Multi-War (WW III): Gold Going, Winds of War, CFNAI

We call it the Muli-War.  A War Over Everything.  WOE.

It’s clicking into place even now.  No longer merely a World War (now passe!) the Multi-War extends into cyberspace, food and water supplies, space, and even the partialverse. Social Media’s in on it…hell, everything is in play.

Everyone is winning and losing – all in the same conflict.  How fun, right?

If you’ve been finding yourself disturbed, angry, distancing from friends?  That’s because you can’t emotionally connect – and that’s just one aspect of the Multi-War!  So, get quintuple-vaxxed, wrap up some hate, and let’s move along.  War Over Everything awaits.  WOE be to us.  Faster and more urgent as minutes tick by.

From the Top

If you have been stupid enough to follow the Neocon’s distraction show (the Jan. 6 herrings, Mar-a-Lago, etc.) then you may be foolish enough to follow Ex-CIA Chief Michael Hayden Implies Trump Should Be Executed for Taking Classified Docs,

In his usual (brilliant) analysis of how present times were shown by Nostradamus, an article by G.A. Stewart (here) seems to lay out a collapse of America into revolution after (another) questionable election.  Which, he notes in part his The Age of Desolation website “The line, “his bloody hand through fire, sword, and drawn bows”, seems to suggest that this takes place sometime during the war with Russia.”

Don’t look now, but that’s now underway.  Limited front (Ukraine) but a NATO-Russia war, for use.  Which means?  Trump (or key staff) seems likely to be referred for the distraction of the masses.

But this really circles-back to the larger problem of the WOE:  How is the War with Russia going?

It’s “Winds of War”

Ukraine has a problem with being candid.  Even about the weather.  Can’t say how many times I have seen references to winds in Ukraine would blow radiation over Russia, but on the forecast for Kiev, again, we see continued winds from the east.  Until, that is, a week from tomorrow.

At which time, there will be a northerly flow (see and that would blow any fallout to the south.  Russia-friendly land.  Which means it would not do serious damage to NATO.

There’s been some coverage on the (mainstream shunned) Hal Turner website, including this observation:

About two weeks ago, Ukraine began firing artillery shells toward the plant.  Ukraine claims that Russia has troops in the plant, and those troops are allegedly carrying out attacks against Ukraine.

Russia denied carrying out any attacks from the plant and demanded that Ukraine cease firing artillery at the plant.   Ukraine has NOT stopped.

More recently, Ukraine has now begun publicly claiming it is RUSSIA, firing at its own people in that plant, to “create a false flag excuse to use Tactical nukes against Ukraine.”

We have perhaps another week before weather will swing in Ukraine/ NATO’s favor (which Ukraine knows).  It’s then we expect the plant to be shelled. If the fallout is to the West, odds favor Russia at fault, but if to the east (or to the south, e.g. north winds) then Ukraine /NATO is the likely perp.

When the plant finally does go in play, the resulting radiation leaks will likely fuel NATO’s Article 5 provisions.  If one member is attacked, we’re all coming for you, kind of thing.

Two facts, however:  First is Ukraine is NOT a full Member of NATO.  But no one’s likely to quibble because NATO is already hip-deep in this early lead-in to WW III, saying on its website:

Following Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine – which started in February 2022 – and in line with its defensive planning to protect all Allies, NATO is taking additional steps to further strengthen deterrence and defence across the Alliance. This includes the deployment of the NRF for the first time in a deterrence and defence role. Allies have placed thousands of additional forces at high readiness, ensuring that the NRF continues to have the speed, responsiveness and capability to defend NATO territory and populations. Moreover, at an extraordinary Summit on 24 March 2022, NATO Leaders agreed to significantly strengthen the Alliance’s longer-term deterrence and defence posture. This was followed by a united and firm commitment of Allies, at the Madrid Summit in June 2022, to concrete measures such as deploying additional in-place combat-ready forces on the eastern flank, to be scaled up from the existing battlegroups to brigade-size units where and when required, underpinned by rapidly available reinforcements, prepositioned equipment, and enhanced command and control. They also made initial offers to NATO’s new force model, which will strengthen and modernise the NATO Force Structure and will resource a new generation of military plans.  All these steps, together with the release of the 2022 Strategic Concept, which identified Russia as “the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area” will substantially strengthen NATO’s deterrence and forward defences.

The problem is?  Well, full members or not, NATO continues saying (with a straight face):

NATO stands with the people of Ukraine and its legitimate, democratically elected president, parliament and government. The Alliance will always maintain its full support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.”

The West friendly Vlad Zelinski was elected in 2019 in elections marked by major voting rules changes.  Zelinski won with slick social media use and lots of videos.  (There were also the usual voting machine questions which is a book-length rabbit hole on its own…)

But the NY Times gets it unusually near right: In Russians’ News Feed, a War Over Western Plans to Subjugate Them.  Ever since that EU sot warned Russia (back in 2014) that the European Union would extend from Portugal to Vladivostok.

Absent a big win, the EU goes broke and will break-up shortly.  Since the bureaucratic ruling class won’t stand for that, we predict Ukraine to shell the Nuke plant, trigger Article 5 by NATO and move on with EU expansion into Russia – which will crush the US buck and bring China into first the Middle East then Europe for Armageddon.  That’s the short version.

Notice, please, how China is (already) rolling into the Middle East Oil depots? China cements influence in Iraq through oil, infrastructure deals.  Belt and Road – kind of like the US Lost and Bewildered plan hijacked by neocons.  Splendid.

Notice that I left out China drone-killing the Pacific and getting the U.S. west coast and such?  Minor details. Go read China’s drone force grows in number, strength and potential, pushing unmanned craft further into sky and sea ( and connect some dots.  We can’t do all your thinking for you.

But, as Stu’s work points out, over time, Russia and China may have a parting of the ways over energy in the Middle East.  So as a precursor, read US officials concerned as Russia launches Iranian satellite because Russia’s going for Iran while China wants Iraq’s oil…

Nuclear powers are vying for filling stations – which is what the fighting over the Dnieper – Donets Petroleum Reserve in formerly Ukraine is all about.

 Meanwhile:  Robbing the Gold

Enjoy the strong dollar while you can.  Both China and Russia have a strong interest in continuing the domination of U.S. politics by liberals.  Much easier to pick off global resources if the U.S. remains effectively asleep.

So today – with the dollar hitting OVER parity with the Euro, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better time to take delivery on physical gold.

As NASDAQ reports PRECIOUS-Gold hits lowest in more than 3 weeks on stronger dollar, Fed worries, another story is worth a careful read:  Seems the well-heeled are scooping up Gold physical like crazy:  WHOA! Forty-One Percent of Physical Gold PULLED from Chicago Mercantile Exchange Kilo Vaults in ONE day!

Since the “rich” generally got that way inheriting or being shady, we’re led to think that gold will soar as the Multi-War WOE expands in coming months.  Which should be obvious, given the risk of the Internet going down which will paralyze commerce, food, life, jobs, etc. for those of us in the working class.

Which then circles back to the open question from The Age of Desolation site:  Will the revolution in ‘Merica happen after 2022 election (but during war with Russia) or will that war be rolling through the fall of 2024?

Stay seated – check the radiation field survey meter batteries – and we’ll get back to you.


Time to play the “When Good News is really Bad news game!  In the Chicago Fed National Activity Indicators this morning:

“Led by improvements in production-related indicators, the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) rose to +0.27 in July from –0.25 in June. All four broad categories of indicators used to construct the index made positive contributions in  July, and all four categories improved from June. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, was unchanged at –0.09 in July.

The CFNAI Diffusion Index, which is also a three-month moving average, edged up to –0.05 in July from –0.08 in June. Fifty-five of the 85 individual indicators made positive contributions to the CFNAI in July, while 30 made negative contributions. Fifty-five indicators improved from June to July, while 30 indicators deteriorated. Of the indicators that improved, 17 made negative contributions…

You would think there’s good news in these increases, right?  But, no.  Sorry.  This means the Fed can raise rates (*Sept. 21) because the economy is still strong – and too strong!

The balance of the week is pretty tame.  Mid-morning tomorrow there’s a purchasing manager’s number, then Durables Wednesday, GDP Thursday, and International Trade and Personal Income Friday.  Hardly exciting.

China to Throttle U.S.?

We were intrigued by two stories in China’s Global Times this morning because they may (combined) hint at more shortages in the US supply  chain to come this fall.  The first story, China ramps up efforts to alleviate drought for autumn harvest, impact of power shortage limited as ‘heat wave to ebb away soon’ ,  sets up potential for “climate change” to be worked as a reason to cut back deliveries to the goods hungry U.S.

Which China may wish to consider since they have Concerns over escalating tensions in Asia-Pacific intensified as US, S.Korea to begin biggest military drills in years.

A cadre of self-serving corporations in the US has placed our once-great nation in something akin to the 5-year penalty box of hockey.  By outsourcing key components (and most of the PCB industries), the U.S. has been locked into a victim role for the technologically visible future.

Thrills and Fills

Granted, an NBC poll, but still: Nearly 3/4 of Americans think the US is headed in the WRONG direction under Biden.

The U.S. social media’s woke and worthless are back at it:  TikTok and Meta ban self-described misogynist Andrew Tate. All supportive of our thinking that social media has been weaponized against independent thinking, free speech, and casting off the chains of left-wing repression.

Are the tabloid sites setting us up for a run on rubber gloves?  Gotta ask because reading Monkeypox virus can linger on surfaces touched by an infected person, study finds.

Strong medicine?  Medical Marijuana Market Size Worth $40 Billion by 2028 at 19.2% CAGR, COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis by The Insight Partners.

ATR:  Rain

Back into the seasonal pattern, looks like.  In perfect weather years, we get rain about once a week and that has historically given East Texas a kind of Camelot vibe to it.  Not this year.

Good news, though?  Maybe Judge Johnston will be able to lift the Burn Ban today?  We’ll see how that goes.

Write when you get rich,

72 thoughts on “Multi-War (WW III): Gold Going, Winds of War, CFNAI”


    The lying Individual Human Caused Global Climate Change fanatics are dusting off and trotting out one of their chief propaganda tools…the great Academy Award winning actor for lying so much about global warming. The one and only Oscar Award winner– Al Gore! Yes, the same Al, the Globalist darling, who won his Oscar for telling us more lies about climate change including that we would now be under water up to the second story in Florida from the North and South Poles melting as a result of Global Warming. FYI…Mr. Global Climate Change Liar…for those of us that have some common sense to go with our book smarts, the poles have been melting since the ice age ended, but they refreeze, and it is nothing like you lied about.

    Lying Cackling Hen Kamala Harris, O’Biden’s VP placeholder, who one day will lay that 100-pound egg she continually breaks out cackling about, recently stated: “the flooding in Kentucky is caused by climate change and the time for debating it is over”. Kentucky has been flooding for 100+ years via the Ohio and Kentucky rivers including one in 1913 that made the river 2-5 miles wide in various places, and another in 1937 that had water at 85.4 feet which was 30.4 feet above the 55-foot flood stage, and it doesn’t have anything to do with climate change, lying Cackling Kamala.

    Lying Secretary of Transportation Buttogig (sic) stating that: “we need to go all green energy because it will save the world.” This from a guy that took an 8-week maternity leave with his husband while we were facing exponential rising energy prices from policies in Biden’s Administration. The fool did not even know that it takes over 500,000 gallons of water to process 1 ton of lithium carbonate. A ton of lithium carbonate is enough to build battery packs for about 90 electric cars. Consider the size of the mining holes and evaporative ponds and precious water to produce all of that lithium carbonate into metal and how much water and green energy would have to be used to produce the electricity to drive millions and millions of electric cars. The grid will never handle it. Talk about rolling blackouts. What total insanity. Idiots! Total stupid idiots!

    You want to buy an electric vehicle go ahead, but don’t think it will help save the world from the BIG LIE-HUMAN INDIVIDUAL CAUSED GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. The Green New Deal fools never look at real science from real scientists, but instead choose false science from false scientists that have been paid off to spout the Individual Human Caused Global Climate Change script from the Globalists. Al Gore and his hockey stick charts were laughable lies furnished by paid for global scientists as has now been proven.

    Lying Secretary of the Department of Energy Jennifer Granholm telling us the apartment building where John McAfee stated he had over 7 terabytes of data that was to be released if he died or disappeared, actually fell in Florida from rising sea levels. More lies!!!

    Lying John Kerry-Biden’s Special Envoy for Climate telling us we are in a climate change crisis. Yeah really, big slimy John? Last I remember you had taken your private jet on over 48 trips spewing over 716,000 pounds of carbon that you talk against. 358 Tons of carbon John Boy to fly your ass around to phony save the earth climate conferences!!! Rules for thee, but not for me. Another Con Artist Lying Hypocrite.

    Lying Predictions over 50 years having to do with climate change from you Kerry and your globalist friends that are absolutely 100% wrong. It is all a fraud. And you know it is a fraud Kerry and Gore, but unfortunately dumb asses in Congress like AOC and her kind who are really so stupid that they believe the global climate change Green New Deal lies continue to push their Marxist/Environmental agendas in Congress. The only statistics AOC ever learned were how many drinks for Table 2.

    Where are the 30 major hurricanes that are supposed to be hitting us every year that are worse than Katrina or Harvey, both of which were geo-engineered via multiple weather manipulation methods and steered in and out and in like Harvey? Lies again and evil people playing God with the weather. In early August 2021, I previously posted here about climate change and how it was a fraud created by the IPCC and how and why the IPCC evolved from the Rothschilds and billionaire Maurice Strong who was living and teaching the Chinese in Beijing until he died. Folks, it is all a fraud that was at the time called Cap and Trade from the Kyoto Protocol. Carbon dioxide measurements and sources are the biggest lies ever pulled on intelligent people so that the real crooks could capture land and water all over the world.

    Even multi-billionaire Sam Zell has had a gutful of their lies. When BlackRock CEO Larry Fink recently admonished corporations for not being more socially responsible in addressing climate change, Zell called him out and said he was “extremely hypocritical.” Zell also questioned whether America is ready to have BlackRock in charge of the NYSE, saying “I didn’t know Larry Fink had been made God.” BlackRock manages over $10 Trillion, including doing some of the Fed’s illegal plays in the markets. Arrogant BlackRock CEO Fink lost $1.7 Trillion so far in the current market decline. He better go back to something that he might know a little about-managing money-not Climate Change.

    The climate change idiots want to blame droughts and lack of water on individual human caused Global Climate Change. The only individuals affecting climate change are the guys running all the weather manipulation tools, both in this country and in other countries around the world. Weather manipulation is absolutely a slap in the face to all life on the planet. A few people, megalomaniacs, think they know better than to let nature or God rebalance Earth as has been done for 4.54 billion years + – 50mm years. They get their jollies controlling the weather and playing God.

    One thing that any horse could tell you if only it could talk…all the new black asphalt roads and parking lots and freeways in the last 100 years raise temperatures tremendously. A poor horse fell over last week in NYC from heat exhaustion pulling a carriage on pavement. Do you ever hear the climate shrills talk about radiated heat being one of the causes of increased temperatures?

    We landed in Phoenix, parked on the tarmac and the pilots stated, “be careful the temperature is 112, but the temperature on the tarmac is 153.” Dark asphalt roads and parking lots, and concrete runways, taxiways, parking garages put that heat off long after the sun sets, and it just compounds the next day. Add all the dark composite roofing in America mostly from recycled and remanufactured rubber and plastics that actually absorbs heat into houses and also reflects it back into the atmosphere. Do they ever talk about the obvious?

    Wind turbines, solar farms, and electric cars are not going to fix these problems. Carbon credits do absolutely nothing to stop climate change. Just another fraud to get people to pay taxes, and make trades of carbon credits for the Wall Street, Banking shysters.

    Does anybody ever figure how much energy and metal and slave labor in China it takes to manufacture wind turbines, or solar panels? They won’t even make a dent in something that has varied for millions of years, the Climate. Greedy bastards like Kerry, Gore, de Rothschild, Soros, and the Davos and Bilderberger crowd have already built the game board and are slowly getting total control of the populace of this planet through their lies and evil schemes.


    In the mail, I received a free copy of a June 27, 2022, magazine, Business Traveler’s News (BTN). I placed it on the trash pile, but then glanced down and saw the cover article ‘The Mechanics of Sustainable Business Travel’ sponsored in part by AMEX, Avis Budget, HRS, Shell, United. Curiosity made me pull it out.

    Looking through the magazine, one article struck me: AMEX GBT, Shell, and Accenture team up for a new platform for purchasing Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), and launched an SAF program called Avelia. It is a “book-and-claim” platform for sourcing SAF which supposedly reduces carbon emissions from flights compared with traditional kerosene aviation jet fuel. Here is the kicker: Book-and-claim allows travelers to pay for SAF and then claim the benefits, even if SAF is not available at their departure airport with the fuel instead being fed into another aircraft in an airport where SAF is available.

    In other words, sheeple, pay for sustainable fuel for someone else and we will now give you a credit to offset your carbon credit ledger. And guess what? It is a blockchain program. Fits nicely with Government or Central Bank digital currency.

    SAF was designed to reduce by only 10% the amount of kerosene in jet fuel of which flying represents only 13% of the total emissions of all modes of transportation. Road=74%, Shipping=11%, Rail=1%. And what are they going to put in that jet fuel to offset the 1.3% (10% jet kerosene replaced of 13% emissions) of total transportation fuel emissions? Ethanol, which is extremely expensive to make from corn and uses a boatload of precious drinking water to grow the corn. And if it isn’t available at your airport, you can pay the SAF cost at your airport for someone else to get this more expensive source of jet fuel at their airport, if they want it, and get a little gold star in your Carbon Credit ledger at your local armed IRS Agent’s office via the Central Federal Reserve Bank digital money ledger. Are you kidding me? I would fire anyone even suggesting that we spend our hard-earned money on such nonsense. Paying for SAF is stupid, but paying for someone else’s SAF is total insanity. But that is why the magazine was full of pictures of idiots in big corporations running “Green Departments.” aka ‘Sustainability Department’ or ‘Global Sustainability Travel’. More crap that doesn’t make companies a dime. Get me the hell out of any investment in any company that sets up such politically correct bullshit and calls the department heads Senior VPs paying them big bucks for shoveling BULLSHIT. A survey in the same magazine stated that 3 in 10 companies expect sustainability alone to result in an 11-25% reduction in travel budgets by 2025. Hello!!! Duh! I wonder why!!!

    With the number of airline flights being cancelled now because of lack of flight crews, fixed/variable costs (# landings, #hours, crew times, maintenance per landing and maintenance per hour of engine time, etc.) and fuel costs if the plane isn’t full, along with the craziness coming from the Climate Change Fools, I am shorting the hell out of some airline stocks, and especially AMEX for even suggesting and participating in such folly. Other articles in this BTN Socialist, Communist propaganda piece of garbage were companies like HRS only allowing bookings by their employees in their “Green Stay Initiative” Hotels. Some new matrixes of statistical bullshit they have come up with to sell to other companies. Only 15 months after launch, dozens of Fortune 500 companies now require hotels to submit their green metrics via GSI rankings and only let their employees stay in such hotels after calculating the carbon costs. What in the hell does it have to do with how comfortable their beds are and the location and amenities of the hotel, a big consideration when traveling. Hotels in Europe have signs “please re-use your towels and sheets to save water.” Really? Reduce my rates and I MIGHT consider it!

    +Green initiatives are more expensive and if you chase it through and analyze the effects on everything related to installing it like the Germans are finding out that windmills and solar do not cover the gap with natural gas and nuclear, it is something that bean counters are going to flip out over and for good reason…unless they have been indoctrinated by the Commie Greenies. Here is an example: Do SAFs have lower carbon emissions than traditional aviation fuels? NO! According to John Harvey of the consultancy flySAF, the carbon emissions are the same. They only become apparent when you consider the methods of making SAF, how it is delivered, and what crops are used. It is impossible to say that a specific flight is an SAF flight. In other words, more Bullshit. KLM was one of the first movers establishing its Corporate Biofuels Programme in 2012 that allowed companies flying KLM to pay a surcharge that covers the cost of SAF vs traditional jet fuels. These surcharges were then used to purchase SAF for its flights. Another pile of Bullshit which was challenged in a suit by ClientEarth that states contributing to the cost of sustainable aviation does not reduce the climate impact of flying. It’s a donation to KLM business, not an offer to buy additional new biofuels. And the CON continues.

    Many of these lying global warming/climate change lies come out of the Paris Agreement which requires global carbon emissions to be reduced by 45% by 2030 and reduced to net zero by 2050. Trump said we were out of it. Bird Brain Biden said we were back in it. To put an exclamation point on it, Biden just signed the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act which is really about implementing a false science, or climate change goodies for Demo_rats. The Green New Deal environmental extremism consisting of more lies is being funded by $370 Billion out of the Inflation Reduction Act. Throwing money at climate change does nothing. The WSJ on August 8, 2022, stated that the Inflation Reduction Act would reduce the rise in global temperature at the end of this century by all of .0028 degrees Fahrenheit in the optimistic case. In the pessimistic case, the temperature difference will be .0009 degrees Fahrenheit. $370 Billion worth of Bullshit signed into law, right Joe Biden of 500,000 new car charging stations fame? How’s that going? Liar!!

    The Chinese said they would be at 0% carbon emissions and carbon net zero by 2060, not 2050 like the rest of the participants in the Paris accords. In the meantime, the Chinese stated they will continue to build coal fired energy plants. Is anyone doing anything to them? Hell no. The Chinese promised the Brits when they gave Hong Kong to the Chinese that they would leave it alone. Didn’t happen. Total police crackdowns on any dissent are common in Hong Kong. Just like more coal being burned by the Chinese to have cheaper energy and therefore cheaper products, it is just more lies from people never to be trusted.

    The Chinese are planning to own the world by 2060, and all the demo_ rats (socialist communist party) globalists, climate change fools, radical environmentalists, and liberal idiots think they are going to have a seat at the dinner table. They better go back and read how many Russians died at the hands of the Bolsheviks and how many Chinese died at the hands of the Maoists.

    Such a beautiful planet to have been controlled by such an evil few murdering psychopaths throughout history. And the planet is now controlled by stupid dumb politicians doing the bidding of the demonic bastards operating behind the scenes making their final push to control everything on this planet. Climate Change is one of the tools they are using to accomplish their goals of a slave planet. It is easy to spread Bullshit to ignorant naive people! Do they call it the Z generation because it is the end. Apparently so! Dumb ass kids that think they will be fed and housed and provided for while they go around espousing the lies about climate change, and critical race theory they learned in Marxist Communist university classes from tenured leftist professors, and the kids paid well over $100,000 for their education of lies. Now they want the senile old bastard in the White House to pick up that tab, which he is expected to do in his and Obama’s goal to destroy America.

    The planet is becoming covered with ugly wind turbines on every hill, offshore, and other previously beautiful landscapes. It is a horrible way to destroy beauty so greedy globalists can make money using an antiquated technology, windmills, to produce something that has been available but is not being released yet for mankind…Free energy.

      China doesn’t have to wait till 2050 they own us now..
      These huge wind turbines.. I put up a 3 kw wind turbine for what 600.00.. designed the roof mount myself..( the idea took off and you can buy that mount now) a gent here wanted to ho wind..we went round and round about it..up went a 50kw wind turbine..4 years later it’s down..part of it goes down all of it shuts off.. he had half a million in it..for the same 50 kw he would have had less than 50 thousand..
      Climate change is a natural process.. man has some effect just because we’re like termites.. but we are not the cause.. I could go into my thoughts on greenscaping and all that but everone knows what I would so..
      Billions for solar farms.. what stupidity.. give anyone willing to put up solar a price increase freeze for ten years.. I just showed someone a twenty kw solar with 30 kw of backup battery for 20 grand.. you’d save two grand a year and build solar towers.. I am not sure what towers are now but a few years ago a 60 foot three sided up sixty foot.. was a million and change the solar hookup was half million and change and you’d get a mw out of it.. so let’s triple that 6 mil and a mw.. a big wind turbine I’d what 3 billion and change.. not counting the lift stations and infrastructure changes..
      Even if we quit using all carbon..the co2 will continue for a minimum of 50 years.. I would love to just have s coal stove but the 4 grand isn’t in the books..I did buy a plug in hybrid for the wife.. I drive the 200 dollar classic.. ( AKA the buggy)
      Going to print up trillions more..we still don’t know where the last few trillions went.. and nothing is being done.. taxes are shooting up.. the climate change crack is only for a few to get rich.. other than nuclear..I think all forms of energy production is good.. solar for our small country is perfect..

      The price on the one kit has gone up..but they increased the powerwall amount to 38kw..

      This whole climate package I think is a farce.. but then maybe the price will
      Come down on gravity fed coal fired stoves to where I can afford to buy it lol..

    • Narrow be the view of the vile ones (spelled with a capital E) at the top.
      Who is obongo’s handler/sponsor? Grigory?
      Look what “they” did to the once prosperous Kraine – nudelman an co.
      Ure editor loves and protects them ala the blowed dried devil “cucker” carlson..two peas in a devilish controlled-opp pod.

      ” -John Swinton, former Chief-of-Staff of the New York Times and the most influential newsman in America of his time spoke at an 1883 gala affair in his honor before the New York Press Club was asked to propose a toast to the independent press. Here is his response:

      “There is no such thing, at this date in the world history, in America, as an independent press . . . If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” -the Great JH

      *Zionism (zionazism) is the GREATEST threat to Peace, Prosperity and HUMANITY in the world .

      – Resting bitch face cheney didnt Lose! “they” got away with 9/11, and everything else, they will get away the bioweapon and bioweapon vaccines..”safe and effective” bwahahahahahah tRump kept us tranzfixed – its all theater..gaslighting at its finest! tRump= corrupt, compromised and Overrated.

      No worries for this intrepid traveler, I know cave(s), cave systems in Central America like know ones business..terrestrial and some “newer” subsea. Unfortunately the “entrances” we need to find, are still being guarded/hidden down south south-america ways, prior to the “incoming’

      Goodniks Lost the last “WAR”… with Honor, known as the Mahabarata – demonic been pressing their advantage since..or hasnt anyone noticed lately beside WTHS. Did you not see Kali her dam self being celebrated on side of skyscrapers in NYC this year – full color honorz. Celebrating the demonic, like “they” celebrate gender bending & “retards’ in the us military.

      Only a matta time till urban is touting the benefits of getting “bent” and celebrating Apartheid in ME !

      • Look what BLM and Antifa did..
        They not only destroyed cities did billions of damage.. inspired our politicians to strive to defend police protection..
        What else they achieved was fear..people are more concerned about their safety now than ever before.. crime has increased dramatically.. and so has gun sales..
        Before there was the belief that those in power had moral and ethical guidelines..that’s been tossed to the winds.. I’m fortunate to live in a low crime area..where the police r still protect the citizens..
        But if there’s a nation wide situation and the economy’s going to get sketchy everywhere..

    • WTHS, Zell is upset because Fink is getting more air time on CNBC than He and Dimon. Indeed Blackrock will be displacing Morgan and dare I say certain privately held Prudential LLC holding companies at
      BIS? In a nod to Mr. Ure, I’m not going to do the all the homework. It should be pretty clear who is walking away from the scene as the bullets fly in the Kabuki Theater rhyme. Hasn’t been such a large opportunity for a bank since Amadeo Giannini, Bank of Italy, and a Whole Gold Rush City burning down to ashes.

      Got Blockchain?

    • Man! When you’re right, you are right.
      I’ve decided to stop mincing words when describing the Democrats and just go ahead and call them what they are; they are following Communist doctrine and adhering to every plank in the Communist manifesto along with a few more recent ones. If it looks like a duck and their lying mouths quack like a duck, and it walks like a duck, the rest of us had better ‘duck’.
      They long for the Communist planned takeover. They have done so for so long and lie about it to your face, that we tend to skip right over it without calling it out. Resist what they promote and don’t give up or give in. Be unreasonable when dealing with these scum. Ridicule the clever bastards and interrupt whenever they are trying to put across their slave making ideas or social engineering.
      You are already being tracked, recorded, filtered in your purchases and places, and evaluated by communist influencers, and sympathizers.
      Get off asses and call them out on this lopsided takedown of our nation. Don’t bother trying to reason with them, they have drunk deeply of the Communist manifesto while in school and social situations. Save your energy and anger to make their world miserable- you know, like they have been doing on their offensive. Contact your representatives (if they haven’t been converted into Communists already) and demand they sponsor legislation to forbid teaching un-American and anti-Americqn themes. Pick up a pocket size copy of the U.S. Constitution and read it enough to quote from it. And do quote it whenever you run across one of the witless wonders spreading their claptrap Commie crap.
      My desk has a sign that reads

      • “call them out on this lopsided takedown of our nation. Don’t bother trying to reason with them, they have drunk deeply of the Communist manifesto while in school and social situations.”

        Whats funny @Ed C. Is I am not angry… a little bewildered at the sheer stupidity.. but not angy.. people are stuck in the work a day rut.. all they can do is listen to the news at the drive at five.. many don’t take time to research anything..
        as far as giving your representitive a call.. save your time.. that will frustrait anyone.. I have been trying for a month now to help someone change his address.. LOL I am failing at it.. you get the we really are interested in taking your call.. and will be with you in the line of order this call was taken.. then when the office closes down.. sorry we are now closed please call back during business hours.. LOL they don’t take walk ins and govt. only works half of the time that a regular hourly paid person works so … its been a challenge.. and I am sure that there will be a fifty page change of address form LOL …
        I once called my congressman.. ( I was a supporter of him) on an issue.. what I got was a huge box of crap that didn’t pertain to the issue whatsoever.. and at a fund raising dinner once.. I sat at the wrong table.. I accidentally sat at the candidates table.. and being dusty and dirty from work decided rather than look any more foolish I would wolf down the chow and wish my friend a good luck and leave.. another candidate sat down and asked the congressman.. what should I talk about.. his answer.. oh give them a one two three speech.. they are all dumb as sheep and will believe anything you tell them.. needless to say.. I have never voted for him again.. the sad part is he was right…
        NOW.. I believe is a person could get fifty thousand people to send a letter.. one to every congressman every day.. a nice simple letter on any subject.. but the same subject.. and switch off.. things would change.. everyone says no one would read it.. but there again.. govt workers only work half of the hours that a regular per hour employee works.. and you need ten to every one farm boy to do the job of pitch and toss… fifty thousand to every congressman house and senate.. that my friend is news.. and if you have ever been in DC you know.. twenty trucks per congressman would shut the beltway down…no threats no violence just a simple letter.. and you think the laptop filled with corruption and deceit and shuffling of material and access to the DOD files and satanic pedo ring that was settled in lightning speed.. I believe that my friend would make those lightning cover ups look like snails at a crawl….

      • “Democrats and just go ahead and call them what they are; they are following Communist doctrine and adhering to every plank in the Communist manifesto”

        Back in the 1970s the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) suspended their political action in the United States. The chair of CPUSA was interviewed and asked. His reply (para)

        The Democratic Party has adopted every one of our planks, our methods, and possibly even our end-goal. Why should we spend our time and money when the Democrats are spending their money and doing all our work for us?

        I have mentioned several times, the schism which occurred in the Democratic Party in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The hard-liner internationalists were communist-leaning, and retained command and control of the Party. The nationalists were fascist-leaning and left the Democratic Party. A few languished in “Green land” or Socialist Workers’ purgatory for a while, but the vast majority joined the Republican Party. We know them today as neoconservatives.

        Your post announces the conclusion I came to, some months ago. This is why I use the word “communist” to describe Leftists who are acting like internationalist-socialists, and “fascist” to describe Leftists who’re acting like nationalist-socialists. I also stopped using the terms “Liberal” and “Conservative,” and started using “Leftist” and “Rightist” because the Liberal/Conservative labels mean the opposite in the U.S. that they mean every place else on Earth. I’m old enough now, that I am no longer impressed by the “fun with words” game…

    • It’s all entertaining but the major problem bar NONE is that there are too many “consumers” on this here planet, IMHO!!

      • seems to be a shortage of volunteers to leave, don’t volunteer others to do what you refuse to, they might shoot back!
        Is over population another climate change narrative? Seems like the same azzholes pushing those agendas.

  2. Russia is firmly in control of the Uke Nook.
    BUT —

    They could spread a little nook hot crap around — enough to excite the monitor sensors — CLAIM a “damaging attack” by the Z-Men, and THEN the nook cherry is busted, and field tacs — you know, small ones of 10KT or less — are made much less a Rubicon Big Deal because the Good Guy Z-Men caused the first stinkyness. “So, what’s a little more? We’re already glowing in the dark thanks to the Z-Men!

    …or something.

    • A little receiver de-sense.They would have to come in and along the same time frame as release. To take something from Warhammer “the coveted fantasy weapon of delusional, short sighted terrorists”. I agree, as would any reasonable person who’s ever had to check the delta against their reference level.

    • Unnecessary.

      Not gonna happen.

      Even if Ukraine somehow nuked Russia, Putin would not toss any radioactivity back at them. Russia might drop a grid of thermobaric bombs on Kiev, but with conventional 10KT bombs available, why would they waste that valuable dirt by irradiating it?

  3. ” the U.S. has been locked into a victim role”

    We the people hang our hope on the CHIPS Act bailout. U.S. manufacturing just needed a little seed money.

    If we all sacrifice and pitch-in now the U.S. will catch the Chinese later. You wait and see!

    • Now almost halfway through the 70s, been waiting for the Just See part ever since the term “Rust Belt” was invented. So far, been nothing more than another hollowed out political lie aimed and people down the IQ scale from here.

      • Oh, we’ll catch ’em.

        It might not happen until after we all nuke one-another back into the stone age, though…

    • I like your positive attitude, but I don’t see it. I see more people wanting to be the victim vs owning their circumstances and trying to improve. Companies that live on government grants, but produce nothing of value. People that do nothing other the politics and influencing are declared heroes these days. People that do things and make things, are declared evil for for wanting to profit from the fruits of their labor. Government has stopped punishing violent crime and instead punishes those based on their political beliefs or public speech. National government agencies are arming themselves in preparation to fight their citizens, because they know people are reaching their breaking point.

  4. I respect your pessimism wrt the Ukraine, but I refer to the Wikipedia summary of “The History of Russia” to shed some light on the ethnic and territorial dynamics of that part of the planet:

    “The overthrow of the [Russian] monarchy initially brought into office a coalition of liberals and moderate socialists, but their failed policies led to October Revolution by the communist Bolsheviks on 25 October 1917 (7 November New Style). In 1922, Soviet Russia, along with Soviet Ukraine, Soviet Belarus, and the Transcaucasian SFSR signed the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR, officially merging all four republics to form the Soviet Union as a country. Between 1922 and 1991 the history of Russia became essentially the history of the Soviet Union.”

    Lenin and later Stalin firmly unified the USSR via violence and starvation, strangling formerly independent peoples into compliance with the ruling communist Bolsheviks grabbing total control. Ukraine was literally starved into submissive compliance to Moscow’s iron fisted demands.

    It was Gorbachev who advanced the dissolution of the economically failing USSR, replacing it instead with the Commonwealth of Independent States, a system of separate nation/states which quickly displayed unity cracks between member states and Moscow due to Russia’s insistence on maintaining a primary role over all other CIS members. IOW, there was nothing independent about being a CIS member. Russia, in-turn, quickly fell under the control of an immensely wealthy oligarchy, former powerful politburo principles who grabbed as much Soviet land and wealth as possible as the USSR dissolved. These oligarchs are still the true leaders in Russia today. They control Putin. They control the army.

    As twisted and greedy as the oligarchs may be, and as desperate as Ukraine is to escape from the ominous shadow of Russian control, I do not think either nation/state is crazy enough to unleash any form of the nuclear genie, be it from weapons or by the conventional shelling of a nuke power plant. Wind patterns unpredictably shift. Nuke radiation hangs around for a very, very long time, as the residents near the U.S. Trinity site, in the Marshall Islands testing areas and those evacuated from Chernobyl can attest.

    No, nukes are an ace in the hole deterrent intended to prevent surprise conventional attack and/or another total war. Tangentially, nukes are the coveted fantasy weapon of delusional, short sighted terrorists. Here is where their real danger lies. Humanity needs to focus on keeping nuke weapons from such radical terror groups, and ensuring nuke power plants are not targeted, because once any form of the nuke genie is let out of the bottle, all of humanity will begin to personally experience Dante’s 9 Circles of Hell (see Dante’s “Inferno”).

    • Agreed. Highly doubtful any of the big 3 would purposely push the strategic button. Would you destroy all the trees to buy the forest cheaper? No, but on the other hand some radical terrorist or even more frightening, an unhinged actor farther down the leadership food chain that is able to get their fingers on or near the button is more likely to for the “cause”. Pray not. Knowing what we already know about the consequences of playing the nuke card should be adequate deterrence but in argument to myself, in addition to the Marshall Islands and Trinity site I’ll just mention Agent Orange. Just a little bit here and there to push the jungle back sounds a lot like “using limited yield tactical nuclear devices”.

      All the inbound shipping ports make me nervous.

      • “but on the other hand some radical terrorist or even more frightening, an unhinged actor farther down the leadership food chain that is able to get their fingers on or near the button is more likely to for the “cause”.”

        Lol that’s an interesting concept…
        Who is the one world leader that everyone avoids torking off???
        The only one that tells the oligarchs he has their homes as targets.. that’s more spontaneous instead of diplomatic..when the oligarchs tried to u dermine him through his uncle..he fed his uncle to the dogs when they were courting his brother to go their way..he poisoned him..

        That lately has been getting support by both Russia and china..
        Hmm what if china and Russia did a usa and gave the pit bull a few long range missiles..

      • “Highly doubtful any of the big 3 would purposely push the strategic button.”

        Any of us would nuke the world, without hesitation, iff (that’s “mathspeak” for “if, and only if”) we faced certain annihilation.

        “…some radical terrorist or even more frightening, an unhinged actor farther down the leadership food chain that is able to get their fingers on or near the button is more likely to for the “cause”.”

        This is why Ayatollahs with nukes is a really bad idea…

    • no one’s likely to quibble because “NATO is already hip-deep in this early lead-in to WW III, saying on its website:
      “Following Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine – which started in February 2022 ”
      How many mo the did putin ask beg and plead for nato and the usa to back the missiles away from their borders..
      The oligarchs of want to keep their corrupt enterprises active and making them money..
      Now that Russia and China have backed their currency with gold silver grain and threatens to take down the systems in place..
      Not only their illegal corrupt enterprises but the whole works.. to rebuild manufacturing it would take china and Russia and their industrial complex to rebuild..then the training..
      Xi tried to be the neutral diplomat what did we do..threatened the panda..
      They also know we can’t be everywhere at one time..
      I fear our economy the dollar is heading the direction of Zimbabwe and Argentina .

    • That is a US military War College meme – we will push until Russia says no more – sadly; contrary to what I believe is George’s position of limited nuclear strikes – both Russia and China will move together and put a rather rapid end to things …… I think we can all recognize a skim by a corrupt administration and politicians that continue to drain the National Treasure for a drug, child sex trafficking and experimental virus labs center- the sad part is they don’t even try to hide anymore ….

      • I am fearful that your viewpoint is right on… when they finally decide that enough is enough it will be like vietnam when they marched across the country in six days…just to prove a point.. we are split up way to much.. and when it lights up.. all the countries feeling upset against us will go after the others.. all at one time.. we will be the keystone cops… the poison pawn trap.. chase the little ones then go for the checkmate..

    • Spoken like true war mongering “scrambled” – Nukes WERE unleashed – on the USA in NYC on 9-11, genius.

      melted granite, meted steel, pulverized concrete…but you geniuses bot hook line and sinker the dark comedy (see Josepheus-Bible) of burning Jet fuel being the cause.bwahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahah

      Clowns -you must remember 9/11 – when you your co-warriors(airfarce) stood down in the face of an Enemy attack..stood the F down !

      Oligarchs control Russia and Russian military = idiotic CNN regurgitated pablum. No, the jewish oligarchs control zulhlinski & ukraine..LSoS.

      Pooterz cleaned that Scheisse up – with help of Russian Intelligence Svcs.

      Gonna nominate you for the Freedom Medal in Philly – so you can take Ure place alongside R. ginsburg,lil bushie, big bushie & bubba clinton, mcstain& hildebeast. Fffine company that.

      • Yellow caution flag thrown by the ref. “Attempted ad hominem tackle – five yard penty” Replay the down. Facts and logic not bullshit personal stuff.
        Referee shakes head and looks for a booze bottle.

    • No disrespect, and this may be a rough summation of my personal opinion/thoughts: I think we all should be at the stage, a very critical stage, called honesty.

      Genocide. Genocide is what happened to the Russian people by the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks were behind the whole dam thing, no moderates at all, regardless of what you wrote.

      Genocide is what was done to the Ukranians.

      As always, we continue to lie to ourselves about these wars, and mislead people into how very badly they went and the hundreds of millions of people that were killed/slaughtered/starved/murdered – on purpose/planned out/executed to plan.

      People need to see that in Black and White because the education system and NPR, and of course, Hollyweird has been lying to them.

      This is what is coming to us if we do not stop it. But, it won’t just happen to us, it is an agenda targeting the mostly White countries, and that is written about in their very own literature.

      How more plain can it be?

      • Thanks for saying what I’ve been thinking. Genocide has happened in many places throughout history, but North America has not experienced one during our lifetimes or that of our parents. We’re culturally blind to it, just as were most of those in various countries when they experienced it. It’s a troubling thought – so much so that most people dare not even think about it.

        If we did, how might we prevent it?

      • @Mike

        “If we did, how might we prevent it?”

        1) Keep our guns
        2) The time to band together and make a stand is when they come for the old and crippled — NOT after they start tattooing the Jews.
        3) buy a cheap laser printer, extra toner, and a bunch of paper. The local newspaper isn’t going to put the word out, so be prepared to be your own publisher. “Common Sense” wasn’t initially published. It was a handbill Thomas Payne printed up and distributed literally, by hand.

        In general, vow to learn from history, then learn.

        What did the Bolshies do, the NAZIs, Benito’s Fascists? How did the Ottomans keep their empire? How did the Chinese lose theirs, etc? Learn the devices which work, both to preserve and to destroy.

        Understand most wars are fought with, between 3% and 5% of the population. The “genocide” comes later.

        There are certain truths and “social rules” which always come to pass. Others are situationally-driven (like the Nazi “war” against the Jews. Fascism requires a bogyman. Hitler hated Jews. This “war” wasn’t necessary for Hitler to become Chancellor, but a war against someone or thing was necessary, for him to remain so.)

        “Conservatives” and “Libertarians” are being maneuvered into a place in our society where they can become the “Jews” of a contemporary “Hitler.” Unfortunately, the first group bused to the extermination camps will be White males from the above political ideologies. BTW, I am again, a registered Democrat, and have been for over four months.

        There’s going to be a big enough shitstorm to go around. Any flying turds one can avoid have to make the awful, a little bit less so…

  5. Thanks George for again helping connect the dots this morning. I think most of us here can agree that civil war is coming whether it is before, during or after the mid-terms or before, during or after the 2024 elections. Seems inevitable.

    This recent 17 minute video is worth watching. Some points I never thought about like what if the right wing activists had armed and gone to the streets during the summer of love in 2020 and decided not to let Antifa and BLM burn the cities down. Kyle Rittenhouse was only a small taste of what is likely to come next round.

    The video also points out the frailty and ignorance of most people when confronted with a situation of immediate danger. Rather than distance themselves from the danger, many will take out their cell phones to make sure they get some good video for Tik-Tok before they die.

    You and your readers have a lot of good advice on how to prepare for what is coming. This video may help add to that knowledge.

    • I sure would hate to see any of that happen here..
      Violence never solved anything.. everything that’s happening could have been avoided..
      Unfortunately our politicians are not willing to actually go to work for the usa.. instead their more interested in stock deals and benefitting from the gifts from lobbyists..
      The days of morals,honor and ethical behaviors Is long gone..

      • “Violence never solved anything.”

        Not true. “Violence,” when done right, offers a sense of finality.

        ex: Someone is being violent — say, they’re raping your next door neighbor. You put a bullet between their eyes. The violence stops, and because of your action, never occurs again.

        That is finality.

        Where “violence” never solves anything is where it is insufficiently applied. Say, instead of shooting the perp in the above scenario, you hit him with a 2×4 and order him to leave. You have committed “violence” against him and in so-doing, have stopped an egregious act. However, the perp skates when the judge puts him on probation, then goes Ted Bundy and kills the next 8 women he rapes. By not applying a sufficient amount of violence when you had the opportunity, you caused those 8 women to be murdered.

        This latter is the way we’ve fought “wars” since WW-II. We have not fought to win, we’ve fought to settle — thus, not eliminating the problem which caused the war in the first place. The politicians say it’s better that way, and doesn’t kill as many people. The truth is, it gives them (and their political elders, the “diplomats” and “statesmen”) more power to manage more stuff and more control over more people. It also nearly always kills many more people, but does so over time, so no one notices.

        “Violence” should be the last resort in nearly every scenario, but it should never be off the table, and once engaged, should never be applied lightly.

    • “Rather than distance themselves from the danger, many will take out their cell phones to make sure they get some good video for Tik-Tok before they die.”

      I will not, and can not understand this. If I hear a shot, my instinct is “where?” If I hear a bullet I go instantly to “fight, flight, hide.” I’m one of those people who never comes across a rape, a beat-down, a mugging, or even a purse-snatching. This is God’s plan for me, because He knows if I saw any of the above I would deal myself in, in a highly UN-Godly manner (even at my age) and not be very gentle about it.

  6. Sad to hear of the latest rusting of America. One of the unsung hero businesses of Albuquerque is going up for full auction this week:

    The auction is online only and it still will take two
    full separate days to liquidate all their equipment and stock. BTW, this location was used for shooting some of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul”. In the 1930’s, the moving picture industry and entertainment in general seemed to do well. I wonder about this time around. We almost have too much entertainment to actually get anything done.

  7. I do not believe that when “chips down” time comes, that NATO will come to the aid of Ukraine.
    I am mindful of the positive contributions of specific NATO members to various Good Works over the years, but they are in a tired, stressed, depleted, socialistic, self-absorbed, weak, woke, confused, and (sorry) cowardly state, and would probably not be able to mount a serious coordinated military operation to oppose Russia. I don’t know but that we may be considered in about the same condition.

    In short, the Euro-American orbit seems to be in a non-ready and non-willing mood.

    Putin (and Dugan) can probably have anything they have the balls to take without very much opposition.

    I do wish I didn’t think that, I do wish and hope it won’t come to that — but show me in history some source of Hope, please. I don’t see one.

  8. “If you have been stupid enough to follow the Neocon’s distraction show (the Jan. 6 herrings, Mar-a-Lago, etc.) then you may be foolish enough to follow Ex-CIA Chief Michael Hayden Implies Trump Should Be Executed for Taking Classified Docs,”
    “his usual (brilliant) analysis of how present times were shown by Nostradamus, an article by G.A. Stewart (here) seems to lay out a collapse of America into revolution after (another) questionable election. ”

    consider those two segments.. nostradamus predictions.. and the comments by the director..
    Now if.. a raid on an ex president has that affect.. what would the other have …. the people of the usa already doubt the sincerity of the politicians in charge.. most feel as if they are being cheated and that our politicians are a disgrace.. yet they keep voting the same ones in over and over.. which baffles me.. so what would an execution of a predident that seemed to do more good for the country with the least amount of support in history do to those supporters..
    could that be the key factor that would start the predictions into being..

    • Hey LOOB

      Considering the possibility of that prediction, which would be unprecedented, and how the economy might be after November, and the fact that 3/4 of Americans are already displeased …. Ummmmm, yeah I can foresee a potential … um … problem.

      • Yes it is scary to.. I hate violence of any kind.. believe in the teachings of christ, the Nicene priests and the Daoist way of life…. Do unto others.. and all I see everywhere is the view of hate.. and fear..and all in the last couple of years.. this is really scary stuff here..

    • There is zero chance that Mr. Trump will be executed. He has committed no crime and there ARE still honest jurists in this country.

      The raid on Mar-a-Lago is a textbook violation of the 4th Amendment. If Trump is arrested/arraigned, he will be convicted because he’ll face a D.C. jury that’s 97% Leftist Democrat. His conviction will then be tossed on appeal and all possible evidence invalidated, and everyone involved will be severely reprimanded.

      If the manipulators can not keep Trump tied-up (so to speak) until after the 2024 primary season, he will run and win.

      The puppetmasters cannot accept such an outcome…

  9. Stocks, PM’s, and oil are all moving lower; cryptos are grifting lower too. Pocketbooks are slamming shut. Sales are getting more aggressive. I think my field watch & smartphone will make it another year.
    I haven’t seen any outstanding bargains in LiFePO4 batteries, but I am watching.

  10. “More recently, Ukraine has now begun publicly claiming it is RUSSIA, firing at its own people in that plant, to “create a false flag excuse to use Tactical nukes against Ukraine.””

    Russia has its own thermobaric bomb (MOAB) and like ours, its yield is around 10 kilotons. There is no circumstance which would cause Russia to use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine, and no need for a battlefield nuke in Ukraine or anywhere else, unless it’s a shaped “bunker buster…”

    Zelensky is getting his scripts from the US/UK nightly news. CNN or Sky puts some idiot on camera, who starts talking about nukes on the battlefield, and a day or two later, Volod whines to Biden or to the UN about Russian tactical nukes.

    Speaking of Russia – I’d really like to see them shut that plant down and remove everything radioactive that they can transport. In fact, I hope they’ve already done so, except for the active set of rods. They could go offline, jerk that set, and have them in Russian territory before those Azov bastards could stuff their breaches.

  11. “We have perhaps another week before weather will swing in Ukraine/ NATO’s favor (which Ukraine knows). It’s then we expect the plant to be shelled. If the fallout is to the West, odds favor Russia at fault, but if to the east (or to the south, e.g. north winds) then Ukraine /NATO is the likely perp.”

    You assume whomever is running the show will make no mistakes, miscalculations, or flat-out fuqueups, and is more capable than our commanders? That may be a lofty assumption…

    • Also, bear in-mind that Russia has requested that observers from the UN and the IAEA (thought they were the same) come in and hang out with them between the cooling towers, until the dust settles…

      • remember how the members of the IAEA were put on ice over giving our any information on Fukishima.. I doubt they will go and if they do.. will be required to squelch any information they know..

  12. “So as a precursor, read US officials concerned as Russia launches Iranian satellite”


    ‘Still trying to figure that one out. Iran has had a viable space program for over 25 years (they successfully launched their first COMMS satellite into geostationary orbit in 1996.) The only thing I can come up with is: Maybe this sat is much larger or much heavier than their launch vehicles can handle…

  13. “Stay seated – check the radiation field survey meter batteries – and we’ll get back to you.”

    Which reminds me: “Big Lots” nationwide has a Ray-o-Vac display up in their stores right now.

    They are selling Ray-o-Vac “Heavy Duty” batteries.

    These are carbon-zinc batteries.

    Modern “alkaline” batteries have a power/decay curve which makes them incompatible with Civil Defense radiation detection devices. The Field Meters will give false readings or crap out completely. They are designed to function on carbon-zinc batteries ONLY — specifically Size “D” Ray-o-Vac Heavy Duty batteries (which are the same ones that came in every CDV-700 Geiger Counter and CDV-715 Survey Meter I’ve ever bought.)

    If anyone has a Civil Defense rad meter or detector of any type, now might be a golden opportunity to stock up, while these batteries are still available. The last two times I’ve bought them, I had to order direct from Ray-o-Vac…

    • I imagine that the Harbor Fright “heavy duty” batteries would be a reasonable choice. They tend to go on sale frequently. They’re not alkaline – their higher end batteries are. Of course, if the Ray-o-Vac ones are easily available, they are probably preferable. I have old CD meters available for emergency use, but my go to everyday rad meter is a Rad-Alert. It just takes a nine volt and is quite happy with premium alkaline batteries.

      • Harbor Freight’s cheapo HD batteries are made by Eveready and Ray-o-Vac (low-bidder) and are, indeed, carbon-zinc. What I don’t know is if the HF batteries are first quality or “seconds.” I assume Eveready and Ray-o-Vac batteries which sport their label are all “firsts…”

      • I’ve got a GQ, and I have a NukAlert for EDC (even though I figure my car’s engine shitting itself is probably a dead give-away that somebody is playing with atomic toys somewhere in my LOS. The GQ was the cheapest, quality radmeter I could get at the time which also does full rad assessments of fish & veggies…

        Speaking of NukAlert: Shane no longer has racks of calibrated surplus CD meters. He probably still has meters, but I’m guessing some folks have gone on a buying spree. The advantage to the (70yo tech) Civil Defense meters is they are absolutely EMP-proof. They are the most robust radiation tools in existence, and they just, simply work. The disadvantage is they don’t do alpha (some don’t do beta) and for $200 (which is less than a calibrated 715 will cost on eBay) you can get a radmeter that’s 12x as sensitive, 10x lighter in weight, and pocket-sized.

        I recommend people have both.

        Folks who’re needful might want to drop in on Shane at, before his shelves are completely bare…

  14. Folks,

    I smell smoke. Who’s burning their popcorn?

    Sorry if social media concerns Meta and TikTok are creating wedge issues. Isn’t Meta controlled by Comrade Zuke and his Chinese spouse? Isn’t TikTok owned by Beijing headquartered ByteDance that is domiciled in the Cayman Islands? Heave a sXi of relief and get some chilling island vibeserations going. Or else someone can be thinking all those megawatts of leased Northern Virginia data centre capacity could be more productive mining crypto.

    Speaking of good vibrations, here’s the original Seattle beach boy, melting the vinyl in the footsteps of Men at Work:
    “You Can Dance if You Want To”.

    • Public Service Announcements:

      President Biden remains at the Beach House, and has no publicly scheduled events. This is Week…Three??

      Mr. Zelensky has been awarded the 2022 Liberty Medal by Philly’s National Constitution Centre. Crack the bell.

      Wednesday is Independence Day in Ukraine. Is there still going to be a fireworks display?

  15. George,as for monkey pox, what is the death rate? How many deaths in the U.S. attributed DIRECTLY to monkey pox?? Yea I know it’s a bummer to look like a big blister at a party but all in all it dosen’t look much worse than shingles, and it really is a conversation starter. This is going to be a hard sell for the CDC.

    • Um, “zero?”

      Or really close to it.

      It is less dangerous than its cousin, chicken-pox, and much less contageous, unless people engage in certain, specific types of behavior. Like syphilis, you can get it from a toilet seat. Also like syphilis, you have to have a point of ingress on your bum which corresponds to the point of egress of an infected person, for this to happen. It’s incredibly unlikely, but it is possible, therefore the CDC will push a “scare narrative” WRT acquisition by contact.

  16. The worlds finished thanks to America. but . You know what ? You blokes are finished the most . Absolute zero chance of survival . Urban survival ? You got none . Finished . Zilch . Net

  17. The IMF and the central banksters have run geopolitics and wars since way before I was born, in 1945, after the end of WWII. They invest in both sides and so far, appear to always win, no matter which side loses. So, what is new? I remember when even you, Ure, fell for the covid scam, and were marching out numbers in the multi-millions who would die in the US. You and Elaine were masked up and chloroxing off your Amazon deliveries before bringing them inside your house. You were wrong on that one. Glad you wised up and didn’t take the jab.

    No one is averse to propaganda, even the brightest and smartest among us, which I consider Ure to be.

    Anything can happen now. There is a globalist agenda, a one world fascist governance which will begin with depopulation, and end with elite overlords (not much different than now) and those left standing will be tagged and bagged and without even their humanity left.

    So, we can go on and on about who is going to start the next war, but I still don’t believe the psychopaths in power are nuts enough to go nuclear. Their entire agenda is to rule over all and live forever, as they sip their adrenochrome for their nightly cocktail.

    But, the masses, who far outnumber them, are starting to get pissed off. We aren’t seeing it yet here in the USA because not enough of us are starving yet. There also are a growing number of brave scientists and biologists and microbiologists who are willing to risk their careers and their lives to fight back against the whole CV hoax. (Unfortunately, they probably won’t be any more successful than the 9/11 truth regime.)

    No matter which direction we turn to attempt to find logic, we end up knowing we are being duped. Our government is nothing but a white collar pedophile infested cesspool of corruption, and we have trained (coerced and blackmailed and bankrupted) many other nations to follow in the same vein.

    Everything is corrupted, the stock markets, the precious metals markets, every single governmental institution, all mainstream media, social media, the voting system, well the entire system has become just one big money-making scheme and the disruptions to all our institutions, family and educational, have turned most of us into compliant morons. And the minions that we see that are supposedly in charge are each and mostly all compromised in some way.

    I don’t know how this is going to end up, and I expect some mad dash false flags soon ahead, but how can we second-guess a bunch of trillionaire psychopaths? We can’t because fortunately the majority of us are not psychopaths.

    But, to be sure, the shit is hitting the fan, and there is an agenda and we don’t get invited to their meetings. The only question in my mind is, will they win or will they lose? Either way, shit is going to get really, really bad for the rest of us.

    Just some late night musings, after a toke. Peace and love.

    • Not sure what you are toking Lois but that is one of the most clear headed posts I have read on this site. Thank you and please post more often.

    • LOL LOL LOL @Lois…. I still spray my stuff before it comes inside the house.. LOL LOL not so much because I am a germaphobe but I doubt the sincerity of those in power.. I read the patents of the virus.. both for the creation and the creation of the vaccine.. I read the material released saying how they were using monkeypox as a carrier for other viral agents.. I just don’t trust anyone..
      the material on how they were studying it in NC army base.. for both.. then its showing up on the scene a few weeks after bio warfare drills in WuHan.. with american troops.. did someone that was not getting their way have had someone drop it or did it escape the lab on someones shoe or shirt sleeve.. that we will never know..
      an ounce of precaution is worth a pound of cure.. I wear a mask to and my journey to help someone change thier address with the department os social security is a nightmare all because they still are not taking in customers and you have to go through the phone…govt. employees were lazy before now they seem non existent.. and fully masked..

      “Everything is corrupted, the stock markets, the precious metals markets, every single governmental institution, all mainstream media, social media, the voting system, well the entire system has become just one big money-making scheme and the disruptions to all our institutions, family and educational, have turned most of us into compliant morons. And the minions that we see that are supposedly in charge are each and mostly all compromised in some way.
      I don’t know how this is going to end up, and I expect some mad dash false flags soon ahead,”

      Boy you hit the nail on the head with that one..
      I read news stories like this one.. and this is only a sample story from all over..
      and hear our own leaders saying that one political party is anti american and a severe threat to our way of life..while the other is all american.the two-party system in place was to promote centrism and encourage political parties to find common positions which appeal to wide swaths of the voters so that. It could lead to political stability which leads, in turn, to economic growth and stability of the country.. the pro and the con.. the Yin and the Yang…. this stuff going on now is really scary in my eyes.. Pitting one party against another and I wonder is it by design or what…. BLM and Antifa destroyed our cities.. did billions of dollars of destruction destroyed infrastructure and caused mahem,raped, pillaged and killed, all over the usa.. and yet their flags and symbols are not seen as a symbol of tyrannical movements but of one of liberty and life while others that were to defend liberty are listed as threats to our country.. and seems to have the support of our own leaders..crimes that were abhorred before are now cherished as home and apple pie.. an ex president that had the least amount of support yet dong more for the people of the USA is now being drawn into a picture of one of evil while others with real evil and corrupt doings are touted as hero’s to the public and their well being..
      I can’t fathom how far down the rabbit hole we have traveled.. people are all scared the common discussion around the coffee houses is that of pure fear of the future .. maybe this is why the govt bought so many bullets a few years ago.. what was it twenty thousand or so per person.. I don’t know but it all scares me..maybe everyone is right I should back away from the news.. ignorance is bliss..worrying day and night about what someone that is being courted to do evil is going to do next is not going to give me anymore peace or anymore ability to survive in this world .. I am one of the lucky ones.. I live in an area where people still cherish morals and ethical values of old.. it is changing as new people from other sections of the country that are torn apart are moving here.. but so far it is still holding onto home value systems.. that we all cherished a couple of years ago..

      • LOOB: thank you for your heartfelt post. Do not stop learning, reading, and trying to reach others.

        All for good is what is really good for all.

    • Hello Lois,
      Nice summary post. So true. Nice to hear some others beating the same drum. Thanks to all the good folks on this site who do.

    • Yeah we’ll take my 3 flops . Moon
      Landing . 911 joke . Covid joke . All farking American . Throw in Vietnam and Vietnam 2 Ukraine . You blokes are a joke you deserve what’s coming to yah

  18. Turn-around Wednesday.
    George, do the cycles of the complex macroeconomic system, governed primarily by tightening and loosening central bank liquidity (debt generation and contraction) and more recently by outright money printing operate in a highly ordered fractal fashion?

    From the 130PM 16 August intermediate peak, the Wilshire composite has followed a 6/14/13/9 of 9-10 hour :: y/2-2.5y/2-2.5y/1.5y of 1.5-1.6y hour curvilinear decay fractal decaying to a point of renewed but transient growth.

    The Wilshire peaked in November 2021, the 90th year of a US hegemony 1807 36/90/90 year three phase fractal growth series. In the 1990’s US corporations and US politicians have transitioned the US to a service dependent economy. The next 54 years for the US will be governed by continued cyclical interest rate modifications by the central banks, whose debt liquidity activity will be in response to and constrained by liquidity enhanced inflation of finite energy, energy storage, and food consumer elements in an environment of 8 billion people and dwindling resources. Consumer inflation will be the dominant factor in a service-based economy.

    From the March 2020 low, the weekly fractal series is 33/66/40-42 weeks with 26-27 weeks as the ideal base fractal for the 66 week second fractal. In a qualitative manner, the Market ‘knew’in November 2021 that the Fed would have to begin tightening because of consumer inflation. The first first decay fractal seties rom the November 2021 peak was 5/13/10/8 weeks and the second will be 4.5-5/7 of 10/8-10 weeks. This would put the 50 percent decline low in November 2022 vice December 2022. The base daily fractal for the US composite Wilshire is defined by a straight line from a low to low valuation and is inclusive-of-all-valuations above that straight line. The 4.5-5/10/8-10 week fractal series started on June 16 and ended on July 14 2022 with 19 trading days and with two US trading holidays not globally observed. From the 19-21 day base fractal, the fractal series to a maximum valuation growth is 9/21/12-13 days :: x/2-2-5x/1.5x for a Wilshire for and second growth of 19-21/40-41 days. The second fractal 2-2.5x decline will be remarkable.

    Average US 30 year mortgage rates reached 5.71 percent today. The population of US citizens who can afford the 2020-2022 inflation-increased home prices at this 5+% mortgage rate has imploded. A 50 percent drop in equity valuations after the final 12-13 day Wilshire valuation rise is not unreasonable.

  19. Blast from the past:

    Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings

    Got a haircut today — the gal trimmed all six of them.

    As we were chatting, she brought up the CDC “Shielding” page and railed about it — first because it had been rewritten (and “softened”), and second because it gave the Feds the “right” to separate and segregate members of a single family, living together under a single roof.

    Figgered it was worth a revisit…

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