Much to cover before “off to the Courthouse” to pay our 2023 Property Taxes after a busy Thursday.
Let’s begin by inspecting the Employment Situation Report (EmpSit) just out from Labor, shall we?
“Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 261,000 in October, and the unemployment rate rose to 3.7 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Notable job gains occurred in health care, professional and technical services, and manufacturing.
The labor force participation rate, at 62.2 percent, and the employment-population ratio, at 60.0 percent, were about unchanged in October and have shown little net change since early
this year. These measures are 1.2 percentage points below their values in February 2020, prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.”
So much for the “official” view of things. The problem to be looking at (as we look at the CES Birth-Death model – that estimates undocumented jobs – is the worrisome part of increase in the ADP report. Which was that 200,000 plus of new jobs were in leisure and entertainment. These are not the people making big 401(k) contribution to float the boat of Wall Street higher. Nor are they the folks who take cruises, buy $4,000 per month home loans, or who even have a week’s worth of food in the fridge…
My problem with today’s report is 455,000 thousand jobs were “estimated” into existence:
The REAL SHOCK is we are back under the official number of people working compared with 2020!!!
As you can see in the lower right (pulled right out of the Labr data tables) the ACTUAL number of people working fell by 328,000 this month.
In the face of this REALITY, idiotic headlines are driving the market. Like this one: Jobs report October 2022: Payrolls surged by 261,000 in October, better than expected (
ViseGrips or crack pipe? Hard choice!~ media is sooo out to lunch.
I have warned you about statistical bullshit and media suffering numeracy, right?
Dow futures were up only 19 points at click time after being up almost 200 earlier – which is why – in our graphic Thursday – we referred to the “Optional Rally” which is turning out properly prescient – which is what we aim for around here.
The Economic Fractalist meantime, tells us of a likely wipe out just ahead (next week) so we’re in no hurry to clean a decent short position.
Crash-election odds do improve but we shall see…
Esther George Speaks Truth
Ah…a ray of hope. Some intellectual honest as Top Fed Official: Fed Will “Keep At This” Until Your Savings Accounts Are Drained.”
Which – again – for like the 10,000th time in 24-years we have told you this – OWN your Home, Car, and Pay Off Debt. It’s the safest way to escape the grip of the Money Changers. Live low and grow. Live high and die.
Skeptical? Go read the latest in the Sovereign Individual series (Davidson and Rees-Mogg) and get back to me.
A Rally Because?
Simply: The cost of money is going up. Mornings like this, I hit the commodity visualization site to help plan my days.
Please notice that with soft housing (and the rollover of property getting underway), we are seeing a real hit to LUMBER.
So…my shopping list for projects around here down at the local Lowes will include:
- 20-sticks of 5/4 treated decking
- 12 sticks of 4×4 treated
- 20 sticks of untreated 2X4
From these, many fine projects will arise. And with prices modest, the rebuild of the Guest Room may be ready to roll by the time our consigliere gets down here for Turkey Day.
Holidays are coming, holidays are coming…tis the season…. Best time of the year (in the South) for major home construction work. You can work your butt off and never break a sweat. (More in ShopTalk Sunday column that appear on…oh…take a guess which day…)
The “News Transfer Station”
Yes, that’s right: Like the “dump.”
How stupid does Biden think people are? Quite, apparently, ‘We’re Gonna Free Iran,’ Biden Tells Supporters.” Except it was Sloppy Joe and Xprez Obama who sent the pallets of cash to Tehran, back when. Elephants don’t forget, Joe.
Hearing aids in, Joe? China’s Xi warns Putin not to use nuclear arms in Ukraine. But the dash to nukes is still rolling along: Russia signals retreat from Kherson west bank but Kyiv fears trap. Remember a few weeks back I told you about Kherson and Traps. As in what a dandy NSNW (tac-nuke) demo site Kherson could be.
War as an “unsold inventory: solution: Microsoft gives away $400m in cloud support to Ukraine. Any of our advanced CPA readers want to take a stab at whether there’s a tax angle to “giving” to “war” that the US gov and the war party loves?
Another (western) False Flag averted? Terrorist plot foiled at Europe’s biggest nuclear power plant. Did the Brits call this one as well?
Get Albedo on the line! Highest volcano plume ever recorded penetrates the mesosphere. Yet even so, here comes the predictable hype about how UN chief Antonio Guterres warns planet is heading toward ‘climate chaos’. I have been hearing climate hype since 1985 and laughably, the weather’s still about the same. Save those larger big city heat islanding which is the real hidden horror story about growth that’s this is dark cover for…
Baked birds will tell you the same thing: Migratory birds in North America are shrinking as their wings get bigger. Climate change is to blame. Again, science makes an observation, politics throws out an unproveable conclusion to snag. I would want bigger wings, too, if I was heat island-hopping. Or it’s all the artificial shit in the environment catching up.
The Show will go on: COP27 climate summit: Loss and damage funding to dominate the talks. As we told you – months ago when we forecast that reparations would be the “phrase that pays in coming days” here’s climate reparations six times in one story. We’re really clear about NOT PAYING ANY. My family didn’t own slaves or coal plants. Ya’ll have fun.
Up-Armor for Office: FBI investigating shot fired at home where GOP candidate’s children often stay: report. Congressional candidate Pat Harrigan wears a bulletproof vest. Cartegena or Carolinas? Getting harder to tell, have you noticed? Open border blowback?
Human Resources “grenade watch” out: Twitter says layoffs to begin Friday. Did you see Elon Musk Twitter Updates: Musk Fires Employees, Trolls Critics?
AOC’s making her Big Pride and Self-Importance move on Elon: AOC in Twitter battle with Elon Musk. Run Elon. Remember Ure’s Axiom “Don’t date crazy people.” You can do better! Much, much…
Let’s burn some Jet A, shall we? South Korea scrambles jets after spotting 180 North Korean warplanes in the air. Maybe they were playing “peek-a-boom?”
Unable to transition to a no-growth, sustainable economy, here comes the latest World Economic Forum growth scam, as we see it: WEF Publishes Post on Digital “Battery Passport,” Described as “a digital ID for batteries”. What utter crap, huh? Like Tesla batteries don’t have serial numbers and golf carts don’t have core charges? No, pal, this is how the digital elite crazies see “making up problems” and “making up business models.” Like nano-coding of vaccines, it’s all a business model.
A Friday Side of Woo-Woo
My lucid dreams went on vacation for a while. Because of my transitioning into a CPAP machine over the past few months.
This was not unexpected, as I outlined in a paper on the Peoplenomics site some months back in a paper, Prophecy, Cardiac Insufficiency, and Hypoxia (PDF).
Lately, though, as my compliance has improved (able to wear the CPAP all night) the return of very lucid dreaming has been noted and the “adventures” are beginning to offer some really keen insights.
Overnight, for example, I was in a house, and I was doing a lot of remodeling. But then, I was called to “go into work” at a new location. Which turned out to be a high-end office setting where the people in the scenes were very similar to the news and broadcasting people, I’ve worked with in the Waking State World.
Except, this was not about broadcasting and news judgment. It had more of a military feel to it. And I was to assist the group in finding pilots.
Here’s the key takeout for the “waking state” to keep an eye out for:
Apparently, there was some international crisis going on. And there was already one CFM located and spooled up, ready to fly to the evacuation assembly airport to bring American’s home.
I had forgotten about the phrase CFM and there was enough of my “waking state” present in this dream Realm that I remembered in my airline days looking at CFM high-bypass turbofans as a conversion option for a Douglas DC-8-52 we had that was approaching its “use-by” date.
Most people don’t know it, back “in the day” when we were (airline: KX) flying charters in and out of JFK there was a problem flying older DC-8’s into New York because of the stringent noise profiles. If a pilot applied too much power, too close to the ground, he would “ring the bell” and someone would eat a fine for violating NY noise abatement.
Most of our pilots were not pleased with this, since all pilots know there is “safety at altitude” because your options for set down are much greater. This was one of my earliest experiences dealing directly with “safety versus environmental regs.”
For back in this lucid dream, I remember everyone had a “team coffee mug” and each one had on the lip a ceramic object: A piece of a human finger!~ First two knuckles of an index finger, to be precise. And there was some kind of meaning to this (it was becoming obvious now) military team that was working an evacuation plan.
When I finally was ready to leave (and return to the waking-state) the SitRep was basically this:
- One CFM was hot and ready to begin the evacuation.
- Four or five (half a dozen or more was hinted) more CFMs were located and being prepped for what would be a major EVACUATION OF AMERICANS.
- The team was rounding up flight crews and making sure there were exemptions for the pilots to bust the FAA monthly hourly limits without punishment since these were to be civilian pilots.
The Bring-Back:
This was a pretty interesting dream, but on waking it all made sense. It was like prior to the Big Nuclear Showdown, one of the USA’s major “we’re not kidding” (posturing and bluster moves) would be to have State put out a “All Americans are advised to leave” prior to the inception of hostilities.
Starting today, I’ve tossed the keyword “Evacuation” into my news keyword searches. No telling what will pop and where the CFMs will show up in a joined context.
When they do, the dream hints that “war time” will be really close at hand.
Write when you get rich,
Mmmm, very Interesting! You know my babies run on 4 CFM56s. She can climb like the space shuttle too when firewalled.
Check this link out regarding a KC-46 2 man crew… Maybe because of a pilot shortage.
Wow! Permitting single pilot operation of a heavy! And the pilot is probably vaxxed too.
We all thought the same thing too!
That’s interesting. A few months back I had a ham radio contact with an aeronautical mobile at FL34 some 700 miles west of Honolulu. Justin is based in Okinawa and shuttles a tanker across the pacific regularly. With the boring hours in the cockpit, he tunes the HF radio to the ham bands and gives some of us a thrill. I don’t think he was alone in the cockpit, though.
Something to blow you woo-woo outada watta. New Why Files. Dulce Base, Phil Schneider and much more. Hecklefish is in great form on this one.
PBR – homegamers, PBR, no not that weasel piss , petroleo brasileiro
Sporting a hefty dividend – how hefty ? Buy the stock today, and be paid back in whole, in two years time..assuming the dividend payment holds going forward..(ass u me)?
Fair Warning – political risks galore with recently stolen election – “clowns” trying to put another commie fascist in power…although they did manage to shoot Imran Kahn in the foot yesterday in Pakistan..german version of 3 stooges – christians in action.
10Q for that quarterly dividend payment – board approval! represents a 54% return on de monay..stock price $13.05 per share (closing price 11/3/22).
Come on haters – bring the vitriol – wheres the indignation ? the outrage?
Risk takers, taking rewards …luv the Dividends, luv the dividend payingstocks..its what I build “widows portfolios” wit. Paying da coot to own their stock – YES please.
Mkt looking like “sky rockets in flight”, as well theme over ME/kraine…or they glonass drones ? Pain trade is higher..
Getting paid – its the only way to work.
* pilots for transport planes ??? they dont have enough qual’d fighter pilots to fly avail F35’s..guess thats why they gotz to reach back into captian smileys world.hmmm
Got Phyz – if not in Ure hot little hands right now, no you dont.
I’ll stick to being a ground pounder… gotz to keep hold of the Phyz
BTW… It’s not the pilots fault, it’s not the planes fault… it’s the asphalt
“BTW… It’s not the pilots fault, it’s not the planes fault… it’s the asphalt”
OOOPS @Captain Smiley…..NO WORRIES.. you just miss spelled it.. but I fixed it for ya..
BTW… It’s not the pilots fault, it’s not the planes fault… it’s the ass’s fault.
Where do you store your lumber stock between projects? I have a couple of homebuilt racks in the shop for such but project space and the growing supply of usable extra lumber from the remodel is nudging me to find space for it elsewhere. Not to mention I would like something with a little more climate control. A neighbor down at the closest highway intersection 10 miles from here runs a storage unit operation. At the Executive Committee meeting yesterday morning he lamented he had an old camper trailer that a renter had abandoned he needed to get rid of. A quick stop by afterwards revealed a 22′ old camper that appears to be weather tight and a bonus the interior has been stripped to the bones. He has regulations he has to follow regarding abandoned property so the auction is tomorrow morning. Have to ponder loading/unloading full size sheets of plywood etc but that should not be hard to do. It should fit right up against the unseen side of the shop and a coat of barn paint should do it. There is even an overhead door next to the spot.
Maybe I can get it placed and painted without the wife seeing it? I need to ask her if she knows anything about a missing branding iron I had hanging on the shop wall by the light switch.
Shoulder MRI Monday morning. Can’t wait. Stay safe. 73
$50 for the unit, move to your property/. Put in one of those diesel heaters to prevent mold condensation and you have plenty of lumber space plus room for hardware of all sorts.
pa;llet wood for framing and some 1/4 ply for4 facing…go for it bubba
“Maybe I can get it placed and painted without the wife seeing it?”
LOL LOL LOL an american male.. let it grow dust.. then when it is discovered.. what this old stuff LOL LOL LOL LOL..
Or…. I can’t discuss iis a surprise gift for xmas.. LOL LOL LOL… I can’t tell you honey its a surprise.. LOL LOL LOL
One thing that many forget is that financing is available at the top, so if you don’t have a house, buying one that’s somewhat decayed(at the right price), might get you a home base with a lot of financing. With enough sweat equity, it might serve as a lifeboat. If you already have enough real estate or have assets, this is a non-starter. I suspect that credit will disappear as things get tight and there’s no election in sight. Of course, I’m not a great investor, so DYOR!
sorry george, the weather is not about the same. speak to some people about it. this isn’t hard stuff to just observe. i live on the coast. i see a difference in just the past ten years. i’d post some links for you, but your mind is closed. you’d come up with some sort of conspiracy about the data.
Are you older than 74? First-hand experience!
Same here George. I grew up in Key West Florida in the 1950s. The elevation above sea level then was three feet/one meter. Guess is today? Same/same. This year, for example, the Florida climate *experts* predicted (for the seventh straight year running) “an above average year of hurricane activity” (with up to half a dozen “major” Atlantic storms predicted). Hurricane Ian not withstanding, it wasn’t. And neither were the previous five years I have been back in my home state (from Deep East Tejas) to my recollection. Let that sink in, climate expert are unable to accurately predict the weather six months (or even six days) in advance…Yet some contend that decades long weather/climate predictions can be made with absolute accuracy. Our loony lefty friends are fond of throwing around the “cult” word of late. But truth be told, there are none so devoted to membership in a cult as the followers of the AGW religion. As a comical aside, just got back from a 4,000 mile (in an ICE powered car, natch) road trip to (among other destinations) Glacier NP and was amused to note the recent discrete dismantling of USPS signage predicting that all Glaciers situated there in would be gone by…wait for it…. *now*. So it goes with the AGW true believers (who have now shifted the name of their deity to Climate Change) and their dire predictions. But to no end. The faith of the nilhilists in the AGW/CC cult is so deep, complete and unquestioning that the myriad of other such never realized prognostications by priests in that religion (the name Gore comes quickly to mind) have no impact whatsoever on their beliefs. Go figure.
c Thanks for proof positive that you are a clueless, too credulous, “climate change” cult member. Florida faces what…according to who? Insurance requires more money for what according to who? And we should be shocked to learn that insurance companies would take an opportunity to increase premiums for real or imagine…or even no reasons… exactly why? All computer generated predictions based on cooked data forwarded by tendentious “experts” (the same folks who can’t predict with any accuracy what the weather will be like tomorrow). My *lived experience* (thought you’d like a little trendy lefty lingo) in Florida (with a brief sojourn to Tejas) stands in direct contradiction to those dire predictions…all 68 years of it. And guess what…It doesn’t take all that much computer time to find links that counter your blather. Here’s a sample:–chart-prove-it.html Having personally experienced 52 inches of rain in 48 hours during Hurricane Harvey (described *then* by climatistas as a 500 year event) your alarmist smack about “1,000” year events (in addition to being just one more wild ass guess with big numbers) is both pretty funny and hyperbolic. But…that is really all you and Greta and the rest of the alarmist loons have… hyperbole. Hurricanes happen in the tropics. And have for time out of mind. And they have since well before the industrial revolution. Just ask the captain of the Nuestra Senora de Atocha and every other mariner who has run afoul of them in the Gulf since a fellow named Columbus wandered through. The tides in the Keys still lap on the same beaches I swam on there as a kid sixty years ago. No discernable change. And hurricanes happen with more or less the same frequency and intensity (My first…that lived experience thing again donchaknow… was Donna in 1960) So, …”c”… Take that jejune (and presumptuous without portfolio) “low IQ” ad hominem and do something both acrobatic and penetrative to yourself with it. And do not forget the horse you rode in on. You gormless lefty bellend. Your thoughts on Florida hurricanes (and just about any other subject) are a matter of utmost indifference to me.
“the alarmist loons have…”
“1/3 of Fla real estate f(2.4 miliion properties) facing 26% chance of severe flooding within next 30 yrs:”
Have ya been to Florida….. Most of it is… OMG I cannot believe that I am telling you this….. SWAMP …..
the only reason a lot of it was above water is exactly how Disney took that swamp land and made it level.. they built it up.. Knew a member of the B club. that crossed my path. he married a senators daughter.. and was able to sell his back road swamp farm for development…. LOL LOL made him rich.Loved that man.. LOL HE WORE PURPLE SLIPPERS LOL… had a business meeting in the wastelands once.. stopped by and had a cold one and helped me put up a couple of garage doors.. nice guy.. tried his dangdest to get me to relocacte to Florida.. all I could say is the reason I don’t wear corduroy is that I might start a brush fire as big as I am.. LOL…
HA…Good one(s) LOOB! Speaking just for me, I find the bleatings of those water fowl far more palatable than the foul bleatings of the lefty blatherskites who troll web sites like this one. One can only wonder if the tone, tenor….and with God’s mercy…. frequency…. of their insipid posts will be amended after the shellacking the dims are apparently schedule to receive next Tuesday? Doubtful as that would require even a smidgeon of self-awareness. The fact than any lefty loon is still posturing (as here) in a public forum based on a fact-free and completely risible presumption of intellectual superiority…after two full years of the depredations visited upon this country by President Houseplant and his fellow window licking crazy followers…. suggests that he/she/it/they/them/ (God forfend I get my pronouns wrong!) are incapable of any such insight and introspection. More’s the pity.
Sorry, sonny, your religion doesn’t trump my 1100 years of observations.
“Global cooling”
“global warming”
“global climate change”
is not about our climate. It is about control.
If you want to worship at the Gorical of Al, that’s fine — go for it.
Do not expect those of us who know better to do so.
Rather than throwing a temper tantrum and calling or insinuating names, perhaps you should do a little research, to try and understand why we refute your religion? You might start with the chronicles of the Scandinavians…
(I feel like Hecklefish calling in) “Can I tell him Green Land? Can I, Can I?”
JAC, 1/3 of Fla real estate f(2.4 miliion properties) facing 26% chance of severe flooding within next 30 yrs:
Fla insurance now requiring sea level rise data:
14″ of rain in 12 hrs is considered 1 in 1000 yr event, JAC & Ray, sorry your low IQ can’t handle the math:
“14? of rain in 12 hrs is considered 1 in 1000 yr event,”
Then I’ve seen two “1000 year events” in the Midwest, in 55 years, so…
Logically then, “14 inches of rain in a 12 hour period” is probably not an actual “1000 year event,” and your source is either an idiot or a weather doomporn site.
“JAC & Ray, sorry your low IQ can’t handle the math”
‘Sorry your even lower IQ can’t handle the research…
You should, you know, probably go back to the messageboards at “17” with sunny. You’ll feel at home, there.
Nice woo-woo report! I had a dream drought for quite some time but this past week every single night has vivid dreams – to the point where I am exhausted in the morning. I am not up to the level where I can recall so much detail and so far the dreams have not seemed that important but I will start some techniques to bring info back from the dream realm since I seem to be tapped in as of late.
I had a vivid dream this week. I was in “Wales” .My daughter had a business trip and I went along. My host was about 30, very fit and energetic. He was in charge of a series of feeding programs plus more. The large house had huge windows with water views. Rooms were available for visiting helping professionals like doctors and other experts.
I was offered a bowl of stew by a woman wearing a long skirt/dress covered by an over apron type thing and a head scarf tied behind her head. She said ” I bet you expected potatoes. ” No potatoes or meat or spices. Greens and something orange. Very bland.
I got in the host’s jeep like vehicle to go to another site. The road ran next to train tracks. We drove parallel to a train when suddenly the tracks and road disappeared, covered by water. Nothing could be seen except water.
This “Wales” was part of a long stream of islands , an archipelago.
An answer might be right here:
“Nostradamus and the Third Age of Mars, The Prophecies of World War III, G. A. Stewart, 2019, Page 963
Quatrain X-58 provides the clue when Prince Charles becomes King of the United Kingdom, “the young Macedonian makes war… in the time of mourning the feline monarch”.
Edgar Leoni sees “perfetant” as an apheresis of “superperfetant”, “conceiving while pregnant” and “Nonnaire” as low Latin for nonneria”, a “nunnery” or “convent”. I prefer to leave it as an unsolved place/name.
“Gorgon’s blood” certainly introduces the occult. The Gorgons were the three mythological sisters with snake hair, and their stare could turn a person to stone.”
there have been rumors that the elite in England have an occult background and participate in the activities.. but.. this young macedonian makes war.. and the revelations that.. England and the USA were the ones to orchestrate the bombing of Nord Stream 2 pipeline..
My question Stu.. is could that be considered the first strike at war by the young macedonian ….????
Nostradamus Quatrain IX-31
The land trembles in Mortara (NW Italy),
Tin Saint George [England] half-sunk to the bottom,
Peace shall sleep and war awaken,
The temple cracked open during Easter.
May 2, 2022
VLAD’S FURY Russian TV threatens nuclear annihilation of UK with giant radioactive tsunami wave & Satan-2 missiles in bizarre video.
Yes, ix-31 one of the more discussed quats:
noster on the blogster, wwiii:
“media is sooo out to lunch.”
At least we know the elections are legit. Who would vote in rigged election? A little different than a rigged horse race.
I don’t fear violence so that means 9 of you posters do.
lol, drudge trying to get a self-fulfilling prophecy going.
This bears mention, since we’re comparing lucid dreams.
I’ve had one repeat many times over the last twenty years or so. (MANY times) It’s always exactly the same.
I’m in bed about 3am EST. I awake to pee. (Normal)
I get back in bed and turn on the small AM radio
by my bed. I have it tuned to 880 CBS “NewsRadio” in New York.
The announcer / reader is super-excited. The Big One has hit southen and western California. Both LA and SFO are smashed, and most everywhere in between. Loss of life is immense. Tens of thousands of fires. Nothing has “fallen into the sea,” as THAT worn-out old meme once suggested, but it’s stupendous blanket destruction.
The dream is totally Real-feeling. 10 channel hyper-stereo surround sound, Technicolor, “Astound-a-Scope 650” —- much better than Imax. “Realistic” doesn’t remotely cover it. “Real” is the only word that describes the impression. I’m listening in horror—
—and then I wake up here in actual real-life.
Had it dozens of times, a couple of months apart, but not regularly spaced, for a few decades, now.
Keys: THE Big One. 3am EST. VERY wide area from well north of SFO to well south of LA. “Universal Destruction.” Tens of thousands of fires. Extremely heavy loss of life. “NewsRaadio88” — NYC. (stroke of midnight, California time.)
Any indication as to “when” – ?
Worth repeating.
LOOB provide this short 3 minute clip from the movie “The Distinguished Gentlemen” in response to an Urban Survival column a couple of days ago.
The last scene has Eddie Murphy saying “Tell me something, with all this money coming in from both sides, how can anything possibly get done?”
The reply. “It doesn’t. That’s the genius of the system.”
Today, I read this.
Politics at its finest. Big money from powerful people. Somebody is not going to very happy with next week’s results.
Great time to own a TV station in a market where the Senate Election is a toss up. Here they are running more ads back to back than I have ever seen … even more that in the 3 Presidential Elections (we are a swing area in a swing state so we see a LOT).
Station owners are hearing the “KACHING” going off every 30 seconds, sometime every 15 seconds, and it is NOT chump change each time that “KACHING” sounds on the registers. MONEY MONEY MONEY … the most expensive race ever fought in our state.
I worked in TV. The sales people LOVE political season. Ad rates get published in advance at the highest rates of the year, and all political sales are CASH IN ADVANCE of airing. And yes, they will sell out the time they have available.
“Tell me something, with all this money coming in from both sides, how can anything possibly get done?”
The reply. “It doesn’t. That’s the genius of the system.”
Oh it is insane.. what was it.. thirty seven people were elected in the tea party.. lobbyist donations to those thirty seven people was over a hundred and fifty million in less than a month.. Could a person withstand that amount of cash being thrown at them.. a friends wife works catering lobbyists dinners etc.. and my friend told me.. it is insane in DC right now.. the amount of money being distributed is absolutely crazy.. NOW.. I cannot condemn the politicians either…. they take the donations.. and spend them.. it starts out innocent enough.. but .. consider the old three date rule for singles… the original purpose of the three date rule was.. you get a chance to know the person.. feel secure that they will be around for you.. and not show that you are to loose to become a partner… OK… so is there a three date rule to lobbyists.. they give you a million or maybe a great stock tip.. you are in the drivers seat… knowing when companies are going to merge expand or fold has some meaning.. then comes the payday.. the lobbyist wants to get lucky.. so.. a simple.. leave the hall.. a no vote is a positive vote.. for something.. would you walk out for a cup of coffee.. ( well being real I have seen congress in session.. no one is there but the janitor leaning on his cart and some joker at a desk playing solitare.. then there are the four or five people paper shufflers in the front.. ) look at any news clip where they are telling about a congress feverishly working on a hot toppic.. same thing.. the same four or five paper shufflers.. you don’t always see the janitor.. which has me question the january sixth thing.. why were there so many members of congress in one place at one time when normally there isn’t anyone around there aren’t those child hood images of members of congress all sweaty reading and debating issues.. they are gone..only work less than a couple hundred hours a year.. best job ever.. ( remember to vote for NONE OFTHE ABOVE at election time.. LOL..
I worked for a facility where the hourly wage earners wanted to make five dollars an hour.. prices had started to go up and wages of Nurses started to increase.. and the floor workers were making four fifty an hour.. a group of the workers went to talk to the administration.. and ask about a raise.. the administrator came right out and said.. If I am going to pay nurses wages.. I will just have nurses do the job.. ( the nurses wouldn’t do that job for what they wages went up)
then they live in the bubble.. way back in the seventies.. a two piece chicken dinner was over a hundred dollars.. a pair of pants that I could buy in the wastelands for under ten dollars was over a hundred.. a friend has a thirty year loan on a house smaller than my garage that he pays almost eight thousand dollars a month payments on..
I have said to him many times.. move to the wastelands.. then fly there on a red eye flight every day..
If someone dropped bags of cash off.. would I get the mentality.. don’t talk to me before you are worth something.. or would I put myself in a classification where I would be on a pedestal.. or would I still be the me I am now.. I would like to think I would be me.. I can’t see me changing.. but then I have never had that kind of experience.. most places the more they pay an hourly worker the more they demand from them.. and there are billions being paid out to govt. workers.. and from corporations from around the globe.. millions sent to the big guy.. from companies in Ukraine.. what did it buy them.. who is at stake here.. what is at stake here..
“AOC in Twitter battle with Elon Musk”
Not much of a battle. All Out Crazy is a Soros wind-up doll. She has to wait for someone at Open Society to write her snappy comments and turn her crank, before she can retort.
AOC and all the democrats and their backers against Elon Musk. That’s not Fair, aoc needs a lot more help than that.
“All Out Crazy is a Soros wind-up doll.”
Admit it @Ray.. a wind up doll that looks as good as she does.. would cost a pretty penny… LOL LOL LOL..
the difference.. is Soros wind up moves LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL… just gotta keep her mouth busy is all.. LOL LOL LOL
Oh lord forgive me for my wicked thoughts lord I apologize.. LOL
Its always about the business model… LOL
Sorry, LOOB, at a penny, IMO she’s overvalued. I don’t find her attractive in the least.
Young does not equal pretty, comely, attractive, hot, or anything else — except young. She’s a narcissistic, spoiled, rich brat who, like other narcissistic, spoiled rich brats over the past century and a half, became a communist before she was old enough to spell Marx. Her two attractive features are her dimples and her eyes. Lotsa gals, with much better attitudes and less-scary mouths, have dimples and eyes.
The only thing about her I find impressive, is the utter stupidity of her constituents. She eliminates a billion dollars from their collective income stream, and they re-elect her…
I* think what LOOB meant was she’s OK – until she opens her mouth…
“I* think what LOOB meant was she’s OK – until she opens her mouth…”
…or votes on legislation.
I had an exciting lucid dream last night. The scene was a convenience store where I was a customer. As I stepped toward the exit, 3 dudes with AK-47’s or something similar were headed inside. Their demeanor told me it wasn’t a robbery, it was a goof, maybe Halloween related. I tried to talk them out of bringing in their firepower and at that point my wife woke me up with “you’re talking in your sleep again”. And it struck me what a thin veil exists between awake and woo-woo.
I wish that Elon would have started his E-mail to the released twitter employees with this video
DJT,,, saying,,, “ure fired”
Hey dude – try this scheisse on for size, think U might like.
Well that is interesting . We did cross that gann line in gold . I think this may hold together . Years in the making . The world and the real investors have had enough . No more stories and bullsheet . In gold we trust . Was not shocked . We hit the fan before the FED comedy hour and they did their thing and hammered . But now with the depression apparent , bang straight thru it . Yep
The market is their problem now . I will support this move above the gann line
This time they will embrace gold . They haveNO other option
Pretty happy actually. I survived and lived to see the birth of the new gold bull . Thank you WD for guiding me
Rejoice ,celebrate a new gold bull is born !!!!
73 is right though on short position. I will embrace gold on birth but maintain gun to head . Remember I told you !!! Gold always bottoms before the market . Care not for market . I have always been the great gold bull . Yep this one we respect the crossing of the line . First steps of a long journey. Not behind that’s past . Forward we go . Live in the moment. Happy dayz Fark the FED
Apparently Chinese airlines are expecting their domestic brand C919 planes powered by CFM leap 1c engines in service soon. Reuters reported that regrets were sent to Boeing. It seems the 138 or so Boeing 737max jets ready for ferry “now” from the USA to China are surplus to requirements. China Southern cancelled dry run flights of the 737 on Oct. 31st into Wuhan ironically.
Bon voyage!
I paid off the property tax and home insurance this week for the next year. The property tax went down thanks to the county homestead exemption doubling.
The home insurance rate has skyrocketed, but I gritted my teeth and paid it. The insurance company has been steadily increasing the policy to track the increases in replacement value. I will reevaluate next year, after the real estate market declines.
I was looking at prefab home cost estimates on the web. $ 250 sf and up is the going rate. That mirrors what I think I see for stick built.
I like my little cash hovel. Maybe a few solar panels will fit in the budget next year.
Totally with you on that. And if the economy does a MCHVE the insurance co may go banko anyway and not deliver on anything they represent in the policy
Being in my ‘Lava Zone 2’ (Subject to possible downflows) I can’t get homeowners/fire insurance. But I DO carry liability insurance on the property. Wouldn’t want to lose it if some idiot breaks something on my front gate.
The financial freedom that owning my house outright brings is exhilarating! No more mortgage payments stress. And being on a fixed income with a cheap home and my ‘age’… the county ‘Senior Homestead Exemption’ tax is only $200/yr. Thanks again to G. Ure for cluing me in to look for that when I was home shopping years back.
How was the weather today/tonight ?
Less than a full inch (barely) of rain. No roofs flying off from wind or anything like that.
Much over-hyped cold front.
Not so in this corner of the state. We were under at least two tornado warnings last night amid heavy rain and lightning. There was considerable damage in several areas close by. We got 2.25″ of rain and no apparent damage, at least none that I can see from the front porch.
No wonder bonds are going down . Would you pay for something that’s worthless .higher rates go the more worthless they are and the more insolvent the FED . Plenty of jabbed around ? Lots of der der der lately
Two woo-woo dreams last night George. Plain and simple but each quite long and memorable.
Dream #1 – I was on an indoor running track something like I remember from the YMCA when I was a member. There were dozens of people on the track walking in a clockwise direction. I was the only one walking counter clockwise. Strangely, I did not bump into anyone but kept yelling that people were going the wrong way. Sort of reminded me of the joke when the mother was standing on the parade route and when her son marched by with his platoon, she commented that he was the only one in step.
Dream #2 – I was on a very small jet airplane in flight. I seemed to be sitting in economy although there was only one row of seats behind me and a one person stretched across the row apparently sleeping. The curtain separating economy and first class was right in front of me so I could not see ahead. I needed to go to the bathroom but could not unbuckle my seat belt. I called for the flight attendant but no one came.
I did notice one thing this morning. My smartwatch showed a very large drop in my blood oxygen level during the time of the second dream, not the first. I have not seen this drop for months.
First, I am wondering if you saw any drop in your blood oxygen level Thursday night when you had your woo woo dream? You have discussed that before the CPAP. Second, I am wondering if you might consider a reader woo-woo dream day once in a while where we all get a chance to submit our crazy dreams.
We live in an upside down world right now George. This old man struggles to hold it together some days when I see what is going on. Maybe the dreams mean something, maybe they don’t but I remain fascinated with the subject and the world on the other side that I seem to touch briefly but regularly on my pillow at night.
I will tell you this BIC: When I have my most vivid dreams, it’s when the pulse rate (effectively sup[er low o2 there as well) and the link between hypoxia and shamainistic states is pretty clear both in the literature.
But there’s also the high probability that we are in times of “pouring out”
“Luke then quotes our verse from Joel in Acts 2:17, In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
“your old men will dream dreams.”
good lord knows I have had my share of those LOL… what is surprising is.. EVERYONE… I have come in contact has made some wild dreams.. and everyone feels this thing thats coming is on the way….
I slept like a ROCK…. phew.. been having a lot of joint pain.. went in.. and the doctor asked me.. how old is your mattress.. I told him when we got it.. and he said.. you know your mattress is older than I am.. I think you change your mattress it will take a lot of that away..
SO.. I went and ordered a mattress.. ( phew.. have they gone up.. up up.. but it is hand made with a warrenty that is a life long warrenty..) we have one from them when they first opened the door… it was shot.. and the boss told me get rid of it.. take it to the land fill.. so on my way I thought.. heck they said liftime warranty.. their shop is on the way to the landfill.. so I stopped by.. dam if they didn’t take the mattress apart and fix it while I watched.. then gave me a set of sheets for my time waiting.. so I bought one there.. first night.. I got two hours.. last night I slept extra long I was asleep hard for six hours.. can’t hardly believe it..
“Which – again – for like the 10,000th time in 24-years we have told you this – OWN your Home, Car, and Pay Off Debt. It’s the safest way to escape the grip of the Money Changers. ”
the problem with that.. is over seventy percent of everyone out there working for a living.. is working payday to payday.. average amount on plastic fifteen thousand.. give or take.. and any disruption in the flow of cash.. will put a family in jeopardy.. One in five workers making hourly wages runs out of money in less than five days of a bi-weekly payrole.. 3 out of ten the pay is lost before the end of the first day..
for us.. we get paid.. the first thing that comes out.. no matter what is INSURANCE.. yup we are insurance poor.. the banks require it Healthcare requires it.. you cannot be seen in a clinic without a policy they send you to the ER at ten times the cost…. and it takes over fifty percent of our income.. ( it was worse.. the boss was able to get on medicare her whole paycheck went to healthcare insurance.. ) then comes the bank loans.. after that.. the utilities.. groceries .. before any luxuries.. Now we do pretty good on what we make.. nothing spectacular .. we have plenty to eat I can afford to help out others here and there and grandpas garage experiments still is working.. If we had daycare.. I don’t know how these kids are doing it.. like the teller at the bank.. she makes two dollars a week after her healthcare insurance daycare and transportation.. she is only there for the insurance..
you have seen my budget G… you know as much as me.. and since that budget was working.. it has gotten tighter..
We have found doctors who see us without insurance policies.
They have a Saturday clinic until noon, also.
We know super rich people doing the same dang thing.
These doctors appreciate cash and credit payments, on the spot, instead of waiting for insurance to pay. They also give cash discounts, so do the labs.