Ouija Board Economics

The frantic first couple of months of Trump has left a lot of people wondering what the Future holds.  We won’t have time to prosecute every possible permutation, but we can ponder pointedly probabilistic potentials.

Snow-plowing our way into Tomorrow Land, the headlines are the snow poles by which we steer. Along with the weekend’s ChartPack, of course.

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21 thoughts on “Ouija Board Economics”

  1. Eight years – thats it. * years is max service life on all current appliances. Planned obsolescence or just “beancounters” ruining American manufacturing since mid 80’s when “the devil in the blue dress” was not having sexual intercourse with that Women in the oval office?

    Not sure about automobiles, as I currently drive a 2010 small truck(jap) with about 135k mi on it and wife drives a 2018 suby outback.

    Anywho the lesson here is build QUALITY, and THEY will come!

    $1400 dollars later I am the frustrated owner of new Speed Queen TC5003. Old school vigorous and fast wash cycles, simple operation with no BS electronic bells and whistles, no bullschit water saving efficiencies. Just 3 simple settings for temp, 3 simple settings for water level. All it needs to do is Clean the F-ing Laundry. Thirty five hundred dollars for a machine that just does the basics, only !

    BOHICA Time – dont I just love getting bent over by the bureaucracy – same ASSHOLES who gave Me/YOU 55 mph speedlimits (capitalist/business crushing regulation meant to punish America/Americans).

    *Who(foriegn intelligence) do ya think sponsored that & other similar type regulations ? ask pencil neck schiff, capo’s peloser or hildog, or better yet the shrimp dick himself brit. Michael Shrimpton of “Spyhunter” fame.

    *Spyhunter – searchlight in german rabbit holes

    “Merced” Monday – the continuing saga; 2 part system down Heatpump (Trane) and Oil Burner (emg Backup heat).
    Heatpump was worked on all week – 5:00 Friday -after all new parts and what not – compressor wont start/run – 10 years old = kaput.
    Gets better..
    – some how had Service providers number in my Blocked Calls. Missed calls from provider all morning Tuesday, for schedule/confirm Oil burner tech appointment that day.
    Flipping my shit I call service back asking WTF, over? They swear they been calling me all morning and I am like “bullschit mf’ers”. Took me a while to settle down and figure out service agt has no reason to Lie to me. So I check blocked calls file on phone – sure enough not just number but name in caps is in blocked calls file..WTF, all over again ?

    No idea how that name &number got in my blocked numbers file – less maybe it came up untitled on phone screen while in Belize and I just blocked it cause no message and not recognized #.

    Spent half of day apologizing to poor Women I called a Liar. Oil tech mentioned something about a switch he hoped wasnt a problem, but he fixed nozzle that had droped/fallen back out of alignment. Had to move Birds to basement where minisplit keeps that level toasty. All good got Fuel oil delivery yesterday, down last 50 gal., running on Oil burner till heatpump gets replaced..34 degrees overnight.

    Woke this AM (Sat.) and temp inside house starting to drop..! rutrow.

    Oil service tech is an hour out at 9:43 AM.
    New speed queen, new heat pump/compressor, and somethingsomething with Oil burner.
    Which of course means I am missing granddaughters swimming lesson this AM at the Y. Special lesson today, as her Daddy is flying solo this AM, as he was yesterday as evidenced by picture sent from daycare facility showing my beautiful Granddaughter with a terrible case of “Nappy Headedness”..still chuckling from that pic.

    Fun never stops, can only imagine what is coming soon, as Universe is sure tasking me with hardening my systems NOW..wondering whats just over that thar hill where all the sand is kicking up over there..

      • I am always early to the show George…….. I ran security at many of them..

        did you know, In Season 1, Episode 2 of the Apprentice, year 2004, after the lemonade stand challenge in episode one,

        there is a flash of the National Debt Clock.


        President Obama with vp Biden added 14 Trillion.
        Biden with vp Harris added $7.2 trillion for a grand total total of $21.2 Trillion Dollars.

        ****The Dow Jones when Obama took office was 8,396.20. The Dow Jones as of close yesterday 41,985.35. The Current Value of the Dow Jones is US$19.5 trillion; (as of December 31, 2024)

        Trump added $6.5 trillion during Trump’s the exact amount of money seen flashing on the screen in the Apprentice, Season 1, Episode 2, in the year 2004.

        Strange how that happened..

        Prince said before the movie the matrix came out — once–> to the effect, Computers are useful tools for you but do not let computers think you are a useful tool for computers to use.

        I think AI is a useful tool, like compass or a map or a number 2 pencil. that being said, I don’t place much faith in them because…… Google and X on occasion have a way of taking you the long way round to the wrong destination.

        although I am quiet, it doesn’t mean I am not being proactive.

      • remember what happened to The Skipper and Gilligan…… springs to the mind as I received a job offer on a Exploration vessel to the Antartica.

        Haven’t taken the job just yet…. praying about it first. you know How I am. Could be a the wild adventure….. We shall Sea.

        uhem ***”Trumps first term” he matched the National debt in a flash screen of the debt clock on the show Apprentice, season one, episode 2. 2004.

    • suby 03 LL Bean H6, 250,000mi.
      got my first suby back when the peanut farmer made me buy a CB radio, as I was on the road 5 days a week selling groceries, in sparcely populated flyover land

    • “Spent half of day apologizing to poor Women I called a Liar. Oil tech mentioned something about a switch he hoped wasnt a problem, but he fixed nozzle that had droped/fallen back out of alignment. Had to move Birds to basement where minisplit keeps that level toasty. All good got Fuel oil delivery yesterday, down last 50 gal., running on Oil burner till heatpump gets replaced..34 degrees overnight.”

      Are your appliances struggling with ED? We have the solution.


      Players only love you when they’re playin’
      Say women, they will come and they will go
      When the rain washes you clean, you’ll know
      You’ll know…….
      Now here I go again
      I see the crystal visions
      I keep my visions to myself

    • You DO realize Mercury is in retrograde until April 6, do you not? Sounds like you got a full case of it there. Plan accordingly.

    • M&B,
      Congratulations on your new made-in-Wisconsin Speed Queen acquisition. I wish you many years of agitation-free service with your unit.

      This has been a learning moment for me at how The Patriarchy has yet again bamboozled us all. It seems that in Roman times laundry matters were under the purview of men known as ‘fullones’ (washermen). Apparently they trod on clothes in water to remove dirt. (One begins to wonder what came first: wine of the grape or clean laundry?) Once clothes had been washed, they were placed over a special sulphur mixture to make them their whitest. I haven’t personally attempted these anecdotal methods as outlined in the blog of Ms. Depenweiller, P.H.Ec.

      However you may wish to forward purchase feedback comment to your appliance manufacturer when asked. Don’t hold back requesting they consider adjusting their brand name from ‘Speed Queen’ to ‘Speed King’.

    • “Planned obsolescence ”

      It’s easy to fix appliances.

      My washer broke, quit agitating so I called the repairman. He indicated a week out. I found the washer manual – RTFM – and learned the motor has an LED that blinks error codes. After running the codes and looking up the code in the manual I found the washer lid sensor failed. Went to the local Repair Clinic (expensive but two miles away), bought the part and swapped it out… now the washer is fine. The fix was less than a service call.

      • No Lock Lids be the OG way – this way Youse can throw latecomers into the wash after she is already Going .

        “Liberal” machines come with blinking LED lights, gee can even connect to the internet, so peeps can remotely monitor the skid mark removal progress.
        I dont know what I would do without such dandy electronic bells and whistles, maybe actually agitate and clean the dirty clothes.

        Liberal machines – create liberal clothes, which can and will bleed off liberalness disease on to the wearer. Thereby turning a swell fellow into a butchy, bitchy, whiney, me,me,me purple haired “karen”.

        High Efficiency = quadruple the aggravation and inconvenience, plus they cant get your clothes clean, hell they barely get your clothes wet.

        Good Luck with new fangled chyknessium machines – not for Moi.

  2. Write when you, uh, something or other…

    OK, guess I fit the something or other… category. Called an audible this morning as Mrs. E has developed weeny state this morning and, sure enough, mid-low grade fever. Just (48) hours after minor surg (fully sedated with the good stuff) to pop a fever could be coincidental -or- a concern. I have lifelong first aid training and my girl is a retired surgical RN. So, back to Nurse Ratchet routine. Sigh.

    irt : notion someone’s in trouble. Ahem. Lots of someones are in trouble. We are breaking a lot of eggs to make the Econ omelette so this is increasingly messy. Treas. Sec Bessent said openly they were focused on the TNX. I believe that’s a key truth spoken as these guys in the financial Wings of Power know their way around debt. Buckle up …

    After a first cursory pass through your charts on the Contributor side, we are largely in agreement. It’s a giggle you have started using the Comp for calcs George. I had a NASDAQ phase which sent me right back to the SPX. Inclined to tech stock focus? Use the Qs or, just use Mag7 (has beens). But, you do you.

    ATL: busted out cold but gorgeous. Solar gain in progress. Speaking of, the current decision is do nothing (*) on local install. I am now in a position to go or no go and have decided not to decide. Now, absent constraints of my former position, I intend to meet with the Board of our energy Coop (in which I hold shares BTW) to discuss hedging.

    (*) I have all the bits and pieces to build a pop-up greenhouse attached to the house proper. Maybe I will go part way and, as a prudent prepper (in a non zealot way), buy and store a pop-up set of panels (already have the batteries so). TBD.

    Have a fine weekend,

      • Speaking of stocks, you know my favorite line from the Movie Wolf Of wall street is?

        its not the part where they are throwing Migets like they do on GLP. which is hilarious.

        It is When Leo says “what I can’t have friends?
        do you see the look on her face when he says that to her? “Challenge Accepted.” and what does she say?

        “we are going to be friends?”

        he says yeah you dont want to be my friend?

        and she says, “we are not going to be friends.”

        I told a young fella who was chasing a girl and she was giving him the run around. tell her, lets be friends. He said but I dont want to be friends with her. I said say that, lets just be friends and she will chase you. he said I dont know man. I said trust me on this. say lets be friends and wait 3 days… and she will be obsessed with you. he did.. and a week later, they have been together ever since. he asked me how did you know that would work?

        I told him, that is all I know about women. everything I learned thus far. the rest you have to figure out for yourself.

        it works 100% of the time if you say it first. if they say it first, you will chase them.

        being stuck on an island with Ginger and Mary Ann and knowing what I know.. about ladys….. sounds good to me.

        Until we meet again.

  3. George,
    Good call on the SPX 4% DC bounce. The 12 February 2025 9/23/22-23 day incipient 1929-similar fractal-decay model is still in place. This be an interesting next 4 days of market activity.

    The Dow Jones Transports are worth a look. In the globalized (and now … deglobalizing) macroeconomy, DJT is likely the big yellow circling canary in the coal mine. Important trend lines have been broken…

  4. George, if you have never read Elizabeth? I assure you she is one of the most prolific authors I have ever read. I am a huge fan.

    She is also blonde, like your E.

    Not too many people on the planet have her articulate vernacular. I highly recommend her. She is alt/media Queen in my humble opinion.

    She has 28,000 subscribers in over 130 different Countries. She spits truth like a viper.

    JFK,RFK,MLK, Epstein. It Was The Filthbucket CIA. Shut. It. Down.


  5. It looks like researchers allege that they have discovered the footings of the pyramids in Giza. Of course there are some wild theories about chambers hundreds of feet deep. The actual raw data they released shows columns that look exactly like footings on a skyscraper. Ancient alien theorists aside: How did they know to build footings? The Aztecs didn’t.

    But wait there’s more. The footings on modern buildings are often steel beams that are hammered in or drilled and filled with concrete. Ramses 2 was a Bronze Age civilization and the Romans invented concrete. The pyramids predate the Iron Age and Rome. There is something puzzling here.

    Could it be an artifact of the computer processing?

  6. re: Ouija Onboarding
    feat: “The Highwayman”, 1951

    Tincture of time suggests that American medium Helen Peters Nosworthy happened to be wearing a locket at the Ouija Board naming get-together. Her locket’s signed picture of 19th century English author Maria Louise Ramé was misinterpreted as Ouija. Ouida was actually the pseudonym used in the writer’s dozens of novels. It derived from a childhood pronunciation of her French father’s name, “Louis”, and perhaps his ill-fated commander Louis Bonaparte, Napoleon’s younger brother who took up exile in Italy. (Apparently “Louis” can mean
    ‘famed warrior, light bringer’). Ouda’s fictional 1895 short story “Toxin” received a written rebuke in the “British Medical Journal”. A nefarious novel plot has Dr. Damer murdering his noble patient in Italy with a viral injection. Tsk, tsk.

    Ms. Ramé’s own journey took her to take up residence at Viareggio (King Way), Italy. The town holds a famous annual carnival featuring its beloved clown mascot, Burlamacco (Joke Crusher).

    Speaking of regal matters, one may have noted a new whirlwind of activity about the grounds of Kensington Palace, London this past week. The King’s brand new Anglo-Italian Agusta Westland AW-134 helicopter has entered service. Its ‘royal claret’ colour scheme makes a fine companion to the Family’s Daimler motor vehicle. (Hopefully a Tesla Flying Car can be available soon!) One rests assured that these fine conveyances shall not leave their valued passengers marooned.

    The whirlybird’s Agusta name dates to 1923 with Italian Count Giovanni Agusta, inventor of the parachute. Westland began about 1935 in the ancient town of Yeovil adjacent to a Roman road now known as the A37 highway (or AXXXVII for bluebloods). The lands surrounding Yeovil were gifted in the 9th century by Alfred the Great to his youngest son.

    Agusta Westland now is actually a subsidiary of Leonardo S.p.A. (named after the renaissance inventor) whose largest shareholder is the Italian government. The career of its ceo of 2017 to 2023 began in Italy at the world’s oldest bank now known as BMPS founded in 1472.

    Italian Leonardo’s 2009-acquired and recently expanded laser diode factory subsidiary in Tuscon can trace its roots to Presstek, a 1987 American father-son digital printing startup from New York. In 2008 Leonardo bought American founded DRS Technolgies Inc. dates to 1968. The now ‘Arlington, Va. headquartered’ company had developed a “passive submarine detection system” allegedly still in current use. Leonardo DRS as the American subsidiary arm of Leonardo S.p.A. is known has enjoyed a decade plus of ceo tutelage by a former Deputy Secretary of Defense under the Obama Administration. Interestingly in 2022 according to “Wikipedia”, Leonardo DRS acquired an 80.5% majority shareholding in the American subsidiary of 1970 Israeli-founded (and still headquartered there) RADA Electronic Industries. It provides radar and counter-drone systems and was previously led by the head of the Israeli Air Force.

    • Folks,

      Please accept my apologies for my garbled grammar above.

      Today President Zelensky posted a video clip to his Telegram channel. In it the President is shown visiting a roadside memorial to fallen Ukrainian fighters allegedly in Donetsk. A neo-nazi Banderite flag-backed emblem of UNSO can be seen holding centre stage of the spectacle at the 14 second mark and onwards. After a solemn presidential walkabout, assembled warriors including one attired in a jersey of the “just do it” slogan company gathered in front of the nationalist, neo-nazi symbol. Fronted by their President, all paused so that the moment could be preserved with a photo-op. Here is the President’s link to his public post on Telegram. The video appears to have already reached Russian msm. Thank goodness peace talks begin on Monday!


  7. FWIW – BoA’s Merrill Lynch says the markets are in the beginnings of heavy rapids and rebalanced their managed portfolios in preparation. Though they did say U.S. markets are still the best in the world.

  8. (“And speaking of the previous Genius in Chief: The Bidens want back in – yes, going to save the Party (again?). Whiskey for breakfast, anyone?”)

    I wonder how that will work out… the singlehandedly destroyed any way to alive there’s any ethics or morals to the party at all.. I was a proud democrat until I kept seeing the disgusting things they were doing..
    I for one am ashamed of what they stood for!!!


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