A short ramble today about investing in the stock market.
- There is no more “investing.” Unless you are Warren or Charlie, have the patience to go looking for under-valued stocks, have a buttload of money and more patience than Job, investing is in the same category as unicorns and honest elections. Maybe… The reality is since I began playing at “investing” like it was Texas Hold ‘Em instead, my results have dramatically improved.
- Examples are everywhere. But, just for a start, take a gander at how the Feds eyeing possible ‘manipulation’ of bank shares: report (nypost.com). One problem of complex financial markets is that so few people understand that with enough complexity, what was once investing becomes plain old gambling. It’s been a migration path.
- The misnamed “investing” of today is almost indistinguishable from casino gaming. You have people with a little extra money beyond subsistence. They get greedy, and now you have a choice of casinos. Our preference is for a well-run Indian Casino, but thanks to Covid, we’ve been playing Wall Street Pulltabs. It works and pays better. EXCEPT!
- You need great insight into the Future. Most people can’t stop looking at the butt of the loser in front of them. Head-down, doing the grind. Which is why people go to work. Stare long enough (8-hours, anyone?) and you’ll get a paycheck. But you won’t get ahead because your field of vision (FOV) is so limited.
The BIG ugly secret – and this is what Peoplenomics ponders more often than not – What is the “IMMEDIATE FUTURE?”
See, if you get to where you can know the future before someone else, you can make more money by placing bets on it. Really simple conceptually, but not one person in 10,000 can tell you what the biggest event financially early next week will be.
Ure Builds His Scenario
Again, this gets into more Peoplenomics like material, but I will give you a thumbnail of it (it meaning profitable trading).
- What are present market conditions? Answer: Early futures were showing the S&P 500 up more than 30 points and the Dow up about 200.
- What is changing? We expect the jobs report will be “better than expected” because while the Challenger Job Cuts were higher than expected, ADP was quite strong and Ol Joe needs a boost.
Hand Me the Jobs Report?
Thanks. It rolled like this:
“Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 253,000 in April, and the unemployment rate changed little at 3.4 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment continued to trend up in professional and business services, health care, leisure and hospitality, and social assistance.”
Gasoline on ready-to-rally markets. Dow holding +190 on futures when I looked. Coincident indicator BTC in the $28,930 range.
As for the CES Birth-Death model (which estimates jobs in and out of this quadrant of the Universe) here’s what it shows: (red line to the total made up jobs part)
The most meaningful order of hype-itude is what’s in the database. And that still looks OK.
Got it? After the data, 15 minutes or so, futures pulled back a bit. But, any old time expect to see a story that proposes something like “With jobs growth lower than expected, odds of another Fed hike lower, so let’s rally this pig into the weekend…”
Now, with all this “good news” we get back to “playing the Future”.
Next Week’s Events – Sketch Up
You’d have to be an idiot not to see these events coming, but there’s a cause and effect in news flow that is offset from market numbers by half a day, or two. People with a nickel’s worth of financial education will have a lightbulb come on, suddenly, and begin to ask questions. “You mean a half day to a day and a half like in Swing Trading?” Well, yes, Bunkie, something like that.
Let me put on my police sketch artist hat now, and walk you through “Ure’s Probable Future” so you can see where I might be tempted to make a trade.
From the top (being 8 AM Central Daylight Friday):
- We got the new Jobs data. Which serves to reinforce the already existing mindset that after a “tough week on the downside” we really need a violent rally to scare the over-confident Bears into selling short positions.
- Then we size up the Rest of Day. Which looks pretty good until 3 PM. That’s when the Consumer Credit drops. If the Credit number is huge, we could see a 300-400 point smoker into the close. But, if people have slowed on their spending, a last hour beginning of a decline would do a bit-part walk-on in this Extravaganza of Greed.
- How Bad is the Weekend likely to be? This part is fun. Russia could pop a nuke (tactical) against Ukraine for the attack on the Kremlin. (Who really did it doesn’t matter) this is all shaping operations and public perception management. All that matters from the gambling perspective is “Does Ukraine Peace break out this weekend?” Our wild-ass guess is no.
- How About Asia? Well, weather looks good for a Chinese version of Blitzkrieg. But instead we might call it “Dropskreig” because they’d push 10,000 airborne troops out of planes, secure Taiwan airports and dare Job Biden to have the balls to declare war on them. See, China doesn’t need to do any “paperwork” (This is not as complicated as bailing your vehicle out of an impound lot, after all.) Far as they are concerned, this is an internal matter and China would likely not initiate engagement with the U.S. forces, except unless fired upon. So, clam-ish winds and a drop war.
- Banks? They OK this weekend? Absofucklutely NOT. (Can’t you read?) Regulators have figured the best time for shotgun weddings of the Bankster sort are on weekends when the impact news has time to moderate it’s psychological impacts. We’ve penciled in another bank failure (Saturday) as a placeholder.
- Surely Monday will rally? Our little class in “owning the future” will be somewhat influenced by the banking rumors before the close today. And they will be moderated as winds change in Europe and Taiwan. Monday could be a “carry-through” but a weak follow-on rally is likely if Authority can keep a lid on world blowing up this weekend.
- What About Next Week, then? We know there will be a POSSIBLE bad news event when Consumer Prices out the inflation data next Wednesday. This could be a biggie. On the short-term ebb and flow of markets, we might guess that the Inflation Report will be a “Buy the Rumor, Sell the News” event. So, a market rally of some kind on Tuesday into the close for some sheep shearing of the dazed public.
- The OTHER Biggy – assuming you follow the future in advance – which, trust us – IS THE SMART THING TO DO – is to expect the Mexico invasion next week when Title 42 expires.
Title 42 Read-In
You should already have May 11 circled on your calendar. Especially if you live in a border state. The post-Title 42 border surge has already begun (nbcnews.com). While Mexico says it will “help” we’re not about to get suckered into the hype festival.
The ONLY question is what portion of the walk-ins will really be ChiComs and this will be part of the (smooth infiltration of cartel supported paramilitary forces surged into the U.S.) as part of “reunification.””
Toss in May 10 (inflation data drop and the Nostradamus earthquake hot date and we can make out a very strong case for a rally Tuesday.
This leaves us with the simple ponder: How much of a downside might lurk by the close today, eyeing how the Credit data rolls this afternoon, and from there we will have to see if China might not push Taiwan back a week in order to get more boots on the ground in the U.S. via the (former) Mexico border which traitors have failed to defend back in Washington. (Wait, does that make me some kind of extremist? Because I give a shit about America and making a few bucks gaming the future? My bad.)
I could go on and lay out the charts and the logical inflection points which will correlate to temporally adjacent Future events. But if you were serious, you’d subscribe to the $40/year Peoplenomics product. The “big brain” stuff ain’t out here on the free side.
Twitters, Jitters, and Fritters
The tone of Twits related to the left-wing attack on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has become very negative. Issue just isn’t getting traction. Which weighs when you read Clarence and Ginni Thomas face new ethics scrutiny over secret payments, gifted private school tuition. The Left wants Thomas out in order to get a turn as “Court Packing” with commies. Nice.
Jitters about Ukraine roll on. The West’s latest gem for propaganda (covering up the West’s involvement in droning of the Kremlin charges) is Russia’s Wagner boss threatens Bakhmut pullout in Ukraine | AP News.
Fritters – as away your valuable waking lifetime – with uber-distractions like the New Kneeler Boss getting “made” by grovelers this weekend. Here, for example, we see the erudite lynchpin of the Establishment telling the sheep King Charles III’s Coronation: What to Know – (nytimes.com). When a reporter or news organization tells me what to know, I give them the three-fingered salute and wonder “Can they read between the lines?”
Recap and Exit Interview
The hype is on for a rally at the open. Jobs for all!
Consumer credit weakening could slow things into the close, with another bank (rumor or real) likely to drop this weekend. 20 percent chance on Taiwan. The longer Xi waits, the more U.S. arms will show up – raising his acquisition cost. Putin may have to fire a nuke to shut up the Wagner critic.
Here at the ranch, another weekend in Paradise. G2 is back from the North and I think finding when his Lodge meeting is and getting back on his Keto diet is high on his list today.
I’ve got lawn mowing and edging to do, made more complicated by the new kittens.
Long-hair black with white patch cat and Sam the Siamese secretly had kids about a month back. Out in the woodpile (no jokes, please). Now we have what literally (as in litter) look like clones of mom and pop. Two baby Siamese and two of the black cats.
We must have spent a couple of hours watching them Thursday. Where they get the energy from? Could humans only be so open and energized…be a different world. (Or we’d all climb trees and eat rats instead of putting them in office. But that’s another column for another time).
Write when you get rich,
“the what?” – thats what she said!
Oh my goodness surprise litter of kittys, how marvelous. We had a similar problem a few years back while I was still in the employ of fish&boat commission. At the time we had a couple of “rescue” Turtles living in the back yard area – Pennsyltucky.
Anyway long story short neighbors Cat had “relations” with one of the Turtles..dont ask.
About 3 months after the dirty deeds were done, we had a brand new litter of what the herpetologists at Penn State Univ. are calling “Titties”, running around the back yard.
Strangest creatures you have ever seen – furry shells, stubby legs, pointing ears and fluffy tails!
Kittens here too, 9 weeks old now. Mom and Dad here together. the whole “affair” was a redo of human relationships in some ways. New life, homemaking, caring, care, feeding, playing all a wonder. Only slight worrying about $2k “fixing” Vet bill.
Lots of animal lover or county animal control orgs will “do” kittens for a low price or free. Sometimes combined with basic shotz-pak. Ask around.
Thanks for pointing this out. I live rural, and it doesn’t take long for cat pop to get out of control if someone doesn’t neuter/spay those strays. :) I’ve recently been “gifted” with one that I’m going to have neutered when the local traveling clinic makes it way near me in June. My hope is that my neighbor will take him in for a barn cat if it’s been fixed.
I’m about to make a dent in the local cat pop around here. The toms have taken a liking to spraying the windshield and even wizzing directly down the air vent grill of my wife’s car so we try and keep a tarp over the windshield and vent but any time we forget the damned things move in. Back when we were using the heater a lot having that smell waft through the car wasn’t enjoyable at all. Car washes and even heavily dosed Clorox water down the vent didn’t get it all out. Its something only Time takes away. I keep a BB gun at the ready all the time by the carport door but the danged things seem to take it as a challenge. If we didn’t live right across from the school I’d put the .22 to good use. Too many people around here now to make good with that.
“Out!” or similar product.
It is a bacterial cultivation. The bacteria devour bodily waste and fluids. Sprayed once on a puppy puddle on a rug makes it go away; sprayed twice, a few hours apart, removes all traces, so even the dogs can’t smell the puddle.
“Out!” is sold at Wal-Mart, and is the brand I favor because I KNOW it works. Others may be better…
Two dousings will fix your air intake issue.
N.B. Bioagents like this work by depositing bacteria on the problem and allowing them to consume it. Bleach kills bacteria.
FIX them before you become the crazy ‘cat lady’.
I am fortunate, that my town has a charity for getting cats fixed, U still pay some but is only a small % of the vet’s charge. I had 5 cats fixed, but only 3 are still with me. They are yard cats, I refuse to let cats live in my home,,, been there and done that with the last ex,,, she is gone and so are her cats !
Set out dry cat food for the neighbors cats to patrol my yard, hoping to reduce mouse populations, ended up with a feral solid black manx cat who ended up pregnant. I provide water, 2 types of dry and a canned food for them. Cat houses and heat mats for winter. They are ankle rubbers, they don’t like to be picked up,,, but mousers they are, hurrah, and bird snaggers, damnit.
They are a pain when I go to plant in my garden. They think I get down on my hands and knees to pet them, when I am putting in onion sets or thinning the red beets,,,
I don’t want to talk about getting rid of excess cats, as the feral little multipiers kept up their math studies.
Cat infestations are hard to resolve once they get started. They breed monthly and aren’t bothered by incest. Now you’re out there feeding deformed cats with an eye dropper.
Tell us when you notice cat trails to and from destination points in the yard.
Wait till your best friends wife drops off 4 rescue bunnies that would look good on my acreage. Population explosion indeed, I could not possibly eat or store in three freezers The Mayhem.
We are not talking Hefner style but the activity was.
barn/yard cats like baby bunnies,,, I have witnessed the kill, while gardening
Are cats good alarms?
G can go the other way. 3D print modular cat houses and set them all around. Make the cat area look like an old western town, ‘Calico City’.
Some cat houses could have lofts, sky lights others with auto-feeders. Cat treats atop lookout pole. Catnip Creek under the pines.
We have to ask for pictures? What’s the matter with you?
Elaine will take some this weekend….lol *(in answer to the question, it’s a long list of monomania items)
Perhaps Joe Bryant foresaw the Cinco de Mayo weekend.
“we’re sorry Admiral, the President is unavailable.”
I’m thinking of going long in lumber futures as the weather is heating up in NYC next week.
Further to Steve 2’s point about commercial real estate here is a report of a building in San Francisco that suffered a major price drop. Price drops like this will affect lenders that hold mortgages.
The kicker is that as the price went up up up … the owners, if typical, REFINANCED the building (that is how is shows as $300 million – value of it for refinancing) and TOOK MONEY OUT!!
In fact if the building had been held a while the owners got ALL of their original purchase cost out (remember they only paid 20% down when they bought it, so say at a purchase price of $150 million, and probably was lower, they only invested $30 million).
When they refinanced at $300 million for 80% of value the loan would have been for $240 million. Paying off the original loan balance of say $120 million, let them put $90 million in their pocket, or a return of their orginal investment PLUS $60 million PROFIT!!.
In addition during the time they owned the building they were also collecting a management fee of about 4% to 6% of rents which after actual management costs meant they were putting about 3% of the rental income into their pockets for the amount of rent collected.
The reality is that downtown San Fran office buildings went up in value so rapidly that they probably had bought the building about 8 years ago for just $100 million and then they refinanced 5 years later, 3 years ago, at $300 million. If that is the case their actual PROFIT on the sale would be $140 million PROFIT on a $20 million investment!! ($240 million borrowed – repay $80 million loan – return the original $20 million purchase money = $140 million PROFIT on a $20 million investment!!) (California is one state I am not sure how to quickly navigate the government websites on the original purchase so I am not going to do that for this example, but the data is out there wrt when and how much they originally paid for the building if anybody cares to go look0
The building owners since they refinanced 3 years ago for $300 million don’t care about the building going to the lender since they have already at least TRIPLED their money and may well have had a 7x return because of that refinance.
The lender is left holding the bag and the building owners were and are SMILING after making TEN of MILLIONS of dollars in profits off the building!!
(OH and because of tax laws they have NOT YET had to pay any income taxes on those “Profits”, since that was “refinance money” NOT a “sale” … and since the building is going into bankruptcy they may never have to pay any income taxes onthe money they took out during the refinance (I don’t know the complex tax rules wrt those transactions and Bankruptcy but generally that is what happens when this kind of property goes into bankruptcy, NO income taxes owed!)
……and now multiply those calculations over a couple of hundred buildings across the state….. Even if they paid capital gains taxes I doubt it would make up for any prospective bailouts.
Re: The Royal Toolkit
feat. your home is your castle
Is your ‘survival kit complete? HM Government has curated a beta webpage. The assemblage of “useful templates and materials” comprises a Toolkit towards celebrating tomorrow’s Coronation from home. Puzzles for young and old include images to colour and connect-the-dots challenges. If you wish to dine like a Royal, the Palace has included recipes for staple fare such as rack of lamb and a trifle dessert.
Meanwhile DJ George is summoning cool cats to the festival food court where ovens are pumping out appetites. A Queen Consort private hearty fare favorite of (Heinz) baked beans on toast can be served up for the multitudes. Digestion will be aided by accompaniment of the “Coronation Celebration Playlist”. The 26 course collection of works builds with towering effect to its dizzying crescendo –
king. interesting because I was recently given a King Ranch hat. if you are in Texas. I’m sure you have heard of the King Ranch. 890,000 odd acres. dude was a steam boat captain. a very nice lady gave me the hat from the Ranch. then later that day I was told Ore Train Drivers are nicknamed King of the Road. because anyone on the road we will squish. even the owner of the mine give us a wide berth. all the boss’s. ore trains have the right away.
I was crowned King by a lady from that
Ranch and given the title all in one day at work. pretty cool.
I’m super tired and still digesting everything coming in after a long dialog with THE DUDE.
George you remember last year when I saw them 11 DeLoreans and that lady named Mabus was standing there flirting with me. she is a cutie. but i declined her advances just because i refuse to be dating a lady with the same name as Nastrodamus falls then the 3rd antichrist rises. f that.
it came up again last night. resurfacing thought juxtaposed to 9/11.
there is a ton I didn’t mention.
who knows. I’m going sleep, maybe when I wake up? it will he a whole new world.
I know I want to stay where I’m at. but I think I will be moving again. I’d like to plant some roots. however! I go wherever THE DUDE leads.
who knows. I could be at the King Ranch in Texas next. with that cute little blonde who gave me the hat.
For the ‘nine lives’ crowd, cat lovers:
For the ‘nine levels’ crowd, a better explanation of the Mayan calendar,
Ian Lungold, at 42 minute mark, explains Mayan 9 step calendar, beginning 16.4 billion years ago (Big Bang theory is 14 mya), up to present time. Notice the ‘7 days of Creation’ also matches Genesis (bible). Lengthy but fascinating…
Ask G2 to suit up in whatever fire-guy uniform fragments he may have (official-lookig hat is helpful). Take the kittens to either a big-box pet store — non-mall — and put them in a shopping cart with a big sign, “Free to a good home.”
Gone in thirty minutes.
Note 1: Some pet big-boxes will chase you off. Some welcome it, because they realize “free” cats still need a pile of Cat Supplies — which they conveniently sell. Supermarkets on Saturday mornings work well, too.
Note 2: If it really is a “Good Home” is up to God to arrange.
Note 3: We have always sourced all out cats and digs from such opportunities; or from local amimal lover orgs that don’t charge $100 AND have you fill out forms like you were applying for a T.S./T.S Crypto, NOFORN, SPECAT, “Q”, CODEWORD Program.
George, those aren’t “kittens,” they’re “tribbles” — for all practical purposes, they’re born pregnant. Ex-wife took in a stray she-cat last fall. It was with child — or four. within a couple months of birthing the litter, she dropped another litter and the (still small & cute) kittens were playing doctor. Despite living where the humane society has a low-cost spay/neuter program, she spent many hundreds, by the time all the kittens had their kittens, and she got them all fixed…
Hi George,
Another way to do futuring is to figure out something that is certain to happen, but no one knows exactly when, and then buy a series of puts or shorts on the market until it does happen.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb made millions doing this, and discusses the theory and practice of it in his ‘Incerto’ series of books (including Black Swan, Antifragile, Skin in the Game).
Best to bet against things that are sure to fail, like Elon Musk’s Tesla company–
Or if you want a really big payoff, find a way to bet against the US Dollar and also a way to collect on your short when it happens;
Here is a nice summary of the soon demise of the US Dollar as the world’s default trading currency:
Figure 10 years or less, MUCH less if Russia wins Ukraine decisively.
George, what about Monday?
The 2/19 to 3/24 2020 crash from occurred in 24 trading days and self assembled into two fractal decay series : 3/6/7/4 and 2/4/4. The 5/1 to 5/23/2023 crash will occur over 17 trading days and follow 2 decay series each of 2/5/4 and 2/5/4 days.
A 12/28 2022 final 15/37/30/22 day growth and decay fractal completed a 33/66/66-67 week :: x/2x/2x lower high valuation growth cycle for the Wilshire (and the French CAC which reached its all time valuation high). The 22 day 4th fractal of the 15/37/30/22 day series appears to be composed of a (3) 4/9/9 day series ending 5/23/2023.
In this model next Monday is day 5 of the second fractal of a 5/1/2023 2/5/4 day fractal series and should be nonlinearly and decidedly down in valuation.
A crash devaluation of global equities by 23 May 2023 should give the politicizing counter parties of the US debt ceiling limit ‘debate’ a real liquid brown pants moment to sway their political needs. After all, if the system fails, some excessively (really excessively) nice congressional retirement packages (for serving a minimum of 2 years) are going away.
As always, time will tell.
(M1 M2 Money supply is YOY negative for the first time since 1930 and 3 month minus ten year US treasury notes are at >1.80, the lowest since 1982. This credit contraction is simply historical. Add in the collapsing intermediate-sized banks. This is going to be bad.)
Connect the dots…
“How Bad is the Weekend likely to be? This part is fun. Russia could pop a nuke (tactical) against Ukraine for the attack on the Kremlin. (Who really did it doesn’t matter) this is all shaping operations and public perception management. All that matters from the gambling perspective is “Does Ukraine Peace break out this weekend?” Our wild-ass guess is no.”
Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 963
Quatrain X-58 provides the clue when Prince Charles becomes King of the United Kingdom, “the young Macedonian makes war… in the time of mourning the feline monarch”.
Hey George!
Talk about soundwaves and movement, check this story out!
Thank you for the good info.
Pass on the site to your closest (million or two) friends…
And so it came to pass… Uretopia the Pussy Ranch. (Can’t call it a ‘ranch’ unless you actually raise something, eh?)
Give me a few weeks on the chili peppers. Lotsa green ones ripening soon.
10-4 (lol) – I will get the sunscreen on the gh today – hit 100 even with the swamp cooler on – getting to that that time of year (hell months)
ha! awesome ahout the kitties man. totally agree on many points you made.
I’m seeing more wild Bunnies than I can count lately.
i apologize for not subscribing. I’m sorta uhhh caught up in uhhh Vulcan mind meld with the Universal Mind aka infinite intelligence.
okay okay. I got 6 minutes to give a thought out, easy to read thought.
it has occurred to me that coming soon. how soon? not sure. there is a natural elevation of consciousness going to happen on the planet. not sure when. but it is forsure. how big a jump?
my entire being moved from 400 above sea level to 1.34 miles above sea level. including my mind.
having many talks with THE DUDE. I heard sirens today and it was so loud. ambulance sirens. but I’m in the mountains. way up in the mountains. maybe it was a signal of G2 return home.
could be a flash flag soon. uhem false flag. seen that.
okay. gotta get. see ya when I see ya. good read today dude. thank you.
yes, i know. that is quite a jump in consciousness. I dotn make it up. just call it as I see it. okay gotta get. can’t be messaging going40 mph weighing 606,000 lbs.
I had a vision last night of the refinery on fire. blazing away. it was so strange. I almost called out on the Cb. and dialed 911. then I looked again. and it wasn’t on fire. the whole sky was red.
then I heard ambulances today and there was none around.
I perfectly sober and of sound mind. sometimes I just see visions.
the super cool thing is the massive shift upwards in consciousness. equivalent from being at a level of 400 to 1.34 miles. it is a natural accurance and reminded me of what blavsky wrote in the in the next emergency of a new root race.
I was speaking with infinite intelligence George, about the counter balance to the Vax issuance. there has to be a counter balance. it’s within the laws of reality a by product is some who did not get vaccinated will elevate in consciousness to that degree. same degree I elevated. equivalent in consciousness.
that is pretty cool
example: black plague counter balance the resistance. not sure if I’m using the right words.
we all know the vaccine is artificial genetic manipulation. using graphine due to suppress or dumb down consciousness.
and evaluation of consciousness is a natural phenomenon. once every so often humanity jumps levels in consciousness. naturally. it’s the natural order of things on this planet. and many others like it. according to my conversations with Infinite Intelligence up here in the Valley of Enoch.
so it will happen for some individuals (how many I do not know) who will jump that high in consciousness. hope that makes sense
uhem Renaissance
“When this bubble bursts, there will be no fourth or fifth bubble, there will only be rubble.”
on the topic of weights and measurements. I do find interesting, having leveled up to such a degree personally, how that reflects for the greater of humanity.
where before I was hauling at 105,500 and the material value of that load was approximately $1000, in a machine with 457 hp and 790lbs of torque. one wagon.
now in I’m moving 606,000 lbs, of material worth $40,000 a wagon multiplied by 3, in a machine with 1007 hp and 3000lbs of torque.
same load count of 11 loads on average a day.
the man in the machine. so to speak coupled ~ he who is trusted with little. to much he will be given. ~
in my discussion with Infinite intelligence, daily, I asked if this was related to ‘inflation’. the answer I received was no, it is relation to capacity, capability and increase in value. including strength and ability. because to a certain extent everything in external phenomenal reality is subjective to internal reflection of stimulus. basically. the outside is a reflection of the inside. it is a matter of movement vertically not inflating vertically.
now I understand I’m not the only one present in this reality, so it logical that I’m not the only one who will increase in capacity, capability and value. including strength and ability.
so it will produce the same in some humanity. again, how many? I do not know. but it will be the same for others. who are not vaccinated.
interesting dialog with Infinite intelligence lately.
that is tid bit of the on going conversation I’m having with THE DUDE.
relatively speaking I did go from a population of over 2 million to a population of 3000 over night.
in relation to those moviving vertically in consciousness also in capacity, capability, value. strength and ability. I would think it will be the same.
all things being relative.
I do appreciate you George, and everyone here. I am in deep conversation with THE DUDE, as my new environment relates to my, the interior workings within.
oh… i got invited to race a 2022 Lamborghini Huracán at a race track in utah recently. in said Yes!
interesting interal reflection.
flying planes, driving trains and racing exotic sports cars.
que: ~ hunting, fishing and loving every day. ~
ohhhhh I understand now. the material universe is a product of infinite intelligence thoughts. when Infinite intelligence thinks of an object? it materializes. even me. I’m a thought materialized that Infinite Intelligence had to experience itself through sensory feedback. phenomenal environment is a product of Infinite Intelligence thoughts. I am a product of that environment. because I am a manifestation of infinite intelligence. in my subconscious mind, I’m materializing objects too. the world is a reflection of my thoughts to experience myself. that is deep.
so now im driving trains, going to school to fly planes and going to drive an exotic sports car on the race track. that is a the material products of my subconscious mind thoughts. they are material representations of internal dialog and reflection.
well, I kinda knew that. but not to this level of actualization. as I resolve issues within it produces a different material environment of experiences.
hanging out with rockstars and working security was resolving things within me. once that was resolved, a whole new environment presented itself.
I wonder if by progressing through this environment it will alter the world scale. interesting notion. because often times the world emulates my experiences. on a grander scale.
quiet the notion.
anyway. hope you are all well. life is good. :)
definitely a difference in elevation not inflation. as it relates to consciousness.
sorry for the ramble. LOL
phenomenal reality is conscious and relates to conscious presence and changes as consciousness within changes.
it’s interactive. it’s a dialog.
I’m on a whole nother level. a pleasure suprize indeed.
this sure is some goood coffee. hahahahha
one final thing,
someone asked me a while back. if someone stole your harvest, what would you do? I said I would do nothing. they said you would do nothing? I said yeah. however, I do know this. God would over turn the money changers tables on them, if they stole from me.
and that has me thinking about all this banking business.
I can’t count how many times people have fucked me over, than later in life I see how, they got handed their assess. hard. and I took no revenge. DUDE handled it.
one time this guy took a tablet from me. I could have just body slammed him. he was a punk. said what are you going to do about it? my friend Rami stood there and she knew, if I got up from my chair, that fella would have gotten a serious beat down. he was no match for me. not even remotely. I said nothing. he said that is right. you ain’t going to do shit. then he got in his car and left.
8 months later that same fella came into my office in Seattle when I was running big security crews. he was spun out on drugs, weighed about 120lbs soak and wet. had been walking the streets, was all dirty, sleeping on the ground in an obviously hadnt showered in a long time . he asked me for a cup of coffee and If I had a job for him. I gave him a doughnut and a cup of coffee, and a cigarette. I knew who he was when he walked in the door. as he took a bite of his doughnut and a slurp of coffee, the light came on and he realized who he was talking to. and that he took my tablet 8 months before. and I didn’t do shit. and started crying and looked away.
he said can you please help me? do you have any work? I said no, we are all full here. I gave ya a cup of coffee, a doughnut and a cigarette. I’d like you to leave my office now. I have no work for you.
never saw him again.
this whole banking collapse stuff. remindes me of that fella. coming to terms with his choices.
off to dream of better things.
have fun with those kitties George.
well George, cats on Starlink dish,,, photo in the tweet
regarding price action for Monday. Take a gander at the open interest and volume data on the S&P 500 futures from Friday. Plus, since the majority of the price action was selling during the week traders will exit their shorts so no positions over the weekend. To many uncertainies. God Bless America!