Monday: Gearing the Week, CFNAI, Turkey Ho!

Somewhere in the middle of the night (“It’s 2:13 AM” Alexa tells me) it occurred to me that Elaine and I haven’t taken a vacation this year. 

Although we will have articles every day this week (two will be on the side), brevity will make a rare appearance at some point.

Our consigliere will arrive mid-afternoon tomorrow.  From then on, the focus this week is on entertaining.  Lots of shop, and remodeling projects, plus field work is planned.  Imagine running a “guest ranch” with no animals, but lots of diesel and gas-powered distractions.  Since we’re all ham radio sorts, some of that can be expected, too.

We hope you have an equally delightful week mapped out, too.

So, Let’s Talk Gearing

Reader Len in Australia whined in a comment this morning about how the U.S. dollar was being run up, again.  Best I can figure it, he’s no fan of the “strong Buck” because it drives down gold and silver prices.

But gearing (the Continental term [the gnomes of Zurich say “leverage”]) is really about cross-market arbitrage.  It’s a good thing.

Take this morning.  The gold price was down to $1,740 which was (-$11.10) on the Kitco charts.  This means gold is telling us the market will go down.  Because with Dollar purchasing power UP, everything ELSE will be CHEAPER.

Not a lot.  But we can take the Friday close of the S&P 500, for example (3,965.64) and multiply it times the remaining gold price (expressed as a percent – this morning that’d be 0.9936611272914168 times.  Which sets trading mindsets for an S&P of 3,940.5.

This informed us (earlier) that the market will “adjust its thinking” for a 25-1/2 point drop in the S&P-500.

So, sure as shootin’ we hit FinViz and see the S&P is pricing -22.75 on the downside.

The Cash Machine

If we need a little extra money, we simply wait until the market has been open for a while and watch the commercials run the prices (up or down) a good way from this “dart toss” and buy some highly leveraged investment vehicle (look up ETFs – exchange traded funds) and then wait to see if our technical trading toolkit blesses another day of reckless financial abandon.

If you get it wrong the trick is to dump the position when you’re down more than $50 bucks.  And if you’re in the lettuce, let the winnings pile up until the trading indicators turn.  At which point, be the first to sell at (or near) the top.

It ain’t that hard.  It’s always harder, of course, to spot the “next Apple or Microsoft.”  We hear about people who are “stock pickers” like this all the time, but damned if we like that kind of (casino term:) “action.”

I mean, can you IMAGINE walking into The MGM Grand in Las Vegas, putting a fraction of your life savings in a “machine” and leaving for a few weeks?

Day-trading craps is more our style, but to each their own.

About the only IPO I see on the horizon will be SpaceX when Elon needs some dough to power through the Twitter mess.  (Cash is power, never forget.) SpaceX won’t likely be for the “little people” – instead look for the schmoozers and insiders to get the first bite of the  next “apple” – it’s how Big People stay ahead of us common peeps.


Chicago Fed National Activity Indicator is just out.  Adjust your take on the day according to this:

“he Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) decreased to –0.05 in October from +0.17 in September. Three of the four broad categories of indicators used to construct the index made negative contributions in October, and three categories deteriorated from September. The index’s three-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, moved down to +0.09 in October from +0.19 in September.”

Over the next few days, look for retail hype stories galore.  But, as we explained on the subscriber side, the REALITY is that intermodal rail is falling fast and there’s a lack-of-overtime down on the docks of SoCal.  The Recession will become evident very shortly.

Last week, Jeff Bezos was seeing it. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos: ‘Prepare for the Worst’ As US Recession Looms ( crossed the wire seven days ago and the rewrites are still comingFormer Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Has This Advice for Getting Through a Recession.

Try to remember, though, to see your way through the “buy low, sell high” mantra drilled into every school kid by idiots in “education.”  I’ve personally made as much “Buying HIGH and selling LOW.”

Fact is, “investing” has a lot more in common with betting the PASS – DON’T PASS line at the craps table than respekitical financializers would have you understand.  Manage your winnings and losses, is the point.

And learn when money doesn’t matter.  Our lifestyle is based on “Let’s eat at the buffet as long as we’re here” thinking.  Good life, great buffet.  And penny or nickel slots are fine.  It’s all gambling and ego stocks with a huge dollop of luck.

(So much for brevity!  But, one day, I tell you…)

The News Shredder

Where we “Plug in, turn on, and reconsider…”

Is this like a “democrat thing?”  Because it rhymes with Fast and Furious in this old boy’s noggin” Arms sent to Ukraine could end up with ‘terrorists’.

Nuremburg II is coming for US-Gov.  As walk-back of pandemic mismanagement gather’s steam:  FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation.  OH? Bullshit semanticists in high places, anyone?

And speaking of Semanticists:  Expect fallout sooner than later now since Friday when a Judge rejects former White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s effort to quash subpoena.  OF COURSE government and social(ist) media colluded.  Think America’s too dumb to follow?  Everyone knows conservative voices are targeted.  Why do you think UrbanSurvival is not on FB, Twitter, or in other such digital barrios?

Questionable claims dept:  Midterm elections have handed Joe Biden a divided Congress – history tells us that’s bad for good government.  Mighty juicy clickbait but lacking intellectual substance.  Since better government is LESS (not more), we think there’s a HUGE golden lining in terms of slowing the Marxist takeover playbook.  Any media outlet saying otherwise must veer far left of center, as we figger.  Oh, look! They do.

Save that Mouse!  Disney Shocker! Bob Iger Back As CEO, Bob Chapek Out.  Can Disney be saved from the radical woke?  Lettuce prey? (sic)

Inspector Nuke-It:  Can we put on the BS detector, please?  Only needs to be turned up to 2 or so.  Because while the Russians are blamed in stories like Ukraine nuclear power plant attacked by Russia, worker tells CBS News, as IAEA warns of “close call” remember Russians control the plant!  So are they going to shell their own people?  (No coaching – if you can’t smell the bullshit on your own, you need another website.  This one’s too reality-based for you…).  Stories citing “unnamed workers” (*or “sources”) are highly suspect.

Java shake:  Kills dozens.

Under $16,000 overnight.  Yet stupid consumers keep buying digital tulips – making it almost hilarious.  Especially when what’s next is obvious: BTC Bears Target Sub-$15,000 on Weekend Jump in FTX Contagion Risk.

Cyber hacking is going great guns:  A Third of Global Organizations Were Breached Over Seven Times in the Past Year.  And how much of your personal assets are off line which is about the only place they’re defensible?

Do you ever wonder?  I mean when you read stories about our prospective future like this one?  Baby Food and Infant Formula Market Size to Grow by USD 34378.13 million From 2022 to 2027, Assessment on Parent Market, Five Forces Analysis, Market Dynamics & Segmentation – Technavio.”  I mean the question just lays there:  How much of the growth is systemic currency debasement (e.g. inflation) and how much is due to more screaming me-me’s?  Secondary question:  Did anyone going into the now pending recession bother putting out a real bummer forecast in advance of events?  Just wondering…

ATR:  Our “Ultimate Christmas”

Two projects front and center this week.  Both will be on ShopTalk Sunday this coming weekend.

But one is how to make a “Piece by piece Spa.”  You can tell who’s gone extensible after trying out the new foot massager…

The second is I’ve been eyeing welding projects over at  The one I’m looking at is the 10-sided Firepit Kit — 42Fab.  But, for tuning up the welding operations I’ve got a bunch of “coupons” coming and I ordered a load of 42Fab’s CNC cutout scrap, too.

See, there are some hobby-machinist-making skills that are really rewarding and with our house guest this week, what’s more fun than being handed an acetylene rig (or a MIG or a TIG) and being told “Have fun!”

For later on this winter, a 35-inch weld-it-yourself fire pit looks like a hell of a lot of fun…

More on both as we meander into future ShopTalk Sunday editions.

Write when you get rich,

76 thoughts on “Monday: Gearing the Week, CFNAI, Turkey Ho!”

  1. Enjoy your vacation/not vacation and your friend’s visit. We all understand the need to economize our words during a holiday…Case in point, I’ll be stuck at the Aunt in-laws. Hope the deserts are good so I can be in a food coma on the way home…because that’s safe driving.

    An interesting read on the current CIA involved crypto mess that’s about to implode more crypto fiats:

  2. To keep an eye on some of the FUN stuff our tax money (and made-up money) does the live coverage on Artemis I started this morning over here –

    On a more frustrating note Penny Kelly said in her latest Look-See that she’s seeing less of a chance of a coup now that (apparently) no Red Wave has occurred. Without the obvious support of The People the Military would probably back off any operation like this. (I wonder what polls they’re following?) This, believe it or not, is actually the worst-case situation because with no coup she sees open warfare breaking out in various places in America early next year leading to a break-up of our country a few years down the road. I’d much rather see a coup by intelligent people that know how the government works than an unorganized hodge-podge of civil unrest. The latter would make martial law look like Heaven on Earth. It all depends on how much farther off in the weeds this pretend administration want’s to take us. Oh – and a lot more people that otherwise would never consider it start to refuse to pay their taxes next year. Let the party begin.

    • Civil War is the last step in a Color Revolution. The CIA/deepstate/military complex has been doing these all over the world for years in countries with no “reserve bank” so they could bring in a reserve bank and start draining the assets. Now they’re using the same Color Revolution play book against our own country. Seems it wasn’t about spreading democracy, the reason the people were for it, after all.

  3. “Somewhere in the middle of the night (“It’s 2:13 AM” Alexa tells me) it occurred to me that Elaine and I haven’t taken a vacation this year. ”

    Hmm.. for the ones that won’t be able to have a vacation.. prices soaring to survive.. a recession and depression looming above us.. possible war with russia and china.. all a run away government.. just watch..
    births soar in a depression.. my sister once said while we were all sitting for a meal after my mother passed on.. she said.. I wonder what our parents did for entertainment during the depression..
    LOL I almost chocked .. then said sis.. take a look around how many of us are there. we have a large family lots of siblings.. what do you think they did for entertainment during the depression?.. LOL LOL LOL LOL

    • That old joke is so true about granny sitting in the middle of a family reunion giggling to herself and then explaining that almost everyone in all the generations was there because she got laid.

      • the little red rake…
        Both my parents had bad hearts.. anyway I would check on them.. one day you could clearly see that they had been raking the lawn and there were to distinct paths towards the house.. I thought dam one of them is sick.. went the house was locked up.. pounded on the doors.nothing called the doctor he hadn’t seen them.. called the hospitals.. nope not there either..
        Later dad was out I asked.. dad you OK.. he said dam it son you sure know how to mess up a moment.. we were ok.. but next time don’t come pounding on the door when you get to be our age you take advantage of every moment..
        so I bought them a little red play rake and a hanger if the urge comes hang this rake outside the door.. I will know your ok ..
        I still have that damned rake someplace the grandkids and great grandkids play with it LOL LOL

    • Though I am not your senior drill thrall.., please let us know what you choose.., I am also looking for one.

      • The high schools and colleges are dumping them right now. I’m probably seeing 9-10 laptops a day on average, and I’m only watching the upper Midwest auctions, north of the Kentucky River (I choose a point, a focus {the merch I’m interested in}, then watch everything within a few hundred miles of that point. Right now I’m centered on Cincinnati; in a month it’ll be Chattanooga.) A Macbook i7 came up last night at that JC in Ann Arbor. They’ve been selling i3 and i5 Dell desktops and lappys, and Macbooks, at a rate of a couple dozen a week, since September. The lappys typically sell for less than $27 on average (it’s not unusual to see a bundle of 10 i5 Latitudes sell for $225), the desktops, half that, but they’re sold without hard drives. Anybody have a friend at UM or Eastern Michigan and feel up to playing a game of “Doctor PC?”

  4. my days directions from the boss…..
    she said.. they have the box up at the dollar general.. we will be watching the two youngest great grand daughters today and tomorrow … daycare is closed… so I want you to take the kids down and let them buy a toy for them.. and one for the box for kids that won’t get a toy..
    which means I will go to the local sporting goods store and buy a couple of coats.. to.. they have a drive to give coats to those that can’t afford one..
    I will pick up a few of these to.. keep one in the car for every potential rider.. I know.. they are ugly.. but let me tell you something.. with a face mask on and this hat.. you are not going to get cold at all.. and the gloves.. dam warm.. a bunny died for my comfort..
    and that is a great price.. ten dollars off for black friday…

  5. “Nuremburg II”

    Trump is making deals with Saudi’s trying to ‘get to the bottom of 911’.

    July –
    “Trump defends hosting Saudi-backed golf tournament by falsely claiming ‘nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11′”

    November –
    “Trump Family Signs Deal With Saudi Real Estate Developer”

    Hot on the trail 20 years later.

    When do you see Nuremberg 2?

  6. “Jeff Bezos was seeing it. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos: ‘Prepare for the Worst’ As US Recession Looms ( crossed the wire seven days ago and the rewrites are still coming. Former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Has This Advice for Getting Through a Recession.”

    obviously he hasn’t heard the news….
    our leader says.. There isn’t any recession.. and his policies are making leaps and bounds at fixing what is wrong..

    • I love that part.. not a time to raise taxes of spending.. HUH.. you printed up six years of our national budget and haven’t spent a dime on the country yet.. LOL LOL how much more would you need.. acording to the assessment.. they printed up two trillion more than what would be needed to repair every broken or worn out infrastructure system being monitored LOL LOL

      • Bring back residency law.

        The municipal folks who collect Chicago pensions should get 100% if they remain in Chicago. Move out of the city reduce the pension to 50%. If they move out of state reduce the pension by 90%.

  7. smokeless fire pits need over fire air ports, here is one example from u-tube but it gives you a starting point of design.
    No matter where ya sit around a fire, the breeze creates a vortex at one side of ure body drawing the darn smoke to ure face cough cough.

    I’ll be back later with “FOCUS” all caps stand for something other than the base word, like NORAD or NATO and oh ya Ascension, from a Q post,

    And FTX, was it a set up? to destroy cypto credibility, create a call for protection, in come the central bankers with regulations to the rescue, CONTRO., What the demons can not control they seek to destroy, freedom is what they hate. Was FTX created to commit crimes, then point a finger ,,,the Bankers say “see I told you, ya need our protection”
    Mean while, where is the money?

  8. Yo G, been pondering the ramifications of FTX going Tango Uniform. What happens to all the derivatives and monies leveraged against the billions that no longer exist in FTX? The bankruptcy of FTX may just be the tip of the proverbial iceberg in the financial/crypto space. Law of inenteded consequences may come into play here…..FTX the gift that keeps on giving…..

  9. 3 days ago Q posted
    SOS Offices.
    Patriots in trusted positions.
    Trust yourself.
    You have seen the truth.
    Time to show the world.

    “FOCUS = FreesSpace Optical/near Optical Communication System?.
    Used by spacecraft, satellites ,military, NASA for secure comms thru the air. ?Like GPS data?”
    , this is a cut and paste from Bruno barking, he connects this FOCUS with Ascension Island installations in this post

    Now was Elon’s Trump survey a bot removal test? a trap? 5 yrs ago!

    Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/20/2017 04:05:24 ID: LuUE1Prl
    4chan/pol: 150173114
    Bots deactivated upon arrival.
    Keep up the good fight.
    It’s spreading.

    Like i said, “I do not know
    just eating popcorn
    enjoying the show”

    • Field-Orthogonal Communications Using Subspace.

      Didn’t anyone follow the Dirak transceiver and tourmaline discussion on PN side?
      Mark V was it? Why the Navy isn’t building more Big along-ass antennas for subs? because we’ve had it as single channels for a long time now using spooky action at a distance/entanglement?
      Come on people…keep up!

      It’s the tuning mechanism that allows drop in on off Earth comms/…

      • I’ll believe in quantum entanglement comms when I can get a heavily discounted gigabaud internet connection with cable TeeVee on a $50 quantum set-top commodity transceiver.

      • George, I was quoting Bruno, I had spaced off the tourmaline discussion property of bypassing distance/entanglement you talked about back some time ago.
        humm, eliminate the time lag of distance comms. Makes me wonder about time/entanglment, Hello great grandpa, have you met my future great grandson?
        Yes , I know, I AM a little slow and weird,,, thanks for the
        FOCUS , I guess we have Spooks in the Machine
        Ghosts in the machine a video from 4th Psyop Group these guys???
        this video

  10. 42Fab – I bought their small rocket stove kit a while back – it was fun.., and works great. Get it with the leg extensions. I am not the best welder in the world., but I think it turned out pretty good. Very heavy-duty – should last a decade, or so !

  11. Berkshire Hathaway now has $11 billion riding on 5 Japanese stocks,
    Buffett’s company has boosted its stakes in Japan’s five largest trading houses to over 6%, If you have been following the Japanese Yen and Nikkei 225.., ya gotta wonder just what does his team see in these trading houses.

    • Currency play. When the US buck falls in value, the money in JA land (hamspeak) only has to remain at a semistable yen.

      Where the “score” is happens when the dollar drops 10 percent vis the yen.

      So, when the money was deployed (*near top of dollar) say you bought 1.05 worth of Japan asset value for each buck.

      Now, in 2023 when the dollar is down 15% you get 1.05 X 1.15 *(due to US inflation/reduction of buying power) so the net will be 20.75% and the money is offshore, too boot.

      You just need to drop pretense of being Americentric to see it.

      • I see it., what I need to drop., is logic. Why ‘invest’ in a trading house.., and not simply and directly trade the currency? or.., is this just a off-shore, park a few billion overseas, tax avoidance scheme / game ?

  12. I honestly and probably naively didn’t think we would see crude oil below 90 $ a barrel again. It is now below 80 $ a barrel as of an hour ago. [$76.40] With the Russian embargo and OPEC greed I thought, haphazardly as it turns out, that Texas-Tea would remain above 90$.
    – Which raises a question., or two: Just how high would inflation be if crude oil remained above 90$ a barrel ? ., and – why is there a diesel shortage with crude at this price level ?

    • “why is there a diesel shortage with crude at this price level ”

      Diesel = #2 fuel oil.

      It is a light distillate, just like gasoline. A maximum of about 8 gallons can be refined from a barrel of crude oil (4 gallons is typical).

      If you think of the refinement of a gallon of crude oil as a pyramid, the top of the pyramid is the light hydrocarbons like butane, hexane, octane (gasoline), etc. the next tier is the fuel oils (#1 {kerosene}, #2, #3, #4), and in-between is a gray area, from which either petrol or fuel oil may be made. To make 8 gallons of #2 from a barrel of crude, some of the potential (that gray area) for making gasoline has to be rededicated toward making fuel oil. To make oil from the gray area drives the price of gasoline up; to make gasoline from it drives the price of fuel oil up.

      Our biggest problem is there has not been a refinery built in the United States since 1979, because the government imposed a regulatory nightmare on refinery construction, making it cost-prohibitive to build one.

      Our current problem is Mr. Biden’s stated intention to not re-open any refinery which goes offline for maintenance, or from damage (like the Rock Island refinery fire in Indianapolis, last Century…)

      The simpletons on the radio make it seem like we can open the spigot at ANWR and the price of petrol will drop back to $2.20/gal.

      It won’t.

      Our diesel / fuel oil issue is not [caused by] a lack of crude, but by a lack of ability to refine petroleum products — a problem which Mr. Biden has vowed to make worse.

      Elections have consequences…

      • The Old Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a cold winter. The entire Eastern Seaboard heats with fuel oil. I have popcorn at the ready, for when 110 million libtard Republicans and Democrats discover they can’t acquire heat, from any source, at any price. I feel for the ones who think they are clever, and will come to that fuel depot in Indiana and buy “biodiesel,” only to take it home and asphyxiate themselves on the diesel fumes. I especially feel for the poor, who will freeze, or burn to death because they built campfires in their living rooms, out of busted-up furniture.

        I’m hoping I can then convince the survivors that:

        Elections have consequences…

    • Why is there a diesel shortage? Gasoline is the largest fraction of a barrel of oil. What everyone is failing to realize, is as Diesel goes to zero, the larger fraction of gasoline will have gone from ~43% of supply down to somewhere around ~23% of supply capacity. wait for it.

      Enjoy. Price caps = not available at any price.

  13. We haven’t taken a vacation in quite some time. A few short trips here and there, but no real vacations. I guess we just forgot and we are WAY overdue. I need a really, really long vacation.

    Which brings me to the question for the group: Does the quantity of all your projects sometimes overwhelm you to the point that you stop working on them? Total project paralysis? Anybody? I know this doesn’t happen to you, George! I’ve got all kinds of things that are unfinished. The biggest one is the deck project I started earlier in the year. All the posts are set and now it looks like an Arkansan Wood Henge…a bunch of posts or varying height casting shadows for the faithful to venerate.

    Finally, we have a large assortment of crappy cookware collected over the years. I told my wife that our Christmas present to ourselves should be to throw all the old stuff out and buy a top of the line set. We cook a lot, so it would be well worth it.

    P.S.A. Don’t forget to take the Turkey out of the Freezer today.

    • “Does the quantity of all your projects sometimes overwhelm you to the point that you stop working on them?”
      – Yes. The misses calls it “enthusiasm-burnout”.

    • Project paralysis: yes–sort of. When my family moved out to NoWhere, IN six years ago, there were four abled bodies to make the work happen. Currently, there is only me and two part-time teens who are generally too worn out after their extended day of school and sport. They’re only in the one, so after winter is over, I’ll have a bit of help from them (maybe). My better half still works, but is literally one step away from disability, and can barely get into a wheelchair when he wakes up. All the projects (much of the supplies bought at the time and sit idly now) we wanted to complete have gone wayside in lieu of doctor visits and much needed rest for him. I’d hire help, but now there is no extra money to hire it; Inflation is such a bitch. Still, I’m trudging along with what I can do by myself, but honestly, I sometimes feel like I’m going backwards as one thing gets done, several other things crop up and need attention. Been a very strange, unproductive few years, and all by quirk of circumstances that we never saw coming. I guarantee my husband never thought he’d be wheelchair bound by age 40. He is frustrated beyond belief, mind being willing but the body broken.

  14. Boy I must have been slacking off LOL got my butt chewed but good.. no interpreter needed.. I forgot the peanuts in the squirrel feeder and to fill the bird feeder.. mrs. Rocket J Squirrel was chattering at me like crazy and so was the blue Jay.. I could read their mind.. you forgot to fill them up.. now get up and take care of it right away we are hungry LOL LOL LOL LOL.. filled them up tossed out a couple of ears of corn and everyone is happy again LOL LOL LOL LOL
    a new addition of a kitten to the kids home. to shadow is the name.. the grandkids named it already so it stays.. been to the vet.. and got its shots.. what a cutie..

  15. Re: Vegas Buffet


    Wow, obviously everyone was enjoying a Sunday slo-roast on their newly hot rodded BBQs. It’s possibly not too late for extending belated birthday greetings to your head of state. Apparently a quiet Sunday brunch was celebrated at the WH. Okay, back to DJ George with a sedate high nooner show ready to stoke the grill with some holiday Nat King Coles from Harvest of Hits –
    The Frim Fram Sauce.

  16. re: cookware

    Might I suggest Saladmaster stainless steel as a brand to look at? I inherited my parents set (~1975) and it’s still going strong. It’s pretty much bomb-proof.
    I expect there are similar brands that aren’t related to anything MLM-ish and may be of equal quality.

    Buy once – cry once and enjoy…

    Good luck on your search.

    • …Or really anything that’s stainless or cast iron. My cookware is vintage Revereware with some Tennessee-made (NOT Chinese — read the box!) Lodge cast iron mixed in. My oldest pan is a Revere 10″ frying pan, made in 1940, which I use constantly, and which looks so new that it’s like a piece of jewelry, on the rare occasion when its hanging on my wall.

      If’fn you DO opt for stainless, remember that steel wool is okay, if you must, but never, ever, ever use scouring powders. Stainless is harder than mild steel — pumice or powdered obsidian, not so much.

    • I got the boss new cookware for the season.. granite ware.. nice stuff..I do have to say Ray is right.. I have some old cast that I totally love and is definately a favorite.. and it was all made in the ole USA

  17. Yeah got over it quick though . Either way so close now . Market crashes epic that’s good gold to the stars good ussa and usd and sheet countries like mine ratsheet good

  18. Yo G Pops,

    Who U guys think Ure kidding with the mock up BS tig/mig projects in the ATR section ?
    I know what you two ole Possums be up to – out there poking around unda the piney pines of Uretopia Ranch.
    Word around the ETO (east Texas outback)”outback” is 2 new “hands” be trying to create (weld up) some of dem der nu fangled Bitzcoinz.

    Does sweat equity, welding skills employed & some 1020 Steel count as Value..intrinsic like? Depending on how big youse 2 make em, I might be interested in a “original piece of crypto art” my own dam self.

    Even though the “War” is still being prosecuted against Us Hu-Man resources..still Nein Bicoin 4 G!


  19. Yep . She’s gone . The buck the fed the market . Pathetic to watch there greed and cling to power dream as the banks and everything goes to hell . Eventually only gold is left . Over a 100 years of Fed evil is over and banks

  20. Since I haven t heard of any one requesting it, I thought I should ask 2 of my medical providers if I could get my mask cultured. One said “we don t do that. The other said no with attitude.

  21. j pee moron gets approval for a wallet for cryptosheet . i tell yah gold bulls buy buy buy gold . f the usd f everything crash the market see if i care . its the alamo

  22. I live in a city. We have had an unusual amount of house fires and abandoned building fires in town , as well as grass fires on the outskirts of town. How do you prepare for fires surrounded by trees?

    • ON the prepping for fires…

      Son G2 will be done with his current deployment to (insert name of ultra big computer company noted for its cpu OS) site around year end. Then comes a bucket truck rental and we will be trimming down the (huge) elm (or larch or whatevers) between house and shop.

      Main thing: No overhang of buildings.

      Second, my consigliere and I will be “tagging” all the pines within 150 feet of the house this week.  Because pine trees have so much pitch that they tend to “explode off” pieces of bark, trunks and branches in forest fire conditions.

      You want to make sure that if ANY tree falls in a fire, there will still be a “lane” – 25+ feet all the way around your home. (Go ahead, make lots of firewood!).  Now you’re down to exposure fires if you can keep the lane “wet lined.”

      Now on the prevention side indoors: Find a local electrician or handyman to go through your entire home electrical system. When they do so, have them tighten EVERY electrical connection in the house.  Don’t tackle this unless you are 100 percent certain how to do it and pull power completely ALWAYS.

      What most people don’t understand is that copper is annealed. And this means that it continues to “flow” – like a supercooled solid.

      What this results in over time, and I’ve seen it firsthand in radio gear and living on (and working on) marine electrics plus in our own home-remodels and expansions) is that after 10 to 20 years, or so, you can get an eighth or a quarter turn on almost every electrical connection in your home.

      Now, imagine – just for instance – that people long ago actually did REAL home maintenance. This electrical maintenance ritual is something the “old timers” used to do instinctively.

      Every 10-15 years – pull every outlet (POWER OFF!) and retighten and while you’re at it, confirm the polarity is right – and properly grounded!

      A lot of people have overlooked these items because we don’t have a company around marketing that “simple but useful safety maintenance.” Have a business plan for something I call “HomeSafe.” Never going to be a company on the NYSE (but I have it as a long-term idea for G2 if he ever gets bored with emergency/industrial medicine (not likely).

      This is well within the skills of many homeowners.

      You NEVER want to see an electrical spark-sourced “wall fire” – which I experienced out here in the woods.

      Killed power, knocked it down, but in the “what went wrong” research, I was putting a real 20-amp load (MIG welder) on a cheap (15 Amp) outlet – with predictable results.  Genuine firefighting stress – peripheral vision darkening as the adrenaline hits roll through, and all that.  

      Only takes one or two of these events to see where the problems are.

      Now toss in an imperfect connection and then add a dash of corrosion over the years…an increase in house fires over the holidays happens because?  HEATERS come on this time of year and now you’re into overload country.

      GREAT Question!

      • “Every 10-15 years – pull every outlet (POWER OFF!) and retighten and while you’re at it, confirm the polarity is right – and properly grounded!”

        Also, if your electrics were done between 1975 and 2000 it is likely your switches and outlets have push-lock wire terminals (stick wire in this hole and forget it.) Many “electricians,” especially the flunkies and apprentice wannabees employed by virtually every Union electrical shop at that time, stuck the wire in the hole, instead of bending a hook on it and putting it under a terminal screw. Some outlets without a hole were hooked up by placing a straight, stripped wire under the screw.

        If you have any of these, make them go away, please.

        The Black wire goes under the brass screw, the white wire goes under the silver screw, the wire should be bent with chain nose pliers into a question mark shape and inserted (as a BACKWARDS question mark) under the screw (so tightening the screw winds the hook tighter, not looser…)

  23. Hey George, before you and Elaine wind down for vac-cay, pls grab her and watch this:
    It’s just out today; the wife and I just watched it and I think you’ll agree it’s excellent!! All about the people who’ve died and suffered great harm from the clot-shot. Even shows the clots, which is kinda gross but sometimes the truth hurts.

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