your PC take to boot UP?

Moreover, just as the Prophets may have referenced different levels of “heaven” so too the OSI Model has relative UP and Down.  (If you don’t know how the Open Systems Interconnection model works, click here, get a compsci degree and check back with us.)

The computer equivalent to “In the beginning” is the OSI’s first level, the physical.  In “creating” a digital world, we skip the cleaving of night and day, tossing stars up (where they’d stick) and instead from the physical layer connection build the data, network, transport, session, presentation, and application layers on top of that.

The whole of reality then becomes an incredible circular reference, as we “were created” and we in turn create “computers” first and these, in turn, will house “A.I.” and we will have to “worship that” since it will be “smarter than us.”

Somewhere in here you can see how the gloriousness of the Digital Ascension has been swept out of the public mind.  We go into our phones.  Where – like dandy little lemmings – we wait for our favorite apps to open UP.

As it turns out  like heaven and hell, this “ascended reality” most have moved into is where four hours a day in spent.  An article in Inc. reported a while back that about half of that is spent on the five biggies of social media.

The darling ascended ones:  See how they sing to one another, back and forth?  It’s not harps they’re playing.  It’s worse.  Call it pseudo-relationships.

There’s also a down – the analog to hell – some can move into.  Apps for child porn, S&M, killing, and all that dark web stuff.  Who needs hell when you can find snuff flicks streaming on the dark web?

Digital Ascension Fallout

The past few years – because we’ve just had Halloween – growing attention has been paid to Zombies, as well.

If you’re not dot-connecting yet, consider that as the “souls” of people “ascend” into digital realms, their burnt-out bodies – lacking souls (which are off busy in online la-la land) do terrible things.  Causing accidents while texting, is just one obvious example.

Does Digital Ascension End?

Yes, of course.

When the power goes out.

Oh, sure, the fire-and-brimstone crowd talks about smoting the earth by fire and raining down fury, but since history seems to have gotten the UP-Down thing wrong, maybe we can skate on the fire and brimstone part.

Would a “loving Father” opt to just “unplug things?”

Ah…,and when that happens (in true ascension style) those who thought they had ascended will find themselves on a strange new planet.  Where there are no lights, save those from BIC’s and tallow.

The phones won’t work, the lights won’t come on, the gasoline and diesel run out. Over time, the concrete strips empty of cars and become walking routes as bands of survivors furiously attempt to restart.

I won’t spoil the outcome for you.  It’s more fun to speculate, after all.

But I would recommend a cornerstone book for your thinking.  A 1962 book by Nicholas Monsarrat, The Time Before This, tells the story of an arctic explorer who finds a huge underground prepper cache.  Except the frozen cache owner was more reptilian looking…

And maybe a re-read of Revelations, too.  But with a linguistic shift in your thinking.  How many times have you “blow up” a computer or application?  And who hasn’t been  flamed in emails?

Have a great weekend and keep your phone off.  Might be hard, but they have off buttons for a reason.  Is there anyone among us who wouldn’t do better with more time in the here and now?

A point driven home last year when I called my son.  We chatted for a few minutes.  Then I asked what he was doing.

I’m about 10-miles north of Snoqualmie summit on the North Cascades trail…”

The generation gap slammed me like a 2-by-4.  Who on GHod’s green earth would take a call, interrupting the best view of mountains in the world?

Takes on to know one, huh?

Write when you get rich,

20 thoughts on “Prepping: The “Slow Rapture” Model”


    Belief in ‘the rapture’ is less than 250 years old; it was ‘invented’ by a man called John Nelson Darby, a Church of Ireland minister who joined the Plymouth Brethren and became a leader within it. His preaching about ‘the rapture’ was even criticised by some of his Plymouth Brethren, who saw that it had no substantial Biblical foundation, but, significantly, he dismissed their objections, claiming that God had revealed this doctrine to him – this ‘personal’ revelation having more weight for him than the Revelation of Scripture.

    Belief in a pre-tribulational rapture . . . contradicts all three chapters in the New Testament that mention the tribulation and the rapture together (Mark 13:24–27; Matt. 24:26–31; 2 Thess. 2:1–12). . . . The theory is so biblically bankrupt that the usual defense is made using three passages that do not even mention a tribulation (John 14:3; 1 Thess. 4:17; 1 Cor. 15:52). These are important passages, but they have not had one word to say about a pre-tribulational rapture.

  2. George,
    I would suggest that the rapture camels nose in the tent was the telephone. Many years ago Lewis Mumford made the observation that the telephone created a stimulus response condition relating to the sound of a ringing bell not unlike Pavlovs dogs. Think about it.

      • You to reduce the caffeine ,eat more celery ,dark chocolate but number one eat more apples some Alaskan salmon and use that olive oil and then some blueberries and some flaxseed and garlic and onions then the ringng will subside but if you want to ringing in the ears well you know what to

  3. George – U R creepily close to Ariman and the “arimanic 8th density” this morning.

    What the hell is 8th density – dammed if I know..just know to be wary of that evil B.S. – 5,6G networks..

    Rudolph Steiner/Anthroposophy ..even did a drawing rendering and sculpted a bust of this ancient Iranian Devil – sits in a museum in Austria. 1 of 7 filthy losers fallen from..

  4. George

    ” in turn, will house “A.I.” and we will have to “worship that” since it will be “smarter than us.””

    Definition of computer:
    A collection of carefully interconnected switches that can be activated in sequences to produce an event, information etc. etc..

    Definition of computer programmer:
    A person who arranges the activation of switches in computer circuits.

    There is NO God in those computer switches!

    Computer switches will never be self aware!

    Computer programs are just clever activation of switches!

    Anyone worshiping any type of computer is an Idiot !!!

    • Ah but humans, being believers waiting for something to believe in, bought into those 8-Ball fortunbe telling balls by the millions, right? So where is the lack of brains: In the computers (which are able to beat most at chess easily now) or in the users?

      • Remember, the brains are in the programmers head. Without humans programming computers they don’t work.

        In regards to computers that write there own programs. They are using software written by a human to do that.

        They may simulate being Self Aware but there not nor will they ever be so.

  5. Seen the movie, Jupiter Ascending? We’re just a planned food stop for somebody travelling across the galaxy… Not sure why God would want a third of the earth and make us all teleport at the blink of an

  6. I don’t know George…this is old man thinking…Every generation has had an uptick in technology that was supposed to be the end of mankind as we know it. Embrace, adapt and move forward. There’s always an incredible opportunity at every stage of change. We have evolved from a world of menial tasks to elevated and accomplished ones. When you look back…we were oppressed…now we are enlightened…twenty years from now…we will look back and say the same thing about being oppressed from what we practice today.

    In the meantime, your search for time bending is in reality the time technology saves us…it truly adds and enriches our minds and and makes us more proficient. I am exponentially, a much smarter person today because I have resources at my fingertips. I don’t have excuses like “it’s cold outside and Don’t want to walk to the library to learn about stuff.” like I did in the 70’s. That’s one of a zillion examples.

    • Those who speak of being enlightened aren’t. Or simply, the fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool – SFB

  7. I’m not seeing a business model for your novel mythology, other than the ones the cell phone vendors have already set up. No religion can make it without a business model and a collection plate, physical or otherwise.

  8. Apple’s Newton started in 1987,(marketed 1993 about the same time I bought my Performa pos) was a note pad, desk reference, calculator etc. St.Jobs killed it upon his return as the company savior before a lot of apps could be created. I don’t recall a phone feature though. If a smart phone is most valued because of the apps, then Apple gets the credit. If the smart phone is mostly valued as a phone then Motorola gets the accolades, unless they all got the idea from Star Trek tricorders. The sum of apps, phone, and internet = 1+1+1=~10. So, in Charlie Brown terms, claiming pioneerhood is like peeing yourself in dark pants, you get a nice warm feeling but nobody seems to notice. Computer snobbery reminds me of the days of corporate warfare taking place on MY computer with each company trying to sabotage the others’ software and having to mess with the system every time I used an app. The whole mess started with Jobs, Gates, HP, IBM, Xerox and others collaborating and sharing and ended with greed, jealousy and stagnation as they attained wealth.

    Interesting thoughts on rapture, but the opening rant was distracting. They (we) will all end up taking permanent residence in a chiropractor’s office because that bent over posture isn’t natural. “My Pillow” won’t help that.

  9. May all beings be lovingly fulfilled.
    May all beings be financially fulfilled. May all beings be readily for fulfilled.
    So Be It
    Prepare for winter-
    309 Angel Number

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