12 thoughts on “Peoplenomics Podcast is Up”

  1. George I really enjoyed the podcast. I sat back in my office chair with my K-9 on my lap and enjoyed.

  2. I much prefer your writing rather than listening to audio. Just my brain, I guess, but it is harder for me to conceptualize stuff when heard as audio communication. I had trouble in college staying awake as a professor droned on… so I am ambivalent about the podcasts.

    You sound a little hoarse. Too much screaming at the equipment to get it to work??

  3. George, great job on the podcast. I give it a Thumbs Up. I enjoy listening to radio & you have a nice homey touch like Art Bell & a great radio voice. Keep it going, you can’t get this kind of information elsewhere. Can you interview people on a podcast?

    On the making money part, being in cash most of the time won’t work.

  4. Well done George. I also enjoy your writing and your insights. The podcast will add another layer to your communications.

    Listened while sitting by the wood stove with cold IPA. Maybe poke around the band’s for a while.


  5. Hi George , the pod cast was excellent in my opinion . I think , not to worry about the finer parts as they will work there selfs out . Pod cast was fine – stay with it . You sound like a young man , maybe a bit horse , but that is ok .
    Keep on Keeping on

  6. There are few sounds more exciting than a jet engine spooling up.

    (Maybe Indy racers Dopplering past the track-cams…)

    Sound quality is top-notch. Excellent. (What mike? A Hewett?)

    Opening too long. Closing much too long — “show’s over: get off the stage.”)

    My download had over two minutes of “dead air” on the end.)

    Content is excellent and fascinating. Both viddy-o and auddy-o “presentations” run very slow compared to most people’s intrinsic brayne speed. We read and grok information in printed and graphic form much faster than A/V flows.

    Keep it short, focused, and pithy. Humor is good. A “button bar” for SFX, like Cramer uses, is good. For instant response, it would probably require a separate lappy — not busy multi-tasking. Good “button-barring” is ad-lib, and instant inspiration spur-of-the-moment. Touchscreen WAY faster than mousing around…

    Best Advice:
    Be always able to tell when you have IT, and when it has YOU.

    OCD folks (like — dare I say, us?) can get obsessed and lost in the mis-perceived imperative of the thing, and become a prisoner.

    Kill it if it becomes a time-thief.

    Well done.

  7. I just listened to POD-1, and it sounds like you’re on Marine-1! Congratulations on finding a way to smoothly translate from your effects to your talk, and back. I suppose you could always have done things the old analog way in a soundproof studio.

    Regardless, the content was an interesting counterpoint to the regular written content. Definitely worth listening to, and some critically useful details crept through. It’s Ure podcast and do with it as you will. Just note that it’s appreciated.

    I was hoping that Zeus would have made himself present, possibly like Froggie the Gremlin on the old Andy Divine Show.

    “Time is money, look at the clock!”

  8. chief tough tongue bob on 321 warn of stock market and says buy gold .. now don’t worry nothing .. chief is on powerful medication

  9. Hi Ure,

    I thought it was great! I think you could reach a pretty big audience with your content. Throw a few teaser articles out on drudge or zerohedge and watch the subscriber numbers jump up. You could put it on Spotify, Stitcher, and iTunes with pretty minimal effort. “Come for the come for the Elliot wave theory and hope of getting rich, stay for the nuanced hobbies like ham radio, light crowns, and time travel!” Feel free to borrow it for a tag line lol. You have so much original work, I think everyone should have your input on world events, prepping, and punny banter in audio form! There’s my vote :-)

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