We can begin today’s scribble with advice from Superman’s admirers.
“Look! Up in the Sky!”
Throughout history, signs and portents have been sky-tied. Everyone from Mark Twain to a host of other ancients view celestial events with a sense of wonder and awe.
Off the front-page Monday: Rare Fireball Comet Turns Night Into Day Over Spain And Portugal In Spectacular Footage | IFLScience.
The sky is the ultimate “high ground” in military thinking – right up through Space Force. And did you know? America’s first black astronaut, 90, goes to space on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket.
But not all aerial adventures are positive. At least one dead after ‘severe turbulence’ hit flight from London to Singapore (nbcnews.com)
We also expect another bumpy ride as Australia, New Zealand sending planes to evacuate nationals from New Caledonia. Which has begun its collapse. Which strikes us as an odd time for the Frenchman to go visiting. Yet, here’s that Ukraine saber-rattler planning a visit. French President Macron to visit riot-hit New Caledonia: spokesperson.
It looks to us like a “showing of the (Colonialist) flag since, as an Australian source reported “The group of more than 140 islands is an overseas French territory located in the warm waters of the south-west Pacific Ocean. It lies about 1,500 kilometers east of Australia, with the islands of Vanuatu and Fiji as its closest neighbors.”
In fact, France appears to have an episodic/bipolar relationship with its colonial victims. Desktop A.I. reminds us:
“France conducted 210 nuclear tests in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia and in Algeria between 1960 and 1996. The tests took place at the Fangataufa and Moruroa atolls, which are located about 1,250 kilometers southeast of Tahiti. The last test was in 1996, when a bomb was detonated underground in volcanic rock on Fangataufa“
More to the point, we are at another French Fork on the road into history. New Caledonia could be on the verge of replaying Algeria.
“Algeria gained its independence from France in 1962 after 132 years of colonization. However, French rule in Algeria began in 1830 and lasted until the mid-20th century. France formally annexed Algeria in 1848, but it wasn’t fully conquered until 1903.”
Absent a groundswell of French opinion to march into Ukraine, perhaps Macron’s upcoming trip will be an ounce or two of “Algeria Prevention” while NATOs Ukraine problem simmers. Colonialism hasn’t gone away. They still have Tahiti and French is spoken on multiple Caribbean islands and in much of Africa.
Ukraine’s Colonial Future
As long as we’re talking about “Colonies” there are two important (and related) reads to spend time on: One is the article Are Russia and China preparing an intervention? – They claim that “the US assassinates and overthrows leaders of pro-BRICS states”.
Meanwhile, ” Kremlin says Zelenskyy ‘slipping into hysterics’ wanting the West to get directly involved in the war,,,”
Of course, the U.S. would never admit to this. But what we do see of interest is how Warmonger Victoria Nuland Wants U.S. to Help Ukraine Attack Russia.
Which then brings us to: G.A. Stewart has added – and this is very much on point – an addendum to his May 20 remarks on The Age of Desolation website here. Scroll down to the Postscript section. In particular, Stu’s outlook of this quatrain in particular demands consideration:
[America] The elder sister of the British Isle
Born Fifteen years [1776] before her brother [France in 1791]
Through her promise in return for verification [concerning nuclear weapons],
[America will] Succeed to the Kingdom of the balance [Christian Church/Justice],
His understanding of how “verification” goes horribly wrong might have you digging a fallout shelter right after work today.
“So, other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how is The Play going?”
Bad Theater
Two more deep thinking points on Stu’s Nostradamus work worthy of deep consideration.
The first (you’ll find it on the Age of Desolation site) is a discussion about destruction of the Great Theater by why seems to be an Earthquake. Major Biggy.
Stu’s thinking was that the Great Theater was a reference to Hollywood. BUT having done a little time-sniping myself, it struck me that the major Theater of the World (or whatever the exact phrase was) would likely have been in Italy at the time Nostradamus was writing.
I think the odds of the Italy outcome are higher if you take these two stories back-to-back.
The first is: Strongest earthquake in 40 years hits supervolcano Campi Flegrei | Tech News | Metro News. Which is a little off on the “me, me, me” side, since the super volcano is off to the west of Naples. Not on the UK doorstep.
BUT if it were to pop it would massively wreck the south French coast which matters HUGELY in my thinking because there is this town called Cannes – and there’s a MAJOR headline around that:
Donald Trump Rape Scene in ‘The Apprentice’ Ignites Cannes Controversy (variety.com)
While most of the Trumperian pundits are focused on his legal woes and whether this flick can be stopped by the courts, the real deal around here is the geolocation: Cannes. Northwest of the Super Volcano that has recent rumbles. Which we can almost sense lining up as a “smash hit.”
Hopefully Stu will explain if the Hollywood angle is still in play, but (how to say this?): We plan to keep the Gulfstream hangered and no jaunts to the French Riveria this summer.
Financial Follies – Terrible Tuesday
Depends what assets you’re playing.
If you play metals? Gold traded $2,436 before pulling back a bit. Silver, likewise, was trading $32.72 before being whacked down to $32.01 at click time.
Equities markets around the world were generally weak. The yUcK and Germany were both down about 1/2 a percent, while France was down more than 1 percent. Japan was down a third of a percent while the big story was the Hang Seng down 2.12 percent.
For now, that upper right trend channel is worrisome to everyone:

Crypto was ranging $71.395. But the South Sea Company did well until it didn’t, as well.
Messes for the Masses
Theatrical trial notes: Robert Costello back on the stand in Trump trial after clash with judge (nbcnews.com). Meanwhile, today’s Trump Slam du jour looks like Donald Trump posts social media video seemingly suggesting his victory will bring ‘unified Reich’. Should be fun to see how the judge instructs the jury after ‘CROOKED COHEN’: Cohen admits to stealing thousands from Trump.
America’s Battery salvation at hand? Vast, untapped source of lithium found in Pennsylvania – but it may be tied up for many years. Any money on the “dems will lock up this resource, too” bet?
Iran crash blame game. Iran blames Western sanctions for fatal crash of US helicopter carrying Ebrahim Raisi.
Around the Ranch: Holiday Preps
We noted the arrival of summer early this year with temps hitting 90F and the tomatoes becoming sluggish setting blooms in the greenhouse. Too damn hot so more insulation work is coming.
Might want to go through your checklist of holiday goodies and get them ordered and stocked early.
Low to mid 90’s on tap here but cooling into the mid/upper 80s next week. This is when 10-day forecasts can be marvelous; They let you optimize when to mow and how much beer to lay in.
Z’is a great high-tech civilization, or what?
Write when you get rich,
If it is true the shit will hit the fan.
We take that site with a grain of salt. And sometimes a salt lick. (with minerals)
He is ex FBI guy, looks like he has good Info sometimes.
He was not an agent. He was an informant according to public data: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_Turner
(“He was not an agent.”)
look in the sky.. is that a plane, a flying squirrel.. no…. its super hunter on another mission from the USA.
The last american HERO…
Just kidding.. LOL
here is the movie the last american hero .. just imagine HB with a crack pipe in his mouth as hes driving down the road in pappies corvette and a file box of documents next to him..
Yes, sometimes I wonder who is feeding him the information and why. This is when you have to read between the lines.
He’s as fullashit as a Christmas Turkey.
Thems as DO it, don’t talk about it.
Thems as TALK about it, don’t DO it.
That’s a really good point: If you have not (documented) Done, and if you are not still bound by NDAs, then you’re not a playah. WMofRR is a playah giving you good advice here.
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: I am stating this now. If the Ukrainian people do not accept peace and overthrow Zelensky, who takes his orders from the Neocons and has betrayed his own country, Ukraine will not exist. The refusal to accept peace means that Russia can take all of Ukraine, and then we are looking at the stupidity of European leaders who ONLY want war to destroy Europe for a third time.
January 24, 2022 G. A. STEWART
(“Yes, sometimes I wonder who is feeding him the information and why.”)
that is a great point stu… I read a few pages and even after all the different news pages.. I wonder.. is it real or is it BS… I love a few of the information and study sites.. only to discover that one that has a slant to the right.. another has the slant to the left and both owned by the same person.. what is the book.. I think it is the secret lives of billionaires.. and in the book dark money.. I think that is the book..
they play both sides.. take the recent demonstrations on school properties.. funded by dark money pushing an alternate message to the one they pushed in the BLM and Antifa mass riots with billions in damage people dying and disturbance..
its hard to say.. what the true agenda is.. but if they play both sides.. they cannot lose..
that is just a great book.. the knoweledge.. I have it in several different formats.. the hard cover.. the kindle etc..
for news sites.. I go to the paper boy and to newseum
Oh here is a great recipe for apple leather.. I put a little more sugar in it and cinnamon.. but that is our taste.. its been a while since I made some.. I put it in the dehydrator..
on the newseum site I usually go with the map…
even there.. what is real and what isn’t is a big guess.. we can see the slant here in all the news sites here.. when I built a satellite dish.. I had access to the news raw.. then I got it it wasn’t cut up and pushed to change what it was truly about..
take all of them with a grain of salt..
He sure has a hard on for the jews, just saying. Maybe the judge or prosecutor on case case was jewish.
(“then we are looking at the stupidity of European leaders who ONLY want war to destroy Europe for a third time.”)
Well JC…. I believe that is where the fur hits the road I believe.. for over two hundred years.. we have been at continual war.. the destroyers for the puppeteers ..back in the sixties and seventies.. a Vietnam vet coming home was called horrible names.. spit on.. etc.. I remember being spit on at the airport.. it is that way in the countries that we have rushed in to help..Like libya..we went in took down their country and they haven’t been the same since..poverty starvation poor medical and poor education.. . Xi and Putin are not stupid they have come right out and asked us what in the heck are we doing.. don’t we have enough to worry about with our own country…. Yet we go in tear up a country and then leave.. and we stay pristine untouched by war…. for over thirty years I have noticed how they are positioning the USA using the weaknesses of the affluent to do it…. This time I fear it just won’t be Europe.. this time I believe that we to will see some of the joy luck club we have been dishing out all around the world. why else would you give a drug and deviant sex addict what he wants and millions of dollars to boot.. it isn’t like he has anything to sell no real talents.. all he has is the name and except for selling total compliance from the oval office and the congress..
Very similar to Kobe Bryant’s death. There was speculation of murder by the Illuminati.
Fact is, helicopters and dense fog don’t mix.
(“He sure has a hard on for the jews,”)
I can relate to that Wilson.. I worked with the cutest jewish girl.. she was a sweetheart.. and I had that very same problem from time to time.. she would bat those little eyes at me and wham..
“We begin with the basics. The President of Iran took a helicopter trip to the border with Azerbaijan, to have a brief meeting with the President of Azerbaijan.”
(Hal Turner Remark: Right now, my bet: Assassination. By Israel, or the US, or both – maybe even with help from Azerbaijan. The weather satellite imagery being deleted indicates to me a potential cover-up. Wouldn’t it be something if a cover-up ended up exposing a crime?)
September 20, 2023 G. A. STEWART
Just a thought about that crash, I have skied Stowe, Whistler, and other resorts. No helicopter would take passengers helicopter skiing in that weather. At Stowe they closed a hill I wanted to ski on in weather that bad. News cameras couldn’t get clear views of cars fifty feet in front of them. Just imagine flying in a helicopter where the pilot couldn’t see more than fifty feet in front of him.
Shades of Kobe (RIP).
I can understand why some can become so enamored with Hal Turner.
I try to back way up and look at someone like him as a whole , and the big picture isnt good.
There are several of his ilk who are simply entertainment at best. But they get us riled up ( helpful to…? ) and put some lunch money in their pocket.
There are too many others with better opinions.
Ok , interesting guy, You did your homework.
“.., destruction of the Great Theater.”
Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in a speech described the Roman Senate as: “The great theater of the people.”
In Nostradamus’s time.., would the Globe Theater in London be considered “The Great Theater.” ??
a little off topic but I saw this 3 min video about the periodic chart ,,, think outside the box, make the chart a circle, a vortex, as we see all of the universe is a giant vortex.
Any way this is about wave lenghts and mating elements
it was from a Joe Rogan episode, and I found it quite interesting, what does it take to split H2O
Read ‘The Universal One’ by Walter Russell
It describes the waveform harmonic relationships of matter.
crap, forgot the link
Getting Hot here too, and gardening doing well.
’bout that earthquake…
“Earthquake. English CC. Polish clairvoyant Krzysztof Jackowski’s predictions”
Back to my garden, need to prep to transplant my watermelons, started ’bout two dozen.
Yo Vic,
How do you prep for Watermelons transplantation ? In Belize we prep with Rum..Watermelon Mojitos tobe exact – my favorite Cocktail.
Fresh Watermelon juice (de seeded),Ice, Soda water, muddled mint(frm Garden) and TreeBarrel Rum (3Barrel).
Close, but I need to plant them before I can make juice. Plant watermelon where my tulips grow, so prep is cleaning the tulip up first.
To juice, de seed our watermelons I use our
Works great on watermelons and tomato.
Picked ours up many years ago.
“Lee Valley Tools offer a wide range of products for woodworking, gardening and hardware projects”
US site;
I actually have made this one more than I would like to think about.. it says bologna .. but we have used sliced hot dogs in it to and hamburger…. and of course.. if you didn’t have potatoes.. you can use lasagna noodles pre cooked.. or rice.. with hamburger we call it snow over the mountains..
Bologna casserole
8 slices bologna
3 tablespoons butter
1 onion, chopped
4 cups warm mashed potatoes
1 ½ cups shredded Cheddar cheese
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 1 1/2-quart baking dish.
Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Fry bologna slices in the hot skillet until browned on both sides, about 1 minute per side. Drain on a paper towel-lined plate. Wipe excess grease from the skillet, reduce heat to medium, and stir in butter and onion. Cook and stir until onion has softened and turned translucent, about 5 minutes. Stir onion into the warm mashed potatoes.
Spread half of the mashed potatoes into the prepared baking dish. Layer with half of the fried bologna, and sprinkle with half of the cheese. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.
Bake uncovered in the preheated oven until the cheese is bubbly, and the center is hot, about 30 minutes.
Its actually quite good.. and when the older grandkids were little they loved it.. we did it with fish to.. but used rice and called it no peek fish casserole LOL…
BEETS… I got to say I love beets.. my mother made this one.. red velvet cake…
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 ½ cups white sugar
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup pureed cooked beets
½ cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder ( you can use Carob to )
1 tablespoon red food coloring
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
( you can add a few chocolate chips.. and spices to get more of a chocolate spice cake.. )
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F grease and flour the pan
Sift flour and baking powder together in a large bowl
Whisk sugar, buttermilk, beets, oil, eggs, cocoa powder, red food coloring, vanilla extract, vinegar, baking soda, and salt together in a large bowl. Add flour mixture gradually to the bowl, stirring after each addition just until incorporated. Pour batter into prepared pan. Tap pan firmly to settle the batter and remove large bubbles.
Bake about a half hour when your toothpick comes out clean…
Wow Nellie!
Careful there Pardner…That is a serious VIOLATION, cited in the Official Cake Making-Baking Rules & Regulations Book.
My personal opinion – that you didnt ask for..burn the recipe, before some other innocent unsuspecting child is tricked into into eating Beets..thats how they got their Name, cause their BEAT! Nasty – Go On, GIT! with dat nastiness.. : )
ya gots to try Swedish cake, my good man..morkmorkmork -https://youtu.be/QP0shgq65F4?si=0KU8AtB-fIwanV15
its delicious to.. LOL my mom made carmel rolls.. the carmel was hard as a rock.. my brother was home from the military.. and everyone was having coffee.. and he asked mom for the recipe.. for her carmel..
She knew she had made a mistake.. when she made it.. but it was good just like hard candy.. anyway she started to give it to him.. and he said thanks mom.. I am going to go see If I can sell it to the government for ARMOUR for their tanks.. LOL LOL LOL…
so a week later we had this beautiful chocolate cake with a little red discoloration..( my brother wasn’t a fan of beets) and we had company so dad said.. wait till we all can sit down.. mom had made the cake just to get sweet revenge on the snide comment about her carmel rolls were armour material.. LOL LOL the cake was great.. I forget if she had a little pumpkin spice in it.. but it was delicious with fresh vanilla ice cream on top of it.. LOL LOL LOL that was the first time I had chocolate beet cake.. with whipped frosting in it..
My daughter made the wedding cake for one of my grand daughters last week.. she had put pudding in some of them wow.. was that delicious.. turned out gorgeous and delicious.. she is quite the cake decorator.. and I asked her for her recipe so I can share it with everyone..it was wonderful.. somehow she got a heart shape inside the cake.. so that it looked like love and roses.. quite a beautiful thing..
“Should be fun to see how the judge instructs the jury after ‘CROOKED COHEN’: Cohen admits to stealing thousands from Trump.”
I heard an interesting comment on TV this morning. Apparently there was a notorious judge in Georgia (?) that used to tell the jury that they would hear closing arguments from the defence followed by closing arguments from our side.
Trump will be convicted..
Even if they can’t put him in prison.. he can then be referred to as a criminal… guilty of catastrophic crimes..
its the mental image and since people are to busy with the low paying jobs working multiple jobs to survive.. and the only news they read or hear is on the net and during the drive at five..
the mental image.. with them spending billions.. and the puppeteers pushing for him to be eliminated from the race.. the billions of dollars to buy this corruption conviction.. IF he is voted in.. you know a billion gets you a million with a family business.. so what did they buy with billions on a man they want to keep from office.. even if he wins.. ( I doubt he will ) I pay ten bucks for a cheeseburger.. almost twenty for cheeseburgers and a fry and pop.. so what did this administration buy for BILLIONS of dollars to keep an ex persident from taking office.. that is not a joke.. it is going to be ugly.. the big thing is.. in once way they don’t want him to appear as a martyr ..which is what spending the billions has done up till now.. they would rather see Biden and family and all their activities be eliminated and look like victims..
If I were the Republicans in the House, immediately after a guilty verdict against Trump, I would bring Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden, for treason, murder, human trafficking, and pedophilia, and I would conduct a very public trial between now and a week after Election Day.
If the Dems are going to bust the Repugs’ guy for banging a prostitute, the Repugs should bust the creeper for banging his daughter and grandkids, especially since there’s actual evidence this occurred.
This would eliminate, overnight, Biden’s ability to claim he was not going to debate a “convicted felon.”
Many problems, even complex ones, have really simple solutions. Folks, it seems, go out of their way to find more-complicated, and less-elegant solutions. I put this down to narcissism — a desire to claim credit for a solution, instead of simply solving a problem… That, and a lack of common sense.
what’s funny is I k ew and visited with a guy that had sex with her.. I think he paid 500 and he said it wasn’t that exciting …Trump should get a refund.. she wasn’t a child and was of legal age..who I feel sorry for is Melania and the kids..
The only problem with that is the trial occurs in the Senate which is still controlled by Demonrats. They would never let the impeachment actually come to trial.
If the Republicans controlled the Senate, then that would be a show worth buying popcorn for.
Bear in-mind, Trump insists he never went to the well, and in statements Stormy made several years back, SHE also said it never happened.
If you take in all the evidence (that being the public statements people have made in the past, when there wasn’t an opportunity for fame or fortune from the statement):
Daniels made extortion noises,
Cohen, attempting to suck his way into Trump, Inc., borrowed money and paid her off, in exchange for an NDA,
Daniels realized she’d undersold herself and violated the NDA
Cohen was one of 68 attorneys on m/l permanent retainer to Trump. His job was to deal with street thugs and mob soldiers who might interfere with billion dollar construction projects. When he realized he was too sleazy to ever be allowed in through the West Wing entrance, Cohen lost his man-crush and began his fit of serial lying, in an effort to damage Trump and play on the notoriety to squeeze money from whomever he could.
In a fair and honest world, Stormy would go to prison for blackmail, and should be forced to pay the half-mil she owes to Trump (he sued her for defamation several years ago, and won, but I’d be willing to bet money THAT was never mentioned in this kangaroo “trial”). Cohen would be charged with more counts of perjury, tried and convicted of theft (for stealing Trump’s money and confessing in a very public manner), and barred forever from ever making a dime from any of the proceedings. The Manhattan D.A. and the New York A.G. would be tried and convicted of election interference, using their office for political purposes, misappropriation of funds, and intentional misapplication of existing laws, and sent to prison for many years.
…And Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden would be tried and convicted of racketeering and election interference, relocated to a large rock in Kansas, and forced to turn that large rock into small rocks for the next 20 years.
Note, the lamestream “media” is already “programming” the American public to believe that when Trump repairs the DoJ and starts locking people like Alvin Bragg away, it will be the lawless acts of a rogue Administration — and the fault of the MAGA movement…
Articles of Impeachment don’t ever have to be handed down by the House. The political value is in the “show,” not the trial. Since Biden’s daughter’s diary got publicly unlocked, there is a huge potential show available.
The Dems are tying Trump up in show trials. Between the four trials, he’s been slapped with 91 charges. Most of this 91 are fabrications, the remainder are either false or misapplied. All 91 will be thrown out on appeal. They don’t care. The idea is not to lock Trump up, but to put on a show at his expense, and make it last until November 6th…
The function of these “trials” is to eat up DJT’s time and money, and keep him off the whistle-stop trail. The hope is for, even just one conviction, so Biden can claim he won’t lower himself and “demean his Office” to debate a convicted felon.
THIS is why I contend he MUST be brought up in an Impeachment Inquiry, and one of the charges MUST be child molesting. The lamestream must be fed a line so-tawdry they can’t ignore it, and sleazy details regarding Joe playing “hide the salami” and “milk the cow” with his daughter, hashed, rehashed, and re-rehashed from now until after the Election, to remove any semblance of “moral high ground” which the Biden re-election campaign could use against the Trump campaign.
Hell, if they do it right, the House Republicans might even get a couple of Joe’s granddaughters to come forward.
(The Repugs might also want to dig up a couple of those Biden sound bites where he dropped n__bombs when referring to PoC of African ancestry. Ol’ Joe is one of the most racially-bigoted national pols of the past half-century. I found it utterly flabbergasting that the DNC could Bernays over this fact and make it disappear from the conscience of the American voter, so quickly and thoroughly…)
The Democratic Party Establishment is one of the, if not THE most crooked, sleazy, and dishonest political faction in the history of modern civilization. Because they own both the source and the distribution channels from which most people get their “news,” the only way to cure them of their sins is to beat them at their own game…
Here is one I actually have to make more of… I will make up salsbury steaks then freeze them..
1 pound ground beef
1 cup milk
1 cup crushed saltine crackers
1 onion, finely chopped ( I blend them then put one in chopped up fine)
1 green bell pepper ( again I will blend one up then finely chop another)
1 Tbsp Worschester sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Mix ground beef, milk, crackers, onion, salt, green pepper and worschester sauce and black pepper in a bowl. Shape mixture into Patties and place onto a baking sheet. Cover and freeze.. to cook them up…
1 (10.5 ounce) can cream of mushroom soup ( or 1/3 cup of magic mix..)
Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. with beef broth in it.. then add the magic mix or the cream of mushroom soup.. Now I love fresh mushrooms in mine.. then put in
1 tsp. of browning sauce..Kitchen bouguet..
place as many patties in it that you are needing for the meal.. and let cook.. then thicken the sauce for a gravey.. serve over mashed potatoes..
Magic Mix..
1 cup of flour or (1/2 cup of corn starch)
3 cups of powdered milk
1 stick of butter ( you can make it without the butter.. for a shelf stable magic mix.. then add the fat to it later when you use it… )
1/3 cup is equal to one can of condensed cream of what ever soup .. you can use this in puddings to..
for a cream of tomato soup.. I use V-8 and make it up.. with another can of water.. chicken use chicken bullion.. or chicken broth.. and if you want do like they do at the soup company put in a tsp to tbsp of chicken chuncks..
the same with beef.. your the boss.. you can add and subtract what you want.. )
keep it in the fridgerator for up to three months.. this will give you about a flat of cream of what ever soup you want..
Magic mix is something we usually keep in the fridge.. take your ingredients and mix it in the mixer until it resembles corn meal.. great stuff.. you can add what ever you like to.. if it is just for soups.. and not puddings then I will add salt and pepper to it.. but since we use it for a variety of things.. why not just the plain cream of whatever soup you want mix..
What a new day brings.
Here’s the Periodic Table Segment of Terrence Howard and Joe Rogan That Everyone’s Talking About
Might make you rethink how things really work.
How much of our brain do we really use?
Everything is a frequency….change the frequency of an object it becomes the other object.. if you can mentally see the frequencies or alter your perception you can be come a psychic or like Nosty..
Satanic and hedonic religions sacrifice for the walnut sauce.. in the belief that the walnut sauce and walnut.. ( thalamus gland) will bring on life.. shamans use psychedelics so peyote and mushrooms stimulate the gland bringing on a heightened state of interpretation..
hindu monks use meditation and tones where it is well known that they have with certain tones it gave them the ability to levitate themselves or objects..
The CIA and other agencies that had remote viewing used drugs and meditation ..
when I was in the service.. they had a three month program.. the thing was they took a few volunteers from each branch of the military.. to see if a man can increase the work load by meditation.. I was in it.. after the three months it was over.. after I got out of the military.. and things hit the skids big time.. one of my down times.. I used what we did those three months for over thirty years.. enabling myself to work long hours ..It worked.. it didn’t work as well when we did it that three months.. but I lived the egg timer years quite well.. built a house in three months in my spare time while working two full time and one part time jobs..
It did have its affects.. the body needs rest.. the theory of the philosophers stone.. change the frequency of an object and you change the object..
starve the brain of air and you get the body to produce chemicals that enable you to perceive things differently.. lucid dreams is one..
The helicopter carrying the Iranian president and foreign minister was a Bell ‘two-twelve’ [ 212 ] Twin turbine. An upgraded, civilian version of the military’s Huey UH-1N, Iroquois . Very good helicopters if maintained properly. However, this particular ‘copter appears to be way-past it’s due-date.
The exact origin of the helicopter involved in the crash was not confirmed but an Iranian source said it was connected to the Islamic Republic Red Crescent Society. Experts said the few details available suggested it may be 40 to 50 years old.
– A very old helicopter – combined with lousy weather conditions was a recipe for disaster. No outside interference required.
Biden orders one million barrels of gasoline to be released from the northeast strategic reserve – to help lower the price at the pump.
A little math shows that this will little to no impact, at all, as we burn-up 368.63 million gallons per day.
– 42 million gallons will basically cover about a third of the country’s morning commute.
.., but, it will sound good in the media.
First time I read it, I got a Cosmic Vibe’
I figger it’s either Hollywood or WASHDC.
My bet is Hollywood with an earthquake chaser.
Cool thing about prophecy:
It’s usually obvious — once it has happened.
Rear-view mirror stye…
(…and I ain’t no playah. I’m just a little,
unimportant retired guy in central North
Carolina. I don’ know nuffin.)
re: in “plane cites”
feat: Telegram from Russia
Welcome to just another day in the garden somewhere in Russia’s Southern Military District. The Russian MoD Telegram channel has publicly published alleged mobile ground placement testing of “non-strategic nuclear missiles” as well as hypersonic missiles with “special warheads” (on a Mig31?). Their website is blocked here but (Russian-national developed) Telegram is working.
Meanwhile it’s all blooming right at The Royal Chelsea Flower Show as yesterday Their Majesties popped by. The King handed over a ransom posey of Camelia flowers from the Buckingham Palace gardens for admittance to visit the children in The No Adults Allowed Garden. The King was presented with a “King of Compost” badge. Separately the Queen Consort was ushered into the Netflix Bridgerton Garden named after the Netflix streaming television series of elite intrigues in 18th century Georgian England which is so beloved by the minions.
Naples, Italy has several “old” theaters, and a handful of active volcanoes to choose from. The Bay of Naples, as large as it is, is a caldera.
Well, LOOB, the grand Volcano Vanilla experiment progresses. Of the three ‘Pompona’ cuttings I have, the fat one still sits there. I ordered two- 2′ cuttings from one place. She sent me a 4′ vine that was rather young and spindly looking. I cut it in half and planted them. The top portion seems to have suffered some leaf damage in transit and dropped most of it’s leaves. The vine still lives with one bottom leaf, and a couple small ones on top.
But the bottom half of the long vine is healthy and has a sprout at the bottom leaf! Experts said it would take about five months, and that time is now.
wow.. that is cool .. I wish the temperature was good enough to get them to grow here.. I spriuted a couple bananas trying to get bananas to grow.. they did great until winter hit then it was over..if I had the land I would do the ground heated greenhouse like the one my grandkids go to for plants..he has every exotic plant you can think of in there
Big Brother gets even MORE intrusive.
Just when you thought the high tech industry and government could become even a bigger surveiler of what people do in life Microsoft is now adding to it’s operating system the taking or regular “Screen Shots” of what is on your computer (and apparently sending them home to mama – ie: Microsoft) … all for YOUR benefit of course!
“Satya Nadella says Windows PCs will have a photographic memory feature called Recall that will remember and understand everything you do on your computer by taking constant screenshots