OSMA Momma

Yes Natasha, Fearless Leader has been struck by a flare-up of Acronym Disease!

Except that it happens to mean something useful: Offset Moving Averages. And it goes hand-in-glove with what we were talking about earlier this week on the (free) UrbanSurvival site.  About STM (Short-term Memory) and how the differences between STM and LTM may offer hints as to the evolving (and ever-changing) future of stock prices.

Which, in Ure’s real-life living of the movie Pi/. Wherein: “Unemployed number theorist Max Cohen, who lives in a drab apartment in Chinatown, Manhattan, believes everything in nature can be understood through numbers…” Thus explaining what drove Ure out of bed at 3 AM on what was ostensibly to be a “holiday weekend.”  All to audit spreadsheets and propose novel conclusions.

Some of which have to do with the nonlinear nature of the immediate future.   Perturbations in linearity of expectations at the pre-conscious level – even beyond that cloud of dread when nukes are at hand and wars are raging in headlines.

Which Future will, in finance, will arrive next Tuesday when the market hangovers are done for another little while. Like til next Friday.

You with me, bubba?

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23 thoughts on “OSMA Momma”

  1. “Perturbations in linearity of expectations”

    Hmm, did someone get a new dictionary for Christmas? Snork. Nah. LT authors all trot out vocabulary once in a while. But, don’t eschew us rubes Yorge.

    ATL: Quiet before the storm here. That if you ignore the late migrating geese. There are also flocks of fast small ducks which when flying by remind of the sound when an alternator belt is about to go. Snow manana, need to hump some firewood into the dry (torched half a cord during the 3-day Christmas weekend). Deer were again running on the hillside just behind our house this a.m. Easy pickins but …

    Shop Saturday: my Padawan helper installed (4) more 4′ LED fixtures in an insulated / heated (220 forced air) workshop. So, do I arrange for projects -or- set up for a poker game? These things are on my mind.

    Tool-a-holic: _best_ case you come in 2nd George. Not meaning to boast. Just … it is what it is.

    BR, Egor

  2. “Palestinians have their (left-wing) supporters in the USA”

    The Two-State didn’t work in Germany and isn’t working in the Middle East but one solution the 1930’s folk didn’t have Vs today is DNA sampling.

    The simplest solution in today’s world is either bring the physical Pallies here or sample their DNA as back-up, store the DNA in the Svalbard Global DNA Vault for species revival (just in case) then kill the physical Pallies off completely.

    Ovens are cheaper & easier on the planet Vs DU & bunker busters.

    If for some reason Pallies were needed for humanity and culling them was the incorrect solution humanity does a restore from the back-up DNA.

      • Oh, the DNA will never be reanimated. It’s a trick.

        The promise of a future DNA restore gives the current Pallies hope and sense of an action plan to the rest of the world for buy-in.

        “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”

        – Spock

        It’s radioactivity if we don’t.

        “The current world population is 8,082,007,476 as of Sunday, December 31, 2023”

        “Based on population estimates prepared by PCBS, there are about 14.3 million Palestinians in the world in mid-2022, of whom about 5.35 million in the State of Palestine; 2.72 million males and 2.63 million females.”

        • 0.17 percent of world pop
          People of Scottish ancestry (40-mill) are almost 0.5 percent of world pop.
          You sure don’t see that in media.
          Nor would you believe there are any Whites at all based on media esp. online sorts.
          The digital mirror is seriously all fucktup
          Genda genda benda genda

  3. Speaking of waves. Did you see the size of those 40 foot babies coming to the California coast the past few days? More today. Also giant waves knocking off cruise shops past month. I know the surfers are enjoying the ride of a lifetime but watching the landlubbers run like hell and doing major cleanup is quite the sight.

    Do you think nature is trying to tell us something? Perhaps an analogy to the stock market?

  4. My hat is off to the Major with the Lemon Chicken Picatta recipe that was posted here a few weeks back. Pure heaven on a plate it was. Only variation used was a few ground lavender buds went in with the peppers.
    And only issue was the Cointreau kept “evaporating” and the shot glass had to be refilled! Cook was happy though! Thank you!

  5. “Do you think nature is trying to tell us something?”

    Uhm, that California needs to be flushed?
    Story I’m stickin’ with.

  6. “The Fusion Race
    We have been looking for more updates on the Lockheed compact fusion project, but real progress reports are classified above our sources. ”

    phew I don’t like nuclear energy … we don’t know enough and disposing of the waste material is extremely expensive and dangerous..I know they tell the native American tribes ..its healthy just like they did with the residents of the bikini islands..
    we have so Sergio energy resources in coal whose exhaust can be much cleaner with just a few changes in the burn box..

  7. “Here’s hoping we all become millionaires in 2024 and that the reason is something besides government-sponsored hyperinflation.”

    ROFL! And the chances of THAT are vanishingly miniscule in this world.

  8. “how the differences between STM and LTM may offer hints as to the evolving (and ever-changing) future of stock prices.”

    gama brain waves:

    “?Gamma waves are associated with higher brain functions like cognition and memory. A recent study has shown that gamma waves can improve your working memory. Gamma waves have the following benefits: They can improve your cognition and problem-solving ability.”

    “Long term meditators – especially those in the tens-of-thousands of hours range – have different brain waves and states in which they regularly operate. They go beyond beta, and into a gamma state – regularly.”

    i have logged over 20,000 hours in deep meditation.

    that is how i can remember everything ive read and everything that has been said or done arojnd me in the lasy 30 to 40 years.

    its been a ponder for a long time how i can remember so much sooooo much stuff. like i have some sorta cosmic cloud computing memory. i remember stuff george said on urban survival verbatium from way back in
    2008. and even father. because unlike everyone, ive read every single post on urban survival. i read the entire archives about 10 years ago. every single word since the earliest posts.

    i remember in 2004 he was talking about a dream about a pipeline.

    a ponder, what the difference is in an intelligence test verses those who operate only beta brain waves verses those operate on gama waves? is it measurable?

    since i must operate on mostly gama brain waves.

    or after 20,000 hours of operating on gama brain waves do i move to a differnt kind of brain waves?


    but i threw a lotto ticket out 3 timea now. even gave it to someone and said throw this away please its not a winner. my roomate was there. we went to Bubbas in Jackson Hole today for lunch and walk outside and im having a smoke i pulled that lotto ticket back out of my pocket.

    i said i gave this to that clerk. my roomate said yep. i saw ya. you showed it to me. and we both watched him throw it in the trash. and now its back in my pocket again.

    we went back to the same store. i said fuck it. give me the same numbers on a new one. the lady said, how did you get that back in your pocket. i know i threw it out. i said we both watched ya and then rhe cleaning lady took out your trash. we went to bubbas and had lunch after site seeing and i pulled it out of my pocket again. she laughed, handed me a new ticket with those numbers on it said it has to be a winner! i said well it keep ending up in my pocket.


    gamma waves.

    happy new years!


    • “… that is how i can remember everything ive read and everything that has been said or done arojnd me in the lasy 30 to 40 years.”

      Then YOU should also remember all those
      ridiculously false prediction your highness
      made over that time?! Just keep going, ha,ha,ha.
      Happy New Year to the sane, or not so ;-)).

      • i remember i am the best at being me. and That you could never be better at being me, than I am.

        is that your final words to me old man?

        it could be. when you get on the other side? you may hear them said back to you, in your own voice.

        i find it intersting because people say raise your vibration and the highest state frequency a mind can vibrate at is Gama. “Good Vibes”.

        Gama Brain waves are the highest vibration frequncy waves in the mind. they tend to measure above 35 Hz and can oscillate as fast as 100 Hz.

        but people like Joe Rogan take a supmliment called Alpha Brain all day every day.

        Alpha: They tend to measure between 8 and 12 Hz.

        i pray in Alpha Waves. because most of the time i pray in a contemplative state. contemplation is an Alpha Wave state.

        tommorrow is a new year. i saw everyone heading church as i headed to my spot on the lake.

        we all find our own way the way we find it. i hope you the best.

        • last thing.

          i hope you have all experianced the most amazing life you could live. full of so many suprizes and wonder and breath taking sunrises and sunsets. views that blow your mind so much you just sit in Awe and cant even speak, just breath it in.

          i may not be the richest person on urban survival money wise. i may not be the smartest person on urban survival. i may not be the most gifted person on urban survival.

          however, i have lived the most amazing life. fucking unbelievably good life. and i still am. it gets more and more more rich and vibrant and wonderful every day.

          i have had a million more moments of laughter and joy than sorrows. ive smiled so much i have the lines of time on my face from smiling so much.

          ive seen thousands upon thousands of miracles and can always find the beauty in any situation.

          i wouldnt trade my life for the richest man in the worlds. or the most powerful person or the most physically attractive persons or the most famous.

          i wouldnt trade the life i lived and am still living for any others life.

          i live a life completely free from regret. i carry no resentment. and 99.99% im at complete peace with myself, the world and everyone and everything in it.

          i counted the time i was angry and pissed last year. 4 times. that is it. and usually within a day or two. im over it and back to living in gratitude, peaceful and happy.

          i was pissed about the coinbase sale delay. i was pissed about the fags filling porn in the senate. i was pissed at my Dad for a day. and i was pissed at my old roomate on alki beach. because he was all jacked up on steroids and being an asshole. im glad i didnt shoot him. lol

          that is it. that is the only 4 times i was angry in 2023. that is it.

          i was only frustrated 3 times in 2023. that is it. 3 times.

          and i laughed and smiled a million times.

          so i might not be the richest money wise, i might not be the smartest. i might not be the most gifted prophet. i might not have the biggest house. i might not have the fanciest car.

          but i got a million smiles.

          until we meet again.

          *tips hat.

        • “is that your final words to me old man?”

          I hope not, Andy. Yes, rather old and I could have been your father twice over.
          No hard feelings, though, because both
          of us are aiming for the same target.
          Just less bragging, if you so please. ;))

      • and by the way. it has been my experiance that intuition and prophecy is only one tool. it isnt the most important tool to develope. dont get me wrong it is important.

        its not any more important as being in the right place at the rigjt time. its not more important than miracle work. its not any more important than serenity. serenity is very important.

        i not as important as being of service. its not as important as hard work. and the satisfaction of completing hard work.

        like Money. money is important money isnt as important as connection and kindness. money isnt as imporant as running into someone you havent seen in 15 years in the middle of no where small town USA that you know from another small town over 900 miles away. that is not something you can buy.

        but Money is imporant. i value Money.

        intuition is important.

        but seeing the beauty of a herd of 500+ elk resting by the hill side yesterday and 3 large Bull Elk laying in the tall grass, soaking up the sunshine is just if not more important than being inutitive. and having the gift of prophecy.

        i never claimed to be any great prophet or anytbing other than Just Andy

        and im really fucking good at being Just Andy.

        only new years resolution i have for 2024 is the ones i wrote for that year, 3 years ago. because i write my future long before i get there. in pictures.

  9. im sorry i dont have much free time to be on the net.

    after that post, i went to the small town of Mount Pilliard Idaho because im trying to figure out a few things before new years.

    i go around the corner on a dark 2 lane road, nobody around for miles. and a big bright flash. like lightning hitting the road. so bright, i see in my parpherials a person sitting in my passenger seat. but im alone. the person in the passenger seat for a split second is a dude that looks like Bob Marley. looks just like him.

    the radio comes on and its that song buy dirt.


    i turned around and drove back and drove through that spot again. no flash of light.

    it illuminated my whole car. reminded me of Back to the future when marty hits 88 mph. so weird.

    i get to mount pilliard walk in a store and run into a lady from my home town Arlington Washington where i lived for 20 years. i havent seen her in 15 years. i known her and her husband for 25 to 30 years.

    what are the odds of me running into a lady i known for 25 to 30 years, who i havent seen in 15 years, from a small town of 10,000 people in washington state, 900 miles away in a town of 1500 in south east idaho, 20 minutes away from wyoming.

    but, you know me. i dont live a normal life. she said, omg Andy???!!! i knew your voice! what are you doing here.

    her name is melody.

    it really is a small world after all. lol

    hope you all have a very Happy New Years. and i hope 2024 is the best year ever.


    yes sir. buy dirt.

    got it.

  10. oh Bob Marley in my passenger seat,

    I and I

    openening line in that song is a tip of the hat to former country music legend John Prine from his song Spanish Pipedream

    which is a song about a cowboy falling in love with a stripper. (*found expensive stripper heels in Seattle infront of my car. before christmas)

    song goes,

    “Blow up your TV
    Throw away your paper
    Go to the country
    Build you a home
    Plant a little garden
    Eat a lot of peaches
    Try an’ find Jesus on your own”

    the buy dirt starts.

    the movie is the message. lol remember that George.

    back to the future. lol Change the outcome.

    got it.

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