Living the Novel Life – ITEIABU, Iran this Weekend?

Sorry if this morning’s column goes off in a Hunter S. Thompson way.  We spent six-hours Thursday in the emergency room as Elaine was having abdominal pains.  Turned out to be diverticulitis – common among people “our age” if you don’t eat regularly, hydrate well, and eat enough fiber to “keep things moving” but not too much of “small aggregate” (to put it in concrete mix terms).

She’s fine, enjoyed the morphine for pain, only blew out one IV (again, common in our age group) and is resting well this morning with significantly less pain.  Which means now, I can “get my head back in the game” around here.

But Speaking of Games...

It was a real pleasure to get back in the saddle this morning and read the latest high-stakes poker adventure from reader D’Lynn. OK, even if you don’t get many “invitation-only” invites to high stakes poker games, his account (here) is more than worth that time it takes to read.

I’ll tell you why, too.  Three reasons, actually.  The first is that D’Lynn’s descriptions of the games are “clinically interesting” to anyone who pretends to “invest” in today’s markets.  Because the term “invest” is really misleading. It’s all a gamble.  As such, you have to focus on the basics – reading the table and other players (Trump and Harris come to mind) – and then there’s managing your stake in order to persist.

The second reason is that D’Lynn’s a pretty good writer.  See, one of the things any young journo learns (which for me began in 1966 when I did my first high school newspaper reporting stint) is that in order to come up  with a good story and snappy copy, you need to be fully present as a reporter.  So, when he talks about the other players, there’s no BS.  You can spot the BS’ers in writing in how their words hang together.  But, you take accounts by people who have (mostly) been there – L’Amour, Cussler, McLean and a lot of the old short stories in Soldier of Fortune and the like – and you get insights into people and places not ordinarily seen.

Some news reporters/journos get it right; Studs Terkel in Working comes to mind.  So does the Mike Rowe America’s Dirtiest Jobs series.  Laughably – Universe was playing the slime eel episode in the ER waiting room.  Yuck, but thanks to The Dude behind the curtain for that one.  Wryrony is still a great hand to play in pseudo-crisis…

Point #3: I have often thought about letting a few (hand-picked) readers write a short “adventure bio” of themselves.  Pretty damn sure D’Lynn’s got a backstory suitable for Hollywood. BIC does in his Africa water supply adventures for sure, Ray’s time in Early Computing, how LOOB keeps coming back for more – and how Andy is not dead yet- would all make good copy.  Even better as movie scripts. Because I think that’s how a little backwoods website like this one has survived and prospered over the years. Old members of the tribe passing on street-level views to the up-and-comers.

Though I have to admit at that at times, I have thought about recasting UrbanSurvival as “Soldiers of Finance”  or perhaps “Wonder Woo.”


This being fried-egg (Friday) one Big Ponder to work on this weekend – which I am still smiling about – as visits to the ER do remind me there’s always a clock running.

Springs from a couple of emails from my consigliere who has been following some key and  keen “seers” he’s dug up around the web.  While individually, they may have “above noise, but far from perfect” prediction success rates (generally in the 20-40 percent area – above chance, but don’t forget to pack a parachute anyway), taken as a whole clothe, it does give you a “Where the story is going” about modern life.

In The End It All Blows Up

In a recent series of emails, the view that my consigliere pieced together from one (foreign language) seer, is that the purpose of life is to Learn.  And that the familiar concepts of heaven and hell are not how reality actually works. Instead, imagine your “essence stuff” taking (however long, because time is a Life illusion) to replay the whole present-experience and see what you can learn from it. You get to be your own judge, jury, and hangman.

Life is a “term limits” deal.  Even Methuselah “only” made it to 962 -and his son Noah half that.  Why, just this morning I was reading how the First wave of COVID-19 increased risk of heart attack, stroke up to three years later | National Institutes of Health (NIH) and I found myself asking “Where are the people on Death Row for funding this kind of bull-crap?”  Can we not get to the yachts (‘cept that one off Greece), or what?

The answer – at the Big (many lives in many worlds) answer seems to be “right action matters” but in the world of the woke, the joke’s on people who “get it – a kind of Universe/writer’s double MacGuffin.

“The MacGuffin technique is common in films, especially thrillers. Usually, the MacGuffin is revealed in the first act, and thereafter declines in importance. It can reappear at the climax of the story but may actually be forgotten by the end of the story. Multiple MacGuffins are sometimes derisively identified as plot coupons[6][7]—the characters “collect” the coupons to trade in for an ending.”

There. Now I’ve spilt the beans.  We’re living in a plot coupon.  Everything is a Business Model, we’re all in Soul School, and ITEIABU.


Road to War

Still on it. Still pedal to the metal.  Two client notes from the consigliere

  • Bibi  told Biden to POUND SAND during their phone call.  Iran has 3 to 5 nukes available within days at most with means to deliver.  (Intel ordelusion you make the call after scanning US still believes Iran has not decided to build a nuclear weapon (  We go with Mosad and their points for accuracy. Except Oct. 7…)
  • Putin and the Iranian President /Govt Leader are to meet in person Friday Oct 11.

Which is today.  So we head back to a D’Lynn-like (ultimate high stakes) game and ask:  “Will WW III be a “buy the rumor and sell the news event?”  If so, then a run up into the close Friday – to allow Wall St. playahs to short from higher ahead of known/suspected events – would make sense.  If peace, love, and brotherhood are about to break out worldwide, then no.

We Don’t See That

Besides the worst match-up for the Oval (perhaps in America’s entire history) [Tweedle Kackle vs. Tweedle Skirt chaser – which all comes down to voting for vice presidents – we think Vance is young enough to be trainable] there are still the other wars forming up.

Where idiot-speak abounds.  Example from American state media: Blinken: Civilian protection ‘vitally important’ after Israeli strikes in Beirut (,  Obviously, if he meant that, we would not be selling arms to Israel, right?  But you’re supposed to be an ignorant pig, not realizing that through FMS (foreign military sales) we make “loans” to anyone we can and get them to “buy” our killware and thus keep employment hopping so we can portend the unsustainable life is going to work out.  (Hint: ITEITBU!).

So we have that….and we have  US condemns China’s ‘dangerous’ South China Sea activities – DW – 10/11/2024. Taiwan to go.

And in the “Can we have some of whatever he’s on” file: Zelensky presents ‘victory plan’ to allies in Europe (

That’s because – in case you missed G.A. Stewart’s Nostradamus work, there’s a case for Russia to move west into the soft underbelly of Europe and own the mountains so they can fight from high ground.  Oh, look, here’s the set up for the westward ho move now: Russians attack Odesa Oblast with ballistic missiles: 2-storey building destroyed, casualties reported. Meanwhile, Ukraine is attacking Russian bases and blowing up planes, so no change in the slugfest – yet.  We have a small wager on former Macedonian lands changing hands in 2025.

Silly Season Continues

Last week, Hillary Clinton made a (further) ass of herself saying social media should be controlled. Constitution and free speech seem not to matter to her.  But now – and along the same lines – The Government Is Building a Censorship Industrial Complex (

Why, picture that happening: The U.S. Government Is Dramatically Expanding The Use Of Facial Recognition Technology.  We are making an industry out of social control.

Meanwhile, we’d love to see what the terms were as Settlement reached in Gateway Pundit defamation case, though details were not disclosed.

And it’s laughable when one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing. So enjoy Mayorkas Gets Big Mad For Being Asked About CIA Asset Arrested For Election Terror Plot.  We think Mayorkas needs to be impeached – which about ensures he will be promoted if the dems win in Nov.

Financial Pie

Producer Prices are just out – maybe not the most important number of the week but does it fill in any more on that free money giveaway by the Fed?

“The Producer Price Index for final demand was unchanged in September, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Final demand prices advanced 0.2 percent in August and were unchanged in July.  On an unadjusted basis, the index for final demand rose 1.8 percent for the 12 months ended in September.”

In our own work – the Aggregate Index – a decline ahead of a likely Israeli Iran strike over the weekend looks like it’s stuck on a trend line:

Bitcoin was stuck at $60,637 when we looked (Gee, where are all those New Highs we’ve been suffering the hype about?).

And except for the talking Fed Head Choir singing before audiences assorted, expect yawns until Tuesday when the Empire State Manufacturing rolls.

And even that’s going to require NoDoz because it comes from a blue state staffedf mainly by…oh, see if you can figure it out…

At the Ranch: Pick up the Hammer and Saw

“OK, Universe, can I please have no interruptions today while I toss the stairs on the new deck off the screen porch…please?” I really need something to write about for ShopTalk Sunday – and some pictures would be nice plus a history of stair building…  (Stop stairing!!!)

Write when you get rich,

53 thoughts on “Living the Novel Life – ITEIABU, Iran this Weekend?”

    • Elaine is a tough gal – she’ll be right back in the swing of things in no time at all
      Stu – you are a tough SOB and I’m sure you’ll continue to battle the demons and this momentary setback. Appreciate all you do…..

  1. Yo G,

    Did youse all see the light show last night?! Holy guacamole Gman, the aurora’s last night in SE Pennsyltucky were friggin AWESOME! Hot pinky PINK like.
    Only other time I witnessed such artistry was as a Yute in new england @ summer camp in 70’s.
    Daughter texted last night to “go outside and look up”, she sent a pic of dancing glowing pink “lights”. We live in same town, and her picture was taken at an angle that included our location.
    When we went outside to see, it was like we were IN the hot pink light, not looking at it per say, but looking up into it..very Energetic, so very cool.
    Woo seems to be leveling up around here lately, TV is turning on in middle of the night again, bout once a week..minimum. Taking to unplugging the f-ing thing at night, again.
    Lights in house been reacting lately as well. Not as bad as when I was deep into “practicing”, but it is staring to feel that way. So much so, that innocent bystanders are starting to notice the scheisse. I am not out and about at night much anymore – and current neighborhood does not have street lights..yeah, but florescent tubes ? look out..

    “bibi told biden to pound sand” its a dam SHAME youse all dont understand the true reality of israhell – and his people. So here is some more info to help with that understanding..

    “They (Israeli Jews) are ruthless, cold-blooded, soulless murderers. These people are as sinister and violent and cowardly as you can possibly imagine. I have never seen a more disgusting people in my life, than the Israelis.”
    ~ Quotes by Captain Joe Cortina, former Green Beret (9th May 2007)
    Interview –

    ? What is a Photonic Corpuscular Irradiation machine and who is Dr Fernadez @ ? What what what.

    • I heard a similar account from a man living in ukraine that witnessed a similar event with a four year old boy that the azov army had crucified this boy in the center square then while the boy was still alive set him on lure the parents in to get their child.

  2. “(Stop stairing!!!)” The way you write George we a seldom board! Best to Elaine for a speedy recovery!

  3. (“So does the Mike Rowe America’s Dirtiest Jobs series. Laughably “)

    Mike Rowe came up yesterday as we were watching his eel adventure..
    way back during my day labor work I did blood tanks.. they save the blood then ship it thousands of miles to be sold in dog food and women’s make up etc.. then they drive thousands of miles back across desert and mountain terrain.. where some unsuspecting dope has to steam clean it.. the stench aline is unbearable.. you open the pitcock and drain out maggots .. a pile between two and three feet deep… these tanks are not refrigerated.. and it smells of rotten death..
    anyway not even considering then you crawl in the tanker with a steam gun and you blast the residue off small bulkhead openings to crawl through etc.. disgustingbthe stench memorable..
    one time I was recalling this disgusting job and dambthat the guys had pulled one of those disgusting tankers up behind me as a joke..
    anyway I tried real hard to get Mike Rowe to do that job an unforgettable once in a lifetime lol lol .. no way in hell was he going to do that lol..
    the slimey eel is close to but no award on being the most disgusting lol lol..

    • Unfortunately for you, ‘smell’ is one of the strongest memories ingrained… direct hardwired to the brain.

      • amen… Every time I think about that dam job.. I can smell that thing.. you have no idea and words cannot describe the experience..
        its a lot similar to when I did Crime photos.. you have no idea.. and its why you will never see a hack sally movie or lets go bash the neighbors show on our television.. I don’t get any entertainment from anything like that at all.. Autopsy photos are the same way.. when I was in the military an officer was using his rank so that he could rape a friend of mine and she could not get anyone to do anything they would just laugh.. and I had one to many drinks and beat the hell out of him.. anyway my punishment was to do the autopsy photos of another young lady that I knew closely that was murdered by her jealous boyfriend.. an experience I would not wish on anyone.. its one thing to see it happening in combat and the same reason many have ptsd because they see friends destroyed right next to them.. or they have to do things that they in no way shape or form would ever want to do. a good friend in the rangers had a lot of issues because of the Army that they had to face as the old men sat in safety they sent an army of two to five year olds with guns and grenades etc..he had children in the same age bracket..screwed him up big time for a few years…
        the morons in power that love this stuff don’t deal with it.. they only want the number on a sheet of paper or a few pieces of metal coins for their pockets.. if they had to actually do the job like steam cleaning that blood tank.. they would get a whole new sense of what a job like that is like.. and maybe go and make a process that would be so much easier to do..

  4. “reading the table and other players (Trump and Harris come to mind)”

    Trump and Harris should probably be compared to a slot machine – the house already knows. Like in the casinos millions sit on the edge of their seat.

    Anyone notice the aurora borealis? Perhaps instead of ejections from the Sun the sky is lighting up because the PTB are recharging the space laser system?

    All the space laser energy was used up in the two recent hurricanes so the system needs a recharge. The sky lights is the evidence.

    The system was likely recharged back in May 2024 after the all those mini-‘natural’ disasters. Thus, the out of norm sky lights.

    • lasers are in airplanes, a simple google search
      “Air Force Laser Weapons
      The United States Air Force has been actively developing and testing laser weapons to enhance the self-defense capabilities of its fighter jets and protect against inbound air-to-air missiles. Some notable initiatives include:

      Self-Protect High-Energy Laser Demonstrator (SHiELD): A laser weapon designed to defend U.S. Air Force aircraft from air-to-air missiles. SHiELD successfully passed a crucial test in July 2024, demonstrating its ability to destroy multiple missiles in flight.
      Demonstrator Laser Weapon System (DLWS): A ground-based solid-state laser used as a surrogate for SHiELD in tests. In 2020, DLWS was used to shoot down air-launched missiles over White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
      Podded laser directed energy weapon: A laser weapon intended to protect fighter jets and other aircraft from incoming missiles. The Air Force has pushed back its schedule for beginning flight testing to 2023 due to technical difficulties and general delays.
      Recent Testing and Deployment

      In April 2019, the Air Force Research Laboratory conducted a test of SHiELD, using it from the ground to shoot down multiple air-launched missiles in flight.
      By 2021, the Air Force aims to deploy a laser weapon capable of beaming “tens” of kilowatts onto the F-15 Eagle fighter jet, thanks to partnerships with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman.
      In July 2024, the Air Force mobilized its laser and microwave weapons abroad to protect air bases from the threat of weaponized drones and drone swarms. The deployed systems include the High Energy Laser (HELWS), PHASER high power microwave (PHASER), and the Tactical High Power Operational Responder (THOR).”
      want to see?

      this is what they let out to public,,, what cards do they hold to their chest, ala poker game

      want to know Trump vs Harris odds, just look at Trumps rallies and at Harris’s public appearances
      there is no comparison,,, you want to believe the corporate news feeds or ure own eyes,,, have you even watched of Trumps rallies?, every week he draws huge crowds he has the public behind him as Kamala struggles to draw a full room
      have a good one,,, no offense intended or taken

      • I understand some people want weather modification to be real beyond the Saudi cloud seeding program examples. And notice it’s usually Democrats who have the weather modification controls, rarely Republicans.

        We can get into link wars but let’s change lanes slightly. For every weather modification link/patent we can probably find the same number for a time machine. I want time machines to be real. All evidence suggests time machines aren’t real.

        We know locals to this website have worked on time travel. If time machines/methods were real the workers would probably copy one of the existing patented time machines/travel methods and go from there Vs reinventing the process. For some reason this hasn’t happened.

        • you are being a “wordsmith” when you say
          “want,,, ‘it’ to be real”
          it is not a ‘I want it to be’ it is what is!
          when you ignore reality and do switch around and change the subject to “time travel”
          be an ostrich and keep your head in the sand and pretend that the government and defense corporations do not have and use
          laser and huge microwave arrays to modify the weather
          there are non so blind as those who refuse to see
          “,,,but let’s change lanes slightly. ”
          you change from weather modification to time travel
          ‘slightly’ my aching rear end, that is a BIG lane change, going off in another direction
          can’t debate facts so ya go off about something else

          with out links or any proof or personal experience,,, you are bluffing,,

          ‘just reading the table’,, no cards to lay down from you,,, just a foldem

        • It DOES exist. I question what can be done, and how much can be altered, but have no doubt stuff that’s extant can have its trajectory adjusted, at least slightly, and perhaps its intensity, also…

  5. George,
    I don’t want to ‘rail’ on the subject, but Ure an early ‘riser,’ so I’m confident you’ll have no problems ‘stepping’ up to your ‘stair’ project, and that the effort will have a solid ‘landing’ (so long as neighbors and unannounced visitors don’t come ‘nosing’ around to ‘curtail’ your progress and ‘string’ out the project timeline). I’m sure that you’ll totally ‘nail’ it, unless you get ‘board’ before project completion or other projects compete with Ure time to ‘string’ the project along. Good luck!

  6. You know..I always hear the story about how we need the illegals because they will do jobs that Americans will not..
    what is funny is people will do anything ..and everything to survive and feed their families..I personally have done some really crappy jobs to make enough to keep the family fed..
    young girls trying to offset college tuition and buy books will advertise for someone they can entertaine for Funda to help pay these expenses. some old fat dude that they would never think of as a mate. to grunt over them or go out to some gala function..
    the tjought of money or look at the Diddy story or Epstein and his torture island.. families in other countries that sell their children.. one young woman I send a few bucks to . met her by accident nice kid..for some reason they vent to me.. hearing what she went through with child trafficking.. and how they disposal of the gun of the traffickers to escape..then because she refused to testify they threw her into prison because she was afraid..
    yet some real criminals like the brand walks free..then hear that Americans won’t work disgusting jobs.. not true..the youth if today are taught they have to have a paper to make enough..yet take out loans that keeps them in the same social class..
    looking at Greece and Zimbabwe and Argentina where their money collapsed in value.. young women were selling their bodies for a can of soup to feed their these idiots can say this is why we need illegals when they have never walked that path of poverty is always surprising to me..

  7. (“Iran has 3 to 5 nukes available within days at most with means to deliver. (Intel ordelusion you make the call after scanning US still believes Iran has not decided to build a nuclear weapon (”)

    you know.. no one has gone after Russia or China before.. one china can walk across the country in half of the time it took BLM and ANTIFA to.. and picking a fight with a nuclear power is pure unadulterated sign of being really stupid.
    so because of our mis management by being a warring country.. we have neglected our own infrastructure.. our own citizens so that some one wanting more can have it by stealing it..
    now I can say from having young ladies having their parents film interesting sites for me that what is shown in this video in comparison is an accurate description of a cityscape from what i have seen..

    they built bunkers and ghost cities and industry along with ghost power production sites all while we have instead invested in making someone with to much already get more by stealing it through war.. Libya before and after kadafi

    the truth came out though..we want Ukraine because there’s enough raw resources there to keep the fiat currencies as the top.
    so we went after the resources . for what 40 years all these smaller weak countries have been uniting with the nuclear powered to become one.. the Bic’s uniting to knock the fiat currencies down from the top..
    just like we supply Ukraine and others with our newest most deadly weapon systems.. so do you think they won’t or shouldn’t play by our rules if engagement..
    since we are the aggressors what would stop them from passing out their newest and deadliest weapon systems to the weaker alliances .. is it because they say hey foul to do as we do instead of doing what we say..
    I believe Iran could have more than five available to them..
    so could Kim in NK..
    along with other smaller countries.
    Germany and Poland are beginning to realize that they mean nothing just cannon fodder toss them into the battle..
    my fear is for sale sold out the usa to allow in enemy warriors within the usa borders.
    our infrastructure is antiquated and vulnerable from decades of neglect.

    • “and picking a fight with a nuclear power is pure unadulterated sign of being really stupid.”

      Best line of the week LOOB.

  8. (“And in the “Can we have some of whatever he’s on” file: Zelensky presents ‘victory plan’ to allies in Europe (”)

    It’s always about the business model..follow the money.. Biden was going to withhold a billion dollars unless the investigator of his kids employer was fired fir the million or two gleaned there..
    so what rate of pay did they get for what they can’t explain..notice he’s rarely in ukraine..
    who’s making coin from this..

  9. There again… people will work hard and disgusting jobs..
    the brand proves it.. you will do anything for money. or to reach and hold a position you believe will be beneficial..

  10. I think it may be that the purpose of life is twofold:

    1) Kindergarten. Learn. (Mostly about “How To BE,” rather than knowldege base fact stuff.)

    2) Make the free-will choice between being a follower of Good, or a follower of Evil. (It’s got to be free-will. A coerced choice is not a choice.)

    These two purposes are somewhat interdependent.

  11. Thanks George for another nice read …….. hang in there to you and Elaine …. life goes on, until it ends

    looks like another round of market rebounding strong off early lows ….. how predictable … LOL

    be safe, be prepared

  12. Yo Henny,

    Seems we be missing something around hear, ya know even TEF been pontificating bout… Ure BS crash. Like the mofo’s over at Brecks in Holland, substituting my ordered bulbs (Ronaldo’s, so deep Red as to be almost black) with some bullshit Sarah Ravens, they dont look anything like Ronaldos. Gave some bullshit excuse about weather and what not. They slipped a small sheet of white paper with excuse for failure, in each plastic bag of 7 bulbs..rat bastards.

    Yes am looking for AllTime new High in BTC before year end. Was hoping for a bigger pullback to bout $57K – to put a position on this week.

    Investment thesis ? EOTWAWNI prep, Tool/Ammunition against wef/DS, Safe “bank” if “targeted” by said state child fckrs.

    *Yes, BTC is the deepstates” KYRPTONITE . Now You know, you can all stop playing stupid, and start acting Intelligent, Or not – its a choice between DARK = deepstate/wef/setes=Shame, and LIGHT-LIFE.

    Never mind Ure wallet, whats in Ure Heart?
    (rhetorical) : D

  13. I hope Elaine is doing better…
    thank god she doesn’t suffer from krohns… those I know with it use a high fiber keep the attacks under control..

  14. Just an update in the upper respiratory thing. It turns out that the Substitute Teacher fell asleep and the 20 or so second graders decided to play a kissing on the mouth game while the teacher slept. It was supposedly a popular game in one of last years First grade classrooms that the inexperienced teacher didn’t squash. So everybody got kissed on the mouth and everybody got sick before the Substitute teacher woke up. It is a funny story we will tell years from now.

    All three in the household got it. Right now two are on antibiotics and steroids and tested negative for everything and have earaches. All have been running temperatures up to 103 on and off. All have had night sweats. All have had problems breathing due to swollen tonsils/throats or from excessive mucus. For two days each of us woke up evey couple of hours gagging, coughing, and making throwup noises. There was so much thick mucus that it triggered the gag reflex and it was difficult to dislodge it. Nothing like trying to puke for 3 minutes multiple times a night. We all also had chest pain, difficulty breathing, runny nose, congestion, and headache, and a severe sore throat for four days. My daughter has white spots on her throat but doesn’t have Strep. CVS was out of antibiotics. Everybody was home sick for at least five days and we all still sound terrible.

    So do your best not to get this one.

    I’m glad Elaine is feeling better. That can be a very painful experience. I sure hanging out in the hospital wasn’t very pleasant either for you George. Best wishes to you both.

    • Colloidal silver, 10ppm (or more). Throat spray and nasal spray. My niece got rid of the white spots in her throat in half a day when I gave it to her. Silver is the ultimate antibiotic. It kills everything.

      • I recall as a kid getting my tonsils swabbed with a silver solution of some sort. Thought I was going to die, gagging on the swabs. But it cured the strep throat right up.

        Just coming out of another bout of strep throat after 4 days of misery. Azithromycin apparently did the trick this time.

    • …Could be worse. Around here, about 25 years ago, the “thing to do” was get knocked-up. It was a game: The game was played by 5th and 6th graders, mostly, and the idea was to have sex with as many boys as were willing (yeah, AYFKM!), until the girl got pregnant. If she did not become preggers and birth a baby before she turned 13, she was considered a social outcast (wherethehell was this when I was a kid…? Oh wait. When people my age impregnated someone, we married them — sometimes even without the obligatory shotgun) and ostracized from school society…

  15. The Dow Jones and S&P500 ., along with my “Carnac the Magnificent” aggregate index are all at record highs this morning.
    JP Morgan and Wells Fargo reported big losses in revenue over this time last year – Morgan posted an 11% drop. Both stocks rallied on the news with Wells Fargo up 6.5% and Morgan up over 4%. The reasoning? “It’s not as bad as we thought.”
    You can lose billions in revenue., but your stock goes up. Now ‘that’.., is creative financing.

  16. My thoughts are with you and Elaine. Sorry to hear about her problem, though glad to hear she didn’t have to be hospitalized.

    Sounds like Israel is “pushing the envelope” wrt it’s actions with attacks almost everywhere. Do they have a “Death Wish”? The world at large will have increasing disfavor for Israel if they keep up these actions, but nobody is going to intervene either as long as Israel has it’s Big, dumber than shit, cousin that they tell what to do, which it then does, standing behind them no matter what they do.

    OH … and Ukraine now wants “another” Peace Conference or Peace Proposal? With who? The last time around they didn’t invite the other side that they were at War with. From the outside it looke more like the Allied Powers towards the end of WW2 getting together at Yalta (in Soviet Crimea on the Black Sea) to divy up Post War Europe. Did everybody attending seriously think Ukraine was going to win the War and there would be something for them to divy up?

    Oh well … I am going to keep my head down, enjoy the beautiful fall weather we are having, and crossing my fingers that we will make it to New Years Eve without the world blowing it’s self up.

  17. My best wishes and prayers for Elaine! It seems that too many of our peers are facing infirmities and challenges.

    Last night at 1:30am after the moon went to bed, I went outside to the darkest part of the property and looked up to see the auroras! Mostly pinkish red with a pervasive airglow around. It was surprisingly light outside, especially in the northwest, with no illumination other than stars in a clear sky. I stayed outside for an hour just observing. It was as though entities were sharing the space, and the entire environment felt very energetic and somewhat mystical. The sky was full of multicolored light, yet there were pulses and movement in the light, but no clearly defined curtains as we see in the peripolar pictures. I did read that the auroras were seen as far south as Chihuahua, Mexico! shows pictures even further south, at 23 degrees north latitude!

  18. It looks like my upgrade of my UPS with additional batteries has panned out. Initially the new batteries caused high battery voltage alarms and shutdowns three nights in a row, defrosting and overwhelming my little AC/DC freezer. I lost some food out of an abundance of food safety caution. So why didn’t I plug it into the wall? Good question. Eventually I did, once it soaked in how bad the problem was.
    The cure required me to connect to the inverter with an android app via Bluetooth, then download patches the maker’s technicians pushed to me, which was a two+ day adventure. Also required was for me to load and unplug the inverter, drain all the batteries to zero, recharge, then let it sit idle for day. When I turned it back on, I ran it on a fan load overnight, then swapped out the dummy load for the freezer, (which runs about 80W in this weather). So far so good.
    And that was the good. The bad was that the service techs were probably not English speakers, and had English speaking “agents” who translated and relayed my problems. The agents were not particularly knowledgeable, and omitted key instructions. The techs communicated back when they deemed appropriate with instruction monographs and screen shot pictograms, which turned out to work surprisingly well, which was better. Apparently the inverter would recalibrate itself for the newly installed batteries in response to a specific Pavlovian stimuli. Good inverter; go play nice with the new battery modules.
    The inverter is now working and I have the remote comms turned off again.

  19. Diverticuitis… cost me 10-1/4 inches of my colon. Soft foods for awhile, or liquid diet until it heals. Do NOT take Naproxen Sodium (Aleve) for any other pain. Growing evidence that it causes diverticulitis. I was a regular user because it works so great for daily aches & pains. I thought it was safe. It is NOT! I won’t eat nuts now, nor popcorn. Hulls irritate the colon. Oatmeal is my fiber friend… every morning. Best wishes for her full healing. The pain is awful… like glass shards scraping thru your gut.

  20. “Life is a “term limits” deal. Even Methuselah “only” made it to 962 -and his son Noah half that. ”

    I’ve read that back then age was actually determined by cycles of the moon rather than what we consider a year.

    If one looks at Methuselah’s age that way, it would mean that he lived to be about 72, which was very old back then.

  21. Diverticulitis and diverticulosis suck. I haven’t had an attack for several years, but lemmee tell you, it is 3-4 days of the most exquisitely uncomfortable pain you (really can’t imagine) until you’ve experienced it. Once you have, you can tell, the day before it arrives, that it’s coming. At this point in time, you can start taking Miralax or prune juice (or both) to move shit along quickly (it always seemed to me that my attacks were from something that disagreed with me, setting in the same spot for too long) and the irritation which spawns the episode will be mild and short-lived.

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