Markets were set to bounce back a bit at the open today. After the blow down Thursday. Today, looks to us like a rally to the trend line in this view:

True, there has been much hype and shilling about recent runs in some of the individual indices. However, our Aggregate View knocks the statistical head of foam off the mainstream’s Kool-Aid. It’s also very reasonable to expect that a rally into the close today might carry into early next week.
Thus, in the very short-term, we can see a minute 1 down, which lands us in a potential minute 2 up, of which, subminute “a” up is the light gray rally, yesterday’s drop was the decline. And from here a rally of the implied “c” to the yellow circle target zone would certainly make sense.

There are some natural markers along the way…but we’ll save that for our subscribers who get more than their $40-bucks a year’s worth.
Personal Income Fairytales
Personal income is a difficult fairytale to unravel. The simple, direct method is to look at your paycheck stubs (or in our case, Social Security report) and admit that yes, that’s our income. However, it’s not really. Because other factors impact our net worth.
For example, our modest tree farm’s market price is way up. This means our net worth has increased. Now, I don’t have a mortgage – and recommend everyone owns their home outright – but a lot of people don’t have the same “Taught by Depression-era Parents” view of the economy that we have.
Point is, with home prices *(still) soaring, a lot of people will simply refi to the stars and continue living the over-marketed Life Beyond Your Means.
The problem is? Well, what exactly IS Personal Income?
The problem is as daunting as the difference between cash-basis accounting (which we use) versus accrual-based accounting which is fraught with moral hazards. Remember the central role of EBITDA accounting (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) in the Internet Bubble blowing up back in 2001 so badly that “terrorism” had to come along?
Cash accounting simplifies Truth-Telling. Your portfolio balance on January 1 and your closing balance December 31 define (in no uncertain terms) what your market gain or loss for the year was. Wash Sale rules, Pattern Day Trader rules, and a lot more figure into it. But if you had $10 dollars at the start of the year, and you closed out the year at $12 in your account, it’s hard to argue you had more (or less) than $2 of (probably short-term) gains to pay taxes on.
Disposable personal income is Personal Income AFTER Taxes.
Which gets us to what was just announced in the past few minutes:
Personal income increased $69.5 billion (0.3 percent at a monthly rate) in June. Disposable personal income (DPI)—personal income less personal current taxes— increased $67.5 billion (0.3 percent). Personal outlays—the sum of personal consumption expenditures, personal interest payments, and personal current transfer payments—increased $109.4 billion (0.6 percent) and consumer spending increased $100.4 billion (0.5 percent). Personal saving was $862.4 billion and the personal saving rate—personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income—was 4.3 percent in June.
So that’s “the deal” on the theoretical income side. Making it amusing to compare the impression based on Personal Income with the reality of the Labor Department’s Employment Cost Index. Also just out…
“Compensation costs for civilian workers increased 1.0 percent, seasonally adjusted, for the 3-month period ending in June 2023, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Wages and salaries
increased 1.0 percent and benefit costs increased 0.9 percent from March 2023.
Compensation costs for civilian workers increased 4.5 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2023 and increased 5.1 percent in June 2022. Wages and salaries increased 4.6 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2023 and increased 5.3 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2022. Benefit costs increased 4.2 percent over the year and increased 4.8 percent for the 12-month period ending in June 2022.”
KEY: Compensation costs up 4.5 while inflation drove prices up 3 percent. You may actually be getting ahead, a bit. But income taxes go up this year to, so balance in the Universe is preserved…
To my simpleminded way of thinking about it, if Personal Income was (purported) up X percent, then Employment Costs ought to closely track. But government seldom (at the interagency level) doesn’t pay enough attention in our view, to “tying things back.” Instead, Open Bureaucracy makes up definitions depending on mission loading doled out by Congress.
Around here? Disposable personal income is whatever is leftover at payday.
It’s a mess. But it creates tons of jobs.
How Big is Government?
One of the great mysteries of Life to me is how many people work for the government: according to the Brookings Institution “Across the U.S., nearly 24 million people—a little over 15% of the workforce—are involved in military, public, and national service at the local, state and federal levels. Of this number, approximately 16 million are employed in state and local governments.”
But, in addition to the salaries for government (which we all pay) government also makes waste (wars) and monuments to itself (see the nearest Federal Building, as an examples).
What concerns us is that over time, the Government Load on the public has been increasing. That 15% number was down in the 3 percent range a hundred years ago. America got built and government stayed small.
However, at some point the North American continent because the edges of our local Petri dish. With not enough money for massive infrastructure builds, we have taken to “making up social issues” as a new made up economy. Notwithstanding, we can now return to some headlines to make the point.
Not to dwell, but…Debate over gender affirming care bans for children has come to Congress reports USA Today. While the Axios report Florida trans teens drive the farthest for gender-affirming care reminds us that someone has a good career reporting on driving distance to gender care. Is this a great country, and an amazing economic fiction, or what?
Hardcore News
Politicking: Scott critical of DeSantis stance on Florida black history curriculum, ‘no silver lining in slavery’. Meanwhile, the report Trump accused of asking staffer to delete camera footage in Florida classified again argues Trump got most of his Policies right, but he needs a personality transplant before running again.
War Tracker: Russian President Vladimir Putin promises to send 50K tons of grain aid to struggling African countries. So much for the PR move, in the war itself? Ukraine presses southward, say village recaptured from Russia. Except that next things will turn on China’s role: China likely supplying Russia’s war in Ukraine, alleges US | Euronews
Lost in Space? What we learned from the UFO Congress hearing | BBC Sky at Night Magazine is worth a read.
Speaking of space cadets: Elon Musk Says Dark Mode Will Be Twitter’s Default Option. Musk is a brilliant engineer. But we’re beginning to think he’s over his head in marketing. At least on UrbanSurvival, we have a button so you can darken the display, or not. Changing a website color is only of interest to twits.
Crypto hype du jour: Is Worldcoin Heading For Zero? Traders Back New Cryptocurrency! ( And BTC is stuck in the low $29,000s, looks like.
Around the Ranch: Cool Again, But…
We were back inside the “air conditioning bubble” after Thursday repairs by a local HVAC outfit. Cost? $332.74. Not exactly cheap. And sure, we know that $129 for a $24.00 capacitor on Amazon is gouging.
A reader gave us some good advice on the voicemail line:
Which gets me to making a note for next spring to write up “DIY Air Conditioning Maintenance” while it’s still cool enough outside to get work done.
Weather forecast for the next week is a string of 100+ days. But we’ll remind you that last year (before heat hysteria in media) we had experienced 10 days of 100F and higher by this date. So far this year? We’ve had exactly one. Which seems about to change. Weather is worse, in China, though: Typhoon Doksuri makes landfall in China after bringing deadly landslides to Philippines.
Ahead: Speaking of the ShopTalk Sunday columns, Sunday is part 1 of a simple electronics repair. It’s all about troubleshooting as a process.
More on the markets in Peoplenomics tomorrow.
Write when you get rich,
” the Government Load ”
That’s the live overlay of .gov workers. Then add a pension layer for all the former workers. Not everyone is like McConnell and working to the bitter end.
Then the groups .gov directly support through welfare or disability. Then the groups .gov bailout because of mismanaging CFOs.
There’s four layers.
“50K tons of grain aid to struggling African countries.”
Send the Africans grain or they’ll yacht over to Europe and setup shop there. Can’t blame them really. Once my rice and drywall are gone I’ll be a walker.
There are far too many government employees, along with the regulations that they make and dither about. There are some real workers, like the road crews in the heat, but most gov’t employees are not workers. I’ll wager that most are unnecessary, even without AI.
There’s no reason to strive for a high income if so much is drained through progressive taxes. It’s often better to loiter near the bottom of the income pool and spend your extra time enjoying what you’ve already acquired and paid for. This is a major reason that the USA was a greater(relative) power back in the early 20th century!
“with not enough money for massive infrastructure builds”
? Say what ? AYFKM ? What chu talkin bout Willis?
First things FIRST – print too much money – more than there is goods & services for, DRIVES inflation .
2022 defense budget was over $800 bbbBillion – for what ?
Cut that puppy in half – and we got $400 billion in addition to spend on Edumacation and Infrastructure!
– two very closely related, and should be linked in National Jobs Training Programs = mandatory edumacation; tech/votech/ 2yr college and/or 2 year military svc . biological Females and Males ONLY. The rest are or will be useless to society – USELESS.
PS – above Coot Education& Infrastructure program is 100% Federally funded. Summer job camps for the youngins..all the trades and skills need to build out new Infrastructure will be offered/given at camps.. obviously will be held in national parks/refuges and what notz.
See new promotional posters rolling out 2024 – CRASHIE Program, COOTIE Program or just a BETTER way to make Sausage?
* LICY earnings posting 7/31 now. not recommended, unless of course you wanna lose Ure which case Mega Millions jackpot tonight is only $910 MILLION DOLLLARS – thats a lot of Gold/Silver/BTC for goodness sakes.
Remember old Chinese laundry saying – “no tickey, no laundry”
Rooty toot toot – I am coot from the institute, I dont smoke(lie)and I dont screw(another lie) and I dont mess with Girls that do..I aint got No Girlfriends, I aint got no Girlfriends.(all lies) hmmmmm
Defense budget/direct contractor layer.
The lawyers who’ve been suing Saudi Arabia over 911 for the past 20 odd years. 20 years of billable hours…. w/no end in sight.
silly lol lol you just dont have your prioritiesin order. consider what they had said they wanted to do.. you cannot print up that much money and then give it to countries in heated battle to cover your corrupt activities there and distribute what a half million to every illegal refugee for their children and give reparations and still get the infrastructure fixed.. i believe that they would need to print up an extra fifteen trillion to do that.. gotta get your priorities straight there.. lol lol lol
Isn’t there a website somewhere to tell us if the HAARP in Alaska is operating?
Just wondering.
I would not be surprised to see atmospheric heating taking place to drive Government policy.
No sources to verify.
Supposedly HAARP in Alaska has been turned over to the University. They only do things like that when they are grossly outdated.
The resulting earthquakes continue to pop off around the world so Im sure they have much better ( Satellites ? )
Stopping right here at this rabbit hole…
Way way off to the side. Does it strike anybody odd to see Zelensky constantly wearing sweatshirts and such ? Maybe we need to add a couple thousand more to his monthly payments and get him a nice suit to wear when he’s on the international stage meeting with world leaders.
I think striped prison ware would be far better for him. And pedo joe and hunter also.
the two pervs definitely should be wearing striped pajamas..
I remember a friend..he screwed up and was 400 dollars off on his taxes.. they threatened to sell his home and belongings, throw his butt in jail.. over 400 dollars..
see he should have went and not paid taxes on millions..
the difference is what your name is..
He’s playing Soldier for the Cameras, But I would prefer to see a picture of him in one of the trenches on the Russian Front with his men.
He was a draft dodger… you will never see him on the front lines!
you know in centuries was the kings and prince’s that lead their armies into battle..
so..why is it that political leaders today and their families exempt from doing that…they are the ones that want war.. like hunter vying shielded for all the corruption he has as baggage.. he is shielded fro even paying a fine..
The war has made Zelensky a multi-billionaire. His odd “fatigues” are for show, for the Western “media.”
BTW, Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany, and probably others, have their own “HAARP” devices, several of which are far more-powerful than ours. Why then, do people always assume if climate manipulations are going on, we’re the ones doing it?
There are ionospheric heaters all over the globe(like HAARP). They are owned by various nations and whatever’s going on is above my pay grade. I don’t know if we can identify their status by their reflected radiation or possibly by thermal mapping of the ionosphere. Maybe some of the Hams know more about this.
Well HAARP has a lot of competition going right now. A huge solar flare blew up last night and is pelting our magnetic field and atmosphere with very energetic protons. Any Hams out there around or above the Arctic Circle are pretty much wiped out right now.
GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2): Geomagnetic storms are possible on Aug. 1st when a CME is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field. Minor G1-class storms are likely with a chance of escalating to category G2. The CME was hurled almost directly toward Earth by the eruption of a magnetic filament in the sun’s northern hemisphere on July 28th. Aurora alerts: SMS Text
PROTONS ARE *STILL* HITTING EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE: For the second day in a row, energetic protons from the sun are raining down on Earth’s atmosphere. This is called a “radiation storm” (S1-class), and it was caused by a magnificent eruption on July 28th: (see picture at website)
The blast site was hidden from view just behind the sun’s northwestern limb. Earth-orbiting satellites registered an M4-class solar flare, but the underlying explosion was stronger. It was probably an X-flare partially eclipsed by the edge of the sun.
How can a sunspot not facing Earth send so many protons in our direction? The answer is “the Parker spiral.” Take a look. As the sun spins, its magnetic field spirals like water flowing from a twirling lawn sprinkler. Lines of magnetic force emerging from behind the sun’s northwestern limb (where the explosion happened) spiral back and make a direct connection to Earth. It’s a superhighway for energetic protons.
This radiation storm looks like it will continue at S1 levels for at least one more day. Its main effect is a polar cap absorption event (PCA) inside the Arctic Circle. Right now, shortwave radios around the north pole aren’t working very well. This global map shows which frequencies are most affected.
it just gets better every day..
did you read the story on avia..Kim in NK now has the underwater nuclear drone torpedo.
I always thought who would be the most likely candidate to start the whole mess..
oh and Mark levin posted on Twitter..
In 21 years on radio, I have never missed a radio show to watch a movie. Last night, my wife urged me to join her and special viewing of THE SOUND OF FREEDOM on Capitol Hill. Speaker McCarthy invited members of both parties to the special event. Not a single Democrat congressman attended. Not one. We watched this movie, and it will shake you up. It will open your eyes. It will expose the extent of child sex-trafficking not just throughout the globe, but especially in our country. And the open-borders policies of the regime have handed the borders over to the drug cartels, mobster kingpins, kidnappers, and sex-traffickers. Indeed, the level of children sex-trafficking has skyrocketed in the last few years. The Democrats and their media have dismissed the movie as Q-Non (sp?) inspired (whatever the hell that is or means). Why would they not want this horror known to the public and help eliminate it? Because their politics and policies are dead wrong, and they’re destroying and killing people. The sex-trafficking even involves infants.
I strongly encourage you to watch the movie, as soon as possible. It is the story of a DHS investigator who rejected the government’s red-tape and obstacles to tracking down a brother and sister who were kidnapped and sold into sex.
brings back the post on on this subject..
This film offers very telling evidence of peoples’ mindset as to who will watch it and who will not. So BE it!
“UrbanSurvival, we have a button so you can darken the display, or not. Changing a website color is only of interest to twits.”
It also matters to those of us with macular degeneration where the bright background overwhelms the standard black font. AND WE PAY FOR IT as you point out. And yes it is worth it, but really hard to read through the harsh light. How about a button on the Peoplenomics side, too? Pretty Please?
I have that on the list – it will happen when I get Peoplenomics “rolled over” into a content management system for the weekly posts. Thanks for the idea!
Hey George,
Don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet but the audio player isn’t usable in dark mode.
Most browsers let you select a black background, I’m using Opera now, background is black, text is white, highlighting is light blue. on a Samsung 10″ tablet.
when you get ure septic tank pumped out, do you worry about the man’s personality? or about his ability and qualifications?
Do want another wordsmithing politician, salesman, that sounds so sweet to ure ears, or a MAN that is man enough to call out the bull shit as bull shit
TRUMP is the only man in the war that the enemy is constantly attacking with every dirty trick and accusation they have in their playbook.
pissing russian whores, give me a break.
Hello George,,,,,,,,,, Patten, go get them dirty bastards
‘The Guardians of the Pedophiles’ are ‘Panic in DC’
would you like to change ure plea bargain, that had a hidden ‘get of jail,free’ card for UNcharged crimes you have committed, but are still under investigation. Just askin for my friend Hunter, he seems a little down
presidential pardons, humm who will give them to whom?
Joe to Kamal, here’s the deal, I take a knee, you get promoted, you issue get out of jail scot free cards to me and my crime family, remember the Nixon deal.
It is not for me[Joe] but for the healing of our country to go forward, ya that’s the plan to feed the sheep, they will complain but will take the bait anyway.
Military tribunals ,,, pardon free, just hang in there for a while.
How much money did the Bribem family get from China?
What if,,, there are exec orders given for the military concerning the 2020 election, continuity of Commander in Chief, if ‘foreign ‘interference causes an election thief.
War time president? vs the movie president actor?
What if the military developed a planned legal ‘coup’ to speak. One led by a president in office. Not a coup aganist the office but a coup against the imbeded deep state actors, that have taken over our government.
distraction,,, look there are aliens,, no no, not the border jumpers, the ones Uncle Sam has been hiding from ure eyes. that have ALWAYS been here, but we will let it out now, just Quit talking about the ‘minor attracted persons’
and satanic rituals,,, back into your pens now, you sheep.
the aliens, that have always been there/here, will be held up as the next threat to humanity. When in a more realistic view, some are bad, some are good and some don’t care.
The thing that matters is, will we as individuals interact with them? or continue to be kept in our isolation?
Animal Farm,,, bi-pedals
You all have a good day now, yup hot here also, 100 degree range again today, darn global warming, every summer that shit hits
let me know , when someone develops a replacement elec source, battery free. Is the Earth a generator? rotating core field and a upper atmospheric stator,,, what’s with those darn energy discharges coming from the clouds? callin D.C.
I am still digital coin free, I still don’t see it
When TD Cowen speaks..
You Good Citizens can do this;
1-pull head and ears out of Ass.
2- put Ure Ego down, and put critical thinking cap on
3- Purchase Hard Wallet ( there are others- due diligence is key.
4- Purchase a little bit (a satoshi) of BTC or a lot it.
5- Sit back and start learning about crypto-BTC, Shitcoins & Blockchain.
6- Lick Ure dam Ice cream & Smell the dam Roses – after riding the BTC rollercoaster for awhile You will have earned a lil R&R.
Death 2 The Traitors! Death 2 the Satanists/Pedos!
BCN LOGIC 4 Beginners;
– All Satanists are Pedos, and All Pedos are Satanists .
“pissing russian whores, give me a break.”
Yeah, that was funny (tragically so, that anyone believed it.) Trump is a germaphobe. Monica Crowley had to explain to him what a “golden shower” was. Yet the “media” ran with the story for months…
lol lol lol
they would say anything to draw attention away from the mass decadence of the present administration
“The thing that matters is, will we as individuals interact with them? or continue to be kept in our isolation?”
or. have we been interacting with them already???
while no A/C expert, I’ve fixed my own several times with simple fixes. My unit has 2 capacitors, a) Dual Run and b) Start. In my case its been the Dual Run capacitor that was bad (and told this one goes out the most), its usually the cheaper one, and very easy to install. First I’ve heard of this Potential Relay (voicemail), but will make note. Thanks for sharing.
Severe storms blasted past here Wednesday at 4pm. Wow, lightning hit my tulip tree we planted outfront 20 yrs ago, took the top third that I cleaned up yesterday. Internet out all day too. They lost hydro in both towns either side of me. 2 inches rain in an hour. Already saturated from 3 inches over previous couple days. The massive tree damage is amazing, went for a looksee.
Took out many mature trees snapped off or uprooted, roofs loosing shingles, lots hydro poles snapped down.
That was our July 26/7th, no power at the LTC home where wife works. No power in town til 2am today. Sandwiched in the middle we kept our power. Didn’t need to start my genrator.
stay safe
Even Ure business affected,
the power company around here is suggesting everyone put in a backup generator..
According to Stansbury Research [ I thought they went bankrupt and closed their doors – guess not.] The national average of a new “starter home” has nearly doubled since the Pandemic. This would mean that the ‘average’ wage earner would have needed to see his /her wages increase annually by 13% to keep up. And as we all know – that didn’t happen, didn’t even come close. And with mortgage rates climbing, I imagine that even that 13% annual increase is just a wee bit low.
I see that we made it through the Jewish Day of Doom quite nicely. I didn’t hear of, or read anything momentous. Did you?
And.., my “Aggregate Index” is still over 3,000 points below it’s all time high. So, yep – we still have a little wiggle room to play with.
The billionaire and asset-bubble expert and president of Hussman Investment Trust forecasts a frightening collapse in stocks. Predicting a 64% drop in the S&P500. “This is going to end in tears for a lot of people. Very soon.”
64% drop…, currently at 4587.., so that will put it around 1,650 That would place the S&P 500 back to where it was around July 2017. Isn’t that just before the major Q.E. start by the Federal Reserve ??
I don’t know if Stansberry is still around or not, but they infuriated me with their advertising habit of a clickbait title followed by an interminable video which as no controls, nor even ways to find out how long it is or what the product even is!
They’re not the only ones using this stupid advertising modality, and I’d like to understand this marketing approach. Are they trying to hypnotize people into buying their product, or just waste so much of their time that they feel a need to buy whatever it is just to justify the time wasted watching the video?
I need to learn a lot more about marketing! It still seems to be a growth industry.
I forgot about that “video trap”. Probably why they went bankrupt [ or so I thought.]
I never paid much attention to them anyway, though their research wasn’t too bad, their presentation was horrible.
This is one of many reasons why I used Opera for years: 1-click toggle of all scripting. Hit the toggle, hit [Shift]+[F5] and the garbage is gone.
This is why the h4ck3rz crowd all used Opera. Along about Nutscrape-3 and InternetExploder-3, browsers began to implement first Java, then ActiveX, and developers began paying by the page-view. This opened the door wide for the script kiddies who wrote overlapping, cascading scripts to daisy-chain dozens (or hundreds) of websites together.
If you were a porn-dog, you know what it was like, getting a porn popup, closing it, and having four more open in the background. The H/C/P/W (hacker, cracker, phreaker, warez) sites did the same, linking to dozens of sites where one could allegedly steal software or download cracks, or patchfiles to remove the restrictions on shareware, then daisy-chaining the sites together using fake download links.
One of my nephews showed me how to do it, back about 1999 or 2000. As a HS sophomore, he got a check for nearly $5000 every month for more than a year (until his mother caught him) running a hundred or so, pornsites on free servers. He filched a few hundred free pix from adult sites and wrote a script to “feature” a dozen on the front page of every site, have another dozen available for d/l on interior pages, and every page a surfer hit, opened four more in the background (all pages paid one-half cent per view IIRC. If it spawned on your computer, you were considered to have viewed it.) Then he wrote a script to rotate those few free images between his hundred (or so) websites, such that you would not get any dupes until the 3rd website.
New Opera (and Mozilla, Otter, Brave, etc. accept an add-on which provides this [script-kill] functionality to modern browsers. I strongly suggest it.
BTW, [Shift]+[F-5] is the browser command for a “forced reload.” Occasionally a script will lock you in so tightly that you have to use [F-5] + {mouse click on reload button} but generally the key combination puts you back active with no muss or fuss…
“The national average of a new “starter home” has nearly doubled since the Pandemic.” – That is wrong.., I typed one thing while thinking another. – The average price has increased 45 to 50 %.., not ‘double’.
That starter home number is still staggering. There is a website which documents a cross section of alternative small and tiny housing:
While I suspect most of Ure readers would turn their nose up at the lifestyles portrayed, I still find the ingenuity displayed to be inspiring. It is still possible to live in a cash home, and to improve your lot. And it is still possible to escape debt slavery, if you set your mind to it. There is hope for Ure industrious young readers, and maybe some of the not so young, if they reduce their expectations a bit. In looking through the tinyhousetalk articles, I especially like the remodeled outbuildings and the like. They look like something a weekend DIY’er could handle quickly. I spent several years stick building my small place, cash out of pocket. Most don’t have the luxury of such a leisurely construction pace. I think an alternative might be a more modular approach, with less concrete.
I find tiny homes somewhat interesting, but I don’t understand why someone would spend the time and money on them when they could buy a motorhome/travel trailer for less money and little work, and possibly have more living space. I lived full-time (boondocking) in a small motorhome (25′ Class A) for 13 years and loved every minute of it! If I could buy land and another RV (the last one “retired”, so to speak), I’d set up a prepper kingdom in a minute.
Other advantages of living in an RV instead of a tiny home are:
* You can easily move it at any time, either to
another spot on your own land or to another
place altogether.
* Since it’s not a permanent structure, property
taxes will be lower.
* If the future holds any opportunities for
traveling, you can just hit the road! And you
don’t have to pack a thing. covers the van life and RV scenes as well. Maybe you might want to visit the website. They occasionally feature RV’s and land that are up for sale.
1955 prices (look at how many things were priced in cents)
House: $9,100
Average income: $4,137
Ford car: $1606-$2944
Milk: $.92
Gas: $.23
Bread $.18
Postage stamp: $.03
Sirloin chops: $ .69 lb.
Pot Roast: $.43 lb.
Eggs, doz.: $.61
Coffee: $.93 lb.
Milk, ½ gal. $.43
Potatoes, 10 lb. bag: $.53
Starkist Tuna, 6 ½ oz. can: $.25 lb.
Oreo cookies, 11¾ .oz pkg: $.39
Potato Salad, pint: $.29
Cracker Jack, 24 pac: $1.49
Apple cider,½ gal.: $.49
Gum Drops, 1½ lb. pkg: $.29
Ivory Soap, 2 bars: $.29
Mickey Mouse lunchbox: $.88
Slinky: $.88
Nylons, pair: $1.00
Home permanent: $1.50
Baseball Glove: $9.95
Multiply it by ten to get something approaching official inflation.
Wages are about right.
Ivory soap I bought 3 bars for $2.99 just last week.
Oreos is about right, but I only buy cookies on sale, or I make them. (Not Oreos though)
Potatoes in season $5.99 is about right.
You can pay $90.00 for a Rawlings Baseball Glove, but Amazon has cheaper ones.
$29,000.00 for a Ford? Good luck
Nylons, well that’s a whole other topic right there. Women’s clothing is all over the map. Shien is the world’s leading company for fast fashion and it’s cheap. As for higher quality well, You’ve always been able to overspend on fashion.
Tuna is more expensive now than $2.90 but not too much more.
Coffee is cheaper but it’s getting more expensive by the day.
Eggs are cheaper.
Postage is more.
Bread is about right.
Housing is nuts. Try to find a new house in a suburb for $99,000.00. Try and find a new one for $199,000.00. More like $299,000.00 .
These food and housing prices are at least 2x what we paid in the Midwest. My folks had well-kept middle class rental duplexes which went for $11/wk. The Slinky was “fair-traded” nationwide at 99¢. I’m not sure home permanents even existed in 1955 and I never saw potato salad sold retail until the late 1960s. Our gas was 26.9¢/gal though, and my Dad, as a skilled tradesman, made a tick over $3/hr.
Our beef prices (per pound) in 1965 were:
Cutters – 19¢
chuck – 29¢
round steak – 39¢
sirloin steak – 49¢
t-bone steak – 59¢
porterhouse – 69¢
Dad and I would have a doughnut & chocolate milk breakfast about once a month. The donuts were fresh-baked and 6¢ each, at the doughnut shop a block down the street; the chocolate milk was 4.5% whole milk, and 10¢ for a locally-bottled quart container.
unfortunately that totally depends on where it is in relation to urban..
mark would know about that. it’s his job to know..
Re: Hans Up! Clan Wars
feat. “Glory to Hong Kong”
A Hong Kong judge has apparently declined a government request to ban the 2019 dissident protest anthem “Glory to Hong Kong” by Thomas dgx according to “Deutsche Welle”. By coinkydoink a different judge who was previously scheduled to hear the case experienced a career setback scandal last month. His separate ruling between feuding billionaire family members of a HK real estate trust was not well received.
Let’s check in on DJ George lighting up the hottest hits from around the globe. In anticipation of the revolution not being televised, please get comfy with afternoon tea libations and catch some fresh air “Glory to Hong Kong” rebelations outside Taipei Main Station.
“By coinkydoink a different judge who was previously scheduled to hear the case experienced a career setback scandal last month. ”
that’s odd…..
and ut didn’t have anything to do with Hunters crimes.. I thought the only ones fired or relieved from their legal positions were those that either turned in evidence or had a negative view..
“Not to dwell, but…Debate over gender affirming care bans for children has come to Congress”
Not to dwell, but…Debate over gender denying care bans for children has come to Congress.
Fixed that for you.
It didn’t occur to me until a couple days ago:
Do y’all know why the drive is on to switch equipment on the under-10 crowd?
I thought it was because when someone goes through gender reassignment they become sterile. It IS, but also, once someone passes a certain point in “transitioning,” permanently loses their ability to have an orgasm.
They’re tagging the kiddies who’re too young to know what they’ll be missing…
Kids have no concept of permanent nerve damage and are not capable making informed medical decisions on mutilation procedures which can’t be reversed. More disturbing, apparently their parents and medical professionals can’t make humane decicions either. This all seems to be being run by the front office medicals drumming up victims for mutilation, to maximize profits.
No lawyer who cold-bloodly promotes mutilating children should be allowed to practice in this country.
Again, this is about professional sociopaths trolling for profits.
Re: “Lithium”
feat. Nirvana
Apparently “Lithium” was debuted at the alma mater of “The Simpsons” creator Matt Groenig, Evergreen State College, whose motto is omnia extares. Oh, nevermind.
Let’s continue with this week’s coinkydoink series which today takes us to the roro car transport ship Freemantle Highway recently alight off the coast of the Netherlands. Msm reports suggest the fire began from amongst the EV contingent of vehicles being transported from Germany to Egypt. As chance would have it, the ship shares the same Japanese owner as the container ship Ever Given that ran aground and blocked the Suez Canal causing supply chain headache fears a while back.