Getting hard to “run away to the frontier” to craft a new kind of life these days. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. It just takes a little different mindset to pull it off.
Today, the first 7,000-word chunk of how to pull it off. Everything from escape to the backwoods, the sea, and even dry camping forever in an RV.
Before we do that, however, into the markets and a slug of new data just out. Which will lead into the two Fed Chair Powell Appearances on Friday.
Pour a little more coffee than usual as we head out in search of Next America.
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Long time lurker in CA and just subscribed. Sorry it took so long! Thank you for all you do.
Welcome board!
Unaki is an emiassary from an alien world, serving mission on Earth
Best 40 bucks you will ever spend.
Seconded, welcome.
On a side note, Hibicleans rock for the postponement, in days, of the “old man smell”.
Be well,
Being in a fiat system Mr. Market can always go higher.
Recall last December, 12 short months ago the Social Security crowd was excited about the increase, 8.7%. The additional purchasing power is gone by now, and then some.
All of our lives autoworkers have said they’re broke Why they don’t become the CEOs they compare themselves too is beyond me. Barra was promoted from within so that means any one of them can do it.
That said they’re getting record raises. By next contract they’re going to be broke again whining about CEO pay overlooking the fact they didn’t use tuition reimbursement to become CEO. That said they’ll get the raise again.
It’s the cycle that leads us into the dark ages. Work all week for a bowl of soup because of all the gators on our backs. There’s no way to shake them.
Closely watching charts, I wonder if we might get a double top in SPY at 460???
Very possible. The MACD [ YTD ] looks to be rolling over also.
The Great Loop- G dog, tis the life, arrgghhhh!
Youse all should contact the BCN, if in U choose this lifestyle, as I am a Jersey Shore(south) kinda guy, iow a “Shoobie” – Summer only.
Intercoastal life on the great loop – Fan F-ingTASTIC!
Stop in for a cold beverage, some blueclaws-crab boil, sit around table for a couple hours drinking beers and cracking crabs. More crab you crack, the more Beer ya drink, and vice versa.
Crabs and Oysters be abundant in NJ waters, Beers we can ferment on our own, worst case wind and solar will provide Ure Cat with all the NRG it needs.
? Can you make the run down Florida cross the GoM north of Cuba, and swing down Belize ways. Keep in mind northwest coast of Cuba RESTRICTED area (new lands rise/temple of Isis). Why my course goes directly thru this area..? Can pickup some side gigs (transportation-dont ask) along the way, hey beats working at AMZ.
Would argue for a big used sailing Cat , versus mono hulled jobs. Same idea as renovating an RV/GreyhoundBus/Winnebagos.
Personally being an Eastcoast deplorable living bout 6 months out of year in the HARD COAL state of Pennsyltucky (Hard Coal=Hard Men) – I am now ALL IN on the new EV’s = Coal Burners! bout frigging time.
Pennsyltucky has so much Coal – we be burning the shit -IN THE GROUND 24/7/365.
Yo Elon – wheres my new ELECTRIC CyperPickemUp truck ? 4 motors ! vrooomvrooom! cheap almost worthless weak ass metal Lithium battery tech ..sux big hairy moose ballz, but hey Morons are as Morons do.
No not enough Nickle to mine either, morons – Iron or Copper is a must – stupid shitheads – think SCARCITY.
SCARCITY – readers and Mr Editor, might wanna familiarize themselves with this concept…especially as it relates to GOLD/SILVER and BITCOIN.
BTC be so scarce now that there is NO BTC 4 G left to hash. Unless of course he gets onboard buys some miners and hooks up with Mining partner company OCEAN. J. Dorsey is founding investor – greater benefits to the little guys(miners). This the place to bee sailing -
PS- El Salvadors breakeven in BTC approaches at $44K per..
Nice update BCN, GBTC is still at a discount to NAV of the BTC underneath. My girl Cathy Woods is a big fan.
Warning [contains Fbombs] but the message is clear.–A
Not Advice , do your own homework peeps.
Hopium is in great demand in America these days. Unfortunately magical thinking is more rampant. Magical thinking is the woman who believed that if she just washed the clothes in the right way her husband would stop beating her.
Just sayin’
Greetings from Ecuador, still banking one SS check every month.
Just invested in a newer car. Old vehicle, $15k, just sold it for $9k after 12 years.
Going to increase Bitcoin holdings. Hopefully you fuckers looking to get rich sitting on your asses won’t fuck it up again.
Planning to visit El Salvador in January.
I showed Diana “I don’t need a wife with Bigger boobs.” She said “Is that all you ever think about?” Not always, sometimes backsides too but don’t worry, I’m way happy with what I’ve got. How about you? Then I got the look and a kiss.
Stay safe. 73
More and more information by those who know the details of how badly we were duped about Corona virus
Dr. Campbell interviews Dr. Clare E. H. Craig about the Corona Virus and how it compared to other pandemics in the past. Lots of surprising information, especially about what we’ve been told about the Spanish Flu. You have to listen carefully to get past her accent. The link above is only part of the interview. The entire interview is an hour and 22 minutes and can be found here:
The system for vaccine has have sceptics long time;
The Poisoned Needle 1957
The doctor that developed the polio vaccine, I’m pretty sure, killed one or two of his granddaughters testing it out.
And he killed many millions more by introducing the cancer gene in the polio vaccine.
Both my parents died of cancer.
From the article:
Infectious SV40 survived the vaccine inactivation treatments, and conservative estimates indicate that up to 30 million people (children and adults) in the United States may have been exposed to live SV40 from 1955 through 1963 when administered potentially contaminated polio vaccines (95, 111). Millions of people worldwide were also potentially exposed to SV40 because contaminated polio vaccines were distributed and used in many countries (85, 123). These data led the Institute of Medicine to conclude that “the biological evidence is of moderate strength that SV40 exposure from the polio vaccine is related to SV40 infection in humans” (111).
If there was ever a line within driving distance for the polio vaccine we were in it. The folks had lived through the height of the plague and weren’t about to let us kids go through it. Who was I to argue, especially when they put the vaxx on a SUGAR cube?! My greatest disappointment was when it was those salty drops under the tongue. No joy in those times but at least there wasn’t a needle involved.
The same goes for all the rest of the vaxxes but they were mostly injections (tetanus was the most frequent) and I finally wore my folks down after pulling me out from under the exam table enough times that they decided I’d won. I didn’t get a small pox vaxx until I was in boot camp and then it left such a small scar you can’t tell it from the surrounding acne scars on the back of my shoulder. But, believe me, I got caught up in boot camp with their high pressure air injections. Stand and accept delivery! They gave us all a day off after that because about half of us were sick as dogs.
Speaking of tetanus vaxx, my second step-dad got himself snakebiten (the snake tried to warn him so I can’t blame the snake) so when we took him in to the ER they gave his a huge syringe full of tetanus vaxx. Unfortunately they didn’t record it and the nurse in his hospital room asked whether he’d gotten it. I told them, yes, he had but she wound up giving it to him again. Lo, and behold, he wound up with gianne barre and stayed in the hospital for months afterward. I’ve always wondered if it was intentional on the hospital’s part. Gianne barre made its rounds back then and now you rarely ever hear about it. One of those things that make you go “Hmmmm…..”.
None of the vaxxes I took were worse, however, than the hepatitis vaxx I got before the family went deep into Mexico with my step-dad. I felt like I’d been run over by a truck for a couple of days but at least when the hospital I worked for decided everyone in Engineering needed a Hep A and either B or C vaxx series again it was considerably milder than the first one I’d had 20+ years earlier.
But I’ll never forgive the hospital our first grandkid was born at. The number of iron rods they shot into that little girl’s thighs who was only minutes old made me want to grab one of them and shove it into that nurse’s jugular and watch her pass out. That baby had a fever of 104 or maybe more when we brought her home and I truly worried about her little brain frying while we held her and not making it through the night. It was the beginning of my learning to distrust doctors and hospitals in general.
Welcome to Ohio, where voters voted to pass recreational marijuana with all the bells and whistles included, and now the politicians want to make adjustments to what we voted on. The people are not happy.
Admittedly, I haven’t done any kind of study, or consummed a lot of AI output; but what little I’ve seen is so general in voice that it sounds like a horoscope, or the mealy-mouthed, careful, “both-sides-fair” boiler-plate word-saled B.S. that corporate PR guys spew. Careful to never offend, but also by that mechanism, also being flaccid and amazingly UNinformative.
It is generally as flat and colorless (and soul-less) as PTA meeting minutes.
Exactly; garbage in, garbage out.
It can’t naturally create life nor birth a baby, and it can’t count the sands of grain on the beach or the number of hairs on our heads…
It’s a machine.
And, all you have to do is look at history and see what HUMANS and MACHINES have done to this world….for good and for bad.
Clif mentioned in today’s Aether Pirates recording that Jean-Claude had an interview with the Remote Viewers so I went and found it. It’s 2+ hours long and the first hour or so is about viewing the Moon. I’ve just got into the deep-woo subject matter and there’s an hour and a half to go.
Missile To The Moon – Trailer (1958)
Aliens made of stone.
Aliens have all the fun …
I spent some time making comments on the ark meme, only to have them disappear with a keystroke error. I’ll take that as a sign condemning verbosity and over-analysis.
I suppose that I am living in a minimalist version of what I imagined my ark would be 25 years ago. Under current conditions, the place is liveable, but it falls short in a lot of areas. I now find that pesky ROI’s tend to restrain capital projects more than anything. Cost cutting and tending to investments has a better payout than most capital projects.
Quality of life is also an ever-present consideration. Scenarios involving back-breaking labor and large capital investments with no realistic ROI are hard to get motivated over.
Cheap and easy doesn’t necessarily come easy or without compromise, but it does have a favorable ROI.
Two years or so ago when we had the cash money to do the improvements we want on our house we began to ping on every reliable contractor we could reach only to get put off indefinitely by the one we wanted who actually gave us an estimate for the job. Now I’m afraid the cost will have doubled and we’d be left with a loan to pay when it’s all said and done while looking into a World of shite coming our way. I’d do the job myself but it requires at least a couple of strong backs with skills to do it right and make it look good. All the contractors around here care about are the big jobs worth a minimum of 6 figures.
My late father and I were the general contractors on my home, so you know who is stuck with any warranty type stuff, although any warranty would be more than a decade in the rear view mirror. The sheathing, wind bracing and straps were done by myself originally. I did the wind bracing upgrades solo after the first tornado fifteen or so years later, and they were done right. The second set of (multiple and more severe) funnels a few years later wrecked havoc with the trees, but the upgraded wind bracing held firm. There was almost no damage to the house. Sometimes it’s best to handle things yourself, but do pay someone else to do !@#@!*#@!! sheetrock and taping.
I did discover that I can do sheet rocking once I saw how to score and snap it on a couple of YT videos. That got the ranch house kitchen taken care of after a few days of the sink faucet spraying across the room and soaking half the walls in there. After letting the place dry out for a couple of months I replaced the old sheet rock with the green, anti-fungal board after soaking the underlying walls and floors with anti-fungal liquid of some kind. Floating and taping, though, not so much. In that it’s mainly a man cave the hunters could really care less as long as the ceiling doesn’t fall in on their breakfast. But I’ve never gotten the tape to stick well to the caulk or whatever you call it and it usually wound up falling off within an hour or so. At least there are no drafts and it probably allows the walls to breath and expel any residual or later moisture that may be there.
Henry Kissinger’s death announced on 11/30/2023.
This is a 1-1-3 Ritual Day.
Died yesterday, but no mention of what time. Probably 11/30 in Europe which is 6 hours ahead.
11-30-2018 – GEORGE BUSH DEATH
Good Morning Sir.
a few questions i have.
so i know all the extremely wealthy are moving away from the high density populations to places like SunVally Idaho and Jackson Hole, wyoming. im certain they are all privy to info that we are not privy to.
my question is, at the same time there is a mass migration of shamman and other Mystics and Holy People moving to Pheonix, Arizona. wonder why?
when is the date that the RV guys cant see past? i cant remember.
i think its in 2024.
now. ive seen alot of predictions about 2024. i found this one out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains. quite the prediction. its a matter of interptitation. someone or a group placed this out in tbe middle of nowhere in the mountains, nobody around for miles. i found it driving around.
it goes with me seeing the 3 points of light in a triangle above the mountain top. which is new, recently.
15 degrees this morning on the mountain. heat wave. supposed to get a foot of snow tonight.
oh my friend, The King of the Forest. The Giant Buck i calles out of the Abysss. he has a herd of 40 to 50 females following him. i met alot of cool dudes in my journey. He is by far one of the Coolest Dudes.
i recently bought some brass knuckles and i had the Om symbol ingraved on each knuckle. seems fitting. that Knock out a mother fucker path of Peace. pick them up friday.
im feeling really strong lately. healthy as an Ox.
see ya around.
to the Chosen Few,
how bout you?
“When is the date that the RV guys cant see past? I cant remember. I think its in 2024.”
Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 34:5
Its greatest cities will be depopulated and those who enter within will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.
TRANSLATION: Nostradamus Epistle: Paragraph 34:5
Nuclear weapons will make its greatest cities uninhabitable. Those who enter will fall under the vengeance of the wrath of God.
I first believed that this part of Nostradamus’ Epistle to Henry might have been connected to The First Blow of Steel. I now believe that this will be the response to the October 7th, 2023 Israeli declaration of war against Hamas. It is most likely that this will occur sometime before the Summer of 2024.
Nostradamus And The Third Age Of Mars 2024
by G.A. Stewart
“When is the date that the RV guys cant see past? I cant remember. I think its in 2024.”
I remember it being before the end of this year. Clif High got the same results with his method.
you are correct,
a little research finds
– remote viewers everywhere are seeing a major calamitous change occurring before the end of the year – beyond that point they are incaple of seeing.
thank you.
i was shown that on october 3rd for the date mention in my premintion. which is end of july 2024.
sigh, I dont want it to all end. i want it to go back to the way it was years ago. but we have entirley too much inertia.
if i could change things i would.
Jutice is the card i get for 2024.
and i dont do tarot. im not sure why in recent months i see them in situations and themes around me. I am Christian. but i see them.
and i was thinking Justice for 2024, a reply by a person “Truth” shortly apeared after confirming what I was seeing.
Truth is a primary componant of Justice.
thank you.
Ohm as in Resistance or Om as in AUM – sound represented by hindu symbol 4 past presentfuture. Interesting brand to tag Ure opponents with, though not sure the why?
Ever consider a swastika ? says we’re in for a strong geomagnetic storm tomorrow when the cannibal CME sweeps up the two prior blasts and hits Earth. They’re expecting up to a G3 storm level. –
“A CANNIBAL CME IS COMING: NOAA models confirm that a Cannibal CME will strike our planet on Dec. 1st. Cannibal CMEs form when a fast CME sweeps up a slower CME ahead of it. The combination contains intense, tangled magnetic fields that can do a good job sparking auroras when they reach Earth. If a Cannibal CME strikes Earth on Dec. 1st, as predicted, geomagnetic storm levels could reach category G3 (Strong).”